Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/572831-The-Weaver
Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #572831
A dark, graphic and disturbing story/poem of one man's possible future
The Weaver

" The Mysteries of your Future Told
Do You really want to Know ? "
Outside a shack creaked the rusty sign
It called to me to go inside.

" Auras Read, Fortunes Told "
" No Crystal Ball, Nor Gazing Pool "
" An Open Soul, My Only Tool "

The draw too urgent to resist
I grabbed the doorknob with my fist
And read the sign upon the door
" Welcome In. We've met before. "

The shanty dark, and dank, but wide
Was what I saw when I stepped inside
And greeted me was a pair of cats
One black as night, the other whiter than light

Each one of cats had an eye of gold
The other red, and they seemed quite old
Odd it may sound but they led me inside
When the Mistress appeared, they ran to her side

" Welcome Traveler," she started to speak
As she surveyed me from my head to my feet
" I can see at once you are troubled so deep
Are you for certain, it is the future you seek ?"

" Yes. "

" Have you any fear for what lies ahead ?"

" Yes. "

" Do you believe it was here you were led ?"

" Yes. "

" I will craft your future in the form of a web
A vision of fortune you will see in your head
The time you will see, may fill you with dread
But only the truth, can appear in your web. "

" Gaze at me. "
And our eyes finally met
She had one eye of gold
And the other one red

Her eyes never left me
As she motioned a seat.
Her hands moved quite close to me
And I could feel this heat.

So softly, so gently
she touched my forehead
I felt a slight tug
As she eased out this thread

The thread sparkled silver
'Till it was all I could see
Then the web of my future
Appeared before me

The enchantress hummed quietly
Until she started to read
And my life played like a movie
On the web before me

" From boyhood woes
The young man grows
On through the years
Some wet with tears "

Then suddenly she abandoned the rhyme
And my life framed before me, frozen in time
She stayed rather silent while she studied my web
Her voice but a whisper as she quietly said

"Are you for certain it is the future you seek ?"

" Yes. "

" Have you any fear for what lies ahead ? "

" Yes. "

" Do you believe it was here you were led ? "

" Yes. "

" I have crafted your future in the form of a web
And you wish to move forward you have already said
And now I will read for you what lies ahead
For only the truth, can appear in your web. "

Her humming resumed and the frame progressed on
Though the images startling,
her voice remained calm :

" Yellowing skin and far away eyes
Your heart has turned cold from too many lies
Those that you've loved have broken all ties
For the path you have chosen was foolish,
not wise. "

A sadness crept into her voice but nary did she cease.

" A liver of stone, your guts have turned jelly
All tucked deeply inside your fat, bloated belly
Each day you awaken is the same as the last
In your muddled brain you'll envision the past
You will rise from the carpet all wet with your piss
You will think to yourself, 'What the fucks' up with this ?'
The stench of your clothes will infiltrate your mind
For not only piss did you leave behind.

As you strip off your shorts, you will rise from the floor
On the toilet to finish what you did 'night before
The syrupy mucus will drip from your ass
As the foulness of rot will pass with your gas
'How long has it been since I've showered and shaved ?'
You'll ask the face in the mirror, all sunken and caved.
You need some clean shorts but, you won't look too far
Because now you're so desperate to get to the bar. "

" The mysteries of your future told. Do you really want to know ? "

" Yes. "

The web started moving, though the silver was gone.
But I just had to know, to keep moving along.

" The mid morning light blinds you as you stumble outside
And hope to yourself that you'll catch a ride.
Because that last DUI made you forfeit your car
Just a shame someone died that day, on your way home from the bar.
You'll stagger inside and they'll all know your name
'What'll you have ?'--- " I'll have the same. "
There you'll sit, and you'll drink, and you'll piddle away.
The last bit of sunshine from every day.

Your mind numb and cloudy, it's time to go home
And for a brief instant, you'll wish it wasn't alone
You'll roll around on the carpet, so painful that gout
Groaning and farting until you finally pass out
You'll fitfully doze while your guts twist and knot
Your slumber disturbed by what you forgot.
Pants again soiled, 'Oh fuck it, who cares ?'
But because of that wetness, you'll remember your prayers " :

"Dear God,
My life is shit. I've tried to hide.
Please respect my suicide.
And if you could, take me while I sleep
Tonight while I lay alone in this heap."

'Damn, what the hell is the rest of it ?'
You will struggle to think

"Oh, and God, please no hospitals
They'll make me dry out there.
There is no way I could survive
One day without a drink. "

-----one end-----

But just in case you couldn't stop there, I'll tell you the rest of my tale. "

The mistress just fell silent and I stared into space
"Tsk, tsk, " she said as she folded my web
" Your future is such a waste. "

" But it doesn't have to be this way, if only you will change. "
I looked at her with a glimmer of hope,
" You mean that my web I can rearrange ? "

" Yes. "

" And, so all I have to do is change ? "

" Yes. "

" But what if, what if, but what if I can't ? "

" I have crafted your future in the form of a web
From the foolish path that is mapped in your head
But the future is yours, until you are dead.
And the choices you make, will alter your web. "

Then she said that she was weary
And indeed, she looked quite old.
But younger now, the cats dashed in
With their eyes of red and gold.

They led me through the maze of house
Until I reached the door.
And out on the road, I turned to look back
But the shack, it was no more.

© Copyright 2002 Jale DeCrittare (jale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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