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Sometimes it takes more than mere words to get the job done... |
CODE: T (set in the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Both scenes: The Trench Rats (in progress) PAIRING: Boris/Didrika (M/F) EXPLANATION: I can't remember exactly where the idea of Didrika came from, but once she developed as a Trench Rats character, I fell in love with her. Platonically speaking, of course. ^_^; She is probably THE toughest, most take-no-shittingest character I've created--and what's more, she's a WOMAN! (You would not believe how wimpy most of my females are...well...unless you've read any of my other erotica, I guess.) She's brash and brazen and beautiful and unapologetic, which made me like her even more following some of her history which she revealed in a scene with Reseda Rat (not an erotic scene, but I may include it later on to illustrate her character--it has nonconsensual themes). Pretty much how it goes is, Didrika was a member of a Gypsy clan who was kicked out by her own father after being raped by a gadjo (non-Gypsy). She had been out walking without a chaperone, so the deed was proclaimed to be her fault. As a teenager she sustained herself by prostitution until she made enough money to live quite comfortably--and then she fled to the countryside to fight with the partisans. She came across Boris, a Russian soldier who had been captured and was being tortured by the Nazis; Didrika managed to shoot every last one of them unaided, freeing Boris, and thus earning his eternal respect. She still had to earn the respect of the rest of the male partisans in her part of the woods...which she easily did, through a combination of sex and intimidation. She is now the female leader of an all-male partisan force, of which Boris is her second in command, as well as her primary lover; although fond of the rest of the men under her command, she doesn't really have romantic feelings for them--it's just business as usual. Her relationship with Boris is rather odd as well, as for the most part the two are not jealous of their other relations...well, except when Trench Rats are concerned. (Boris has a thing against Trench Rats--you'll have to see the upcoming "Copper Rat/Didrika," whenever it's finished.) Reseda, whom Didrika alternately treats as a little brother or potential conquest, is in disbelief to learn she has no shame or guilt over any of her choices--she knows where she stands, and doesn't bother dwelling on things that can't be helped. To paraphrase what she tells Reseda at one point--she doesn't care whether she has to use her fists or the rest of her body to get obedience, just so long as it works--and it does. So even though she's had a rather lousy life, she's probably one of the most mentally balanced characters I've created. ANYWAY! I just had to write some of her scenes with Boris...and a few others...to show the odd dynamic she's got going on, which keeps her unit working. Reseda is understandably bewildered. You probably would be too if you were him. DISCLAIMERS: Reseda's "Why do you do it?" question, near the end of "Keeping In Line," is repeated in the so-far unfinished scene I mentioned above. So either the scenes are alternates of each other, or Reseda is really dense. o_o "Keeping In Line," BTW, is a combination of related scenes; I didn't feel like writing the material that comes in between them. Also, I'm not sure Didrika really does the whole "sex party" thing that goes on in "Gangbang"--it seems to me she's more private about her affairs--but I just felt like writing it. Eh. * * * * * Keeping In Line Boris reached out, one large rough hand stroking Didrika's cheek. He gave a crooked smile. "After such a long day, don't you think there's anything you could spare for your good friend?" "You were an ass today," Didrika replied, her look cool. He scowled. "I could not help it! These Rats set me all on edge. They act as if they own the world and we owe them everything." "We do owe them plenty. You would do best never to forget this. If they seem cocky, it is because we never have any thanks to spare them." "Whether they get thanked or not is not my main concern at the moment." His grin grew. "Come on, little Didi. You're certain you can spare me nothing tonight?" "I never said this. Still, you put me in a bad mood. I may not be 'pleasant' tonight." He gave a loud laugh. "I think it would hardly matter! You must be joking. I've had much worse, at much worse times." She smirked. "I wouldn't doubt this, at least." He merely laughed again, loud enough to make her want to shush him impatiently. He stopped laughing before she could do so, and touched her neck. "Well, touché. You were always one to make a man feel poorly about himself even while bringing him to the heights of heaven." "You talk far too much, Boris, so you tire even me. If you keep talking I may just fall asleep from boredom. If you want to go for it, go for it. Have I ever held you back before?" "No. I suppose this is why I like you so much, little Didi." His smile grew wider and he leaned down to kiss her, parting open her lips and thrusting his tongue inside her mouth. She didn't pull away when his fingers popped the buttons on her shirt, pulling it and her flimsy bra from her shoulders, roughly