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A story of a homeless man that finds love,wealth and friendship from a loving family. |
The Love of a Friend Almost on any day you could find Joe Joe setting on the steps of a large courthouse building. In the distance unknown to him was a stranger in the shadows. Joe Joe loved to watch the people entering this building. He longed so much for some to just say Good morning and mean it from their heart. Not something you said by habit. Joe Joe was homeless but he possessed a gift given out only by the hand of God. If you made eye contact with him he could see right in your heart and soul. His Mom and Dad had long ago passed away but he could remember the long nights he would look at their eyes and they knew what he saw but they didn’t turn away immediately. In seconds he would see a tear form and they had to look away. Joe Joe softly told each of them, "I don’t care about those things, I love you." Never since they had gone had he seen eyes like theirs? They were the softest and most sparkling eyes he had ever seen. He still sat on the steps each morning and each morning the stranger in the shadows was there too. Joe Joe sat there until 10:00 A M. each morning before he went to his job. He worked at a large restaurant a few blocks away. He was there 6 mornings a week from 10 am until 2pm. Joe Joe’s pay was $10.00 a week plus all the food he wanted out of the trash can. Joe Joe’s job was to keep the food scraps dumped in large cans and keep the rats away until a truck arrived each day at 2:00 PM. At the end of the breakfast meal Joe Joe would try to scoop out a hand full of eggs and lay them on the street before the chef’s helpers dumped them in the can. When they returned with gravy and bacon he did the same. A plate and silver ware was not included in the salary. There was a $2.00 charge for a plate. Joe Joe just brushed away a clean spot and that was his plate. He never took a bite until he could say a blessing and thank Our Heavenly Father for his food. On this day for a joke one of the helpers put his foot in Joe Joe’s food. When he raised his head he saw his perfectly arranged plate with a big foot print in it. They all laughed and walked away. Joe Joe never spoke a word to them, he just picked away the dirt and put his hands into a little pail of water and washed his hands. Unaware to Joe Joe the Stranger in the Shadow fell to his knees and prayed a prayer the whole time Joe Joe eats his meal. When he did rise up tears dripped of his cheeks. Joe Joe stayed there until 2:00 PM that day like he did all days. When lunch was over at the restaurant they dumped the food scraps and Joe Joe did the same thing as he did in the morning. The helpers also did the same. The Stranger in the shadows stayed on his knees in prayer all through Joe Joe’s meal. At 2:15 that day Joe Joe was back on the steps of the courthouse. He would watch people as they left. A few people cursed him for being in their way, a few said Hi but never slowed or looked. Then on that day he saw the sweetest person he had seen since his Mom had passed. When he looked at her she smiled and the sparkles just bounced from her eyes. She didn’t look away or walk around him; she held that smile and walked toward him. She was unaware that Joe Joe saw her heart through her eyes. It was saying “Oh God, will I offend him if I give him money?" She stopped and a tear formed in Joe Joe’s eyes. She said, "It’s a pretty day just to set out isn’t it?" He said,"Yes Ma'am, I’ve never seen you enter the courthouse before." She still had the smile on her face and her eyes never turned away. She said, "I started to work today, my name is Sunshine, what is yours?" He said, "Joe Joe." She said, "That is an unusual name, I like that." Joe Joe said, "It is not as pretty as Sunshine." Before she could speak he said, "Your Dad gave you that name because your eyes sparkle like the sun." Even a bigger smile spread over her face and she asked, "How did you know that?" He said, "I saw them when you opened the door. I can only imagine how proud a Dad would be of you." She smiled even bigger and asked, "Will I see you tomorrow?" Joe Joe said, "I hope so, I am here from 7:00 until 10:00." Sunshine said, "I come to work at 8:00, see you tomorrow, Goodbye Joe Joe." In the distance unaware to anyone’s eyes the stranger in the shadow was on his knees with his face toward heaven. Early the next morning Sunshine was getting ready for work and trying to get the rest of the family out on time. She had to drop off her son and a thousand things to do, but first she took her little boy and looked him in the eyes and said, "I love you and you be extra nice to someone today because you may never get another chance." This little boy was to young to understand yet but he would hear those words for the rest of his life. Soon Sunshine had taken care of everyone else and was on her way to work. On her way she stopped and bought a large coffee and two donuts. She put them in a bag with plenty of napkins. In the