Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/639051-The-Christmas-Dance
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #639051
A girl goes to a private school to make her stop doing drugs.Not Finished
Katrina Noel stood outside her grandparent's front door.A suitcase in one hand and a coat around her shoulders.Her parent's had left her here to go to a private school because of all of the bad stuff she had done at home.She had stolen money from her parents,she stayed out late,she stole stuff at stores and was caught doing drugs.The house she stood in front of was white and it had three stories.Her father had never shown her pictures.She thought it was beautiful.She had a ten year old brother,his name was Peter.He never got on her nerves,she liked him,he covered for her when she went out.

Katrina knocked on her grandparent's door.She heard a hustle of people inside.As her grandmother came to the door she saw inside.Her grandmother looked at her,Katrina's black hair had speck's of snow in it.Her green eye's looked into her Grandmother's."Katrina..I didn't know you were coming yet." she said in suprise.Her grandfather walked over and smiled taking her bags."I'll show her to her rooms.You can go back to the party." he told his wife.Katrina looked through the doors as her Grandfather led her up to the third floor.She was taken into a room,the walls were white and the floors were light blue.There was a four postered bed with blue covers on the left side and a dresser on the right and a trunk at the foot of the bed.And a door connecting to the bathroom next to the dresser.A sofa sat against a window far across the room.

"If you shower,You can come downstairs and join the party,our neighbors and their kids have joined it." he said smiling,his gray hair was combed,his black tux was clean.He left in a hurry,she quickly left her suitcase,grabbed a short dress and took a shower.As she got out she heard voices outside her door.She slipped her dress on and opened the door,she saw a couple teenage kids standing down the hall.She slipped her boot's on after brushing her hair quickly.It only went to her mid-back but it was easy to brush.She slipped out of the room,the teenage kids sat on the stairs talking.She slipped down the hall and stood at the top of the stairs.She edged her way down slowly and passed by the kids,it was three boys and two girls.One of the boys watched her head down the stairs.She turned to the first flight of steps and went into the room where her grandparent's were holding the party.The ballroom was crowded.She stood there waiting for someone to notice.

Her eyes scanned the crowd nervous.She felt someone touch her shoulder.It was warm and inviting.She touched the person's hand and turned to see one of the boy's that was sitting on the third floor steps.She noticed that her grandparent's weren't around to get mad."My names Garrett." the brown hair green eye'd boy said."My names Katrina." she replied and let his hand go.She turned and then saw she was glancing right at her grandfather.She noticed her uncle in the corner with his wife and kids."Want to talk outside?" he asked as she turned back to him."Sure" she answered.Her grandfather looked mad as she went outside and sat down on the porch swing with him."So Where's your parents?" he asked and looked at the sky.The snow was settled on the ground and the winds were going away but she shivered anyway."My mother and father left me here because they couldn't control me,since the two kids she adopted are coming she doesn't need me.I miss my little brother though,he was cool.I was thinking about going to visit them in a week or two.Hopefully,they will miss me." she finished with a sigh.He smiled "I'm living with my grandparent's because I hung around with a crowd that my parent's didn't like so they made me live here.I've lived here for a month now." he said and glanced toward the trees in the far corner.

Her grandfather came out,"Katrina,come inside dear,the party's stopping and we want you inside." he told her.She rolled her eyes and looked at the boy."I'll see you later." she groaned and straighted up fixing her dress she went back inside and her grandfather followed after."Go upstairs and set your room up." he told her in a command tone.She gazed at him a second then noticed her uncle herding his two kids up the stairs."Your uncle is staying with us till he can buy a house." he told her."You will be sharing a room with Joan." he said.She groaned and then stomped her foot "But,Grandpa,I'm almost seventeen!" he gave her the I-Don't-Care-Say-One-More-Word-And-Your-Out look.She sighed,"She is not sleeping in my bed!" she yelled and ran up the stairs pushing fourteen year old Joan and seven year old Ryan out of the way.She got to the room first and slammed the door shut.The night her uncle's kid moved into her room was the worst night ever.

