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A human is a sextoy and food for giant creatures, plenty of vore |
The Other World Atak “Are you ready to start the experiment doctor?” asked the lab assistant who was smiling from ear to ear with anticipation. Peter smiled back at his assistant, as he was excited as well. It had been 3 years since he had started researching the feasibility of transporting matter from one location to another and now he was finally going to be able to test his theories first hand. Of course he wasn’t stupid, he and his lab assistant had tested the system on numerous animals including chimps and all of them came back perfectly fine and now was the time to test the system on a human subject and since he had spent a lot of his own time researching and developing the system Peter volunteered to be the first person to use the new system. “Now you remember to watch the phase variant very closely so the transport goes smoothly right?” Peter knew he had asked his lab assistant this question countless times but he couldn’t resist doing it one more time. The lab assistant just rolled his eyes and nodded his head then started the procedure for teleportation. Peter sighed then stepped up to the teleportation pedestal and nodded to his lab assistant to show he was ready for the test. His lab assistant gave him a thumb up to show he got the message and started the actual teleportation. Peter felt a strange feeling across his skin and through his entire body as he was scanned into the teleporter and started to get broken down into his sub-atomic particles. The last thing he remembered seeing was his lab assistants eyes go wide and him starting to work frantically on the control panel. Peter awoke with a start and looked around himself, he was surrounded by many, about 11 people. All of them were staring at him. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize they were all wearing rags for clothes and didn’t look in good health. I must have been teleported to some refugee camp, Peter thought. He looked around some more and realized he was in some kind of weird prison; the walls looked almost like glass, but beyond the glass walls was pitch black. He looked up and all he could see was a blinding light. He got up to ask someone where he was when he heard a thudding sound coming from outside the prison. Everyone around him stiffened at that noise and started to look very worried, Peter wondered what the heck was going on when all of the sudden, the black beyond the glass just disappeared. Peter wanted to scream so badly his vocal cords froze. Standing before him was the largest creature he had ever seen. It was easily as tall as the Empire state building and maybe a little taller. It wore what looked like a tan shirt with some logo on it and a pair of gray shorts. When Peter looked at the shorts he noticed a slight bulge in the crotch area so he assumed that this creature was a male, he also noticed a long tiger like tail (only without the stripes). The creature seemed to have a fairly light colored blue fur on his body that looked short and wiry. Its’ face had a medium sized muzzle (in proportion to its’ body) medium sized ears that stood up straight, brown eyes that gave away no expression what so ever, a doglike nose and some fairly tight fitting jowls. The creature seemed to be smiling as it looked down on the people in the prison, which Peter now recognized as a cage. “Well my little friends, have we had a good day? I certainly hope so because for many of you it will be your last!” jeered the creature. Peter was shocked, why would this be his last day? Just then there was a commotion coming from behind the creature, four more creatures entered the room, they all looked basically the same as the first creature except a few of them seemed to be red in color as opposed to red and slightly shorter than the blue colored ones. Upon closer inspection Peter suspected that these red colored ones were female, which would explain why they had different coloring. “Why Enstay, you bought humans for this special occasion” Said one of the females The blue colored creature next to the cage smiled and responded “Indeed I have, nothing is too special for the day my only son turns 21.” The other creatures smiled then the same red creature looked around and asked another question, “Where is Jonsa?” Enstay thought for a second then responded, “He said he would be here shortly but that we should start to dine without him.” The red creature nodded approvingly then moved to a table that Peter hadn’t noticed before that was loaded with some unusual, but good-looking dishes. She took her seat and was soon joined by the rest of the creatures. Shortly after they started eating Peter came back to his senses and moved closer to one of the other humans in the cage. “What is going on?” The human looked at him then back at the creatures before responding “We are, a delicacy among them. We are usually bought by people who can afford us on a regular basis or like on this occasion as gifts for some great achievement. We are bred for the sole purpose of being their dessert.” Peter stared at the other human for a couple moments but then he heard the door open and looked over and saw an apparently younger male creature walk in, smile and sit down at the dinner table. “Are we to be desserts for everyone or just the birthday boy?” The prisoner looked grimly back at the stranger before responding “Traditionally each dinner guest gets the one for being present during such a special occasion and the person or people the special occasion is for will keep who is left over.” Peter sighed and waited a couple of seconds before he asked his next question. “ How long do humans given as gifts usually survive?” The prisoner thought for a second and sighed before answering “From what I have heard, on average, no more than two days, however there have been instances where the ‘gifts’ have survived for several weeks.” Peter looked back at the young creature and sincerely hoped that this one would want to keep them around for quite awhile. The creatures were finishing up their meals and a couple of them were looking at the humans with a look of hunger in their eyes. “How are we typically eaten?” asked Peter “One of three ways, one we may be chewed up alive, two they may eat us with some other food product, and third…” he hesitated a second before continuing, “Third we may be swallowed, alive.” Peter stared at him for a few moments comprehending what he just said. Any one of those deaths would be painful, however the third seemed to be the most painful of them all. The first creature interrupted Peters’ thoughts suddenly “Well now that we are all finished with our meal why don’t we start with our dessert.” All the creatures nodded enthusiastically and started to lick their chops. “Now remember, non of us may eat our human until we have all received one.” Reminded the first creature. All of the other creatures looked slightly disappointed but excited nonetheless. The first creature moved to the cage and picked it up and carried it to the table. All the humans in the cage stood up fully and closed their eyes. Peter looked around and crouched behind a couple other prisoners so he wouldn’t be easily spotted. By this time the cage had reached the table and the first creature grabbed a human and placed it on his plate and placed an unusual food product on the person so he can’t move. He moved the cage on to the next guest and waited for them to make a selection. The creature, which was female smiled and reached in and grabbed a prisoner and held her in her hand tightly and smiled down on her. Enstay moved on to the next guest and process was repeated. This was done for every guest there until Enstay made it to his son. “Ok son, chose which will be the lucky human.” Jonsa smiled and reached in and grabbed the prisoner to which Peter had been speaking. He looked on sadly as he was removed from the cage. Enstay took the cage back to it original position then went back to the table. “Alright, let us begin.” Enstay reached down to his human, picked him up and unceremoniously tossed him in his mouth. After savoring him for a few seconds he began to chew. Peter could hear the crunching of bones from the cage and shuddered, imaging what it was like for the poor human. All the other creatures were eating their humans in a similar fashion, one was chewing her human, two others were eating their humans with some food product, which Peter didn’t recognize at all. Jonsa however was still smiling down on his human while rubbing his belly. After a few moments he raised him above his mouth and dropped him in. Jonsa savored the taste of his human for several moments before he tossed his head back and swallowed. Peter could watch no more and turned away, trying his best not to cry. He noticed the five remaining prisoners were acting much the same way. After a few minutes Enstay spoke up. “Well son how was he?” Peter turned back to see what was going on now and saw that all the creatures were done eating their humans. “He was great dad, he tasted delicious and I can still feel him squirming around in my stomach!” Jonsa said this with a very proud look on his face. Enstay smiled back and said, “I am glad you enjoyed your present. You are excused from the table to do what you want with the rest of your humans.” Jonsa looked at the humans with an evil look in his eyes and a broad smile on his blue face. “Thank you father, I am sure I will enjoy them a lot.” Jonsa got up from the table and walked over to the cage, picked it up and left the room. After leaving the room, Jonsa started running as fast as he could towards his room, while trying not to jostle the cage too much, he didn’t want to injure his humans too early in the game. When Jonsa got to his room he promptly put the cage down on the table and looked down on his humans with pride. He had been waiting for this day for 21 long years and now it was here. He stepped back from the cage walked to his door and locked it then made sure his curtains were closed. He then walked to the center of the room turned back to the cage and smiled broadly before he shucked off his shirt. Peter stared in shock; this creature had a very well developed chest and stomach. He must work out a lot thought Peter. Jonsa started posing for his humans and chuckled a bit. After a couple minutes he reached down to his shorts and slowly took them off. He tossed his shorts on the floor without paying attention to where they landed. Then he reached down and removed his tight, confining briefs. Peter had never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. Jonsa had an absolutely huge sheath and ballsac, the sheath was nice and plump and was fairly long and had some very soft looking blue fur, not wiry like the rest of his body. His ballsac hung down a ways and was also covered in the soft looking fur. Jonsa chuckled and posed for a few more moments before he walked closer to the cage. Now everyone in the cage had a great view of Jonsas’ maleness as it was on eye level for them. Jonsa smiled again then picked up the cage, carried it over to his bed and dumped all the humans on his bedspread. Peter was surprised when the cage turned over but was glad he landed on something soft. He looked around for moment before he got his bearings and looked up at Jonsa. Jonsa smiled down on his humans before he began his very well rehearsed speech. “You are all just supposed to be my food, I intend to make you more than that, for a while at least” he added with an evil grin. “You shall all now get to now me, very intimately, and anyone who refuses to follow my orders shall be dealt with most severely. Now before we get started we must choose a special human who will get special treatment.” Jonsa kneeled in front of the bed and started examining each human. After a couple moments his eyes rested on Peter. “You wear much better clothes than the others, you must be very special to them if you wear such rich clothes, therefore you shall be the special human.” Said Jonsa with a smile. Peter looked down at his clothes and realized that his clothes were a lot better than everyone else’s as they all wore rags while he was wearing street clothes from his world. Jonsa stood up “I will have to remember to be really good to you, but for now you will all receive the same treatment, at least until you get to know my body very well.” He smiled again then sat down on the bed a little bit away from the humans, he looked at them with an evil smile and moved over to the center of the bed and layed on his belly. “You will all now clean my ass for me while I rest here” Said Jonsa with a definite chuckle. Then Jonsa spread his legs apart as far as he could. Now all the tiny humans could see deep into his ass and could see a faint outline of his anus and see the part of his ballsac that rested right below it. All the humans could was just stare at the sight. Peter stared at the wonderful sight with a combination of awe, fascination and fear. How were five tiny humans supposed to clean something that big? After a few moments