Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/543231-My-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #543231
My angel came to rescue me...

         I sauntered upstairs, almost tripping on the loose carpeting. My mind was elsewhere, as usual. It had been ever since the accident. Six months ago on a beautiful, sunny day we had been strolling through the park, hand in hand. Then the next minute a car was speeding through on the narrow path, heading straight for us. It was being chased by a police car, sirens blaring and the blue and red lights flashing vividly.
         Being the stubborn fool he was, Christian shoved me out of the way of the high speed old Cadillac. I fell to the grass, grazing my elbow and skinning my knee while he was paralysed to the spot. Not having enough time to move himself, the silver car struck him head on. He reeled backwards, flying through the air. He landed some fifteen feet away, cracking his head against the solid concrete. As soon as I heard the sickening thud as his head impacted against the floor, I let out a shrill scream. Standing up I sprinted to his side. Sobbing, crouching down on my knees I laid my head on his chest. There was no awkward heaving as an attempt to breathe, not even a faint trace of a heartbeat. I cradled his head in my arms and wailed, sobbing my heart out and wishing the car had struck me instead of him. When more police finally arrived on the scene I refused to be let go and had to literally be dragged from his still warm body.
         Six months later and my mind was still not focused. I found it hard to sleep and when I managed to find the Land of Nod I woke up drenched in sweat, the image of that Cadillac ploughing into his body as if he was a crash test dummy.
         I flopped down onto my bed, my fist clenched into a ball. I would never find anyone like Christian. I didn't feel there was any point in my existence any more. I had nobody left. I didn't want to live without his love; I wasn't sure how I had managed to drag myself through the past six months. I let my body fall back onto the soft duvet covers and there I lay, blackness invading my thoughts and finally carrying me off to sleep.


         I woke with a start, finding my body damp with sweat. My long hair clung to my head and back even through a layer of clothing. I took a few minutes to calm down, breathing deeply until I felt my heart rate return to normal.
         Just as I managed to slow my pulse and regulate my breathing there came a sharp noise from downstairs, like something had been dropped. I sucked in a breath and held it there, my heart beating rapidly again. I sat there for a few moments listening for any further noise yet none came. I finally exhaled but I felt uneasy. I felt the presence of something.
         I picked up the strong, metal bar that Christian used to keep beside his bedside cabinet and thrust it into my right hand, clencning it tightly.
         I stood up, slowly creeping to the door of my bedroom. I peeked around the corner, eyeing the passage way up and down but I saw no movement. Cautiously I crept out and looked down the steps into the room below. The usually clean laminate flooring had muddy footprints all over it. I inhaled sharply. There was someone in my house. Steeling myself, I placed one bare foot on the first step, allowing my other foot to follow suit.
         I finally reached the bottom after a lot of heavy, stifled breathing. Searching left and right I saw nothing. Turning left I decided to check the kitchen first, after all, that was where the footprints led.
         I crept forward and through the open door I noticed the entire contents of my fridge spilled across the linoleum floor. I tightened my grip on the bar, and let my other hand grip it too.
         I snuck forward, swallowing hard. My heart was beating wildly in my ribcage, threatning to pop out at any unexpected fright.
         I crept into the kitchen and as far as I could see no dark shadowy figure was lurking. I let down my guard to survey the damage to my kitchen when there came a sudden squeak from behind me.
         I whipped around to find a tall, bearded man grinning down at me. His teeth were yellow and crooked accompanied by a twisted smile. My mouth opened agape in terror as his hands reached forward toward my dainty neck.
         His hands were just about to clasp my neck and squeeze the life out of me when something very strange happened.
         The man lifted his hands up to his own neck. His mouth was wide in a startled expression and his eyes bulged wide out of their sockets.
         He appeared to be trying to pull something invisible from around his neck. He struggled visciously with an unknown force. I took a step backward, the sight scaring me.
         After a few more seconds of struggles his own grip released on his neck and he slumped down the wall, falling to the floor in a heap.
         I could only gasp and was about to run for the phone when I felt something brush past me. I whipped around, scared in case this rogue had an accomplice but I was greeted with nothing.
         Just then I felt something curl around my waist and then something soft rubbed against my cheek. I was scared but intrigued at the same time. I closed my eyes and realised that it felt like Christian's touch used to. He would embrace me softly and begin to kiss my neck ever so seductively.
         I opened my eyes, half expecting to see Christian standing in front of me, his irresistable smile shining from his gorgeous face, but again I was faced with thin air.
         I felt something hot close to my neck and then a whisper which seemed to come from nowhere floated into my ear. "I love you and I'm waiting for you up in Heaven, my darling Joanne." Then it disappeared along with the soft embrace. Although a smile lingered on my lips.
         "You truly are an Angel, Christian."

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