She tossed and turned while Joan kicked her in the back or sides.She got out of bed,her flannel pants covered her feet and her shirt reached her fingers.She heard someone trying to whisper her name.Since her room was in the front of the house it was easy to look three floors down to the grass.Garrett stood below,he was about to through a nother rock."Don't" she yelled meaning to whisper as she opened the window.He looked at her and she smiled."Do you always look like you had a shower when you sleep?" he asked with a grin,His pearly white teeth shining in the street light."I do when you have a fourteen year old girl in the bed with you having nightmares." she groaned and turned from the window to see Joan was in the middle of the bed."Seem's I won't be going to sleep tonight." she said turning back and saw he was waiting.She grabbed her shoes and slipped them on grabbing her hooded sweatshirt she slipped into it and grinned.Music was heard in the distance."Garrett,Wait there." she said and closed her window,she easily slipped down the third floor without getting caught but it was harder on the second.

Her uncle trudged to the hall when Ryan screamed about having a nightmare.She slipped past him as he entered the boys room.She opened the front door and left.The security panel wasn't on.She saw Garrett waiting at the curb.She walked up behind him and scared him as she touched his shoulder.He looked at her and they both went down the side walk hand in hand.Her friends were usually making their night runs through the city,destroying mailboxes and houses.She shivered and leaned closer to him.He seemed not affected from the cold chill in the air.She heard a scream in the distance as she got to the end of the block "KATRINA!" Was all she heard before her grandfather screamed in french,she doubled over in laughter and Garrett looked at her worried."What?" he asked."He's mad." she grinned at him."He always talks in French when he's angry." she added then looked toward her grandparent's house.Another scream made her worried more."There may be more then that wrong." she said and ran toward the house.Garrett followed and she noticed a figure in all black holding a bag.

She chased the figure as it noticed her and ran.She fell ontop of the solid figure and lifted the hood.She had chased him more then three blocks and noone else follwed.He was atleast eighteen.He looked at her and noticed that she wasn't very heavy so he pushed her off.She pinned him harder to the ground and looked at him."Why you trying to steal from my grandfather." she said more then questioned.He didn't talk,she made a movement and her fingers touched his cheek "I didn't give you brain damage so you must speak." she said with a half laugh.He looked at her again,"If I don't get to my friends,they will come searching for me." he groaned under her weight as she shifted her knee into his side."Oh..Friends?" he was getting tempted to fast.She pushed his hands down and looked him in the eyes,"I am a ex-gang member,don't make movements that may take your life." she said and let his hands go reluctantly."So why are you in this street of mansions?" he asked and sat up leaning against his elbows.

"My parent's got angry at me and sent me here.Believe me I'm not enjoying it." she heard her name being yelled."By the way,what's your name?" she asked.He looked like he was thinking "Jimmy,yours?" he asked sitting all the way up so she only sat on his legs."The one who's being yelled at to come back." she grinned."Katrina" she finsihed after he looked at her."Well Katrina,I've heard about you.Hey,You know what,I'll come by sometime." he said.Someone must have come because he got up fast and bolted.She turned around and stood up rubbing her bottom."That hurt!" she groaned at her uncle who was standing beside her."I didn't catch the guy.I ran into some boy when chasing him." she lied twice.Her eyes caught a glimpse of Joan as they neared the house togther.Garrett stood waiting,she wrapped her arm around her waist and grinned.Her bottom stung from hitting the ground,She gave her cousins the evil glare and put her lips into a smirk.

Her cousin didn't go to her room that night so she slept peacefully.As morning came she was waken from her coma type sleep by Joan who was rumaging through things and making alot of noise."It's Saturday,GET OUT!" She finished noticing that Joan was digging in her dresser which contained things she kept secret.Joan didn't stop,Katrina jumped out of the bed and pushed Joan to the ground "MOMMY!" was all the girl managed to scream before Katrina hit her in face.The girl's eyes watered and Katrina was still on her when her uncle and aunt came in."GET OFF OF HER!" Her aunt Molly screamed.She laughed as she watched her little cousin struggled.That night was the first time her uncle slapped her.She stood in the corner holding a peice of glass.Her uncle was advancing toward her,she had a bruise on her wrist and chest.She gave him two seconds then swipped at him,slashing his finger.When he left to bandage it up she knew he'd be back.She grabbed a backpack and shoved her personal things in it and then some clothes.She slipped out of the window and ran down the block.