of not feeling anything from his backside Jonsa look behind him and saw all his humans starring at his butt and he couldn’t help but smile. “Yes it is quite a beautiful sight isn’t it” he chuckled “Now why don’t you all get up and get to know it a little better?” Peter could tell from Jonsas’ tone of voice that this was their last chance and decided to get up and do as he was commanded. He got up and walked as slowly as he dared towards Jonsas’ ass. As he got closer he noticed Jonsas’ tail was thrashing around, apparently in excitement for the upcoming sensation. When Peter arrived at Jonsas ass he looked up at his anus, then looked down at the ballsac right below it and decided to stand on it. As he started to climb up onto the extremely large ballsac he noticed an unusual smell, he stopped for a second and tried hard to recognize the smell, then he realized it was the smell of shit and was coming from Jonsas’ anus. He got on top of the ballsac and steadied himself then looked at the anus which was right in front of him, the smell was horribly strong here and upon closer examination it looked like Jonsa didn’t wipe himself the last time he took a dump. Peter sighed as he realized that Jonsa had wanted to keep his ass dirty for his humans to clean. Jonsa could feel a human on his ballsac and was waiting patiently for the human to finish admiring his anus and start his work. Peter started to rub Jonsas’ anus and was doing his best to clean the titanic hole. He wasn’t sure what to do with the stuff he cleaned from the hole so he would just take a hand full and toss it on the bedspread. Peter spent several minutes trying to clean the hole before he realized the other humans weren’t trying to help him. He looked over his shoulder and saw that they were all just sitting down staring at him. Peter got mad and yelled out “Hey you guys! Don’t you realize that if we keep him happy he might let us live a while longer?! Get up here and help me out!” The other humans all looked at each other for a moment than apparently decided they liked the idea of cleaning Jonsas’ shit a lot more than becoming it so they started coming over to help. After a couple minutes the majority of the humans were perched precariously on Jonsas’ ballsac and trying their best to clean him. Those who couldn’t fit on the ballsac busied themselves by cleaning other parts of his ass that had gotten a shit treatment and not been cleaned. Jonsa loved the sensation of all those hands pressing up against his most private of regions, no one else had ever touched or ever been close to that hole except for Jonsa so this was a new and great experience for him. He enjoyed the sensation for several minutes and was groaning in pleasure when he felt it. He smiled as he realized what that feeling was and decided to do it. The humans down at his ass suddenly heard a gurgling sound come from the anus they were working on and wondered what was going on when all of the sudden the hole flexed, and released the most noxious fart they had ever smelled. The force of the fart blew all the humans off his ballsac and they all ran away from his ass as fast as they could to get away from that smell. Jonsa chuckled as he watched his humans run away from his fart and felt extremely proud of himself. He looked at his alarm clock to see how much more time he had to enjoy his new humans and groaned as he saw it was past midnight and that he would have to wait until tomorrow. He turned over and sat down so he was facing his new pets. Peter looked behind him and saw Jonsas’ huge sheath and ballsac not too far away and couldn’t help but stare, all the humans were also staring, they didn’t get this good a view from their cage because the glass had distorted the image and they were too terrified to admire it much and they couldn’t help but admire Jonsas’ gifts. Jonsa smiled as he saw them all stare at him. “Don’t worry, most of you will get to know this part of me very well. But for now I must put you back in your cage and say goodnight.” Then Jonsa noticed a small pile of his shit on the bedspread and smiled. “I see you all worked hard at what I assigned you, good. That means that most you will probably live for quite awhile with me.” Jonsa smiled as he reached down and grabbed all the humans, except for Peter, get up and walk over to their cage. As Jonsa was walking to the humans’ cage Peter couldn’t help but watch, hypnotized, as Jonsas’ huge ballsac sway a bit between his legs. Jonsa got to the humans cage and dropped them all in, then took the black cover for the cage and put it on the cage. Then Jonsa walked back to his bed, reached down and grabbed Peter and raised him up to his face. Peter looked at Jonsas’ face with fear and admiration and wondered what was going to happen. Jonsa smiled at him and said “Don’t worry, I am not going to eat you yet.” Jonsas’ other hand went to his belly and rubbed it. “Your friend will tide me over for a while, would like to see how your friend is doing?” Peter wondered what he meant when all of the sudden he found himself in front of Jonsas’ large stomach. Jonsa pressed him up against his hairy flesh fairly hard and said “Listen.” Peter couldn’t help but listen; all he heard was gurgling coming from the other side and realized that was the sound of Jonsa working on his friend and also his dinner. He couldn’t help but shudder a bit as he listened to the sounds. After a few moments Jonsa raised Peter back up to his face and said, “Goodnight my special little pet, I will wake you up in the morning before I go to school.” Jonsa then took Peter over to his own small jar, dropped him in and screwed on the lid which had some holes punched in it. Jonsa smiled again as he thought of how long he had waited to get his own humans and how much that waiting was being rewarded before he went over to his bed, turned off the light and went to sleep. Peter couldn’t sleep for a while, he was just to engrossed as he thought over the events of the night. But after a while sleep finally overtook him. Peter was awoken with a start the next morning by a very loud sound. He got up and looked around and realized it was Jonsas’ alarm clock. Jonsa groped around for the alarm clock and pushed the snooze button and layed on his bed for a few moments before pushing himself into a sitting position. Peter wondered what was going to happen today then he remembered that Jonsa had mentioned school. Jonsa took a few moments to fully wake up then he walked over to his bathroom and closed the door. After a few minutes Peter heard the sound of running water and realized Jonsa must be taking a shower. After several minutes the water shut off and Jonsa emerged from the bathroom. He was in the process of toweling himself off. Peter watched Jonsa towel himself off and after a few minutes Jonsa looked over in his direction and smiled. “How did you sleep little one? I hope you slept well because we have a big day ahead of us.” Peter couldn’t help but wonder what he meant by that as he watched Jonsa put on his briefs and start looking around for his shorts. After he found his shorts he looked over at Peter thoughtfully for a few seconds, then smiled and walked over to his jar. Jonsa unscrewed the lid of the jar and reached in and grabbed him. Jonsa looked over the tiny human in his hand, smiled and asked “Would you like to come to school with me today? I am sure you would, I just have one rule. If you go with me don’t distract me too much from my studies.” Peter wondered how he could distract him from his studies when he was slowly lowered down, he looked to see where he was headed and realized it was Jonsas’ briefs. Jonsa pulled the elastic of his briefs away from his body and dropped Peter in. Once Peter had cleared the elastic of his briefs Jonsa let them snap back into place and smile as he felt Peter land on the tip of his sheath. He enjoyed the sensation of his tiny human struggling to find a comfortable place to sit for few moments then finished getting dressed. Once he had finished he left his room and headed for breakfast. As Jonsa walked into the kitchen he could smell his favorite breakfast was being cooked and smiled, his mom always spoiled him rotten and she was doing it again by making his favorite breakfast. As he sat down at the table his father looked down from his newspaper, smiled and asked, “Did you enjoy your humans last night son?” Jonsa smiled back and said, “Yes father I enjoyed them a lot.” His father smiled again “I remember when I got my first humans, I made them do so many things to please me before I ate them. Sometimes I wish that humans weren’t so expensive so I could do it everyday. Jonsa smiled and nodded. He could still feel his human moving around in his briefs so he was a little distracted. Then Jonsas mother brought over breakfast and they all started eating. Meanwhile in Jonsas briefs Peter was really enjoying himself, he was sitting on top of the largest sheath he had ever seen and was loving the feeling of its’ soft flesh and soft fur as he moved against it, he could smell the soap that Jonsa had used in his shower and he could also smell Jonsas’ musky male scent, it made him feel really giddy. After they had all eaten breakfast Jonsa thanked his mom for making it and left for school. As he walked the short distance to his school he could feel his human struggling to find a handhold so he could stay on his sheath and smiled. Peter was having an extremely hard time keeping his position on Jonsas’ sheath and was slowly sliding off the top of it. As Jonsa entered his school campus Peter finally lost his hand hold and slowly slid down the length of the sheath. Jonsa shuddered as he felt his human slid down his sheath and smiled in pleasure. Then he spotted his best friend and walked over to him. “Did you get them?” asked Samsa excitedly Jonsa smiled, nodded and patted his crotch. Samsa smiled very broadly. “How does it feel?” “It feels absolutely wonderful.” “See, I told you humans were the best.” “True you did, so how many of your humans are left?” “Three, counting the one I brought with me.” “We’ll have to let them meet each other at lunchtime.” “Yes we will, sorry but I have to go. I can’t be late for class again or I will have to clap erasers.” Samsa ran off to his first class while Jonsa made his way to his first class. When Jonsa got there he made it to his desk and took out his notebook and prepared himself for another slow morning learning about psychology. Jonsa loved his college but this was the only class he didn’t like, his professor made the whole subject seem as much fun as a broken computer. As his professor walked in and started addressing the class, Jonsa felt his human stop moving, he must be tired thought Jonsa as he tried to pay attention. Peter was indeed very tired, he could no longer summon the strength to try to beat off Jonsas’ huge ballsac as it engulfed him and pinned him against Jonsas’ briefs. While he was being pinned by Jonsas’ ballsac Peter took the time to enjoy himself, he enjoyed the heat coming from it, soft feeling of its flesh and fur and sensation of the huge balls inside being pushed against him. He was enjoying himself so much he soon fell asleep from the comfortable position he was in. He was awoken suddenly when he felt the briefs move around him, he looked up and saw the elastic was being pulled away from Jonsas’ body again and a hand reached in and grabbed him. He was pulled out of the briefs and into the blinding light of day, after a couple seconds his eyes adjusted and he looked around, he realized he was in a lunch room and there were many creatures eating around him, one or two of them even had humans as part of their lunch. “Put him down on the table Jonsa.” Peter looked to see who had spoken and saw another blue colored creature sitting close by. Jonsa lowered Peter to the table and said; “Now you take yours out.” Peter watched as the other blue creature reached into his briefs and pulled out another human. He layed him on the table and said “Meet Jonsas’ human, I am sure you two would love to become friends while me and Jonsa talk. While the two friends started talking above them Peter walked over to the other human and helped him into a sitting position. “How long have you been with the other creature?” The other human looked at him with tired eyes “I have been with Samsa for about a week now.” “Does he treat you nice?” The other human gave a grim smile “Of course not, he has made clean his ass, clean his sheath and clean his teeth and many other things I would rather not talk about.” Peter was about to ask another question when he heard Jonsa say “Excuse me for a moment, I have to go take a dump.” “Hurry back.” Replied Samsa. After he watched Jonsa walk away he looked at the two humans and smiled evilly. “Why how stupid of me, I seem to have forgotten my lunch money, oh whatever shall I do?” Then he suddenly reached down and grabbed both humans. He looked at Peter and said, “Watch, this is what will happen to you eventually.” Samsa opened his mouth and slowly lowered his human to it. Peter could only watch as the other human screamed and struggled