Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/635134-THIS-IS-NOT-A-RHYME
Rated: ASR · Non-fiction · Experience · #635134
An amazing coincidence!


Or perhaps, I should have titled this "A funny thing happened.." because this experience has an uncanny twist!

Some nights ago, I wrote a short story for an "Ordinary Horrors Contest". I related some tale about an "evil radio" that caused the electrocution of a man and his murderous wife. The radio got slap-happy with power *Smile* BUT it could also warm of inpending danger!

Water and electricity don't mix well!

If you're lucky, you may just get a shock. If you're unlucky, you may wind up in worse shape!

Yesterday, as I was talking on the telephone, I heard my bedroom radio come on. Garbled voices, no music. God at work. It stopped. After I hung up the phone, I went into the bedroom and the radio started again. By itself.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the radio was soaking wet. Heavy snow on the roof and an ice backup had caused a leak in my ceiling!

I thought about my story, and had the presence of mind to unplug the main cord of the power strip from its socket, avoiding touching the wet radio!
No shock there!

I'm passing this on, only to relate that yes, I believe in premonition..the thoughts that brought my contest entry about...foreshadowed the actual event of a dangerous situation in my home.

Who'd have thunk it? *Smile* Please note "thunk" is not a mis-spelling, just a curious little curve on the English language!

Have a great day, enjoy writing.com, and take care of yourself! Safety first, most accidents happen in the home. Be aware!

God bless,

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