Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/626906-The-12th-Stroke
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Drama · #626906
If you married a millionare...Maria Keplan did, would go be happy???

Chapter 1
“Maria, Thomas, Jena! Get in my office now!” yelled James Keplan up the stairs to the forbidden zone of parents.
The sound of feet came down the stairs and in came the first, Maria. She a glowing figure, with a smile that lit up a room. And personality that mostly took after her dad, arrogant and rude. At the age of seventeen, she had received three wedding proposals; no one knew what it was in her that caught man’s eye. Perhaps it was her beauty, or her hotheaded temper, but what ever it was the men seemed to like it.
Thomas ran down the steps and slid across on the tile floor to the edge of his father’s desk.
“Thomas! How many times have I told you not to do that?” snapped his father.
Thomas was the cunning one of the family of four. Either he was getting yelled at for something stupid he performed. Or playing jokes on anyone of the unsuspected. At fifteen years, Thomas gave his father the grayest hairs.
Jena walked down the steps and entered the office. If there were anyone that could match Thomas in his practical jokes, it would be the thirteen-year-old blond head. Jena was basically known as the partner in crime. Her body was tall and of good size for her age. Jena had eyes like her mother, baby blue, a temper like her father, looks from Maria, and a playful personality like Thomas. She was the one in the family that tied the knot.
James immediately began to lecture.
“Mr. McKinley, and his nephew, Jason will be coming here for a visit.”
At the sound of their father’s voice their eyes rolled back into their heads. Through their minds they were thinking, “Why do we care”.
Jena broke the silence with a smart answer.
“Jason McKinley? The millionaire?” She said.

“What’s a millionaire want with us?” Said Thomas.
“Dad you did do anything stupid, I hope.” Said the last one.
James continued.
“Now let me finish. Michael McKinley is interested in our property up North. And if he likes it he’ll buy it. All we have to do is make sure his rich, rude nephew is happy. And because Michael favors his nephew, if we make Jason feel unhappy or get on his nerves he’ll tell his uncle and we’ll lose the deal.”
James got out of his chair and continued.
“Dad what deals did you make with him.” Asked Thomas.

“Oh you guys never mind, but that means, no jokes, Thomas and Jena.”
“I mean it. I’m very serious when I say no jokes!” His voice was mean and rude.
“Now dinner will be ready soon so go up stairs.”
They walked leisurely out of his office, and into the hallway. Three bodies sat on the steps head in hands.
“This is not good.” Said Jena.
“That property was great for hide and seek.” Said Thomas.
“We are going to be living with a rude man,” said Maria head still in hand.
“Hey we live father,” said Jena.
Maria turned around and glared at Jena.
“Hey I got an idea,” Jena replied looking at Thomas.
“Jena last time I listened to one of your ideas we were both in jail, remember?”
“That was different, I really got a good one, and it’s very palpable,” she said.
“Jena if you too get thrown in jail I’m coming to get you like I did last time.” Maria said pointed her finger as she spoke. “I won’t Maria, give me a chance. All we have to do is make this little rich snob angry and we keep what we want.”
“Doesn’t it seem odd?” Asked Thomas.
“What?” Asked the oldest.
“Well look, Jason McKinley the millionaire is coming to our hose and if we make him angry we lose the some deal that father has made with him. Doesn’t that seem odd if we make someone angry we lose something.”
“Sorta,” said Jena. “I hope dad knows what he is doing.”
Chapter two
The arrival

“Thomas, Thomas!” Shouted Jena from her room.
Thomas raced up the stairs.
“What’s up?” he asked
“I got the plans done.” She replied
“Oh let me see.” He took the papers from her. Her writing was nice and neat, as it always was. At the top of the paper it read “Plans for rudy toot.” Then a long list appeared of sneaky dirty plans to make little Mr. rich blood Jason bicker to his uncle.
“I like it!” he said. “But if we get caught its your rear.” “All we want to do is keep the property.” She added taking the paper back. “And we won’t get caught.”
At five o’clock that evening there was a knock at the door.
James walked slowly to the door; still making sure everything was in place he answered it.
And there he stood, Mr. Michael McKinley. He was an overweight black puffy mustache, rich man. Atop his head he wore a top hat, upon his large feet he wore a pair of black shinny shoes.

“James!” he said. “Lets have a hug.” The overweight fat guy walked into the house wrapped his arms around James and gave him a huge harsh hug.
“Oh I’m glad to see you Mike,” he said still being lifted off the floor from his hug.
After being set down and almost having his lungs crushed he said.
“Well, Mike its good to see you.”
“Good to see you too Jamie.” He said happily taking off his over coat.
“Jamie?” he questioned.
“Oh I’m sorry old boy, people call you James now right?” He slapped James on the back knocking the wind out of him.
“Yeah they do,” he said trying to retrieve his air.

Jena and Thomas heard the conversation from the stairs. Jena came up to Thomas’s ear and whispered.
“Godzilla move over King Kong is coming through.” Thomas began to laugh he tried to shield his laugher with his hand but it filled the air. James just happened to turn around. James cleared his throat and the laughter stopped.
“Hey guys come and meet Mr. McKinley.” He said. “Michael, this is my son Thomas, and my daughter Jena.”
The big man through his arms around Thomas and gave him a big hug.
“Jena where is Maria?” James asked.
“I’m not sure. I think she is in her room, I’ll check.”
She ran up the stairs, hoping to get out of having her lungs crushed. When she came to Maria’s she could hear Maria talking to someone. “Oh Ryan your such a flirt!” She giggled like a Jr. higher talking to her boy friend.
“I hate this mushy stuff.” Jena thought to herself.
“Ryan, my love, when are you coming home?”
There was a short silence then Jena almost busted out laughing.
“Don’t call me honey bunch. Call me darling its more icy. That’s better. Are you sure you can’t come home sooner then that? Well if I have to wait I will but not because I want to. Yes, Ryan don’t worry I promised and a promise is a promise. All right my love, good bye.” Then that’s when Jena blew up in laughter. Through out the whole conversation she was holding it in the point were her stomach hurt. “How long have you been there?” Maria commanded.
Jena took a deep breath before she answered then choked her word out with laughter.
“Don’t call me honey bunch call me darling its more icy.” “I’m going to get you!” Maria exclaimed running after her sister.
“And this is my other daughter Maria,” said James interrupting the chase.
“Hello,” she said.
“Why hello, beautiful.” He said.
Jena and Thomas immediately started laughing and McKinley’s greeting.
“Jena, Thomas! Knock it off.” Said James.

“Now Jamie, Jason won’t be here for another couple of minutes, he insisted on having his own limousine. You know how he can be, always having to have his own way.”

Just as he finished his sentence, a silver limousine pulled up the driveway. A man in a black suit stepped out of the front seat. In his arm he was carrying and red carpet. Handing it to the man on the other side they opened the carpet and spread it down the sidewalk. While one man stood at the porch the other went back to the backside of the car and opened the door. A black shinny shoe stepped out flowed by and pair of navy blue dress pants. The family stood in side the door watching mouths wide open. A tall figure was sanding in the middle of the driveway. He scowled as he walked across the red carpet. His sunglass stood out as he arrived at the door. The family cleared a way for him.
“And this James, is my nephew, Jason,” said Michael.
James still looked over the towering figure that stood in his doorway. James broke a smile and then replied.
“Glad he could be with us.” James of course was being sarcastic when he said it but he was not going to be the first victim of Jason unhappiness.

Chapter three

“What in the world am I doing here uncle!” shouted Jason in anger. “I could be back home doing other important things then sitting around this dump!”
“You don’t like it here, Jason?” asked Mike.
“Ha! I would rather live in a pig pen then live here.”
“Jason I don’t see why you have to be so cross all the time. Mr. Keplan has kindly opened his house for us, and you know the deal that I made with James?”
“I don’t care what the deal is! The property is extremely dumpy. Have you seen it yet?” Jason was a man of rudeness and arrogance a man that always got his way and a man that you couldn’t say “no” too.
“No I haven’t had yet a change to look at it, I think we well be looking at it tomorrow.”
There conversation went on as a ton of yelling and loud voices came from the up stairs.
“Stop! Who is that”? Said Jason pointing his finger out the window at Maria.
“That’s Maria, she’s James’ daughter.” He answered.
Jason closely observed her. Her hair was dark and wavy. Her complexion was rosy, and her body perfect of size. Her eyes looked like the sea. Crisp and cool, beautiful and lovely. Jason felt like he just saw an angel, right before his eyes.
“She’s forever mine,” He thought.
“Has she been here ever since I arrived?” he asked.
“Why have I just now noticed her? Why didn’t you introduce me to her, uncle you fool.”
“I’m sorry Jason it slipped my mine.”
“You bet you’re sorry! Now at dinner time you will introduce me to her, do you understand?” Jason was madder then a raging bull.

At 6 o’clock that evening the family came down for dinner. The table was neatly set for six. Jason was standing next to his uncle at the head of the table.
“Maria, I would like to meet someone.” Said Michael.
“Maria this is my nephew Jason.”
“Jason this is Maria, James’ daughter.”
“Glad to meet you, Jason.” She said.
Jason turned his head and looked at his uncle then said in an extremely rude tone.
“Uncle why are you introducing me to this less then thing, how rude of you to thing I would care.”
Maria immediately opened her mouth, and put her hands on her hips.
“Well, I’ll have you know that there is no less then you Jason McKinley.” She said. When she walked away she stomped on his toe as hard as she could. Jason barely flinched and the pain.
“Uncle wipe the dirt off of my shoe!” he commanded.

The family watched with there mouths open. Jena came up to Thomas’ ear and said.
“His uncle should have done that along time ago.”
Thomas smiled and shook his head then added.
“He would have a broken foot.” They laughed out loud.
As the family ate the conversation of weather, boring business deals and the food went on for the full two hours. All Jason did was sit and scowl at Maria. He made rude remarks about pretty much everything. Jena sat next to him, she was very careful not to make a move at the wrong time. When Jason’s head was turned to the conversation she put pepper and salt into his dessert. Her hair blocked her sly smile. She turned her head to talk to Thomas and when her head was completely turned, Jason switched the desserts. He tried not to smile. But he couldn’t help it. His hand went up over his mouth and he fits coughing. Jena took a bite, and her eyes widened. She looked at Jason’s brown eyes. Then he replied.
“Must have been salt and pepper.”
Jena broke into a sly smile at him.
But his face still was mad and very serious.
“Did anyone ever teach you how to smile?”
“Did anyone ever teach you how to shut up?” he asked.
“You’re rude!” she said.
James’ attention was brought to that comment.
“I’m not the one that put salt and pepper in their guests dessert.” He snapped back.
Jason got up and left the table.
“Ha! You big headed idiot.”

“Jena I can’t believe you would be so rude.” Said Jena “He deserved it” said Thomas.
“Thomas!” said James.
“I would’ve used almond extract and made sure he ate it,” said Maria.
“Maria!” said James.
A loud shout from the up stairs filled the dinning room.

“Uncle get up here now!”

Thomas come up the Jena’s ear and whispered.
“The call of the wild.”

“You three get in my office now!”
They walked leisurely to the office.
“What do you think you’re doing if I lose this deal because of this you’ll all be in a lot trouble. He is probably up there now complaining and I’m going to lose the deal.”

Jason landed on his bed face first as he laughed.
“I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.” He said still laughing.
“Your not unhappy?” His uncle asked.
“Unhappy, ha I’m quite cheerful. Are you sure this business deal was only to keep me happy for the whole time?”
“Until the deal is closed.” His uncle answered.
“You don’t know how easy it would be to say I’m mad right now. Just so we could get out of here.”
“Jason they’ll lose there property and you know how much they like it too.”
“All right, go down there and tell them if I don’t get any better manners from all of them I’ll close the deal and the property will be ours. They have one more chance.”
“I thought you were happy?” he asked.
“I am happy you fool, I just don’t want them to know.”
“Listen to me uncle! If all they want is to keep the property there going to have to do a lot more then put salt and pepper in my dessert. They’re going to have to through parties and make me feel like I’m at home again. Tell them that I want to feel at home!” “I can tell James that of you want Jason. And one other thing.” “What?”
“I thought you wanted me to introduce you to Maria Keplan? I must say you were quite rude to the young lady.”
“Uncle, Maria Keplan is of no interest to me what so ever. Is that clear.”
“Jason you can pretend all you want but you and I both no you melted when you noticed her.” Then Michael left for Jason might have blown up if his face would’ve turned any redder.

Chapter four

Michael came downstairs; James ran to him and said.
“Is he all right?”
“He says, he’s very angry and if he doesn’t get shown better manners he’ll close the deal. He also says on top of this that he wants to feel at home. He wants parties and poker games and horse back riding and to feel at home.”

