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Two friends find themselves torn between love and friendship. |
Part One of I'll ALways Remember... "This isn't what you wanted, was it?" He asked. Adeline shook her head... No No NO! Wait a minute... What is this? A story just can't start like that! Some more information is needed. First of all, you need to meet the characters. We have Adeline Johnson. 18 years old, 5'5" 120lbs. Dark brown, middle back length hair, big bright brown eyes, normal size nose. Ade is out spoken, quick to the point and honest as ever. One of the most popular girls at Judemont High School. There is also Noah Laine. 18 years old 5'10" 150lbs. Dirty blonde hair nicely cut to his ears, hazel eyes, and a slightly big nose. Noah is head strong, but pretty quiet. He doesn't say too much, unless provoked or asked. He is very trustworthy and sweet. A soccer player and extremely popular at JHS. Okay, maybe I should start at the beginning. Maybe at birth? Alright then... "Drive Samuel, for Heaven's sake, drive!" Mary screamed at her husband in-between contractions. "I'm driving as fast as I can dear!" Sam tried to calmly explain to his wife. She opened her mouth to say something, but another contraction hit her. She grabbed her husband's arm and squeezed with all her might. He bellowed in pain as her nails pierced into his skin. "You deserved that." she said, laughing boldly as she let go of him. He smiled weakly, rubbing his arm. "TURN HERE!" she screamed. "Okay, okay." he answered, turning into the hospital driveway. Samuel tried to pull up to the emergency lane, but there was a minivan blocking the road. Sam beeped his horn several times, but the van still didn't move. It was after his seventh 'beep' that he noticed a very pregnant woman getting out. Mary must have also noticed this, because she swung open the door and pushed herself out. There was an orderly standing there. She whistled to him and he came bounding over with a wheel chair. "Go and park the car." she told him. He did so and was soon running through the halls looking for his wife. He found a doctor and asked him directions to the labor floor. He finally decided he must be close when he heard the wailing of babies. As he neared the nursery, he found a nurse and asked her to find his wife. "We just had two women come in. Follow Me." she said walking down the white hall. Samuel followed and she brought him to room 201. Inside was the women that had been getting out of the car in front of him. "No, this isn't my wife." he quietly informed the nurse, hoping that the women hadn't over-heard his comment. "She's mine. Your wife is across the hall." a man said, walking into the room. "Stanley!" the women declared to her husband. He went over to her. "Thank you very much!" Sam said, running across the hall to find Mary being checked in by a doctor. "You're doing great Mary. Just a little while longer." the doctor informed her. Mary nodded her head in response. She noticed Samuel standing there. She reached out her hands to him. "Did you hear that? You're doing great." he said to his wife as he went over to her. She took his hand and held it. 20 minutes later a cry was heard from room 201. Two minutes after that first cry, there was a second across the hall in room 202. Noah Gregory Laine was born to Stanley and Eleanor Laine at 11:59 p.m. on Friday December 15th. Adeline Elisabeth Johnson was born to Samuel and Mary Johnson at 12:01 am Saturday December 16th. The two mothers were moved to the same room and became fast friends. They talked and passed around ideas for two days and promised to keep in contact the day they parted. So that is the story of the characters birth. Remarkable huh? Well, maybe not remarkable, but pretty cool. So Adeline and Noah grew up together. Adeline and her family moved next door to Noah when they were both a year old and they also went to preschool together. Adeline and Noah became instantly popular in elementary school and made lots of friends. Some they still have even today. So now that you know that Noah and Adeline are the best of friends and popular, we can flash forward several years, say to the first day of high school? Yeah, that works. "RING RING" the telephone ran in Adeline’s room. She put down her blow dryer and picked it up. "I'm wearing a blue shirt and a long jean skirt." she informed the caller. "Right." he answered, hanging up. Adeline laughed as she went to put down the phone, it rang again. "It's a plain blue shirt. Quarter length sleeves." she answered. "Right." he answered again, hanging up a second time. Adeline finished blow-drying her hair and then finished getting ready. She grabbed her book-bag and walked down stairs. Noah was waiting for her. He was wearing blue jeans; a white undershirt and a dressy small plaid print blue button up shirt. Adeline nodded and he smiled. They eventually made it through the door with both of their mothers taking random pictures