Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/603572-Confessions
by Emmy
Rated: 13+ · Article · Comedy · #603572
Story of a teenage girl.
I would just like to take a moment to say these aren't my confessions, "Emmy" is a made-up character.

There are only two good things about my life, my appearence, and my personality. Everything else has somehow gone awry. Just to name a few: my father is a physcologist, he remarried a woman with a brain the size of a pea who has a son of her own; he's my age, he has a crush on me, we live in the same house ,we share a bathroom; my 200 pound dog tries to attack everyone; we just moved; i don't have a boyfriend; and Sarah (my stepmom) is pregnant. Oh yeah not everything is horrible, I do have a bestfriend, thank the Lord! So since you know a bit about me I suppose the best time to start "confessing" (it's a long story, I'll get to it soon enough) would be about four months ago, before the move, before the wedding, even before Dad and Sarah met. So I was a eighth grader then, and I thought life was pretty crappy you know, I didn't have a mom, my dad trying to solve my every problem, I looked horrible, and it was my "week." Now wait it wasn't that kind of a week, it was a tradition in our school, the homerooms would draw one name then all the homerooms would put their name in to another drawing and one person out of the whole school would be chosen and then that week would be their week. It wasn't a great thing, no it wasn't not at all. To all the teachers it ment this speacial person would get to help out with the classes and be hall moniter and all that crap, but to the kids, well let me just tell you this, I can still feel eggs down my gym shorts. It didn't matter if you were popular or not, you still got it, just as bad. There was only one way to make it stop, you had to ask out the one person who you really truly liked, no if's ands or butts. Now unfortunatly enough I just so happened to like Kyle, my stepbrother. Although he wasn't me step-brother then mind you...EWWW!! So after the first day of getting slammed into lockers, eggs down my shorts, mystery meat "mysteriously" getting smashed into my hair, and my clothes being stolen when I was in the shower; I guess you gcould say I was pretty tired of putting up with it! So I worked up all the nerve I had and went to go ask Kyle out. I got as far as the lunch room when i started re-thinking it. Maybe this treatment wasn't as bad as it seemed. I told my friend Nico that I couldn't go through with it.
Nico: You gotta do it toots, it'll only get worse!
Me: I know I know!!
Nico: Ya 'member my week? (she stopped momentarally to blow a bubble with her gum and pop it) Ewwwww!! Every time I think about it I get shudders up and down my back... I thought I could tough it out! Ha! Sure! Besides you should ask him out, I know he totally digs ya!!
Me: I don't know, I just don't think he does.
Nico: Whatever! Hey do you think Joe would like it if I wore my hair like this? (She held up her hair in sloppy way and puckered up her lips)
Me: NICO!! Puhlease! We have more important things to worry about now!
© Copyright 2003 Emmy (made2smile at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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