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by Leth
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #657698
Alexander and Bluehawk, and adventure
Chapter One: Alexander Graham Belle

Alexander Graham Belle was lying in his stomach.
His strick father sent him out to military school for the sake of it.
He did not make his father feel much more happier toward his attitude however, for which most of the time Alexander Graham Belle is never be more serious in his life.
For the sake of it and as a respect to the old man as Alexander says he went to obeyed his father and went to the military camp school.
Old, feable, and gray, Alexander's father have high hopes that the Military School would change his youngest son to be more focus on his life.
But he is absolutely wrong when a letter had arrived in his mailbox one day afternoon from the military school Alexander is attending.
Alexander's father opened the letter, and unfold it, read it to the light and had again disappointed.

"Thoroughly disappointed!" he said as he folded the letter again and put it in its sleeve.
"What's wrong Dad?" asks the older son
he blasted into words of saying
"I don't know what would be the future of your brother Jack, but I'm sure it's something that will never makes me be something proud of."
he sipped his coffee and continued
"You're brother's marks suggesting that he's not paying attention to the school staff again!"
he had frown.
"I'm sure Dad, he'll cope sooner--"
"He do not even try!" he said in an angry voice
"But Dad, Alex is just 3 months in the military school." His father did not spoke again but mouthed.

Jack however is thoroughly wrong for which Alexander one day unexpectedly came home.

He knocked on the door and said to his surprise his father is there.
"Suspended" he said in an undertone sort of way
"What!" his father roared, and the neighbor had stared at the son and father arguing, his father brought the arguing inside his home.

"I had suspended and I did not mean it."
"Imagine that!" said his father very angrily
but his father had never spoke at him again.
His suspension did not last 3 days for which his older brother Jack finally convinced the Military school chief to let Alexander tried again.

But again, Alexander didn't seem to try harder at all, and having the time of his life.

"You're nothing but a loser Alexander Graham Belle!" his father had roared again, before Alexander word yet to come out of his dry mouth, his father slammed the door in his son's face and said
"This time Alex, you'll taste how the true life should be."

The neighbors had poked their heads into the window and some of them felt pitty about Alex who doesn't seem to know where he's going now.
One of the neighbors who is very nice to Alex and his family offered him to stay in their house for which she obviously overheard the argument with his father, but Alexander's father had heard it and forbid and say to the neighbor
"Thank you Eloisa, but this time, I think my son had to have his own life" before the neighbor could speak again he said
"I do not care if he frost in the street or become a beggar, it's the life he have chosen. Now GO!"
Bewildered, the neighbors stopped themselves from staring and close their windows, Eloisa just shook her head.

Alexander however is not that cold, but he still carying his military bag with him and still wearing the military school uniform.
The people he passed kept staring at him, and sooner he become irritable and he just bowed his head.

He kept recalling his father's coldness of words, but he just did not care at all.
He keep walking and walking, he seem to know where he is going only he do not know.
He get tired of walking with his large heavy bag, and he sit into apple boxes lying on the side of the street.
Then he got hungry, because he's in a small town, with market places in the side of the street, it's not that hard to chose of food he like to eat, Alexander now did not worry about much of money because he remembered that he have got many of them in his walet in his side pocket.
When he reached a small barbeque store, and look at the pork barbeque he suddenly become very hungry.

"I'll have two sticks of pork barbeque please" Alexander said to the fat woman who owned the barbeque store.
the lady set up two sticks of pork barbeque in the grill and Alexander waited.
While waiting and sitting in a chair Alexander
looking at the passing people, then he spotted a beautiful lady. She is the beautiful lady Alex have ever seen in his life, at this moment Alex suddenly get a great urge of eating in his cafeteria store instead and leaving the barbeque store which the fat lady become very irritably of leaving her without paying his barbeque.
Alexander just said
"sorry" she become sulky.

Alexander is now approaching this beautiful lady he just spotted but she turned around to the back of the store and then she get out of the store and telling the other girl that she is going to buy something that she have just forgotten to buy in the vegetable market.

Alexander suddenly have the strong feeling of following her, but he stopped himself for the thought of getting spanked because of his rudeness.
Alexander had been spanked by a woman more than once because of his rudeness and since then, he tells himself that he's not going to do that again.
He just stared at this beautiful lady while sitting down in the chair of the cafeteria store.
She have blond hair which ponytailed with a ribbon, she's wearing sort and shirt.
The girl who she speaks with is now spoking to Alex but he did not seem to understand at first what she was saying to him.

