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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #644901
First in the Scarf Short Story Series.... IS there such a thing as love at first sight?
Short Story/Scarf Series

She sighed softly.
Still He heard her.
Tom had not meant to be eavesdropping, but he had seen her enter the store and the look of melancholy on her face had captivated him. Now she stood holding a crème colored scarf, her slender fingers clutching the silky material as if the slip of fabric held the answers to all of life’s problems, or at least her own. Her auburn hair fell in lustrous waves obscuring part of her face, but he had seen the brief glimpse of pale porcelain skin and remembered the flash of emerald eyes when she had glanced up at the chiming bells that rang announcing her presence. The young woman was short, but not petite, and the word average came to mind, though he knew the description did not suit her.
Tom was surprised at his interest for he preferred tall willowy blondes with clear blue eyes, but felt in this instance maybe his type was not all they were cracked up to be. Hadn’t he had a string of failed relationships with the aforementioned leggy willowy blondes? His type evidently was not right so maybe he should try someone else’s. He caught himself staring, surprised after one meeting, not even that, one glimpse and he was contemplating a long-term relationship with a woman whose name he did not even know. She could be engaged or even married. She probably had a boyfriend, or….
The sales clerk stepped up to the glass counter and smiled at the young woman. “Hello, Kat, decided to come back for the scarf after all?”
“OK,” he rethought, “a woman I don’t know named Kat and his mind wandered off trying to decide if that was short for Katherine, or Katrina, or just Kathy…”
“I’m not sure and that’s not like me. I love the scarf, but it’s the proverbial problem of I have nothing to wear it with.”
“Oh Kat, of course you do.” Piper laughed at her friend. “Let’s see, there’s the green velvet slit to here. “ She pointed high up on her thigh and smiled. “Then there’s the brown jungle print, no the roses will not fit with the bamboo….”
“I know you’re feelings on my brown granny dress and quit laughing at me.”
“Oh I am not laughing at you. What about that really nice burgundy shirt you bought to go with your denim skirt? The scarf would cover the unseemly amount of cleavage….”
“Now, I know you’re laughing at me. “
Tom hovered closer, not caring any longer if he was being rude by eavesdropping on their conversation. He was drawn to the young woman.
“Ok, no more jokes. I know you can afford the scarf so you must be back on the I don’t deserve it kick.” She smiled to take the sting out of her reprimand.
“I do not feel as if I don’t deserve to buy myself something. The scarf is just not practical.”
“That’s you’re problem, quit being sensible and do something spontaneous.”
It was Kat’s turn and she smiled. “Like when you tried those shooters for the first time and woke up the next morning married.”
“Yep, and since I’m working on ten years, I must be doing something right, so there!”
“Just kidding, you know I love Mike to death. You two make such a cute family especially with those two hooligans thrown in.”
“And they’re hooligans because a certain Aunt can’t say no.” Piper looked to the tall dark haired man standing close to her friend. “Excuse me sir, but can I help you.”
“Ahh…” Tom caught himself stammering. “I, the, I mean the scarf caught my eye and I was wondering if the it was already bought or if you have another one similar or …“
Kat stretched out her hand. “Here Sir. The scarf is all yours and you have saved me from a….”
“Fate worse then death, making a decision on the spur of the moment.” Finished Piper for her.
“Please excuse Mrs. Scott, she thinks being sensible is a disease.” Kat laughed at her friend then leaned across the counter and blew her a kiss. “See ya tonight for dinner and tell the hooligans I’ll pick the movies.”
“No, horror, or you’ll stay the night with Sam.”
Kat stopped at the door and glanced back. “Better make up the spare room.” Then walked out without waiting for a reply.
“That girl is going to drive me to drink. Oh, sorry Sir. How can I help you? Oh yes, you were asking about the scarf.” Piper turned to the gentleman customer surprised to see the look of grief that passed across his face as Kat left. She smiled her most winsome smile and leaning forward touched his hand. “If you come to dinner tonight, I’ll introduce you to Katrina.”
Tom started. “What?
“If you come to dinner tonight, I’ll introduce you to Kat.” She pointed to the closed door. “You know the young woman who just left. The one you want to buy the scarf for.”
Tom looked down at the scarf in his hands. He believed he could still feel the heat in the silky material where she had held it only seconds before. The same heat that had enveloped his body at the touch of her fingers against the palm of his hands when she had handed the scarf to him. “I’m sorry, but….”
“You have other plans?”
“No, but…”
“Are you married because you really shouldn’t be buying gifts for other women if you are?”
“I’m not married, but…”
“Or engaged, the same rules apply to fiancés as they do to wives.”
