Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/630604-A-Day-Outside
Rated: GC · Short Story · Drama · #630604
A kid recalling some experiences involving lots of drugs.
So, this is how it begins. A short story of my own creation. Something in which I think should be shared. This is my account of my acid binge, the day after. Obviously I didn't write this while on the harsh substance, that would just be pure insanity. Sure if you wanted to read another account, there are dozens of them online. Someone even wrote full length novel on their trip, something to do with fear and loathing, I believe. Anyways, my story is different. I didn’t go all crazy in some random public place. I had one of the best times of my life sitting idly with some friends of mine. I woke up that morning, tired. Its odd, every morning, I wake up and im tired. Why? I mean, I just woke up from sleeping, why should I be tired all ready? Anyways, it was an uneventful morning. I went to the bathroom, did my usual. My mom had made me some breakfast. Two sunny side up eggs and a sausage, placed on my plate to look like a happy face. I wish I hadn’t seen that face, for it would haunt me later. It was mid summer, and I didn’t have much to do. I didn’t work. One of the few days I had off. So I called up my friend John.
“Hey John, what’s going on? Are you saying anything today?” I said casually to my friend. “Uh, yeah. I just woke up. But you know what’s nice? Its payday mother fucker.” He laughs as if what he had said was hilarious. “But yeah, I'm pretty sure were going downtown with Ryan today. He can hook us up wit some nice blue and purple paper.” “Paper? Um…wait, I think I got it. When about’s are we getting on the bus?” I asked him. “Be on it in ten minutes, I'll meet you on it.” I hung up the phone, and got my stuff ready. I told my mom I was going out and I would be back pretty late. I had only done acid twice before. But I knew the affects would last at least six hours. I went outside my apartment building and went to the bus stop to wait. The bus pulled up beside me several moments later. I got on, gave the suspicious looking bus driver the $2.00 admittance fee, and sat down.
John got on the bus about 10 minutes after we left my apartment building. The ride took about 15 minutes all together, but we had to take another bus uptown, so the total trip was about an hour. We got on the other bus, and Ryan was all ready on.“What’s going on Ryan?” I asked him, as we smashed are fists together in a form of greeting. Ryan simply smiled, and nodded his head like he knew something John and I didn’t. “You keeping us happy? John asked him, sitting two seats away. “Oh yes. Were gonna meet the hookup at 1:00pm. After that, we have the whole day to rot our brains away.” “This is gonna be nice,” I mumbled to no one in particular.
Ryan took us to an isolated place a public park. There we met up with some random Spanish guy. Ryan spoke with him briefly, and they made a small exchange. I didn’t even see the acid go into his hand. But I was hoping it would make me real nice, but I also hoped that it wouldn’t hurt me to badly. See when one does acid; they are taking the chance of dying. It’s almost like Russian roulette. All it takes is one bad hit, and your dead. But I trust Ryan. He has always gotten the cleanest stuff for us. True its horribly dirty to begin with. But, I don’t mind. Its not like my brain is worth much anyways.
We took the bus back to our area. We got off of it at a school close to Ryan’s house. Outback behind the school, sat a pair of portables. In front of the portables sat a wooden picnic bench. In between the two portables, was a wooden porch that led into one of the portables. This would be the setting for us, for many hours to come.
We didn’t take the hard drugs at first. After all, it was only 2:43 pm, and we had a lot of time to waste. Luckily Ryan had a big bag of dope. We spent the day, talking of the past and smoking bowls. It doesn’t sound like much fun does it? It was to me. I’m a chronic smoker. Any marijuana I can get my hands on is excellent. I can out smoke all most anyone. Even though it’s not a contest, I like to pride myself on how much smoke I can in take at one time.
We had in total 15 hits. The total price on a 5 strip is normally $20.00. But since we had gotten three 5 strips we got ‘em for $50.00. The other ten bucks we used for drinks. Any person with a head full of acid will get extremely thirsty. We got a 2L of Lipton’s Brisk Iced Tea, and a 3L Faygo, Cream Soda. Good ‘ol faygo…more pop for less money.
I popped back 3 hits at 6:00pm. That was a good time, for I knew I would start feeling its affects in about an hour and a half, and the trip would last probably until 1:00am, but even after that, I knew I was going to be really sketched. We wasted the time away smoking bowls and talking. Same old thing. Now all it was, was a matter of waiting. When would the chaotic thoughts of my mind, stupefy me? I was ready. After all, I had experience. The trips were almost always good.
About 6:30 pm, another friend of ours showed up. Jimmy is a mootch. A mootch, is someone that doesn’t ever have money, and anything he gets, is from his friends. We each gave him a hit, which means he had three in total, and he would be worn out before the nights end.
