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The way it all began. |
CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Scenes 1-3: NA; scenes 4 & 5: Manitou Island PAIRING: Tal Natha/Red Bird (M/F) EXPLANATION: You really thought I'd have a bunch of erotica WITHOUT these two...? Tal Natha and Red Bird are almost up there with Brooks and Devetko in terms of number of erotic scenes together...awwwww. Potential spoilers throughout the rest of this if you haven't read Manitou Island. You see, Red Bird is the half-human daughter of the demon Ocryx, who lives with him under Devil's Lake on Manitou Island. Ocryx has this bad habit of trying to bed any attractive female he meets, whether she's related to him or not--one of his more notable conquests was his daughter Silver Eagle Feather (see "Father's Daughter"), a pairing which led to the birth of X'aaru. Tal Natha, fearing for Red Bird's safety, convinces her to leave with him to live away from Devil's Lake (see my non-erotic short story "Fly Away Home" for this scene). I actually do not think that Ocryx would ever have made any moves on Red Bird, but you can never be sure. Anyway. After settling her in at the cave near Fort Holmes at the top of the Island, Tal Natha begins instructing Red Bird in how to use her Ocryx powers...but he also begins falling in love with her. Yipes! He tries his best to hide these feelings, but...it turns out SHE'S feeling them, too. You've seen how one thing leads to another... In one of the scenes here, "The Outsider," you'll also see Justin Dupries, another half-human child of Ocryx who is ALSO in love with Red Bird (I never mentioned that Tal Natha is also Ocryx's son, and thus Red Bird's half-brother, did I?--isn't this all rather pervy?), witnessing the two of them together--AWKWARD! The tension between these three is referenced in Manitou Island, though of course nothing really detailed is ever said outright...it IS a PG-13 story, after all. (A version of the first scene here, I think, from Tal Natha's point of view, is in progress--and believe me, he did a LOT of mental fighting, and sleeping around, to try to curb his urges!) In yet another of the scenes, Red Bird is pregnant, and then has delivered her pups--again, this is referenced in the serial. DISCLAIMERS: Some details may be off in the earlier parts; e. g., in "The Outsider," the waterfall is kind of a stretch. * * * * * Beautiful To Me Red Bird felt her defenses melting, and an ache growing deep within her. She knew it was wrong...that this was something she should not be doing...but she finally shut out the voice telling her not to, and acted on her growing emotions alone. The Ocryx stood before her, staring at her; she had no way of knowing what he might be thinking, as the only expression he carried was a mildly curious look in his eyes; yet she knew all too well what she was feeling. She only hoped that he felt it too. She felt her legs carry her toward him, her arms reach out to him, her hands touch his arms; the briefest moment later she could feel his fur, both coarse and yet somehow soft against her face as she pressed against him; the heat of his body stimulated her. She held him to her as tightly as she could, burrowing her face against his breast. "Tal Natha," she spoke, her voice barely a murmur. She didn't know if he would speak, didn't wait to see if he would or not. "I don't know why this is...I know what it is, but not why...why I feel this way about you...I know it's wrong...I am your half-sister...but for some reason it feels right to me...I don't know why I couldn't place it before, but I know what it is now, and I feel I can't hold it within me any longer." "Red Bird." His voice, above her; and then, softly, inside her head, Red Bird. She lifted her head to look up at him. His luminous green eyes stared back down at her, and she was flooded with relief to see the look there. He didn't rebuke her at all. He gently touched her face. You are only half my kind. I do not expect you to understand...but things are different with us. My father and my mother have been with each other. My father has been with his own daughter. I know that my mother at times lusts after me. This is the way with my kind...though not with yours. "It shouldn't matter then," she whispered. "I'm half your kind. It's good enough." Your mind is clouded by emotion, human. "I don't care anymore. I've been denying it too long now. I've desired you all along, Tal Natha...Brother. I feel this was meant to be." The green eyes blinked slowly. You follow only your emotions. You've ceased to listen to what your head is saying...this is the way your kind gets into trouble. A pause, but only a brief one; when his voice came to her again, she sensed the edge there, a slightly pained edge, as if he hated what he had to say. I urge you to think again. Before you make a mistake. "There are no mistakes. I can't say any more; I'm burning inside, for you, Tal Natha." She placed her mouth to his, opening wide, her body pressing against his, begging him without words. The Ocryx hesitated and she quailed inside; then she felt his paw on her back, his tongue in her mouth, his wolf teeth scoring her lips, and she knew that he'd desired her as well. Her hands ran down, reached beneath him, grasped his