“No, not engaged. I don’t even have a girlfriend, but…”
“Then you have no reason to bow out of dinner tonight especially not after I went through all the trouble of making your favorite.”
“My favorite?”
“Roast Beef and all the fixings. “ Piper leaned forward and whispered in a loud voice. “That is your favorite, right?”
Tom started laughing and handed the clerk the scarf. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his wallet and handed her a credit card. “Just charge it on this and if you could wrap the scarf up and write your address on the receipt, I’ll be there for my favorite dinner.”
Tom stood in front of the closed door and double-checked the address on his receipt. “234, correct house, but what am I doing here?”
The front door flew open and an eight-year-old girl barreled into the stranger. “You’re not Kat. Who are you and what are you doing here?”
Tom smiled down at the young girl. “I am…”
“Yes, and you must be….”
“Samantha, but most people call me Sam. Well, I guess you’re here you might as well come on in.” Sam stepped back into the house but left the door open. Running down the hallway she stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. “Sorry, manners. Please have a seat in the living room and I will inform my parents our dinner quest is here. Thank you Sir.” Feeling as if her duty had been done she spun back around and finished running down the hall yelling as she went. “Mom, that man’s here.”
Tom stood to the side of the fireplace admiring the family pictures on the mantle. He was surprised at how many held the young red headed woman Kat. Piper had called her ‘aunt’, so was she her sister or his?
“Hello.” Mike stepped up to the stranger in his living room, but not before he had stood quietly assessing the man his wife had said wanted to marry Kat. “I’m Michael Scott, Piper is my wife.”
“Oh, hello.” Tom extended his hand and was not surprised by the once over he received from his host. Maybe Kat was his sister?
“Piper is finishing up dinner and Katrina should have already been here. But she promised the kids movies so she’s probably still at the video store trying to decide. Lord, that girl takes forever to make up her mind, but then again when it’s made, it’s made up for life.”
Tom relaxed a little at the ready smile on the man’s face. Then stepped back when two kids barreled into the room.
“And these hooligans are the twins, Samantha, you met at the door, and this is Sarah.”
Sarah reached out her hand and Tom took her smaller hand in is his as he leaned forward so that he was closer to her level. “Nice to met you. Are you going to marry our Kat?”
“Sarah!” Mike pulled his daughter so that she stood behind him.
“But, Mom said that…”
“No buts, both of you go look out for Kat. She promised to bring the movies.” At that moment the sound of the front door opening caught everyone’s attention. Both girls ran out of the room yelling. “Aunt Kat. Aunt Kat.”
“My apologies. Those girls are a hand full and at that age come up with all sorts of strange ideas.” He tried to hide the smile at the thought of how many of those ideas actually came from their mom. “Can I offer you a drink?”
“Ahh, I’d say yes, but I think I might need all my wits about me.”
“You may be right, but either way it won’t matter. “ He walked over to a small cabinet and pulling out two small glasses set them down on the edge. “I have scotch or scotch.”
“In that case, I’ll take the Scotch.”
Kat entered the room followed by the her twin nieces. They both clung to an arm and obviously adored their aunt. “Can I get some help getting these two off of me.”
“Not till you say it!” Both chorused.
Kat looked around the room as if searching. “Well…” she turned sideways as if to look behind something and then looked straight at the tall dark haired man in her friend’s living room. He smiled at her, the merriment reaching his dark blue eyes. He was familiar from somewhere. “Since…” She smiled a quick smile and then finished her examination of the room. “I don’t see anyone else here…”
“Aunt Kat!”
“OK, you two know you’re my favorite and bestest friends in the whole wide world.” Kat hugged them close and then looked back up at the stranger. He stirred a memory in her.
Tom could not keep his eyes off of her. He could imagine that she was his wife and the two little girls their own daughters. He would be the one to come home at the end of a hard day to his loving family. They would rush up to him, hugging him, but he would have eyes only for his beautiful wife. He shook his head as if to dispel the image, but the dream lingered. He didn’t even know the woman and he was fantasizing that she belonged to him.
Both girls squealed with delight. “What did you bring us?”
“Well….” Kat made a show of searching the room again. “Don’t tell anyone, but if you go look in the front seat of my car, I’m sure I picked up some movies for tonight.”
“Scary ones!?”
“Maybe?” Kat shrugged her shoulders as both girls immediately ran out. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a set of keys and held them out at arm’s length as she counted slowly. Before she reached three, Sam dashed back in, grabbed the keys, and ran back out.
“Scary?” Mike turned a reproachful eye to his friend.
“Maybe.” Kat laughed at the look of chagrin on his face. “And, yes, there is my overnight …….”