"What can I get you?" she said in a mannered tone voice
"Hmm..is she going back soon?" Alex first words that came up from his mouth
"Yes, she just forgotten to brought the brocolli"
she said
"Do you know her?" she asks Alex
"No...I..I mean what special do you have?"
The girl speaks very fast that Alex did not almost understand what she just mentioned
"and Menudo" she finished
"Well, I have menudo then" said Alex
"Ok, do you like plain rice or fried rice"
"I'll have plain rice, thank you"
Alex smiles at her, the girl he speaks with is rather beautiful too and fit, and thin, but not like the other girl he just seen.
This girl have a blond hair too, he began again
while she is serving him the food he ordered
"Is she your sister?" Alex began eating his food
"No, she's my cousin" then a second girl have appeared from the kitchen, she too have a blond hair, but a little bit more shorter than the other one.
Alex continued on speaking with this girl who Alex just introduce himself and learned that her name is Tania.
"So, you're off on your job?" she ask, Alex blushed slightly
"No, I, the truth is I just been kicked out at military school that I'm attending."
"Aww." said Tania sincerely
"I don't feel bad though."
"No, you shouldn't be...I know another who have been suspended too." she continued on her story
not so long the Blond-haired girl that Alex had liken into now arrived
"Hello!" she said
"Hello" said Alex,
he surveyed her,
when the girl had again disappeared in the kitchen, Alexander said
"She's pretty"
"yeah, many other men have been surveying her and suiting, I don't know what seems to be her charm,"
Then another customer had arrive and Tania approached him.
"I'll be back" she said in Alexander, while Tania is out taking the newly arrive customer another customer arrive, and sooner Tania can not go back to their chat.
Alexander continue to eat his lunch and Tania once in a while asks him if he needed anything.
Then the blond-haired girl come out from the kitchen, the boys in group talks to her and she talks back to them, Alexander saw that this girl is really nice.
He kept looking at her while talking at the boys, twice or thrice, she caught him looking at her and Alex would look away so she won't notice. She said something in the boys and she looked at Alexander and smiles, she approached to Alexander where he act that he's reading the newspaper.
"Hello!" she said, Alex looked up
"Oh, Hello" said Alex in innocent voice
"Do you need anything, is everything all right?"
"yes, yes, everything is fine" Alexander smiles
"Ok then." she said,
"Are you new here?" she continue
Tania approached their table and said hello
"Oh great! now you know Alex, but Alex did not still know your name."
"Oh yea" said the girl
"My name is Linka by the way" they shook hand, Tania goes away again. Alex continues
"No, I mean yes, I live Martin St. about four blocks away from here. I mean I used to live in Martin St." he's a bit gloomy but he can't fret now, the girl's eyes just makes him smile
"Why?" she asks him.
Alexander talks about how his father slammed his door on his son's face.
"Aww" she said with pitty
"Where are you staying now?" she said
"Err," Alex have not been thinking where is he staying then she said before he have answered
"You can stay in our house, you see, there's one room inoccupied, we use it as a guest room"
"Oh, that's alright." Alex said embarrassed and his ears become slightly red
"No, really if you say you have no other place to stay."
"Oh, ok." he said
They continue to talk about his military school, and she talks about the store and the place where Alexander learned that they're original from France.
"Oh, so that is why you have blond hair and blue eyes"
she smiles, now Alex and Linka are like friend.

Soon they don't realise that they're closing the store
"I'll help you" said Alex
"Thank You," she said
"You close early." he said to Tania looking at his watch
"No. It's just Sunday. We used to close on Sunday, but there's many people who demanding we should open on Sunday so we did."
He looked outside and one by one, the small market closed too.
They finished to sort everything and they leave.
"Alex is staying with us."
"You do really?" Tania said excitedly
"Yes" Alex nod
"This is Joan by the way" Linka introduce the other girl to Alex, she smiles at him and he smiles back.
"It's not really long walk, just at the end of this street, our house." She reassured Alexander
They continue to talk while walking and it seems very very short walk when they reached the door of their home.
"Well, this is our home Alex."
"Come in."
"Thank You!" he said
Linka, Tania and Joan's home isn't as big as their house but rather much more cleaner, and smells like flowers which is rather true, Alex spotted a boucay of flowers in every table, even in the bar.
"Well, I'll show you where your room is."
"We'll show you" Said Tania and Joan
"Yes, of course"
Alex hoped that Tania and Joan aren't there so he could just talk to Linka.
"There's television in there, if you can't sleep, there's a walk-in closet, and the jackets and towels, you can use and have those."
"This is much." he said
"And if you needed anything, don't hesitate to ask."
They continue to talk in the living room between television advertisement until 10 pm.
"Aaah." Alex yawned
"I'm sleepy"
"me too."
"It's ten o'clock that is why" said Joan
"Better off to bed then." said Joan
"Yes, another day tomorrow, have to get up early"
"I'm coming with you too." said Alex
"If that's alright."
"Yes, that's alright." said Tania whose eyebag is now visible
Tania and Joan first went to bed then
Alex and Linka
"Linka" He said
"Hmm?" said Linka sleepy
"I want to thank you."
"No problem." she said and they went to their own bed

Chapter Two: Three

Alex wake up the next morning and went down to the kitchen, on his way he already can smell of bacon, and sausages being cooked.
He approach the kitchen and there Linka tossing up the pancakes.
all the three girls also up Alex greeted them;
"Have a good night sleep Alex?" Asked Linka to him
"Yes, thank you, how about yourself?"
"good" she said
"though, I wake up late today because I wake up sometimes on two in the morning, I feel like do not want to go to bed at all"
"why, what time do you usually wake up?"
"Well, we woke up early, about five in the morning to set up the restaurant or buy groceries for the repice you know."
"Well, that's early, I couldn't be woken up at that time"
"but you said you go to military school"
"yes, we woke up at 5 thirty in the morning then, it's a lot of adjustment to me, I used to wake up at up to four o'clock"
Linka looked at Alex puzzled
"I mean four o'clock in the afternoon"
"Goodness!" said Joan
for the moment Alex thought Joan surprise of Alex waking up time but then the two girls Tania and Linka run off toward the faucet and pour water on the frying pan.
"Tania!" said Linka
"Oops, sorry I forgot" said Tania apologetically

© Copyright 2003 Leth (her_iris at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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