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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Death · #596854
a girl kills herself and is condemned to another dimension.
The corpse that laid on the ground that had been dead for no longer than two hours belonged to the girl once known as Loralie Whitaker. But, when people would later examine her cold body in her coffin, they would say with a sigh that the body was no longer Loralie Whitaker but someone that they never knew. She was not the nice girl that helped others, read quietly, and was on the honor roll. She was not the girl that volunteered every weekend at the Riverview Nursing Home.
Jonathon Baker, the best friend of Loralie’s brother Chris, said that she was unusually quiet and seemingly shy around him. As he walked towards the water fountain after being interviewed he wiped the remaining water off from his lips and smiled to the news lady.
“Explain Loralie. Was she reluctant to talk to just you or everyone?” Jamie Richards, the channel 9 news anchor, asked as she flashed her unusually white teeth. Jonathan smiled again and placed his hands into his pockets as he stared up at her.
“Almost everyone. She only talked to her friends. It was almost like she was too afraid to talk to anyone else. Her best friend, well I guess that she was her best friend ,Taylor, always kept her on a short leash. Taylor is really bossy and Loralie just did as Taylor told her to. Always when someone thought of Loralie, they thought instantly of Taylor. But it was never the other way around.” The previous week before, Jonathon stood over Loralie’s dead body when he discovered her, he would not utter a single syllable but just stare is awe at her and what she had done. Jonathon dropped to his knees and touched her cold, pale face. What no one knew was that he kissed her on her lips and laid next to her body for about ten minutes. It took a while for the information to sink in. To him, Loralie was not yet dead. Loralie was just remaining in a strange sleep that she was not awaking from yet.
“So, Mister Davis, tell me what you knew of Miss Whitaker,” Jamie Richards instructed a male friend of Loralie’s. He had been one of her closer friends, but not one that had surpassed the mighty hierarchy of friendship with Taylor. Benji Davis stared at Jamie Richards with disgust and turned his back on her and walked away.
“Benji, please answer the question! You knew Loralie quite well,” Jamie Richards cried at as Benji stopped in his tracks. His stood there for a moment, letting her words sink in.
“Loralie was a nice person. She had moments were she could be mean, but that was when people provoked her. But she tried to be nice. She was nice.”
“How did you meet Loralie?”
“Don’t call her by her first name! How dare you call her by such a personal means! You didn’t know her. No one knew her. I didn’t even know her.”
“How did you meet Miss Whitaker?” Benji sighed and let out a grunt.
“School. We were both in the same Chemistry class last year and no one wanted to be her lab partner. No one really wanted to be her partner. But I felt bad for her and asked her to be my partner.” Jamie Richards stared at him with interest and scribbled something down on a sheet of paper.
“Why was that no one wanted to be her partner?”
“She was never talked to anyone. She was really shy.”
“Was Taylor a reason for this?” Benji stared at her, anger forming in his eyes.
“No, no. Taylor was her best friend. They planned to become roommates after school because Loralie’s step dad was really abusive and she planned to leave as soon as she turned eighteen. Taylor was her answer out of her household. Don’t make it sound like Taylor was the reason for Loralie’s sorrows. She wasn’t. why are you getting information about Loralie anyways?” Jamie Richards chuckled and scribbled something else on her sheet of paper.
“I’m writing an article about teenage suicide, and Loralie will be my feature example.” Benji clutched his fist, but did not hit Jamie Richards. To do this would contradict all past teaching his mother told him. “Never hit a girl,” she would tell him. No, he could not hit Jamie Richards.
“Fine, fine,” was all that Benji said softly as he walked away from Jamie. Jamie Richards was officially on Benji’s most irritated nerves. She was inhuman to him. She was ice cold. Was Loralie even a person to her? No, to Benji, she was only a name on a sheet of paper that confirmed her death as suicide. She was only a means to her getting money and fame. She was nothing to Jamie Richards. She was nothing and she was no one. Loralie wasn’t anyone to anything.
When asked of Loralie’s dismiss, Taylor Quinn was unusually eager to speak to Jamie Richards.
“She was my best friend! Oh God how I regret her death! How could she do this to me? She left me, all alone!” Taylor cried out in a scream. She green eyes were now red and puffy from crying. Tears streamed down her face and her body was trembling.
“Come in,” she said to Jamie Richards as Jamie flashed her infamous smile and she made her way into Taylor’s house, a somewhat small one story brick house. Taylor collapsed down onto her worn out yellow sofa and began to sob again. Her cries were so sincere, like a child lost in the world. She stared up at Jamie Richards and the tears came out harder and her cries came out louder.