“Well, he wants parties and poker games and well he wants to feel at home.” Said Jena mocking Michael. Thomas was right behind her shutting the door to the secret room.
“If all that guy wants is to be at home why doesn’t he just go home.”
There was a knock at the door.
“What’s the password?” asked Thomas.
“Rich blood,” she said.
“Come on in Maria.”
“Jason wants you down stairs in the living room, Jena. I’d bring a couple of weapons.”
Jena rolled her eyes into her head then started down the steps.

“You wanted me rich blood, I mean Jason.”
“Yes, take a seat.”
She plopped down in a chair and watched his back turn to the window.

“What’s up?” she asked.
“I have to admit it! Jena Keplan you amaze me at your rudeness.” He said rude as always.
“And I have to admit it! That you would not find such people rude to you if you weren’t so rude to them!”
His back turned from the window and his face scowled at her.
“Well I also have to admit that you have a lot of bravery.” He said turning back to the window.
“What do you mean?”
“You would risk your property up north for all your fun little jokes. But let me warn you one of these days your little jokes and schemes well get you into more trouble then you think. I hear one time you and your partner in crime got thrown in jail. Yes, I believe that was the story; all you wanted to do was sneak into a club.”
He began walking from the window to the couch. He sat down across from her.
“I think that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Not to mention pathetic.”
She scowled at him. Then said in a surprisingly calm tone. “I did not come down here for you to mock me Mr. McKinley. And you are no gentlemen that I want to be around.”
“And your no lady I don’t think anyone wants to be around.” He snapped.

She stood up angrily and said rudely.
“What is the reason for me being down here! I will not sit down here and let someone mock me and be extremely rude to me in my home. Now look Mr. McKinley I’m terribly sorry I tired to poison you with salt and pepper. But next time I'll try something worse and you’ll eat it.”

Jason looked at her blue eyes he tried not to smile but then he said.
“Sit down Jena! I didn’t have you come down here to mock you. I want to make a deal with you. You’ll get what you want and I’ll see what I want to see.”
“Go on.”

“Isn’t there a father daughter dance at your school?”
“Yeah, how do you know?”
“I’m smart, I know everything.”
“Ha!” she declared. “If you know everything I wrote the Odyssey!”
“Then you’re a very talented writer.” He said.
“All right get on with it, what is this deal that wanna make with me?” she said trying to change the subject.
“Its simple but it will take a lot of help from you. I know that your father is extremely busy and never really has any time for you. Am I right?”
“Correct.” She answered. “What’s it to you.”
“I know that you want to go to the dance. And the only way you are going to get there is to help me get what I want.”
“I want to see you look like a thirteen year old not a eight year old tomboy that goes around ticking people off for her enjoyment. I want to see you look beautiful I guess you could use that word. That means no baggy jeans and t-shirts, I want you to remind me of the young ladies that live in England with me.”
Jena’s eyes opened at what he wanted then she blurted out.
“Are you crazy! What if all I have is baggy jeans and t- shirts?”
“Well do something about it if you want to go to the dance.”
“You don’t want to make a deal with me you want to black mail me!” She declared.
“Well let me make you feel even more black mailed. If I don’t see you acting like a young lady you know that property up north that I like so much I just might say something and your father well lose the deal.”
“Well you know what I don’t care if you tell. You can just go ahead and be a little tattle.”
“So you want your father to loose his money, no wonder your father doesn’t spent any time with you, you don’t love him.”
His words went through her like a piercing arrow. His tone was like a snake just waiting to strike at its victim and put a gallon of poison in its veins.
She stood up and scowled into his dark brown eyes. Then she answered.
“My relationship with my dad is none of you business Mr. McKinley!”
Jason stood up at her words, but he did not become angry. The top of her five ft. head came to chest, and he still stood another foot above her. She still stood scowling at him. His mouth twisted into a sly, cunning, persuading smile. Then he bent over and laid his tan skinned hand on her shoulders, he replied.
“What’s the matter? No one taught you how to smile?” His lips twisted into a bigger smile.
“Are we at a agreement?” he said after.
“I’ll do it. Only until the dance though.”
“I thought you would say that.” His hands left her shoulders. And he began to walk up the stairs.
“Jason,” she said. He turned from the third step and looked and her.
“I’m glad you know how to smile.”

Chapter five
Father daughter dance

For the next four days everyone was looking at Jena and asking questions about her appearance. She looked like she was seventeen rather then thirteen. Everyday at she wore a pair of black dress pants or a skirt and a colored blouse that matched her black or navy blue dress coat she wore with it. Jason was very amazed each morning he saw her at breakfast.
On that Friday the dance was to be held. Jena was most excited. After she had finished getting ready she ran down stairs only waiting to see Jason not ready. Her eyebrows rose at him. Then she questioned.

“Jason why aren’t you ready to go to the dance.”
He looked up at her red dressed body then answered to her face.
“What dance?”
“The father daughter dance you said you would take me tonight. Remember our deal?”
“Oh that, sorry I don’t feel like going.”
“What!! I don’t think so! I marched around this place looking like a dolled up Barbie doll and your saying you’re not going to take me? I kept my end of the deal. You saw me march around he acting like a prissy fool. And now all that you said you would do you’re not going to because you don’t feel like it? Guess what I didn’t feel like skipping around here acting like a priss but I did it because I thought you would be man enough to take me. Well I guess I underestimated you didn’t I!” she shouted.

Jason stood looking at her from the corner of his eye then he turned from her then he said.
“Your right, you do underestimate me. Bring me those black shoes by the door.”
Jena obeyed in wonder. He stuck them on his stocking feet. Then he said.
“Follow me.” His hand went on her shoulder and he led her to the front door.
“Close your eyes.”
Jena did it with out questioning. When her eyes were shut he slipped out of his bathrobe. Underneath he was wearing a pair of navy blue dress pants and a white overcoat. He opened the door and told her to open her eyes. The first thing she saw was a red carpet then the next thing she saw was a chauffer standing next to a cream colored limousine.
“Do I still have the honor of taking you to the dance, princess?”
Jena nodded, then took his arm, and was led out to the limousine.

When they arrived everyone was amazed at their entrance when the limousine pulled up to the school, the red carpet went out to the front door where everyone was standing. The chauffer opened the door and out stepped Jason. He held out his hand to Jena and she stepped out onto the carpet. Everyone was looking at them as they walked in to the school.

“Uh, Jason I feel really stupid the way everyone is looking at us?”

“Of course you feel stupid. You’re not used to fame.” He answered looking straight ahead. He giggled at her.

That night was the best night a Jena’s thirteen years on earth. She danced she laughed and she actually was sorry for miss judging him in the first place. The last dance was a quiet slow dance; Jason was the most talented dancer she had ever danced with. He knew all types of dances, rock, slow, and tap. Jena love that night. She loved the way every one turned to say something about her to the person next to her. Most of the time it was “Who is that guy?” And when the last dance ended the night seemed to race away from her. Oh how she wished it won’t have but after that the only thing she remembered was being carried out of the limousine after falling asleep on Jason’s shoulder. And the night ended with sadness.

Chapter six

Jason walked in behind Maria to the sweaty gym where Thomas was about to play against the unbeatable team. The stands were nearly full. Jena hung on to Maria’s side trough the crowd. Jason’s hands went around Maria’s shoulders as she led the way to the stands. When they found there seats Jena said.

“Maria, may I get a hotdog?”
“Sure here.” she said handing her some money.
“Jason would you care for one?” Asked Jena.
Jason turned his head for the side to looking at her then looked at her squarely.
“I refuse to sit here and chew on a piece waist,” He replied.
“I’ll take that as a no,” she said stepping down off the benches.

Maria and Jason sat next to each other in silence. There was a little embarrassment between them since they hadn’t spoken since the encounter at the head of the dinner table. Maria looked at him through the side of her eye. Then she asked him.
“Why did you put your hands on my shoulders when we were entering?”
“There is big crowd I didn’t want to lose tract of you and Jena.”
“I don’t think it was necessary for you do touch me!” She answered sternly.

Jason rolled his eyes then answered.
“Oh dear what have I done now. Did I miss up your pretty little blouse? Oh dear you had better call the police!” he roared.
Maria’s stomach expelled with anger. She looked at Jason’s face that was staring her down. His dark eyes scowled at her and traced her body like a snake traces its food. His dark hair fell before his eyes blocking his view of her. Maria stomach calmed down and she felt something different. She wasn’t angry! If Jason hadn’t stared her down she would’ve yelled right into his ear on purpose. His long front hair still lay in between his view. Maria took her hand and ran her fingers through it back. So she could see his dark eyes. But his eyes were still staring at her in a mean way. Jena ran up and saw them.
“Uh, are you too okay?” she said.
Maria’s eyes went up and she saw her wondering face.
“Uh, yeah its fine.” She said reassuringly.
Jena handed Maria the change; she sat down next to Maria.
A few minutes later the game started. When the announcer said the team’s name they ran out in their green jerseys, and the crowd went wild. Maria and Jena shouted and cheered when they saw Thomas run out of the locker room. Jason just sat there looking at the floor. He didn’t even clap his hands to cheer for Thomas.
“Jason why don’t you cheer,” asked Jena.
“I’m not going to make a fool out of myself, and stoop into a low level of cheering and shouting when I don’t have to!” He declared.
“Sorry I was just asking.”

As the first half of the game went by, Maria and Jason did nothing but argue and bicker at each other.

“So Jason you’re interested in our property up north I hear.” Replied Maria.
“Yes, I believe that’s the rumor.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” she asked in a rude tone.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear!” He answered.
“And are you saying that I’m gullible, Mr. McKinley?”
“All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t be so sure about everything!” His tone grew louder.
“Good heavens can’t you guys shut up. You sound worse then a married couple, and that’s pretty sad.” Said Jena.

Thomas had the ball and was driving in toward the basket. His bones raged with strength and determination as he drove his one hundred twenty four pound body for the hoop. The crowd went wild when he made the shot! Swish! The coach on the other team went crazy from anger. He called time out and called to his offence player.
“Lesson to me Garret. That Thomas kid is killing us! I want him out of this game! So rid of him!” He said angrily.
Garret shook his head and went to his position on the court. The ball came back into play and went directly to Thomas. And once again he was driving toward the hoop with Garret right behind him. Making it look totally innocent from running too close behind Garret purposely kicked him in the back of the leg. Thomas’ face slapped the floor, and his body got the wind swung out of it. The crowd was in silence as his coach and team players gathered around.

“Thomas? Can you here me Thomas?” said Maria down at his side.

Jason broke his way through the crowd and saw him bleeding from him face. He knelt beside Thomas then said.
“Get the crowd back!”
The crowd stepped back.
Jason took a hold of Thomas’ arm and wrapped around his neck. Then with one big thrust he lifted his body from the gym floor and began walking to the back where medical help was waiting.

“Thomas? Thomas? Are you okay?” Asked Jena.
Thomas’ blue eyes caught his sisters.
Jason came to his side. Then answered in a rude tone.
“You know Thomas your not supposed to play basketball on your face, try on your feet next time.” A nasty smile appeared on Jason’s face.
“What happened? What is the bandage on my head for?”
“Thomas, you got kicked in the back of the leg by another one of the player on the other team.” Answered Maria who just came to his side.
“I think the game is over for you Thomas. Besides I want to you home, no more of this stupid cheering and a people making fools of themselves.” Replied Jason.
Thomas sat up.
“I still want to play.”
“Come on now Thomas, we don’t want you to get hurt even more.” Said Maria.
“No I want to play!” He said sterner.
“Alright fine you can play, but your coach it not going to be the one to carry you off the floor after having your face smeared into it.” Said Jason turning to the doors that lead the way out.
Maria began to ponder. Now what did he mean by that? She thought. He was the one that carried him off the floor. She continued. But why did he say, “your coach wont be the one?” her thoughts were interrupted by Thomas’ movement.
“I’ll be fine.” He said.
The crowd went wild when they heard of his coming back. Everyone was cheering, all except Jason and the other coach. The clock read ten seconds. Thomas received the ball and nothing; not even having his face cemented into the floor was going to stop him from making this shot. The ball left his hands and hints the rim once, twice. The crowd went wild! The shot went right though the basket! Jason stood up and clapped and cheered at Thomas’ shot. Maria saw him from the corner of her eye, but she didn’t bring it to his attention.

Chapter seven
A cedar bridge

“Jason telephone,” said James.
“Jason McKinley.” He answered.
“Oh yes you have them, I expect them here in a half hour no longer!” He hung up and ran up stairs.

“Now he’s up to something!” Said Jena to Thomas.
“Come on to the secret room.” He answered.

