Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/615332-The-Caged-Introvert
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Drama · #615332
A shy, unattached man's journey for love...featured in the Drama Newsletter.
There lives a young man who, by no means of his own inherent powers, finds it stingingly difficult when relating to members of the opposite sex. It began some years ago, back in elementary school, when an ocular beauty by the name of Iris would literally propel him into an awe stricken state whenever he could be found in her presence. His memory of the said charmer was vivid, akin to how one remembers the sun sets in the west or the details of a bright and warm summer day. She was of African-American descent herself, but mixed, as her mother was a descendant of the Europeans. Her skin therefore carried with it a lightish-brownish complexion, and her hair, crinkled and free as it was, bore with it a dark and brownish coat. She was, in his own young and impressionable mind, the quintessential beauty. This fascination with a young beauty would last him some three years, until Iris and her parents packed up and moved away. He could never, in those early years, find or muster the courage needed to confess his infatuation with her, and this same hesitancy that began those long years ago remained with him through middle and high school--and has since matured--thus producing a most pitiable creature. Now in his second year of college, he hopes to finally find love with a new and recent finding, one Gwendlyn Moors. Our protagonist's name is Marsellus Towers, and he is The Caged Introvert.

Marsellus lives in an apartment with a friend named Donovan Tillet. Donovan he met when he was just entering high school, as the two became acquainted with one another through the high school chess team. To his credit, Donovan has--on many occasions--attempted to help Marsellus rectify his situation by giving him hints or whatnot, as it relates to relationships and how best to approach women. Indeed, a true and stalwart fellow is Donovan Tillet. It has been Donovan planting the seeds of encouragement in the young lad all these years, and it was Donovan--as a matter of fact--who first introduced Marsellus to the visual splendor that is Gwendlyn Moors, having known her from some time past, in middle school years to be precise, the two keeping in touch despite attending separate high schools. And therefore because of Donovan progress has been made on the Gwendlyn front. The trio share a chemistry class and Marsellus chats with her from time to time, always--though--about small and trifle things like weather, or apprehension toward facing a new assignment. Never has Marsellus been able to approach Gwendlyn with words leaning towards his interest in wanting to know her better as a person, as the stifling predicament of his youth has piled up upon him, preventing him from revealing his true feelings.

As to the visage of our protagonist, he is quite the looker himself, though it hasn't been brought up much, save by a few aunts, and a grandmother here and there. He is black--but browned skinned--and his hair is semi-curly. His eyes share some resemblance to those of puppies, and his skin is free of all physical defects whatsoever. Truth be told, on many an occasion a young lady has been intimidated by him, which has not aided his cause much of any, but has rather stifled it, seeing as how he also suffers from intimidation. And then too, Marsellus is a moral man, it is not sex that he is after, but rather companionship. But he is very much ignorant of the fact that he is a good looker, which--had he known it--his confidence level might have superseded all his hopes and dreams. Well, on no particular day, while laying in bed, Marsellus determined in his mind that he was going to ask of the hand of Gwendlyn Moors. As he thought on the daunting task that lay ahead of him, it came to his mind that it would be best if he consulted his friend and consulate Donovan Tillet on the matter. And so he did, their conversation being as follows:


"Yes, Marsellus?"

"I've been thinking...I mean...seriously thinking. If I were to...ask of Gwendlyn, what do you think she would say to me? How would she reply? Do you think that she would even have me?"

"...Are you...really considering this?"

"I am."

Donovan paused for a moment. He then began pacing the room, pressing down on his bottom lip whilst lowering his eyebrows. It was as if he was contemplating a great matter in that domed head of his, or so that is what Marsellus perceived. Finally, after much moving about, he spoke.

"I think...I think that you should go for it. I may be wrong, but I'm certain she has an eye for you, or in the very least she's fairly interested. Yes, I think you should go for it."

Marsellus smiled a smile that would lift even the most discouraged soul to a state of supreme happiness. And now that he possessed the go ahead, it was time to practice what he would say, and that he would do for the next two days. Now, it is perhaps presumed that Gwendlyn is flawless in nature, and this is only partly true. Looking upon her, one would--in fact--liken her to a pearl beset amongst a host of clam shells. Her hair is wonderfully long and as soot and whenever she enters a room the light from the fixtures on the ceiling refracts off of it, producing a most eye-pleasing effect. Her skin is candy-coated with caramel, and produces no ill effects whatsoever. She is petite in size, but possesses ample subsidies in all the right places. She is gorgeous, and a prince alone would do by her side. But see if not her true nature can be perceived in the following passage where she is courted by a nameless young man.