squeezing her breasts. He hastily unzipped his now-bulging pants, panting hoarsely. "You hardly ever even leave a lady the time to prepare," Didrika said, her voice mockingly cross. "Lady? Since when has there been a lady around here?" He guffawed again but silenced himself almost immediately when she reached forward to draw his throbbing member out, stroking it with one hand. "Shush up, Boris. You want to wake everyone? I swear that you wish everybody to be a voyeur." "If it should make our little visits more exciting, then I would like it very much." "You would. Pervert." Another laugh, though this one was more subdued. Didrika passively allowed him to pull down her pants and underwear. He spun her around to face the wall, accidentally knocking a glass from the stand as he did so. She winced when her arm was pinned behind her back, not from pain, but from the noise. Leave it to the big brute to wake half the camp up. He inserted his knee between her legs, pushing them apart. His face came close to hers, breath hot on her cheek, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Drinking again?" she murmured with distaste. "Shameful, Boris." "Hey, it harms no one. 'Specially not me. Hush up, woman, I need to concentrate." "It figures that you would need most of your brain to figure out how to do this properly," she said in return, before he had forced her buttocks apart and thrust up into her with a loud grunt of pleasure. * * * * * Reseda sucked in a breath and rubbed his eyes on hearing a crash of glass in the other room. He sat up, blinking in the darkness, before turning on the small lamp beside him and looking around. He shared this room with no one at the moment; he assumed the thin Russian rat who had been there earlier had gone, for whatever reason. Good riddance. He couldn't stand the feeling he was always being watched anyway. These partisans were far too suspicious. He swung his legs over the side of the cot and put his feet on the floor, still rubbing his eyes and yawning. Well...at least they'd taken good care of Silver. They couldn't be completely bad if they'd managed to do that correctly. He just wished he didn't have to spend so much time in their camp--he had the feeling many of them didn't particularly care for the Trench Rats being around. He frowned now and paused, listening. The crash--which he'd written off as being an accident or something--wasn't the only noise that came from the next room. He heard a low muffled sound now, almost indescribable, like someone murmuring continuously. There was also a slight thumping going along with it. It didn't let up. Now suspicious himself, he pushed himself up slowly, heading for the door. It had been left open a crack and yellow lanternlight came in around the edges. He knew Didrika had occupied the other room earlier, and assumed it was her private quarters--not that much was private around here. Still, the noise put him on edge, and he approached the door, reaching it and cautiously opening it just a bit further, peering inside as far as he dared. As soon as he saw inside the source of the noise was promptly explained. He saw Boris first of all, because Boris was unmissable. The big rat had made him nervous on first sighting, and now his anxiety was only tripled. He had Didrika pinned against the wall, arm twisted behind her back. His pants were still on, but obviously unzipped; Didrika's were not, being instead bunched down around her ankles. Her head leaned against the wall, eyes shut, teeth clenched. Boris clutched her arm and one thigh, knees holding her legs spread open wide as he thrust into her rapidly. He grunted loudly as he did so, hips rocking hard. His buttocks bunched and released, bunched and released inside his pants, Didrika's doing the same, almost spasmodically, the fleshy roundness clenching around him; her breasts crushed repeatedly against the wall. She hissed and moaned. Reseda's hand started to reach for his gun--it looked as if the big rat had sneaked into Didrika's room and, threatening to break her arm, forced himself into her--but as his fingers clutched the cool metal Boris let out a particularly explosive grunt, at which the woman hissed again and lifted her head from the wall, looking back at him over her shoulder even as he still moved inside her. "Idiot! Do you think you can keep a little more quiet? For God's sake. This tent is not empty, remember!" "Come on...little Didi..." Boris's own voice came out strained as he puffed, pushing at her. "...You really think...they'd pay us much mind...when we're so obviously busy?" "Not everyone is as--gasp!--oblivious as you. Knock off the noise! Or no more of--this!" She tossed her head back, arching and gasping, fingers clawing the wall. The big rat gave a guttural laugh. "See, you can't resist me either. We are two of a kind, you and me. Why can you not believe this?" "You're about as unique as--oh!--half of the other men I've met. Get it over with al--oh!--ready, we haven't got all day to be doing--OH!