She found a quiet house and hid in between,She heard a whistle and looked to see Garrett standing with Jimmy."SHH!" she whispered and raced toward them,the backpack over her shoulder,she slipped her arms around Garrett then did the same with Jimmy.She didn't bother to explain yet,she grabbed both their hands "Got a car close by?" she asked.She turned as either of them shook their head."Who's closer?" she asked."Mine..." Jimmy said motioning to a car down the block."Got keys?" she said and didn't wait for his answer and dug in his pocket and came out with his keys.She pulled the car door open and drove as fast as she could."Um..Katrina,do you mind explaining why we are going eighty-five in a seventy zone?" Jimmy said in the passenger seat.Both boys were holding on tightly to the seats."I have to go talk to my mother,If she doesn't listen i'm going to stay with my friends." she said as she turned off a street and onto the one her parent's lived on.She pulled into the driveway after slowing down and got out of the car leaving her backpack.Jimmy and Garrett joined her as she beat on the door.They stood looking scared and worried.Her father was the first to answer the door.

She didn't know if her adopted brother and sister would be there.She heard a scream upstairs.She bolted inside,pushing both her father and a boy out of the way,she went straight to her room and flipped onto the bed and finally broke down crying.She had cut her hand on the glass she used to cut her uncle.She was suprised to see her father,her brother,some boy and her mother standing at the door with a baby in her arms.Jimmy and Garrett sat on the foot of her bed looking at her."OUT..EVERYONE!" she cried and buried her head in her pillow.She felt someone or something touch her leg.None of the people in her room had left.She looked at them angry and then at her mother "Who are all these people?!" she questioned and held her pillow in her hands.Her mother moved toward her bed.Her brother ran into her open arms.She hugged her brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek."Peter go to your room,I'll talk to you in a little bit,Right now I need to talk to mom and dad." she said.She heard music from his room after he ran off.Her father sat on her bed as Garrett and Jimmy moved to her couch in the corner."This is your brother Jason and your baby sister Emily." her father told her.

She gave the oldest boy a evil glare and he didn't seem affected."Um..Mom,Dad..Can I talk with Jason after were done?" she asked."Sure," Jason said answering for them."Okay,Hunny tell us what's wrong?" her mother said."Well....This morning,I was awaken rudely by Joan,She was digging through my personal things.I beat her up and later that night uncle Dan beat me.I cut his finger and wrist with glass that I broke.I don't want to go back..Please don't make me.." she blubbered with tears.Jimmy and Garrett were looking at eachother.They seemed to be wanting revenge."Jimmy,Garrettt Don't" was all she had to say to keep them from charging out."Now..Answer this who are these two guys?" her mother said rocking the baby who was asleep against her chest."That is Jimmy,That's Garrett.Both boys I met...Um..One in a party one on the street." Her mother looked ashamed."Now,Everyone but Jimmy and Garrett and Jason leave." she said.They did just that,Jason sat on the foot of her bed where she patted.

"Tell me,Why are you not afraid of my evil glare?" she asked and looked at his eyes."I was in a gag for a year and a half..In fact since I was fourteen." she looked worried,"Could this cause a conflict between us?" she pointed to everyone."Well,of course inless of course one of us dates or joins the others gang." he said and that finished it.She lowered her head in thought."Hey tell My mom to bring the baby in here." she said.Jason left and brought the baby in.Her mom didn't want to leave the baby alone with them."Go,I'll bring her back safely." Katrina told her mother fast.Her mother left and Katrina made Jimmy shut the door."Jason,Did you ever put this baby into the gang?" she asked."No" he said and looked at her curious."Well...Aslong as we are togther we won't have to.When she turns five we teach her." she said.He looked sad and happy at the same time.Jason returned his baby sister to his mother and Peter ran in."Jimmy,Garrett this is my little brother Peter." she said and swayed side to side holding onto him."Peter what did you do today?" she asked in a childlike voice."I wrestled with Jason." he said and smiled."I won of course." Jason said with a evil grin looking at Peter.

"You know you aren't my brother yet so this should be fun." She thought to herself only didn't notice she had said fun outloud."Who want's to go to the movies?" she asked."ME!" Peter said."Not this time Pete,I have to do some other things today to." she said.Her brother ran off pouting.She pulled her mattress up after making sure the door was shut she dug out a dagger and shoved it in her shoe.She grabbed the money that sat with it and put it in her back pocket.She grabbed Jimmy's hand and held onto it as she grabbed Garrett's."You know..We better go pick up my two friends or they will really get mad." she said and flipped her bedroom light off after stashing important stuff in her closet.Jason followed as they got downstairs the boys looked at her."Mom,I'm taking Jason to a movie..I'm taking my car.." she yelled."Okay" her mother said looking at her as to say *Stay out of trouble*.

