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A funny look at one woman's quest to find Mr. Right in the club scene. |
Their eyes met across the room, and that's when the trouble started. At least, that's what a romantic would tell you. Actually, it didn't start until she was up against the brick wall of the club, hidden in the shadows that filled the alley, with his mouth caressing hers gently and his hands holding her tight against him. Had she never agreed to go outside to talk, everything would have been fine. Well, as fine as it could have been, considering she was a test away from flunking out of her psych class and three days away from being evicted from her apartment. But back to the alley. The blonde grad student had decided after a long day of studying that what she really needed was to visit the local club and drown her worries in the endless supply of beer and lame pick up lines. After two beers, three horrible pick up lines, and two bowls of peanuts, she was about to make the short walk home and collapse again on the couch when she noticed the cute guy who just walked in. Cute was an understatement really. He was the vision of perfection, easily the man of her dreams. Tall, blonde, with eyes that wouldn’t stop. But they did. Stop that was. Right on her. His eyes beckoned to her from across the room. Lost in their depths, she slowly slid off of her bar stool and made her way to him. When she was barely a foot away from him, he held out his hand to her. “Would you like to go outside and talk?” he asked with his sultry southern voice. “I promise I’m not a Ted Bundy.” She would have gone even if he had said he was Hannibal Lector. Anything to get close to this man. “Sure,” she whispered in a voice she wasn’t even sure belonged to her. What was the man doing to her? Her body tingled in places where it had never tingled before. Her arms ached to be around him. He gently took her hand and led her to the door. They quickly fought their way through the crowd and out the exit into the cool air. Not sure where they were headed, she looked around for a car. Instead, he tugged her into the alleyway. Instantly the scent made her gag, but to be honest she wasn’t sure if it was the gift the last drunkard to visit the alley had left in the corner or her dream man’s cologne. He quickly reached for her. Oh no, she thought, he is an axe murderer. That thought swiftly died as he turned around and took her in his arms. “I’m sorry, but I can’t wait another second for this,” he whispered and took her mouth in a passionate, mind blowing kiss. He kissed her like she had never been kissed before, not even in her imagination. With just his lips, he touched her heart. Actually his hands were closer to touching her heart than his lips, but it felt all the same to her. She tried to pull away to ask him why she had never seen him here before, but his hands just held her tighter and his lips traced from her mouth down her neck. “Wait, I thought we were going to talk.” she managed to squeak out before his mouth wandered down even closer to her heart. “I want to know more about you. Who are you? Are you from this area, because I’ve never seen you here before.” She reached back and firmly took his hands in hers, stopping their movement. As she pulled them away from her body, her fingers felt the unmistakable evidence that once again she had fallen…hook, line, and sinker. Well no sinker yet thankfully. Furious now at her own stupidity and lack of her usual “wedding ring check” glance, she pushed him away and staggered back up the alley to the club door, where the bright neon sign was like a homing device. She went willingly, like a moth to a flame. Of course willingly did not mean gracefully, as she fought to stay upright and out of the numerous puddles of god only knows what. She was angry, felt used, and desperately needed another beer or two. She spent the next hour drinking more beer, fighting even more pick up lines, and had decided once again to make the short walk home and collapse again on the couch when she noticed the cute guy who just walked in. Cute was an understatement really. He was the vision of perfection, easily the man of her dreams. Short, dark, with eyes that wouldn’t stop. But they did. Stop that was. Right on her. His eyes beckoned to her from across the room. Lost in their depths, she slowly slid off of her bar stool and made her way to him. |