--this..." Reseda swallowed and backed away as Boris resumed his heated thrusting, large hips crushing Didrika onto his swollen shaft. She was dwarfed by the big rat, but seemed to be enjoying him...aside from their annoyed talking...there wasn't any rape to prevent here. He slowly pulled the door shut on their frenzied grunts and growing cries of ecstasy. It was nothing he wanted to be a part of, any more than he already was... * * * * * He gaped into the room, mouth open. He couldn't believe it. He saw her at it again. Didrika. One of her men enjoyed her up against the wall, her arms around his neck, mouth to his, legs encircling his waist; her hips rolled against his. They murmured with obvious pleasure as they moved, quickly, bodies stroking and rubbing. Not only that, but after they had shuddered in climax he let her down, only for the two of them to go over to the chair, she leaning over it, he leaning over her, pushing into her with a ragged groan of lust. His fingers clenched her thighs, his back arched as he quivered joyfully, head falling back to mouth his desire at the ceiling. And...he wasn't Boris. Reseda couldn't understand it. The night before, he could have sworn Didrika and Boris shared...something. Perhaps not love, but close enough, considering what they'd done together. Now, here she coupled with another man, one of the others serving under her...or over her, as he did at the moment. And this was not force either. The woman moaned and thrashed against him, not out of fear or anger, but out of pleasure. She liked this. He heard a door, the other door leading into the room, open, and backed away abruptly, expecting fireworks as the two were caught in the act. He heard a brief cry of exclamation, obviously surprise from the one entering; then a long period of rapid murmuring...then a whisper or two, and silence. He held his breath. So...what had happened? Was it merely an awkward moment, or was genuine punishment going to be meted out for stumbling in so haphazardly? He heard another murmur, another silence, and then a low moan. His ears pricked. What had that been? Unable to stand the suspense, he approached the door once more, peeking inside. Oh my GOD! His mouth fell open and his eyes felt ready to fall from his head. The three in the room had certainly resolved matters to their satisfaction. Now Didrika stood near the middle of the room, not far from the chair; her first partner still pushed within her from behind, only now truly behind, into her anus, his arms wrapped under her arms to clutch her shoulders; and the third person, the man who had startled them upon entering, pressed close to her in front, fingers digging into her fleshy buttocks, hips rolling against and into her. The two men panted heavily, both alternating between squeezing her breasts and licking her neck; meanwhile Didrika kept her head back, moaning lustfully, eyes closed and hands roaming over both of her lovers, down one's chest, under his testicles, over the other's buttocks, between someone's legs. She shifted back and forth between them as they alternated pushing at her, one behind, one in front. One grunted slightly with strain, the other groaned softly and whispered her name to her. In fact they both did. "Sweet Didi," the second one, in front, murmured, voice tight. "Dear sweet Didi..." "You love us, don't you?" the first one groaned. "You let us take you...so you must love us...right?" "Please don't deny us, little Didi..." "We love you, forever, always..." "Just let us be with you, little Didi..." "Let us come inside you..." "Let us make love to you...sweet tight Didi..." Her mouth roamed over the second one's neck even as her hand squeezed at the first one's buttock. "You both know how I feel...about all of you, every single one of you...I never put one of you above any of the others, I love you all..." "Please prove this to us, dear Didi..." "Please prove you love us...let us prove we love you..." "Dear little Didi...unh!" Reseda could only gape in astonishment to see each of them come, in his/her turn...after which the two men switched places, the second one taking her in the anus, the first from in front, in the vagina...she moaned and writhed against them exactly as she had before, very obviously enjoying herself--and them. After they had done this the second one bent her over the chair and took her hard and slow, as the first one had, while the first man rested panting against the wall; and then when his loud groan signaled his release, the three of them joined each other again, a tangle of arms and legs and mouths all exploring one another, difficult to make apart, until the tangle resolved itself to find Didrika bent kneeling upon the floor, one of the men--Reseda had lost track of which--pumping into her rapidly, crying out hoarsely, the second kneeling before her letting out a loud moan as her mouth enveloped his stiff member, tongue trailing over the fleshy head down to his sac. Reseda didn't need to guess what would happen next, and he was right. On their orgasm they simply switched places one more time, the woman mouthing the next one while the other took her from behind. After this, they both received the chance to mouth her themselves, switching one from the other until both sprayed upon the floor and upon her belly...and he wasn't even sure by now what they did as their act of completion, but whatever it was it ended with them all tangled together again, bodies heaving and panting and sweating and groaning and grunting and lusting, until their grand shared climax, thick white seed spraying Didrika's