“Tell me of your reaction to her death,” Jamie instructed. Taylor stared up at her, her body still trembling furiously.
“Shock. Anger. Sadness. When she didn’t show up the next day, I was confused. She always showed up to school. But I didn’t pay any attention to it. It was a normal day.”
“Was there any problems in her life that you know of?”
“She was a B student, but tried so hard to compete with me and make better grades.”
“I thought that she was an honor roll student,” Jamie interrupted.
“She was. But a B student can be on the honor roll. She wasn’t that smart, but tried. She read a lot, but she only read because she didn’t have anything else to do.”
“She volunteered a lot, right?” Taylor rolled her eyes.
“Only for the community service for clubs or for it to look good on her college applications. Since she wasn’t that smart, she had to make it up somehow. No one knew her like I did. I hear how people refer to her, nothing like a person. She was a person.”
“Tell me of her family,” Jamie said as she pulled her notepad out with her scribbles of what Benji had told her earlier.
“She had a mom, a dad, and a cousin that lived with her.”
“Why was that?” Jamie asked.
“His dad had to go to prison for drugs and his mom was dead. Man, he was hot! His name was Trent Frey.” Jamie nodded as Taylor pulled a photograph from her pocket and showed a picture of an attractive boy of about seventeen years old. Jamie smiled as she stared at the picture, but Taylor took it back, defensively.
“Why do you have his picture? Were you two involved?” Jamie asked as Taylor shot her a glare.
“That has nothing to do with Loralie or her suicide.”
“It may have.” Taylor glared up at her.
“What are you trying to say? That I drove my best friend to her suicide? Get out of my face, now,” she growled. Jamie nodded and began to walk towards the door when she stopped.
“You never answered me.”
“Screw you,” she said and Jamie walked away.

Jamie Richards stood next to Trent, but couldn’t help but get a schoolgirl giddy expression upon her face. She tried to conceal it, but it was so hard next to Trent. She kept reminding her self of the six year age difference, but staring at his perfect physique and his deep blue eyes, she found herself fixing her golden hair.
“Loralie? What about her?” he asked.
“Describe her last days.”
“She acted like it was like any other day. She always cried a lot, so I didn’t recognize a difference. Her dad yelled at her a lot, describing her faults in details.”
“Did she cry over them?” Jamie asked, suddenly her mind was on Loralie.
“Sometimes. Other times she cried over people and she wanted to live her life instead of watching others. She wanted a life, desperately.”
“Hmm. Did she have a boyfriend?”
“Not that I know of. I heard her speak of a guy that she used to date in freshman year, but she got dumped.”
“So basically she had social issues.”
“Yep. Basically.”
“Did she speak of anyone is particular?” There was silence for am moment and finally he spoke.
“Of Benji a lot. She also spoke of a guy named Laurence Caldwell.”
“Thanks,” Jamie said but she felt that she was only getting led in circles.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Loralie stared at Taylor and the tears in her eyes. Loralie could not speak a word. When she tried, nothing came out. Her eyes widened and moved her mouth more, but it was all the same. Nothing came out. She moved her hand up to Taylor’s face, but instead of touching her, her hand went through her. Why can’t I speak? Why can’t I? More importantly, why did my hand go through her? Oh God. What is the last thing that I remember? Blood. The razor that I slide against my wrists. Oh God. I actually did it. I killed myself. Good. At least there will be no more pain. Why is Taylor crying so much? I have never seen her cry. She doesn’t care. Did she care when she slept with Trent? How could she do my cousin? More importantly, how could she do Benji? Loralie walked towards Taylor, glaring at her. She clutched her fist and slammed it against her body but her hand only went through. She tried to scream, but nothing came out.
“I wonder what Benji is doing now,” Taylor muttered as Loralie tried to kick her, but her foot went through her. Don’t wonder what he is doing. You have no right to! How could you have hurt me like this? How could you? Did you ever think of me? Did you or where you just too preoccupied with yourself and him? I always let you all walk on me, ignoring me and my feelings. I am a person, too, Taylor! No…I was. Loralie reached her hand out again, but she did not attempt to touch Taylor. She knew what would happen-the same thing that always happened. She was truly no one now. She mouthed out Taylor’s name, but nothing came out. It would never come out. Taylor walked through the dark halls and seemed to almost glide like Loralie was. I used to want to be like you. I thought that you were so perfect.