as hard as he could before he was dropped in Samsas’ mouth. Samsa looked at Peter, smiled and opened his mouth so he could see what was going on inside it. Peter stared as he saw his new friends laying on Samsas’ tongue struggling not to slide down his throat. After a few moments Samsa swallowed him while keeping his mouth open so Peter could see his tongue rise, then fall and see that Samsas’ mouth was now empty. After a couple seconds Samsa burped, then he closed his mouth and smiled. “Your friend is struggling very hard in my belly, oh that feels so good.” As he said this he lowered Peter to his belly, Samsa lifted up his shirt a bit and shoved him up against it. “Listen to your friends final moments, sometime tomorrow he will be nothing more than shit passing through my anus.” Peter could hear gurgling and some faint screams coming from Samsas’ belly and he shuddered as he heard that. At that moment Jonsa walked back up to the table, he looked at the scene and smiled. He sat down. “May I take a wild guess as to where your human is?” Samsa smiled and replied, “I will give you three guesses, but you will only need one.” Jonsa smiled again and asked, “Is he struggling very much?” Samsa groaned in pleasure, “he is struggling a lot, too bad this will only last for about an hour.” Peter shuddered again, just the thought of being in there for an hour made him terrified, he had been hoping it would just be a few minutes at most but now he knows it will in fact be a very long time. Samsa handed Jonsa his human back, “I will meet you at your house later today, ok?” Jonsa smiled and nodded then stuck Peter back in his briefs. Peter spent the rest of that day in Jonsas’ briefs, being crushed by his ballsac and the balls that would move a bit with each step that Jonsa took. After he had spent another couple hours in Jonsas’ briefs with no break he found he was starting to like Jonsas’ ballsac very much. It was just too soft and comfortable to be against for him not to like it. After another hour or so passed Peter heard a bell ring and felt Jonsa get up fast and walk very quickly to somewhere. Peter could only guess that they were headed back to Jonsas’ house. After a while Peter heard a door slam and assumed they were back at Jonsas’ home. “Mom, Dad I am home!” “Ok son, we are in the kitchen.” Peter felt Jonsa walk some more as he moved to the kitchen. “Son, we have been invited to a party. We leave in 10 minutes.” “I was wondering why you guys were all dressed up. How long will you be gone?” “The party is out of town and is supposed to last all night so we will probably just spend the night there. We have left you some money for pizza.” “Ok, thanks. Is it ok if I have a friend over for a while?” There was a short pause “Sure, you may have just one friend over.” “Thanks, enjoy your party.” “We will son, see you later.” Peter felt Jonsa start walking again and assumed that he was walking back to his room. After a few minutes he heard a slam of a door and assumed that he had reached his room. Suddenly he was blinded by daylight and looked up and could see a large hand coming down to grab him. The hand grasped him roughly and raised him out of Jonsas’ briefs and took him up to Jonsas huge face. “Did you enjoy your day in my briefs little one? I know I did!” Jonsa smiled. Peter smiled back and shouted “Yes master, I loved being so close to your balls for so long.” Peter couldn’t help but notice that Jonsas’ smile grow when he said the word master. “My friend Samsa will be over soon, I know we will all have a lot of fun when he gets here. I might as well order the pizza now so it will get here shortly after he does.” Jonsa placed Peter on his desk next to the cage where the other humans were. “Don’t go anywhere my pet.” Peter watched as Jonsa walked out of the room and couldn’t help but admire Jonsas’ butt as he left. He noticed a small hole in the seat of his shorts for his long tail and smiled at the image. After Jonsa had left Peter walked over to the cage and screamed into it. “What have you guys done today?” One of the humans inside responded “We haven’t done anything except count our blessings that we are still alive and haven’t been forced to do anything nasty all day. Though that is likely to change very soon.” Peter couldn’t help but agree with that, he was pretty sure that Jonsas’ friend wasn’t coming over here just to watch some videos with Jonsa. I hope they aren’t too rough with us tonight, thought Peter. Then he heard a door slam downstairs and some loud male sounding voices. Samsa must be here, thought Peter. He heard the voices continue for a few moments then some clumping as two very large forms climbed the stairs. He looked at the open door and waited for the two friends to come in. He didn’t have to wait long; first Jonsa came in, then Samsa. Both boys were grinning broadly. “So your parents are going to be gone all night! We can do whatever we want!” Jonsa smiled “As long as we don’t break anything or invite anyone else over yes we can.” Samsa smiled back “Oh, I think we can get by without inviting anyone else over for tonight.” Both boys smiled evilly and looked over at the cage and Peter. Peter got a chill from that look. “I also brought along my last human to join us.” Jonsa smiled “I can guess where you are keeping him until the party starts.” “You would probably guess right.” Samsa smiled then patted his crotch Jonsa smiled again “Unfortunately we will have to wait until the pizza gets here before we can get, too involved.” Samsa smiled again “No problem, the pizza gets here in about an hour so we can enjoy ourselves at least a little bit before it comes.” Jonsa smiled and nodded then walked over and picked Peter up in one hand then took the cover off the cage and reached in to grab the remaining humans. He managed to fit them all into one hand and started walking out of his room towards the family room. When they reached the family room Samsa reached into his briefs and pulled out his human, and then he dumped him on the coffee table. Following suit Jonsa dumped all his humans on the coffee table then turned to Samsa. “I have already closed all the windows so we won’t have to worry about prying eyes.” Samsa smiled “Then why are we still wearing this stuff?” He quickly took off his shirt to reveal his chest and stomach were just as developed as Jonsas were. Jonsa smiled and took his shirt off, revealing once again his wonderfully formed torso. Samsa, still smiling, reached down and took off his shorts quickly but when he took off his briefs he went extremely slow to make it more dramatic. When he was done he revealed his sheath and balls were just as beautiful as Jonsas’ if not more beautiful. After admiring the site for a few seconds Jonsa reached down and also took off his shorts and also like Samsa when he took off his briefs he went extremely slow. When he was done he once again revealed his wonderful looking package. Peter was too busy admiring both boys from his wonderful angle to notice that the other humans had looked away. Both boys looked at the humans on the coffee table. They both smiled again. “They seem to be scared of seeing us naked Jonsa.” “All except my favorite little human, he seems to like the site of us, we will have to give him some special treatment.” Samsa nods “We will play with him all night and show him every external part of both of our bodies. Shall we start my friend?” “Yes I think we shall.” Jonsa smiled, walked over and picked up all the humans and stepped back. Samsa stepped forward and moved the coffee table out of the way. Both boys sat down on the carpet with their feet together. Jonsa dumped all the humans between their legs. After Peter had sat up from his fall and looked around. He smiled as he realized that he could see two sheaths and balls from where he sat. Jonsa looked at Samsa and smiled “Do you want to start off?” Samsa smiled “I think I will.” He layed down on his back with his hands folded behind his head. Peter stared at the sight of Samsas’ ass and couldn’t help but admire it. “All right humans, start massaging my friends ass." Or you will be in BIG trouble.” Jonsa giggled at his pun. Peter looked again at Samsas’ ass for a second and could faintly make out his anus from here. He managed to suppress a smile and started walking over. “Come on guys, might as well try to make these guys happy.” The other humans looked at each other and sighed before they also got up and started walking towards Samsas’ ass. As Peter got closer he realized that Samsas’ tail was poking out one side of his buttocks so that it was out of the way, then he saw why. Samsas’ anus was just a few inches off the ground (In human terms). “Do you guys like the sight of my huge Bajirran ass?” Peter thought that over for a second, Bajirran? That must be what these creatures call themselves as a species! All this time he had just thought of them as ‘Creatures’. Now he finally knew what they were called! Though he doubted that information would be of any use. Peter sighed and finished walking up to Samsas’ anus and started rubbing it. As he started his labor he noticed that Samsas’ ass was much cleaner than Jonsas’ was last night. He must want to be able to feel our hands better thought Peter. “Hey, human! Yeah, the one that Jonsa brought to school today. You are touching where your friend will be coming out soon. Probably even tonight! You will get to see your friend again, won’t that be great?” Samsa and Jonsa chuckle at that. Peter shudders from fear at what Samsa just said. It was true, what he was now massaging was where his friend would come out eventually. He sincerely hoped it wouldn’t be tonight though. “Don’t worry little human, I don’t usually feel the urge to go until after I eat so you have a while.” Samsa chuckled again. Peter shuddered again. He heard a groan come from Jonsa and turned around to see him lay on his back as well. “Half of you humans continue your work on Samsa and the other half come over to me.” Peter started to leave to go over to Jonsa when Samsa stopped him. “You special human will stay here so you will get to know very well where your friend and possibly later on, you will come out.” Peter sighed, he didn’t have a choice. Jonsa didn’t seem to care much about what Samsa said so he went back to massaging Samsas’ ass. He felt Samsas’ ass flex a bit beneath his hands and heard Samsas’ moans of pleasure so he knew he was keeping him happy. After several minutes of this he heard what sounded like a doorbell amplified several times. “Be right there!” Peter look over and saw Jonsa get up and shove some shorts on as fast as he could as he ran to the door. “Don’t stop your work, humans.” Peter sighed as he went back to massaging Samsas’ anus while Jonsa got the food. After a few moments Jonsa came back. “Enjoying yourself there Samsa?” “Oh, yes indeed I am.” “Don’t get too attached to them. You know where they are going don’t you?” “In your belly and out your anus? I know that! I know what happens to food after we eat it! I pay attention to some of my classes you know!” “I know, I was just reminding you not to get too attached to my food.” Peter felt a hand behind suddenly grab him and all the other humans around Samsas’ ass and lift them up. “I was just hoping I could have one or two of them go into my belly too you know. I mean, I shared a couple of my humans with you didn’t I?” Peter heard Jonsa sigh. “Yes you did, but you had more humans than I do so you may have ONE! And it can’t be my special human either!” “Oh but he is so cute and looks so delicious! I am sure he would just love to come out my anus!” “Well he is coming out my anus so you will have to choose another one.” “I will after we start on the pizza” Peter watched as Jonsa moved the coffee table back and place the Pizza and the humans who had been massaging him on it. Samsa took a seat on the couch and instead of placing his humans on the coffee table, he placed them in front of his package. “Hey! That is a good idea! But my special human should be with me so I will trade one of my old ones for him.” Peter felt Jonsas’ hand grab him and pull him away from Samsas’ ballsac and his other hand place some other human in front of Samsa. Jonsa sat down and placed Peter and the other humans in front of his package. Peter smiled as he once again felt Jonsas’ soft ballsac against his skin and looked up. Past Jonsas’ sheath, which towered over him, he could see Jonsa take a bite out of a slice of pizza as he turned on the T.V. After a few minutes of watching TV Jonsa looked over at Samsa. Peter also looked. He could see Samsa pick up his human, the one he brought with him, and place him on the tip of a slice of pizza and take a large bite out of it. “That is a good idea Samsa, I think I will do that with one of my humans as well.” Peter looked up and watched as Jonsas’ hand come down and snag some unfortunate human, raise him up to his slice of pizza and embed him in the cheese. After a couple moments of smiling at the human on his slice of pizza Jonsa opened his mouth wide, took a large bite and began to chew. Peter looked away, he couldn’t bear to see a