face and breasts, her hands running up and down to spread it upon her body as if it were lotion, shuddering with pleasure and exhaustion. She had made love already seven, eight times...he couldn't remember by now. He couldn't believe he had watched it all, either, without getting excited himself. But he was simply too appalled to have been much aroused by what he'd seen. He still simply couldn't believe it. * * * * * "Why do you do it?" Didrika turned to look at him, eyes mildly questioning. Reseda shifted uncomfortably. "Do what?" she asked, finally, though he'd been hoping she already knew. "What you did." He paused. "I...saw you...the other night. With Boris." Her brow rose. "And then last night, with two others...neither of whom was him." A brief pause, before she inquired, "Enjoy watching? Did you wish to join in?" He flushed. "It was an accident. I admit I looked longer than I should have...but this doesn't answer my question. Why do this? With all of them, like that?" This time the pause was longer. Didrika stared at him for a while as if trying to determine how she should answer. She finally settled on the best one, and said, "Because they are men, and I am a woman." She shrugged. "There is no deeper reason. I am the only female in this camp. We all have our needs. Them more so than I, but myself also. And so we've come up with the most convenient way of handling this tension." He bit the inside of his mouth. "But--why all of them, like this? Surely there must be something better...something less..." "Whorish?" He flinched; she smiled. "Do not be offended, if I am not. If giving freely of my body makes me a whore, then so be it. I bear no shame. As I said, this is most convenient for all of us. This is a large camp, Private. Many men, and one woman. They become...frustrated sometimes. Relieving yourself, by yourself, is not always effective." "Still, to be with so many of them..." "This is my way of keeping them in line. Men use guns, I use this. It's the only way to keep control of all of them. Do you think I would be better off if I had a camp full of sexually frustrated soldiers? They would go from town to city seizing and taking any woman or young girl they saw fit, whether willing or unwilling. Do you think this should be a better idea?" "If they can't control that, then they shouldn't be soldiers," Reseda said, voice soft but forceful. Didrika shrugged. "They are the only soldiers I have. Poorly trained, yes. Ill equipped, most definitely. Yet they are the only ones who were left who would bother fighting alongside me. At first, they had nothing but disrespect for a woman leading them. Then when they learned I can fight just as well as any of them--even better--they decided to give it a shot. And whenever they get out of line, they know they can expect one of two things from me." "What are those?" Reseda asked, not certain if he wanted to know. The woman smiled and held up two fingers, counting on them. "Number one...swift and harsh punishment. Or number two...the threat that should they disobey me, they will not be so lucky as their comrades to receive the same favors of me that the rest will." Her smile grew and her eyes glittered. "This second threat is most effective, Private, more so than you would believe. I'm in command of a bunch of very eager, very excitable men. Plus, with this, I get my own personal satisfaction out of the deal. Whether it's my fists or my cunt that keeps them in line...who am I to complain so long as it works." Gangbang The men hooted and cheered enthusiastically, shaking their glasses at the air. Reseda watched Didrika bump her glass against another's, a wide smile on her face. Everyone drank and ate and shouted as loudly as they could so he had to plug his ears at one point. He didn't pay much attention to what was being said--someone begged the woman to give a short speech, and she obliged--but rather he focused on the looks that they were giving her. He didn't like how several of them elbowed each other and jerked their thumbs at her, nodding and smiling and even licking their lips. It was obvious that at least a few had something planned for that night. He didn't know if she planned on going along or not--though by this point, he wouldn't have been surprised. Whatever she had been talking about, she stepped down from the table amidst their cheers, tipping back her glass and taking a swig. She listened to what a few of those around her had to say, nodding several times as if bored, before standing again and saying something that Reseda wasn't able to catch. A few more of the men protested, to which she said, raising her voice above theirs, "You all know how it is, boys--first come, first served," and sauntered away from the table, supposedly toward the door leading from the room. There was a bit more cheering and a few of the men got up to follow her. Reseda started to stand up, only to feel a hand on his shoulder pushing him back down. He turned and nearly cringed to see that it was Boris. The rat was big enough to crush him into a tiny ball, especially for staring at Didrika like that. Instead, the Russian just gave him a knowing look and nodded toward the door. "Let her do what she does. Follow her only if you want some of it yourself." Reseda flushed. "Hardly. It doesn't piss