of them as they walked along. When they were finally out of picture range view, Adeline let out a small laugh. Noah looked down at both of their outfits, knowing why she was laughing. "You look nice." she commented. "I thought it only proper." he explained. Adeline broke out into a big smile looking up at Noah. "Don't laugh!" "I'm not laughing!" "Yeah sure! Come on Ade! You knew I would." he said. "Yeah, I think its cute." she answered. Noah gently took her hand and they walked to school together, just like they had every year before that. Now I know you’re probably saying "Corny!" but that's the way it was. It was the one thing they found tradition in, besides their friendship. All right, all right... I'll get to the good stuff. The story that needs to be told. The story that has to be told so that future generations won't make the same mistake that Adeline did. Now I promise not to interrupt unless it's necessary. It was their senior year and Noah pulled up into Adeline’s driveway, beeped his horn and waited for her. She didn't come like normal, so Noah got out of the car to go see where she was. He rang the doorbell and came face to face with Mary. "Where's Ade?" he asked. "She went with Tommy this morning. I thought you knew about it." Mary answered. Noah thought for a moment, thanked Mary and went back to his car and drove off toward the school. He parked the car and went inside. He was a man on a mission and headed straight for Adeline’s locker. She was standing there with Tommy Walberts, talking. "Yeah..." she was saying. "Noah." she said startled to find him standing there. "Hey." he answered. "I've got to go find Raquel." Tommy said, leaving Noah and Adeline to talk. "Thanks for letting me know this morning about Tommy." Noah said. "It was last minute Noah. Tommy called me up and said that he and Raquel had had a fight and that he needed someone to talk to, so I told him to pick me up this morning and we could talk then. I completely forgot to call and tell you. It was like 10:00 at night and I was so tired and I just didn't think about it." she said. Seeing the look on Noah's face she quickly tried to set things right again. "I didn't mean it like that Noah. Tommy needed me and you well, you didn't really..." she slammed her locker shut. "We always ride together." was all Noah could come up with. Adeline looked up at him. "Maybe its time for a change then." she softly said, walking away before he could comment. Okay, I'm sorry, but it's necessary. You have to understand that Adeline is frustrated with Noah... here maybe a look in her diary will help you to understand. Dear Diary, I just don't know what to do about Noah. I've made it clear to him that I like him on a completely different level then friendship, but he doesn't seem to get the hint. I told him I was looking for a guy whom I shared a lot in common with, was sweet, easy to talk to, but he had to be my friend first, like my best friend. I don't know how else I could have said it without having to say, "I love you Noah" Maybe I should give up on him.... But I could never do that. He means way too much to me. I just wish that he felt the same way I do because I really need him right now and I want him to love me back!!! Well.... Noah's on the phone:) I have to go! Adeline So maybe now you understand... Later that day Adeline found Noah sitting on the bleachers, watching the football team practicing. "Hey" she said, sitting down next to him. "Hey" he answered, not looking at her. "Listen, we need to talk." she started. "Yeah, I guess we do." "I'm sorry about this morning Noah, I really am." "You've got a funny way of showing it. What happened Adeline?" he turned to her. "What do you mean its time for a change?" "I mean, maybe we need to change." she said slowly. "I don't understand." he gently told her, looking into those big brown eyes he loved so much. He didn't want things to change. Sure, he loved Ade with every fiber of his being, but he wasn't willing to risk losing her. "There is no easy way to say what I'm going to say, so just bear with me and I will completely understand if you get up and leave at any moment." she told him. He nodded in response and she continued. "I can't do this any more Noah. We both know we have feelings for each other and its time we acted upon those feelings. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I know I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I need more than a friendship from you right now. Please tell me that I'm not crazy in saying this and that I was right to tell you." she blurted out. Noah was taken back by her declaration. "You’re not crazy. I'm glad you told me, but as much as I love you Ade, I refuse to risk our friendship if we started to date. Just imagine what would happen if we started to date and things went sour? We could lose everything we've worked for, for the past 18 years. I can't lose you Ade." he said. She quietly thought about it for a moment. "You're absolutely right." she agreed. He looked relieved, but at the same time disappointed. "But we'll never know if we don't try. You can't destroy a friendship like ours anyway. And the things we lost, if we were to ever break up, could in time be easily regained. We have such a special bond Noah, at least give it a try." "This isn't something that you just "try" Ade." "Okay." "This is really big." "I know..." "I'll have to think about this for a while, okay?" "Please think about it." she urged him. "I'll call you later." he said as Adeline stood up. "Yeah, see you later." she said leaving. Tommy, who is on the football team, came up to Noah, sitting there thinking. "Hey man, what ya thinkin about?" Tommy asked. "Nothing, why?" Noah quickly answered. "You look constipated, Fess up man. What's up?" Tommy pried, sitting down. "It's Adeline. I don't understand her Tommy. She doesn't make sense to me sometimes. Like this morning and right now..." Noah let out. "What happened right now?" "She asked me out." "It's about time!" Tommy whooped. "What!" "Man, she's the most popular girl in school and she's never had a boyfriend, ever. She's been saving herself for you. You've also never had a girlfriend and I know you've been asked out. Why is that Noah? Could it be you were waiting for her? Let me think... YES!" "That's not why." Noah said. "Why then?" "I just didn't like those other girls." "Because you're in love with Adeline." "What if I am? I can't go out with her! There's no way." Noah told him. "What's wrong with you!?! She just told you she likes you, maybe even loves you, and wants to be with you and you're hesitating?" "I don't want to lose her!" "How would you lose her? She's wants to be yours!" Tommy loudly said back. "If we were to ever break up, it would all be gone. Every shred of our friendship would be lost forever!" Noah sat there, ringing out his hands. "If you ever want to know what it would be like, then you need to just go for it. You can worry about that later. But if you want my opinion, I could never see you two apart. You might as well be going out, the way you two act!" Tommy pointed out. Noah nodded, smiling slightly. "Just do it Noah. Trust me, you won't regret it." Tommy said, standing up. "Time to get back to practice. See you later." he said, leaving to go back to the field. Noah sat there for a minute, thinking about what Tommy had said. Finally he stood up, his decision made. He went quickly to his car and drove right to Adeline’s house. He knew neither of her parents would be home for a few hours and he really needed to talk to her alone. Adeline opened the door to find Noah standing there. "I'm surprised to see you." she commented, letting him in. "I have something to tell you." He said. She nodded and followed him into the living room, where she had been doing her homework. He sat down on the couch, removing his jacket as he did. Adeline quickly sat next to him. He turned to her and took her hands in his. "I'm willing to take a risk Ad, because it's us. Being with you right now is the right thing for me too. So yes, I think we should give this a try." he said quickly, hoping he sounded okay to her. The look on her face sealed the deal. A small tear fell down her cheek as she broke into a smile. "I was so afraid you were going to say no." she told him. He gently wiped her tear away. "I could never say no to you." he said. She smiled as Noah leaned into kiss her. She gladly accepted the kiss and fully returned it. "So, that's it? We're officially boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Adeline asked. "Yeah, we are!" Noah laughed. "Let me go get my homework and we'll do it together." he stood up and went and got his homework from his car. They sat there for an hour doing their English work. For an hour, they just did their homework and talked. It was just like any other day, but this time, Noah got to kiss her when he left to go home. Sorry, I am going to interrupt again. I know you want to know what happens. Do they make it work or not? Good question, but I can't answer it for you!! You'll have to keep reading to figure it out! Well, we find Adeline and Noah still together after six months of going out. (I know that seems a bit fast, but trust me, it's essential to get through the story) Graduation is over, friends are starting to go off to college... everyone is growing up. Well, that's when all the trouble started. Here, read this... Dear Ms. Johnson, We are proud to invite you to come to London and study here at Royalland. Let me be the first to congratulate you. You were one of the few that made it into our fine school. Enclosed is your schedule and your flight times and ticket. Welcome to Royalland! See you in August! Sincerely, Mrs. Coller In case you're wondering, Royalland is an photography school in London England and Adeline was accepted into it because of this letter. Now, the thing is that Noah doesn't know that Adeline is going