distance she could see Joe Joe setting on the steps. She stopped and waved at him. Joe Joe waved back, and looked toward heaven and asked, "Why father is such a beautiful young lady with a family being so nice to me? Father it is true, I seen it in her eyes." Then very softly Joe Joe heard these words. “A Friend Joe Joe, A Friend." Soon she was standing in front of him and the same smile and her eyes were like fire works. She said, "Good Morning Joe Joe. I bought me some coffee and donuts but I have eaten so much I can’t hold them." Sunshine still didn’t know Joe Joe could read her eyes. She said, "If you don’t want them will you throw them away for me, I am afraid I would be late on my first full day?" Joe Joe taken them from her and said, "Thank you." Sunshine hurried off but she turned and come back. She said, "Have a nice day Joe Joe, have a nice day." He looked at her with a tear in his eye and spoke, "I already have." Unaware the man in the shadow was on his knees once more. In front of the courthouse were tables and a fountain. For the first time in Joe Joe’s life he walked to those tables and took a seat. He took out his coffee and removed the lid. He lay one napkin down for a plate and placed both donuts on them. He bowed his head. He prayed, "Thank you Father for my Sunshine. Always watch over her and her family. Thank you for this food I am about to receive. Today I became the wealth’s person in this world. Amen." Slowly he opened his eyes. No one had stepped in his donuts or poured his coffee on them. He sat there until every drop was drank and every crumb was eaten. He picked up all his trash plus all that was in the courtyard and put it in the trash can. The stranger in the shadow watched every move. Today would get even better. Today Joe Joe would get his check. “Ten whole dollars." Once a week Joe Joe would take 8 of those dollars and buy his lunch. He would get to go through the buffet, but only when all had eaten and the buffet was closed. He had to use a dirty plate. If he wanted silverware it was $2.00 dollars more. That would take all his check, so he used his fingers. He had to save those two dollars. On Sunday he would go to church and after it started he would slip in. He stayed in the back where no one could see him. If they did they would make him leave. He was told he didn’t have the right clothes for church. In the back foyer of the church were a sign and a bucket. The sign read God Loves All People. Give What you can and help some one in need. Joe Joe put his last $2.00 in this can. He did this ever week. Joe Joe was unaware that the Stranger in the Shadow sat next to him. All the time they were there he had his head bowed in prayer. Joe Joe left church that day and his heart was so lonely. He knew Sunshine would not be back to the courthouse until Monday. There was know one there because it was closed. On this day Joe Joe went by there and he sat down and bowed his head. Beside him unaware to anyone was the Stranger. Suddenly Joe Joe heard the sweetest and kindest words. They were, "Hi Joe Joe. I want you to meet some one." It was all of Sunshine’s family. Her husband and her son had the eyes of an Angel. She smiled and asked, "Will you eat lunch with us?" Sunshine’s husband said, "Please do. She told me you help God put the sun in the heavens." Joe Joe looked at this loving family and then he looked at his clothes. Sunshine said, "We have it in the car. We can set in the courtyard and eat." For the next hour and a half they set there and enjoyed a Sunday meal. The stranger in the shadow was right next to them all, but not anyone could see him. All the time they eat and laughed and enjoyed each other’s company the stranger had his head bowed in prayer. He prayed so earnestly sweat dropped off his cheeks. When the meal was finished Sunshine’s Husband asked Joe Joe would you do me a favor? Joe Joe said, "Yes anything you want." He said, "I am in trouble with Sunshine. I have let my closet over flow with clothes I don’t even wear any more. I thought if you were my size you could take them for me. I promised I would get rid of them yesterday but I got busy and forgot. Goodwill is closed today and now I will have to wait until next Saturday. Please help me?" Joe Joe said, "Of course I will help but I know there is people who could use them more than I." Sunshine said, "If there were not gone by today, Honey, you will have to sleep in the closet with them." Sunshine turned her eyes away from Joe Joe after she said this. She didn’t want him to see her eyes. Sunshine's husband said, "Please help me, can you imagine what it would be like sleeping in a closet?" Joe Joe dropped his head and shook it no. Sunshine asked, "What size do you wear?" Joe Joe told them the size goodwill tried to get him but a lot of times they didn’t have that size. Sunshine said, "Honey, this is your lucky day. Joe Joe saved you a week of nights in your closet." She looked at Joe Joe and said, "That is his size." She had to look away. Sunshine then turned back and asked, "Joe Joe will