you off that right now she could be in there with someone else?" "'Could be'? You think too much, American. I already know this is what she does. Have for a long time. One doesn't go to Didi thinking they are the only one. One would tend to get a big head that way." Reseda scowled to himself and looked back toward the door. He realized that it was not actually an exit from the room, but a small closet or niche, very much within earshot of most of the room should they quiet down enough. A sort of flimsy curtain had been pulled across it, and even from here he could hear a slight thumping and once in a while a brief groan, and could see two pairs of legs below the curtain, one pair between the other, the curtain shifting as those within moved rapidly. Just outside the tiny room, in fact a few feet from it, a few other men stood in a sort of haphazard line, bobbing on their feet and murmuring and otherwise keeping themselves preoccupied until it was their turn. Didrika let out a muffled cry and several more lascivious hoots filled the air. After several moments one hand pushed the curtain aside and a man came shuffling out, flushed and happy looking, doing up his pants; Reseda caught the briefest glimpse of Didrika still within, leaning back against the wall, legs spread and panting tiredly. One of the other men went in straight after the first, closing the curtain; a moment later the first pair of legs between the second could be seen, and a while after that there was a commotion within and the curtain thrashed and flailed as the two bodies shifted around, to end up with one pair of legs behind the other, still pushing frantically. His scowl grew and he turned away from the shameful sight. Boris still stared at him curiously. "Really not interested, eh?" "No. I prefer it one-on-one, not one-on-twenty." The big rat let out a raucous laugh. "Twenty! Well, I doubt little Didi is quite that talented...still, one can always be surprised. Stay here if you like, or go to see her; it hardly matters to me." "And what will you be doing?" Reseda prompted. Boris shrugged, then tugged on his sleeve a bit. "I have yet to decide. I had planned on working on updating all our files...yet it seems inviting over there in that little room." The Trench Rat turned away in disgust when the Russian laughed again and left him alone. He couldn't believe how this place was run, when sex was what kept the men in line. He didn't even want to think about how things would be if this were how his battalion were run. * * * * * Didrika patiently lay back and waited for her current suitor to finish with her. She barely had to expend herself for any of them; they were often quite satisfied with a passive partner, just so long as they got what they wanted, how they wanted it. By now she recognized what each one of the men who regularly saw her liked most...she did this because it was her job to remember. The one with her now--Meyer--was most interested in straight frontal sex. The room was very tiny, small enough only to stand; and so he had her pressed back against the wall shelf, puffing as he pushed into her. She knew that he also liked to suck...and so his mouth was around her breast, tugging at it noisily, saliva collecting on her chest. He lightly chewed at and tweaked her nipples. She didn't much care for that; but what she really cared for didn't really matter out of all of this. When Meyer had finished with her and shuffled out, buttoning up his pants, in came Heinrich, rubbing his hands together and smiling at her. She smiled back. Heinrich was an interesting one, to say the least. Frontal or behind was never really enough for him. She found that her times spent with Heinrich in the tiny room were the most difficult to accommodate. He would start out pushing into her in front, holding onto her back and kissing her deeply (she had always appreciated kissing); the act would always end up with him turning her around and taking her from behind. Sometimes he would even switch between the two several times. Within the small room this was difficult, and so they would spend a great deal of their limited time together merely shifting their bodies around to better suit each other. She believed that she would have liked being with him had it not been so awkward. At least he was always quick, so she wouldn't complain. As soon as he had left her, satisfied, in came Bauer. He was a groaner. He didn't care how the two of them had sex, just so long as he could mouth his pleasure out loud. Who was she to stop him? Of course, every time he cried out the chorus of hooting and catcalling would start anew, but she had learned to tune it out by now. When privacy was at such a premium, she didn't let a little thing like eavesdropping bother her. The next one--she believed his name was Claus--liked it anal and nothing other. She had her suspicions about him but didn't ask. When he entered he immediately turned her to face the wall, hands caressing her hips and pubic region, before bending over and into her with a low moan. Sometimes he would even whisper someone's name..."Otto...my dearest Otto"...and it only strengthened her suspicions...yet she never bothered correcting him. If his fantasies made him happy, it wasn't her place to burst them. And she rather liked taking it this way once in a while, for a nice change of pace. After the fourth time she didn't pay much attention to the rest. Her body was already exhausted, yet able to tolerate their continuous onslaught, their hunger and need. While she had to submit up to dozens of times, they were being satisfied only once. Her exhaustion was worth it, to keep them satisfied and under her command. And so as yet another one--number eight? nine?