Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/584953-Lifes-A-Beach
by Emily
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Arts · #584953
I wrote this as a school assignment. I think it's one of my better poems.
Clouds of mauve whisper delicately across the timidly blushing pink sky
Like bits of cotton batting
P u l l e d a p a r t
By the hands of a curious child


The trees sway in the gentle breeze
Conversing with the lonely loon
Sleek in his sorrowful beauty
~All is well~

A sliver of orange peeks over the horizon
Shyly yet earnestly
Like a glowing ember
Stoked by a single puff of air
Rising, growing, gaining strength
Rising, growing, rising, growing

The brilliant, blazing ball
Hangs high against the softly blushing backdrop
Emboldened by its rapid growth
Clamouring for attention
Like a garish, tiresome tourist in a gallery

The sun climbs ever higher
Obnoxiously erasing the hushed hues of the dawn
Slathering the sky with a harsh Bristol blue
The colour of antifreeze,
Toxic in its aggressive brightness
Reflecting blindingly off the sapphire lake,
Sparkling with the promise of a new day

Honk! Beep! Grunt!
Move ya car, asshole!
They have arrived

Swollen, bloated, bulging out of Their scant Spandex garments,
They rush in on sausage-link legs
Ravaging the peaceful shores
Like a ruthless, stalwart strain of cancer
Push! Shove! Click-click-click
Get outta my way!
Like hordes of seagulls
Pecking, squawking, squabbling
All vying for their rightful shares
Of a treasure which was never theirs
Nice guys finish last

From amid the rabble comes a medley of heavenly voices
Of fallen angels
In the midst of

Hey, can I play? Puis-je jouer avec vous?
Sure, come on over!!
Giggling, digging, paddling, splashing
Their melodious laughter
S p r e a d s t h r o u g h o u t
Like a cooling salve

Sun sets
Behind its pastel blanket of dusk
They begin to depart,
Straggling back from whence They came
Calmer now,
No profanities punctuate Their parting
All is again well

Caressed by the wistful glow of twilight,
The waves roll in, fall back
Roll in,
Fall back
Sharing one last dance with the soft, sandy
Smoothing their rumpled surface to a glassy sheen
And the navy-black waters glimmer in the moolight
Sparkling with the wisdom of the innocent.

© Copyright 2002 Emily (mermaidgirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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