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Cupid's job disappears, except for one lonely young lady. |
Matthew Cupid sat on his favorite cloud watching the masses of humanity scurrying around below him. For thousands and thousands of years he had brought couples together, had forged love matches between many a girl and a boy. Now, though... Movement to one side of him caught his attention. Turning his head he smiled as a chubby cherub, its short, stubby wings flitting rapidly, landed beside him. "Hey, Cupid, what 'cha doing?" "Hi, Horatio, I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs." The cherub popped up from his place on the cloud to peer at Matthew's hands, which rested one on each knee. Raising one brow at the little angelette, Matthew chuckled. "Figuratively, Horatio. I'm twiddling my thumbs figuratively." "Oh." The cherub pulled a portion of the cloud off and moved it in front of Matthew. Plopping on the soft part of the cloud, Horatio frowned. "Okay, why are you 'figuratively' twiddling your thumbs? It's Valentine's Day. You should be down there," he pointed toward Earth, "doing your thing." "Haven't you noticed how humans have been pushing me out of their lives?" Matthew asked. "They no longer 'need' me." "How's that?" "For about the last hundred years or so, they've pictured me looking like you." "What?" Horatio's eyes popped. "That doesn't make sense at all. Why look at you! Look at me! You're tall, strong, what women down there call a real 'hunk'." "Thanks, I think." Matthew resumed his observation of the people below as he continued trying to explain to the little guy. "Now, they have other ways to make connections, cutting me out completely. They have things like chat rooms, singles clubs, Internet groups, and computer matching." "What are all those things?" "I don't know, but I don't like them." The chubby cherub bent over to take a look, lost his balance, and tumbled a few feet before his tiny wings could bring him back to his roost. "Cupid, do ya see that young woman down there all by herself?" "Where?" "Sitting at that table in that outdoor cafe. See, the table beside that couple sharing a glass of Coca Cola." Horatio looked into the sky blue eyes of his companion. "What's a Coca Cola? See, that's what the bottle says." "Oh, it's something some humans like. I prefer Pepsi myself. I can't see... Oh, there, yes, I see her. Hmmm, she is alone and lonely." "Well, what 'cha doing sitting here. Go do your thing." A few minutes later, a tall, blond-headed man with a face like an Adonis strode through the door of the cafe and to the outside garden. He sat at a table where he could watch the young woman without being directly in her line of sight. The waves of loneliness radiating from her made him shiver. The man searched the surrounding area but couldn't sense even one unattached man. Every where his mind wandered, he found couples. Yuck! he thought, some of these pairings are disgusting. These computers must have had massive glitches." He turned back to the woman and studied her closely. Her satiny black hair framed a smooth cameo face. Her eyes, though troubled and tear filled, were deep green with black lashes framing them. Cupid couldn't understand why no man was by her side. Taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh, he walked to her table. "Excuse me, are you waiting for someone?" he asked. The woman started in surprise. "Why... why no, but why do you ask?" "It's Valentine's Day, and I thought surely you're waiting for your date to appear." Staring at the dream-handsome man standing over her, she blinked her eyes. "I...I... no, I'm not waiting for anyone." "Then may I join you? No one should be alone on Valentine's Day." Matthew slid into the chair beside her. "Wait a minute. I'm not looking to be picked up?" "Picked up? I wasn't going to pick you up. Why would I want to carry you? Can't you walk?" "Are you trying to be funny?" She scooted her chair several inches away from his. "No. I don't think I know how to be funny." Matthew wondered what the woman meant, but he smiled. One look at the bright, sunshine smile and the woman didn't care if the conversation seemed intelligent or gibberish or insane. She held out her right hand. "Hi, my name is Meredith Love." Taking her slender hand into his, Matthew gently kissed it. "I'm so glad to meet you. I'm Matthew Cupid." Gazing into her eyes, he asked, "Now, why are you here alone today of all days." "I'm feeling sorry for myself because no one seems to need my services." "Your services?" Matthew frowned in confusion. "You won't believe me, but I bring love to those who need it." A tear trembled on the edge of her lashes. "Now, everyone thinks computers or some other technology can do everything, and I'm not needed." "Ah, my dear Meredith," he began before noticing the couple at the next table and the bouquet lying to one side. He reached across to take one red rose. "I think we have much in common." Handing her the rose, he smiled. "Come, let's take a walk, and let me tell you a story." |