Jimmy rode in the passenger seat of her convertible.She pulled into Aaron's house first.She went up and got her then came back out and made Aaron climb in the middle of Garrett and Jason.Then she drove to Faith's house.Faith was arguging with her parent's in the front yard.She yelled something in spanish then fled to the car.She sat in the passenger seat making Jimmy sit in the middle."Full car tonight." Faith said looking back."Friends or relatives?" she asked,she stopped and looked at Katrina "Katrina what is up?" she asked making them park into the parking lot.Jimmy looked like he was stoned."The bathroom." she told them.Faith and Aaron followed her,but they stopped her before entering the bathroom."See...Happy I showed you?" she asked after lifting her shirt a little so Faith and Aaron could see.A fist sized bruise rested on her lower stomach."Are you okay?" came a gentle easing voice,she turned around to see Jimmy and Garrett with Jason.She didn't drop her shirt in time and they had a evil glisten in their eyes."Jimmy Garrett no please don't." she said.She raced and wrapped her arms around both of them.Jason looked at her strangely then grabbed Jimmy's shoulder and made him forget about his plan.

Instead of going to a movie they went to Jimmy's house.Jimmy's parent's weren't home.His younger sister who was sixteen sat on the stairs reading."Go upstairs" Jimmy said as he shut the door.She looked at him,Since Jimmy was a year older she looked pained."No drinking,if mom finds out your in trouble!" she said."Who's gunna tell?" he raced toward her and she ran upstairs.Jimmy grinned and sat on the couch with his brownish eyes watching the stairs.His black hair was nicely combed.Jason and Aaron sat on the loveseat and Faith and Jimmy sat on the couch.Katrina stood silently thinking in the corner near the window watching outside."Hey...Jimmy,Who drives a red pickup truck?" she asked seeing one pull up."My brothers!" he growled."I told them to go to a movie." he said and opened the door just in time as they were about to knock."Eric,Payten go away..I told you to go to a movie.You got us in enough trouble.." he said.His brothers skwirmed under his tone and looked at the group inside."Jimmy..I have a question.." Katrina came up behind him and fell over a little and caught herself.

"Katrina.." Jimmy turned to her along with everyone in the room."I'm okay.' she lied.He knew she was,Jason got up from his seat "We better get you home." he said and grabbed her arms.She looked at Jason."No..Jason,If I don't do it now I probably won't get the chance..Did you drop out or did you get kicked out of your gang?" she managed to ask and held her side where the bruise was."I dropped out because one of the gang members got killed and I couldn't take it.." he said."Jason,Why did you drop out?" she asked suprising him."Because I was assaulted by one of our members." he said."Garrett,Why did you drop out?" she asked.He looked at them "My friend was killed by one of our gang members." he muttered.Katrina looked at Faith and Aaron,they seemed to get it too."Garrett lift up your foot.Faith search." she told her.Faith looked pleased to be searching a guy."You know the last time I did this was to a security guard.." Faith said and Aaron and Katrina laughed."Payten,Eric please step in" she said and they did,she closed the door."Aaron,you get Jimmy here,I'll have fun searching these two .." she didn't mention Jason yet.

They searched the guys for a hour looking for a sign of a weapon.Jason was the last one and he looked angry afterward."It seems the only one carrying a weapon would be me." Katrina said pulling out her dagger from her boot.Her friends looked scared but somehow amazed."Jimmy," she said after putting the dagger back in her boot.He looked at her from his place on the couch with his two brothers.Jason sat on the loveseat with Garrett.Aaron and Faith stood on either side of her."It's amazing how much one childhood crush could turn into one big mess." she said and scanned them."We will let the boys choose,without Payten and Eric here." After the two boys charged out scared she laughed.As she sat on the couch she held her side and grind her teeth togther.Her eyes watered and she felt a hand touch hers."Take me home." she cried.She woke up in bed at her house with her friends beside her."You passed out at my house." Jimmy said and she blinked a few times.Jason was not in the room along with Garrett and Aaron.Faith and Jimmy were the only ones at the moment."We took you to the emergency room and you woke in there then passed out after we brought you home." he said.