"Gwendlyn! Hi! Hey...umm...listen, do you think that you and I could ever like...go on a date sometime? I know we've only just met, but I'd like to get a chance to know you better...if that's all right with you."

"Well...it depends..."

"Depends? Depends on what?"

"A lot of things...Like, where would we go? Or what would we do? All this doesn't come cheap, you know. But..." And as she said this she drew very, very close to him. "...if you're willing to shell out, I promise to you that I'll make it worth your wild."

And so with those words Gwendlyn Moors racked up another victim to her long list of male companions. Truth be told, Gwendlyn Moors was skillful in the art of manipulation. Mostly she would use men for money, or extravagant gifts, sometimes even for sex. She had to repay them at some point if she was to ever lay hold on them for any extended period of time of course. Indeed, Gwendlyn Moors was a member of a very dishonorable bunch. And just who is to blame for allowing the esteemed Marsellus Towers to fall for one like Gwendlyn Moors: certainly not the helper that is Donovan Tillet. Donovan never was a great perceiver of the character of a human being, and in truth, Gwendlyn never did anything that would give him any indication as to her true being. However, the situation that Marsellus is about to engage in isn't purely by chance. We are in the acknowledgement of the higher power, and the fact which being that some bad things that happen to good people only help to bring about a stronger person in the end.

With that said, Marsellus--over two days time--made it his mission to affect the heart of Gwendlyn Moors, planning his method of approach most extensively. He wrote things down, practiced in front of mirrors, and even received input from long-time friend Donovan. It was an exciting time to be sure. Marsellus was on the brink of overcoming a weight which had bogged him down since early childhood. But when the big day came there were still jitters and apprehensions which he could not overcome. His heart would beat irregularly, and his palms produced sweat. He felt altogether uneasy, and in his mind the thought kept resurfacing that Gwendlyn would reject him. But he held steadfast. Regardless of how he was feeling, he was determined to go through with it this time, after so many thwarted attempts. And so he approached Gwendlyn after class one day. Their conversation being as follows:

"Gwendlyn! Wait up!" He hastened toward her. "I wanted to talk with you."

"Talk to me? About what?"

Marsellus took a deep breath. He looked from side to side and saw Donovan walk past him, motioning signs of encouragement. He had prepared hard for this moment, and now he could hardly get out what he wanted to say.

"Listen...I was wondering...Well...I'm interested in you...deeply...I have been, ever since I laid eyes on you. And...I thought it might be nice if you and I got to know each other a little better."

Marsellus went on, building his case and giving Gwendlyn no time at all for a reply. He stated that he wouldn't dare dream of violating her and that he was interested in companionship, something which shocked her immeasurably, though she betrayed not a hint of her inward manner. Finally, after much talk, Gwendlyn smiled, which in turn left Marsellus' mouth gaped wide open. She then spoke.

"Oh Mars!" She said, stroking his cheek in the process. "I'd be delighted to go out with you."

The cogs in her mind were running in overdrive. Normally, she would have rejected him because of his professed abstinence, but she was secretly very fond of Marsellus, and wished to lay with him. Indeed, Gwendlyn Moors had plans for Marsellus Towers. So they set the date for a Friday night, and all the while the excitement of Marsellus reached feverish peaks. Just before he was about to leave for Gwendlyn's, Marsellus consulted Donovan on proper behavior.

"Now, it is probably best if you don't bring up the fact that you've never been out on a date before."

"Why not?"

"Because it'll put unneeded pressure on her at this point. You don't want to do that, do you?"

Marsellus shook his head.

"Just be yourself. She's not out to get you. She's a person just like you and me, ya see? You don't have to put on any fronts."

Marsellus nodded his head.

"I see. Well, I'm off. Will you be up when I get back?"

"Maybe. I am kinda interested to see how it all turns out."