Sarah ran in the room with a bag in her hand. “Aunt Kat is staying the night and brought a scary movie.” She ran back out and could be heard running up the stairs.
“Bag so that I can stay up all night, because of course I brought scary movies.” Kat finished as if she had not been interrupted. “Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I’ll see if Piper needs my help in the kitchen.” Kat smiled and walked out of the room without a backward glance though she wanted nothing more then to stay and learn more about the stranger her friends had invited to dinner. She wanted to catch the memory of him from before, but still the thought slipped away.
“Still game to stay?” Mike extended the half filled glass to the stranger. “I’d understand if you ran for the door.”
Tom took the glass and looking into the depths, downed the contents in one gulp. “Bring it on.”
He and Michael both laughed and realized at that moment that each had found a new friend. Michael’s thoughts turned to his previous assessment of his new friend. “Not just anyone was good enough for their Kat.”
“Did you say something?” Tom glanced at the door hopeful for another sight of Kat, and then brought his attention back to his host when he heard the slight cough.
“No, ahh, so you like Roast Beef?”
“Evidently, according to your wife, my favorite.”
“Piper is ……” Michael’s eyes took on a far away look… “Perfect.”
Tom handed his empty glass back to his new friend. “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
“Did you really marry Piper the same night you met her?”
Michael poured another glass of Scotch for each of them and then handed the glass back to Tom before he answered. “Yes, but you of all people should not be surprised.”
“Well, look where you’re at and you only spoke with her for ten minutes. She convinced you to buy a scarf for a woman you did not know, come to dinner at the house of a stranger, and that whatever she cooked was your favorite. “ He ticked off each point with a raised finger. “I sat and talked to her for six hours.”
Tom grinned. “But you were in a bar.”
“Piper was doing the shooters. I was stone cold sober. “ Michael held up his glass in a toast. “I’ve never regretted that night. The best thing I ever did was snatch the girl up before she got away. You may want to give some thought to that sort of quick decision making.”
“Come and get it!”
Tom was glad that he was saved from having to make a remark to Michael’s last statement. Had he meant snatching up Kat? Or leaving? He followed his host down the hall where the women and girls were already seated around the dinning table. He hesitated a moment before sitting in front of Kat. “Like I’ll be able to eat staring at her.”
“Did you say something?’ Kat glanced up.
“Ahh, no, just…” Tom glanced around for divine intervention. He caught sight of a small hand out of the corner of his eye just before he felt a pinch on his arm.
“Sam!” Kat tried to hold back the laughter, but failed. “Please excuse her. She has the manners of a skunk.” Kat stuck her tongue out at her young friend. “Sam, when you want someone’s attention, you either say their name or touch them lightly on the arm, you don’t pinch them.”
“That’s what Cory does at school and Mom said it’s because he wants my attention.”
“Yes, but Cory is a little boy. Mr. …” Kat looked at the stranger her friends had invited to dinner.
“Tom is fine.”
“Tom is an adult. “
“I don’t see the difference, they’re both boys.” She slurred the last word as if it were a supreme insult.
Kat smiled. “One day little girl, you’ll discover the difference.”
Mike leaned over and touched Kat on the arm. “Don’t be putting thoughts like that in her head. At least not yet.”
Tom watched the two converse, staring at how his host touched the young woman’s arm so intimately and a sense of jealousy rose up within him. He clamped down on the emotion, telling himself over and over again that he did not even know her. Reaching into his pocket, he felt the filmy material of the scarf, surprised again that he had unwrapped the package. He wound his fingers through the material repeatedly, reveling in the luxurious silky feel of the fabric. He pulled his eyes from the sight of the man’s hand on hers and focused instead on her auburn hair. His fingers stilled on the fabric of the scarf as his mind envisioned that the silk was her hair that he had ran his fingers through instead. The long flowing strands were soft and warm against his skin. He picked up a fork full of food, while his mind continued on the same thought. His fingers brushed her hair away from her neck, as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly. He could smell the faint musk of her perfume and buried his face into her hair as he pulled her close to his chest. Her arms wound up around his neck as she clung to him, her chest heaving against his as he claimed her lips with his own. She belonged to him.
“Tom.” Kat looked at the stranger, surprised at the faraway look on his face.
Tom blinked twice before bringing his full attention back to his dinner partner. He knew his face was turning red, but the young woman was nice enough not to comment. “Excuse me.”
“I asked if you were enjoying your dinner.”
“Of course! Roast Beef is my favorite.”
“Really?” She smiled at him as if they shared a private joke.