She just looked at them not saying anything.Her mother burst in with tears dried on her cheeks along with her father and brothers."Your awake!" Peter screamed.He nearly suffocated her in tears as he hugged her.She pulled him off of her and blinked,her eyes were still blurry but after a few minutes they were better.Faith had her hand and Jimmy had the other."Mom,What is going on?" she asked."You have a broken rib and a bruised one." her mother told her and frowned."Peter,Jason go on and go get ready for bed it's almost midnight." her mother told them.Peter was already in his pajamas.Her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek along with her father and they were fixing to leave "Faith you can stay the night,Boys have to go." her mother said leading Jimmy out."Call me if anything happens" he told Faith before leaving.

Katrina lay tossing and turning on her bed crying in her sleep.Faith shook her multiple times and finally got her to wake up long enough.Katrina cried and wouldn't open her eyes,she cried out and held her side.Faith ran out of the room across the hall to Katrina's parent's room "Something's wrong with Katrina" she yelled.She didn't mean for it to be that loud because by the time Katrina's parent's were in her room so were Jason and Peter.Her father leaned over her and looked at his wife."Call 911" he yelled to his wife holding onto Katrina's hand.She just howled in more pain as they sat and waited.Faith had called Jimmy and Garrett,As they arrived at the hospital she called Aaron.All of the group sat in the waiting room.Katrina's mother held Emily and her father held Peter on his lap.Jason sat next to Aaron,Garrett sat next to Aaron and Faith and Jimmy sat togther.

A ER doctor came out and looked at them,"We took her up to surgery,she should be out now,we had to take out her ipendic's." he said and they all looked curious."But there was another problem,we had to give her some medicine for her pain in the ribs." he said.They all sighed in some kind of relief.Peter looked around not really understanding exactly.Jimmy got up "Can we see her?" he asked."Sure.." he said.Jimmy,Faith and Aaron were led back first.They sat beside her bed and looked at her as she woke up "You okay?" he asked her and put his hand on hers.She smiled "I guess." she groaned and looked at them again.Her brothers and Garrett came in next,then her mother and then her father.

She was let out five minutes later because she was calling the nurses ugly names.She layed on Jimmy the whole trip home.Her parent's didn't kick any of her friends out they just went straight to bed along with Peter.Jason stayed in her room."Care for a slumber party?" she asked with a evil grin.They all laughed and nodded,Jason sat with Aaron and Garrett sat with Faith.Finally Katrina got to tired and collapsed into sleep mode on her bed.Everyone else decided it was enough.Jimmy layed in bed holding onto Katrina,Faith and Garrett slept on the couch while Aaron and Jason slept on the floor.

Katrina awoke with a start and grinned as she felt Jimmy's hand over her lower waist.She turned around to face him and kissed his nose."So cute in the mornings." she told him as he opened his eyes.The rest were still asleep.She picked up a pillow and looked at her friends,she started it off by throwing a pillow at Faith who would get everyone hyper.That started the big fight with pillows.Jimmy watched as the group fought.Katrina wrapped her arms around Jimmy's neck since she wasn't watching.The group was to busy with eachother they didn't notice Katrina kiss Jimmy.As it calmed down Katrina sat on the foot of her bed watching them fall back onto stuff.Her parent's entered they looked like they were going to have a heart attack "Sorry mom,dad" she said and laughed as they left releived."Jason go change while me and the girls change real quick." she said.Jimmy and Garrett went with Jason and the girls stripped and pulled on cargo pants and Katrina wore a red shirt that said 'Don't Mess with me' Faith pulled on a shirt that said 'I kick....' Aaron wore a shirt that said 'Danger Zone'

The boys entered in regular shirts and pants.The group ran through the house looking for a missing dagger."PETER!" Katrina stopped at the baby's bedroom door.It was after seven,She had to drop Peter off at his friends house.She looked at the now approaching Jimmy.Jimmy looked at her for a second then at Faith and Aaron who were standing behind her.Peter entered the hallway looking like he was ill or sick."Go get ready." she told him frustrated as Jason and Garrett still searched her room for the dagger with the diamond."Peter,Did you take the diamond dagger?" she asked him as he came out fully dressed and his hair nicely combed."No" he said."Did mom or dad search my room while I was gone?" she asked."No,Didn't you take it with you?" he asked."I did," she mumbled and called out to Jason and Garrett."I have to go to my grandparent's house." she told them angry."Mom,I'm dropping Peter off at Harolds!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and they hurried to her car where she drove the group to Harold's first then to her grandparent's house.