to London... utoh! That can't be good. Maybe before I continue with the story, I should introduce the rest of Adeline and Noah's friends. There’s Tommy, you already met him, Raquel, Jocelyn, Maddison, Dominick, Jakob, Harrison, and Roxanna. The 10 of them (Adeline and Noah included) all grew up together. Now, two weeks after graduation, we find our group in Tommy's basement saying their last goodbyes to each other before they go off to college. "Well, this is it guys!" Tommy laughed, putting his Dixie cup full of soda into the air. Everyone followed in suit and they toasted each other and to their life’s ahead of them. "So, Adeline, did you ever hear from Royalland?" Maddison asked Adeline while they were playing foosball. "Um, yes I did." Adeline slowly said, looking at Noah. "So, what did they say?" Maddison asked. "Um..." Adeline paused for a second. She hadn't told Noah about Royalland yet and she wanted to talk to him first about it. "What's this?" Tommy asked. "Adeline was just about to tell me if she got into that photography school in London." Maddison answered. Adeline weakly smiled. "They said..." Adeline cleared her throat. "Yes." it finally came out. Noah looked quite angry, but Adeline couldn't lie to everyone. She would just have to talk to Noah about it later. "Are you going to go?" Tommy asked. Adeline shrugged. "Don't know yet. I've heard from some other great schools around here. SO at this point I'm exploring my options." Adeline said. It was the truth, sort of. She desperately wanted to go to Royalland, but she didn't want to leave home at the same time. She looked over to Noah for some advice, but he wasn't looking at her. He was staring straight into the ground. He looked as angry as she had ever seen him. “You have to go there!” Raquel urged. Adeline looked back at Noah. “Excuse me.” Noah got up. “Are you leaving?” Dominick looked up from his game of cards with Harrison. “Yeah. It was great to be here with all of you. I’ll talk to you later.” He said, grabbing his jacket and leaving. Adeline started to chase after him, but Tommy grabbed her arm. “You didn’t tell him?” he was shocked. Adeline nodded, her tears running down her face. “I have to go get him.” She whispered, and Tommy let go of her arm and let her go. Adeline ran up the basement stairs fast enough to see Noah’s headlights half way down the road. She screamed his name after the car turned the corner, hoping that he would hear and come back. She went back in, looked at Raquel and took her car keys. Raquel nodded and Adeline went back upstairs got in the car and drove after Noah. She went to his house first, and found his car the only one in the driveway. She turned the car off, got out, and let herself into the house. She walked the stairs up to Noah’s room, trying to think about what she was going to say to him. “Noah?” she whispered, seeing him sitting at his computer. “What?” he answered hurt. “It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” She said, walking over to him. She tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he shooed it off and continued to type. “Noah, look at me so that we can talk about this.” “What’s there to talk about? I’m as hurt that you’re leaving because of the fact that you felt like you had to hide this from me, and don’t say that you weren’t because I know you were.” He turned around and looked at her. “I was afraid that this would happen. That you would be angry with me and that I would regret making the decision to go to Royalland. I don’t want that choice to be a regret. But I don’t want to leave and lose you, because I would regret that too. This last year has been to special to me to even think about losing you. You don’t know what this is doing to me.” She told him. He held out his hand and pulled Adeline to him. “I don’t want us to end either. I just wish that you would have told me before the rest of the world knew. You have to learn to trust me more. I want to help you carry this. Whatever it’s doing to you, let it do it to me too. Please, tell me how I can make this better.” He pleaded. Adeline smiled, and bent down to kiss him. “Be there when I leave for London to reassure me that this is the right choice and that I won’t lose you.” “I won’t miss it for the world.” Noah smiled, kissing her again. “My parents won’t be home for a while. Want to go downstairs and watch a movie?” he asked. “If I can pick it out!” she laughed, jumping off his lap and racing down the stairs. Noah caught her at the bottom and gently held her. “I’m never going to let go Ady. Never.” He whispered to her. “I love you.” Adeline smiled through her tears and she and Noah hugged before she got on the plane. “I love you too.” She answered, letting go of the hug. Noah kissed her cheek and let go of her hand. “Good bye love.” He whispered. She nodded, blew him a kiss, and boarded the plane. Adeline took her window seat and wiped up her tears and the plane was getting ready to take