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Talking to youngster about Cancer. Came to me in a dream, as all my works do.
Ticked at Cancer
By Tony Phillips

“What word scares you the most?”
I don’t know.
I know someone who has cancer and that scares me. “It should.”
The word is simple enough. “It has other names like sarcoma, leukemia, and lymphoma.”
There it is again. Cancer is bad,... right? “Cancer can be harmless or it can be deadly.”
Why is it repeating itself ? “Because that is what cancer does.”
What’s that supposed to mean? “Dictionary time ! Cancer: a disease in which body cells multiply uncontrollably.”
How does someone get cancer ? “Unknown, maybe genetic, maybe environmental, maybe diet.”
So, how did it get started ? “No one knows.”
Doesn’t sound like we know very much about it. “We are still learning.”
Do other cells reproduce ? “All cells reproduce but this one cannot stop itself.”
How can that kill us ? “By growing into large tumors and spreading to other vital organs.”
What about treatments ? “Chemotherapy and radiation attempt to kill it. They’re also hard on normal cells though. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.”
Will it ever stop ? “Only if we kill it or it kills us.”
How do you die ? “Eventually the cancer wears you down and your body just quits.”
Alright! Enough...I’m getting scared now. “What if you had cancer?”
No. I don’t want to even think about that. “Come on, empathize with those facing it alone!”
Hey, I feel different. Something is wrong. “Relax, it’s just the first phase.”
First phase of what? Getting cancer? “Sure and the emotional stages of grief that go with it.”
This can’t be happening. I’m gonna live forever. “That would be the denial stage.”
Come on this can’t be happening to me. “Then who should it happen to?”
It isn’t going to stop is it ? I don’t think I can handle this. “Did you think it would be easy?”
I just want it to go away. Leave me alone! “ Ah...anger, you’ve moved to stage two.”
Stop it NOW! Why are you picking on me ? “Feeling a little resentment ?”
Please, I don’t understand. I’ll do anything if it will just go away. “Gonna try bargaining now?”
I know, I’ll pray, and promise God I’ll change. “Good place to start but it might not help.”
You mean there is nothing I can do? “ There is always hope and advances in medical care.”
I don’t care anymore. It doesn’t matter. “Depression is not a place you want to remain for long.”
Okay. Okay. I have it, but I still want to live. “Good! Acceptance is the final stage.”
You said I finished the final stage, but I still don’t understand Cancer. “Who does?”
I know what cancer is but I still don’t understand. Can you give me an example ? “Sure.”

“My father once shared a story which makes a good analogy. He saw a dog with so many ticks it seemed they inhabited every square inch of exposed skin. Ticks of all sizes littered the poor dog’s body. They were waiting in line for a chance to draw blood from the victim. Each tick would engorge itself and then withdraw to create offspring. The next generation would find themselves facing a ready-made meal. Life for a tick doesn’t get any better. The dog however, could be no worse off. Early in the infestation a few ticks would have had little or no impact on the dog’s life. At some point the number of ticks increased and their daily consumption of blood took a toll on the dog’s stamina. Eventually the dog had difficulty even moving. When laying down the dog would inadvertently cause countless bulging ticks to explode, thus spraying blood in every direction. The dog’s metabolism continued to fall until it was only able to lay dormant. Unable to eat the dog soon succumbed to death. The ticks were unable to perceive their mistake. Their over breeding caused the host to die. No dog - no ticks.”

That is a really gross story and I’m not sure it’s fair to compare people fighting cancer to dogs with ticks.

“You’re right. But it’s just a simple comparison. The ticks reproduce, spread without control, and can cause death. Cancer can be viewed in a similar way. A single cell mutates for some unknown reason and begins to make copies of itself at an exponential rate. The developing tumor may cast off these now imperfect copies to other areas of the body. When they invade a vital organ or cause the disruption of vital functions the human body dies. The cancer ends only when the human dies. Even if treatment stops the replication of these cancerous cells the threat is not over. In remission the cancer awaits a second chance to grow uncontrolled. Maybe someday scientists will find a cure for all cancers, but for now it will continue to claim millions of lives each year.”

I think I understand cancer now, but I’m still afraid. “You should be”
I think I’ll find something else to read. “Good idea but cancer won’t just go away.”
“Got it ?”
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