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Rated: E · Article · Fantasy · #560617
Ana and Damien meet once again, but who will win this time?
Damien’s Demise!

Part 1:An Unexpected Visitor

         “Lilly, is that you?” Queen Anastasia called from the top of the stairs. She ran down them as she heard a familiar voice answering her.
         “Oh, you’re home, finally, it’s been lonely without you,” Ana broke off into silence as her sister beamed at her.
         A dazzling brunette stood in the lounge room. She had light brown eyes and was wearing a long purple traveling cloak. She looked 15 but was only 13 years of age. She undid her traveling cloak and it fell to the ground, then she ran to her sister to give her a hug.
         The next day the rumours around Fiery Waters were that Princess Tiger-Lilly has returned from school. That’s not all, many hoped to see her today as she and Ana were planning to go for a ride around the land.
         After a morning breakfast Ana walked outside with Lilly beside her. They both took a deep breath and let out shrill whistles. In the distance, they could now hear the pounding of hooves. A few minutes later, two unicorns galloped up to the pair of girls. The one on the left belonged to Ana. Her name was Evening Star. Her coat was sparkling white, her hooves glistened silver, her mane and tail were white and braided with gold and silver ribbons and her horn was entwined with a natural silver white coulour. The unicorns dazzling sky blue eyes moved up to Ana’s.
         The unicorn on the right was still a bright white colouring but the mane, tail and horn were entwined with blue and gold. She too had sky blue eyes, and her name was Twilight and she belonged to Lilly.
         The girls mounted swiftly and began to canter towards Tristania Falls. As they rode they talked and laughed until they reached the Falls, where Ana had had organized a snack for them.
         The two dismounted and started serving the snack by the edge of the pool by the falls. In front of them they could see Ferntree Forest and far off in the distance they could see Mythicala Mountain. The pale blue sky reflected upon the clear blue lake, which opened to the towering waterfall.
         Suddenly Star’s head shot up quickly. Ana looked at her unicorn and stood up quietly.
         “Show yourself!” she commanded.
A young man stepped out from behind a large rock. He smiled maliciously.
         “Ah, My Dear Tiger-Lilly,” the young man said.
         “D…D…Damien!” exclaimed Lilly.
         “You’re back from school, I see.” He answered.
         “Damien, what are you doing here?” Ana asked severely. “You’re meant to stay out of Fiery Waters, I banished you!”
         “Ah, yes, Your Majesty, you banished me two months ago from this infernal realm. But more to why I’m here, my dear Lilly,” here Damien looked longfully into Lilly’s eyes, then turned back to Ana and continued. “I am here for you. You see Ana, if you don’t promise your sister to me than I shall expose Fiery Waters to the mortal realm, muahahaha!” Damien laughed his evil laugh for it was true. Many months ago when King Pilatus and Queen Anastaris had been alive, Damien had fallen in love with Lilly. He was actually betrothed to her. Unfortunately for Damien, when Ana become Queen it was one of the first things she stopped, stating that Lilly should be able to choose whom she wished to marry herself. Damien was furious. He battled Ana and she came off second best, as he was much stronger than she. From that moment on Ana had trained everyday, in every condition so she would be strong enough to protect her beloved realm.
         Ana obviously remembering this, spoke fiercefully, “Damien, I, Queen Anastasia of Fiery Waters, command you to leave at once. Your threats are plain unbelievable and if you will not leave than I challenge you to a battle.”
         “A battle? Me? Hahaha! Don’t you remember what happened last time we met Ana? But if you insist, I shall also add that if you loose, Lilly shall come with me, forever!”
         Lilly looked over at Ana with a look of sheer terror on her face. “Ana, please don’t!” She stuttered fearfully.
         “Don’t worry Lilly, I wont let him take you!” She said in an undertone to her sister. Then she turned to Damien. “Tomorrow, midday, Miracle Valley, now be gone you dreaded boy!”
         “As you wish,” he said, sneering, and with a wave of his hand, disappeared.