off. In the seat next to her, was a little old lady, who had gotten separated from her little old husband, who was in the middle seat of the row next to them. The handsome man in between the two said something to the old lady and then they switched seats. “Hope you don’t mind. I only thought it proper that they were together for the flight.” The man said in a thick British accent. Adeline nodded, hoping that she didn’t look like a punching bag for the British guy. “I’m Andrew Coller.” He said. Adeline smiled at his name. “Adeline Johnson.” She answered, shaking his hand. It was strong and comforting. “Where are you from in America Adeline?” he asked. She smiled at the way he said her name. She’d never heard it sound like that before. “Washington.” She said. He nodded. “Where from England are you from?” she asked. “How did you know that I was from England?” he asked. “Your accent.” Adeline offered. “I forget that I have one sometimes, sorry. I’m from London. My favorite place in the whole world.” “Have you seen the whole world?” Adeline asked. “No, I haven’t.” Andrew answered. “Then how do you know that it’s your favorite place?” “Ah, because there is no where else I would rather be then when I am in my beautiful city.” He said. “You must be a poet then to. I’ve never heard someone rime like that before.” She smiled. “It’s a quote from my great grandfather that was pasted down from generation to generation. My family is big on words.” He said. “Words hold all the meaning in the world, as does art. I’m a photographer. Pictures have a thousand meanings. You just have to find that one that fits you.” She said. “Another good quote. I should store that away somewhere where it’ll be safe.” He laughed. Adeline smiled. She liked this Andrew Coller. He seemed like a good guy to have a conversation with. For the next seven hours of the trip, Andrew and Adeline talked about life in their hometowns. “So, Adeline, what brings you to England?” Andrew asked, sipping at his drink. “I’m starting college here in a week. At Royalland Academy. It’s a pho…” she started. “Photography school. I know it well. My uncle is the headmaster there.” He said. “You’re serious?” “Yes. Uncle Harry runs the school, and his wife, a very famous photographer is the teacher there.” “It’s a small world.” Adeline said. “I guess it is.” Andrew smiled. When they got off the flight, Andrew had a driver standing there with his name on a card. “Francesco!” he called to the man. When he got to him, he wrapped him a big bear hug. They released and he introduced Adeline. “Would you mind picking up her luggage and bringing it to the car. I have some business to take care of.” Andrew said. “Of course.” Francesco said, going for her luggage. “He didn’t have to do that.” She told Andrew. “Nonsense. You’re my guest and I insist. Will you excuse me for a moment? I’ll be right back.” Andrew smiled, turning west and walking out some doors. Adeline stood there, waiting for one of them to get back. Francesco was the first back. “Thank you so much Francesco.” Adeline thanked him as he showed to way to Andrew’s limo waiting out front. “Oh my goodness!” Adeline exclaimed, seeing the limo. “Mr. Coller likes his son to travel in style.” Francesco said. Adeline nodded, still trying to process it. Andrew came up behind her and took her hand, leading her to the limo. “You seemed surprised.” He said, as he opened the door and motioned for her to get in. “I am.” Adeline answered, sliding onto the seat. Andrew slid in next to her, and asked Francesco to take them to the school. “My father is a Lord.” He said. “Like a Lord from the house of Lords?” she questioned. “Yes!” he laughed to the look on her face. “That’s amazing.” “Maybe not amazing. He’s very controlling, but enough about me. How about you.” He asked. “What about me?” she asked. “Do you have a special someone back home?” he asked. “Yes, I do.” She said quietly. Andrew nodded. “That’s good. I used to have somebody, but she broke up with me when I went to Washington for a year. That’s why I was on the plane.” He told her. “What were you doing in Washington?” she asked, taking the soda that he offered her. “I want to go into politics one day, but my father wants me to continue in his place in the House. I don’t want to be a Lord. It’s not something that I’m interested in. it’s not me.” He said. “It’s good that you’re going after your dream, despite your father.” She said. “Not exactly. My father doesn’t know that I was in Washington studying. He thought I was there to visit an old friend of the family.” He winked. “Andrew, you should tell him.” Adeline offered. “Say that again.” “Say what again?” Adeline asked, confused. “What you just said.” “Andrew, you should tell him?” she asked. “You know, I think my British accent is rubbing off on you!” he laughed. “Really?” Adeline asked. “Yes.” “Good. I like it.” She smiled, taking a sip of her soda. Andrew smiled. Adeline was having fun with this stranger. |