Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/546344-Learning-the-Lifestyle-Part-1
Rated: XGC · Novel · Adult · #546344
Silky's heart was broken, Michael wanted to be the answer to healing it.
Silky had been engaged when she first met Michael. He was the program director of the college radio station where she went to school and worked everyday from two to six every afternoon. In essence, he was her boss. She had a normal working relationship with him and all the others who worked and went to school there. She kept to herself mostly and lived off campus. She never dreamed that her world was soon to change.

It started all very innocent enough. Michael had just bought a new truck and like all new cars, it was in the shop. He had asked all of the other students if any of them lived out near the New Line RV and Trailer Park, but everyone else lived on campus or in the other direction. The only one who lived even remotely close to where Michael lived was Silky. So he had asked if she would give him a ride for the next few days and she, not wanting to offend “The Boss” said she’d be delighted. Thus it began.

“You don’t mind stopping by the grocery store first, do you?” Silky had asked Michael, “I need to do my shopping for the week.”

“Not if you stop by the hardware store too,” came the reply.

“Alright, let’s go shopping.” Silky laughed.

They had done their shopping and Silky had dropped him off at his home, with the promise to pick him up the next morning at ten. They both had classes that started at 11:00 on Tuesdays. Silky had got home and was unpacking her purchases, when the phone rang. Answering it, Silky found to her delight that it was Reed, her fiancé. He had enlisted in the military after high school and had finished boot camp two weeks before Silky had started college. Soon he was going to Germany to do his tour, for now he was in California. They talked for a while and Silky sensed something was amiss. Finally Reed came out with it.

“Silky, we need to talk. I am thinking of making the military a career. Staying in for twenty or so years. I really like it,” came the crushing blow from Reed.

In a choked voice she replied, “What does this mean for us?”

She heard him sigh and knew what it meant before he even told her, she knew that all her high school friends were right. High school romances didn’t last.

“Well, Silky, for now any way, let’s see other people. Let's end our engagement and just be friends. I don’t know what the future holds and I want you to get your degree and do what you want with your life. You could not have that as a military wife. We’d move around too much. Keep the ring and stay in the apartment. I paid for it for the two full years. I’m sorry that I’ve broke your heart, Silky, but better now then after I’ve ruined your future too,” came the answer she was dreading.

“Okay, then, good-bye,” she replied hastily, not trusting her voice to say much more. She hung up, but not before she heard him say, “Ahhh, Silky, don’t be that way.
Don’t be what way she wondered. Was there a way you were supposed to act when the first love you ever had threw you away? Were you supposed to be nice and cordial when the man you were supposed to marry broke your heart for a job? Silky was not sure, but she knew that she didn’t care how she was supposed to act; all she cared about was how she felt and how she wanted to act. Well, she thought, to hell, with Reed and his opinion. He broke up with her.

The next day, on the way to school, after picking up Michael, he noticed she was not the same person he had seen yesterday. He had wondered about her all year, since she walked in to the campus radio station. She already had airtime experience from a high school and summer job. She was very pretty and not at all vain about it. She dressed sexy, but didn’t seem to notice that she was or that other men had even noticed her state of dress. She was smart, had a good radio voice and handled her show better then most second years, and she wore an engagement ring. Michael wondered if it was real or did she just use it to keep the men at bay. He wanted to find out and now with her driving him home, he had the perfect opportunity to find out.

“So tell me, who’s the lucky guy?” Michael asked on the way home that night pointing to the ring.

She looked at the ring and then him like he had asked her to cut off her hand and then a single tear ran down her face. “No one anymore,” she choked out, “he dumped me.”

“Really, may I ask why?”

“I’m not sure, but he said it was because he wanted to make a career out of the military and that he didn’t want me to sacrifice my dreams for his. Whatever that means,” she shot out. Then mumbled something to her self.

Seeing a possible opening Michael smoothly answered, “Well, usually that means that the man wants out of the relationship and/or wants something different out of life and that the women is holding the man back and the best way to break it off with the woman is to say that his dreams would make her lose or ruin hers and the man would never, could never do that to the woman. Easy out for the man, makes him look good if he ever decides he wants you back.”

“What,” came a spitting response? “Are you serious, men do that? Why?”

“We do things like that and worse, because plain and simply, we are dogs,” another smooth answer from Michael. “We never stop to think outside of our jeans.”

She laughed so hard at this and the when she finally could breath, she replied, “That is so true, and to think, I gave myself to him. What a fool I was.”

So, she wasn’t a virgin. Good all the more easily for what Michael had in mind, now to figure out how to seduce her broken heart into his arms. Michael loved a challenge. He also loved black haired women with porcelain white skin. Silky had both and to top it off a set of eyes so green, they would make an emerald jealous. She was, as he said, pretty and not vain about it, smart, sexy, sweet tempered and on the rebound. To put is simply, she was all he dreamed for in a woman except the rebound part, and hell, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Time to figure out how to make her, his.