Her grandmother opened the door and looked wide eyed at her in fear."I need to get my stuff." she told them.Her grandfather joined them at the stairwell and they searched the groups faces.Aaron had something in her eyes that made her grandmother back up.Faith had her fist clenched to her jeans where her blade lay in her pocket.Her uncle ran down the stairs after his son and didn't notice her until they were at the bottom."Your back?" Joan asked in fear as she stood at the top of the second floor stairs."Not for long." Her grandmother told her in a gentle voice.Jimmy grabbed her arm as she went to hit her grandmother.A tear dripped down her cheek and she looked up at him.His eyes dropped to hers and he nodded a silent no that it wasn't worth it.She bolted up the stairs with her friends in tow and Garrett guarded the bedroom door with Jason and Jimmy.Faith and Aaron helped her pack all of her stuff up and she looked through her dresser that Joan had been into."JOAN!" she screamed not finding her prized dagger.She ran out of the room and her friends didn't catch her fast enough,she was ontop of the small girl in the living room."WHERE IS IT?!" She screamed.

Her uncle and aunt were there in seconds and so were her friends who were trying to pull her off the girl."WHERE IS IT?!" she yelled at the girl again ready to strike her."Where is what?" her uncle asked as Jimmy and Jason finally pulled her off the girl and held her back.Joan ran into her mothers arms crying."My dagger,I want it back now." she said and stomped her foot and made sure they were scared."Where is it?!" Faith yelled digging into her pocket."Faith no need.." Jimmy said grabbing her arm as she went to withdraw her sharpened blade."Daddy has it." Joan said in tears."Give it to me now." she said and her eyes read the sense of fear in her aunts."Now." she said and stepped closer to him."Aaron,Gimme your blade." she told her best friend and watched Aaron withdraw hers.A dragons head was the handle and the blade was bright red."I will.." she mumbled and watched as her uncle stepped back quickly.He ran toward his room and returned with the dagger in his hands.She grabbed it and grinned at him "You know,I wouldn't hurt you..Even though you hurt me.You hurt Joan.Did you know that Aunt Molly?" she asked and grinned as he looked at her with a hurt expression.

She charged out of the house hearing arguing where she left the group to battle.She felt Jimmy touch her shoulder as she went to get into the drivers side."You know you really could have hurt them.You have to be careful now." his eyes dropped to his feet and he got into the passenger seat.The drive to the club was long and quiet.Noone spoke,noone sang to the music that was now sounding hollow."Is something wrong?" she asked as they pulled into the club parking lot and she turned to the group in the back."Something is wrong," she declared looking at the group and she watched each of them in fear of what was going to be said."There is," Aaron said and looked at her nervous."Oh my..." she bolted out of the car forgetting her purse and other objects.She didn't stop at the club or go inside she ran past it toward the place she became fond of.She heard her name being yelled and shoes pounding on the concrete behind her.She didn't stop till she knew they had.She was atleast out of distance of the club.She sat on a large crate outside of a hardware store.She knew her two friends would know where to find her.

She didn't know how long she was there cause she woke about a hour later and looked around.She curled her legs into her stomach and cried.The wind was picking up and she was cold since she hadn't dressed warm.She lowered her head into her arms and legs and shook.She felt someone's hand touch her head."Come on" came the soothing voice of the person."No,Let me go." she cried looking up to see Faith.Faith was her favorite.Faith was the one that helped her get stuff she needed.Faith circled her arms around her friend and let her cry."Jimmy and the others went home,I drove them home,Now it's time to get you home." she told Katrina who didn't move."Why didn't you tell me before?" she asked looking at Faith."My brother died from a drug over dose.I didn't want to upset you.I told Aaron,Jimmy,Garrett and Jason." she explained and looked at the store behind them."Did you know that Jimmy was crying when you ran off?" she asked looking serious."He did" Faith concluded.

