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A fairy tale about a faerie princess that becomes a vampire. |
The Vampire Princess Once upon a time, in a fairy kingdom far away, lived a young fairy princess named Viola. She was a kind princess, always laughing and playing. Everyone in the kingdom loved her, and people would throw a party every time she visited their town. One evening, the princess went for a stroll in the moonlight. Her blue silk dress flowed around her body, and her shoulder-length brown hair bounced around her head, as she pranced through the gardens of her family estate. As she stopped to take in the aroma of the flowers, she heard a strange flapping noise coming from close by. Being curious of the sound, she went to investigate and found a large bat stumbling around near a hedge. The bat sporadically flapped his wings and fell to the ground each time he managed to get into the air. Viola ran to the bat saying, "You poor bat. Are you hurt?" "No," replied the bat, "I am weak and tired. I have flown a long way looking for food. The land I come from is experiencing a heat wave, and our food supply has dried up. I am very thirsty, could you please give me something to drink?" "Of course," said Viola, "Wait here and I will get you some food and water." The princess hurried to the kitchen and filled a large bowl with water. She wanted to get some food as well, but her hands were full with the bowl. Viola didn't know what type of bat was in her garden, but she did know some bats ate fruit and some ate insects. She thought she should ask the bat what his favorite food was, before she asked anyone to help her. Viola carried the bowl to the bat and said, "Excuse me, Mr. bat. I know some bats eat fruit and some eat insects. What kind of food do you like?" "Come closer," said the bat quietly, "and I will tell you." Viola placed the bowl in front of the bat and leaned closer, so she could hear what he wanted to tell her. "I don't like fruit or insects," said the bat, "The kind of food I like is BLOOD!" With that, the bat grabbed the young princess. He bit her on the waist, as this was the only part of the small princess he could get a good grip on. Viola cried out in pain. She struggled and screamed and felt weaker and weaker as the bat drained her lifeblood from her. A nearby guard was patrolling the garden and heard the noise. He blew a whistle and ran to the princess. Upon seeing what was happening to Viola, he threw his spear at the bat and hit his leg. The bat let go of Viola and turned his attention toward this new threat. Opening his wings, so that he seemed twice as big as he was, the bat charged at the guard. Two more guards showed up and threw their spears at the bat. One spear hit a wing, but the other spear went straight through the beast's heart. The bat died on the spot. Wasting no time, the guards carried their princess into the castle and put her in bed. They summoned the doctor and he soon patched up the wound. The doctor gave Viola an herbal remedy to help her sleep and recover. The princess slept fitfully all night. As the sun rose above the horizon, Viola woke feeling weak and hungry. She rang for a servant and asked for something to eat. The freckle-faced woman hurried to the kitchen and told the staff the princess was awake and hungry. Unbeknownst to Viola, she was in a comma for several days, and many at the castle feared she was dead. The doctor could not find a pulse, but her aura showed that there was some life left in her. Rumor of her recovery spread around the castle and soon reached the king. Meanwhile, the servant returned to the princess carrying a platter of fruits and nuts. Viola looked at the platter and felt repulsion, which was strange since many of the foods she liked to eat were set before her. She looked at the servant and started to ask that the patter be removed. A sudden hunger filled her, unlike anything she had felt before. She licked her lips and was surprised to find two long canine teeth. "Come sit beside me," Viola said to her servant. The woman had served her for many years and would often sit and talk while Viola dressed for the day. Talking was the last thing on the princess' mind, however. "Of course, my Lady," said the servant, who mistook the drool on her mistress' chin as hunger for the platter of food. "Shall I help feed you?" "Yes, please feed me." Viola looked at the large vein in her servant's neck. "I am very hungry." The freckle-faced woman picked a cherry off the platter and placed it in the princess' mouth. Viola pushed her tongue against the fruit, and it fell to the floor. The servant reached for the cherry. "If you're too weak to chew, I will mash. . . ." Her eyes grew wide as Viola clamped one hand over her mouth and bit into her neck. The servant tried to scream, but her voice was muffled, and the sound did not carry very far through the large room. Viola held down the woman with her other arm and feasted on the warm blood. In time the servant stopped struggling and Viola could find no