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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #624996
Where would we be without our merchant?
Hodock, Entrepreneur

Overview: Hodock has just earned full right to begin his own business. He is a devout follower of the Goddess, born and raised in the City-state Lorelli of Servai. He is from a relatively prosperous upper-middle class family who have all worked very hard to live in as much luxury as they have earned. He is the youngest and only son. He has decided to open a branch of his father's merchant business in the kingdom of Lutchan. His sisters operate the ships, his mother's brothers and their children take care of most of the land-half of the traveling business. Hodock does a lot of traveling within Lutchan. His latest scheme is to follow the Imperial troops on their trading mission North to the tundra.

Physical Attributes

Height: 5'6
Weight: 160 lbs.
Age: 20
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Distinguishing Features: A birthmark on an embarassing part of his anatomy in the shape of a donkey's head.

Skills/Abilities: Hodock has next to know martial training except for some instruction in the use of the long spear and shield for defense on the road. Learned all he knows about being a merchant from his family. Speaks the trade tongue, as well as the primary tongues of Lutchan and Northern Servai, very fluently as a consequence of his business ambitions. A skilled haggler, charmer, diplomat who's only true weakness is the supreme belief in his own ability to come out on top of any bargaining table.

Background: Hodock is his father's greatest success and failure. Waronn always wanted a son and, Goddess be praised, received one. Unfortunately his son has never truly lived up to Waronn's expectations. Waronn's grandfather had first started their trading business with a mere trading house and a single ship. He had expanded the business to several trading houses and ships. Waronn's father had succeeded in expanding the business until almost every city in Servai had a Tradoc and Son's Commerce at their ports and business districts. Waronn and his wife had enlarged their sea-going fleet until they could open small trading houses in several Northern Clan territories.

Hodock thus grew up hearing about his great forebears and how it was his duty to ensure that Tradoc and Son's would last a hundred years. He has tried to live up to his father's expectations but has failed repeatedly to make his father exceedingly proud. Whatever small accomplishments he has achieved his father acted as though it were simply the way things were supposed to be.

Waronn wanted Hodock to become a master sailer, the Great Captain of Tradoc and Son's fleet of merchant vessels, but after his eldest sister died in an attack by Titan raiders, Hodock has been "uneasy" about being conveyed on a ship. Thus another great failing in his father's eyes.

Hodock instead turned his eyes to the overland routes that his great-grandfather first plied. He has achieved moderated success on his own so far and thought he had hit upon the perfect scheme when he sought to follow the Imperial Calvalry on it's training mission. With the permission to start his own business he had thought to finally gain his father's approval by expanding the family business into Lutchan. Unfortunately he ran into a small problem. An encounter with otherworldly monstrosities that he only managed to survive by playing dead under the corpse of his donkey as the monsters marched past. The sight of the leader drove good master Hodock a little mad that day.

The incident has left Hodock a changed man. He is perpetually nervous and always waiting for the monsters to come for him. Only agreed to the journey at his fathers insistence and the fact that his father said he would be proud to have a son that would have a part in saving the world. His family, in the probable event of his death, will be granted property in the capital city of Lutchan for his service.

It does little to soothe Hodock's mind on his adventure.
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