She woke in bed with something pushed against her side.The thing beside her groaned and she got up quickly looking at it.She then noticed she was dressed in her clothes from the other night."Peter?" she mumbled looking at the sleeping body of her brother."OH MY GOD PETER!" she screamed as she flipped his body over,his lips were pale blue and blood trickled down his arm that lay off the bed.Her parent's entered immeatedly as she fell to the floor and screamed.Her mother was the first to scream after her.Her father called paramedics from her phone beside her bed while trying to keep Peter awake.Jason ran in and looked at Katrina then Peter."What happend last night?" he asked Katrina as paramedics arrived and she had been questioned.She dug through her shoe as the paramedics left with her mother and father.She had to watch the baby and Jason.She noticed her usual dagger there and her diamond dagger under her clothes in her dresser.Emily's cries echoed through the silent hall to her room where she was holding onto her self crying on the floor.She got up and went to Emily's room and brought the baby to her room and held onto her.

The first thing Jason did was call Faith.Faith arrived first followed by Aaron,Jimmy and Garrett.Aaron held onto Jason and Garrett stood beside Faith who was now looking at the bed.Blood was covering the sheets and her pillow.Peter's stuffed dinosaur at the side of her bed covered in blood."I have to go to the hospital.Aaron,Jason can you two stay here and watch the baby?" she asked in between sobs."Jason can go,Garrett will stay." Aaron said and looked at the baby.Jason and Katrina rode in the car while Faith drove them with Jimmy to the hospital.Her parents were in the waiting room and a guy was talking with them.She sat beside her mother and looked at her."Mom,Is Peter okay?" she asked and then looked at the guy who was now looking suspiciously at her."Detective Daniels this is my oldest Katrina and my son Jason and we have a baby girl." Her father said and then looked at the detective."Did anyone question Katrina or Jason to who could have hurt your son?" he asked."No." her mother said and looked at him hurt."Mind if I talk to them alone?" he asked and motioned toward the double doors down the hall.Her mother let them and they sat on the bench outside of the hospital watching ambulances pull around.It wasn't a good morning to start with for Katrina and she groaned as he began the questioning.

"I would never hurt my brother!" she screamed as he asked another stupid question."I love my brother.I would never hurt or try to kill him.Neither would Jason.Jason in fact seems to take a good liking in my brother as good as I do." she told him and stood up "If you don't mind I need to go talk to my friends." she said and dug in her back pocket and walked off.The detective charged after her."No talking to anyone just yet." he took her phone hanging it up."Man,You shouldn't have done that!" she yelled.Jason caught her arm as she went to swing at him."Let me go Jason." she said to him as he held tigther."Can I talk to her?" he asked and the detective nodded and Jason drug her toward the parking lot."What the hell are you trying to do?!" he growled and dropped her hand.She went silent and looked at the sky and mumbled something about how beautiful it was and then ran.He chased her and she fell to the ground after he toppled ontop of her.She kicked him and then sighed as she felt something trickle down her leg."Um.." Jason mumbled and stood up looking down at her."Your bleeding." he said and motioned to her leg were a tiny scratch was bleeding.She grinned and sat up.

She wiped the blood with her jeans and grinned.A scream echoed outside and she knew something was wrong.She ran to find her mother in her fathers arms."NO!" was the final words she screamed before running.She didn't know how long or how far she run and stopped as her side felt like it was going to explode.She collapsed onto the dirt near a creek.She cried and cried.She fell asleep against a rock and woke feeling rain hit her face.She knew it was really early in the morning and that her parent's were getting worried.She didn't hear anything.She didn't move the next morning or the next as she heard her name being screamed far off in the distance.She felt someone's arms underneath her and then felt like she was being carried off."Call off the search missing girl found." the person called into the walkie talkie on his pocket.She didn't open her eyes at all.She heard people talking and crying.Her eyes remained closed the whole ride to the hospital and through the multiple tests and even when she heard Jimmy's voice.She heard the voice of her little brother calling to her to wake up.She knew he was talking to her from heaven telling her it wasn't time for her to go.

She kept her eyes closed and only groaned after three days of being in the hospital.She knew she had missed her brothers funeral.She heard Faith's voice then Aaron's and Garretts.Jason and Jimmy were nearby but not talking."The doctors said she may never wake." came a gentle voice.She thought she heard her little brother calling her and shivered.Her friends must have noticed cause they were close by and touching her covered legs and arms and hands.Her eyes remained closed for the rest of the three days after her brothers funeral and they stayed closed until she knew she wasn't able to go yet.She opened her eyes slowly only a crack at first and blinked,she didn't see anyone or anything.She heard birds chirpping at the window and a lot of beeps,she felt a hand in hers and she squeezed it.The person stirred and looked at her and she squeezed it again."Katrina.." Came the woman's voice."Jason,Hunny she's awake." Her mother said excited to her brother and father.She closed her eyes again and then opened them after feeling someone else take her hand.Jason stood beside her and nodded "Hello again" he whispered and smiled with tears in his eyes.