more blood to drink. She licked her lips and cleaned the blood from her fangs. No longer hungry, Viola looked at the unnaturally pale woman in her arms and realized what she had done. Viola dropped the body and looked around the room for somewhere to hide it. Someone must have seen her come in, thought Viola. The kitchen staff will wonder why she never returned the platter. As Viola was wondering what to do there was a knock on the door. "Is everything all right in there?" asked a guard. "Everything is fine." Hurrying toward the door, she tripped over the body and fell to the floor. "What was that?" "Nothing." Standing back up, the princess went to the door and locked it. "Is my daughter okay?" Viola could hear her father's voice behind the door. "I think so, My Lord," replied the guard, "but I heard some strange sounds coming from inside." There was a knock on the door. "Open up, I want to talk to you." The kings deep voice sounding commanding even when he was trying to be pleasant. "There's no need to come in, I can hear you fine through the door." Viola knew it wouldn't be that easy. She needed a plan. "Open the door this minute." Remembering the secret passage behind the wall, Viola decided her only choice was to make a run for it. While the king was pounding on the door, she slipped into the passageway. Coming out the other side, she heard shouts of alarm coming from her room. It was still early so the hallways were empty except for the occasional guard. Looking around every corner, she headed toward the unguarded basement. She found an old storage chamber filled with furniture, which was covered with the dust from many decades of disuse, and waited. Before long the hunger struck again. She tried to resist it, but it grew stronger every minute, until she could take it no more. Viola slipped out of the storage chamber and into a hallway. She saw a guard standing in a nearby doorway and whistled so only he would hear. The guard walked over to the pillar Viola was hiding behind. "Princess, where have you been? Everyone has been looking for you." "Come closer," whispered Viola, "I have something important to tell you." The guard moved closer. "What is it?" As soon as he was within reach, Viola grabbed him and bashed his head against the pillar with such force that it killed him instantly. Viola was surprised at her new found strength and celebrated with a nice warm drink. As she was draining the last of the guard's blood, she heard some guards coming down the hall. "What are you doing?" yelled one of the guards as he ran toward the bloody pillar. Without thinking, Viola ran toward the doorway the dead guard was standing beside earlier and went inside. She closed the double doors and placed a heavy plank into the holders, which was set into the doors for that purpose. Turning around, Viola realized she was in the throne room. "Who's there?" came a female voice from behind a nearby partition. Viola recognized the voice at once. "Mother, Mother, please help me. The guards think I killed someone. Please make them go away." An elderly fairy in a flowing blue gown came out from behind the partition. "What's this? I heard you disappeared." The Fairy Queen started to move closer, but stopped when she saw her daughter. "You're covered in blood. What happened?" "Sit, Mother, and I'll tell you everything." * * * * * * * * By the time the guards broke down the door, the Fairy Queen was lying lifeless in Viola's arms. She didn't want to kill her mother, but she couldn't help it. The guards pointed their spears toward Viola and were prepared for anything. "Please surrender, Princess," said the Captain of the Guard, "We don't want to have to hurt you." Viola looked around. The only way out was through the guards or into the king's chambers. Her parent's rooms were closed off from the rest of the castle, so she would be trapped if she went that way. She felt stronger and more powerful than ever before, but she didn't want to risk her life against a room full of trained guards. Looking up, she noticed the beautiful stained-glass window set in the ceiling, which scattered multicolored light onto her parent's thrones. Jumping into the air, she flew through the window and caused a rainbow of glass to shatter down upon the guards. Spreading her wings in triumph, she flew into the afternoon sun. Seconds later, she screamed in pain, as her whole body started to burn. She tumbled back through the window and landed in a heap on the floor. * * * * * * * * Viola awoke to find herself chained between two pillars in the dungeon. "Let me out!" she cried and was rewarded with the sound of a key opening a lock. She heard a door opening behind her and heard the voices of her father and the doctor. "I see you're awake," said the doctor as he came around the pillars. "Let me go this instant!" shouted Viola "Is there nothing you can do to help her?" asked the Fairy King. He moved into the room to stand beside the doctor. "I'm sorry," said the doctor, "but I have never encountered a disease like this