you meet us back here at 5:00 o’clock. We have some errands to run then we will pick up the clothes and pick you up and take them to your house?" Joe Joe said, "Oh know, just drop them off here and I will pack them home." Sunshine touched his hand and softly said, "Please my Friend, you cannot pack all these clothes, Let us drop you and them off at your house. You feel like part of our family now and families have no secrets." Joe Joe and Sunshine made eye contact and her eyes sparkled. She and Joe Joe had a little tear on their cheek. Sunshine’s Husband touched each of their hands and asked Joe Joe, "Can you say know to your very best friend?" Slowly Joe Joe shook his head no. Beside them all still set the Stranger. He had his hands folded looking into Heaven. Sunshine said, "Joe Joe, you look me in the eyes and promise me you will be here at 5:00 o’clock." He said, "I promise." As that family walked away Joe Joe notices he is 6 inches taller and out weighs Sunshine’s husband by more than 50 lbs. At 5:00 o’clock Sunshine’s family pulled in front of the courthouse. There sat Joe Joe. Sunshine waved at him just as if she hadn’t seen him for a year. Her eyes lit up even brighter when she saw Joe Joe. She said, "Come on Joe Joe we are going to your house." He got in and beside him was the stranger that seemed to always be with Joe Joe. He told them the turns to make and not even ½ mile from the courthouse they arrived at an old junkyard. They entered and stopped at the office. When the man saw Joe Joe in the car he motioned them on. Soon they were at an old van. Behind it no more than 6 foot sat another van. Joe Joe said, "Stop." Sunshine looked in his eyes and asked, "Is this your home?" Very ashamed he said, "Yes, but it is clean. The white van will be my closet. I never needed a closet until today. The blue van is my house. "Please come in." They got out and Joe Joe showed them all in. Sunshine said, "You have a beautiful house." Sunshine just looked at the few things he had. Then she felt her Husband squeeze her hand. She looked in his eyes and a tear ran down his cheek. She kissed it away and asked, “What’s wrong." Joe Joe had dropped his head and stood very quietly. Sunshine’s husband pointed to a paper he had pined to the wall. As she read the lines Joe Joe had written, the tears flowed off her cheeks. Her husband asked her, "Please try to read it all?" He held her as she read these lines: Life is a mixture Of sunshine and rain Laughter and pleasure Teardrops and pain All days can’t be bright But it’s certainly true There was never a cloud The sun didn’t shine through So just keep smiling Whatever betides you Secure in the knowledge God is always beside you And you will find when you smile Your day will be brighter And all of your burdens Will seem so much lighter For each time you smile You will find it is true Somebody somewhere Will smile back at you Not nothing on earth Can make life more worthwhile Than the sunshine and warmth Of a beautiful smile Joe Joe still stood with his head down. Sunshine’s husband said, "Please hug Joe Joe, Please honey, he needs a hug." Sunshine hugged him long and hard. Then she heard him whisper, "I am sorry." Sunshine released him and took his face in her hands. She asked him, "What are you sorry for?" Joe Joe said, "That was one of Mom's favorite poems she saved from a little book. I should have asked before I wrote those things about you." She gently kissed away a tear and said, "Don’t ever be sorry for being such a kind and sweet person." No one knew he was there with them but the stranger also had a tear in his eye. Sunshine said, "OK guys, let’s get these clothes in the closet before they wrinkle." Sunshine’s husband said, "Now you have done it Joe Joe. I guess you know on Friday nights Sunshine will be here to check these clothes. That is the way it is at home and I have a feeling your house has been added to the list." Sunshine said, "You two are pretty smart for guys, yes Joe Joe Friday nights I expect all dirty cloths to be in the laundry bag. I will pick them up and bring them back on Saturday." She smiled at him with those beautiful eyes and asked, "Is that ok with you?" He said, "Yes but I can’t pay for it." Sunshine’s husband asked, "Would you help me mow the yard once or twice a week?" Joe Joe said, "I would rather mow it all my self. I would like to plant flowers it you don’t already have them." In a matter of a few weeks Sunshine had the prettiest yard on the block. Sunshine asked Joe Joe one day, "Would consider becoming our full time gardener. The pay was $25.00 A week plus meals. We are planning on turning the upstairs of the garage into an apartment. We want you to move in. It would have a bath, and bedroom and kitchen. I will prepare all your meals and when I am away you can warm them up in the microwave. When we are at home you eat with us at the house. Please say yes?" Then one evening after dinner Sunshine had some good news for Joe Joe. Mr. Lyons across the street asked if you would fix his yard. He will pay you $250.00 and than $40.00 each time you mow. Joe Joe said, "I work for you." Sunshine said, "You would still have time once or twice a week to work over there. That would not affect your job here in any way." Sunshine’s husband said, "Joe Joe you are family and this is your home. You come and go here, as you like." Then he pitched him a ring with a key on it. Joe Joe looked puzzled. He said, "You have already given me a key to the garage." Hereplied, "I know, that key is to our front door." Joe Joe was with out words. The stranger beside him had the biggest smile ever. Then one evening Sunshine’s husband called Joe Joe in his apartment. He asked if he would come to the house. Joe Joe did as he was asked. When he got there he saw a suitcase beside the door. Sunshine’s husband said he had to go away a few days on business. Sunshine wasn’t feeling good and he wanted him to check on her. This scared Joe Joe. Sunshine was lying on the couch and she said, "Joe Joe I am fine, it is just a little of the virus." She said, "Joe Joe, you have never been told my husband’s name. He would rather you not call him Sir." Joe Joe looked at him and said, "I’m sorry Sir, Please tell me your name." He said, "Tell him Sunshine." Sunshine’s eyes just sparkled and very proudly she said, "His name is Joe." Joe said, "Your name is twice as pretty as mine." For the first time Joe and Joe Joe’s eyes locked just for a few seconds. For the first time Joe Joe seen the loving and caring person Joe was. He said with assurance, "I will watch over your family with my life Joe." Joe said, "I know you will. They will be as safe as if I was here with you all." Joe Joe looked him in the eyes and replied, "Please return quickly and safely." "I will Joe Joe but first I have something for you." Joe taken out a cell phone and gave it to him. He showed him how to use it and than he gave him his cell number. Joe said, "Call me any hour of the day if need be." Both noticed Sunshine was asleep on the couch. Joe Joe covered her with a blanket and he told Joe, "I will watch the baby until it is bedtime. You set with Sunshine." Very early the next morning Joe Joe’s phone rang. It was Joe on the other end. He said he was leaving and wanted to know if he would come to the house and be with Sunshine and the baby. Joe said, "Both are fast asleep and should sleep for hours." In minutes Joe Joe was at the door. Joe told him I have called and tried to get out of this trip but I can’t. The Doctor said Sunshine should be feeling better by the end of that day. Joe gave Sunshine a kiss bye but she never knew when he left. Joe Joe cleaned up the kitchen and washed Joe’s cup. He found a can of chicken soup and set it out for Sunshine’s lunch. He looked in on her before he went to the baby’s room. She looked like a Princess in a deep sleep. If only God would pass her sickness on to him. Very sadly and heart broken he went in the babies room. The baby was asleep so he knelt on his knees and he prayed until the sweat ran off his cheeks and dripped away. The stranger was on his knees beside him. Very quietly the stranger placed a hand on Jo Joe’s Shoulder. Softly he called his name. Joe Joe slowly opened his eyes and turned toward the person beside him. Joe Joe saw a soft light shinning from the stranger’s face. Their eyes locked and for a few minutes they didn’t turn away. Joe Joe was the first to speak. His words were, "How are Mom & Dad?" The stranger said, "They are fine and are very proud of you." He said, "You know whom I am don’t you?" Joe Joe said. "Yes, I saw it in your eyes. You are an Angel." The stranger said, "Yes, my name is Simon. God answered your prayer tonight and then he answered mine also. For years and years I have been with you and I asked God just to grant you 3 wishes. He would tell me in time Simon, when the time is right. Tonight when I was praying he told me tonight show your self and give Joe Joe anything he wants." Father said, "Simon, his wishes will surprise you but they will be granted." Simon looked up at heaven and said, "Thank you Father. Thank you." He asked Joe Joe, "Do you understand, God would give you any three things you want. There is not anything on this earth he can’t provide." Simon said, "Think long and hard Joe Joe. I have prayed for this day for years of your time." Joe Joe said, "First I have to check on Sunshine." Simon said, "I understand. The baby is asleep may I accompany you?" Joe Joe looked in his eyes and asked, "Can I stop you?" Simon said, "No, I guess not." Quietly they entered Sunshine’s room. She was asleep but she had pulled her covers down a little. She was shivering so Joe Joe covered her back. She never knew he was in the room. Very quietly they left just as they entered. Simon asked, "Are you ready?" Joe Joe said, "I knew what I wanted the second you told me about the wishes. I wish for health for Sunshine, Joe and the baby. Give them just enough pain to appreciate the life God gave them. Give them just enough sadness to appreciate the love and happiness they share with others. Give