Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/571464-The-Journey
by Noir
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #571464
A young woman ventures into a foreign country and gets more than a mere vacation...
Laurel inhaled the exotic scent of the souk, a market filled with vendors barking out their wares. Bolts of silks, jewelry, pottery, fresh produce and even live animals. She crinkled her nose for a moment, hearing the distant squawk of chickens, just simply imagining them in their little cages, waiting to be taken away and cooked for that night’s dinner.

Pausing slightly before a table draped with beautiful and colorful scarves. Looking up at the woman that stood quietly near by, flashing her one of her warmest smiles, which quickly changed to one of pleasure as her hand sank into the mass of silks on the table. Lifting her sunglasses over her head so she could fully appreciate the loveliness of the craftsmanship of the beadwork on a scarf.

Wrapping her hand around a midnight black strip of silk, sheer and threaded with a shimmering silver around the edges seemed to call to her. Pulling it free from the rainbow assortment of the others, her eyes sparkling as she looked up to the vendor.

“ How much?” She said softly. Not sure why she even asked.. She would have paid any price for it.

The woman rambled on and on in her language, swiftly pointing to the other items on the table. Laurel’s brows furrowed a moment as her hands skimmed the pockets of her khaki shorts. Yes, she was the typical tourist in a foreign land. She had the whole safari look happening- khaki shorts, a tight white tank underneath her khaki shirt. Except for the new hiking boots that were pinching her delicate toes. They were a pain in the ass and she should have simply worn sneakers.

With a final wiggle of her toes that were tightly encased in leather, she went back to the matter at hand. Paying the woman that stood before her, who seemed to be eyeing her as if she had sprouted another head. I suppose it wasn’t an everyday occurrence where Americans spoke to themselves.

She quickly thanked the vendor after paying a hefty sum and moved along to the other tables, fingertips brushing along the delicate handcrafted jewelry of the next table. Her fingers stilled a moment and the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stood on end. She whipped the ends of the inky black silk over one shoulder then lifted a hand to her face, shielding her eyes against the glare of the sun. She settled her sunglasses back into place and again quickly scanned her surroundings.

Beads of sweat trickled down between the swell of her breasts and down her back. She felt it. Felt eyes upon her. She unbuttoned her shirt, letting the ends flap around her hips, before she grabbed the tips and deftly knotted it at her waist. Allowing the breeze to refresh and cool her heated flesh.

Giving her head a shake, she was being ridiculous, it was just the newness of being in a different country, exotic people and simply the language barrier. That alone could have anyone on edge.
She returned to perusing the wares on different tables when a commotion startled her, well, not exactly the noise but by the people that were rushing and jarring her as they ran past her to a huge stage at the end of the market.

“Entertainment” she let out in a breathy whisper.

She smiled and quickly turned to a man standing quietly by a table and she thanked him as she moved toward the stage. Fingers gripped her arm and she turned to the man that she thanked not two seconds earlier and looked at him questionably.

He gave a negative shake to his head but said nothing.

“Let go, please.” She told him firmly.

He replied with a guttural “No”

Her brows a dark angry slash over her smoldering eyes, she angrily shook his hand free from her arm.

“Sheesh, what the hell was his problem?” She thought.

Continuing on through the crowd, she noticed that more men than women were gathered around. Again, thinking it was just a custom of the foreign land she was in she didn’t think twice about it. Even though it was already late, deep down she knew she should head back to her suite but curiosity got the best of her and she trekked on through the crowd.

She stopped and rose on toe tips, she was still too far, she wanted a closer look but again she got that funny tingling feeling, as if eyes were watching her every move. Turning she bumped into a massive wall of hard flesh.

She looked up, an apology already spilling forth when she crinkled her nose at the sight before her. This huge beast of a man blocked her way.

“Excuse me” she said as she adjusted the bag that was slung over one shoulder then slowly sidestepped the man so she could turn away and just head back to her hotel. She didn’t need any problems and with her... trouble seemed to follow her.

The creature just simply stared at her.

