Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/606054-Thanking-The-Milkman-for-his-Dedication
Rated: E · Article · Writing.Com · #606054
How were we supposed to know it was gonna be a zeitgeist?
A long time ago in a galaxy that might as well be far, far away, when the 10,000 Gift Point prize pot for the Writer's Cramp was but a far off dream, there was one man who stood up and took on the hosting of a daily contest that promised loads of ideas, loads of fun, and a tenth of the Gift Points, all at the same time.

Back then, we had no way of knowing what The Writer's Cramp  would become the multi-layered community foundation that it is nowadays. This item is a commemoration of a community icon in its earliest incarnation, and we look forward to what each new day brings at The Writer's Cramp  of today!

On this day, the 23 of January, 2003:
we, as members of Writing.com, do hereby honor and award The Milkman for his dedication to our community through the continued success of
The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
by Sophyween

Though this item was originally created by Liz Peake, The Milkman took this contest over, upon her departure from the community, to ensure its continuance.

He has managed to keep "The Writer's Cramp running for 365 awards; one a day, for a year.
This is a remarkable feat for any one person or group to accomplish, as total prizes given have amassed, at the very least, 365,000 gift points, 1,000 per day of the Cramp.
On this, the one year birthday of "The Writer's Cramp, we decided something special should be done to mark this accomplishment.

As a collective group, we all dedicate this trophy to decorate this loved and well-thought contest in honor of The Milkman 's friendship, generosity, and enthusiasm, and our love for him.

Each name listed below had contributed, in some way, to the giving of this tribute.
It is quite obvious, that we, as the Writing.com community, very much love you, The Milkman .
The small amount of names on this list is only a small measurement of impact that you've had on us all!

As a final note, the members of the committee, consisting of:

give thanks to each and every person who was able to make this possible. It is by the generous people at Writing.com that this award was given, nothing more!

Without further ado, here is the list of supporters:

Lady Stars
         Thanks for giving us prompts when our writer's block was screaming at us. We all love you for it.

         Thx for just being you, Milky, and for creating such a great contest. You always know how to bring a smile to everyone's face here at Writing.com, and we will always appreciate that *Smile*

         I just discovered The Writer's Cramp, but I'm impressed. I've just discovered your work, but boy, am I impressed. Thank you for being such an intrinsical part of the Writing.Com I know. Viv

b_boonstra }
         Congratulations with the first anniversary. My wish is that this contest may go on for many years *Smile*


Melissa is fashionably late!
         To a great friend in celebration of a full year of success in giving back to Writing.com. This contest is one of my favorites, that I have a whole folder dedicated to in my port. You've managed to inspire us to think, to write, and to make friends. I thank you wholeheartedly for that. It is worth more than any award can convey.

         Happy 1st Anniversary Moo! It seems The Writer's Cramp is a big hit. Maybe one day I will get up enough courage to submit an entry. You are the greatest and we love ya!

         Thank you for all the laughs, the challenges, and fun of The Writer's Cramp. Thank you *Smile*

         ((((((( Chris )))))))))))) Words cannot adequately express my appreciation for your friendship, support, and kindness during what was a very difficult time for me last year. The Writer's Cramp is my favorite place on writing.com, and you are one of my favorite people here! Congratulations on the 1 Year Anniversary! Love, Sophyween

fillerlady2 and how1
Roses R Red
violets R blue.
Happy Anniversary -
Hope you have many, many more!!!
best always, your pals, (hugs) susie 'n howie

         Moo, Thanks for all you do! I love The Writer's Cramp and hope you continue to do it forever! Warmly, Terry

         There are no words to express how much this forum means to those of us that suffer. Yes, suffer with the plague of writer's block. Thank you for all the hard work.

A year has passed
It's come and gone
And "The Writer's Cramp"
Is still going strong
May there be many more years to come! *Smile*
(((( hugs )))) Valikka

Tigger thinks of Prancer
         Hey MooBOO! the football DUDE!... lil gymnie-head here just wishing to say that The Writer's Cramp is MOO-rific!!! Really gets the creativity flowing, and for that I THANK YOU!!! *MOO-ah* I look forward to continuing to participate for years to come *Smile*

FM - 1 Writer to rule them all
         Moo, when i sit back and think what this site would be missing without the Writers Cramp i actually shudder. Although ive never had the time to partake myself, i have often lurked in the shadows always reading in silence but, if you listen carefully enough, you can hear me smiling *Smile*
This is a small portion of the happiness and fun that you have gifted to the site. Moo RULES!!! Long live Writers Cramp!!! *Smile*

         You are loved, Moo! Milk it for all it's worth! *Smile*

         Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary! You have made a difference in our lives! God bless!

         Congratulations on your anniversary! Thank you for all of the effort you put into Writing.Com. People like you make this a great place to be!

         Thank you, Moo, for a daily inspiration with the Writer's Cramp. It has been an outstanding ride so far, and I wish for the best and good things to come.

Mckinley Rose
         Hi my friend, I sure hope you enjoy this, you most certainly deserve it! *Smile* Tons of love and hugs your way! *Kiss* Be blessed, Mckinley Rose

Jay's debut novel is out now!
         To the continued successes and in the hopes of many happy returns! Thank you. *Smile*


"As a humbled Milkman how can I not shed a tear of joy for all of these kind words from so many of my friends on Writing.Com. This tribute has made the many hours I have spent writing, reading, reviewing and thinking up the next "The Writer's Cramp prompt so worthwhile. You people should also pat yourself on the back and encourage yourself for entering this daily contest. I know I have filled a folder in many portfolios with entries, including mine. Writer's Cramp would be nothing without your support. I thank and give a hug to each and everyone of you.

The Milkman "

© Copyright 2003 Jay's debut novel is out now! (bowling_shoe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/606054-Thanking-The-Milkman-for-his-Dedication