--eagerly pressed into the little room, reaching for her immediately, she barely responded, only to moan and arch when it was appropriate, and to simulate her own pleasure when he came. It wasn't that she didn't like it. It was just that by now she was too tired to really care whether they brought her to climax or not. It didn't really matter to them, either way...they were getting exactly what they wanted, as one after another came in, shifted her around to suit his desires--in front, behind, legs up, mouth down--and she knew that at least she would be getting a good night's sleep later on, plus she would not have to argue with any of them for a while. One of them finished with a soft grunt, spurting hard--she shuddered automatically--and pulling himself out, leaving the room. She lay back against the wall, panting weakly. It was a moment before the curtain parted again, and she appreciated the break. More than she'd expected had desired her services today, and so she was more tired than usual. She figured that she would need a rest before even walking out and around for a while. She started when a familiar hand touched her face, and let out a weak sigh. "Boris." She leaned into his touch, shivering slightly. "My, they were busy today...I should have saved the party for afterwards." He smiled at her in the dimness. He pressed against her already, as the room was too small for the two of them. "Ach, little one. I doubt you're as exhausted as you say. You've been able to put up with much more than these piddling fools." Her smile was tired, but genuine. "You say so only because you desire what they got, and what you haven't had today yet." "You're rarely wrong, but if you're so exhausted..." "Of course not, little Didi is never too tired for her big Boris." She held out her arms. "Come, come to me before I think back on the others too long and lose my appetite." He chuckled softly and came to her. Their mouths met, tongues twisting, swirling. She ran her hands down his back, over and underneath his buttocks. The big Russian was her favorite, by far; he was always more than satisfactory, so big, and considerate as well--as considerate as her bunch of louts could get. He growled at her touch, and she shivered against him. She clung to him fiercely, arms and legs; when she wrapped her legs around his waist, he lifted her from the floor with no effort at all. His hands clawed at her buttocks, pulling them apart, and she felt the thick head of his penis pressing against her opening. She pulled from his mouth and smiled breathlessly. "My, my, my big Boris...I guess now I didn't give you your nickname for nothing." He grinned in return, eyes lascivious. "If you doubt, I will simply prove it for you, sweet little Didi." She didn't have to ask twice. Within seconds she was tossing her head back with a gasp of genuine pleasure, clinging tightly to her lover as he pushed into her, pulling her onto himself repeatedly, grunting softly with the effort and with something more. With the way that her hands worked at his back, she knew that he would be more than a little sore in the morning. As would she, if his painfully tight grip on her buttocks, pushing her up, up, up, was any indication. His massiveness filled her to bursting, hot and flaming hard. * * * * * Reseda cast one more look toward the tiny room to see that Boris had indeed decided to visit his "friend" after all. The movement of the curtain now, the size of the person taking up the small enclosure, was enough to tell who it was. Plus he saw only one pair of legs below it now, so could merely guess how he was taking her. He could see the curtain billowing at his back as he rocked on his feet, his hips thrusting, and just the top of his head over the curtain, bent down; a second later he could have sworn that he caught a brief glimpse of Didrika's head, tossing back with a husky cry, eyes shut. The curtain shuddered and within the noise increased, a rapid grunting interspersed with Didrika's hoarse cries. The few other men still standing outside the room started drifting away, looks somewhat disappointed, as if they knew that after Boris their own chances were shot; the rest of them, however, only continued their howling and cheering, clanking their glasses together and singing the occasional odd song toward their occupied commander. When the curtain jerked with a loud lusty groan and a broken wail the cheering grew loud enough to hurt his ears again. Cringing, he turned away a final time and tried to immerse himself in his own drink. * * * * * Boris bore deeply into Didrika, groaning loudly as she cried out in orgasm. His seed flooded her; she was surprised that she had not yet become pregnant with the baby of one of her many encounters. If anything, Boris seemed most likely to get her with child; at least, she wouldn't have minded too much if he did. With how good he