“La la la,” Taylor sung softly to herself. She walked into her room and stood in front of her mirror, staring at her face. She grabbed the lipstick and rubbed the dark red shade onto her lips. Loralie walked next to her, staring at her with jealously as she placed the lipstick onto her lips. She could never do that. I should be happy. I died. That is what I wanted. Good. There is no more pain for me. Dad can’t hit me anymore. Taylor can’t hurt me. She can’t tell me what to do. Taylor stared at her lips in the mirror and suddenly slammed her fist into the mirror, shattering the glass onto the scarlet red carpet. She stared at her hand and watched as her blood flowed from the open wound. She didn’t move for a moment but just stared at the blood in a sort of twisted awe.
“Did Loralie enjoy her death? Did she like the blood dripping down her arm?” Taylor asked. Yes! Yes, I did! Loralie knelt down onto the ground and tried to pick up the shattered pieces of glass. Taylor was too upset to pick up her mess. She was normally a neat freak, but as Loralie stared up at her acting hysterical, she knew that the glass would never be picked up. It never would. Was Taylor truly hurting over her death? Were the tears real? Or maybe it was some product of her believing her constant lies. You are only doing it for the attention, Taylor. Darn it! When you saw my dead body, did you cry? Or were you just disappointed that I was gone and now you did not have someone to dump your issues on. I remember hearing you whine about Evan Young and John Reynolds. You were so upset because Evan dumped you because you were cheating on him with John. It was your fault. I never had a life to live, Taylor. I was just a mere observer that watched my friends as they lived life.
“I have to go now. I have to go. Loralie might call me,” she said softly as Loralie stared at her with utter confusion. What was wrong with Taylor? What? What is wrong with you? I’m dead, Taylor! You know it! Taylor walked slowly towards her door and twisted the knob. She walked through the door and left Loralie’s spirit all alone. Loralie stared at Taylor’s silver vanity and then glanced at the mirror. She had no reflection. The mirror only revealed the bed that sat directly across from the vanity and the stacks of CDs that lied in a disheveled mess. Where is Heaven or Hell? Why am I stuck here? Why? This is cruel. But now I am truly no one. That is somewhat ironic, I think. Am I only confined to Taylor’s house? Can I leave? Loralie walked towards Taylor’s bed and glanced down at the pile of photos that laid on the bed. A couple photos were of Taylor with various boyfriends. There was Evan, the guy that Taylor treated merely as a possession. She had to show him off as if he were a new skirt that she had bought. Evan was not like Taylor at all. He was more of a punk and was not materialistic at all. Taylor, as you can guess it, was more of a wannabe and was very materialistic. She desperately wanted so badly to fit into the “in” crowd and be on of those popular girls that you hate and yearned to be. Evan was, to Loralie, perfect. How could he want to be with Taylor? Sure, she had her nice moments, but she could be vindictive and selfish. When she broke his heart, Loralie felt like a part of her was breaking. For about ten minutes Loralie gazed upon the photograph with a grin on her face. Her eyes soon darted to another photograph, perhaps one of the only photos that were of her. In the photo, she sat in a corner, a silly grin upon her face. But she remembered that the grin was only a façade that she had putted on for Taylor.
“But I don’t want to be photographed, Taylor,” she had cried out but Taylor shot her a glare.
“Come on. Just do it, Loralie. Stop being a selfish child.”
“Do it, darn it!” she screamed as Loralie remembered staring at her, afraid. She sat down in the corner and put on a stupid grin for her. She had to for her to leave her alone. As soon as the camera light flashed, she lost her grin in a sea of thoughts, and let herself become troubled by some issue. Loralie frowned and noticed the other picture that Taylor had of her. It was the only real picture. Loralie was smiling on her own as she stood next to Taylor, Benji, and Loralie’s other best friend, Renee. They stood in front of a park bench, the night that Loralie lied to her father and claimed that she was studying at Taylor’s house. They were so happy in the photograph. Benji never slept with Taylor, Renee just got together with her boyfriend, Ronald. Everything was so perfect…Loralie moved away from the photographs, a sorrowful emotion dwelling within her. She walked out of the room until she found Taylor sitting on the couch.
“All alone. How could she do this to me?!” Taylor screamed. Loralie only stared at her with a glare. I would have done it sooner, but I was a chicken.
“Look at me, crying like a mess. Hmmm, I better go see how Renee is doing. I don’t want her to commit suicide like stupid Loralie. I don’t think that she cared about her, though. Not many people did.” See, I told you! Now you admit it! As Loralie began to walk out the door, she was shoved back into Taylor’s house.
No. No. No! I will not haunt Taylor’s house. But wait… I was in Benji’s house. When Taylor came, I went with her. Loralie turned to stare at Taylor and frowned. I have to depend on this slut. This really sucks.
