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A story through dialogue and narration showing action and tone of voice for SSW |
Karen slammed the door to her office against the wall and then banged it shut before striding across the floor to her desk. "Stupid carpet! Can't even hear myself stomp," she muttered. Dropping into the chair behind the desk, she buried her head into her hands. I won't cry. I won't! I won't! she silently insisted. The frown between her eyes grew deeper as she lowered her hands to grab the ringing phone. "What?" she snapped into the receiver. "Whoa! Karen don't bite off my head," Jack's voice rumbled in her ear. "Sure the meeting between you and your dad was rough, but don't use me as a target." Taking several breaths through clinched teeth, she then answered, "Sorry. I can't seem to swallow my anger this time." "Karen, he won't admit he's wrong. He'll never change." "I don't know what to do." Her voice wobbled before gaining strength. "He's losing the business, but he won't listen to me." She sighed deeply. "I'm not only his child, but I'm also a woman. I don't know which he finds the most difficult to over look, to accept." "Okay, he won't listen, but no matter how loudly you yell, he still won't." Jack's muffled chuckle changed into a cough. "I'm sorry. I know this really isn't funny." "No, and I'm not laughing." However Karen couldn't stop a fleeting smile. "You know how many times I've tried discussing problems with him? I've tried being helpful, encouraging, reasonable; all the things he's not." Her fingers continued beating a relentless tattoo on the desk. "I know, but nothing has worked, not even your screaming at him like you just did." "You heard what he said, what he called me." Tears threatened to choke her. "He told me that I was worthless. He called me an interferring..." "I know. I heard, and he is so very wrong." Jack's voice softened with concern. "He hasn't been acting exactly, uh, rational for some time now." "Rational? I don't think he understands the meaning of the word any more. Jack, what can I do? He won't listen. He treats me like an idiot. He acts as if he hopes the business will fail." "I know, not rational." Jack paused before adding, "Have you thought about leaving?" Her fingers stilled as she sat erect. "What do you mean, leave?" "Let him fight his own battles, lose everything by himself. Think about going into partnership with someone who will accept you and your ideas." "Someone like?" Karen's voice lowered nearly to a whisper. "Like me," Jack answered. "You've been with Dad for nearly ten years. Would you really leave him?" "He won't listen to me, either, Karen. He won't believe that anyone else knows anything. I've been fighting a losing battle longer than you have." He gave a nearly silent whistle of breath. "Look, I have everything ready: the money, the location, the equipment. All I need is a partner that I can trust." His smile showed in the tender tenor of his voice. "You, Karen, only you." "Jack... oh, Jack, I don't know..." "Yes, you do. I've been waiting for you to realize there's nothing for you here. Now, you're ready. Come with me. I need you." "You need me? I don't understand." "I know you don't, yet, but you will. Please at least think about my offer." Nibbling on her top lip, she considered the past three years, the pain of her father's attitude, her worry about the condition of the business, the hopelessness she felt, the helplessness. "Why haven't you said anything to me sooner?" "You weren't ready to listen. Now, I think you are." Karen stared across the room to the windows showing the skyline of the city. Pressing her fingers to her trembling lips, she dropped her eyes to the cleared top of her desk, clean because she wasn't allowed to do anything meaningful. "All right, Jack, let's talk. I'm going to my apartment. Will you meet me there?" "Yes, I'll be there." Victory echoed in his words. "I'll meet you in about thirty minutes with all the information and an outline for a partnership contract." He laughed. "Oh, Karen, we'll do so well together. I do need you more than you know." |