And so with those words spoken Marsellus headed for the exit and left. Gwendlyn, like many other college students, still lived with her parents, and had given Marsellus her address: 13575 Biltmore Street it read. Marsellus had no trouble finding it, as he was familiar with the neighborhood. When he pulled near the curb of the house, he found that Gwendlyn was already waiting for him on a porch bench, her hair sparkling in the moonlight. She was clothed in a very tight ensemble, and hoped that through her dress Marsellus would decode her secret message. Marsellus thought it befitting of her, but wasn't about to engage in anything that went against what he stood for. Marsellus got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Hi!" He said. "You been waiting long?"

"No. Not particularly."

"That's good."

There was a small smile on her face, which Marsellus noticed. This would be a night to remember. As they made their way to the movies (which is one of the places they agreed upon going, later they would go to dinner) they talked on a variety of subjects: like school, family, each others private interests. Gwendlyn was quite fond of baking and Marsellus confessed that he was quite fond of eating. The two shared a healthy laugh from that episode. But there were some things brought up and noticed which utterly disengaged the interest of Marsellus, like Gwendlyn's vanity. Whenever he'd turn to gaze at her, it seemed as if she was constantly looking in the mirror. Also, she talked most extensively of past relationships, and how she was treated by other men, in terms of their willingness or unwillingness to spend money on her. This gave Marsellus a very mixed impression of the one whom he had become so infatuated with.

The movie they were going to go see was a romantic comedy. Neither of them had seen it, so they were both fairly interested. Marsellus, though, was concerned chiefly about the possibility of them building a relationship, and he felt strongly that--after considering and dismissing the absurdness of it all--Gwendlyn could be the one he'd marry one day. But this feeling would only last for a short while, as he was highly disappointed when another man, whom Gwendlyn knew, came and spoke with her. It happened at the conclusion of the film. He had no date, or at least that is what Marsellus perceived. And he might have forgotten about the incident altogether, had it not been for the way in which Gwendlyn handled it. She talked and laughed with him, carrying on as if Marsellus wasn't even there. Finally, she did introduce the two, and said that he was only a casual acquaintance of hers, which, after observing the way they interacted, Marsellus wasn't too inclined to believe.

As they made their way from the theater to dinner, there wasn't much of anything of importance discussed. Marsellus found it difficult to converse with her after the way in which she had treated him. He tried to conceal it, but Gwendlyn noticed, and perceived that he was genuinely hurt by her actions. She would have to turn her charm up a notch if she was to ever have him, and that is exactly what she would do. As they arrived and made their way to their tables, Marsellus determined in his mind that he would forget what happened at the theater, if for no other reason to give Gwendlyn the benefit of the doubt. Marsellus therefore attempted to spark conversation.

"What are you ordering?" He said, as he flipped through his menu.

"I don't know yet. What about you, Mr. I-Like-To-Eat-A-Lot."

Marsellus smiled. Gwendlyn did the same.

"Probably their steak. I hear its nice. So says Donovan."

"Then I'll have the same."

So they ordered and ate and had stimulating conversation throughout. Gwendlyn even confided in him that she was secretly very fond of him since the beginning, and Marsellus was now feeling so comfortable talking with her, that he decided to forego advice given him by Donovan.

"You know," Said he, "you're actually the very first girl I've ever been out with."

"No." Said Gwendlyn, in a very shocking manner. "Really?"

"Yes!" He said. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, says Donovan, but I feel greatly relaxed while talking with you."

She smiled. Secretly she was very pleased with this. Now she knew him to be ripe for the picking. She even thought of caressing his leg with her own, but later thought better of it, seeing as how he was committed to abstinence. She did not want to upset him or scare him away. But she would not let the night pass without giving him a firm indication as to her intentions. So Marsellus paid the bill and they left the restaurant on a happy note. Marsellus was very pleased with how things were going. She is marvelous, he thought. Simply marvelous. After pulling into her driveway, Marsellus got out and walked her to her door.

"I had a wonderful time." Said he.

"So did I. It was very enjoyable."

"How does next Friday sound? We can go bowling."

"Oh, I'm not that good," She said.

"Neither am I. But that's what will make it fun."

"Fine. Next Friday we'll go bowling." She said, laughing. She then became serious, romantically so.

"Can I...kiss you?" She said. Marsellus saw no harm in it, and said yes. So she kissed him, and he kissed her, and as she did so she touched him inappropriately, which startled Marsellus immeasurably.