Exasperated, she mumbled “Great.” Then she fumbled in her bag for her tiny translation book.

Shame no curse words were listed so she could give him an ear full of choice words. And, if that did not work, she would clearly tell him off in English. She dropped the book back into her bag and looked up at him.

“Look, I do not have time for this.. You have to move out of the way!” She motioned with her hands as she spoke.

He smiled. And she cringed inwardly at the sight of missing teeth and foul breath as he grabbed her shoulders and said “ Come “

“Oh, Hell no!” She exclaimed. And if he didn’t let her go and move she was going to scream to high heaven.

She opened her mouth to scream and he turned her around harshly, clamping a filthy hand over her mouth, stifling her yell.

Lifting her up against his barrel chest, he made his way out of the crowd. She blinked, incredulous, no one made an effort to move, or to assist in what was happening. A sea of men and they just gawked.

Her stomached rolled in disgust at the sweaty, foul hand that was clamped over her mouth. Her muffled cries just brought on a rumble of laughter from the horrid man. She kicked back into him, satisfied for a moment at the grunt of pain that came from the vile beastly human.

Tears stung her eyes but she refused to let them spill and she quietly looked up, saying a silent prayer. Wanting needed anything or anyone to help her out of this situation.

The beast made his way through the market, ending up behind the stage where cages were set up. She was confused, but she didn’t have too long to think about it or what was happening to her, when she was unceremoniously dumped before another man.

“Thank you, Sebastian.” Said the new stranger in a heavy accented voice.

Laurel hmmph and pfft’d, muttering "Sebastian? As in the Little Mermaid’s Sebastian? The little crab, Sebastian?" Then she burst into laughter, not really caring if she was in the middle of danger, or in a foreign land. Humor seemed to emerge when she least expected it and it usually was when she was scared or nervous.

The new player in the game kicked her side and she quickly shut up. Her eyes locked with his for a moment and he rambled on in his language. She didn’t understand a word and she was about to chime in with some remark or curse when a bevy of girls were being led towards her. All shacked and all scantily clad and they were being led up onto the stage...

Laurel blinked rapidly as the curtain was pulled open... the same sea of men were now staring up at the stage, pouches of coin fisted in their hands as they started to chant.

Realization struck her as if it were a physical blow, her heart skipped a beat, and fear closed off her throat as she struggled to breathe. “Slave auction” she whispered.. It was more of a confirmation for herself because those very words were already bouncing through her head.

Rapidly turning to the man with the accent, who seemed to be in charge or so, she thought.. She pled. “ Sir, please! I am an American... just direct me to the American Embassy. There has been a mistake and I’m sure they can correct the situation. Please, Sir!”
She reached over to her bag, dumping the contents onto the ground before her.. She picked up her passport and showed it to him. “Please... see.. American” she whispered hoarsely.

He plucked the passport from her fingers and without looking through it, tucked it into his waistband. Her heart dropped at the action. “Please “ she begged.

Grabbing her wallet, she desperately opened the flap, her hands trembling as she removed the money she had brought along for the trip... it was a small fortune and she offered it up to him.

“ Please, Sir just let me go and you can have it all. That and my credit cards if you wish.” She managed to say; though her voice was breaking with every single word that escaped her lips. She was scared now. She was truly scared.

The stranger smiled and again plucked the money and wallet from her hands. Then with a slight nod, two others approached and removed the shirt she was wearing. She struggled against them but to no avail. She was left with the skimpy tight tank, her shorts and her shoes. Yet, she still felt bare before these men. She looked to the other girls and tears finally spilled forth; she no longer could hide her fear from those around her.

A hand fisted in her hair and dragged her up to her feet, the two who removed her shirt approached once again and she shuddered as their filthy hands brushed against her waist. Hands fumbled with the button to her shorts, she tried to kick and scratch but Sebastian held her firm.

One brave abductor knelt before her to remove her shoes; a swift kick to his jaw had him snarling up at her. With a grin of satisfaction she stood proudly before them even if she wore nothing but her white tank top, a pair of silky white thongs and tight leather hiking boots. She would fight to the end.

