Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/604046-The-Blessed-One
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #604046
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Chapter One: Flooding Memories

A small figure walked upon the cold rainy streets. Clad in jeans and a dark blue jacket, with the hood up, and a backpack, the figure walked to the corner and waited. Soon, another figure, like the last one, progressed slowly down the wet street. This figure was also clad in jeans and a jacket, however the jacket was red. Slowly, the rain started to stop.

“Good morning Rane!” began the red figure. “ Ren called me this morning and told me to go on without her.” The red figure put down its hood. A pretty girl on the age of fifteen with short, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes was now visible.

“Oh, okay then. We should probably go,” replied the deep blue figure also taking off its hood, since the rain was dying down. The deep blue figure turned out to be a beautiful girl the same age as the other. She had deep, long brown hair, bright blue eyes, and was shorter than her friend. The two friends walked and shared gossip until they came upon a complex of cream colored building in which they know as “high school”. Ahead of them was a tall, husky man in a blue uniform.

“IDs please ladies!” said the man with a deep, booming voice. Slipping her hand into her pocket, Rane pulled out her school ID and showed it to the man. With a nod of approval, Rane walked into the school. The girl’s friend, Fiona, was having some trouble finding her ID.

“Damn thing! Where did I put it!” mumbled Fiona under her breath. She was getting annoyed that it was taking too long to find her ID.

“Fiona-“ began Rane, but she was cut off by Fiona’s success in finding her ID.

“Ah ha! There it is!” shouted Fiona in glee. She showed the guard her card. He gave her a nod of approval and she was allowed to pass. Fiona quickly gathered all of her wet folders that were sprawled out across the ground. Swinging her heavy backpack back on, she and Rane walked into the second building on their right.

This building was filled with green colored lockers, all having their own individual numbers. Many students were placing their packs into their lockers when the two girls arrived. Walking five rows down, turning to your left, and six lockers from number 1336, was Rane’s assigned locker. Fiona’s was closer to the door. Going down only one row, turning right, and ten to the first right locker was hers. Both of the girls quickly unloaded their bags and now carried only a small side bag used for folders.

Rane closed her locker and noticed another girl right next to her waiting. Rane felt the hairs on her neck stand up. The girl had chin-short black hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and wore a pendent around her neck. Rane started to stare at the girls eyes. The deep color almost made you feel like you were being drawn into them. Rane snapped out of a queasy feeling she was having. The girl was giving her and evil glare of disapproval for making her wait to get to her locker.

“I am sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting. I’ll move,” said Rane politely now a little embarrassed that she was starting at her.

“Just don’t let it happen again! You should be more aware of your surroundings!” barked the girl. Rane was caught by surprise. Why is this girl being so rude? Did I say something to offend her? The first bell began to ring, and you could here more lockers quickly being shut. Fiona was waiting by the door.

“What took you so long?” questioned Fiona. However, Rane was still thinking about the girl by her locker and didn’t hear Fiona’s question. “Hello? Earth to Rane!” She snapped out of her thought.

“Oh! Sorry Fiona. Was thinking about something else”

“Yeah yeah, no one ever pays any attention to me!” Rane ignored the comment for Fiona made it far too often. The two girls again commenced in their daily conversation and headed down to their first class in which they had together. Rane noticed someone calling her named down the hall.

“Rane! RANE! Fiona! Hey wait up!” shouted a girl with beautiful tan skin, black hair, and deep brown eyes. Her hair was rather messy, and it looked like she just threw on some clothes.

“Oh look, Ren is up. Took long enough,” commented Fiona quietly. “Hey Ren!” boomed Fiona down the hall, making passing students look at her funny. Finally Ren caught up with them, and headed to English with them.

“ Sorry guy. My alarm clock didn’t go off. I didn’t wake up until fifteen minutes ago!” said Ren.

“ Sure sure. We believe you Ren,” said Fiona, opening the door to a bland looking classroom with no color. The day went on like any other High School day; a few pop quizzes here and there, but nothing important. When the last bell rang, signifying that the school hours had ended, Rane quickly went to get her backpack. The girl she encountered earlier in the day was there, stuffing various things into her pack. Rane caught herself starring at her again. The girl looked up with curious eyes then saw Rane. A look of angry filled her face again. Harshly closing her locker she stood up and walked right past Rane.

“It is a moonstone,” she silently whispered as she passed. Rane stood there for a moment trying to understand what she just said.

“A moonstone? Is she talking about that pendent?” Rane thought to herself. Other students started to bump into Rane and get mad.

“Move it! I got’da get to me bus!” shouted an angry guy behind her.

“Oh! Sorry!” Rane moved aside and let the guy pass. She went to her locker and slowly took her bag out. Ren was waiting by her side.

“Hey Rane! This is the best Friday ever! Guess what! I got asked out by David!” squealed Ren excitedly. David happened to be Ren’s crush since last week (her choice of guys changes quiet frequently).

“What! That is great Ren! Isn’t this like your tenth boyfriend this year?” said Rane forgetting, for the time being, about the strange girl. She and Ren caught up with Fiona by the bus stop. There, they walked to their corner, said their good-byes, and went their separate ways.