them just enough disappointment to appreciate all the good they will receive." Simon said, "You don’t understand Joe Joe, the wishes are for you. Tonight you can receive wealth, health and happiness for the rest of your life." Joe Joe said, "If you can make my Sunshine well and happy that would make me the happiest and richest I have ever been in my life. The only thing is she is never to know what I have done here tonight." Simon said, "I understand Joe Joe." Then Simon taken out a lottery ticket and gave to Joe Joe. Simon said, "Tomorrow afternoon when the 300 million-dollar lottery number is announced; this is the winning ticket. All your wishes are granted, God usually doesn’t get involved with lottery drawings but for you he made an acceptation. You can give this to Sunshine but I know her heart, she will not want to take this away from you. She knows as well as I you deserve this because all your life you thought more of your friends than you have your self. God knew this too. Now I know what he meant. Father said your wishes would surprise me." Simon said, "Joe Joe my job with you is finished. Never will I forget you and remember God is just a whisper away." Joe Joe put out his hand and touched Simon’s." A few seconds later Simon vanished away just as softly as he appeared. Joe Joe said, "Good-bye my friend good-bye." Joe Joe picked up the baby and went straight to Sunshine’s room. She was still asleep so he sat down in the big chair and waited for her to wake up. In a few minutes she did awaken and he heard her call out Joe’s name. Very softly Joe Joe said, "Sunshine; he had to leave early this morning. The baby is here with us, can I get you something?" She smiled at Joe Joe and she asked, "Could I have a drink?" He got up and poured her a glass of water. He raised her head and held her up. He put the glass to her mouth and let her drink. Joe Joe said, "It is time for your pills." He gave her them and told her to drink all the water in the glass. Joe Joe asked her, "Are you hungry, you haven’t eaten for a couple of days." She looked at him and said, "A little." Joe Joe said, "I will fix you some soup and you have to eat it all." She did as he said and in a very short while she was setting up on her own. Joe Joe asked her, "Are you strong enough to get to the bathroom on your own?" Joe Joe said, "Tell me what you want out of your closet and I will lay it in the bathroom. I will draw you a tub of water so you can get your bath. I laid my cell phone in there for you. I am going to feed and bath the baby. If you need me you call the home phone number. I will be by the phone. When you get finished and get dressed call me and I will return." Sunshine did just as she was told. About an hour later the phone rung and it was she. She told Joe Joe, "I am dressed and want to go to town. Please get the baby ready and come on. Please let me?" Joe Joe said, "Are you sure you feel like it?" Yes, "Come on Joe Joe." He dressed the baby and to her room he went. He knocked on the door and she said, "Come in Joe Joe." He opened the door and he couldn’t believe his eyes. She looked like a Princess. He asked, "What did you do with my sick Sunshine. Joe will kill me." She smiled that million-dollar smile and replied back, "You are too good of a Dr. Joe Joe. I never felt better in my life." She said "Did you know the lottery is 300 million dollars today?" Sunshine said, "I'll buy you a ticket if you will go with me?" Then Joe Joe remembered the last words Simon had said. He felt his pocket and the ticket Simon had given him was in there. He remembered it was purchased some way from the store Sunshine and Joe shopped. Then Joe Joe tricked her. He insisted he pay for them both. He knew she would not hear of such a thing. Joe Joe had a plan. They went to the store and Sunshine asked for two tickets. She paid for them and turned to Joe Joe. She asked, "Have you ever bought a ticket?" Joe Joe said, "Never in my life." He asked, "My I see them?" Sunshine hands both to him. He looked, then he switched tickets. He gave back the winning ticket Simon had given him to Sunshine and he kept the other two. Soon they were back home. Joe Joe made Sunshine eat a few bites for dinner. Shortly after that the phone rung. It was Joe. He had finished his work early and would be home that afternoon. Joe said, "Dr. Joe Joe is a miracle Dr." She said, "He is a Saint Joe. Please hurry home. I bought Joe Joe and us a lottery ticket." Joe asked, "You just bought one each?" Sunshine said, "It just takes one to win. Joe said, "Probable Joe Joe has the winner." She said, "I thought that too. I offered him a hundred dollars to trade with me but he just laughed." Joe said, "That proves it. Get ready to start working for Joe Joe." Soon Joe was home and Sunshine ran out to meet him. He said, "I can’t believe how much better you look." She said, "I know, one second I thought I was going to die but it was as if someone turned off a switch. It left that fast." They both looked at Joe Joe and then said, "It’s not possible is