Their feet walked up the stairs quietly; trying not too make a noise to stir Jason up.
“And what are you too doing?” said a manly voice behind them.
They turned around and saw the detective.
“Nothing, only going to the secret room.” Said Thomas to his father.
“Are you sure your not up to anything?” He questioned.
“Yes, were not up to anything, chill out dad.” Said Jena.
James still had his doubts, but he turned his back and walked down the stairs. Once he was out of site they ran up to the top of the stairs, and shut the door.
“Grab the binoculars!” he said to Jena.
She brought them to him and they peered out the window. They saw James showing their property to the McKinley’s.
“Something’s up!” Said Thomas.
“Why is father showing our property to Jason and Michael?” Asked Jena.
“I don’t know?” he said.

They stood peering out the window at them when there attention was brought to the two figures standing at the end of the garden.
“Check this out, Thomas. Lovers at one o’clock. Wait a minute that’s not Ryan.”
He turned his head swiftly at the two people at the end of the yard.
“I thought Maria turned down Chris.” He said.
“She did he’s not going to take no for an answer.”

“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not going to marry you! I told you once I told you twice, I don’t love you!” She declared.
“You can learn to love me!” He said.
“No, there is learning to love. Besides I have promise to keep.”

A lump grew in his throat. He wasn’t going to get angry, he wasn’t that type. He saw more of the quite, laid back, gentle type, that wasn’t going to make her do something she didn’t want to. He put the black small chase back into his pocket. Bending down toward where she was sitting he placed a small fair well kiss on her cheek.

“I’ve seen him kiss her better then that.” Said Jena to Thomas.

“Grab the squirt gun!” said Thomas. With seconds the gun was in his hand.
“Here comes Mr. Rich blood and he’s in perfect range.”

Thomas aimed the gun and once in position he pulled the trigger. A spring of water hit Jason in the back of the head. He turned around fast put he didn’t see them in the window. Glancing around he turned back into the conversation.

“Hand me the sling shot.” Said Jena in between giggles

Jason saw them out of the corner of his eye. And when he saw the rock coming to hint him he ducked and it hint James in the back of the head. Jason immediately started laughing and holding his stomach.
“What was that? That hurt.” Said James rubbing the back of his head.

“Good going Jena you hit dad.”
“Jason saw us! He knew it was coming at him!”

“What are you guys doing up here?” Asked Maria coming into the room.
“We were having a little fun with rich blood. And spying on you.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Said Maria.
“What did he want this time, for you too change your mind?” Asked Thomas.
“As always.” She replied.
“Oh that reminds me I’m supposed to give this note to you.” Said Thomas handing the small piece of paper to Maria.
The writing looked like chickens scratch it was very loopy and unclear. It read “meat me in the garden at one thirty.” She glanced at her watched, which read fifteen minutes until one thirty.
“Who gave this to you?” She asked.
Thomas looked at her, smiling.
“A little bird came a sat upon my shoulder and told me not to tell. So sorry.”

She glared her eyes and left the forbidden zone. As she walked into her room, she started thinking of whom it could be. “I think Thomas is just trying to pull a trick on you.” Said her thoughts. “Yeah that’s it just a trick. But wait a minute! What if it could be from Chris and he still won’t take no for an answer. Oh, and what if it’s from my dear sweet Ryan. How I miss him so.” She thought glancing at her watch.

The garden had a sweet fragrance. It smelled of roses and daisies and fresh watered flowers. She heard foot steps in the distance. It sounded more like four or five sets of feet rather than a set. She looked up and what did she see! Why it was Jason, on a stallion, and a white horse riding along beside it.

“Good afternoon, Jason.”
“And what good is it if you haven’t ridden your horse yet.”
“My horse?” she question.
“Are you saying that not only do you need to grow up but you need a hearing aid as well?”
Maria scowled at him but she kept her anger under step.
“Well don’t just stand there chose a name.” He said.
“A name? His name is going to be Homer.”

“Ha! That is that most stupidest name I have ever heard for a horse.” He said laughing.
“I’ve heard a stupider one. Jason! Oh sorry that’s already been taken, for a horse.” She said looking into his brown eyes that seemed to curve into anger, but he didn’t reply.
“Where are we riding too?” she said mounting.
“Over the river and through the woods,” he said jokingly. “Don’t asking so many questions. Just come on.”

They rode of into the forest. It was a peaceful ride, nothing to bother them. They didn’t talk much but the scenery was entertainment enough. As the ride continued Jason turned back and said.
“You know you might want to change your horses name because Homer sounds like a name for something fast but your horse is the slowest I’ve ever seen!” He said rudely.
“Ha! This horse is plenty fast.” She exclaimed.
“And the slowest horse that I’ve ever seen, Jason, is you.” Her nose went up trough the air and her head stayed raised high.
Maria heard Jason’s voice roar with laughter. Then he said.
“I think your very brave Maria. But I want you to prove your self.” His horse went up to its hind legs and bolted out in front. Maria’s horse raced as fast as it could, but she was still behind. Out of the corner of her eye there was a green hill. And it just so happens to be her ticket. Steering her horse up the hill and over she raced down to the bottom, just fast enough to get ahead of Jason’s stallion. Jason tried to get ahead again but she was to far ahead. As the stallion raced along it stepped into a hole and got thrown off balance. Jason’s body hint the ground hard and the wind from his lungs was taken. Maria ran to his side. His body was moving. Why it was moving roughly. He was laughing! His laughter filled the pastier.

He crawled to his knees. She was staring at him oddly. He cleared his throat and looked serious again.
“Stupid horse needs to watch were its going.” He said.
“Or the stupid rider,” she answered.
He didn’t become angry had her comet. Instead he started laughing again. This time she joined him.

As the evening pressed on there wasn’t much riding involved. They walked along side their horses sharing secrets and laughing, at silly little comets. Soon the sky became dark and the stars lit up the sky like diamonds. Maria began to wonder as she sat on the grass by the horses. “Is this the same Jason I knew before? Is this the Jason that thought he was better then everybody else? The same Jason that would never smile and never laugh? And the man that would insult everyone and everything?”
She glanced at Jason who was sitting on the bridge over the river. All see could see is his hard solid back that stood up straight like a wall. “This can’t be,” she thought. “Jason McKinley is not a man that I should be enjoining my time spent with. But why am I?” She walked over to the bridge where he was seated.
“May I join you?” she questioned.
“You don’t see anyone else sitting.”
She sat down on the cedar bridge. The water looked cool and crisp, like Jason’s hair when the wind blows through it. Maria’s thoughts kicked in again. “Doesn’t Jason have the darkest hair and eyes you’ve ever seen? Wait a minute what am I thinking? Jason is a man that you can’t stand, remember. So why all of a sudden complement his hair? Even though it is very dark. There you go again. Sorry I can’t help but like it.” Her thoughts seemed to be in a battle between it self.
“Maria.” She jumped at the sound of his voice.
“What time is it, please”?
“Uh, almost eleven. Do you want to head back?”
“Only if you want to.”
“Maybe a little longer.” He shook his head in agreement.

“Good heavens man, is this the same Maria that bruised your toe?” said his thoughts. “Is this the same Maria that you saw out the window? The same Maria that I knew before?
The poor little rich girl that thought she was better then everyone else? Maria Keplan is not a woman that I should be spending time with and enjoying it. But why am I enjoying it?”
As soon as he finished his sentence a battle in his mind began.
“Doesn’t Maria have the prettiest eyes that you’ve ever seen? What on earth are you thinking about, your Jason McKinley you don’t give complements. Okay, okay sorry, but it’s not my fault that I happen to like them. They remind me of the sea, with not a fret to worry about. Oh stop your braken my heart.” Said his mind critically.
“Jason?” He jumped at the sound of her voice.
“Do you know at the basketball game, when Thomas made the last shot. I saw you clapping and cheering.”
“Ha! You did not!”
“I did too, I saw you!”
“It might have been the man next to you.”
“You were the man next to me!”
“You don’t fool me at all Mr. McKinley. I can see right through you. And your not as big a tough as you try to be. And I think that you know it too.”
“You think you’re pretty smart don’t you?”
“I don’t think, I know.”
“Oh, really. I doubt it.”
“Jason, you want to know what else I know?”
“What else do you think you know?”
“I know that you were the one to carry Thomas off of the gym floor, after he got kicked in the leg. Not his coach.”
“And what does that have to do with anything?”
“You said that it was the coach, so that means you actually cared about Thomas, but you were to embarrassed to admit it.”
Jason eyes widen. His was speechless. He starched his head.
“Well, I guess there is no fooling you.”

Jason’s hand seemed to find Maria’s, and his fingers lock around it. They sat in quietness and stillness. The hour approached midnight. Jason’s head glanced down, at the sleeping angel on his chest. Her dark hair was like a breath of fresh air when he breathed it in. Taking his fingers from her hand he ran his fingers through her hair.
“This time it’s my turn to run my fingers through your beautiful hair.” He whispered.
“I regret that this night won’t last forever. And I regret that what’s going to happen next will be hard for the both of us. And I regret that what I have to do will hurt you.”

Chapter eight
A week later the family was about to celebrate Maria’s eighteen birthday. Everything was in place before the guests were to arrive. The cake was in the ballroom and the dancing floor was polished. It was of course Jason’s idea to have a big party, only to make him feel at home.
“Maria, Maria, where are you.” Shouted Jena up and down the hallway.
“Be quite! I’m right here.”
“Father wants you in his office, now.”
“Oh great.” She said in a sarcastic tone.

“You wanted me father.”
“Yes, go ahead sit down. The guest should be arriving shortly so I won’t be long. I received a letter from Ryan Hopkins, and it appears that he will be arriving at your party this afternoon.”
Maria jumped out of her chair to her feet.
“He will!”
“Yes!” said her father excitedly.
“Anyway, I want you to pretend that you have no idea of his arrival.”
“Alright, yes, yes I will!” The young lady ran up the stairs excitedly.

“Wonderful party isn’t it, Maria.” Said Mrs. Starnes.
“Who planed it?”
“My father and Jason McKinley planned it.” She answered.
“Well, where is this Jason McKinley? I don’t believe that I have met him.”

“Considerate it a blessing.” Answered Jena.
“Jena!” Said Maria.
“Well, I must meet him, I have heard a lot about him.”

Right when she finished her sentence. Jason’s two right hand butlers brought down the red carpet and spread it out down the stair chase leading to the ballroom. Everyone stared at the carpet until Jason McKinley made his royalty entrance as usual.
“And may I introduce you too, Jason McKinley.” Said Maria.
Mrs. Starnes just stood there with her mouth opened wide at his appearance and his entrance. Jason had that serious look on his face again. The look that said stay away, back off, and don’t come close.
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. McKinley.” She squeezed out of her throat.
Jason just simply walked aside. Not even passing a single breath of caring.
“How rude!” exclaimed Mrs. Starnes.
“I told you it’s better not to meet him.” Replied Jena.

As the party proceeded on the guests danced and visited with each other. Maria stood by the stair chase just waiting for Ryan Hopkins’ blond head to appear but none fell into his figure. She was starting to loose hope when there he was! That’s him! He was the blond haired, blue eyed, tall, handsome young man at the front of the room. “What’s he doing on the stage?” She thought.

“Excuse me ladies and gentlemen.” Said Mr. Keplan into the microphone.
“I’ve planned a bit of a surprise for my daughter.
This is Ryan Hopkins, he has come back from England for my daughters eighteenth Birthday!”

The crowd of friends and family cheered and clapped at his arrival. Ryan came to the microphone.
“Maria, will you come up here?” He asked.
The crowd clapped as she made her way to him.
“Maria my darling, happy birthday.” He said holding her hand in his.

“Ryan my dear, don’t ever leave…” he interrupted her.
“Hello Mrs. Starnes how good of you to come.”
Maria grew impatient.
“Ryan I’m trying to tell you something.”
“Hang on dear.” He said. Then going right back into his boring conversation with Mrs. Starnes.
“Ryan!” She said pulling on his black over coat.
But still he kept chatting. What seemed like a year before he finished talking.
“Alright my dear, what is it.”
“I wanted to tell you that I never want you…”. He interrupted her again.
“Maria who is that man standing at the back of the room. He’s wearing a cream colored over coat with a pair of black dress pants. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him before.”
Maria became angry, but she answered calmly.
“That’s Jason McKinley.”
“Does he always scowl like that?” Asked Ryan.
“Only around certain people.”
Maria changed the subject.
“Now Ryan as I’ve been trying to tell you, I never want you too….”.
“Ryan Hopkins.” His attention was turned from her.
“There’s a phone call for you.”

“Oh alright, hang on dear I’ll be right back.”
“But, but.” He was already gone.
Maria sighed then plopped down in a chair, head in hand.

“Wonderful party isn’t it Jason.” Said Michael.
“Of course its wonderful, I planned it.” He replied slyly.

“Alright gentlemen this here is the last dance, so go to the lady the you love most to dance the night away.” Said the announcer.
The lights dimmed and mood was set. Maria still sat waiting for Ryan but he didn’t come.

“You know Jason Maria looks kind of sad and lonely over there. Maybe you should ask her to dance the last dance.” Urged his uncle.
“Go on man, go to her.” He said.