He let her talk and pour her heart out all the way home and for about 20 minutes in his driveway and even asked her in for a cup of coffee. At first she said no, but gave in the second time he asked as he got out of the car. She talked about her ex-fiancé and how it was with him and about were they had came from and what her father was going to say when he found out. She cried part of the time and seemed to determine to move on with her life the rest of the time.

As he unlocked the door she asked, “Do you have something other that coffee?”

Wondering if she meant to get drunk, he questioned, “Like booze?”

Her eyes got wide and she laughed, “I probably should get drunk, but no, I have classes tomorrow and still have to drive home. I meant like tea or juice. I don’t drink coffee, I hate the way it tastes.”

Deciding whether he was disappointed or relieved, he said, “Of course, I have juice. If you wanted to get drunk though, I would put you up for the night or drive you home. I would never let you drive drunk.”

She laughed again, this time a little harder, “Trying to get me drunk won’t help the heartache, I’ll just remember in the morning.”

How innocent she was and at the same time from the things she had said about her relationship with Reed, he knew she was experienced too. Michael wondered what it would take to get to her heart and body. He was only too willing to find out. He fixed her a glass full of ice and gave her a bottle of juice and started his coffee to perk. She was looking around his living area and kitchen, smiling at this and that. She mumbled something to herself that sounded like approval. He liked that thought. He wanted her to like his home. He wanted he to like everything about him.

“May I ask, why do you live off campus, Michael,” she suddenly asked of him.

He was studying her and was a little caught off guard, when she spoke, but recovered and replied, “If I tell you, will you tell me why you don’t live on campus either?”

Smiling she said, “My reason is no secret, Reed rented an apartment for me so that he could come stay with me when he visited and since you can’t have over night guests in the dorms and a hotel room would be an extra expense on top of the dorm, we decided to just rent an apartment away from campus. This way, we don’t have to live by their rules. What’s your reason?”

With a devilish grin he came back with, “I’m the local serial killer and this way, I’m not easily caught.” Then at her shocked look, he added, “No I’m kidding, I just didn’t want to live by their rules either, I like my own space and would have hated to share a room with someone. I like to be able to have my own place to cook too. I have other reasons, but don’t want to shock you.”

Pleading she asked, “Tell me please.”

“Maybe, in time, if you’re really good. So how about dinner, my treat?”

She thought on this and replied, “Not tonight, I have something in the crock pot. Can I take a rain check?”

Strike out! He didn’t let the disappointment show though, and answered her nonchalantly, “Sure, how about Thursday or Friday? I’ll make your favorite and desert.” Come on sweet angel, he thought, say yes. Let me have you, let me make you mine.

Thinking on this and wondering if she should date just after breaking up with Reed. Didn’t people wait after a breakup, to date? Should she? Why not? Reed, couldn’t know or care and so far only Reed and herself and now Michael knew the she was dumped, and only Michael and her would know that she went out this soon. Besides it was dinner, not really a date anyway. Answering him, slowly, “Okay, but how do you know my favorite or are you going to guess?”

“Well, I could guess, but since I am really partial to spaghetti with meatballs, I’m going to say that is your favorite and hope I’m right and for desert, I just know women can’t resist cherry cheesecake.”

Laughing again she replied, “Actually, that is one of my favorites, and if your cheesecake is really good, I’ll become your love slave.”

His heart hit his throat and his pulse hammered, was he that easy to read, could she know his thoughts? No, she couldn’t, not with all her innocence. Deciding to turn on the charm, he answered her challenge, “Well, beautiful, bring your favorite collar and wear something revealing and sexy, because it tastes like heaven.”

He watched her face trying to judge her reaction to this, and he wasn’t sure if she was going to bolt or laugh. Had he pressed to far to fast? It was partly her fault; she made that comment about being his love slave, which hit to close to home. She made his hormones race when she said it and the way it was said, like she meant it. He could see her now, half clothed and collared. Begging at his feet. What a site she would be. He shook this thought from his head, not so fast he told himself, take it easy and wait.

“Okay, well, shall we say tomorrow night,” her voice sounding half flirty and half nervous, “Or will Friday, be better?”

He grabbed her hand, made a bow, kissed her hand and replied, “Tomorrow it is, my lady. You bring the bread and I’ll supply the rest.”

She saw her moment to leave and with a flirty smile said, “It’s a date,” and out the door she went.

On the way home, she wondered if he was flirting with her. She also thought about whether she wanted him to flirt with her. She felt funny after just breaking up with Reed, but decided that she was the one dumped, so why not. Besides, what if Michael wasn’t flirting, what if he was always that way with women. Michael was a very good-looking man, sexy in fact. Surely he already had a girlfriend, especially since the rumor was that he had came from money. He probably was all ready set up to marry by his parents. Didn’t rich people do that? Well, she mused, let’s just play it by ear and see what happens. If the opportunity arose, she just let nature take its course and see where it took her.

