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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #541480
girl murders mother, boyfriend takes blame, etc.
The golden sun bounced rays of all colors across the sky, scattering them, so that pink, orange, blue, green, red, violet, and yellow was all that was seen. With dancing eyes that sparkled like gems, Rhonda skipped lightly across the lush green grass, getting her feet wet from the dew that was everywhere. As she again glanced up, puffy clouds covered the sky, and sighing she knew it was time to leave her personal paradise.
Climbing through her window, careful to be quiet so that her mother would not know she had left the house, she looked at her paradise for one last time. With her small petite build, she got through the window with ease. She was running away with Peter, her one and only love, tonight. Where they would go, she did not know. Yes, she was scared – who wouldn’t be, but the thought of all that money eased a lot of her anxiety. The hardest part was getting through tonight. Once her mother was out of the picture and she was rich, she could finally start living the life she’d always dreamed about.
19-year-old Peter, with dark brown hair and equally brown eyes stared at his reflection in the mirror, studying it carefully. With his rough fingers, he nervously ran them through his already rumpled hair. 5’6” tall, with a medium build, solid frame, and pale, acne covered skin, Peter sighed at himself in the mirror. He hated how he looked. Why couldn’t I have more muscles or at least get rid of this stupid acne? He thought to himself. He knew in the back of his mind, he was stalling. He didn’t want to think of what he was going to do in a few short hours. Murder wasn’t really something that was easy to put out of your mind. He wondered about Rhonda, how she was holding up, though he would have to be the one to actually pull the trigger. God, he thought, how did I ever get myself in a mess like this?
Lieutenant Kraken, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, wondered what kind of person could have committed such a horrendous crime. He mentally recited what he had gathered from the other officers to himself. Victim: Emily Shelton. Cause of death: repeated gunshot wounds to the head, chest, limbs, and abdomen. Suspects: none. Relatives: one, a daughter who was nowhere to be found.
Sighing from fatigue as much as stress, hating that the captain had snapped him out of his sleep less than an hour ago, Kraken checked his watch – 2:35 a.m. The scene shifted but he barely noticed. He was consumed with the thought, the question that always plagued his mind. Why didn’t he quit the stupid force? The things he saw daily, no man should ever have to see, and yet he stayed. It was driving him crazy.
“Okay, Lieutenant,” a rookie said, snapping Kraken out of his grim thoughts, “We’re about ready to wrap up here, tomorrow we’ll try to find the daughter.”
“Whatever,” Kraken grumpily replied.
“You know, we can never turn back now – we’re fugitives.” Peter’s comment did nothing to ease Rhonda’s wrecked nerves.
“Yeah, I know,” she replied with heavily bagged and creased eyes. Peter turned and looked at her for the first time since they left the scene. With cracked lips and an equally cracked voice, Rhonda tried to respond. Words formed on her lips, yet no sound came out.
“Say something,” Peter demanded with fury and a hint of concern in his voice.
Peter released an exasperated sigh.
“What do you want me to say, Peter,” Rhonda screamed. “I just killed my own mother for God’s sake!”
“You mean I killed her, you were just an accomplice. All the same though, I know how you feel. I’m sorry.”
“You have no idea how I feel.” Rhonda let the words drag in a slow, hoarse whisper. Sitting cross-legged, her body sagged more than one could have thought possible.
“So what are we going to do?” Peter asked somewhat pleadingly.
“I don’t know Peter, I honestly don’t know.”
When they awakened, darkness enveloped them. Where they were, they did not know. Slowly the memory of what they had done invaded their minds. Rhonda let out a low groan. Her head spun. She felt nauseous. What did I do? She thought miserably. Peter softly came up behind her.
“How do you feel?” He asked gingerly.
“Just fine.” She replied with a sharp edge in her voice.
“Look, I’m on your side. Why is it that you keep snapping at me?”
“I’m just a little irritable, that’s all. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I just want you to know I’m here for you.”
“I know. Peter…”
“Yes Rhonda.”
“Thank you for everything. I love you.”
“ I love you too.” He replied.