one before." "What should we do with her?" The king looked at his daughter like she was a broken statue he wanted repaired. "Stop treating me like I'm not here!" yelled Viola, but they continued to ignore her. "We should seal her up in a magic sphere, to keep her body from deteriorating, until we can find a cure." The doctor moved toward a side table, containing many vials and bottles, and began mixing ingredients. "If that is all you can do for now, so be it." The king walked back behind the pillars and toward the door. "What! No! Wait, can't we talk about this?" Viola pulled against her chains, but they were too strong. Soon the doctor was pouring a strange potion on her and chanting a powerful spell. Viola felt the darkness overcome her, and she slept for a thousand years. * * * * * * * * Princess Rose celebrated her sixteenth birthday with a huge party. She was the only daughter of the elderly king and queen, so the couple was eager for her to marry and produce a new heir. Invitations were sent to the outer parts of the kingdom, in hopes that a suitable bachelor would show up. People, from far and wide, came to participate. Some came to ask for the princess' hand, some to see whom the princess would choose, and some only came for the free food and activities. Rose received many presents, both from suitors and from well-wishers. The most unusual gift came from the court wizard. It was a crystal ball with a chained fairy trapped inside. The fairy looked very real, so when she had a moment alone, Rose asked the wizard about it. "The orb came into my procession many years ago," said the wizard, "when you were only a baby. An old woman gave it to me and told me it was to be given to you on your 16th birthday. I asked where it came from but she wouldn't say. Please be very careful with the orb. I sense a strange power radiating from it. The woman may have been a prophetess and wanted you to have the orb, knowing what you would do with it. I do not know if it will be for good or ill, so please put the orb somewhere safe until I can find out more." Rose thanked the wizard and promised to put the orb in a safe place. She rejoined the party and got to know some of the eligible bachelors. The party went late into the evening, but she did not find a man whom she was willing to marry. "There are many fine men here," said the king, "some are handsome, some young, some rich, and some well spoken. There must be a man here that would make a fine husband?" "Some are homely, some are cruel, some are womanizers, and some are dim-witted," said Rose. "There is no one here I care to spend ten minutes with, let alone a lifetime." "You must make up your mind soon," said the king, "or I will choose a husband for you." "What!" Rose looked from her father to her mother. "Mom, don't let my father choose, please!" "It is very late," said the queen to her daughter. "Maybe after a good night's sleep you'll be able to make a choice." The queen got up off her throne and kissed her daughter on the cheek. "Good night, dear." "Good night, Mother," Rose said with a smile. The smile disappeared as she curtsied to the king. "Father." She turned and left the room. Rose required the help of three servants to carry all her presents. Upon entering her room, she told the servants to set the boxes on the floor, and she would sort everything out in the morning. Rose was tired from the long day, so she went straight to bed. She dreamed she was sitting in a field of flowers surrounded by butterflies. As she sat watching them play, the butterflies transformed into fairies. The fairies flew around her, coming closer and closer with each rotation. The fairies started landing on her and taking off again. Each time they landed, they stayed a little longer until all the fairies were on her at the same time. The fairies started to bite her. At first the bites tickled but as time passed, they became more painful. Her screams grew louder until. . . . Rose sat up and opened her eyes. She could not tell how long she slept since heavy curtains covered the windows. Leaning over, she lit the candle on the nightstand with a fire stick the wizard had created. She looked around the room and noticed something sparkling in the candlelight. Pulling the blankets around her body, she stepped onto the cold hardwood floor and moved toward the object. It was the crystal ball she received the day before. Rose picked the orb up in her hand and turned it around, so she could look into the eyes of the fairy. What a sad creature, she thought. The candlelight caused shadows to flicker around the fairy so that the wings seemed to be moving. The fairy looked like it was going to fly out and bite her. Rose pulled the orb away from her face, and it flew out of her hand and shattered on the ground. The magic that once sealed the vampire fairy dispelled, and she was free once more. Rose watched as the last piece of the orb dissolved into the air. So the crystal ball was magic, she thought. Seeing the fairy laying motionless on the floor, Rose