Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/557774-Hopeless-Journey
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #557774
Hidden path provides escape.
Aaron was a foster-child who had seen many homes. Early on, he had decided that he was a puzzle-piece in the wrong puzzle. The truth about the many foster-parents he’d had was that they were in it just for the money…compassion and caring were just lip service. Love was non-existent and had he not read about it in a book, he wouldn’t have understood what the word meant.

Having just turned thirteen, he’d learned early to look out for himself. He was a good lad at heart, but being such an outsider left him longing for the love he’d read about. So when he’d left early that morning to explore the nearby woods, he wasn’t particularly missed at breakfast time.

Aaron followed a trail that led off of the main road deep into the woods. The trees here were very old and towered majestically above him. A sweet fragrance drifted through the air from lovely flowers that dotted the landscape here and there. The rustle of the wind in the trees played a soft melody. I could be happy here thought Aaron.

A small grove of fruit trees had supplied a delicious repast when he became hungry and a nearby stream had quenched his thirst. Feeling no reason to turn back, Aaron journeyed throughout the day arriving at a range of low-lying hills. The trail had narrowed at this point and Aaron had to stop to rest before going further. The grass was lush beside the trail so Aaron made a soft bed near a great oak tree and slept.

He hadn’t realized he was so weary from his travels and was surprised when the lilting song of a redbird beamed forth from the great oak stirring him awake. Aaron sat up and rubbed his eyes. He stretched and yawned. It was a beautiful morning and the sun was shining brightly.

Striking out upon the trail again, he soon reached the hills and found that the trail abruptly ended at the base of a 100 foot cliff. He walked along the hill stepping over brush and rocks for several minutes but found no sign of another trail or a passage through the hills. Retracing his footsteps, Aaron reached the trail again and searched the other side hoping to continue his journey but instead came to a rushing stream that was too deep to cross. He sat on a boulder by the stream and watched the cascading blue water.

It was mesmerizing to watch the bubbles racing through the swift churning river. Aaron let his mind wander. His memories of the sadness he had experienced all his life crowded in on him. The weight of the heavy burden made him hang his head down. Tears began to blur his vision as his eyes filled. To what end should he continue his life, he thought. Perhaps the river was meant to be his final resting place.

From the corner of his eye, Aaron caught a slight movement in the stream originating at the point where it rounded the base of the hills. Someone was rowing a small boat and as he watched, it came nearer. After a few minutes, Aaron realized the boat was traveling to where he stood. Blurry at first, the image of a small man could be seen rowing the boat expertly through the rushing water. As he closed on Aaron, the lad took off his cap and waved.

“Hello lad!!”, called the rower. Aaron greeted the man and helped to pull the boat to shore with a rope the man tossed to him. As the man climbed from the boat, Aaron realized that the man was actually some sort of gnome. Although short of stature, the man had a barrel chest and strong thick arms. “How’re you doing laddie”, inquired the short man. “Fine sir”, returned Aaron. The man took out a aged pipe and soon had a small fire smoldering in the bowl.

“So what brings you here son?…are you doing a little fishing?” “No, I’ve only traveled to this place, sir”, replied Aaron. The little man smiled and sat down on the boulder Aaron had so recently occupied. “Well…I come up here every now and then to gather apples from the woods here. Apples don’t grow in my village but the children are very fond of them. It’s one of the few really good things from this world of yours.”

“World of mine?”, replied Aaron…”what world?” The man looked up at Aaron and studied his face a moment. He lowered his gaze and softly shook his head. “I forget sometimes that the people from this place don’t know about our world.” He tapped his pipe on the boulder. Aaron thought about that a minute and thinking the man was making a joke, he laughed.

“Good to see you laugh lad…but what’s the reason for you mirth…I’d like to have a good laugh myself!” Aaron looked carefully at the man and realized he wasn’t joking. “Well, sir…what you said about your world…I mean, my world…I mean…what were you talking about?” “Ha! I see now…and that’s a good point lad…let me explain.” So Aaron learned that the man’s name was Blue and that the watery passage through the hills led not to the other side but down and under them to another world!

Aaron told his own tale to the kindly man of how his life had been without worth…without love. The old man wisely listened and made no comment until the tale ended. “So if you’d have your way…you’d really like to leave all this behind would you?”, questioned the gnome. “Yes, sir…I’ve never known real happiness here and would welcome a new start somewhere else.” The old man thought deeply as he refilled his pipe and pondered the lad’s situation.

“Aaron, you seem like a fine lad to me. It hasn’t been done before, but I’ve taken a liking to you and would be pleased if you’d accompany me back to my world. I think you’d like it there.” Surprised by the little man’s offer, Aaron felt a glimmer of excitement pass up his spine. The little man told Aaron more about his home in the other world…how there were mountains and seas and people there who treated everyone like family…real family.

Gathering up several bushels of apples from the nearby trees, Aaron helped his new found friend load them into the rowboat. When the task was finished, the pair pushed off from the shore and let the boat just drift back through the place Blue had come from. Being so swift, the water soon passed into a large cave that could not be seen from the world they were leaving. It was a little dark passing into the cave but Aaron soon realized that the rock inside the cave gave off a pleasant glow, lighting their way.

After about an hour, Aaron and Blue emerged from the cave into what truly appeared to be another world. The beauty of it surpassed anything Aaron had ever experienced. He was full of questions about this and that as they drifted toward Blue’s village. Several children and a few smiling adults greeted them as they docked. “Everyone…this is Aaron. Aaron, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the people of my fair village.” The crowd gathered round Aaron and all shook hands with him. He received more than a few hugs and pats on the back.

And so…as a most merciful God looked down on the village, he smiled benevolently knowing that Aaron was in a home where love, goodness, and happiness reigned. Blue would adopt Aaron as his own son and his world would remain Aaron’s world as long as they lived. Aaron was truly home at last…

Dwane Barr

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