Ryan, Jimmy and John were sprawled out in front of me in the grass. They just lay there, not saying anything. Just staring out into the sky. Probably trying to get their mind to think in an orderly fashion. I laughed at them in my own mind. Didn’t they know, that the insanity wouldn’t stop? I knew. I laid on the porch, staring into the sky as well. The acid had just hit me, so I was still able to move properly and think to a certain degree. The sun was just starting to go down, and I knew with the coming of dusk, we would be having exciting times.
Acid does weird things to the body, especially your mouth. A smile spreads across your face, and it won’t ever go away. You can feel your jaw clench at it's own will. You can’t stop either. It just stays there. Anyways, when it became completely dark, we all sat up from our stupors and smoked a bowl.
I sat up, on the stairs. “Hey yo! Time to smoke a bowl…4:20 and shit” I tried to tell my friends. “Its up to you Ryan!” John screams out all of a sudden. I nodded my head, and wiped the tears, that were forming in my eyes. “Shhh, we don’t need no pigs coming around here and busting our asses for being a fucked up on acid.” Ryan said quietly while pulling out his dope and pipe. “What pigs?” Jimmy was looking around as if there were some pigs, which only his mind could see, and comprehend. “Ahhhh, your all mangled.” I said as I looked up at the bright light that shined on the portable. The light reflected on the side made it look funny to me. It looked like there were individual particles, and they started moving into each other, forming a big blue circle. It had eventually turned color, and switched into the breakfast I had ealiar that day and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I smiled because I liked the feeling and affect this portable had on my mind. I began to grab at my face, 'cause I thought I felt things crawling on me. “Hey Steve! Take the bowl!” I had no idea who had called me out of my small trip with the portable and the bugs, but I was quite thankful. The feeling of bugs on your face is a horrible sensation. I grabbed at the bowl, carefully, and surely I put it to my mouth, and drew in breath. The smoke curled up in front of my eyes, forming a genie type apparition. I choked on the harsh dope, and the genie vanished. I passed the bowl to John, who was sitting closest to me, pulling grass up from the ground, and I laid back down, to put my eyes in the never-ending sky once more.
My memory is a little vague here, so bear with me. Im pretty sure this happened around the time I was in full peak. I couldn't finish one thought, before jumping to the next. I hadn't heard anything from my friends in what seemed like a few hours. I stared at the rolling clouds above me, and wiped the tears away from my eyes. Those damned tears plagued me thorugh out the night. One moment I would have dry eyes, and the next, I would yawn, and the tears would begin to fall once again. At a certain point in my staring, I could have sworn I heard the loud sirens of a police vehicle. We were pretty close to the down town district, so if I had have been in a proper state of mind, I would have known that they weren't coming for us. But, when I heard those sirens start blazing like no tomorrow, I got up, and yelled "Those dirty pig fuckers are on to us!" I began to run. I didn't see if my friends had stayed or not, but I was way to mangled to even care about them. I think I ran for a good ten minutes, to a place that was un-identifiable to me. I looked around trying to locate my friends, but they were no where near by. A bright light above me, brought my attention towards it. The sign read "Tim Hortons." Tim Hortons? I had thought to myself. How did I get here? What just happened? I was lost in my own turmoil, and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get back to where I should have been all along. Luckily, Jimmy came searching for me. How he had found me, I have no idea. But im glad he did. We walked back to the portables, and they all laughed at my crazy antics apon returning.
I had no idea how fast the hours past. It seemed like 3 hours roughly to me. It didn’t seem long enough. But there really is no time at all when your on acid. You sit there; talk with your friends, laughing at their thoughts. The thoughts are what is so fun about it. When one is on acid, one may comprehend any small thing, and yet not understand anything. One may see a bug, crawling across your face, and in reality, it wouldn’t be there. But it would make sense to the person on acid. And in the same instance the same person might try to grab their hand, but it wont be there. Acid has different effects on people. And to sit there and tell about your experiences and hear the experiences of your fellow acidheads, is the greatest trip of all.
I can’t even begin to describe all of the wondrous things I saw that night. Dragons made of cloud and stars falling out of the sky were among the craziest things I saw that night. About 1:13am, I got up. I had been lying down for the last three hours, and it felt extremely good to stretch myself. I gave my boys props before I left the school. I walked home, with my mouth still clenched, and my mind feeling dirty. How does one describe the feeling of a dirty mind? I can try. Maybe it was the bile I could taste on the back of my throat. Or the maybe it was the way my mind jumped from one thought to the next with out finishing off its last thought. It took me a while to get there, but when I finally got home, I laid down on my bed and thought: I wondered what we were going to do, the next day.

end note-*edited for content, viewer discretion is advised.*
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