started to reach down and pick the winged woman up, but she stopped when she saw the creature start to move. * * * * * * * * Viola pulled at the chains wrapped around her arms and was surprised when they fell off without any difficulty. She looked around and realized she was no longer in her father's dungeon. She was in a room that was bigger than her family's whole castle. Standing over her was a giant wingless woman who was reaching toward her. Normally, such a sight would have scared Viola, but the hunger returned, and all she could see was enough blood to last her for months. Without another thought, she jumped into the air and bit into a finger, as hard as she could. * * * * * * * * Rose pulled her hand back, as the tiny creature bit into her index finger. She tried to shake her off, but the fairy held on tight. Not wanting to hurt the delicate looking creature, Rose put her hand over the fairy and tried to detach her, but she was stuck fast. Rose pulled harder, but the fairy still wouldn't come off. A numbing pain shot through her arm, and Rose realized the creature was drinking her blood. Not caring any longer, Rose started to hit the fairy against the table. The creature still held on. Feeling faint, Rose sat back on her bed and tried to think of a plan, but her head was spinning and she couldn't think clearly. Eventually, Rose passed out. * * * * * * * * One young prince failed to reach the castle in time for Rose's birthday. He came from a far kingdom where he heard that Rose was one of the most beautiful princesses in all the land. He was the third son of his father, the king, and had little chance of inheriting the throne. As the present kingdom was without male heirs, he could gain a kingdom for himself as well as a beautiful bride. His perfect plan was ruined, however, when several strange occurrences prevented him from reaching the castle in time. His only hope was that the princess was still accepting suitors at this late date. As he rode through the town, he could hear weeping coming from several of the houses. Puzzled, the prince asked the palace guard, "What happened to cause such sadness?" "You have come at a sad time, stranger," replied the guard. "The princess took ill a couple of nights ago and has fallen into a deep sleep from which she will not awaken." "Perhaps I have come at a good time," said the prince. "I may have a way of reviving the princess." He remembered the story of a young princess who could only be woken by the kiss of a handsome prince. If I revive the princess, thought the prince, the king will reward me with her hand in marriage, and the princess will not object since I saved her life. The prince rode into the castle to tell the king his plan. * * * * * * * * Walking into the princess' bedroom, the prince saw the pale-skinned beauty laid out on the white sheets. Her straw-blond locks flowed around her head like a river of gold, and her bright red lips stood out in stark contrast to the rest of her appearance. Of all the women he knew, none were more beautiful than this woman. He walked over to the bed and breathed in the perfume surrounding the princess. Bending closer, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. The princess blinked a couple of times, and opened her eyes wide, when she saw the handsome prince leaning over her. "Welcome back to the land of the living." The prince was pleased it had worked. "Oh, come closer," said the princess, "and kiss me again." Not one to refuse such a generous offer, the prince kissed her on the lips, the cheeks, and all along her neck. He was enjoying the embrace of the passionate princess, when he felt a sharp pain in his neck. The princess was biting him. At first, he didn't mind, but it started to hurt and she wouldn't let go. The prince tried to pull her off, but she was holding on tight. He was quite surprised at how strong this fragile looking woman was. He was no weakling either, and using all his strength, he managed to pull her off. "What's wrong with you?" Holding her at arm length, the prince noticed two large fangs protruding from her mouth, which were soaked in his blood. "You're not the princess but a monster disguised as her." Using his years of training, the prince pulled out his sword and cut the creature's head off with one mighty blow. To the prince's surprise, instead of changing into a monster, the body returned to that of the princess. What magic is this, though the prince? If someone comes in, they will think I killed the princess instead of a monster. Without a princess to marry, the prince's plans were ruined. Seeing no other option, he tied some sheets together and climbed out the window. He fled the kingdom and decided to seek his fortune elsewhere. Maybe I'll head to Transylvania, thought the prince, I heard a Count is looking to marry off his daughter. Being a Count is not as good as a king, but at this point I better take whatever I can. Hidden in the prince's cloak, a small winged creature smiled to herself. Soon she would feed again. Very soon. |