His uncle shoved him off the wall in order to get his feet moving. Jason straightened his bow tie and walked to her.
“Maria.” He said quietly. Her attention was brought to him.
“It would be an awful thing if the birthday girl didn’t get to dance, on the last dance.” Jason McKinley raised his hand as an invitation. Maria looked at his hand then with no hesitation she placed her phoneme hand in his. He lifted her from the chair and they walked hand in hand to the floor.

“Jena where is Maria.” Questioned Ryan.
“On the dance floor.” She said.
“Whom is she dancing with?”
“Jason McKinley.”

Ryan’s eyes rose in amazement and the sight of them. No one else was on the floor but them. They all stood back and watched the birthday girl dance the night away, locked in the arms Jason Roger McKinley.
“Whom is that handsome man that Maria is dancing with?”
“That’s Jason McKinley.” Answered Thomas.

“James, isn’t Maria supposed to be dancing with Ryan?”
“She is, isn’t she? Whom is she dancing with?”
“Jason McKinley.” Answered the butler.

Maria’s thoughts seemed to scream something out. But what was it? What was it? She couldn’t make it out. What? The only thing she could make out was a word, the word promise. What about promise? “What are you trying to tell me?” she thought. “What promise?” Jason’s movement interrupted her thoughts. His magical brown eyes caught her misty green eyes. And the song ended heart in heart and hand in hand.
There dance movements shot spears though the audience’s heads. It was like a slap in the face, to everyone, everyone including Ryan Hopkins.

It seemed an age went by before the night would end as the clocks just about came to the eleven hour of the evening. The guests left the dance floor was empty and the house was quite. Maria sat in her room, pondering. “What promise, I can’t remember any promise?” As she sat there a shadow came to her door, and slipped an envelope underneath the crack. Maria walked to the door and picked up the note. And inside was that loopy unclear writing again. It read “meet me on the balcony at eleven thirty, and don’t be late” “What does Jason want now?” “How come he just can’t tell me?”

“Jena, will you just chill out,” said Thomas.
“I know something is going to happen tonight.”
“Jena will you just come over here and play Nintendo. Its your turn.” He said.
“Thomas get the binoculars there on the balcony!”

Maria walked out onto the balcony. It was cool and dark. Jason stood, back turned at the end of the balcony. At her sound he turned around.
“Eleven thirty and don’t be late.” She answered.
“So it is. Please sit down.” He replied pulling out a chair.
“I just wanted you to know that I hope I didn’t embarrass you earlier this evening?”
“No, not at all.”
“Good, and my uncle insisted on me giving this to you out here rather then at dinner.” Jason handed her a black box. It wasn’t large but it wasn’t small. Maria opened it, and inside their laid a pearl diamond necklace. Seventy pearls all lined up on a string, with a white or a blue diamond inside of it.
“Good heavens!” Jason laughed at her reaction.
“I can’t take this. This is way too much.”
“No! Maria you only turn eighteen once. Let me put it on you.”
Jason took the necklace from the velvet box. He gently moved aside her hair. His tan hands moved in front of her as he fastened the necklace to her neck. Maria’s hair moved back into place.
“It looks even more beautiful on you.” He whispered from behind her.
Maria couldn’t do anything but sit there and breathe in one breath after the other.

Jason hands rested on her shoulders. Every time he breathed out she could feel it on her neck. He pulled her back so she leaned back on his chest.
“It’s almost midnight Maria, so if want to make the best of your eighteenth birthday. You had better do it now.” He whispered.
The grandfather clock struck once. Maria turned her head to look at him. For the fourth time the clock struck. Jason’s hands found her waist as he rested them there. Going on the seventh time.

“Thomas! Through me the camera! They’re going to make out!” She screamed.

It was the tenth struck but no one moved. Maria’s small hand reached to his neck and she pulled their lips together right before the twelfth stroke. Her lips were soft and gentle through the romantic kiss. Every thing in her screamed “promise!” as he kissed her over and over again. Jason’s arms seemed to wrap around her.

“Ah Kodak moment.” Jena said snapping a couple of pictures.
“Whoa, it looks like he kisses better then Chris did. Oh for heaven sakes close your eyes Jason it’s not polite to stare…. good boy.” Thomas through his head back and laughed at his sisters’ comments.
“Talk about opening your mouth close your eyes and give your tongue some exercise.” But that just made Thomas laugh harder. And Jena joined him.

Their lips parted. And they stared into each other’s eyes. Jason’s hand rested on her cheek. Their breath was shown in the night air. A little embarrassment was between them considering what just happened. Maria ran past his open arms and into the house. For what just happened was going to be on her mind for a long time.

Chapter nine
The promise

The next morning Maria wasn’t sure if she could go down stairs a face Jason.
“Maria, there waiting for you at breakfast.” Said Jena to her door.

Maria cleared her throat as she came to the bottom step.
“Good morning.” She replied.
Jason just sat there looking at the paper not even noticing she was there.
“Good morning, Mr. McKinley.” She said.
Jason looked at her scowling.
“Pass the cream,” he said.
Maria handed it to him. And he dove back into his paper.
“This is going to be easy,” she thought.
“Just go with the flow. Don’t mention anything just stay calm and go with the flow.” He thought.

The morning pasted quickly, and early afternoon it became. Jason had barely breathed a word to her. Witch made it easier for the both of them.
“Maria, Ryan is at the door.” Said James.
Maria ran down the stairs to the living room. Where he was standing.
“Ryan oh Ryan.” She replied throwing her arms around his neck.
“Ryan why aren’t you holding me?” she said.

His blue eyes seemed to become angry. He pushed her arms away then said.
“You broke your promise!”
Promise, the word seemed to cut through her like a knife.
“Promise what promise?”
“Before I left for England you promised me you would wait for me. And that you wouldn’t fall in love with anyone else.”
“Ryan, I haven’t fallen the love with anyone else.”
“I’m not a fool Maria, I know and so does every one else in that ball room last night knows that you’re in love with Jason McKinley.”
“I am not! That nasty creature!”
“Ha! The way you danced with him last night sure proved that incorrect. I didn’t come here to fight, Maria I just came here to tell you what I thought and leave for England.” He said walking to the door.
“Oh, Ryan Hopkins you shut that door I’ll… I’ll scream!”
“Then everyone else in the house had better plunge their ears.” And the door shut.

Anger raged in her. She was mad at Ryan, mad that she couldn’t have him. Mad a Jason for persuading her into dancing with him. And… And… wondered if he was right?

Maria sat on the balcony head in hand. The grandfather clock struck twelve noon. “This brings back memories.” She thought. A throat cleared behind her. And a quite voice replied.
“Good afternoon.”
Maria looked over her shoulder then said slyly.
“Pass the cream.”

“Very funny!” He replied laughing.
“May I join you?” Jason asked.
“You can sit down, but I was just going to go inside.”
“Yeah and my mother was the queen of France.” He said cracking a twisted smile.
“I’m in no mood for criticizing.” Maria answered over her shoulder.
Jason took the chair across from her. Maria sat there looking straight down. She dare not look into his eyes for she might become persuaded like she normally did when she looked into their magical brown color. Jason lifted her eyes to his. Then answered.
“Don’t feel embarrassed.”
She ended up looking right into his eyes and melted.
“I think it’s a little late for that.” She whispered.
Still holding her chin, he glided her lips to his. She tried not too kiss him, but he seemed to command her when she felt force. When he release her she turned beat red.
“That was even more embarrassing the second time around.” She answered looking down again.
“I know that you didn’t just come up here to kiss me. What do you want?” She asked.
“Well, I just wanted to know what your doing.”
“For the rest of your life.” He said.
Maria eyes widened at the sight of the diamond ring he slipped on her finger.
“Will you marry me?”
She tried to answer but she choked on every word that came out.
“W-w-will I d-d-o what? Marry you?”
“Uh well Jason, I uh, I.”
“Good heavens Maria you sound like a fool choking like that. Just tell him the truth.” She thought.
“I have to be honest with you Jason, but uh, I barely know you. And to marry you would be totally out of the question. I don’t love you. So no I’m not going to marry you.” Replied Maria as she took off the ring. She had tried to let him off easy and not hurt him.
Maria could see the anger quivering in Jason’s face as he took the ring from her fingers. As he stood up he placed the ring in his pocket. Jason blew up in anger! He picked up the chair he was sitting in and he threw it through the window. Maria rocked back in her chair, as his two hands rested on the arms.
“What do you mean you don’t love me!” He shouted in her face.
“Of course you love me, you just don’t believe it because you don’t want too. You want that Blondie Ryan, which you can’t have because he knows the truth! Take the ring Maria!” He shoved it in her face.
“How dare you get in my face and tell me what is and isn’t the truth!” Maria slapped him on the right cheek. Jason stepped back leaving her to stand.
“You want me to have this ring? Alright here’s what I think of your proposal!” Maria threw the ring as hard as she could off the edge of the balcony.
Jason became even angrier. His bones shook as he tried to control himself. He wrapped his arms tightly around her ribs. He couldn’t control it! Maria pushed back on his chest, but he was too strong. His arms grew tighter around her at her force push back.
“Let me go, Jason!” She said between her teeth.
She was right up against him. Arms tided in front. She could feel his heart beat heavily, as his anger seemed to calm down. Her lungs seemed to scream for air through his tough embrace.
“I don’t love you, Jason, and I’ll never love you. That is one promise that I’m going to take to my gave.”
Jason released her ribs. Maria breathed in deep.
“Yeah just like that promise you kept to Ryan. That well keep until the grave. I don’t give up easy, I assure you. I’ll get what I want, and if I have to go to extreme measures to get it I will!”
He stormed into the house, almost knocking her over as he walked.
“Uncle, uncle were are you?”
“What, what is it Jason?”
“The deal is off, we get the house!” He shouted pulling him into James’ office.
“What’s the matter? What the big idea?” Replied James standing from his chair.
“The deal is off, James.” Said Jason in an angry tone.
“What are you talking about, Jason?” Asked Michael.

Maria stood quietly outside the door.
“The deal, the deal that is what I’m talking about! That little nagger, Maria!” Shouted Jason.
“Maria? What has Maria done?” Asked her father.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself!” Jason walked to the door and pulled Maria in by her arm. His big hands grasped her arm with the boarder of pain.
“Maria what’s going on?” Asked James after Jason had released her.
“What did you do?”
She swallowed hard for her answer could change her life.
“He asked me to marry him, and I turned him down.”
James’ eyes widened, he plopped down in his desk chair. And his hand went to his forehead.
“Could I talk to my daughter alone, please.”

“Dad, what’s going on?”
James sighed. He rubbed his eyes.
“What deals did you make with them, dad?”
“We make loose the house,” James said quietly.
“I made a couple of deals that none of you guys know about. This house used to belong to Jason’s father. Now that Jason’s father is dead he is the next person in line that would receive it. I bought this house entirely on credit. And as long as I were to keep paying it off at the appointed time, Jason would keep paying the bills.”
“Why would Jason pay the bills?”
“Do you remember how hard it was for us, when we first moved to this town? And when your mother left? Well so did Jason’s father. And he said that once my business was to take off I was to keep paying off the house every month too Jason. And Jason would take care of the bills.”
“What’s that have to do with loosing the house?” she asked.
“Well let me finish. A month ago my business went bankrupted. And wasn’t able to pay the next payment at the appointed time. Knowing that he hadn’t received his payment Jason called me. And gave me an ear full. I tried to explain but he just said that if I didn’t come up with the money with in a week he would have me thrown in jail. I said that I would give him the property up north as the payment, but the deal I made with his father said that the payment had to be in cash.”
“Why couldn’t you’ve sold the property?”
“With every day that went by trying to find some one to by it, it would’ve taken longer then a week. Finally I was able to work something out. And I made the most illogical deal ever, but I wasn’t in a position that I could say no.”
“What was the deal?”
“Jason as we all know is a very hard man to please.” Replied James.
Maria shook her head.
“And every time Michael went to raise his spirits he was just get madder. He hadn’t laughed for three years before he came here. Michael and I worked this out, that if Jason were to get upset over anything he would get the house. Now that wasn’t my idea. And I didn’t know Jason was so easy to anger, all I know is that he was rich and rude. I told Michael that he was crazy, and that there was no way I would agree to his wishes. Michael said that, that was the deal he was only willing to make, and there would be no other deal. I had no choice, I agreed.”
“Why couldn’t you just have paid money from your bank for the payment?”
“I invested it all into my business hoping to save it from going bankrupt.”