* * * * *

Part 2: The Battle Begins

         As a new sun dawned the next morning, spreading light to every corner of Fiery Waters, Ana, along with her sister were preparing for the upcoming battle.
         Ana was changing Stars’ ribbons to red and gold, and Lilly was choosing Ana’s battle costume.
         “How about this?” Lilly said to Ana. She was holding up a pair of black pants and a crimson red singlet top.
         “Yes Lilly that’s fine!” Ana replied, while fitting Stars’ battle blanket around her unicorns stomach. The blanket, all red with a thin gold strip around the edges, had a small gold ‘FW’ in the centre. This represented Fiery Waters.
         “Great,” continued Lilly, “Now Ana, you need to change!”
         Ana waved her hand and she was instantly wearing the battle costume chosen by Lilly. “Happy?” Ana asked sarcastically.
         “No, you need something else,” Lilly waved her hand and her sisters long red hair was braided and entwined with golden ribbon. “There, now you match!” Lilly exclaimed happily.
         “Great, thanks!” Ana answered laughing. “Lilly, we have to go now, its 11.30am, we will be late!”
         “Ok, Twilight!” Twilight bounded up to Lilly instantly. The two girls mounted swiftly and sped off towards Miracle Valley.
When the group reached the Valley they saw that Damien wasn’t there yet. Ana summoned her weapon belt to her hand and began to fasten it around her waist.
Suddenly a dazzling silvery white, and purple unicorn appeared, with Damien on its back.
         “Dusk!” Ana and Lilly stammered. Dusk was Ana and Lilly’s deceased fathers horse! Damien must have stolen it when he left Fiery Waters.
         “Well Ana, are you ready to loose?” Damien called as he dismounted the stunning unicorn.
         “Yes!” She answered. *Dusk, run now, you are still welcome in Fiery Waters* Ana said telepathically to Dusk. The unicorn looked at Ana, than dashed off to Tristania Falls to join the rest of the herd. Damien stared after Dusk stunned for a moment or two. Then moved on to more important matters.
         Ana dismounted lightly and moved away from Star, Lilly and Twilight, Damien followed her. They stopped and turned to face each other.
Ana’s sword glinted fiercely at Damien. She held it high above her head.
         “Elementra fierta răor!” Ana screamed, as she did so, a tunnel of fire surrounded Damien, burning him to a crisp. “Need some cooling off Damien?” Ana called, giggling. “Elementra Wateria Flõw!” As the fire had done, water this time flowed swiftly out of Ana’s hand at her command. Damien, gasping for breath, just had time to yell, “Eletăra litnia”, and a bolt of electricity connected with Ana’s wet hands and she fell to the ground severely burnt. “I can’t hold him off much longer,” she thought to herself, “What should I do, I can’t use another element, I could charge with my sword but no…um…help me Star!”
         *Ana, try that bubble charm you just learnt, it could just work! * Star’s voice echoed back to Ana.
         *Do you really think so? * She replied hesitantly.
         *We wont know unless you try! Go on! * Star replied.
          “Ok” said Ana softly to herself. She raised one hand above her head and the other she held in front of her. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Slowly her body began to glow a magical light blue. “Bubbla magicala absora!” she called into the rapidly darkening sky.
         A bubble formed in between her hands and it shot towards Damien, gradually increasing speed. Damien was surrounded in a bright gold light coming from the bubble. Then out of nowhere, the bubble opened and sucked up Damien.
         “Lilly! Help!” Damien shrieked from inside the bubble. He was lifted off the ground and floated to Ana.
         “Damien, I, Queen Anastasia, banish you for all eternity. You are never to return. Oh, and I wouldn’t try to magic yourself out because the bubble absorbed your powers. You shall be forever stuck in a bubble, for you shall never see the error in your ways.”
         “I will, forgive me!” He continued to shriek.
         “You must be sincere or you shall be trapped! Now be gone!” She commanded and Damien disappeared, still in his bubble.
         Ana laughed back to Lilly and the unicorns.
         “Ana, you won, Yay!” Lilly shouted as she ran towards her joyful sister.
         “Yes, but lets go and celebrate in the Dining Hall, come on!” She said as she mounted Star and galloped off towards Quiet Storm Castle.

* * * * *

Part 3: A New Beginning

         Lilly’s bags were packed, and her teleportation device was set. Her sister hugged her as they said as emotional goodbye. Ana helped Lilly put her bags through the portal.
         “Ana, keep training, and don’t worry, when I return you shall be much stronger! I must go; goodluck, and I’ll see you soon. Goodbye!”
         “Same to you Lilly, goodbye and goodluck!” She called as her sister vanished through the portal.
         “Well I guess things are back to normal,” she said softly to Bellsy the house-elf, “Or as normal as Fiery Waters ever is!”

* * * * *

To Be Continued…

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