She walked towards her, her glare upon her. She sat down in front of her, her eyes fixated on her. Listen. I know that these are only my stupid, insignificant thoughts, but I don’t want to be stuck with any of my friends. This would be my worst nightmare! Taylor arose from the sofa and grabbed her dark red coat. She twisted the door knob and exited from her house, and Loralie followed. Loralie stared at the light and almost felt herself blinded by its strange beauty. The light seemed so pure and she felt weak as its pure rays shone through her. Her grabbed her gut and fell down to the ground. She felt…so weak. But how? She was only a ghost, she could not feel pain. But how could she? She stared up at the sun and the answer seemed to deliver itself to her. The light was deteriorating her power. It was making her weak. She stood up suddenly, forcing her eyes off from the sun. Maybe if she didn’t look at it, it couldn’t weaken her so much. Come on, Taylor. Hurry up! She thought. Taylor stood next to a tall Italian guy that was in her English class.
“Yeah, it was my friend who died.”
“God, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out so…blunt.”
“Did you know her?”
“Not really. She was in my math class, but I never really talked to her. Now I wish that I kind of did.” Yeah, right. If you knew what I was going to do, you wouldn’t have done anything. Anyways, I wouldn’t want your stupid sympathy. You never even acknowledged my existence. Would it be so hard for you to say “hi” or make a comment on the weather? I guess so.
“I have to go now. I-I have to be somewhere,” Taylor said softly as she turned and left the guy. Loralie stared at him with a glare, rage growing in her. She had to force herself to turn away from him and she followed Taylor once again. As she followed her, it was almost like the days in which she was alive. Everyday she would follow Taylor to her class, almost leaving Loralie behind. But she wouldn’t this time.

Taylor walked into Renee’s house, as Renee stared at her with a sober expression. Her eyes were red now and her face moist from the fallen tears. Her blonde hair was in her face, but she still looked beautiful.
“Taylor, come in,” she said softly as Taylor smiled weakly.
“It’s so weird to talk to you now since…”
“Loralie’s death? Yeah, I know. It’s so hard to comprehend. I never thought that she would have done this.”
“She always seemed depressed, though.”
“Yeah, but that’s what made Loralie who she was. She couldn’t be a happy person. If she was, she wouldn’t be her.” Taylor stared at her for a moment and nodded.
“You know what’s funny?”
“No, what is funny?” Renee asked as she walked towards her sofa and laid down on her blue sofa.
“We never talked much. I was her friend and you were too, but we were only friends were the sake of her.” Renee nodded slowly and shut her eyes.
“Yeah. You know, I always expect her to be there when I open my eyes.”
“How did you meet her?” Renee kept her eyes shut.
“I always knew her when I was younger. Well, not knew her, but I knew of her. We were in a couple of the same classes. We finally met in ninth grade. Turns out the guy that I was dating was also seeing her. She claimed that she didn’t know it. Well, one thing led to another and I told her. We just kind of became friends after that.” Renee, I claimed? I didn’t know. And for Marcus? I loved him so much, but I broke up with him when I found out about you and I didn’t want to be the ‘other woman.’ I let him tell others that he dumped me. You never broke up with him, though. He dumped you a week after I broke up with him. Renee stared at Taylor for a few moments and then laughed.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing,” Renee said with a chuckle. You were one of my dearest friends, Renee. I liked you a lot. You were nice to me. Maybe I will miss you one of the most.
“How’s Billy?”
“He’s fine. We’re fine. He didn’t know her, so he won’t care. Nice how that works out?”
“Yeah, I guess. This is really uncomfortable.”
“What? Talking to me? What did you come here for?”
“You hung out with Loralie more during her last days, and I really wanted to know if she acted any differently. Did she mention me?”
“Conceited Taylor. She acted perfectly Loralie-ish. She acted normal. And for the asking about you, the answer is ‘yes.’”
“She did?”
“What?” Taylor cried out. Renee stared at her for a moment and then looked away from her gaze.
“No, no. I-I can’t. I just can’t, Taylor.”
“Renee! Tell me, please!” she cried out, like a little girl. Renee stared back at her and nodded. She pushed her golden hair out of her view and frowned.
“She just kept saying how upset that you made her. She cried a lot during the last days. She said how you betrayed her. She said how you were nothing but a slut and how you hurt her. She made comments of ‘getting you back’ and giving you what you deserve. She spoke of the numerous ways in which she could hurt you back.” Loralie stared at Renee and then shook her head. I never said that. Sure, I said about how much she betrayed me and hurt me, but I never said about getting her back. Renee, you must have misheard me. I never said that.