"I'll see you in class," She said, as she entered her house. Marsellus was left there standing in amazement. Finally he got hold of himself and headed for home. It was, to him, a very sensitive topic. That she would do such a thing after he expressed his disinterest, was distressing. Still, he was not ready to end the blossoming relationship. He would simply tell her that her conduct was inappropriate and never to do it again. That is what he would do. Well, as he was heading for his apartment, he couldn't help but think on how great a night it had been. Apart from the two finding a good deal of chemistry, he had conquered his being shy. And this is only the beginning, he thought. Only the beginning. When he got back home he found that Donovan was fast asleep. An unfortunate incident really, because he was dying to hear his own take on the matter. So the next morning came, and as he was getting ready for class he explained just how fantastic a night it was.

"It was incredible man. We had great chemistry together. It was like we knew each other from years past or something. We're gonna make a great couple."

"See, I told you didn't I? Now what we need to do is build upon the foundation. Lets you and I go out tonight. I know a great club on the Northwest side of town. You shouldn't go looking for another woman of course, but it'd be nice to just mingle, ya know."

And Marsellus agreed, thinking it good for him to get out and live, after so many years of death. The two left for the club at around 10:30 at night. When they got there, they had to show identification, as the bouncer wasn't convinced that they were over eighteen. The club was lively, there was a great many young people there, some dancing, others sitting at tables whilst having drinks. Marsellus and Donovan went to an empty booth and seated themselves. It was very difficult to hear one another, with all the noise and whatnot, but they spoke anyways.

"Ya see," Said Donovan, half hearing himself. "Its pretty intense here isn't it?"

"Yeah," Said Marsellus, speaking far loudly than what should be expected of him. "Yes it is."

"I'm going to go see if I can find someone to talk to. I'll be right back."

Marsellus nodded whilst smiling. He sincerely appreciated the friendship of Donovan; how he stuck with him over the years, even when at times it seemed like he was resisting his methods. But he was only being shy. And true, it was still with him to a degree, his shyness, but not to the stifling degree with which it began. He took in his surroundings. It wasn't the place for him, this club. He couldn't put a finger on it, what it was which didn't set with him. But he knew this wasn't a place that he would frequent. He sighed. And now his thoughts moved toward Gwendlyn. Ah yes, the great splendor that is Gwendlyn Moors. How long would the two date before announcing their engagement? Two, three years maybe? He would have to meet their parents first, and she his of course, but there was really no harm in thinking about future events, he thought. And then what, after marriage? Children? How many? Three? Four? Five? The two had their whole lives ahead of them, but they would grow old together. Together. The two of them. Growing old. How wonderfully romantic, he thought.

He stood up, seeing if he could not spot Donovan. The great intermingling of people was really something else. He was not saddened that he himself didn't fit into the mold of every one else here, but rather grateful: grateful for who he had won, and grateful for what he had overcome. Donovan couldn't be seen amongst the host of individuals, so he decided to just sit back and wait for his return. Then something happened. Something which utterly sank the heart of Marsellus Towers to the deepest depths of his inner being. He saw Gwendlyn, dancing with another man, and it destroyed him. At first, he was unsure of who it was, but as he zeroed in on her, he became sure. NO! What did he do wrong? Didn't she enjoy the time they had spent together? Why would she do this? He couldn't stop thinking about it. She had betrayed him. Donovan came back to the table and saw Marsellus with his head bent in miserable reflection. Marsellus explained to him what had happened, and the two left the club.

Class with Gwendlyn didn't come again until four days later, but when it did Marsellus made good on his promise to confront her. She said she was sorry, and that she didn't mean to hurt him, and that it meant nothing at all to her. But Marsellus couldn't get past the fact that she would do such a thing, even after the splendid time they had together, and so he called off their formerly announced engagement. There would be no future for them afterall. How utterly depressing for him. The semester had come to an end, and that gave him some much needed time away from the face of Gwendlyn Moors, allowing for healing. And by the time of registration, he had healed a good deal. So he went to register for classes, and as he stood in the cashier's line he caught site of a gorgeous young woman, whose face was lightish brownish in complexion and whose hair was crinkled and free. He introduced himself and it turned out to be Iris from elementary school. She smiled, remembering him well, and at that moment he realized he had been given another chance at winning her over, and now, with everything that he had learned, he would make good on that opportunity.
© Copyright 2003 SethVonYork (sethvonyork at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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