Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/606391-Bit--2---Ian
Rated: E · Other · Other · #606391
Another piece bit
Bit #2 -

         "Forgive me, gentlemen. I'm being rude. Let me introduce you. This is Gravette Dixon. A good friend." Nick held out a hand to the elegant young woman at his side, drawing her forward as she put her hand in his.

         "Gravette, this..." Nick indicated Win, "...is Windale Hunnicutt. He and Ian are the one's I was telling you about. From Jamaica."

         Win smiled and took Gravette's hand, bowing slightly and brushing his lips over the backs of her fingers. Gravette smiled back, delighted.

         Nick smiled as well, but tugged her attention away and turned to Ian. "And this is Ian. Thanks to him at least one day in Jamaica was less than mundane."

         Gravette again smiled politely, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She seemed more reserved and her gaze strayed, for a second, toward Ian's left right ear where his ID tag, though barely noticible, was still visible. . She hesitated to offer her hand until perhaps some subtle pressure from Nick directed her to do so. She gave a light laugh as if it had been a simple absent minded oversight and held her hand out to Ian. Embarrassed, Ian took her hand lightly for a moment and bowed slightly before releasing it.

         “Well, then,” Nick said, “Intros over. Let’s sit down and order dinner.” Gravette’s gaze flickered toward Ian once again, then to Nick, who didn’t seem to notice. Ian ducked his head and waited while Nick assisted Gravette with her chair. Once the two men were seated Ian took the chair to Mr. Hunnicutt’s left.

         Ian sat nervously on the edge of his chair, tension knotting every muscle in his body. Mr. Hunnicutt insisted on including him in almost everything and he usually appreciated it. Most of the time it was fun. This time, though, Ian wanted to be just about anywhere else. Ms. Dixon didn’t want him here. The tension was so thick the dinner would be ruined for everyone. Nick and Mr. Hunnicutt couldn’t be so blind, could they?

         Ian looked up and found Nick’s eyes on him. They were faintly amused and apologetic as well. Ian bowed his head again, flushing a little. Nick had noticed. It was the first time Ian had truly felt the class difference between he and Nick. Suddenly it seemed like a chasm.

         “Ian? Do you hear me?”

         Ian glanced up, startled. He hadn’t realized Nick was speaking to him. Now everyone at the table was staring. Ms. Dixon looked away rather quickly but Ian thought she looked a little amused.

         “I’m sorry, Nick. I…I wasn’t listening. Forgive me.” Ian muttered, blushing again. He hated this new, uncomfortable feeling with Nick. He suddenly felt like calling him Mr. Bishop. Nick looked at him with an odd expression for a moment then glanced at Win.

         “You know, Erik and Ivana are in the staff dining room having dinner. I bet Ian would appreciate their company more than ours. We’re way too staid and boring up here.” Nick suggested and smiled at Ian.

         Win threw a startled glance at Nick then at Ian. He wasn’t happy, but he wasn’t a fool, either. He too felt the tension. After a brief, faintly irritated glance at Gravette, Win turned to Ian.

         “That sound all right to you? I know you have come to be pretty good friends with those two, and you haven’t had much chance yet to catch up with each other. This would be a good time to do it.” Ian nodded, feeling a flood of relief. He tried to ignore Ms. Dixon’s expression of mildly contemptuous astonishment at Mr. Hunnicutt’s behavior. Asking a bondsman rather than commanding and directing was practically unheard of. Certainly it was frowned upon.

         “If you don’t mind, sir.” Ian answered. “I think I’d like that. If it isn’t too much trouble.”

         “No, of course not, Ian. Go. Have some fun. Tell Erik and Ivana I send my regards. Oh, remember, easy on the alcohol and meet me back at the suite at midnight, OK?” Mr. Hunnicutt directed and smiled. Ian stood and bowed slightly.

         “Yes, sir.” Ian said and gave Nick a grateful look as he turned to leave the table.

         “Ian? Why don’t you tell Erik and Ivana to come back to my suite about the same time, all right?” Nick called after him. Ian turned.

         “Yes, sir.” He murmured and turned to make his escape. He had never called Nick sir before. This time it felt like the only right thing to say, but he couldn’t forget Nick’s confused expression.

© Copyright 2003 Zoe Dawn (auxarcs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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