Then next day, on the way to school, Michael seemed a bit grumpy, and not very talkative. After several minutes of silence, she started laughing. He looked at her like she had grown a third head, but she continued to laugh.

“What, if I may ask, is so funny,” came a gruff question? “Do I have my clothes on wrong or something?”

Still laughing a little, she replied, “No, not at all, at least I don’t think you do. I was laughing at my own silly foolishness and myself. Yesterday, I thought you were flirting with me and trying to seduce me, but now I can see that I was just being silly.” Sobering up a little, she added, “I guess it is just from be upset over Reed and all that. I am sorry Michael.” She turned to look at him and found him looking at her strangely. Oh boy, Silky though, you really made a fool out of yourself now.

“Pull over for a minute,” he said in a husky voice, “right here and now would be fine.”

She pulled over and set the brake, not sure what was happening, surely he would not get out here and walk. She turned to look at him and found herself pulled into his arms, as his mouth claimed hers. He touched his tongue to her lips and she parted them. Slowly and thoroughly he kissed her. She couldn’t remember ever being kissed this well. His hand cupped her right cheek and the other one was buried in her now loose hair. He nibbled her lips and then ended the kiss. She could feel the heat coming from his body, in waves and the waves seem to hit her body and they left her vibrating like a freshly plucked guitar string. His hand was still on her cheek and the other had come to rest on her shoulder and was presently stroking her neck ever so gently. Driving her senses crazy. He titled her head and looked into her eyes.

“I was flirting, if that’s what you want to call it,” came a tense reply, “I am drawn to you and I want you, make no mistake about it and I mean to have you.”

Not knowing what to say and not trusting her voice to speak, even if she did, she just sat there staring at him, not realizing her lips were slightly parted and her eyes had that look of wanting in them. She looked so sexy, that Michael thought about skipping school and spending the day making her forget her broken heart. He fought with this thought for several minutes and was about to ask her opinion on the matter, when he noticed, she had looked away. Oh no, did he move to fast, did he scare her off?

“Silk, look at me.”

She turned her head and he saw that while she might be a little scared, she was turned on too. She seemed a little confused also.

“Why are you so grouchy this morning,” came an innocent question?

He laughed at this a little and asked, “Are you sure you want to know, little one, I may shock you,” at her nod, he continued, “I thought of you all night and what would be the best way to seduce you tonight. I couldn’t sleep, thinking of you and all I’d like to show you. Things I’d like to do with you and I don’t mean just sexually, Silk. I want to dress you up, take you places, and see the wonders of the world with you.” He watched her face again, sending up a silent prayer. “Well, what will it be, yes or no?”

Should she, could she. Why not? Reed had thrown her and her love away. Now someone else wanted her. Someone, who seemed to want the same things she wanted, liked the same things she did. Why not indeed?

“Yes, I think so,” came a slow reply, “Why not, I like you, and you seem like a nice normal person.”

His eyes narrowed and he laughed a little again, “Nice, maybe, normal no, but I do like you too.” Now was the time to exert a little control, to see how she would take it. “Silk, you will promise me one thing right here and now. I am a very take-charge type of person; I like to be in control. I will never hurt you or cause you any real pain. So, what I am asking is that you will always trust me, no matter what. Real trust, never questioning anything I say, do or ask of you. Can you do this? I need to know right now.”

She smiled at him, “I think so,” and then seeing that he wanted a definite yes or no, “Yes Sir, I can trust you.”

He kissed her again, just as thoroughly as the first time and then said, “Good, now let’s get to school, before we are late.”

As they drove to school, he asked her questions about her life and family. He asked and probed her and in that short 20-minute drive, she felt that he knew more about her than Reed ever did. This struck her funny, since Reed had lived down the street from her and she had known him for over two years. She wondered about Michael’s life and family, but was content to answer questions about herself, for now. She could ask later. As her father always said, “All will reveal itself in time.”

“So why did you parents name you Silky,” he finally asked.

People always asked her this and even thought she liked her name, she was a little tired of the unusualness of her name that caused this question in the first place. She answered it with the same answer she always gave.

“My mother and father were hippies,” she started, “And like all hippies, they gave their children those strange names. Mine were running with a group who had already used all the names that symbolized the hippy era. You know, like Rainbow, Faith, Love, Hope and all those other weird names. Well anyway, when I was born, I had long silky black hair and my mom felt it the first time she held me and said, Silky, that will be her name, Silky, like her hair. Since my parents wanted to give me a hippy type name, Silky was perfect. All their friends agreed. I was Silk or Silky ever since.”

“What’s your middle name?”

She raised her left eyebrow and smiled, “Promise not to laugh?”

Not looking amused, he replied, “I never laugh at someone’s name.”

“Skyewind,” she said a little softly, “My father is part Cherokee Indian, and so we all have Indian names too. My older brother’s name is Free River. We call him River.”

They had arrived at the school and he said he would walk her to her class. She hoped this would not make him late to his own class. She thought to ask him, but he kept up with the questions.

“So do all your siblings have Hippy/Indian names,” he asked?

“No not all. My stepbrothers and sisters were born before my dad married their mom so they have normal names. My half brother from my father only has an Indian name, but not a hippy one. Dad had out grown the hippy thing by the time Falcon came along. My half brother from my mother has a hippy name, but not an Indian one; the Indian thing was Dad’s idea not moms. They call him Raine. It is a real cool name, I think. Well, here‘s my class, you better run or you’ll be late for yours.”

“Ok, until later then,” and he kissed and left her standing there, heart thumping wildly from just a little kiss. My god that man could turn a woman into a puddle. If that was the effect he has with just a kiss, she may melt into nothing with his lovemaking. Well, she was willing to risk it, knowing that it was worth it. Oh yes, it was well worth it, she thought and she took her seat, trying to turn her thoughts to the English class at hand.

She made it through the rest of her class with out spending to much time fantasizing about Michael. At lunch, she sat in the campus lunchroom and ate a salad, because it was the only thing on the menu that resembled was it was supposed to be. A deliveryman came up and asked her if she was Ms. Silky Bennett, to which she shook her head yes.

“I have a delivery for you,” he stated, “Please sign here.”

“Okay,” she answered and signed the paper on the clipboard the he had thrust at her. As he turned to get the box he had laid behind him, she fished in her purse for a tip.

Handing her the box, he waved away the money, “No thank you Miss, the sender more than took care of the tip. Have a nice day,” and off he went.

The card on top of the box read, 'I hope you don’t think this too forward. M.' Curiously, she opened the box to find the sexiest outfit, she had ever seen. It was an emerald green teddy with garters. There was a pair of emerald green stockings to match the outfit and a necklace of sorts. It was an emerald green ribbon, made into a necklace. A choker, she thought after studying it. It reminded her of a collar also. It was rather sexy. She decided to put the choker on right then.

Remembering where she was, she looked at her watch and found she was going to be late, if she didn’t get going. Throwing the rest of her salad in the trash, she made a mad dash for the campus radio station. She arrived with about a half a minute to spare. She went and got her stuff and headed for the flight deck; a DJ’s code name for the place that they do their air shows, where the magic is worked, so to speak. Just as she put her hand on the knob, Michael yelled from his office for her to get in there, and he didn’t sound happy.

Wondering what she could have done, she when to the door, “My show starts in 5 minutes. I need to prepare,” she stammered.

“Donny will cover for you, already asked him.” He stated, not looking up from his desk. “Get in here and close the door behind you, now!”

She decided that now was not the time for words, whatever they had between them didn’t exist in school. She came in and shut the door softly behind her and took the seat closest to his desk. He didn’t look up right away and this made her even more nervous. She chided herself for such behavior. She had worked for a top radio station for 3 years. She had dealt with top sponsors from large companies and corporations. This was just another student really, so what if he was technically the BOSS. He could only reprimand her, not flunk her or even worse, fire her. She told herself to stop being foolish.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at her. He didn’t say anything; rather he seemed to just study her. His eyes stopped on the choker. She noticed the he smiled a little. She wanted him to speak, but feared what he was going to say to her. Still he just sat and stared. Then slowly, he sat back in his chair, his eyes never leaving her.

“So, you liked my little gift?” came a question, and even though he spoke in a low tone, she jumped as if he had shouted. “Settle little one, I won’t bite. Hard anyway, and not unless you want me too,” he said laughing out loud.

She felt silly now, and so her voice was a little shaky in replying, “Yes, very much.”

“Was I being to forward?”

“No, not at all, really I liked it,” she stammered

He came around the desk and to sit on the edge of the desk right in front of her. She had to look up at him to see his face. He was still watching her. He put his finger under her chin and she smiled weakly at him. A look of confusion crossed his face. Was she scared of him? God, he hoped not. He really loved the submissive look she was wearing earlier, but now he sensed fear, and fear was not what he wanted her to feel.

Using low tones again, he probed, “Silky, are you scared of me? At this she shook her head no. “Than why do you look like you’re about be tortured?” Seeing she meant to respond, he put a finger to her lips, “ Now let me finish, always remember this, when I am speaking, never interrupt. Can you do this?”

She shook her head, yes this time. That submissive look in her eyes again. That look could bring him to his knees, at her feet, if he wasn’t careful. Hell, he would give her anything, by that look.

“Okay, now that’s better, you don’t look quite so scared. Now let me say this first and foremost, always, and I do mean always, Silky, be honest with me. Never lie, because I can’t abide lies. I will never lie to you and I expect the same in return. Am I clear, do you except this?” Again a nod of yes, “Good, now why do you look so scared?”

“I thought I messed up somehow on my show and I couldn’t remember anything I’d done wrong, so you scared me when you called me in here like that. Am I in trouble and if so what did I do,” she asked in rapid words?

A smile crossed his face as he spoke, “You haven’t done anything that I’m aware of, in fact you are one of the best here and the best first year. I called you like that so that the others would think the same thing you seemed to have thought. Can’t let them think I am favoring you.” He reached out his hand and stroked her cheek and then her lips. “Would you consider it sexual harassment if I kissed you again?”

“No.” came a wide-eyed reply.

He pulled her to her feet and kissed her again. The kiss seemed to melt her more than the one this morning did. She felt like she was drowning. Slowly he explored her mouth with his tongue and tasted her totally. He taught her the rhythm that seemed to best please him and slowly his hands started rubbing circles down her back. She hadn’t realized that she was gripping his shirt and when she did she released it and moved her hands up to grip his neck. He had made his way down to her lower back, just above her bottom, his hands rested there for the moment. She felt his reaction to the kiss through his jeans and without meaning to, pressed her middle up against it and a high pitched whimper escaped her. She heard him growl and suddenly his hands were squeezing her behind and pressing her into him. He broke the kiss, but didn’t let her go. He dipped low and lifted her chin and kissed her neck and throat. This was her weakness and soon she began to pant.

“Oh Michael, yes, please,” came a breathless voice from her.

Again he growled, “Please what?” He had to hear her say it.

She moaned and threw her head back as he kissed down the vee of her shirt. How had the buttons come undone? “Please, take me, make me yours,” came a throaty response.

Slowly, remembering where he was, he brought her back to reality. Smiling at how quickly she had been brought to the brink. “I will, later though, little one, but right now, you have a show to run and I still have a question for you.” He buttoned her shirt back up, not remembering undoing it. “So was I too forward, with my gift?”

She smiled and shyly replied, “No, not at all. I loved it and I really liked the choker. That’s why I wore it.”

His face became serious again, “Good,” then on to other things, “Well, you better get to work. Donny has covered for you for ten minutes. Oh and you better tell him you got your ass chewed royally for something. I told him that is why I needed him to cover for a few. Better make something up to make it believable too.” He seemed to be dismissing her as he went back around his desk and took his seat.

At the door she bowed to him, “Yes, Sir,” and started to leave.

“Oh, Silk,” she turned to look at him, “That is a collar, not a choker. Shut the door behind you,” dismissing her just like that.

She went on her way to the flight deck, pondering what he had just said. A collar, but didn’t that mean? Was she his pet? Could she do that, and could he? Vaguely remembering something she had read in a book once about a woman who was her lover’s slave or something like that. Didn’t the girl call him Sir or something? Silk remembered that the book was real racy and made her want to touch herself as she read it. She also remembered fantasizing about what she had read. She fantasized that she was the slave girl and had to be subservient to a man and call him Sir. She remembered it now and it made her feel the same way it had back when she had read it.

Surely, Michael hadn’t meant that by what he said. No way! Those people didn’t really live in the normal world, did they? No, surely not. Michael wasn’t the type anyway. He probably was just teasing her still about the cheesecake thing again. Hadn’t he said bring her most revealing outfit and a collar, her favorite collar, in fact. Well, his gift had done that for her. She had revealing outfits, but was at a loss for a collar. Now she had a matching set. Well, his cheesecake better be heaven, because she was going to show him. She was going to the bathroom, right now and put the outfit on, under her clothes. Good thing her skirt and shirt would match.

Her show went well, and soon it was almost six. Marcy came to relieve her early and they chatted for a few during songs and spots. Marcy was a pretty blond girl from California. Silk knew more about, Marcy’s sex life than she wanted to, it seemed that Marcy slept with every guy she could. She could tell that the girl was really lonely, so she was always nice to her. Marcy was getting her stuff ready for her show, when Michael walked in. Michael smiled and nodded politely at Marcy’s greeting. He looked at Silky and tapped his watch. Silky nodded and he left the room.

“Oh my God. That man is simply to die for. I bet he can ride like a champ, if you know what I mean,” Marcy gushed to Silky. “I would sure love to find out.”

Silky was on her way out of the flight deck and couldn’t help herself, “Well, Marcy, I’ll let you know tomorrow.” With that she left Marcy standing with her mouth open.

She was laughing as she met Michael at the exit. He looked at her wondering what was so funny. Then he noticed the color of her stockings, all other thoughts where gone from his mind. Had she put the outfit on? His heart raced at the thought of her in the sexy little nothing he had sent her. At this rate, dinner would be quick and so would he. It was time for him to pace himself, or it would prove to be a short night.

“Are you listening to what I said,” she asked breaking his thoughts?

“No, what did you say,” he said looking at her with that look? The look of lust, she thought.

Silky sighed and repeated, “I was telling you, how Marcy thinks you are such a hunky man and how you could probably ride like a champ, if you know what I mean,” her eyebrow arching? “Her words, mind you. So I told her that I’d let her know tomorrow, and walked out. Her jaw hit the floor. It was rather funny, really.”

At this he looked concerned, “Do you care if others know about us? I don’t really care, but then I am the boss, but you might be treated different if they think you are seeing me. I just don’t want you to be hurt.”

That touched her. “Michael, I could care less what others think. My daddy always said, ‘Please yourself, and you’ll always be happy.’ I am happy with me so who cares what those dorks think. If anything they would probably be jealous, the women anyway.”

“The men too, Silky. So tell me, do you really like Marcy or what? She is a bit forward. I know she sleeps around. Heard the guys talk. Donny says I ought to get me a piece, but I told him, she couldn’t handle me. Too normal for my tastes.”

At this she laughed, “ A little conceited aren’t we, Michael? Actually, I think she is lonely and that is why she sleeps around. Thinks that it means she is accepted in some way. You’ve seen the type. I’m sure.”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” he replied?

They had reached her car and she was unlocking the door and pretended not to have heard him as she got in and unlocked his door. Hoping he would drop it. Then seeing the look on his face, she knew, no such luck.


Shaking her head, “All I meant was that, you seem to be the experienced type, so I’m sure you have slept with her type. Come on, honestly. I don’t care, just making a statement.” Noticing the look on his face, she realized she had stepped out of bounds.

“Silk, I told you, I can’t abide lies. I try to never lie myself. If I said she is not my type, I meant it. She is not my type. Too normal,” he explained with a sober look on his face. “Now can we drop it?”

“Okay,” came a meek response. Silk wondered what he meant by normal, normal by whose standards. She was pondering this, when he tapped her arm.

“Stop at Corks and I’ll get some wine for dinner,” he said pointing to the shopping center they were coming up on. “I like red wine with spaghetti, how about you?”

A slight blush slashed her cheeks, “I like any wine, but unless I put ice in the glass, I get smashed really fast and pass out. I don’t know why, but I do.”

With a devilish grin, “And this is a problem?” Then seeing her shocked look, “Don’t worry, I’ll get some ice.”

“I’m not worried, it’s just usually people get upset if you put ice in wine. Ruins the taste or something. I don’t care, I like it better than passing out.”

Wondering to him self if he was coming on a little to fast with the dominance, she seemed to have turned into a timid deer. Was he too controlling too fast? He never had tried to turn a vanilla to the lifestyle. The women he had played with were are usually very experienced in the lifestyle and sought him out or at least knew enough of it to know that they wanted in it. Maybe he ought to give Baron a call; Baron would know what to do. Baron was his mentor, he taught Michael a lot about being a male Dominant. After thinking on this a little more, he decided that it was the best course of action, but until than, he decided to ease up a bit. No sense in scaring her away. He wanted to have her and he wanted that to happen tonight.

In a gentle tone that he would have used on a spooked horse, “Silk, you can drink your wine anyway you want. You can drink it out of your shoe if that’s what you like. I am not into society’s rules. I want you to be happy.” Seeing her relax greatly, he knew he’d have to be a little gentler with her.

They stopped at the liquor store Michael had indicated and there in the same shopping center was a grocery store. Remembering the bread, Silk ran in and got a loaf of French bread and garlic butter. She met Michael back at liquor store. He was looking at the wine racks. He looked up and smiled and took her hand when she approached.

Turning to her, he asked, “Do you have a favorite?”

“Not really, I like most anything as long is it doesn’t have a heavy liquor taste.”

“Do you like sweet or dry?”

Biting her lip, she hesitantly replied, “Ummm, I’d say sweet, but not to sweet. Dry leaves a strange taste.”

He looked through a few more and picked one out finally, “This will be perfect.”

At the counter, Michael also bought a bottle of something called Tequila Rose. Silk wondered what it was. Knowing that it had the name tequila in it, she wouldn’t touch it. She had sworn off that stuff after the time she got really smashed on it and ended up with Reed’s best friend, naked, in bed. Reed just laughed it off, since she found him with some other girl, but Silky was a little upset by it. She wasn’t so mad about the whole thing as much as she was embarrassed by it. She remember what had happened with Taylor and she remembered how much she liked it and this upset her. Tequila made her so horny and out of control and she didn’t want that to happen again. She got so worked up, that she had no control what so ever. Silk assured herself that it wouldn’t happen again.

As they walked out and the door shut, Silk said to Michael, “I don’t drink tequila, Michael, just thought you ought to know.”

Knowing about her thing with tequila, having over heard her tell Marcy about it, he smiled devilishly, “Okay, no problem. I bought it for me. Besides, it’s not straight tequila, but hey that’s fine, I wasn’t planning to share anyway.”

They got to Michael’s house and he put the pot of sauce he had made the night before, on the stove to reheat. He explained to her that he had prepared it last night and cooked it for over four hours and then put it in the fridge. He said this actually made it taste better. He also showed her a little secret about the pasta too. He cooked it this morning and then put it in a covered bowl. He said all he had to do was rinse it in hot water just before serving it. Dinner could be ready as soon as the sauce was hot.

Michael got out some wine glasses and poured them both a glass of one of the bottles he had purchased. Told her it was a sweet wine from California. While he did this, she prepared the garlic bread and put it in the oven on warm. Michael came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck and handed her a wine glass. He nuzzled her ear until she giggled and then left her to taste the wine.

He went over and took a seat at his table. He had the rose stuff and a glass of ice in front of him. She went over and laid on the love seat thing he had in his dinning/sitting room drank her wine. It had a wonderful flavor and before she knew it, she had drunk the whole glass. Michael was standing over her with the bottle.

“Want a refill, you little lush,” He asked jokingly?

“Maybe just one before dinner,” she replied pretending to slur her speech a little. “Really ociffer, I’m not drunk.”

He refilled her glass and she lay and listened to the music he had turned on when they came in. The music was very sensual. Made her feel like making love. She lay and listened to Michael who was on the phone in the other room. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but she could tell he was talking to someone. She lay and sipped her wine waiting for him to come back in the room.

Michael had called Baron to get his opinion on the whole thing. Baron had said that it was possible, in fact very possible to turn Silk to the lifestyle.

“My little pet Dyna was vanilla when I first met her,” Baron chuckled

“I didn’t know that. You couldn’t tell. I am surprised, really, tell her so, I thought she was practically born to it,” Michael said sounding surprised and impressed.

They talked a few minutes more and Baron explained that Michael would just have to be a little more patient and gentler with Silk. So easing up was the right thing to do. Michael thanked Baron and promised to bring Silk to visit real soon and hung up.

He came back in the room to find Silk very into the music and was amused to find her wine glass empty again. He sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of Tequila Rose. He though about getting her to drink some and see if she would become as wild as she had told Marcy. Then he though better, let her decide if she wanted some. He would not force this on her.

She looked up to find him drinking a glass of pink something and watching her intently. She knew that they would make love if she wanted too. All she had to do was give him a sign. What kind of sign, Silk was unsure of, but she knew that the music and the wine would show her. She sat up slowly, watching him looking at her and took off her shoes. She sank to her knees on the carpet and crawled across the room toward him. Looking him in the eye the whole time.

Michael’s pulse hammered as she looked at him and crawled across the floor to him. She looked like something out of a sleazy rock video and that made Michael all the more turned on. She stopped at his legs and bowed her head to the floor, putting her behind up in the air. Michael knew if he were behind her, he would probably have gotten a show. She lifted her head and he placed his hands on her face lifting her up to kneel, slowly he kissed her lips and teased at her mouth.

She got to her feet and stood there for a second swaying to the music. Then she put her hands just below the hem of her skirt and slowly pulled it up her thighs. Next she straddled Michael and began to kiss him again. All the while she was grinding her middle into his. Her hands had begun to unbutton his shirt and tug it open. She slipped a hand inside the folds and a sigh escaped her. She caressed his chest and shoulders trying to remove the shirt totally. Finally he helped her and tore it from his arms. Then he proceeded to remove hers and was pleased to see she had indeed put the outfit he had sent her, on. She reached down and unbuttoned his pants, but couldn’t do much more and didn’t want to get up just yet. Michael had finish removing her shirt and was kissing her chest and caressing her breasts with his hand, the other hand was tangled in her hair.

She leaned back to give him room to kiss farther down her chest. He was both shocked and delighted at the brazen way she had straddled him. He had thought she might bolt on him at first, if he tried to make a move. He made his way back up her chest and was kissing her throat; she was moaning and had begun to squeeze his thighs with hers. Michael thought to himself, that she had one hell of a grip. She kept pulling at his pants and he smiled, knowing what she wanted, but wanted her to ask for it. Then she tried to get up, knowing she was going to try to remove his pants again, he held her in place and kissed her breasts again.

In a strained voice she pleaded, “Michael, let me up,” and then a little louder she said, “Please, take off your jeans.”

“Not yet, all in time, little one. You need to slow a little or you’ll explode. Did you know that you are so hot?”

He proceeded to back her down a bit, and offered her his wine glass, while he drank the Tequila Rose. She downed the glass and watched him with a sensuous look. Michael poured himself another glass of Rose. As he did this, she pressed herself into him again.

“What does it taste like,” she questioned, pointing to the glass he had just filled?