“Honest! And yours?” Tom had meant the rejoinder to be light hearted but found himself breathlessly waiting for her reply. He wanted to know everything about her.
“I’m more the pasta and salad type. What about movies?”
Tom glanced at the young twin beside him and winked. “Definitely scary ones.”
“Good, then you’ll have to stay for the double feature after dinner.” Kat smiled to herself, surprised she had just invited the stranger to spend the evening. She did not know him and from the elusive comments from Piper, her friends knew little of him as well. So why the unexpected invite? “And Popcorn of course?”
“Of course, what’s a scary movie without popcorn?” Tom took another bite of his Roast Beef. He turned his attention to his hostess. “My compliments to the chef.”
“You are most welcome,” Piper smiled in response. She had seen the way that Kat and the stranger had been staring at each other. She glanced around, sure that her dinning room would adequately hold enough for a rehearsal supper. But then again, they would probably need to have the dinner at one of the local restaurants so she could enjoy the festivities as much as possible.
“Piper?” Mike leaned over and kissed his wife on her hand. He knew exactly what she was thinking, or actually planning. “It seems everyone else has retired to the living room for movies. And what may I ask were you thinking or can I guess, something to do with our Kat and the stranger.”
“You know I’m right.”
“Are you sure, dear? Maybe you should have paid more attention to the dinner conversation between the two of them.”
“What did I miss?”
“Ohh, just two different lives unfolding.”
“Into one?”
“We’ll see.”
Tom sat on the couch, two girls between him and the one person he wanted to get closer too. The one person who terrified him. He had purchased her a scarf and accepted an invitation from a woman whom he had never met before. He placed his hand in his pocket, the feel of the scarf soft and silky against his fingers. His mind drifted back to their dinner conversation. She had answered every question he had posed her, her life laid bare, but only enough to intrigue him. He wanted to know the parts she had left out. He allowed the fabric to flow across his hand over and over as his mind wandered on what he had done with the rest of his afternoon. Skipping two important meetings and several others postponed so he could spend the afternoon shopping. Shopping!
Tom glanced up, blinking several times to bring his attention back to the present. “Kat?”
“It seems that….” She pointed to the twins, both sound asleep. “we have lost part of our audience. Mike and Piper have already gone to bed for the night, but if you’ll help me.”
“No problem. “ Tom jumped up almost knocking over the young woman. Grabbing her arms, he steadied her against his chest. He pulled her close, her chest pressed against his as he inhaled deeply. Her scent was intoxicating and he held her a few seconds longer then was proper, but he did not care. He had wanted to hold her and protect her from the moment he had seen her enter the store. “My apologies. I did not mean to….” What touch her? Hold her? Want to hold her for the rest of his life? What was he thinking?
“Its all right, Tom” Kat liked the feel of his chest against hers. He was solid, yet his touch gentle. She wanted to stay in his arms, safe and protected for what… the rest of her life? With a stranger? What was she thinking. Turning abruptly she tripped over Sarah’s foot and started to fall and then felt strong hands lift her up and pull her back against his body.
“Whoa.” Tom held her close, her back to his chest, her hair in front of his face. She smelled of strawberries and felt of silk. The same silky feel of the scarf in his pocket. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Stand still and close your eyes.”
Kat stilled, her breath catching in her throat at the deep hypnotic sound of his sexy voice. She closed her eyes, leaning back into his embrace. He released one arm, his hand moving away from her, but she could feel a slight amount of movement. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel his breath at her ear and then the silky feel of material around her neck. Instinctively, she reached up and pull the fabric up to see what he had placed around her neck. “The scarf.”
“I thought that it would set off your glorious hair.” He ran his hands down her arms as he whispered in her ear.
“I don’t know what to say?”
Tom turned her around in his embrace. “How about yes?”
Kat looked deep into his eyes. She knew what he was asking, but she wanted to hear the words. “The question?“
Tom pulled the ring from his pocket, the fruits of his shopping expedition. He was insane, but he did not care. Only that he could not lose the woman standing in front of him. “Kat, will you marry me?” He extended the ring for her to see. He watched as her pupils dilated then she blinked several times. Piper had said she was not spontaneous enough, yet Mike had also said that once her mind was made up, it was made up for life. He wanted her mind made up for his lifetime.
Kat stared at the ring in Tom’s hand, he was down on one knee, watching her intently for an answer. The scarf was soft against her neck, his hand was strong and warm against her fingers. She lifted her eyes to his and realized why they said eyes were the windows to the soul. His true feelings were open for the world to see. But marriage? What did she know about him? But then again she had a lifetime…….

© Copyright 2003 Lorraine (rraine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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