human die that way. He didn’t look back up until he heard Jonsa swallow. “GULP! MMMM, that made the pizza taste very good!” “Yes it sure did.” After a few more moments of eating Jonsa said “So much for that pizza.” “You know what is a great dessert for pizza? A human, I think I will now eat that one human you promised me.” Peter looked over as Samsa reached down between his legs and grabbed the last woman of their original group. He smiled at her for a second then opened his mouth and tossed her in. He closed his eyes and rolled her around for a couple seconds then he swallowed. He leaned back and patted his belly with a very content look on his face. “She will probably live for a couple hours because the pizza will take up most of my acids. However, on the downside that will make it a most slow and painful death.” Pete heard Jonsa laugh “It will probably feel great to have her struggle in your belly during that time. The human I swallowed was dead in about an hour.” “Yeah, that is about the average time it takes for a human to die in a Bajirrans’ belly” Samsa responded with a smile. Peter suddenly heard a fart come from Samsa. “Oops, I guess that is the human I ate for lunch saying he wants to come out.” Samsa looked over to Jonsa “Do you mind if I show your special human what has become of his new friend?” Jonsa smiled “No, I don’t in fact I would like to show him what has become of the human I ate yesterday.” Samsa smiled again. “I am sure he would be honored. Actually it is kinda funny if you think about it, he will get to see two of his former friends tonight even though they were eaten on different days, just because of the different speeds of our digestive systems. You and I both know that your digestive system is slower than mine. We timed them.” “Yeah, that is right.” Jonsa nodded. “You and I swallowed tiny flashlights that had a very long battery life and every time we pooped we would check them to see when they came out. Yours came out in like 6 or 7 hours and mine came out in 24. So the timing is right for both humans to come back out.” Peter shuddered, tonight he would see two of his former friends come out of these creatures asses, and they wouldn’t be the same as he remembered them. He supposed that these creatures had very different speeds of digestion compared to earth creatures and even compared to each other so it wasn't really surprising these two friends had extremely different digestion speeds. Samsa smiled down at Peter. “I will go first, I am sure he would love to see his newest friend before he sees his oldest friend.” Samsa reached down, grabbed Peter and started heading for the bathroom while Jonsa smiled after them, patiently waiting his turn. Peter shuddered as he watched the door to the bathroom come closer and closer, knowing that once he was inside he would be forced to watch Samsa crap out the remains of the human he knew for a short time. Samsa entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him as he set Peter on the counter next to the sink. As Peter looked around he was surprised at how large the bathroom was. There was more than enough room for a person to lay down comfortably on the floor. This thought caused a small moan to come from Peter. He now realized just how good a view he would get of his former friend coming out of Samsas' ass. Samsa smiled at Peter as he unrolled some toilet paper and placed it on the floor so he wouldn't make any kind of disgusting mess while he gave this show for the human. Then he grabbed Peter and sat down just in front of the toilet paper. Then he scooted forward and layed on his back so the toilet paper was right below his anus. Then he made sure his tail was out of the way before he set Peter down right in front of his anus, which was right above the ground. Peter sighed as he looked at the anus right in front of him and waited for it to start flexing. He waited a few moments then he looked up to see Samsas' face looking down on him with a smile. "Aren't you going to beg me not to crap right in front of you?" Peter suddenly realized that Samsa did this for two reasons, one to hear his victim beg him not to crap in front of him and two to scare the victim by showing what he would eventually become. "No, I will not give you that pleasure Samsa." Samsas' smile faded slightly then he shrugged "Have it your way, now watch closely and don't you dare close your eyes or you might find yourself in a foul smelling and warm place." Peter got the message and decided it was a much better idea to watch the show rather than annoy Samsa any more than he already had. As he watched Samsas' anus started to flex, slowly. "Your friend wants to come out and see you, shall I let him out?" Peter looked up at Samsas' face again and decided to play along "Oh yes master, I desperately want to see him again." Samsa smiled at this. Peter went back to watching the display and he noticed that the anus wasn't flexing as much and that there was a blunt object starting to come out. He knew what that object was but he tried to avoid naming it. He watched transfixed as the object came out slowly. When enough of it was out for him to see in the light he realized that it was brown like human feces, but with a blue tint to it. "Do you like my poop human, don't worry. Someday soon you will be just as handsome as this specimen." Peter shuddered and tried to avoid thinking about that as he continued watching the display going on in front of him. After another minute or so the turd finally finished coming out of Samsas' ass and dropped clear of his anus. Peter looked at the anus and saw it had stopped flexing. "Don't worry, there is more in there. I just wanted to give you a chance to examine what is left of your friend. If you look closely I am sure you will find some of his bones among all that mess." Peter looked up at Samsas' face and sincerely hoped he wouldn't force him to examine his stool. After a couple of moments of no movement from Peter Samsa frowned. "Don't make me repeat myself, go down there and examine my poop, NOW!" Peter sighed, got up and started walking towards Samsas' stool. When he was standing next to it he started looking it over as he was ordered. After a couple moments he noticed a human skull among the fecal matter. He shuddered and looked away. "I see you found his remains, would you like to see my other meals as well?" Peter looked up at Samsa "Master I would like to see your other meals, but is it really necessary for me to watch them come out?" Samsa thought about this for a moment then got up and walked over to the toilet, lifted up the lid and sat on the seat. After a couple moments Peter heard some splashes and was glad he wasn't being forced to watch the emergence of that poop as well. While he waited for Samsa to finish he walked away from the stool on the toilet paper and sat down, looking away from Samsa and the stool. After several minutes of splashing he heard them stop then he felt a paw around his body as he was lifted up. Samsa had picked him up and was carrying him over to the toilet. Samsa lifted up the seat and lowered Peter so he was just above the water and Samsas' stool, several of which were floating. "Do you like the sight human?" Peter shuddered slightly before answering "Oh yes master, just beautiful." Samsa smiled then he set Peter back on the counter while he picked up the toilet paper with his stool on it and dumped them in the toilet before flushing them all away. Peter wondered for a moment why Samsa didn't wipe himself then he realized he wanted Peter and the other humans to clean his ass again. Samsa went out of the bathroom and a couple moments later Jonsa walked in, smiling. "Did you enjoy the show? Well I hope you are ready for some more because my bowels want to get your friend out." Peter sighed as he wondered how he would be forced to watch the crapping this time. Jonsa reached over and grabbed him and walked over to the toilet. He sat down then he lowered Peter between his buttocks and the toilet seat so he was extremely close to Jonsas' anus. "Enjoy the show little human, soon you will be sliding out my anus just like your friend is now!" As Peter watched Jonsas' anus started flexing than he saw the beginning of a turd poking through Jonsas' anus. He heard Jonsa grunt slightly as the first turd broke itself free and landed with a wet splash in the toilet. After several more minutes of this all of Jonsas turds had been excreted so Jonsa set Peter on the toilet seat so he could watch Jonsa wipe himself. Peter looked up as the first wad reached Jonsas' anus and started to be wiped across it and couldn't help but wish he could be that toilet paper for just that moment. When Jonsa had finished wiping himself he reached back and grabbed Peter before he flushed the toilet. "Did you enjoy my little show human?" "Oh, yes master. I enjoyed your show much more than Samsas' and hope to see it again." Jonsa smiled very broadly "We shall see my human, we shall see." As they left the bathroom they saw Samsa on the floor with several humans cleaning his ass. "I just love this feeling too much not to do it again." Jonsa smiled "Shall we see if the humans like going inside our asses?" "Yes, I think we should. I will stuff your special human into your ass and you will stuff one of your humans in mine." "Ok, but make sure you can get my special human out. I want to eat him, not feel him drown in my ass." Samsa smiled "Ok with me. You start shoving my special human into my ass and then once he is back out I will stuff a human into your ass, ok?" "Ok, lets start." Samsa got up as Jonsa laid down and dropped Peter in front of his ass. Samsa smiled at Peter as he picked him up "Enjoy your trip, little human." Peter looked ahead and had to fight down a scream as he saw Jonsas' huge anus quickly fill his field of view. He felt his head start to get shoved against the relaxed muscles of Jonsas' anus and started flailing wildly. "OH! That feels so good! Push him in more, I want to feel him in my ass!" Peter felt Samsa push harder and faster. Before he knew it he was in Jonsas' anus up to his knees, which were barely enough for Samsa to grab onto when it came time to pull him out. He took a deep breath and gagged. The stench in here was horrible and the air was quickly becoming unbreatable. He flailed around some more and was very surprised when he felt Jonsas' anus flex around his waist. He could only guess that was because this was very pleasurable for Jonsa. He started flailing even more, namely because it was becoming very hard to breath in here. He felt the anus flex around his waist even more and that unfortunately meant he was getting pulled deeper into Jonsas' anus. He was starting to wonder if he was going to die in this hot, humid rectum when he smelled a foul stench. Before he had time to work out what that smell was he was farted out of Jonsas' anus. "That felt so good little human, I will have to do that again before I eat you. But right now it is Samsas' turn." Peter looked up as Jonsa stood up and walked over to Samsa, who was lying on his back and had an unfortunate human in his hand. Samsa smiled "This human has bravely volunteered for the exploration mission." Jonsa smiled "Then lets not disappoint him." Jonsa took the human out of Samsas' hand and kneeled down in front of his ass and slowly pushed the human into Samsas' anus. Samsa immediately started moaning in pleasure and Peter was willing to bet he was flexing his anus a lot as well. It didn't take long for Jonsa to push the human all the way inside. When Jonsa had finished he sat back. "Enjoying the sensation of his struggling in there?" "Oh, yes! I think I will fart him out, but it would a pity if he didn't have a crash pad to land on." Jonsa smiled "Yes, indeed it would be a pity." Jonsa laid on his belly and put his mouth up against Samsas' ass with his mouth wide open. "Ready?" Jonsa couldn't say anything but Samsa knew what he meant. A couple moments later Peter heard Samsa fart then Jonsa closed his mouth and sat up. "Is he in there?" Jonsa smiled, nodded then swallowed. "At, least he WAS in there." Samsa smiled at Jonsa and Jonsa smiled back as he patted his belly, which now contained pizza and two humans. Samsa smiled at Jonsa “Are they both struggling in there?” He asked while he pointed at Jonsas’ flat belly. Jonsa smiled and rubbed his belly for a moment “The human I ate with the slice of pizza was sliced to pieces by my teeth so he isn’t struggling but the human I just ate is certainly struggling as hard as he can, I do hope he likes the pizza I gave him as a snack down there. How about your human dessert?” Samsa smiled and patted his own flat belly “He is putting up quite a fight, it must be extremely painful in there for him, and he has about another hour of this to enjoy!” Samsa smiled most evilly when he said this. “I have always enjoyed feeling my dinners’ last struggles within me.” Jonsa smiled and nodded in agreement. Samsa looked at Jonsa in thought for a moment then he smiled “Would you like to hear him my friend?” Jonsa smiled back “I sure would, and I am sure that my little pet would as