Kraken was hot on their trail. After a few tips from witnesses that placed them at the scene, he searched all over town to find them. They disappeared, vanished into thin air. Not a trace of them was found after the murder. He was sure the daughter had something to do with it. He just had to find her first. His last tip placed them at the city bank. After talking to the banker, he realized that she had withdrawn all her savings and loans, an amount totaling $35,000. Seems daughter dearest had plans of her own. He thought with fury in his eyes. What would drive a person to kill his or her own mother? The thought consumed him and as he contemplated this, an officer handed him a sheet of paper.
“We got another sighting of ‘em.”
“Okay, I’m on it.”
The sighting placed them at the airport and after a few threats he finally got some answers. So they’re heading to Switzerland, are they? Kraken thought with a sly grin. Yet almost instinctively he knew they would be back.
“Randy,” Kraken said addressing the tall thin officer, “we’re not going after them.”
“What!?” Randy exclaimed with question and surprise in his voice.
I said don’t put any of our guys on a plane to Switzerland, and don’t alert the police there either.”
“But why?”
“Because I said so and if you have a problem with it, you’ll be off this force so fast you won’t know what happened!” He shouted so loudly that everyone at the terminal turned and stared.
“All right,” Randy said backing off.
Kraken’s head was killing him and this girl really got under his skin. This is my last case. He thought as he massaged his aching temples.
“We stay here for a few days, then go back to the states. If the cops get suspicious, or should I say when they get suspicious, then I’ll tell them the truth, that I just took a little vacation.” Rhonda stretched out on the king-sized bed at the Sheraton hotel. “I mean, what’s illegal about taking a vacation?”
“You have this all figured out, don’t you?” Peter asked staring at her in wonderment and surprise, as he balanced his foot on his knee to undo the laces of his shoes. Shifting his weight slightly, he patiently waited for an answer.
“That wasn’t a rhetorical question, you know.”
“Yeah, I know, but how do you expect me to respond?”
“I don’t know Rhonda, I don’t know anything anymore.”
“Well I know something,” she said lightly, trying to change the mood, “I know that I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone.” How long do I have to put on this act? She thought. Well, the first part of the plan is complete at least. Now all I have to do is frame this lovesick puppy over here, collect the insurance money, and have the life I’ve always wanted.
“I love you too,” Peter said, snapping Rhonda out of her thoughts and back to reality. She turned and looked at him with a small innocent smile. Now the real fun begins. She thought.
Rhonda was glad to be in the states again. After dropping Peter off in the blue Corvette she rented, she headed towards home. As she pulled up in her driveway, she saw yellow police tape blocking off the house.
“What happened?” She exclaimed, trying to sound curious, scared, and surprised all at once.
Just then, Kraken pulled up.
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but your mother was murdered a few night ago, and as much as I hate to do this, especially since you’re just finding out, I have to take you down to the station. There are a few questions I need to ask you.” His voice was lathered with compassion.
“My mom’s dead? I’m under arrest? I just got off vacation. Mommy’s dead.” The words streamed out of Rhonda’s mouth, and she stopped to take a breath.
“Just calm down. You’re not under arrest. I know you were on vacation and I am very sorry for your loss.” Kraken tried to sound reassuring and caring, but he didn’t quite think he pulled it off. “Please step into the car.”
The stuffy sparsely furnished interrogation room gave a feel of claustrophobia. As Kraken stared at her from the slightly cracked door, he noticed for the first time how attractive she really was. She had fiery red hair, her soft milky white skin was clear. Her thin build gave her an innocent look, yet her eyes captivated him the most. Her large gray eyes held pain, yet they also held an innocence that the anxiety of the situation had not erased. They always look so innocent. He thought tearing his gaze away from her. Now comes the interesting part.
Kraken stepped into the room and closed the heavy door behind him.
“How are you Rhonda?” Kraken asked in a soft whisper.
“How do you think?” Traces of a scowl in her voice apparent.
He chose not to answer this question and instead asked one of his own.
“Where were you on March 25?”
“ I told you I was vacationing,” she irritably replied.
“Um.” Kraken paused. “I’d like to see that plane ticket.”
When she didn’t respond, he continued, “Did you and your mother get along very well?”
“Well, we were like most mothers and daughters, we had a few arguments from time to time.”