With a rough shove to her back she lay sprawled on the ground face first, the hard soil beneath causing the air to rush out of her lungs for a brief moment. The scent of the soil invaded her senses and she hated to admit that a relief of sorts also filled her when the boots were removed

Again, she was picked up roughly by her hair, hauled back to her feet and then shoved up the planks that made up the stairs. She cried out as her knee scraped the coarse surface of the plank and was placed before the men that were gathered.

Her pulse raced as she quietly glared out into the audience, she found herself unable to pull in anything more than shallow breaths, the rise and fall of her breasts more pronounced than before.

The only thing she could be thankful for was that she was not shackled like the others. She lifted her chin defiantly and stared into the crowd. Strands of long black hair, teased by the wind, coiled around her shoulders and lay like a shadow across one breast.

The evening seemed to cool and her dusky nipples pebbled noticeably beneath her tank of their own accord. The auctioneer barked something to the audience and laughter filled the night. She moistened her dry lips before clamping her white teeth down on her lower lip, hoping that would stop the quiver of her lip and chin.

Girl after girl was hauled up to the front of the stage, groped, examined as if she were a horse. Some even beaten beyond recognition as they were dragged away by their new owners. Human flesh peddled as if they were one of the wares that were being sold on the market tables.

She was disgusted with what was taking place and when she was released she would find a way to put a stop to this travesty.

She shuddered suddenly then quickly scanned the crowd, a wave of dizziness slammed into her and she squeezed her eyes shut. She looked up again and her gaze met those of a man.. He was different, not only did she know it, she felt it deep inside. His brows were dark slashes over glinting silver eyes, his hair short and dark. And He towered over everyone that was in attendance.

For just a moment, Laurel’s gaze locked with His, and she experienced that jolt of awareness that made her sway upon her feet. In that same moment He fully turned His attention to her and glanced back in her direction. She felt the impact of His gaze ripple through out her body.

She had never been aware of a man before and for the first time in her life, words, thoughts simply deserted her, washed away by a flood of sensation and awareness for this one man. His gaze brought her body heat to a fever and desire stole her breath away. She was in her own little world with him and yet he probably didn’t even know it.

She shook her head, shaking off the heavenly haze she was in and was brought up short by Sebastian standing before her, smiling that toothless grin of his.

He made a grab for her and she shook his offensive touch away.

“Don’t touch me!” She snarled.

She walked around him, and padded quietly across the stage, ignoring the hoots and hollers coming from the men below. Sebastian followed behind her, not wanting to leave her alone, thinking she would make a wild dash off the stage. He reached out and ran his filthy hand over her ass cheek and she turned around on him like an avenging angel, claws unsheathed and slashed at his face.

“Don’t fucking touch me !” She growled.

The heavy accented auctioneer stepped forward and backhanded her.. She reeled back from the blow and she rose again. Her tongue darted out to catch a crimson droplet on her lower lip and she lifted her dark eyes to him as he made another move to strike her. As she steeled herself, expecting the second blow she looked up and saw the silver eyed man’s hand trapping the auctioneer’s wrist in the air. He placed a pouch of coins into his hand and pulled her to Him.

“ No one strikes what is Mine” He growled out softly.

“If this is the way you hope to win me over, by buying me? You’re dead wrong.” She whispered as she brushed her hand over her inflamed cheek.

He shrugged in the semi darkness. “ I don’t need to win you over, I already own you.” He stated.

He touched her, brushing her shoulders with the tip of his fingers, slowly gliding over her heated skin. Laurel felt a ball of desire coil in her belly as he leaned forward to grasp her chin, drawing her to Him. She nearly flinched inwardly, shrinking from his touch but she steeled herself, not wanting him to know how strongly he affected her.

Her lips twisted, her smile forced as she looked at Him.

His fingers opened, freeing her, his smile remained the same but his eyes looked harder, the glint brighter and sharper.

He laughed without kindness. Then dumped her over the edge of the stage...she landed on her feet, then she turned to him, eyes riveted on Him as He calmly made his way to her.