well.” Jonsa reached down and roughly grabbed Peter while Samsa layed on his back with his arms behind his head. Jonsa layed on his belly and pressed Peter up against Samsas’ furry belly while he layed his ear against it himself. Peter listened for a moment, at first all he heard was gurgling then after a few moments he heard some faint screams, human screams. He shuddered in fear. Jonsa also heard the gurgling and faint screams, only he had a much different reaction. He looked up at Samsas’ face, which he was looking at as he layed against his belly, and smiled. “She certainly sounds very happy to be in your belly as part of your dinner.” Samsa smiled back “I thought as much, it must be extremely pleasant in there for her to be within me.” “She certainly sounds happy.” Samsa smiled again “May I listen to your human?” “Sure, and be sure to let my special human in on the show.” Samsa looked down at Peter and once again, grinned very evilly, “Of course, I am sure he would be most honored to listen to where he will be going himself in a day or two.” Jonsa smiled as he got up off of Samsas’ belly and leaned back with his arms behind his head. Samsa grabbed Peter off his belly and leaned over onto Jonsas’ belly listening as he pressed Peter into the belly as well. Peter heard the same sounds he heard from Samsas’ belly, gurgling and screams of immense pain. “Your meal sounds like he is having a blast in there.” “I am sure he is.” Jonsa sat up so fast that it surprised both Samsa and Peter. Peter slipped off Jonsas belly and landed on the ground, right in front of Jonsas’ package. “I feel like having some ‘fun’ do you feel like it to?” Samsa smiled, “I though you would never ask, but lets put your humans away so they don’t get in the way or get away while we enjoy ourselves.” “Ok, I will leave my special human out though. I think it would be fun to let him join in our fun.” Samsa looked down at Peter “Ok, I will start using him while you put your humans away in their jar.” Jonsa smiled, “I thought you would, if you get any mess on the floor please be sure to clean it up or my parents will get suspicious.” Samsa shrugged, “Fair enough.” Then he reached down and grabbed Peter from in front of Jonsas’ ballsac, being careful to brush against it for a brief second. Jonsa shuddered for a moment then smiled very broadly “You silly little boy!” Samsa smiled then layed back once again and placed Peter back on his belly. While this happened Jonsa got up and grabbed the humans from the coffee table and started for his room. As Jonsa walked off Samsa smiled down on Peter “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt and it will probably even be fun! Ok now then, start by walking down my belly to my sheath and start massaging it.” Peter looked behind him at the enormous sheath and couldn’t help but smile. He quickly got up and started walking over to it as fast as he could. Samsa smiled, he had never seen a human so happy about wanting to please a Bajirran before, he was starting to see why Jonsa loved this human so much. Peter finally reached the tip of Samsas’ sheath, he started at the slit in admiration and ran up to it and started rubbing up against it. He could feel Samsa shudder and chuckle. He continued to rub himself up against it for a few moments before he moved over to the side and started to massage the enormous sheath. Once again he felt Samsa shudder in pleasure. He continued to rub against it for a few moments, until he started to feel it swell, then while he still massaged it he looked up towards the tip and saw the beginning of a red shaft poking out. He smiled and continued to massage the blue sheath that was several times his size. After a couple moments more he decided to start to massage the red shaft that was part way out of Samsas’ sheath. He walked over and started to rub along the length of the slimy red pole that was poking out of Samsas’ sheath. After several moments he felt a hand grab him and squeeze him against Samsas’ cock. “Mmmmmm, I will try not to crush you against my cock while I pleasure myself. So for now, just enjoy yourself.” Peter knew he didn’t have a choice, all he could do was brace himself for what was to come. After a moment Samsa started to rub Peter back and forth along his shaft and moaning in pleasure. Peter was at once extremely glad that Samsas’ cock was slippery with some excrete from within his sheath. For several minutes Samsa rubbed Peter along his shaft slowly. Suddenly Peter felt the shaft beneath him start to pulse. Samsa quickly took Peter away from the side of his shaft and placed him right in front of his piss slit. Peters face was buried in the slit and he had a very hard time breathing in the manflesh. Suddenly he was hit in the face by a very strong force, at once he knew it was Samsas’ cum. Samsa was moaning in absolute pleasure and enjoyed having the small humans’ face buried in his piss slit while he was cumming. Peter was having a very hard time breathing through the fast salty current that was spouting from Samsas’ red tool. Finally after several more seconds the tide subsided. Samsa was panting extremely hard and just loving the feeling of this little human up against his manhood. Peter was breathing hard, more from being deprived from oxygen than actual tiredness. As he was leaning up against Samsas’ manhood he felt it start to soften and retreat back into his sheath. He was a little happy about that but then he remembered that many animals mated several times a day and he sighed. Somehow he got the feeling he would be seeing that red thing again all too soon. “Have fun my friend?” Peter looked up in surprise, there was Jonsa, standing in the doorway and smiling. “I thought you would have some fun with my human before I got back.” Samsa smiled “Don’t worry, I am sure he has enough energy to deal with both of us. Jonsa smiled again “We shall see, I also brought this little human down with me to join in our “fun”. Jonsa brought a human up from behind his back and the human looked terrified at the prospect of joining in these two cruel creatures “fun”. Samsa looked at the human and smiled again “I think I know what you want to happen to him and we will do that, after we snuggle a bit.” Jonsa smiled and walked towards Samsa, who grabbed Peter and sat up. Peter had no idea what was going to happen, except that these two boys were going to have sex and he didn’t want to take part in it. Jonsa sat down in front of Samsa and scooted very close to him then dropped his human on the ground. Now Peter and the other human were trapped between both boys legs and their packages. Samsas’ red tool had long since retreated back to his sheath but it was now starting to poke back out again, as was Jonsas’. The scent of male was very strong down here and impossible to ignore. Peter heard slurping up above and could only assume the two Bajirrans were kissing each other and he had no desire to see that, or what was on either side of him either for that matter so he just sat down and closed his eyes, waiting for the next torture to come. After a few moments of kissing the two boys broke apart and decided that now was the time for their fun. Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter while Samsa reached down and grabbed the other human. Jonsa smiled at Samsa as he took Peter and started rubbing him along his sheath. The fur was very soft, which was lucky for Peter or this would have been very uncomfortable. Jonsa moaned in pleasure as he felt the small struggling human slide across his sheath, stirring up his manhood from within him. Peter was too busy to notice he was really pleasuring his owner. Not that it would have given him any comfort anyway. Jonsa continued to rub Peter along his sheath for several minutes before he laid back and left Peter alone on his sheath. “Oh, Samsa. I think it is time we stopped pleasuring ourselves and started pleasuring each other.” Samsa smiled “Yes, of course. I think I know just what would feel good right about now.” Samsa grabbed peter and placed him on the tip of his exposed shaft as Jonsa spread his legs, exposing his ass. Peter tried to scream but nothing came out as he realized he was about to join the two creatures as they fucked each other. Samsa started to lower his shaft to Jonsas ass as Peter sat there, too terrified to move, much less defend himself from the disgusting act that was about to come. Just as Samsas’ shaft started to touch Jonsas anus Peter came out of his trance and ran as far away from the huge ass as he could. He ran down to the base of the sheath and just stared ahead, he had no desire to look back and watch the two boys have sex. “OOOOOHHHHH! This feels so good Jonsa!” Jonsa could only moan in response. At this point Peter put his hands over his ears as hard as he could, to block out as much of sound as possible. After several minutes of muffled sounds and feeling the sheath sway beneath him the movement stopped and he took his hands off his ears. He heard some heavy panting. “Oh, boy was that great! But our little friend didn’t join in! I can feel him standing at the base of my sheath.” “Maybe it was for the best, it would have been hard to get him out before he drowned in all the cum you pumped into my ass.” “Yeah, maybe your right. Now I will let you decide how our other little friend should join in.” Peter heard a wet slurp as he felt Samsa pull out from Jonsas’ ass. “Oh, I think he should be on my dick as you suck me off.” Peter heard a scream at this remark from a ways away. “You know where he will end up if we do that?” “Of course I know, that is what makes it so much fun!” “Ok, if you know what you want, I think I will move your special little human off of me so he can get a better view of this.” Peter felt Samsa grip him and pull him upwards. “Where would you like me to put him?” “Oh, I think he would get a very good view of the action at the base of my sheath, just be careful around him ok?” “Oh, don’t worry. I will be careful with this human.” The next thing Peter knew he was at the base of Jonsas’ Sheath looking up at the semi-erect cock. A few seconds later the other human was placed on the cock head and pushed part way into Jonsas’ piss slit. “Now you can’t get away until Jonsa releases you.” Jonsa chuckled as he layed his head back and waited for Samsa to start sucking him off. Samsa kneeled and lowered his head. While he was doing this he slowly opened his mouth. The human on Jonsas cock started screaming at the top of his lungs and also started beating on Jonsas’ cock head and trying to pull himself off. Jonsa chuckled as he felt this. “Don’t worry human, in due time you will be swimming around my good friends belly with my cum.” This did nothing to make the human feel better, but he didn’t get anymore time to scream and struggle, at least not in Peters view, because at that time Samsas mouth came down over Jonsas cock. Peter hear Jonsa moan as he felt that. “Be sure not to swallow that human until I cum in your mouth, I don’t want him to miss anything before he gets digested.” Samsa could only grunt in response. Peter heard some slurping and knew that Samsa had started to pleasure his friend, that and the moaning in pleasure from behind him. Peter looked away, not wanting to see this sight either, he also put his hands on his ears again. After a few minutes he felt large fingers lower his arms, than turn his head so he would have to watch this. He realized that it was Jonsa who was making him watch the spectacle and had timed it so Peter would have to watch when Jonsa was cumming. After a few seconds of watching Samsa suck on the red shaft he heard a moan in pleasure and saw that Samsa had stopped sucking and he could only assume that he was cumming right now. After a few seconds Samsa swallowed, he swallowed several more times before he pulled himself off of Jonsas shaft. Samsa licked his lips then he let out a small belch. Jonsa chuckled. “Did he enjoy himself in your mouth while my cock was in there?” Samsa smiled and nodded “Oh yes, he enjoyed himself right up until I swallowed him with your tasty cum. In fact I think he is still enjoying himself in my belly.” Peter shuddered, he was very sure the human was not enjoying himself at all. Jonsa looked at a clock that was hanging on the wall. “Hey! It is midnight! We have to get to bed or we won’t learn anything in school tomorrow!” Samsa shrugged “Have we ever really learned anything in school?” Jonsa laughed “No, but still it would not be good to fall asleep in class and be sent to detention.” Samsa nodded “Ok, lets go to bed. What should we do with your human?” Jonsa looked at him “I think he would enjoy spending the night half-way in my sheath.” Peter shuddered but knew that begging would do no good and was very tired so he just sat there. Samsa smiled “I think he would like that indeed.” Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter and started bringing him up to the top of his sheath. At this time Jonsas shaft had retreated into his sheath. He slowly pushed Peter into his sheath feet first, moaning as he felt the live human enter it. Peter could feel the slimy interior of the sheath and struggled against Jonsas grip to avoid getting stuck in this slimy place for the whole night. Jonsa chuckled and just pushed him in faster. A couple of seconds later Peter was in Jonsas sheath up to his navel. Jonsa laughed as he stood up to go to bed. Samsa was also laughing. “Man, it feels so weird to have a living thing in my sheath.” Samsa chuckled “I bet it does, I bet it also feels weird for the human, to be stuck in your sheath.” Jonsa laughed as they started climbing the stairs. A few minutes later they were in Jonsas room and started climbing into his bed, together. As the got under the covers they faced each other and bade each other good night before switching off the light. Even thought the light was off there was still enough light beneath the sheets for Peter to see that he was right across from Samsas’ sheath and balls. After about an hour he finally went into a relatively peaceful slumber. The last thing he saw was Samsas’ maleness. He knew he had a big day ahead of him tomorrow, little did he know that it would be his last, there was only a couple humans left besides him, once he was gone there would be nothing to protect him from Jonsas hungry belly. Peter was awoken early the next morning by yawning. He woke up and the first thing he saw was Samsas’ maleness wiggling in front of him. Samsa was stretching and yawning as he was waking up. After a few seconds Peter saw Samsas’ maleness leave his sight as Samsa sat up in bed. Samsa yawned again and scratched his belly as he tried to wake up and get ready for school. He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower while Jonsa was starting to come out of his slumber. Jonsa stretched, than sat up in bed. He moaned as he remembered this was another school day, then suddenly he remembered about his human and thought that it wouldn’t feel so bad after all. It felt extremely good to him to have a little human stuck inside of him. The feeling of a sheath warmer felt so good to Jonsa he had to moan in pleasure before he reached down to pull Peter out so he could take his shower. Peter was happy when he felt Jonsas’ hands grip him and started to pull him out. It felt very weird for Peter as he was slowly pulled out. The sheath didn’t seem to want to let him go and seemed to embrace him as he was pulled out. Peter was a little revolted as he felt the slimy embrace of Jonsas’ sheath as he was pulled out. When Peter was finally pulled free, he left with a slimy slurp and found he was covered in some kind of slime from the inside of the sheath. Jonsa chuckled at the sight of the slimy human as he heard the water shut off, signaling that Samsa was done with his shower. Jonsa got up and walked into the bathroom and waited for Samsa to get out so he could wash off. Peter stared when Samsa stepped out of the shower. He was soaking wet and the water was running along his belly, then along his sheath then finally onto his ballsac where it dripped off. Samsa smiled at the human, “Like what you see little guy?” Peter couldn’t respond and watched as Samsa started to dry himself off. Jonsa tapped his foot in impatience. Could you please move so I can take my shower and wash my human off? Samsa smiled, “Of course, how rude of me” and stepped out of the way as he continued to towel himself off. “Thank you.” Jonsa stepped into the shower stall and shut the opaque glass door. He set Peter down on the floor and turned on the water. Peter smiled as he felt the water drip on him off of Jonsas’ lean body and start to wash away the slime. Above him Jonsa had grabbed some shampoo and started to wash off his fur. Soapy water dripped off of Jonsas’ body and onto Peter, he started to wash off the slime and make himself feel clean again after two days of disgusting treatment from the Bajirran boys. After Peter felt clean again he looked up and couldn’t help but admire the show going on above him. The sight of the water cascading off of Jonsas lean, muscular frame was a very pleasing sight for Peter, and for a time he forgot that the creature above him was a predator that was planning to eat him. He spent the remainder of the shower watching as the water sprayed from the shower head onto Jonsa, trickle down his broad chest, down his flat muscular belly, around his sheath onto his swaying blue ballsac and dripped down onto Peter. After Jonsa had finished washing himself off he reached down and grabbed Peter and started to rub him all along his body. “MMmmmmm, that feels good. I love the sensation of rubbing you along my muscular body my little human.” Peter was also enjoying himself, the water and shampoo made the fur seem very soft against his skin and it felt very soothing to be rubbed along against the soft, blue fur. Finally Jonsa finished, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall to dry himself off. He grabbed a towel and quickly dried Peters’ little body off, then he set him on the toilet as he started to dry himself off. Peter watched in facination as Jonsa toweled himself off, something about watching a huge blue male creature towel itself off in front of him fascinated him. The quick motions of Jonsa toweling himself off caused his male features to jiggle a bit. Peter stared at Jonsas ballsac as it swayed back and forth seductively. Finally Jonsa finished toweling off and hung up the towel to dry before he grabbed Peter and walked back to his room to choose his clothes for the day. Jonsa chose a bright colored t-shirt and jean shorts. Jonsa smiled as he reached down, grabbed Peter and once again stuffed him into his briefs. Peter couldn’t help but smile a bit as he was once again pressed against Jonsas’ soft ballsac and the soft fur that grew on it. He knew that this would be a very interesting day. After Jonsa had dressed he walked down stairs, grabbed a quick breakfast and walked out the door to school. Samsa had already left so Jonsa walked to school alone. Ten minutes later he arrived at school and was surprised to see a large crowd in front of the school and wondered what was going on. He walked up quickly and asked a freshman that was at the edge of the crowd. “What is going on here?” The freshman looked at Jonsa a second before responding “There was an electrical short and it caused a small fire in a classroom. We are waiting to see if they are going to close the school today because of that.” Jonsa nodded and stood at the edge of the crowd, waiting. Finally after a good twenty minutes passed a tall, slightly fat Bajirran emerged from the school building. He looked at the crowd for several seconds before speaking. “School will be closed for today while we make sure the school is safe from further electrical problems and make some repairs to the class room that had the small fire in it.” The rest of his speech was drowned out by a cheer from the students who quickly started to disperse. Jonsa was very happy, he waited for a few minutes until he found Samsa. “What should we do today since the school is closed?” Samsa smiled “We could go to the health club and work out for a couple hours to start with.” Jonsa smiled back “Sounds good, lets go.” The two boys walked quickly to the bus stop and got on a bus to the health club. When they got to the health club they went straight to the workout room. Jonsa started to lift weights and was very quickly perspiring. He smiled as he thought of what it must be like for his human in his underpants. Peter was getting very warm in the confined space of Jonsas underpants, it was also getting very sweaty in here as well. He coughed at Jonsas’ male scent which was getting stronger the more he worked out and perspired. Peter couldn’t help but enjoy being up against Jonsas’ ballsac as it got more and more limp from the heat in the underpants. After about two hours of working out Jonsa was tired and sweaty so he went to the locker room and undressed, sticking all his clothes in the locker. After he took off his underpants he looked in them for his little human, but he was nowhere to be seen. Peter was very surprised when he felt the underpants get pulled from beneath him, and he stayed against Jonsas’ ballsac! Apparently Jonsas’ sweat had solidified and acted like glue thus causing him to get stuck to the ballsac. While Jonsa looked around frantically for his little human Peter swayed with his ballsac. It was a very interesting experience for Peter, he found the idea of being stuck to a ballsac as it swayed back and forth to be very exciting. Jonsa was frantic, he was terrified that his human had somehow gotten away and been found by another Bajirran, he knew that if another Bajirran found him than there was almost a 100% chance that his little human would find himself in the belly of a strange Bajirran. Then he felt a slight weight on his ballsac and sighed, of course he should have realized that. He realized that his sweat had probably stuck his human to his ballsac as he excersized and reached down to pull Peter off. Peter could do nothing as he watched the huge hand come and grab onto him, slowly peeling him off the warm, soft ballsac. After a few seconds Peter was free and brought up to Jonsas’ face. Jonsa smiled at him “Did you enjoy being stuck to my ballsac little human?” Peter could only nod. Jonsa laughed “Wonderful don’t worry, that sweat will wash right off when we get into the hot tub with Samsa.” Jonsa started walking towards the hot tub room while Peter thought about what would happen. As Jonsa entered the hot tub room he smiled when he saw that it was completely empty, except for Samsa. Samsa smiled up at Jonsa and waved him in to join him. Jonsa smiled back and quickly climbed into the tub. He sat next to Samsa and slowly brought Peter into the water. Peter moaned as he felt the warm water start to come up his body and quickly found himself on the surface of the water with nothing to hold him up. Jonsa smiled down at him, “Don’t worry little human, for some reason when something is your size they have no problem breathing underwater. Feel free to dive down and swim around as long as you want. We aren’t going anywhere for a while.” Peter thought for a moment and decided to give it a try, he dove down a little ways and realized they were right, for the most part. He didn’t actually breathe through his nose, he actually absorbed the oxygen from the water through his skin. He smiled as he realized he could stay down as long as he wanted and dove much further down. He swam down until he found himself before Jonsas’ package and smiled at the sight of the sheath and balls swaying back and forth in the slight current of the water before he swam over to it and started to rub it. Jonsa smiled as he felt his human touch his package underwater. He thought how lucky he was to have gotten one of the extremely few humans thought liked to be close to a Bajirran. Underwater Peter tired of massaging Jonsa and swam over to Samsa and started to do the same for him. Samsa smiled and shuddered as he felt the little human touch him. He wondered why he wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten a human like Jonsas. Then he shrugged and just enjoyed the feeling of the human against him. Jonsa smiled at the sight of his friend enjoying his little humans touches when he heard the door open and close. He looked over and was surprised to see the freshman he had talked to earlier that day walk in and start to get into the hot tub. Peter was surprised himself when he saw a pair of legs enter the tub not far from him and start walking by. The strong current they caused swept Peter along and he found himself on the ledge that was used for sitting fairly close to Jonsa. He looked up and was horrified to see the other male Bajirrans ass start to decend towards him. Peter was pressed into the ledge as the freshman sat on him, he was forced to stare at the huge anus that was right before him. He wanted to struggle to get away but realized that would only cause him to be discovered by the large creature and decided to wait until he decided to leave. Fortunatley, thought Peter with a smile, I don’t have to smell his anus. Jonsa was nervous as he saw the freshman sit on his human and prayed that he didn’t try to escape from beneath him. “What are you doing here?” The freshman smiled, “I came here to work out and relax, it is just pure chance I found you here.” Jonsa smiled politely at the freshman, trying to think of a polite way to get him out of here. Suddenly Samsa got up and started to leave. “Where are you going? I thought you were going to sit here with me for a while.” Samsa looked back at Jonsa, his face full of disappointment, “I want to, but I just remembered that I have to get to work. I forgot this was a work day because of school being cancelled so I am already late. I will talk to you later though.” With that he left. Jonsa sighed and looked back at the freshman thoughtfully. The freshman looked at the college junior before him and tried to think of a good way to start the conversation he wanted to. Suddenly Jonsa did it for him. “I have seen you admiring me in gym class while we shower.” The freshman blinked in surprise then felt