it?" Joe Joe just smiled at them. A few minutes after this Sunshine ask Joe Joe if he would stay at the house and eat dinner. Then all of them could watch the lottery drawing together. Joe Joe said, "Only if you let me prepare it while you spend some private time with Joe." He said, "I can baby sit and cook at the same time." Sunshine looks right into Joe Joe'’ eyes and a few seconds later she spoke the most beautiful words he ever heard. Sunshine said, "I love you Joe Joe." He answered back; "I love you my friend, Oh how I love you." Soon after this they were watching the lottery pick. Sunshine couldn’t believe it. She had the first number then the second and the third. Finally she matched all the numbers. Joe couldn’t believe it. Poor Joe Joe didn’t have one number match. Sunshine felt so bad. She said, "Joe Joe you should have traded with me when I asked." He said, "I know." Then for the first time Joe Joe realized he would have to go back to the junkyard and live and try to get his old job back at the restaurant. But that was fine. God blessed the people he loved the most in the world. He would do it again if he had too. Sunshine saw the hurt and sadness in his eyes. She went to him and asked, "What’s wrong Joe Joe? What’s wrong?" He said, "You won’t stay here, I will have to move back to the junkyard." Sunshine rushed to him and said, "No Joe Joe, you are family, you go where we go. Please tell him Joe, don’t make Joe Joe leave" Joe lifted one of her hands and one of Joe Joe’s. He grasped them both and said, "Each of you wouldn’t last a week without each other. I don’t know if each of you realize it or not but each of your eyes talk to each other. Did you know it is like watching a fireworks show. They say Oh! For The Love of a Friend the things they say are some of the most precious If only everyone could be as close friends as you are to each other." Then Joe said, "Tell him about Misty Dawn. We can’t wait any longer." Sunshine took Joe Joe by the hands and she looked him in the eyes. They froze there for awhile. Then Sunshine said, "Misty Dawn is my twin sister. I have told her all about you. She wants to meet you so bad. I don’t know how anyone could fall in love with anyone they haven’t met, but she will have you or no one else. Misty Dawn says Simon told her one-day we would be together and nothing but death would separate Joe Joe and Misty Dawn. Joe Joe know one will ever be as close of a friend as you & I. My eyes talk to yours. Yours talk back. I didn’t know you were aware of this until tonight. I didn’t know you knew about mine until tonight." Then at the same time each of them had the most loving grin. Sunshine said, "Thank you Joe Joe. You are just as much as a Prince as I am a Princess. Joe and I thank God every night for giving us you." Then Joe noticed a tear in Sunshine’s eye. You see, ever since Joe had taken each of them by the hand Joe Joe and Sunshine had never looked away. Their eyes were locked onto each other’s. Joe Joe kissed a finger and touched the tear on Sunshine’s cheek. She softly said, "Why didn’t you keep your ticket. God gave that to you. That was your 300 million dollars." Joe Joe said, "My wish was for happiness. Giving you and Joe that ticket made me happy." Sunshine asked, "Would you make me even happier than I am right now?" Joe Joe said, "I would give all the breath out of my lungs for you." She said, "I know; now you will understand why I am giving ½ of the money to you. All you have to do is promise me you will be never be over one hour driving time away from us. Misty Dawn and I are identical twins. Joe cannot even tell us apart. You will have no problem as long as our eyes are open. She will be here tomorrow. I thought maybe you would like to tell her that you had just won 150 million dollars. Joe Joe, she may be disappointed, she wanted to rescue you from the street. Joe Joe her eyes talk just like ours. We are identical twins; we feel each other’s pain and joys. She fell in love with you by feeling my thoughts and my love for you. I think now I understand why Joe and I gave up our jobs and left our families to come here. My Mom and Dad retired last week and they will be with Misty Dawn. Joe and I looked one day for them an apartment but they are so expensive. Dad said they would sleep in a tent if that were what it took to be close to his girls." Sunshine noticed Joe Joe’s eyes sparkling. She looked into them for a second and said, "No Joe Joe that is too much." Joe Joe said, "Please Sunshine, For the Love of a Friend let me give them 75 million out of my 150?" Joe said, "I don’t understand how all this could be happening." Then Joe, Sunshine and Joe Joe saw a soft and bright light shine next to them. In the light was Simon. He smiled and said, "Never under estimate the power of prayer. Now God has answered all of mine. Now Sunshine and Joe Joe, not only have you felt but now you have seen The Love of a Friend." “In Chapter two "Misty Dawn" Joe Joe meets Sunshine's twin sister ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |