Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/547447-Silo-Chapter-Two
by Silo
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #547447
The second chapter of Silo's story of her transformation
Chapter Two

         The war lasted well over six years, leaving the young child Silo to grow up in her father's mansion with out him. Except for those few rare occasions where he would return with the troops to rest. Her brother was the same way, they always came alone, and one of them always remained on the battlefield. Now, six years later, she was nearing her sixteenth year of life. She had grown; her black hair was straight and her ruby red eyes as bright as ever.
         The day was bright and clear, not so humid as it usually was as she walked along with Cernd. She listened quietly as he spoke of the war raging on and how the troops were holding. "And Father?" she asked after awhile.
         Cernd grinned, "As stubborn as always. He's fine Silo, and he'll be here for your birthday, don't worry."
         She smiled, though she wasn't sure if she could trust the last part. She shrugged the thought off as they stopped in front of a gate. Cernd spoke quickly to the man behind the gate before they opened and he led his sister through. "Let's see what you can do with a sword now," he said quietly, unsheathing his own as they found an empty place far to the back.
         She grinned, unsheathing her own, "Fine with me." The black blade glistened in the sun, the blood red stripe down the center on both sides and died the tip the same color. She adjusted the grip on the hilt and waited for her brother to take the first strike, which he eventually did. She blocked easily and kept the two blades pressed together before sliding her sword away quickly and thrusted at him.
         Of course, being one that had trained with her so many times, knew this trick and quickly jumped to the side, avoiding the sharp blade. Showers after showers of sparks occurred as their blades met in air, striking one another and letting the bits of fire rain on the ground below them.
         Neither was worn by the time an hour occurred, fighting on. It took several hours before their aching muscles slowed them down. Cernd's blade met his sisters, sending the biggest shower of glitter yet, knocking the sword out of her hand. He watched her as she rubbed her wrist, looking at him, knowing she would've been dead if it was an enemy. With a flick of his wrist, he thrusted at her, testing her further more.
         Surprised and almost caught of guard, she gained a wound to her side as she did a back flip, picking up her sword as it landed under her hand. She landed on her feet and blocked another attack from his sword. "My dear sister, we may be blood related, but do not think I will go easy on you this time!" he yelled over the clashes of swords and attacked again.
         Pushing the feeling of shock away, she continued to block. "Then, in no way, will I slow until this is over." She gained another wound to her side before striking back. Another long battle was quickly started, more intense than the last one and lasting twice as long. More injuries were gained in that longer battle and a new understanding between the two siblings.
         Though the worn out Silo had lost, her high-held head remained as it always did and her confidence did not dwindle from its high levels. Her stubbornness remained as well, and Cernd quickly discovered this as he tried to repair the damage he had done to her. He gave up rather quickly, knowing that once she had decided something that it would not change her decision. Though Silo wasn't very forgiving about much, she quickly forgave her brother as they walked down the streets joking around.
         Cernd stopped laughing as they approached their father's mansion, looking to the figure that stood in front of the building, sitting on the railings of the porch. The sun had set not to long ago and it was quite odd for such a darkly cloaked figure to be standing in front of a house after the sun had set. Especially when it was the General of the North Kingdom's Army's house. He fingered the hilt of his sword silently, glancing at his young sister and then back to the darkly coated figure, "How can I help you, stranger?"
         The hood stayed over the man's face as he nodded, "I was sent as here to replace the Army's night guard. I take it you are Commander Cernd?"
         Silo eyed the man carefully, something about him was uncanny, deadly, and making her skin crawl. She shuddered though neither of the two men noticed; then hid her expressions quickly. Cernd glanced at her in silence and back to the man, "Yes... I am."
         The figure seemed to smile and nodded, "I am honored to meet you, Commander. I am Reiko Kiniku."
         Silo nodded silently, stepping forward, "We welcome you Reiko, please, come in." She kept her voice warm and fear free, leading her brother and this new night Guard to the door, opening it.
         Reiko brushed back his hood as he stepped into the dimly lit entryway. His hair was long and a pale golden blonde, brought back loosely. His eyes were an eerie green, his skin a pale cream ghostly color. He turned towards her with fluid motions and bowed.
         She stepped back, even surprised by the bow. He smiled, seeing her startled look and took her hand, kissing it softly. She smiled slightly and nodded lowly before taking a step back and walking past him. "Take whatever room you would like, Reiko Kiniku."
         He nodded, wandering down a hall, choosing a random room. Cernd watched him for a moment, then glanced at where his sister had gone. "I'll be keeping an eye on both..." he muttered before leaving for his own room.
* * *
         "Mortals... such foolish creatures," Reiko muttered as he removed his sharp, vampric fangs from one of the maid's necks. He lifted the dead body and carried it to the only window in the room he had picked. After disposing of the body he returned to his bed, looking around the dark room.
         Growing bored and still craving blood, he stood and moved towards the window again. He looked down at the courtyard below and then at the rest of the great building. Stepping out, he took a small leap and became air born. "Gravity, who said it did any good?" he mused. Chuckling quietly, he alighted on a gargoyle, taking a full view of the place he had so often visited.
         His moves were smooth and silent as he traveled across the roof, stopping on another gargoyle and peered down through the open curtains at the young girl. A smirk appeared on his face as he watched her slip under the covers of her bed. "Soon Silo... You shall be come my child of the night."
         With a quiet chuckle he lifted off and disappeared into the night sky, off for a night of hunting.
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