Walking down seven blocks, Rane finally saw her house coming up. Rane liked her house very much. Her house was an old Victorian-style home with large flower gardens in the front, along with a weeping willow set perfectly in the middle, trimmed to look nice. She walked up to the front door and twisted at the doorknob. It was locked so she knew her father wasn’t home from work yet. Flinging her pack to the front of her, she dug into one of the many pockets on her bag and pulled out a golden key. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. Inside of the house was very well decorated and furnished. It looked like it could of come right out of a house magazine. This was the effect of Rane’s mother being a home designer. Running up the stairs, she placed her bag in her room as well as her shoes.

The telephone began to ring outside of Rane’s room. Walking out of her room and racing to the kitchen, she quickly picked up the telephone.

“Hello. Greenfield residence, Rane speaking,” she said in a somewhat annoyed voice. A woman started to talk continuously. It was Rane’s mother.

“Hello mother. Where are you?”

“I am on the highway, going home. I will be there in a few minutes. Today was hectic. Make sure that I have tea hot when I come home.”

“Yes mother, I will have it ready. When you get home, I will probably be in my room. Are we going out to dinner tonight?”

“It depends on if we really want to cook or not.”

“Ok then, see you when you get home. Bye!”

“Love you sweetie. Bye.” Rane hung up the telephone. She slowly down to the kitchen. Opening the left cabinet from the right entrance she pulled out a box with bright red letters across it saying, “Stress tea”. Taking one small package out she placed it on the counter near the stove. Rummaging through the lower cabinets, Rane took out a kettle. Filling it with water she placed it on the stove, turned it on, and quickly raced up to her room.

Rane liked her room. It was different in some ways than other teenager’s room. For instance, she didn’t have any posters tacked up onto her wall. Her room walls were painted with a light blue with swerves of white to resemble the sky. She had a queen sized four-poster bed, a desk, bookshelf, and a rather large mirror by her door. Walking inside of her room, she opened a window and grabbed a thick leather book from underneath her bed. The book was filled with stories and songs that she had made up since she was very young. She got the idea from her grandmother, who was a famous author. Rane would spend numerous hours in her room writing down thousands of story ideas and songs. Her parents would often yell at her for writing instead of doing her chorus. A car pulled into the garage and soon Rane could hear her mother come through the door with what sounded like many packages.

“Rane! Come down and help me!” shouted her mother. Reluctantly but obediently Rane got up and hoped down the stairs. Her mother was a rather tall woman with brown curly hair and blue eyes. Rane resembled her a lot, but had many traits of her father. Rane was about her mother’s size, but still working on the height. Rane had long brown hair and bright blue eyes in which people commented on a lot. Plus, she was very lean and athletic do to her family who worked out a lot. Rane quickly helped her mother get the packages out of her car and put them inside. Then, Rane’s father came through the door.

“Hello father. Would you like some tea too? I boiled a lot of water?” said Rane who was no pouring her mother the tea she wanted on the phone.

“Naw. What are all these packages for?” said Rane’s father looking at all of the different packages laying around the back door.

“They are different materials for the new house that I am working on. It is really going to be a nice house when I get done with it. If I get done with it,” sighed her mother.

“Well, I am going back up to my room. If anyone needs anything just yell,” said Rane going up the stairs and entering her room. Time, for Rane, seemed to pass quickly, for before she knew it she was done eating dinner and was now done with her evening shower. She came into her room dressed in unmatched pajamas and dripping wet hair with a light blue towel in her hand. She sat right in front of the huge mirror, and began to dry her hair with the towel. Rane liked it when her hair was wet. It was always so much cooler and it felt good against her skin.

Rane starred into the mirror, gazing upon her reflection. Rane always thought she was pretty, but she never admits it in public. She thought that most girls probably felt the same way about themselves. They only told their friends that they didn’t think that for they would sound preppy or they wanted attention from their friends. If their was one thing in which Rane loved about herself would have to be her eyes. They were a beautiful shade of bright blue, and you could be caught up in them if you stared too long. She put down the towel and stood up, looking her whole body over. But then, something happened, Rane’s reflection changed for a second. Rane stood still staring at the mirror. Then, it happened again. She looked at her hands; they were Rane hands. Was she going insane? She gazed back at the mirror, and yet again it happened.

“Wh . . . what the?” The next time it happened, it stayed longer. Rane now looked over the body in the mirror, starting to feel frightened. Her heart started to race when the body started to do things Rane wasn’t doing. She backed away slowly from the mirror, now too scared to scream. The body was not looking strait at her, and to her surprise, it started to sing. Her voice was smooth and radiant and was in some tongue that Rane didn’t know. It was hard for Rane to decipher when a word started or ended. Then, Rane feel to the ground. Her head suddenly felt like someone smacked her with a chair. She grabbed her head, trying to make the awful pain go away. Rane started to roll on the floor trying to scream, but no sound was coming out of her mouth. The pain was now overwhelming Rane. Tears of anguish rained from her eyes. Things started to play through her head like a movie. People, places, and creatures filled her mind. Suddenly, Rane could hear the singing voice say things to her inside of her head. Then, all went blank, and Rane fainted.
© Copyright 2003 BrightBlueEyes (sasami1807 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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