“Actually like creamy strawberry liqueur. Want a little taste,” he said as he downed a swallow?

“Maybe a little taste,” she said as she reached for the glass, but her stopped her with a kiss. He had swallowed most of what he had taken and left just a little in his mouth. She pulled away a little at first, but then upon tasting it, she devoured his mouth. This almost made him lose control. He parted the kiss as soon as she would let go and pushed her back a little.

“Wow,” he said breathlessly, "I take it you like the taste?"

In answer to his question, she picked up his glass and downed the whole thing. Setting the glass down, she kissed him again and gave him a little taste. He pushed her off and this time made her stand and turn with her back to him. He then again pulled her into his lap and cupped her breasts.

“Move your hair, pet. I want your neck,” he ordered gently.

She swept her waist length hair over her right shoulder and lean back into him. He nibbled up and down her neck and sent her into orbit. He was delighted at the goose bumps covering her body. Using his hands, he parted her thighs and slowly stroked her, making her all the more aroused. She pushed her bottom back and ground it into him, letting him know what she wanted. He kept up the slow stroking and also stroked her inner thighs. He could feel her melting. Finally he could take no more. He helped her to stand and stood up himself. She reached for his jeans and he let her have what she wanted as he kissed her some more.

He had kicked off his shoes earlier, so all she had to do was drop his pants to the ground. He kicked them off and she pushed him back down on the chair. Once again she straddled him and continued to kiss him. She leaned back and he entered her just a little. He stopped kissing her to watch her face. She sighed, and he could feel her pushing against him to force him to take her completely. He made her wait and finally when he felt her go limp, he thrust deeply into her. She raked his back with her nails and squeezed him with her thighs.

“Oh my god, I’m dying.”

Smiling at this, he returned, “If you are, then so am I.”

Slowly he rocked her against him. She found his mouth and kissed him again. All the while, she dug her nails into his back. She was whimpering and moaning his name, making his head swim. He cupped her buttocks and ground her into him, knowing that it was making them both crazy and equally giving them both pleasure too. Then suddenly this wasn’t enough and he stood up and in one fluid movement placed her on the table and wrapped her legs around his waist. Slowly he began to thrust into her, with a teasing stroke.

She leaned back on her hands, to watch him. Smiling at him as he picked up the pace. Sending her into a fevered pitch. She felt like she was totally out of control. It dawned on her that she had never felt this way, ever, not even with Reed. The feeling was so intense that she thought she would just spin off in to space. She never wanted it to end. She gripped him tighter with her thighs.

Finally she felt him nearing his climax and she reached up to kiss him again. His mouth found hers and he gripped the back of her neck. Almost, forcefully now, he thrust into her, but she didn’t notice the roughness. Finally he threw back his head and groaned loudly. Next he pressed into her and exploded. She lost all control at that moment and exploded herself. She let a nice trail of scratch marks down his sides and at the same time totally unaware to either of them, the hand on her neck gripped her so hard that he left bruises. As their passion finally abated, she noticed that she had made his sides bleed. She pulled her hands back to find blood and he laughed.

He reached over on the counter and grabbed her a paper towel. Then pulled away from her. She reached out for him, but he had bent down and was picking up his pants and shirt. Then, walking naked, he went in to his room, which opened up on to the kitchen and tossed his stuff on the chair. Next he reached out and grabbed the shorts and robe off his bed. He came back out to the table and handed her the robe and then proceeded to put the shorts on his gloriously naked body. She pouted a little when he did this.

Seeing this, he replied, “We still need to eat and I don’t plan to do that in the buff.”

She laughed and he helped her off the table. He took the robe from her and helped her into it and then tied the sash for her. Kissing her once again, he returned to the kitchen and began to serve the meal. He came back carrying two plates covered full with spaghetti. Next he brought a basket full of garlic bread and another bottle of wine. Before he sat down, he retrieved her glass from the love seat. He sat down and poured them each some more wine and began to eat. She did like wine and smiled to herself at the wonderful flavor of the sauce.

Seeing her smile, he asked, “Surprised?”

“Surprised about what,” she questioned?

Seeing that she didn’t what to offended him by making a sexist remark, he made it for her, “Surprised that a man can cook such a wonderful sauce that tastes like heaven?”

Hoping that he hadn’t thought that of her, she answered back, “No, actually smarty pants, it tastes just like my grandfathers except that he puts pepperoni and black olives in his. Called it Irish spaghetti. He learned to make it from an Italian lady in Hell’s Kitchen”

She watched his face to see what affect her remark had on him. His face was unreadable and passive. She hoped she hadn’t made him mad. She really had to work on how she said things. Her father was always telling her that. She could hear him now, “It’s not always what you say, but how you say it.” Mentally chastising herself, she thought of how to make it up to him.

(Go to part 2)

© Copyright 2002 Faith Michaels (the_huntress at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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