She walked up to Him, ignoring the tiny flutter when she was near Him” Ok... if You could simply take me to the Embassy, I would really appreciate it. Don’t know how I could ever repay You.” She rambled away.

“ I’m not taking you to the Embassy.” He said and watched for her reaction.

“What?” She blinked, not sure if she had heard Him correctly.

“ You were bought and paid for... You belong to me.” He stated matter of factly.

She could not believe it “ I’ll pay You back.. I promise.”

He extended a large hand and quoted the amount He paid.

Her jaw dropped and she stuttered as her hands went to her bare hips. “BBButt I don’t have it.. He took everything I had... my money, credit cards and even my passport.”

Twin shimmering pools of brown peered up at Him from wet spiky lashes and before she could say anything His arms clamped around her like a steel vise. Laurel said nothing. She couldn’t. He was holding her so tightly, molding her body to His from breast to thigh.

She felt every inch of Him from the slight pressure of each one of his fingers on her back, to the corded muscles of his thighs pressed against hers.

“Then you are Mine.” He whispered

Her body melted in reaction.

Just the sound of his voice near her ear was having the strangest effect on her breathing. Instead of inhaling the exotic scent of the souk it was his scent she inhaled. She closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to have those hard hands pressed against other parts of her body.

She broke away from Him and whispered. “ Who are you? What is your name?”

“Alex.” He growled out softly.

His hand encircled her wrist, as strong as any steel shackle that she saw earlier that evening on the other girls. There was no escape. He pulled her through the throng of bodies where His horse was tethered.

She blinked and looked up at Him... “ a horse?”

He stepped forward; she gulped then tipped her head back so she could meet his gaze.. “Problem..?

She rapidly shook her head. No sound, no peep, nothing.

A sharp spear of need streaked through her as she stared up at Him, traced His lips with her gaze. The need she felt to kiss him had twisted into a sharp and almost physical pain inside of her.

His long fingers skimmed over warm, giving flesh and curves and He groaned. She plastered her body to His as helplessly aroused sounds escaped her throat and surrounded them both. She cried out his name all throaty and full of yearning.

His hand slipped between their bodies, the connection sizzled between them as He asked. “What do you want?”

His finger slipped pass the silky band of her panties and plunged a finger between her wet folds, sliding a finger across the sensitive flesh in a way that made her writhe, he went deeper first with one finger then gradually with two, silently demanding her surrender with his touch. She adjusted her stance and felt a trickle of moisture against her inner thigh.

His mouth took hers, hot and demanding, she writhed and moaned under his greedy fingers.

He had her. Just as He proclaimed.

“Please.” She cried as His fingers plunged in and out of her, she grew wetter and the sounds became louder.

“Please what?” He whispered against her ear before He moved to her neck.

She bit her lip and moaned as tenderness and savagery tore through her.

He growled and suddenly she felt His mouth on the side of her neck, kissing, his sharp white teeth skimming over the delicate skin of her throat before sinking in deeply into her flesh.

The hint of pain sent her whirling over the edge and a scream ripped it’s way out of her throat. Her body bucked and convulsed in his arms.

Never realizing that she was pressed up against the hard muscled flank of His horse. Weak-kneed she looked up at Him and swayed. He scanned his surroundings then snapped his fingers and a girl came to him, He requested a cup of wine in their language and she fluttered and smiled as she happily went off to fetch what He needed. She returned quickly with a goblet of wine. He thanked her and tipped her for her service, then turned around with a giggle and extra bounce to her step.

He sprinkled a white powder into the dark wine and swirled it with his finger before offering it to the sated girl before Him. She gulped it down, then quietly smiled at Him as she was about to open her mouth to thank Him for His kind offer and to make one final plead for her freedom... her legs buckled and she fell into a human puddle before Him. With no effort what so ever He lifted her into His arms and smiled at the drugged dark-haired girl as He mounted the huge beast of a horse.

And the journey begins....


© Copyright 2002 Noir (rayven at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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