embarresed. “Yeah, I hope you aren’t mad at me for that.” Jonsa smiled “On the contrary, I sort of liked the idea of someone admiring my body.” The freshman smiled back. “I am sorry, I don’t recall your name.” The freshman smiled again “It is Kessana.” Jonsa smiled “Well, Kessana. Now that we are alone, and in the buff would you like to get to know me a little more?” Kessana smiled “Sure.” As he started to move closer to Jonsa he felt something beneath him and reached down to scratch it. Peter was scared as he felt the Bajirran lean to one side and saw a huge hand coming towards him. The fingers started to scratch the anus, but then the felt Peter and grabbed him. He was quickly pulled out of the water and to Kessanas’ surprised face. “What were you doing against my anus little human?” Peter stared in horror at the huge face of a Bajirran he had never met and was immediately afraid he would be eaten by him. Jonsa immediately stepped in before Kessana started to get any ideas. “That is my human, he was swimming around when you came in and sat on him.” Kessana nodded “I was wondering if he was yours. Can he join us in our fun?” Jonsa smiled “Sure, he already knows my body. But it can’t hurt for you to use him to help you explore my body. Start where ever you would like.” Kessana smiled and went over to Jonsa and submerged his head so he was facing Jonsas’ package, smiled then touched it for a few moments with one hand. After he went up for air he started to rub Peter on Jonsas’ manhood. Peter smiled as he felt himself start to get rubbed along Jonsas’ package once again and thought how nice it felt to be up against something so soft and fleshy. Kessana was a little surprised when he felt Jonsa reach down and start to rub his own package, but he closed his eyes and started to moan as he felt Jonsa touch him. Jonsas’ hand moved slowly around to Kessanas’ backside and gripped his buttock. “Would you like me to have my human explore your backside a bit more closely?” Kessana could only nod and hand over Peter as he turned around and showed his backside to Jonsa. Peter stared in horror as he was lowered to Kessanas’ exposed anus and realized he was about to be shoved in it. He started fighting for all he was worth to avoid that. Jonsa smiled at his little humans struggles and just moved him towards it faster. Peter stared as the anus took up his whole field of vision and he was slowly pressed against the strong muscle of Kessanas’ anus. He struggled as he felt himself slowly sliding into the anus, face first. It was an interesting trip for Peter, the anus felt like it was giving him a warm embrace and he could feel it flexing around him as he was inserted. After a few moments he was finally all the way inside Kessana. He sat up and looked around his surroundings. He realized that some property of the Bajirrans anatomy allowed him to see inside of them, or perhaps it was the small size of his eyeballs that allowed the small bit of light to allow him to see. Whatever the reason he could see in here, he saw that the walls of the rectum weren’t red, but more of a reddish blue. As he explored he realized there was air in here and it had a strange scent. As he looked around he saw the source of the scent. It was a large turd at the other end of the rectum, when Peter got a little closer he realized there were several bones in it, and most of them didn’t appear to be human bones. He shuddered and wondered if all of the owners of those bones had been swallowed whole as he felt the rectum shudder around him. Kessana smiled very broadly as he felt himself cum in Jonsas mouth. He smacked his lips at the salty aftertaste of Jonsas’ own cum. He could feel the human moving around in his bowels and it made him feel very excited, knowing that there was a small living creature moving around where many dead meals met the end of the line in his digestive tract. Suddenly he felt a cramping in his bowels, he smiled a bit at that but suppressed the feeling, not wanting to spoil the fun. After a few more minutes of playing around both Bajirrans sat back, panting from the effort and both sated, sexually. Kessana looked over at Jonsa. “I have to use the facilities, I will fish your little human out when I am done, ok?” Jonsa smiled, “Yes, that is ok. I will be waiting here for you.” Kessana smiled and walked out of the hot tub room and found an empty stall and sat down on the toilet and relaxed his bowels. Inside of Kessanas’ rectum Peter felt the walls start to contract and push him towards the anus, since he was much smaller he got there first. He looked back and saw that the turd was also coming along, though much more slowly. He was slowly pushed back out through the anus and was happy when he felt himself leave the rectum and fall through the air. When he impacted with the water in the toilet it was surprising how cold the water was. After he recovered a bit from the shock of the cold water he looked up and was greeted with the sight of Kessanas’ flexing anus. After a few seconds he saw the head of the turd start poking out of his anus. He could only stare in horror as it was slowly pushed out of Kessana. He heard grunting above him as it was pushed out. Finally it came free from his anus and feel to the water with a great splash right next to Peter. Kessana heard the splash beneath him and smiled. He tried to imagine what it must be like for the human to be beneath him as he pooped. He felt another turd leave his bowels and splash in the water below him. He smiled again as he felt more turds waiting their turn to be pushed out. After several minutes more Kessanas’ anus stopped flexing and he just sat there. Peter sighed a breath of relief. He had never seen so many turds at one time, the bowl was full of them and they all seemed to have little bones in them. Several had sunk to the bottom, but many were floating and Peter had grabbed onto one because he was tired from swimming to avoid the falling objects. After several minutes Kessana got up and looked into the bowl, after a few seconds he spotted Peter, smiled as he reached in and plucked him from the water. He set Peter down on the seat and told him not to slip as he turned around again and bent down as he grabbed some toiletpaper. Peter turned away as Kessana started to wipe himself. After a few seconds he felt Kessana grab him again and heard the toilet get flushed as the stall door opened and they walked back to the hot tub room. Jonsas smiled at them as they got back in the tub. After they had sat down Jonsa looked right at Peter, “Did you enjoy the show?” Peter nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Jonsa and Kessana laughed. When they had finished laughing Kessana looked at Jonsa “I know he is a human, but could you please not eat him until lunch at school tomorrow?” Jonsa smiled, “I was planning to eat him after dinner tonight, but I guess tomorrow would be ok.” Kessana smiled, “Thanks, I will see you tomorrow then.” He hands Peter back to him, then gets up and walks out of the room. Jonsa got up himself and walked back to his locker and got a courtesy towel and dried himself off before dressing again and putting Peter back in his underpants. Peter had a long ride back to Jonsas’ house in his underpants. There was still a lot of moisture in here from Jonsas’ dip and that just made his male scent even stronger than normal. After about an hour in the underpants Peter heard the door to the house open and close, they had finally gotten back. “I am back!” “Oh, good honey. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. I hope you are hungry!” “Oh, yes mom.” Peter felt Jonsa slap his belly “I am VERY hungry.” Jonsa laughed and started to walk to the kitchen. “Ah, my favorite! Pounded meat with live Wols!” Peter heard Jonsas’ mother laugh and reply “Oh, I know how much you love your Wols! I remember back when you first tried one and how your face lit up when you felt it struggling in your tummy!” Jonsa and his mother both laughed while Peter shivered slightly despite the extreme warmth his enviroment. “I think I will go change my shirt and wash up before dinner.” “Ok sweety, don’t take too long though! We start eating as soon as your father gets home.” Peter felt Jonsa start walking again and wondered what he had planned for him. After a couple minutes the top of the underpants opened and spilled in blinding light onto Peter. He felt himself get grabbed and hoisted out of the underpants and the next thing he knew he was looking Jonsa right in the face. Jonsa smiled at him before he said “During dinner I will put you in my shirt pocket so you can see and hear more. I wouldn’t advise moving around too much or trying to escape, or you may find yourself in a belly sooner than you expected and it may not even be mine!” Peter shuddered, he knew that he was going to end up in a belly. But he wanted it to be as long as possible before that happened, and somehow it seemed better if Jonsa was the one to do it. “I will be quite master.” Jonsa smiled “Good, I will try to slip some food in for you to eat while you watch me eat.” Jonsa then placed Peter in his shirt pocket and walked downstairs to dinner. Once dinner had started Peter realized just how good a view he had of Jonsa from the pocket. He watched as Jonsa would take cut up pieces of meat to his mouth, chew it up and gulp them down. Watching him eat the Wols’ was more disturbing. He would bring the Wols’ up to his face, smile at them then he would open his mouth and drop them in and swallow them. Throughout the whole process they would be making a horrible screeching sound and would squirm to an amazing degree. With some of the larger Wols he could actually watch their shapes squirm through his throat. Needless to say Peter was very happy when Dinner was finshed and Jonsa headed back to his room. When Jonsa got back to his room he reached into the his pocket and took out Peter and set him on his bedspread. Peter saw the door to his room was closed as Jonsa took off his shirt and pants and smiled down at Peter. After a couple seconds Jonsa went over to the tank where the other humans were kept and randomly grabbed one. He walked back over to his bed and grabbed Peter as he layed on his back. He looked at the human he grabbed out of the tank and smiled at him “You are going to join my dinner, you lucky human and this one here is going to watch you get eaten.” Jonsa laughed at the horrified expression on the humans face and opened his mouth wide, giving both Peter and the other human a very good view of it. The second human was tossed in and Peter watched in horror as he stumbled around Jonsas’ wet tongue for a couple seconds before the mouth closed and Peter heard Jonsa gulp. Then Jonsa opened his mouth again to show Peter how it was now empty. After a couple more seconds he lowered Peter to his belly “Listen to the Wols and your friend my little human.” Peter could do nothing but listen to the gurgling, screeches and the screams coming from Jonsas’ belly. After a couple minutes Jonsa took him away from his belly and got up and got the second to last human out of the tank. He went back to his bed and layed on his back again. He placed Peter in front of his sheath and placed the other human before his anus. “Second human, clean my ass while your friend up here pleases me. Be careful not to get sucked in when I cum though.” He looked at Peter and smiled “Well, get started.” Peter sighed and walked to the head of the sheath and started to rub it. After a couple moments he heard a sigh from behind him “Not good enough, I guess I will have to help you.” The next thing Peter knew he felt a finger behind push him face first into the sheath! He passed into the sheath very easily and found himself in a warm, slimy enviroment with very little light. He could barely make out Jonsa telling him to start squirming in here to make him hard, or he would stay in here until he suffocated! Peter shuddered, dying in a sheath was not very high on his list of desired deaths so he started squirming for all he was worth. After a few moments he noticed something creeping towards him, a few moments later he realized it was Jonsas’ cock! It started to push against him, starting to force him out of the sheath, bit by bit. Once Peter made it out of the sheath he sighed a breath of relief and watched as the cock finished coming out. “Start serving it human.” Peter sighed and went to the side of the huge cock and start to rub it as best he could. After a few minutes Peter heard Jonsa sigh in annoyance and felt himself get grabbed and pushed against the cock roughly. He started getting rubbed back and forth along it very forcefully, fortunately for him it was slimy and he didn’t get injured from it. He heard Jonsa start to breath heavily and the cock beneath him start to pulse. Suddenly he was taken from the side of the cock to its’ head! Peter stared at the piss slit before him for just a second before he was hit in the face with a powerful burst of cum. Jonsa continued to cum for several moments, completely covering Peter in it. Then he sighed and layed back, still breathing heavily. Peter watched