“So now the deal is if Jason were to get mad they would get the house, because the house would go to him anyhow, since that I wasn’t able to pay at the appointed time. But if Jason stayed happy through the whole nine weeks that I agreed to for them to stay they would take the property up north as the payment even though it wasn’t in cash.”
“How many payments did you have left?”
James rose of his chair and walked to the window hands crossed in the back.
“That was supposed to be the last one, then the house would’ve been ours. Weather or not we keep the house is up to you Maria, but I don’t expect you too marry him.”
“It’s not like I really have a choice, do I?” She answered with her head down. Her father came and put his hands on her shoulder and hugged her. Tears formed in her eyes.
“You’re not going to marry him!” He answered.
“Its not like I want too, but I have no choice.”
“I’ll arrange something with Michael. I’m sure he thinks this is crazy.”
“Don’t bother! You’ll just make it worse.”
Maria rose from her seat and walked out of the office. Jason stood leaning up against the wall outside the office. A sly smile appeared on his face. Jason’s eyes traced her like a hawk. Still smiling he replied.
“I never loose Maria, keep that in mind next time you want to play a game with me.”
“One of these days I’m going to beat him at his own game.” She thought.
“You win, Jason you win. But I warn you don’t think I’m ever going to love you! That is some thing you will never hear leave my lips!”

Chapter ten
Down the aisle

A week went by, it was the most depressing week of Maria’s life. They were to be married that afternoon, in the biggest chapel in town. Everyone was getting ready for the event. The men were putting on there suits and ties and the women were putting there dresses on and making sure the bride looked her best.

Maria sat in her white dress. All alone waiting for the wedding to start.
“Are you alright, Maria?” asked Jena opening the door.
She wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She whispered.
“I can’t believe your going to marry him.”
“It’s not like I want too, but I haven’t got a choice. For years I dreamed of this day. I could always picture myself walking down the aisle, staring in the face of the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Staring into the face of my prince. But I never would have thought my prince would turn out to be a snake. A snake that smiles one second then strikes the next. I should be in love, on this day, but I feel no love for Jason. How can I marry a man that has no love?”
Maria spoke soft, on the verge of tears.
Jena wiped a tear of her eye then said.
“Come on the wedding is starting.”

And here comes the bride. Maria felt the lump in her throat get better. She took a step forward as James’ arm led her down the aisle. “What am I doing? I’m going to ruin my life in this, but I would rather do it for my family.” She watched Jason’s face as she continued walking. She couldn’t read his expression. It looked like a cross from angry, happy, and speechless. “Here comes my bride.” He thought. “I know exactly what she thinking too. Oh, as much as I hate to hurt her like this, she has no idea what I have in store next. I knew she wasn’t going to love me. But I loved her from the beginning. And If I want her to love me I’m going to have to hurt her in order to pull this off.”

“And if any man here has any reason why these too shouldn’t be together let him speak now or for ever hold his peace.” The minister said.
“I got a lot of reasons, does that count?” Maria thought.
Surprisingly no one said anything.
“Jason McKinley, do you take Maria Keplan as your lawful wedding wife to have and hold in sickness and in health if so answer I do.”
“I do.”
“Maria Keplan do you take Jason McKinley as your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health if so answer I do.”
Maria’s lump got bigger. She swallowed hard as she looked into the eyes that stared her down.
“I-I-I do.”
Jason seemed to let out his breath.
“The rings please.”
“Jason take this ring, and repeat after me. With this ring I make a coventet in my love for you.”
“Maria take this ring, and repeat after me.”
“Okay Maria you can do this, this is the easy part just. Repeat after him and it will be taken care of.” She thought. When she repeated the words they were just words, it did mean anything to her. She wasn’t in love with him so how could the words mean something.
“Place the ring on his finger, Maria.”
“You may kiss the bride.”
The vale went up, and the next thing she felt was his lips on hers. It was a short sweet kiss nothing like the balcony.
“Good heavens I’m glad that was short. And nothing like the balcony.” Maria thought to her self.
“And ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. and Mrs. Jason McKinley.”
“Well its finished my life is over. I know that I’m going to regret this day I just know it.”

Chapter eleven
The tour

And the ten-hour flight landed in London, England. The first class seats were dismissed first. Jason let the way off the plane, Maria close behind him. What seemed like a year but was a couple of minutes the bags were collected and Maria was able to sit comfortably in the back seat of Jason’s limo.

“I didn’t even want to move to England. Oh but master Jason insisted, that I go all the way out to this place.” She thought.
“Well Maria my darling, were off to home.” Replied Jason getting into the limo.

Maria just sat there, feet up, and dead tried.
“All I want to do is sleep.”

Maria was awaken by the tapping of Jason’s hand on her shoulder.
“Darling, darling wake up were here.”

Maria still in the half daze gained her composer.
“Well, my darling, welcome to the McKinley mansion.” Jason opened the door to the limo. Her breath was taken away at the site of the house. It was a huge, doubled balconied, cream-colored house. Along the sidewalk there were roses, red and white. A double door let into the house.
“Do you see those two balconies?”
“One goes to our room, and the other is in the nursery.” Jason mouth twisted into a sly smile, as he watched her face turn from dead tried into starring at her death.
Jason laughed at her faces expression.

“Maria, don’t act like your starring into your death. The nursery is just for people that have children, if they come for a visit.”
Maria rolled her eyes.
“Nice cover up.”
Jason laughed again, this time harder then the time before.
“Which one is our balcony?” she asked taking a suitcase from the back.
“Maria, what are you doing? Walker! Get out here now.”
A man wearing a butler suit came to the limo.
“Take the bags up to the room.”
“Yes Mr. McKinley.”
“Maria why ask questions about the house, when we can just have a tour.” With out another word Jason picked Maria up and carried her to the house.
“Jason I know how to walk.”
He didn’t answer.
Setting her down on the tile. She looked around the mansion. The first thing she saw was the staircase. It was made from birch and had carpet lining. To her right was the opening that let to the dining room. In the middle of the big room there was the stretch table. A table that was big enough that it would seat an army. It was made from Spanish oak; and plated with glass.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!” She exclaimed.
“Of course, you’ve haven’t been here before. Maria this is only the bottom layer of the house you’ve got another three layers to go.”
“Jason I’m way to tried for a tour right now. How about you just show me where the bedroom is at.”
“Third floor, good luck finding it.”
Maria glared her eyes.
“If you insist.”
“I do.”
And the tour began. Jason walked her up the stairs to where the library, lounge, study, and ballroom were. He explained each and every room through out the whole hour of one floor.
“And we come to the upstairs ballroom, the last room on this floor. The ballroom down stairs is bigger, I only use this one for a small get together.”
On to the third floor, this floor consisted of the bedrooms, the indoor pool, the balconies, and the nursery.
“And through these double doors leads to the indoor pool.”
The smell of chlorine filled the air as he opened the double oak doors. The pool was huge! It stretched from one side of the room to the other. And at the end of the room sat a hot tub.
“And down the hall and to the left is our room.” He said.
She followed him to oak door.
“Maria I welcome you to feast your eyes on the master bedroom.”
His hand left the doorknob as the door swung open. The first thing she saw was the master bed. It was king sized, four boasted, oak framed. The next thing she saw was the small stair chase inside leading to a double door.
“Jason where does that lead?”
“That’s the walk in closet.”
“Good heavens, you need six stairs to lead to it!”
Jason laughed softly.
“Maria my darling, if you were to walk to the right where the windows and the desk are you would be walking under the closet.”

“Let me show you.”
He took her hand and led her to the right of the bed, to where the six stairs led too. With one thrust on the knobs the closet doors opened. There were racks and racks filled with suits, ties, pants, sports coats, and shoes.
“Gee, I think you have enough clothes. You’re almost as bad as me.”
“And of course you see the newest addition to the closet?” He asked.
In the middle of the closet stood a mirror, with a place for a ladies beauty.
“And why do you think I have racks full of dresses?” He questioned.
Maria’s eyes grew bigger, as she looked though the racks. There were ball dresses; party dresses, dancing dresses, and casual wear.
Maria shook her head and turned to look at the smiling face.
“You went though all this trouble for me?”
“I’d do anything for my darling.”
“Could you let me go to bed?” Her face perked up at the thought.
“Sure, but Walker is on his way up with are evening tea.”
“Evening? Ha, you said anything about evening.” Maria said leaving the inside of the closet.
Jason joined her with in moments. When his foot touched the floor he saw his beautiful wife sound asleep on the right side of the bed. A smile appeared in his face, as he saw her breath in. Walking over to her he took the jacket from her body and helped her under the sheets and quilts. Bending from the waist he kissed her forehead.
“Good night my sleeping darling”

Chapter twelve
Composing arts

Maria awoke from a sleepless three hours. Jason wasn’t next to her. She strived to look at her watch through the darkness. It read three forty seven a.m.
“Oh no, please not jet leg I want to sleep.” She thought.
Footsteps came from the back of the room.
“Your awake.” Replied Jason.
“Sadly, but yes. Why weren’t you sleeping?”
“I was, I was on the back sofa by the desk.” He answered back.
“I didn’t want to wake you.” He said.
“Why don’t we both go get a snack.”? He suggested.
“Because that plane food isn’t cutting my hunger.” He replied.

After eating a small snack they made there way back up the steps.
“How about the rest of that tour? You only got to the third floor before you fell asleep.”
“Why not.”
To the last floor they proceeded. On this floor there was only two rooms; apart from all the other ones.
Entering the first room. It was full of musical instruments, books on music, painted pictures of musicians, and pieces and pieces of music, written by thousands of different artists.
“Jason! I didn’t know that you liked music so well.”
“Guilty”. He answered

“And you have pictures of my favorite artists. This one is Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven.”
“You know your music.” He said.
“Not a lot to be impressed with.” She answered back.
“Do you play all of these instruments?”
Jason shook his head.
“Which are you the best at?”
“The piano. I took lessons for eighteen years.”
“Will you play for me? Right now.”
“Well---well, I guess so. You see that stack on my desk over there? Choose a piece from there.”

Maria handed him her selection. Jason’s eyes grew big at her choice.
“Yeah, I like the title. ‘ My undying love for you’ it sounds sweet.”
He sat at the piano, with her hands resting on his shoulder. The notes began to sing off the page as he played them one by one. It sounded like an angel choir as the notes blended evenly. But when it came to the end it sounded incomplete.
“Jason is that the end?”
“No. I haven’t finished it yet.”
“You wrote that? Jason it’s wonderful.”
“Maria I wasn’t going to finish it. I was going to burn it.”

“How come? Why wouldn’t you want to finish something so beautiful?”
“Because I—I it doesn’t matter.”
“But Jason why, it’s so beautiful.”
“Maria because, when I wrote that I had one reason in my mind to write it, and now that reason doesn’t matter anymore, its been replaced with something more.”

Chapter thirteen
A note

Two years had gone by. And Maria’s life with Jason couldn’t get any better. She found herself going to parties, balls, dinners, and out of the country. Every moment she seemed to love being with him. Nothing was in their way; life seemed perfect with she was with him. It was almost to good to be true. But being the kind of women Maria was she didn’t let it show, the way she loved it when he took her hand, the way he hugged her at night, and the way he laughs at her. But she hid it.
“McKinley mansion.” Answered Walker into the phone.
“Yes this is Doctor Davidson I’m looking for a Mrs. Maria McKinley is she home?”
“One moment please.”

“Mrs. McKinley there is a telephone call for you in the study.”
“Maria McKinley.”
“Yes Mrs. McKinley I have your test results.”
Maria almost dropped the phone at his words.
“Are you sure?”
“Mrs. McKinley I am positive.”
“Thank you doctor.”
She placed the phone on its spot. And began trembling. “What am I going to do?” She thought. A light bulb appeared above her and she quickly wrote on a piece a paper a note. “I hope this works.” She thought
Walking up the stairs to the third floor she carefully opened the door the bedroom. Jason had fallen asleep while waiting for her. She gently placed the note in his hand. And walked down the stairs. Waiting a few minutes she walked back up to the third floor she opened the door. Being very noise she began to slam the closet doors, jump of the stairs and shake the bed.
“Maria what in the world are you doing?” Jason asked in a tired voice.
Maria gained her composer and simply replied.
“Getting ready for bed.”
“Getting ready for bed doesn’t require jumpy of the stairs. What are you up to?”
“Nothing. Just go back to sleep.”
Maria glanced down at the floor, and there the note was. It had fallen from his hand.
“Rats! He switched position.” She thought.
Maria did go to bed that entire night. She just lay there wide-awake. She tired everything to try to fall asleep. She tired walking up and down the stairs to wear her out, but it didn’t work. She tired taking a walk on the balcony but it was no use. She was too nervous. She ended up falling asleep on the balcony bench.
“Maria, darling what are you doing out her your going to die from coldness.” Said Jason coming out to the balcony.
Maria began to shiver from coldness. Jason wrapped a quilt around her body and carried her in to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and wrapped the sheets up around her.
“What were you doing out there? Your probably going to catch a cold from that. Darling are you alright?”
Maria shook her head at fell asleep right away. Jason joined her with in moments.