“About what,” he said focusing his eyes on her long delicate fingers that tapped nervously on the desk.
“My privacy, freedom, and other stuff, but mostly my boyfriend. I had to break up with him or she swore she wold cause me a great deal of pain. And let me tell you, when my mother says something, she literally means it.”
“How did your boyfriend take it?” He asked with curiosity invading his mind and apparent in his voice.
“He was furious, he swore we would be together no matter what. I hate to say this…” a false tear slid down her cheek, “but I think he did it.” As she said this, she burst into tears that streamed down her face. Kraken handed her a tissue and let her calm down before he continued his seemingly never-ending questions.
“What’s his name?”
“Peter who?”
“Peter Ross.”
“Interesting.” Kraken says starting to piece together the puzzle in his mind. “Okay, you can go. Oh, by the way,” he started as she got up to leave, “you have a little blood on your sleeve.”
“Nosebleed,” she said quickly and nervously as she ran out the door.

Kraken pulled up to Peter’s house inconspicuously. In his light blue T-shirt, un-ironed black jeans, and white sneakers, he looked just like any other regular person. Ding-dong. No answer. Ding-dong. Still no answer. Kraken was about to use force when Peter finally came to the door.
“What.” Peter said absently and uninterestedly.
“Come with me,” Kraken demanded showing his badge.
“For what man?” Peter was amazed at how he kept his cool.
“I just want to talk to you.”
“Whatever.” Peter was expecting this anyway.


“So guess what, Peter my man, I know you killed Rhonda’s mother.”
“Rhonda’s mom is dead! Whoa!”
“I can’t help but hear the nervousness in your voice. Are you nervous about something Peter?”
“Well you should be. You see, your girlfriend, or should I say your ex-girlfriend, told me about your plan, but she says it’s entirely her fault; she came up with the plan and she pulled the trigger.” Kraken loved being a police officer; it gave him license to use deception. “She said she would take the blame for it as long as we didn’t involve you.” Kraken paused for effect. “She obviously loves you.” Kraken knew that last statement would push him over the edge.
“No!” He wailed, “I killed her, I did it. I confess. Just leave Rhonda out of it.”
“As you wish.” Kraken said satisfied.
Rhonda slipped in the house without being noticed and carefully placed the gun under a pile of papers.
“As long as Peter’s prints are on the gun and he incriminates himself like I know he will, then I’m home free.” Rhonda spoke more to the air than to herself. “ I am so clever.”
Where did they put the gun? Kraken wondered as he studied the crime scene. The last time he was here, they had ransacked the place trying to find it. As he shuffled through a pile of papers, his foot hit something hard. He searched through the papers and found what he was looking for. Grabbing a handkerchief out of his pocket, he carefully picked up the gun. Simultaneously he grabbed his cell and phoned the station.
“It’s Kraken. I’ve got the gun. Get the boys ready so we can test the prints.”
“I’m on it.”
Kraken smiled to himself and left.
“The prints belong to the Ross boy.” That confirmation pleased Kraken.
“Let’s go.” He simply said.
“Peter, you’re under arrest for the murder of Emily Shelton.”
“I’ve already confessed so just prosecute me and leave Rhonda alone.”
“Whatever you say slick,” Kraken replied casually.
The golden sun bounced rays of all colors across the sky, scattering them, so that pink, orange, blue, green, red, violet, and yellow was all that was seen. With dancing eyes that sparkled like gems, Rhonda skipped lightly across the lush green grass, getting her feet wet from the dew that was everywhere. As she again glanced up, puffy clouds covered the sky, yet this time she did not sigh, for she did not have to leave her personal paradise. She couldn’t believe how stupid Peter really was. He took all the blame. I did it, it was me. Just don’t involve Rhonda. She laughed at the memory. With all that insurance money and all the loose ends tied up, she wondered where she would go and what she would do. Well that doesn’t matter, she thought, I have all the time in the world and no regrets.


I wrote this the summer of 2000 so it's pretty old but I think it's my first actual completed fiction short story, so it holds sentimental value. Thanks for reading. Critiques always welcomed and appreciated. T.A.M. (thanks a mil)
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