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Rated: E · Article · Comedy · #585625
a boy loses his soccer ball and his two dogs try to find the thief.
On the porch of the house sat Chase. Chase had a yellowish brown coat with a spot on his huge left ear. Yes, Chase was a dog. Though he looked and acted like a normal dog, he was not. He studied humans and their actions,interests,etc.
This was a typical day for Chase. Every afternoon he would sit on the porch and watch his master and his brother Arnold play in the yard with a soccer-ball.
Arnold, with his brown coat and slimey nose, was a normal dog. He didn't study anything, except for the chicken on the dinner table, the cat in the window, and where the ball went when his master kicked it.
Chase and Arnold's master was a young boy of eleven, with blonde hair. He was short for his age, but he could kick the ball as far as any fourth-grader. And to Arnold and Chase, he was everything. They were constently with him at home, and anywhere else they could get by with; the boy was deeply loved and returned the emotion to his pets.
On this day, however, Arnold and the boy were not playing with the soccer-ball. Chase got curious and trotted over to where the boy was looking for something in the bushes.
" Well, Chase," The boy said, " I cannot find my soccer-ball. I don't know what happened to it.. I feel sorry for Arnold, he has such a good time playing every afternoon."
Oh yes, Arnold.... Chase thought. He looked around. His brother was no-where in sight.
He walked around the house to the back-yard. Sure enough, Arnold was there barking at the ground.
Chase ran up to his puppy-like brother, " Arnold! Arnold! I say, what are you barking at?"
"This ah, this ah, hairy worm here, Chase. It is strange... grrr... grr.. RUFF!"
Between Arnold's paws, was a green caterpiller.
"Oh, you foolish puppy! That is a caterpiller. Maybe you would know some things if you would take your head out of the toliet once in awhile." Chase said.
" I don't have any interest in that." Arnold said, keeping his eyes on the caterpiller.
"I know you don't, young one. But I have some news that might spark your interest." Chase told his brother.
" Did the Madame drop food on the floor?"
"No!" Chase snapped. " The master cannot find his ball; the one you two play with every afternoon. It has disappeared. Do you remember where he put it yesterday?"
Arnold looked away from the caterpiller and sat down, facing his brother, " Ah, ah, I dont remember anything from yesterday...grrrrr...grrrr...Uh, wait! There was something! Another boy, yes! Yes! Another boy, he was fat and couldn't kick the ball far.."
"Well, that explains it then!" Chase announced, standing up.
"Explains what?" Arnold asked.
"You silly pup! That the fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far is a thief!"
"What did he take?"
Chase rolled his eyes, " The ball."
Arnold stood up. He took a glance at the ground where the caterpiller had once been, but nothing was there now.
"GR! RUFF RUFF!" Arnold started barking,
" Good heavens, what is it now, Arnold?"
" The cattypiller is gone!" Arnold said as he ran to the front yard.
Chase shook his head and followed his brother.
When he reached the porch, his master and Arnold were sitting there.
" Doggies, I don't know what happened to it. Hey, my friend was here yesterday, maybe he knows where it is." The boy said, then got up and went inside.
"Or maybe he stole it." Chase said in a low whisper to Arnold.
Arnold didn't pay any attention; he just followed his master inside. Chase did the same.
" Hey, do you know where I put my ball yesterday? No?... You did? Cool, bring it over. Yeah. Bye." The dog's master hung up the phone.
He knelt down to scratch Chase's ear, " He doesn't know where I put it, but he bought a new one, and he is going to come over and show me."
He then stood up and went back outside.
Arnold tried to follow, but Chase made him go into the den.
" I've got an idea."
" For what, Chase?"
" Arnold! To get that fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far."
" Oh..."
"Now, here's the plan...." Chase went into a whisper.
After he was finished telling Arnold the plan, they went back into the hall and layed down. Their master came back in from outside and went into the kitchen for a snack.
I'll teach that fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far to steal from MY master... Chase thought.
A few minutes passed, and there was a knock at the door. Their master came back in the hall way to answer it. There stood the fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far.
"Are you ready?" The fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far asked.
" A minute. I have to get my hat from my room." The dogs' master vanished into his bedroom.
Chase looked at Arnold, but his brother was asleep.
Oh no... Chase thought. He had to do the unthinkable.
He barked.
His brother woke up sluggishly and looked at him. Chase gave him a long look, and the puppy like brother knew exactly what he needed to do.
Arnold jumped to his feet, then started running torwards the fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far and knocked him down, and ran outside barking.
Chase got up and gently trotted to the fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far, and sat on him, looking him in the eyes.
"Alright, fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far. That ball belongs to my master. How dare you steal it!"
After he said those words, Chase jumped off of him and joined Arnold outside.
The fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far ran away towards his home.
Chase went back inside, feeling sure of himself. He took good care of that fat boy who couldn't kick the ball far; even though he broke some canine rules on talking to humans.
He walked into his master's bedroom. The boy opened the closet and shouted the word, " Oh!"
In his closet sat the soccer-ball.
© Copyright 2002 Lissa Jane Monroe (ljmonroe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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