Morning seemed to come quickly. Maria had only gotten a few hours of sleep when Jason’s hand awaked her.
“Maria darling, wake up. Its all ready nine o’clock.”
Maria just turned over and fell asleep.
“Maria you never sleep in this late do you not feel well?”
“These days I never feel good in the morning.” Maria said face in the pillow.
“Why don’t you feel well, my darling.” Jason sat down on the bed.
“It pains me to see you in pain.” Jason smiled.
“Don’t sweet talk me. You’re just trying to get me out of bed.”
“Is it working?”
“Jason I am no where near getting out of this bed.” Maria collapsed on the pillow.
Jason placed his hand on her forehead.
“You don’t feel hot. Do you want me to bring your breakfast up here?”
“No I don’t feel like eating, anything.”
“Maria what about the baby!” She thought.
“Just bring me up something light, please.”

“Here you go my darling, scrambled eggs.”
“Thank you Jason.”
“What’s this on the floor?” Jason bent down to pick up a small piece paper on the ground. Without looking at it he put it in his pocket.
“Darn it!” Maria thought.
“Call me if you need me.”
“Rats! He keeps avoiding it.”

Minutes went by before Maria appeared in the dinning room, fresh and ready for the day.
“Ah, your feeling better I hope.” Jason stood at her appearance.
“Yes a little.”
“Possibly enough to join me in going to town today?”
“Possibly, yes I think so.”
“Good, Walker bring the limo up.”

“Have a good day sure.” Said Walker opening the door for them.

“Jason where are we going?”
He didn’t answer her.
“Jason, I know you can hear me, where are we going!”
Still no answer came from his lips. Maria became angry at his ignorance.
“Jason McKinley you answer me right now where are we going!”
He turned his head to look at her. His eyes seemed dark as ever.
“I don’t know I’m not driving.”
“Don’t play stupid with me. You know where we are going!”
“Stop here.” Jason said to the driver.
“Stay here a moment.” Jason stepped out of the car before Maria could say a word.
The limo started up quickly and began to take off fast down some roads she has never been down. Faster and faster, Maria screamed to the driver to slow down but when she rolled down the window no one was there. The limo went racing over the side of a cliff and caught fire when it hit the ground.

Maria awoke screaming in her bed. Jason shook her awake by the shoulder.
“Maria, Maria, darling wake up.”
Maria opened her green eyes. When she saw Jason she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jason held her close against him. As a reflects she slapped his across the right cheek.

“What was that for?”
“That was for getting out of the limo, you stupid fat head.”
“What, what are you talking about? What limo did I get out of?”
She slid out of bed and placed her bathrobe on.
“In the dream.”
“Well, that’s no reason to slap me.”
“Ha! It’s to bad I didn’t slap you in my dream.”
“You know Maria you really been acting strange lately. What’s the matter? I think you were on the balcony to long.”
“Jason, I wasn’t on the balcony.”
“No! You were on the balcony, I carried you in here two hours ago.”
She froze dead in her footsteps.
“What? I fell asleep on the balcony?”

“That means it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a dream.” She whispered.
“What wasn’t a dream? Maria what are talking about?”
Maria dove to Jason’s side of the bed. She started throwing blankets and pillows off the side. She looked under everything even after she shoved Jason off the side.
“Maria I am not in the mood for games.” Jason stood from the floor, which he had been shoved.
“Where is it? Where is it?”
“What are you looking for, your wedding ring?” He asked.
Maria crawled on to the floor, trying to find the note. Her feet were the only thing not under the bed.
“You know, I am getting really tempted to start jumping on the bed, if you don’t get out of there.” Said Jason.
She crawled out, and stood up.
“What were you looking for?”
“Nothing, see you at breakfast.”
And she disappeared from the room. Jason followed close behind. Grapping her arm he said roughly.
“Where do you think you are going?”
“To breakfast, I told you. Now let me go!”
“I’m not letting you go until you tell me what you are up too.”
She tried to get away, but when she pulled it would pull to the boarder of pain upon her wrist. Maria pounded on his chest to let her go. But his grip only became tighter.
“What are you hiding from me?” Said Jason as he wrapped his arm around her back.
“I’m not hiding anything, Jason McKinley, now let me go!”
“I told you I’m not letting you go until you tell me! Tell me Maria! Or you’ll be here all day!”
Maria’s foot was at the edge of the first stair down. She became angry and fed up.
“You know what Jason this is going to hurt, you but as long as you keep me in this position I would get hurt. Now don’t move keep your arms around me.”
She wrapped her arms around his back.
“Maria what are you doing? Enough of this playing! Now tell me what….”
Before he could say another word she thrusted both there bodies down the steps. Jason rolled back first over each of the steps. Maria just hung on and waited for the ride to end. His body hid the last step hard!
“I told you, you would get hurt, but thanks for hanging on to me.” Maria got off of from on top of Jason and made her escape.
Jason just lay there, windless and tired.

Afternoon approached and Maria had barely breathed a word to her husband. Not even at lunch she didn’t say anything. But soon she knew that she would have to tell him the secret.

“Mrs. McKinley when do you plan to tell Mr. McKinley?” Asked Walker.
“What, tell him of what?”
“Like you don’t know.”
“You heard then?”
“I have to admit that I did over hear you and the doctor talking last night.”
“Don’t tell Walker, please.”
“I won’t say anything, I promise.”
“I plan to tell him this evening. But I think he all ready knows. I wrote a note to him, and I stuck it in his hand last night then I planned to wake him up by making a lot of noise. I woke him up but the note had fallen from his hand. Then when I went to pick it up from the floor were I had seen it last it wasn’t there.”
“Hmmm, interesting. So what do you aim to do about it?”
“I’m going to see if I can find that note.”

Mrs. McKinley quietly tipped toed up the stairs. Second floor and third floor, she opened the door to the bedroom and quietly snuck into the room. She began looking for the note, pillows, sheets, and blankets went flying through the air. But still no sign of the little white piece of paper that had neat writing upon it.
“And what are you doing!!” Said a voice behind her.
Maria jumped at the sound of it. She struggled to keep her balance, but she had leaned over to far and she fell face first on to the pile blankets and pillows.
Jason through his head back and laugh at the site of her. He held his stomach as he roared with gratification.
Maria ripped the bedspread of her face only to see Jason’s face be filled with even extra laugher.
“Jason McKinley you stop laughing right this minute. That was not funny. I nearly jumped out of my skin.”
His face seemed to freeze with a sly smile.
“I’m sorry my darling.” His face still held a smile.
“Are you making it a hobby for you to start tearing up the bed every so often? Oh no, I made a mistake you were looking for it again weren’t you?”
“Looking for what? I don’t believe I know what you are talking about?”
“You played that game with me this morning and I ended up being thrown down the steps. I am in no mood to play again. This time it’s mine turn to roll the dice.”
“What?” she questioned.
“I know what you are hiding from me!”
“What I told you I wasn’t hiding anything.”
“Yes but you lied did you? So tell me when is the big advent? When will this massive advent take to its day”?
“The doctor said December.”
“The doctor? What doctor?”
Maria felt her breath leave her. And Jason’s face turned white as a ghost.
“Are you telling me what I think your telling me?” He asked.
“I don’t know what am I telling you.”
“Doctor! December! What’s that all about? Maria were not leaving here until I find out what is going on!” He closed the door with a hard thrust.
Maria took a deep breath
“Jason, I got a call from the doctor yesterday.” She swallowed hard as she continued.
“And in December I’ll be expecting. I’m pregnant, Jason.”

Chapter fourteen
Gracie Anne McKinley

The nine months seemed to go fast; very fast Maria was due any time. And Jason’s nervousness seemed to increase with every day that past by.
Maria looked at him from across the dinner table.
“What! What what’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well? Are you feeling sick? What’s the problem?”
“Jason the only problem is that you need to lighted up!”
“Do you need to loose some weight?” Jason rubbed his stomach.
Maria let out a hard sigh.
“No! You need to stop being so nervous! I’m all right.”
“Nervous, I’m not nervous.”
“If you sweated any more they would have to put rain gutters in the floor.” Maria replied back sharply.
“Its hot in this room.”
Jason straitened his tie and her remark.
“Your sure your all right?”
Maria was a bit more hesitant in her answer. A weird feeling had come upon her as she sat.
“Maria! You didn’t answer me. Are you all right?”
“Yes, I just need a little air.”
As Maria stood from her chair, she breathed in a couple of breaths.
“Maria are you sure you okay?”
“Its cold in here.”
“I’ll get you a blanket.” He offered.
“Wait no, now I feel hot.”
“I’ll open the window.”
“Now I feel fine, I’m not hot and I’m not cold.”
She began to feel dizzy as she tried to move from her position. Her body hit the floor, in a faint stage.
“Maria! Maria!” Jason ran to her side.
“Walker call the ambulance!”

“Maria can you here me? Maria open your eyes darling?” Jason asked her, as she lay flat on an emergency bed.
The bed moved down the hall as it was pushed by emergency medicals. Maria lye there awake, but oblivious to her surroundings until Jason caught her eye.
“Jason! Where am I?” She asked.
“It’s going to be all right I promise.”
“Sir you can’t go in any farther.” The nurse pushed Jason out of the way as the bed went through the double doors.

It was hours, and hours. Jason began pacing the waiting room as he awaited the time being.

“First time being a dad?” Said the older man from a cross the room. He had gray hair and a gray mustache, and a mouth of white teeth. His Irish ancient stuck out like a tiger bare of his stripes.
Jason nodded his head.
“You look as nervous as I did when my little one came into town.” The older man stood up as he gave a small chuckle.
“Malcolm Winters.” The man offered his hand to be shaken.
“Jason McKinley.” He answered as he put his hand into his.
“Good to meet you Jason. Is this seat taken?”
“Not at all.”
“Yep, I remember when my wife told me that the stork was on its way. I was a nervous car wreck.”
“At least your wife told you. I had to trick my wife into telling me.”
“And how may I ask did you pull that off.”
“When you love your wife as much as I love mine, you know her like a book.”
“I agree. When I first saw my sweet Susie.” He giggled as he continued. “I knew I was going to be in love with her forever. Twenty years now the grass has been growing on her grave. And I still love her.” A single teardrop rolled down Malcolm’s rough cheek.
“I’m sorry Malcolm.”
“Oh, its no ones fault. Death comes and goes. But I often wonder why it took my Susie away from me?”
“I know what it feels like to lose someone that you love.”
“You too.”
“My father, when I was just a boy. I was angry for years about it. But when I met my…..” He hesitated. “Wife nothing seemed to matter. But I’m not sure about her. She didn’t want to marry me.”
“And why is that?”
“She claims she’s doesn’t love me.”
“But I don’t believe her. I’ll love her until death.” “Was she pressured into marring you?” He asked.
“Yes, against her fathers will, and hers.”
“Then why did she marry you?”
“Because her thoughts betray her and heart double crosses her.”
“And she doesn’t know it.” He finished.
Jason shook his head in agreement.
“Mr. McKinley you have some people waiting for you, Mr. McKinley.” Answered the nurse.
“Thank you I’ll be right there.”
When he looked as if to talk to Malcolm he was gone.
“Thomas! Thomas, over here.” Shouted Jason to the lost face that appeared in the waiting room.
“Oh there you are, Jena, dad over here.”
“James good to see you.” Jason got up to meet them.
“Hello princess.” Jason whispered in her ear.
“Thomas.” Jason shook his hand.
“How long has Maria been in the back?” Asked James.
“It’s been about four hours. The funny thing is that she fainted. Before she went into labor.”
“Fainted?” Questioned James.
“You may go in now Mr. McKinley.” Said the nurse.

When Jason walked into that room everything that Mr. Winters said came back.
“Come here and hold your daughter, Jason.” Maria smiled as she handed him the little child.
That feeling came upon Jason. That feeling that you only get when you hold the baby for then first time. Oh but Jason Robert McKinley felt more then a king. He felt like an emperor.
“She so beautiful. She’s my little, my little. My little Gracie Anne McKinley.” Jason placed a gentle kiss on the child’s cheek.
James walked into the room.
“Dad!” Maria exclaimed.
“James you had better come and see your grandchild.”
He walked over to the tiny child. Jason handed the baby to him. The dark haired angel opened her eyes at her grandpa. James could help but smile at the darling child.
“Mrs. McKinley your test results are in.” Answered the doctor as she entered the room.
“You found the reason to why I fainted?” Questioned Maria.
“Yes, it seems that when you went into labor it was a bit of a shock. Your blood pressure dropped right at the first signs of the baby’s arrival. Now this is a very rare thing in pregnancies. It happens to about three percent of the women that come in. It’s nothing that you should worry about we just need you back here for another check up on Tuesday.”
“Thank you doctor.” Said Maria.
Jena handed the baby to Jason as they left the room.
“Hey what about me? You’ve got to hold her more then I did.”
Jason sat on the hospital bed next to her. As Maria took possession of the baby her heart leaped in joy.
“Look at her Maria, look. She’s prefect, she’s just prefect. She’s our little Gracie Anne McKinley.”

Chapter fifteen
The years of change

“Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ready or not here I come, Gracie. Now where could see be.” Jason began looking underneath blankets. His ears perked up when her heard the sound of giggles from the closet.
“Oh she’s not in the closet is she, no Gracie wouldn’t hide in the closet. I’ve got you now!” Jason looked under the bed.
More giggles came from the closet.
“Rats she’s not there.”
“Here I am!” Gracie climbed on to his back.
“Oh no. She’s on me what am I going to do?”
The little girl scampered out of the room with her dark curls flowing behind her. Jason followed behind her leaving her a head start.
“I’m going to get you Gracie!”
She giggled as she ran down the steps. Jason grabbed her by the waist and picked her up by one arm.
“I got you now, Gracie.”
Gracie wiggled free as his grip became loose on purpose.
“Hey you little rascal.”
The three year old gave out a couple more giggles as she ducked underneath the coffee table.
“Rats she’s out of site again!” Jason pretended.
Jason got on his hands and knees and began looking under things in the room. When he came close to the coffee table. She climbed on his back again.

“Give my a horsy back daddy, please”
“All right.”
The child giggled and laughed as the horsy back continued.
“What is going on in here?” Maria’s voice seemed to break Gracie’s laughing.
“Nothing only have a horsy back ride, right Gracie?”
She nodded her head as she stuck her fingers in her mouth.
“Jason I thought you were giving her a bath so I could finish up some work?”
“I was about too but she wanted to play”. Jason grinned.
“All right up stairs the both of you and no more stalling.”
Jason stood and placed Gracie over his shoulders as they made their way up.

“I have never seen Mr. McKinley like this before.” Replied Walker coming in with the evening tea.
“Well if anyone knew how to may that little baby smile it would be him. I still can’t get over the first time I saw Jason talk baby talk to her.” Maria started laughing before she finished her sentence.
“Mr. McKinley talking baby talk. Ha. I would really like to see that.”
“It was quite amusing. If anyone knew how to talk baby talk it would be Jason.”

“And they lived happily ever after. The end. Good heavens dear look at the time you should have been asleep an hour ago. Now you had better snap those eyes shut before I get in trouble when your mama. We had your bath. We brushed our teeth. We had a drink. And we had a story. Is there anything else that we need, baby?”
“A kiss good night.”
He bent over a kissed his baby on the forehead.
“Good night my baby.”
“Night night daddy.”

“Mrs. McKinley?”
Maria turned around from the desk.
“Yes Walker?”
“There is a man at the door for you. He said he was an old friend that stopped for a visit.”
“At this time at night? Can’t he see me in the morning?”
“He said now Mrs. McKinley.”

Maria walked down the steps one by one. She couldn’t help but wonder who it was that insisted on seeing her and ten o’clock at night. When she got to the bottom of the last set of stairs all she could see was a tall, blond man standing in the doorway. His back was turned, Maria couldn’t see who it was.
“May I help you sir?”
The man turned around and she saw a face that she hadn’t seen in years.
“Hello Maria.” Answered Ryan Hopkins.
Maria wanted to run to him and throw her arms around him and hug him. But she knew that she would never even be able to touch him with Jason around.
“Ryan! What a pleasant surprise.”
“I’m sorry it is so late.”
“Oh no not at all. Walker!”
“Yes Mrs. McKinley?”
“Take his coat and hang it up and bring some tea.”
“Yes, Mrs. McKinley.”
“Won’t you sit down?”
Maria directed the way to the living room.
“I would love too.”

“Here’s your tea.”
“Thank you Walker.”
“Care for some tea, Mr. Hopkins?”
“Yes thank you, and you don’t have to call me Mr. Hopkins. We’ve known each other to long.”
“So what brings you back to London, Ryan?”
“Well I received another business offer out here so I took it. And when I learned that you were living out here I thought I would stop in.”
Their heads were turned at the sound of giggling, shouts, and laughing. All of a sudden Jason ran down the steps with Gracie on his back. Gracie laughed and laughed at Jason’s playfulness.
“Jason!” Maria shouted.
He froze.
“Ut oh.” Said Gracie.
“Maria I thought you went to bed?”
“Do I look like I’m in bed? The only thing that should be in bed is Gracie! Now what is she doing on your back and why is she out of bed?” Maria’s voice blew in anger.
“I was taken her to get a drink of water in the kitchen.”
“Jason just put her back to bed, and bring her the water.”
Jason started back up the stairs. Her attention was brought back to Ryan that was holding back his roaring laugher.
“I’m sorry Ryan.”
“No problem. What a darling child.”
“Thank you, but sometimes I feel like spanking both of them. Jason is a good father. She tells me that daddy is her prince and her hero. But when it comes down to putting her to bed at night, he doesn’t know when to stop playing.”
“Jason McKinley playful?” He asked.
“You have about the same reaction that everyone else had.”
“I’m shocked, Maria.”
“Why are you shocked?”
“Because I don’t believe what I’m seeing in front of me. I see the girl that I thought would never grow up, and here you are a mother of the sweetest child.”
“Your to kind.”
“I only speak the truth.”

“Gracie’s asleep, Maria.” Said Jason coming down from the stairs.
“Thank you, Jason. You remember Mr. Hopkins.”
“Oh yes how could I forget the blonde?”
Maria hit him in the side.
Ryan didn’t pay any attention to his rudeness.
“Good to see you again, Jason.”
“I wish I could say the same. What are you doing in my house? Is there a reason for you too be in our presents?”

Ryan cleared his throat then answered.
“I only stopped by to say hello.”
“Yeah, and to steal my wife.”
Ryan stood up in anger.
“Jason McKinley I don’t believe you!”
“Walker please fetch Mr. Hopkins jacket. And show him to the door. Before I shove his face into it.” Said Jason.
Maria stood and followed Ryan to the door. After he placed his jacket on Maria answered.
“I am so sorry, Ryan.”
“It’s not your place to say your sorry, but Jason has made it clear that I’m not welcome here, so I wish you good luck and good life.” Ryan slammed the door behind him.
Maria stomped into the living room where Jason was pouring himself a cup of tea.
“Do you think I insulted him?” He asked sarcastically.
“I don’t believe you! I don’t believe you!! How could you be so rude, Ryan just stopped by for a visit, and it was going fine until you showed up!”
“Oh yeah, I was rude? Ha! That blonde shows up and starts flirting with my wife. And you say that I’m the one that was being rude.”
“He wasn’t flirting with me!”
“Then what was this ‘I only speak the truth’?” Jason batted his eyelashes and raised the sound of his voice trying to mock Ryan.
“You heard that?”
“I heard the whole thing. And if I wasn’t on the stair chase most of the time I would have socked the idiot!”
“You had no right to be listening to my conversation!”
“And he had no right to be in my house!”
“Your house or my house you still were rude to him!”
Jason smacked the coffee table over and the glass shattered over the floor.
“Jason control yourself, you’ll wake Gracie!”
He breathed in deep a few times.
“I don’t want him talking to you and I don’t want you talking to him. I don’t want him in this house. I don’t want him breathing in the same air as me. Got it!”
“What has Ryan done to that you are the so mad about.”
“You wouldn’t understand, Maria.”
“How can I even try to understand if you don’t tell me?”
Jason turned his back from her.
“You know what Jason, I give up! I’m going to bed.”
“Because I thought that I had succeeded.” Jason answered back still turned.
“Succeeded in what?”
Jason didn’t answer.
“What did you think you succeeded in?”
“Finally making you love me.” Jason whispered.
“But I was wrong because you still think you’re in love with Ryan.”
Maria didn’t answer.

Chapter sixteen

“Welcome. Come right in.”
It was July the month when the whole family on the McKinley side had their family reunion. Everyone was to show up at Jens McKinley’s house for the occasion.
“Jason good to see you.” Jens hugged his brother as he walked through the door.
“And who is this fine young lady, Jason.”
“Jens this is my wife Maria, and this is Gracie. Maria this is my baby brother Jensen.”
Jason took Maria’s coat from her shoulders.
“Jason she’s beautiful.”
“Of course she is she’s my wife.”
“Whose he mommy?” Asked Gracie.
“Hush precious.”
Gracie tugged on Jason’s over coat. Jason picked Gracie up in his arms.
“And this little angel is my daughter Gracie. Gracie baby, this is your uncle Jens.”
“Hello Gracie.”
“Hi.” She said softly.
“Hi, there are a couple of kids over there in the other room about your age, why don’t you go and see if you can play a game.”
“Can I mommy?”
“Just stay out of trouble.”
“They will be playing hide and seek anytime now.” Jason said.
As the party lasted on, Maria enjoyed meeting all of Jason’s relatives. As the clock seemed to strike eleven Maria slipped away to the back porch where she could get a little air.

“Good evening Maria.”
“Good evening Jensen.”
“I thought I would slip away its a bit stuffy inside. Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
“Thank you.”
Jens sat across from her.
“That Gracie is quite a little charmer.”
“Oh no what did you she say to you?”
Jens laughed.
“No she didn’t say anything that wasn’t adorable. Will you describe her to me?”
“Describe her?”
“Well Gracie is fearless of everything. She knows the woods like she knows the back her hand. She’s not worried about anything even though I’m breathless at her actions. She’s a precocious one, she always knew when someone was feeling sad, and why. She understood completely every single time. She climbs the shelves in our library like a little monkey. She insists on drinking milk from a wine glass. I think I’ve carried on long enough.”
“No I like to hear it. I haven’t seen Jason this happy in a long time. He was never happy earlier. It must have been when he found you.” Jens smiled.
“Why wasn’t Jason happy.”
“Its a long story. But it’s a story that you will never be able to hear from anyone but me.”
“Will you tell it? I have time.”
“All right if you wish. After our Mother died our father said that he would take care of the Jason, Jen and I until death. My father admired Jason in many ways. Jason was his favorite, and his first. Our father died in a drinking deal two months later. Jason swore that he would never ever forgive him. So our uncle took the three of us in when Jason was turning thirteen. Then when Jason turned eighteen his anger seemed to increase. But then he met someone, a special someone. And he fell in love with her; he was going to marry her. But a week before the wedding she was killed in a car wreck. Jason was so angry that he shot the driver of the car. The driver was my best friend. I had Jason arrested and thrown into jail. When he went before the judge he had nothing to say. He figured that everything in his life was gone so what was there to live for. I pleaded for him, because I couldn’t bare to have him thrown in jail for life, even thought I was the one that wanted it done. Jason was thrown into jail for two years because of me, and he would’ve gotten life. After he was let out our uncle took him in and tried to keep his hopes up, but every time he tried it won’t work.”
“Jens I had no idea.”
“Jason hasn’t told a soul.”
“So that’s why Michael insisted on making that deal. Because it would hurt Jason to much to go through anything painful.” She thought.
“He even wrote a song for her.”
Maria’s ear perked up when he said that.
“Yes, it’s called my ‘undying love for you’ I’ve heard it.”
“Yes, that’s the name of it. How did you know?”
“I asked him to play it for me. But it wasn’t finished, the ending was incomplete.”
“He never finished it. When she died he lost interest in writing music.”
“Why couldn’t he just tell me?”
“Jason is a man the never forgets anything. And this is one of those things were he would never forget. It comes back and haunts him sometimes. So he can never talk about it.” There attention was brought to the open door that led to the living room. Gracie ran to Jason and leaped in his arms. He lifted her to his shoulders. The little girl ran her fingers though his hair, making Jason smile.

Chapter seventeen
The pretender

The party ended late that night at twelve. When Maria at Jason returned home the clouds from the east had come in a started a terrible thunderstorm.
“Jason well you carry Gracie upstairs and put her to bed, please?” Jason took the brown curled baby from the back of the car and head into the house. Gracie was fast asleep on Jason’s shoulder.
“Mrs. McKinley there is a telephone message on your desk.” Answered Walker taking her jacket from her.
“Thank you, Walker.”