"You've been in a coma since last week." her mother told her and she didn't move or say anything.The nurse and doctor were called and she just lay there as they checked her over.Her doctor told her she was needing to speak soon.She didn't talk and then when Jimmy,Faith,Aaron and Garrett arrived they all looked at her and she looked back.Jimmy held her hand in his since her parent's had gone to eat something downstairs.Emily hadn't seen her since she had left the baby at her mothers house.Her friends,Parents and the doctors pleaded for her to say something.She kept quiet until one day her father returned from somewhere holding pictures.He handed them to her and she looked at them,it was a few pictures of her brother at the funeral then pictures of the grave site."Would you like to see it?" he asked and she looked at him and didn't nod or say anything."You have to talk." she had been holding out since she woke up.Her brother and boyfriend were with her."How did he die?" she finally spoke but it was quiet.

Her parent's looked stunned "He was stabbed in the chest.He somehow made it to your room and tried to wake you to get help but died in your bed." he told her.She looked around,"No..He didn't die in my bed.He died in the hall,He died in the hall outside of my room.The killer brought him to my bedside and left him there.He was dead when he was in my bed.Someone groaned when I got up.It wasn't me and it wasn't Peter." she said and protested to what her father said.Her mother and father looked stunned about it "The cops found the murder weapon.It was in the kitchen along with a note." his father said and she sat up quickly."What did it say?" she asked and he looked at the ground "You pay for what you did to me and my family." her father said and sighed.She sat up and looked at Jimmy.He looked pained and hurt."Mom,Dad,Jason can I talk with Jimmy alone?" she asked wanting to talk to him and be with him alone.Her parents and Jason went into the hall and she made Jimmy come closer.She hugged him and kissed him and didn't let go of him till he struggled out of her arms."You know your parent's aren't telling you everything that happend.Right?" he asked."Of course" she said and grinned "I listened while I kept my eyes closed.I heard everything,I heard your pleas and your tears that fell,I heard my baby brother who wanted me to come back that I wasn't able to die yet." she said and sobbed.

"I even heard a secret from my mother." she said and looked at him "Did you know that I saw everything you and the others did.Including you who was always crying in bed at night.I saw you in dreams,Dreams that made me want to come to you.I saw how much you loved me and needed me." she confessed and he sat beside her.She knew her mother and father were waiting she finsihed off by giving him a kiss.Her mother entered and she was let out with depression pills and therapy sessions.She skipped the pills and skipped the sessions her mother noticed after a week that Katrina was beginning to get worse.One day Katrina sat on her bed drawing a picture of the now one year old Emily who was sitting on her bed and smiling with two front teeth and had a bottle beside her."Em,Did you know that Jason is dating Aaron and that Faith is helping me hunt down Peter's killer?" she asked and then picked the baby girl up in her arms."Did you hear anything that night?Did you Em?" she asked and stood looking out the window holding Emily.

"Trina,Trina" Emily commanded and pointed to a bird in the tree in front of her window."That is Peter's bird.Did you know that?" she asked the girl.She put Emily on her shoulders and walked out of her room with the baby and Emily smiled and giggled as they entered Jason's room.Jason looked at her and smiled "Having fun Em?" he asked and she smiled and nodded.Emily waited till Katrina put her down then ran to her brother and tried to get on the bed.Her little hands clutching onto Jason as he helped her up."Trina,Sit" Emily commanded in a baby like tone.Katrina had taken responsibility for her brothers death and blamed herself.Peter's room was left how it was the day of his death.The only thing missing was him.Emily liked to look in his room and say his name over and over."P-e-t-er" she said as she looked at Katrina and Jason.Jason tightened his hold on his sister and stood up approaching Katrina.Katrina backed out of his way and he walked toward Emily's room with Katrina in tow.

Katrina noticed her mother was already at work along with her father."Jason" she mumbled as she stopped at the stairs."What?" he turned around quick enough to see her run down the stairs and stopped at the bottom."Katrina what the heck?!" he screamed and ran down the steps after her.
© Copyright 2003 LiLsTiNa (lilstina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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