“Loralie said that?” Taylor asked, her voice now full of bitterness.
“Sadly, yes. She said that she was going to hurt you. She mentioned hurting Benji, too.” Taylor clenched her fists together and stared back at her friend.
“She wasn’t who I thought that she was, was she?”
“No, I guess not.” Taylor stared at her for a moment and walked towards the door. Renee stared at her, but Taylor left her and Loralie behind.
Loralie walked towards Renee, but with a bewildered expression upon her face. I never said that, Renee. You must have misheard me or maybe dreamt it. I used to dream a lot.
“I can hear your thoughts, Loralie. I can see you, too.” Renee stared at Loralie and smiled. You can see me?
“And hear your silly thoughts.”
But how? No one else can!
“Because no one is ever what they seem. I am like you, dear pretty Loralie. I am not what I seem, but on a higher level.”
I am really confused.
“You are dead.”
“And I can see you and hear your thoughts. I am special.”
And a bit egotistical.
“Yeah, I admit it. Now, I am going to condemn you to your own personal Hell. But I don’t think that you deserve Hell.”
So the truth comes out, Renee. I am very upset. You are no better than Taylor. Why do you hate me? Loralie stared at her with sorrow.
“Marcus. I loved Marcus, you stupid little whore! I know that you knew that I was with him.”
No, I never did. Why would I then break up with him?
“Why did you kill yourself? Who knows? And also, because he would break up with you later!”
Renee, stop acting like a silly little girl.
“Shut up! I want you to hurt like I did when I found out that the love of my life hurt me! I want you to hurt forever!”
And how can you do that? You are powerless. You are nothing, Renee. You are nothing like I was.
“Nothing, huh? Describe Hell, Loralie. Just go ahead and describe it!” Renee screamed.
“Yes, poor suicidal wrist cutter says ‘living.’ How about that for Hell, but without anyone? You won’t even have Taylor or Benji.”
Impossible. I am dead. You saw my body. You saw the blood. You saw the torn wrists and the expression upon my face. Renee shut her eyes and visualized the image of the dead, self-mutated Loralie in her mind. The blood…she could almost feel it on her skin.
“True, Loralie, but you do not truly know me. No one did. No one knows of my capabilities,” she said as she left her eyes shut and held her right arm out in to the distance. Slowly a multi-colored swirling vortex appeared. Loralie stared at he vortex dumbfounded. Crap. Crap. Crap. This really sucks about now.
“Yep. This is what you call a vortex. This vortex leads to a dimension. This dimension leads to your Hell.” Without saying any more, Loralie was sucked into the vortex.

She laid on the ground, slowly her eyes opening. Loralie pushed herself up from the ground, the image of Renee stuck in her mind. Stupid little whore. How could you do this to me? How could you? I thought that we were friends. I thought that we moved past Marcus. I guess not. Loralie stared at her hands, but with confusion. Her hands appeared so different. Why was this? It was the hand of a child’s.
“Loralie…” a voice called out as Loralie stared up at her. She was alive. Her mom was alive.
“You can see me?” she first cried out. Her mother nodded and giggled.
“Of course, silly willy.”
“Oh God, Renee really did it. You’re alive. But how?” her mother smiled and picked Loralie up and held her in her arms.
“Silly Willy, you must have had a nightmare. Tell me of it.” Loralie stared at her and tears fell from her eyes.
“I was 17 year old and my friends betrayed me and I killed myself.” Her mother stared at her with concern and laughed.
“We have to monitor what you watch on TV, now.” Loralie stared at her and back at her hands.
“How old am I?” she asked, her voice weak.
“Six years old, honey,” she said as Loralie let out a scream. Yes, this was her own Hell. She grasped her mother into her arms and let out a cry.
“I don’t want to be a kid. The pain is so much worse, mom. I have no one. I get picked on. I want the pain to go away. Renee was right.”
“Shhh,” her mother said as she set her back in bed. She laid the blankets on her and kissed her on her forehead.
“Good night, sleepy head.”
“I am not a child, you have to believe me! I am a seventeen year old girl!”
“No, sweetie, you are not. Mommy has to go to the convenience store to get some milk now. Bye!” And with that, her mother left. Twenty or so minutes passed by and she let out a scream. The only reason that her mom was brought to life was to die again. Loralie stared at the calendar on her wall. August 1, it said. And her mother died on that date.
(TO BE CONTINUED...)!!!!!!!!!
© Copyright 2002 willowfei (willowfei at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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