as Jonsas’ cock slowly started drawing back into his sheath, after a few moments he was brought up to Jonsas face. “Oh, you are all covered in my spunk. I guess I better clean you off!” Peter watched as Jonsa opened his mouth and tossed Peter in. The mouth closed quickly, but Peter could still see because of some sort of light coming from the walls of the mouth. He started getting tossed around by Jonsas’ tongue, he could feel the cum coming off him from Jonsas’ saliva. Then Jonsa stopped and Peter saw he was facing Jonsas’ throat. He suddenly started to worry that Jonsa would swallow him now! He could tell that Jonsa was seriously considering it. Then more light suddenly streamed in and he was spitted back out into Jonsas’ hand. Jonsa looked down at him for a moment before speaking “You know human, you are very lucky that I promised Kessana that I would eat you tomorrow, or you would be on your way to my belly right now!” Peter shuddered at that thought. Suddenly he remembered the other human “Master, the other human.” Jonsa looked at him a second before he remembered himself. Peter watched as Jonsa reached down to his ass and started to feel around for him. He saw the look of confusion on his face. “Hmm, I can’t find him. You look for me and tell me if you can see him.” Peter was quickly dropped in front of Jonsas’ anus and he started to look around. After a couple moments he noticed something, and he shuddered. He saw a human hand sticking out of Jonsas’ anus, it was fumbling around as if looking for a way to pull itself out. “He is inside your ass master!” After a couple seconds he heard Jonsa laughed “Well, I told him to be careful not to get sucked in. I guess he decided not to listen to me! Well, I guess I better suck him in all the way so he can enjoy the short time he has down there.” Peter watched in horror as the anus flexed and slowly drew in the hand. He heard Jonsa laugh, then Jonsa told him to wait a second. After a few seconds Peter watched as the anus flexed again and for a hopeful moment he thought Jonsa was pushing the poor human back out! This hope was quickly dashed as Jonsa farted at him. He heard Jonsa laugh again “That was your friends last breath of air, now he can do nothing but suffocate in my turd factory and be shitted out tomorrow! Peter sobbed a bit before he was once again grabbed by Jonsa. He was brought up to his face and Jonsa looked at him a second before speaking “Don’t worry, you will be joining your friends in a while. But for now I think we should get some sleep. Tonight you will sleep in my underpants, but I will chose a more loose pair so you can move around to avoid getting squished as I toss in my sleep. He went over to his underwear drawer and looked around a bit before finally choosing one of his larger pairs. He placed Peter on his desk and slipped on his underpants, then he grabbed Peter and walked back over to the bed. He sat down and opened the front of his underpants and dropped Peter in as he layed on his back and turned off the light and started to drift off to sleep. It took a very long time for Peter to fall to sleep because Jonsa tossed and turned a lot in his sleep. When Jonsa stopped tossing around Peter was stuck in Jonsas’ ass, very close to his anus. He sighed when he realized that he was going to have to breathe the stench of Jonsas’ backside all night. Jonsa farted many times in Peters face before he went to sleep, fortunately for Peter he had many nice dreams on his last night alive. Peter was awaken early the next morning when Jonsa farted in his sleep. The horrible stench woke Peter up and he immediately gagged on the horrible smell. There was some light already out so he could barely see the anus that was right in front of him. He shuddered as he though of how he would be coming out of that ring of muscle in a different form in a couple days. The ring of muscle flexed and Jonsa farted right on Peter once again. Peter coughed and started to struggle to get away from the ring of muscle. The next thing he knew he was nosing the disgusting ring of muscle. After a couple seconds he realized that Jonsa must be sitting up and forgotten abut him. He immediately started to squirm, trying to get away from Jonsas’ anus. The anus flexed and farted yet again and a couple seconds later, Peter felt Jonsas’ weight shift and himself get grabbed, for once he was glad to be grabbed by Jonsa. Jonsa brought him up to face level and smiled at him. “Well my human, today is the big day! Since this is your last day alive I will let you have some say in what happens to you before I eat you.” Peter nodded gratefully at Jonsa. Jonsa smiled again “I am going to take a shower now, do you want to go in with me or watch from the counter?” Peter looked at him “I think I will just watch this time master.” Jonsa nodded and headed to the bathroom. He closed the door, set Peter on the counter and took off his underpants. He turned to Peter “Take a good look human, this may be the last time you see my package in the full light of day.” Peter couldn’t help but take in every detail of Jonsas’ package, from his plump sheath to his plump, sagging ballsac which swung pendously with every movement that Jonsa made. Jonsa smiled at him again then stepped into the shower while Peter watched Mesmirized and proceeded to bathe himself, taking every chance to show his package to Peter again. When Jonsa had finished showering and drying himself off he moved so his package was right in front of Peter and he couldn’t help but look at it. “Where would you like to spend the day my little human?” Peter stared at the package a few minutes then answered “In your shorts my lord.” Jonsa smiled “Ok, and since this is your last day I will wear my boxers, so you can move around a bit more and feel me swing back and forth as I walk.” Jonsa smiled “Thank you master!” Jonsa smiled again, grabbed Peter and walked back into his room, placing Peter on his dresser while he rummaged through looking for his boxers. When he finally found them he put them on and smiled down at Peter. "Have fun in my shorts today human, and be careful not to let go or slip off, or you may fall out of my shorts and pants and someone else may find you and eat you!" Peter shuddered, not sure if it would be better to fall out and try to get away and risk being eaten and tortured again, or staying in the shorts and certainly be eaten. Jonsa reached down and grabbed Peter. He held him over his boxers as he held it open. Peter could only look down for a couple seconds before he was dropped in. He immediately grabbed hold of Jonsas' plump sheath head and hoisted himself atop of it. There was some light in here so Peter could see everything fairly well. When Jonsa had finished dressing and started walking down stairs for breakfast Peter was surprised by the freedom of motion he had in here. As he watched Jonsas' limp ballsac swung back and forth freely and his sheath also swung, though not nearly as much. Jonsa ate a quick breakfast, not even bothering to pay attention to what it was and walked quickly to school and his first class. When Jonsa sat down at his first class Peter watched in fascination as his ballsac was pushed upwards towards him and was right beneath him, and since there was less air space in here now it got warmer and Jonsas' male scent grew stronger. After Jonsas' first class Peter was very sweaty and hot and was very glad when there was more airflow in the boxers to cool him down. Jonsas' class had lasted about an hour and a half so it had gotten very hot in the boxers because the act of sitting cut off the airflow. When Jonsa reached his second hour class Peter was starting to feel sleepy from the heat down in the boxers and he slowly drifted off to sleep. He was awoken when a burst of light came into the boxers and he felt himself get grabbed by Jonsa. Jonsa was in the mens room at the moment, and it was empty except for Kessana, who was looking at Peter with excitement in his eyes. "It's finally time, I am so excited!" Jonsa also smiled "I am planning to eat some of the school pizza before I eat him you know, I want to give him as much time to enjoy my belly before he becomes part of me forever!" Kessana nodded "I know, I know! But it is still very exciting!" Jonsa smiled again and looked at Peter "I am going to put you in my pocket while I eat the pizza, that way you don't escape and the other people don't have to watch me reach into my shorts to pull you out." Peter sighed, it was finally time to be Jonsas' meal, and he expected to feel fear. Instead he felt detachment. He shook his head and barely noticed when Jonsa stuck him in his pocket and headed back to the lunchroom. For Peter it seemed that it didn't take very long for Jonsa to eat his pizza. All too soon he felt Jonsa reach in and grab Peter for the last time and pull him out. Peter looked into Jonsas' excited eyes and started feeling a bit frightened, it was actually going to happen, he wasn't going to be kept as a sex toy for this horrible creature. "Eat him!" Kessana said loudly. Jonsa smiled at Peter "Thank you for making me happy for the last few days, and now I thank you for nourishing the body you have pleasured." With that Jonsa opened his mouth and Peter saw some bits of Pizza on Jonsas' tongue and between his teeth, and his dark throat, which was greedily waiting for him. Jonsa tossed Peter in and quickly closed his mouth so Peter had no chance to try to escape, he could see somewhat in here because of the fact that it seemed that Bajirran internal anatomy had a luminescent quality to it, not exactly a good thing from Peters' perspective. Jonsa started to roll Peter around in his mouth to get as much of his taste as possible. Peter could definitely smell the pizza that had been in here shortly before him. After a few moments of being swished around in Jonsas' slimy mouth Peter felt Jonsas' tongue start to tilt up and push him towards the dark opening before him, the opening that led to his doom. It took just a few seconds for Peter to slid down the large, slimy tube to Jonsas' stomach, when he arrived the first thing he noticed was the smell of Pizza and acid. He landed on top of the chewed up Pizza that Jonsa had just eaten and when he tried to stand up he sank up to his knees in the soft, warm goop. He ran over to Jonsas' stomach wall and started pounding and screaming to be let out. After a couple seconds some cold, sweet smelling liquid poured into the stomach. It is probably the Bajirran version of soda thought Peter. Then far above him he heard a belch and felt a rush of air as it left the stomach. He heard a thud and realized that Jonsa was probably patting his belly in contentment. He started to feel a slight tingle on his feet and realized that it must be Jonsas' acids starting to work on him and the Pizza. After half an hour his feet and legs felt like they were on fire, but the skin hadn't been dissolved completely away yet, the pizza and the soda diluted the Pizza enough so that it didn't end his life quickly, but not enough to stop the horrible pain. The pain drove Peter to start pounding on the stomach walls even harder. Jonsa smiled, he could feel his lucky human struggling inside his belly and he hoped that the feeling would continue for a very long time. After an hour and a half in Jonsas' belly Peters' legs had been long since dissolved and he was forced to lay on the dissolving pizza. The pain was even worse now because there was less pizza in the stomach to take the brunt of the acids. He screamed uncontrollably and continued to look around inside the stomach for someplace to keep himself safe from the acids, but he knew it was pointless because he had already examined the contours of the stomach several times and found no place where he could be safe. Peter desperately hoped for death to free him from this painful prison and to give him peace. Jonsa smiled as he walked home after school, he could still feel his human inside of him, though the struggles were getting weaker as he was slowly becoming a formless goop. He only hoped the human would live a while longer for him, he patted his stomach again and smiled as he thought of how honored the human must feel to be his food. A little more than 2 hours had passed since Peter had been swallowed, he had gone unconscious a few moments ago, and now his heart has stopped beating. His end wasn't as painful because his nerve endings were no longer existent so he could feel nothing. Now his body was quickly and efficiently turned into a goop that was passed into Jonsas' intestines to be absorbed, and what wouldn't be absorbed would be excreted a couple days later. Jonsa burped, then he smiled as he realized his humans' life must have just ended. He sighed as he remembered all the pleasure the little human brought him. Yes, indeed this had been a fitting end for him thought Jonsa. He thought of how tomorrow his humans' remains would be coming out of him. He wondered if he would be able to spot his bones or not. Then he shrugged, smiled while patting his belly once again and then pushed Peter out of his head as he headed down for dinner. |