was to her, she doubted that his child could be so bad. She had no idea if he'd ever been married before or not. Letting out his breath--their bodies were slick and sticky with sweat--he gently eased her down and off of him, back toward the wall. For a brief moment she thought that he meant to take her again, but he simply set her on the tiny shelf, holding onto her arms, letting her lean back and rest. She panted softly, skin trickling with sweat. He stroked the mussed hair from her face and pulled up her panties and trousers. "I take it you are tired now?" he said, jestingly, giving a kind smile as he poked at her chin. "My Boris, every encounter with you leaves me both energized and exhausted beyond belief. But it is merely a mental erotic energy. I doubt you could get much more lust out of me at the moment--agh, my legs hurt." "Don't let this bother you, little Didi. I know you, and I know you will recover by morning, if not by midnight." His smile grew, then faded a bit as he noticed her distracted gaze, her faraway eyes. Several moments passed. "You think of someone else now, do you, little Didi?" When she didn't reply he again touched her face. She blinked, hearing his voice say her name. "What? Why do you suddenly think this, dear Boris?" His look both humored her and chided her at once. "I've known you for three years now, little Didi. You can't fool me. Your thoughts are on someone else...are they on a particular someone else?" She lowered her gaze, appearing lost in thought again. "Only on the one who will not join me either in here or in my bed, of his own free will." He paused for a moment, trying to think of who she meant. "Do you mean the Trench Rat?" he said, look quizzical. "The Silver one?" "No, fool, not Silver...his comrade. The young private. Reseda." "Oh!" He started laughing aloud and she had to keep herself from wincing. "You think about him? This is most funny, even while you were in here I was trying to convince him of what he was missing. He refused my every offer. He is too self-righteous for his own good." "Self-righteous, or principled?" She shook her head. "Whatever he is...I'm not certain, but perhaps it was the fact that he seemed to be trying to get me to stop...for some reason I like this in him. It's too bad he isn't a bit more adventurous." "Eh, well, what can you say. The boy obviously doesn't know what he's missing, nor does he care. Perhaps he has yet to even reach puberty. These soldiers, they get them younger and younger these days." He laughed again. She stuck out her lip at him. "Quit being such a loud blabbering fool. Everyone can hear you, including him. As for the Rat I do not think it is because he doesn't know what he's missing. It's because he has already pledged his heart to another." "Eh?" Boris stopped laughing, blinking at her in confusion. "Another? Another like who? They don't let their own men go whoring around in the cities, from what I know." "Not an outsider, one of his own. For God's sake, you are so completely dense." "One of his own?" Boris blinked again. "You mean, one of his comrades?" "Yes," Didrika said quietly, "that is exactly what I mean." She leaned back into the wall, staring off into nothing. "It was obvious to me, being who I am, though not to you or any of the other louts out there. He does think of another as his love." "Well, who, for God's sake?" She gave him a look. "Now who is the voyeur? Who another loves is his own business. But of course he would most logically love the one who is closest to him. The one he would protect, the one he would risk his life for." "Protect...?" He paused, and then frowned, and the frown slowly grew. She could almost imagine stormclouds with lightning shooting around in his head as he thought. "You mean...the one he came here for in the first place? His commanding officer? Silver?" She looked him in the eye even as she pushed herself up, putting her feet on the floor. "He is the one Reseda has been most concerned for, to the point of neglecting to care for even himself. Being a man, of course you would not have noticed this so easily as I." He gaped at her for a moment before roaring, "WHAT?" so loudly that she punched him in the chest to get him to shut up. "You mean he is in love with his own commander? You know this for CERTAIN? How do you women come up with these things, do you have some sort of sixth sense?" He stopped suddenly and shuddered, looking over his shoulder, over the top of the curtain at the Trench Rat in drab green still sitting out amongst the partygoers, huddled in on himself with only his drink for company. "Eegh...he just never struck me as the type!" "You, of course, would know all about the 'type.'" He scowled. "No, of course not. But there are certain things one can tell. Perhaps I merely didn't look hard enough; now that I think of it, perhaps he is the type. But Silver--that I doubt, very much. This must be 'unrequited,' to use one of your fancy feminine words." Didrika rolled her eyes and pushed him aside as much as she could. "Believe whatever makes you happy. I know what I know. The love between these two will not remain unrequited for long." She pushed past him out of the tiny room before he could even protest or ask her what she meant. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |