Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/610763-Towers
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Emotional · #610763
A Breaking Of Great Friends

In the clear afternoon air stands 7 Towers

One of Deep Red

One of Lightning Blue

One of Pale Silver

One of Soft Green

One of Dark Brown

One of Charred Black

And One of Shining Gold

Their Names arise in the soft air

Trumpets from every Tower call

War, Yells the Red Tower

Rouge, Sneers the Blue

Knowledge, Whispers the Silver

Tranquility, Speaks the Green

Labour, Groans the Brown

Weakness, Hisses the Black

Glory, Proclaims the Gold

I stand now on the balcony of the Silver Tower

The air is colder then yesterday

For everyday that goes by, it becomes more frigid

In the distance great clouds of wrath gather

They are swepted towards the Towers by the Winds
of change

Below, I see the Red Banner fall as the Council of War rides out

To the West their course is set

Unknown and Enigmic is that path, West

My heart aches, for they are the second to leave

Before them, have the blasting trumpets of the Blue Tower fell silent

The Council of Rouge has departed South

Dangerous and full of passion is that path, South

The Allyship of the Towers begins breaking

The leaves on the trees that surround the Green tower, are now golden

Once were they green, and once were they strong

But once we were all strong!

The Council of Tranquility has their eye set on the Path up

Comforting and familiar is that path, Up

Everyday it seems that more and more of the Angelic Beings in the Tower leave

With each one gone, does another tree lose it's green

The Labouring people of the Brown Tower, strive to the road down

Deep and full of forgetfulness is that path, Down

Undecidedly do they dwell toilsomely in their Tower

A lone tear falls from my cheek as I stand

A large gust of cold wind hits me and my robes flitter wildly

The Clouds are almost upon the Towers now

They come with the chill of cold iron and with the winds of change

None can stand in their way

The pain-strickend inhabitants of the decaying Black Tower seek their leave soon

They look to the North for comfort

Hard and Cruel is that path, North

Their Tower is the smallest and crumbles more and more, each day

It is known that their Tower will never stand in the Storm to come

They shall be swept away and forgotten to ease the pain of others

I feel the pull that they feel

The need to leave

My Path will be that of the East

New and Untroddened is that path, East

Weeping, I turn and walk back into the Tower

It seemed that the Allyship was so perfect it would last forever

The Fates can be so cruel

I know that to stay is to be Lost

Soon the Towers will be no more then memories of a golden age

Their Allyship, forgotten

The Glory, The Power, and The Light Washed over by change and the Lost

Do I remain with the broken Union of Towers

Or do I leave to the East

The Towers are Shattered

The Towers are Divided

The Towers are Lost
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