Maria picked up the piece of white paper. It read doctor J. Evens, and his number. Just then the phone rang.
“Now who would call at midnight?” She thought.
She recognized the voice off.
“Ryan what are you doing calling here?”
“I had to hear your voice, again.” He answered.
Maria’s heart jumped!
“You still love me, don’t you?” She whispered.
Silence became known on the other end. All Maria could hear was the sound of his breathing, in and out.
“Yes.” He whispered
“I’m crazy about you, and I should’ve married you when I had the change six years ago. Run away with me!”
“What! Run away! I could never….” He interrupted her.
“Please Maria! I want you to meet me at the bus station a two thirty, and bring Gracie with you.”
All Maria could do was breath in. Her heart pounded hard each new breath.
“If you love me you’ll be there. Give me your answer.”
The line clicked on the other side.
“Ryan? Ryan are you there.”
Maria turned around quickly and there stood a face that looked madder then the devil. He was holding the phone jack he had ripped out of the wall.
“What do you think your doing?” Jason shouted.
“I told you not to talk to him Maria!” His voice grew louder.
“I can talk to who ever I want too, Jason! Your not the boss of me.”
“I’m not your boss but I’m your husband and you are going to honor me. If I ever catch you two talking again I’ll have him thrown in jail!”
“Ha! I dare you.”
“Don’t tempt me!” He shouted back.
“Your such a pretender, Jason.”
Jason turned his back from her trying to stay calm.
“Pretender? Pretender?” He whispered.
“How can you say that I’m the pretender?” His voice was quite a calm.
“I don’t believe you, Maria. Trying to say I’m the pretender. When you’re the pretender.”
“What are you talking about, you drunken fool?”
“You think I don’t notice it right? Well I see it all the time. You pretend that this was Ryan’s house, pretending that every time you saw my face you would try to make his out. Pretending that you married him and you made a vow to him, and not me. And pretending that Gracie was his baby and not mine.”
Jason faced her. Looking her straight in the eye.
“But when you crawl in my arms at night your not pretending Hopkins. It’s me that you want to be there. And when I hold you, you are happy. When I kiss you, you always meet my kiss with yours. So how can you say that I’m the pretender when you play one off of the other.” Jason turned his back again and walked into the dining room.
Tears formed in her eyes as she sat down on the couch. A sound of heavy footsteps broke her crying.
Walker ran down the steps and into the dining room where Jason sat pondering.
“Mr. McKinley I can’t find Gracie away where!” Walker breathed quickly from the long run down the steps. Jason stood, in the twinkling of an eye.
“What! What do you mean you can’t find her any where?” Jason grabbed on to Walkers shirt collar.
“She’s not in her bed, her blankets have been touched and ruffled, but she isn’t there.”
Jason let him go and raced up the stairs, jumping steps until he came to the level. Opening her door she wasn’t in site anywhere. He looked under the bed, covers, in the closet but she wasn’t there. A cold breeze came upon him, when he noticed the balcony door was open. But when he looked out she wasn’t there.
“She’s not upstairs!” Jason grabbed his coat off of the coat stand, and lead Walker out the door into the stormy night. “Stay here in case she comes back.” He told Maria as he ran out the door.

The rain poured upon them, getting there clothing soaked. Thunder crashed in the distance making their hearts skip a beat.
“I know where she is.” Said Jason patting Walker on the back.
“Wait here.” He said.
Jason disappeared from behind the trees. A small tree house was in the tallest tree at the edge of the forest were the canon dropped off. He climbed up the wooden latter to the top. Where he saw a little brown curled ball wrapped in a blanket in the corner.
“Gracie!” He shouted.
“Daddy!” The little child ran to her father. Jason held her cold body close.
“I afraid daddy.”
“We’ll get you out of here. Walker.” Jason shouted, to the body that appeared at the bottom of the tree.
All of a sudden lightning struck the tree and it began to tilt.
Gracie screamed. Jason lost his balance, and slid across the wooden floor. Thrusting his feet to the brim of the door he stopped himself from falling out. The old wood creaked as the weight began to grow too heavy.
“Gracie crawl to the other side!” He ordered. Gracie pressed her small hands into the cracks in between the floor and she scooted herself across.
The tree began to bend more. His feet slipped from the rain, and his body was pushed out the door, but his hand caught himself in time. His feet dangled over the drop off of the canon.
“Gracie! Gracie you have got to jump to the next tree then climb down.”
“What?” She shouted back.
“Jump to the next tree then climb down!”
“I’m afraid daddy, I’m afraid.”
“Do it for me, Gracie. It’s just like climbing the shelves in the library. Jump Gracie you can do it.”
She climbed upon the widow. Her small little feet left the wood as she leaped for the next tree. She let out a scream as she landed on the next branch. Jason pulled him self up and started to the other side of the tree house. But the tree snapped over and broke from the stump. The house crashed over the side of the cliff.
“Walker! Walker!” Jason shouted from inside.
“Stay here Gracie.”
“Walker! Walker I’m stuck.” A huge tree branch had came through the window and landed directly over Jason’s ribs.
The branch dug into Jason stomach. Cutting into his shirt and flesh.
“Don’t step on the wood! Stay on the main part of the tree.”
Walker lifted the branch from over his ribs. Jason slowly rolled out from under it. His ribs roared from pain, and pressure. The tree creaked and began to tilt.
“Run Walker, or we’ve both go over!”
Walker ran out of the tree house as fast as possible. And when his weight left the balance of the tree it went over the side. Jason jumped out of the door as the tree flew through air. He landed hard on his ribs, upon the cliff rocks. Walker grabbed his hand a pulled him up. Leaving a clear path for Gracie to run to him.
“Why did you run away?”
“You and mommy were fighting.” She answered.

Chapter eighteen
Truth comes out

Jason limped carrying Gracie into the door of the house. Maria ran to him taking Gracie from his arms.
“Gracie my baby.” Maria cried as she held her.
“I love you don’t you ever run away again.”
“Mommy.” She said back.
Maria carried he up as she spoke soothing words to her. She changed her out of her wet clothes and put her into bed.
“Mommy?” She asked.
“Yes, Gracie.”
“Why were you and daddy fighting?”
“Daddy and I were just having a disagreement.”
“Why do you yell at each other like that? You’re supposed to love each other. Don’t you love daddy mommy?”
Maria didn’t answer.
“Well do you?”
“You won’t understand sweet heart.”
“Well what I understand is that you don’t love daddy.”
“No dear. It’s different then that you won’t understand. Goodnight dear.”
“Mommy even if you don’t love daddy. I know for a fact that daddy loves you.” Maria shut off then light as she left the room.
Another light shone under a crack of a door. She opened it and saw Jason standing there. He was naked to the waist, looking at his ribs in the mirror. They were raw to the bone with what looked like black and blue paint spread across them, but they were bruised.
“Do you know why Gracie left?” He asked looking straight at her in the mirror.
She shook her head the answered.
“She heard us fighting.”
“What are we going to do about that?” He asked turning around.
“I don’t know?” She glanced at the floor.
“What happen to your ribs?”
“Almost killed myself saving Gracie from the tree house. Lightning struck it and it fell over the cliff.”
“I told you it wasn’t a good idea to build her a tree house right there.”
“Well, that’s the tree she chose. I guess I spoil her like I spoil you.”
“Think about it Maria. I gave you every thing. I gave you a house to live in, clothes to ware, a baby to love. And if I was able I would’ve given you the world. But how come when I offer you my love you won’t have it? You don’t want anything to do with it? And my love is bigger then the world.”
Maria turned her back from him. Then out of her pocket she pulled two papers from the court of England.
“I want a divorce.” She said back still turned.
She faced him. It felt like she wanted to take away the only thing that mattered to him, her. Jason wiped his eyes, and then answered.
“I’m not signing those papers!”
“You have no choice! By the court of law you have to sign them! Sign it, Jason!” She pushed them up against his bare brood chest.
But he refused.
“Your not going to sign them en less we come up with a deal?”
“Right? Here’s the deal, I give half the money, the house the cars everything. But I get Gracie.”
“Deal, sign them.”
He took the pen and wrote his full name on the line.
“We leave at dawn.”

Maria twisted her smile into a glare as he walked out of the room.

Dawn came within the next few hours. Gracie awoke, and threw her arms around Jason’s neck when she saw him.
“Good morning, my baby. Gracie you need to listen closely. We are going to go on a trip.”
“We are? Where are we going?”
“It’s a place you’ve never been before. Its called America.”
“Can mommy come too?”
“Huh, well, huh, no baby just you and me.”
“How come mommy can’t come? I don’t want to go if mommy can’t come.”
“Hmm, well mommy has agreed to let you and I go by yourselves. Because mommy has already been to America.”
“Will I ever see her again?”
“Yes, of course. I promise you see her again.”
“But I won’t.” He thought.

Maria watched the limo drive out of the driveway. She felt crushed as she watched her baby leave her. Tears formed in her eyes.
“Maria, you stupid fool why are you crying.” She thought.
“Come on your embarrassing yourself. Knock it off with the crying. There is no reason to cry. You know they’ll be back, soon.”

The blanket of night had fallen over London. All Maria could do was wait on the balcony, but no vehicle drove even near it. She began thinking.
“What did Jason say to you when you were on the cedar bridge, back in New York? He said something when I was in the half asleep thing. What was it?”
His word flashed back into her mind.
“I’m sorry that this night can’t last forever. And I’m sorry that what I have to do next will have to hurt you.”
“What did he mean by that?”
Something clicked as she began to wonder.
“Marrying me! That’s it! He made me marry him, but he knew I would love him! So he used the deal he made to get me to marry him. But why would he put himself through all of that?”
A voice inside of her seemed to answer her.
“Because he loves you that much.”
“He loved me in the beginning, but he also knew that I had given my heart to Ryan. So he plan it that on my eighteen birthday if I didn’t kiss him he wasn’t going to even bother. And since I did kiss him he knew that I loved him. I’ve been a fool all this time and I didn’t even realize it. I’ve been in love with Jason all this time and I didn’t even know it. But he knew it, that’s why he didn’t want to leave me.”
Her thoughts were disturbed by the sound of an angel. She ran up the stairs as fast as she could. When she came to the top. There sat the love her life playing his song he wrote. Her ears rose when she heard the completed ending. Jason turned and looked at her in the eye.
“You finished it?”
He nodded
“Mommy!” Gracie came running from the back.
She held her baby close to her heart.
“Gracie why don’t you go and see if Walker will make you a ice cream sundae.”
She ran down the steps calling Walkers name.
“I must hand it to you Maria. Excellent work. I had no idea. You beat me! We were about half way to America when I had not only sign the divorce papers but the custody papers as well. And if I were to continue on my way when you were to go and file them they would either come and get me or command me back to turn custody to you. I should’ve known by the way you agreed so fast. Looks like I come out of this deal empty handed. I’ll be on my way then.”
“No wait, Jason don’t leave.”
“What? Do my ears deceive me?”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“I wish I felt the same way. I returned Gracie to you because I didn’t have a choice but I still made the deal with you and that means I have nothing.”
He started down the steps. Maria still trying to talk him out of it, when he came to the last step she shouted.
“Jason I’m pregnant!!”
He froze in a dead stop.
“What did you say?”
“I’m pregnant. The doctor called, a little while ago. Now you can’t leave!”
“Why don’t you watch me.”
He shut the door behind him. Maria fell on her knees and cried out all her anger, sorrow, and pain.
“I love you Jason.” She whispered.
“Come back, come back.”
Maria stood and walked to the balcony. After drying her eyes she sat on the side of the rail, elbows crossed.
“Why didn’t I tell him? I had so many changes? So may changes to have said it.”
All Maria could do was sit there at think of what a fool she had been. Hours passed, she heard the clock strike eleven thirty, but no car drove up the driveway. She closed her eyes hoping she would wake, from a terrible bad dream. Jason wrap his arms around her hold her and kiss her body. She could almost feel his arms going around her waist. Or was she actually feeling it? She opened her eyes only to see a shadow behind her, she gasped, and turned around swiftly.
“Shhh.” Jason quieted her.
She stood and wrapped her arms about his neck.
“You didn’t leave.” She whispered.
He shook his head, as she rested her hand on his chin tracing his dimple.
“I’m too in love with you to leave you.” His voice was soft.
“I’m sorry Jason, I’m so sorry.” He wiped the tears flowing from her eyes.
He smiled and kissed her, over and over. She met his kisses with her own. Maria’s breath was taken at the felt of his lips on her neck. Jason wrapped his arm around her back and brought her in close. She parted from him.
“Why are you parting from me, my darling?” Jason kissed her again. Maria traced the online of his lips with her thumb.
“You finished the song.”
“Yes, I finished it because the whole in my heart, was filled with you.” He whispered.
“A boy or girl?” He asked.
“I don’t know.”
Jason reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.
“Remember this?” He opened it and read aloud.
“Dear daddy, I’m on my way, mommy is pregnant with me. I’ll see you when I come in for a landing by the stork. Love Gracie or William.”
“I knew you had it.” Maria pounded on his chest. Jason grinned showing his pearly teeth.
Maria felt his lips meet hers as he pulled her to him. The clock tower struck once in the distance. Jason’s arm locked tightly behind her, as the clock struck for time number five.
She pulled away and stared back into his eyes and began melting inside. She could feel the light sweat in his hair as she ran her fingers through it. The clock struck again, for the eighth time.
Some thing seemed to scream inside her, something that wasn’t right. Perhaps something that she had hid.
“I love you more then anything Jason.” And the clock struck twelve.
© Copyright 2003 J. Karson (jaybloomy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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