member, hidden by thick fur; yet when she touched him it became visible, rising rapidly, engorged and hard, full for her. She stroked it quickly; the demon's breath came fast in his throat, and with his claws he sliced open the side of her dress, removing it from her. His muzzle moved to her neck and he bit at the skin. Red Bird, succumbing to passion, bit at his shoulder in return. She heard the Ocryx growl, and the sound stimulated her so much that her teeth sank into him--the sharp tang of blood filled her mouth and she heard him snort with pain. The gesture aroused her like nothing else; her fingernails scored his back and she pulled at the feathers in his wings, growling and thrashing herself, almost fighting against him as he pressed her to the ground and lowered himself over her, his furry hips keeping her in place beneath him. He snarled and she snarled back and fought, scratching and biting; her hands seized his member, which stood out, swollen and throbbing, over her belly, and squeezed hard. Tal Natha let out a barking sound; he bit her neck, drawing blood. Red Bird gasped in pain and delight. The Ocryx side of her welcomed the feral behavior. When Tal Natha tried to lower himself again she wriggled against him, struggling to turn herself over. The demon realized what she was doing and lifted himself up to allow her. His panting was heavy and thick; she could tell that he was pleased by her decision. Having been hiding in her father's cave on many occasions when he'd enjoyed his female companions, she knew well how Ocryxes best liked to couple with their mates. She knew how she would best like it as well. As soon as she'd turned herself over she arched her back, buttocks spread open. "Mount me! Impale me!" she whispered, voice husky and impatient. She followed this with a low growl; the sound sent shivers down her spine. The Ocryx responded to her sound with a growl of his own; his hands seized her sides, and a moment later the demon had mounted her, thrusting inside, full and hard; Red Bird shrieked breathlessly and bucked against him and then rocked on her knees, submitting to her new mate as he coupled with her, pushing quickly, panting heavily. She let out a feral growl and tossed her head, writhed when his snake tail wrapped around her, bared her teeth when his wings flapped at the air, fanning her. She could tell that her behavior excited her mate as well, if his answering sounds of lust were any indication. Oh spirits, how she enjoyed him! He was massive inside her, yet somehow it didn't hurt. She suspected that it was because of her own Ocryx blood that it felt so right to her, that she'd expected it to be this way all along. She let out a wolfish whine as the demon thrust, heard him snarl back, and shivered in joy. Why had she denied herself this for so long, just because they shared the same father, because he was Ocryx and she was not? Did it really matter so much? He, at least, had said that among his own kind, it didn't matter...the act was for two reasons, to procreate, and to receive pleasure, and anything else that came about was only secondary. She received immense pleasure now...and if her half-brother should get her with child, then so be it, she would gladly bear it for him...just to have the chance to be with him, to have him inside her, to feel the pleasure-pain that was making love to an Ocryx... Tal Natha pounded into her, a high, rasping growl rising in his throat. She let out her own sound, accompanying his; a desperate, lustful sound, begging for release, for completion, for climax. His musk filled her nostrils with a bitter tang, his fur clinging to her wet skin; she arched her back further to receive him, feeling him slick and hot inside her, and the whine rose in her throat, the heat rose between her thighs, the ecstasy rose within her body, as she could contain herself no more; the demon's frenzied sex pushed her over the brink, something began to crack and give way inside her, a white light exploded within her head-- Red Bird threw back her head and let out a shriek which grew into a howl as the paroxysm of her orgasm passed through her body. It felt as if something had slammed into her--as Tal Natha grasped her hips for his finishing plunge she jerked abruptly, startling him--her body changed--fur sprouted from her skin, her bones elongated, a tail unwound suddenly from the base of her spine, claws protruded from her fingers and fangs from her mouth--wings fanned out from her back--horns spread out from her head--by the time she had tossed her head back completely, she looked much as her mate did, only her fur shone snowy white against his black, yet her eyes--when they opened--were the same emerald green as his own--and his own howl, though astonished, sounded much the same as hers. She felt his seed enter her and her howl only grew. She dimly hoped that somehow, some time, she should give him his own child. He let out his breath. She nearly collapsed beneath him, but he caught her, and held her up; he removed himself and turned her to him, grasping her arms, and his emerald eyes searched her face. She opened her eyes to look at him, panting weakly, and noticed the odd look he was giving her--his eyes roamed her face and her body, as if he'd never seen her before, but the look on his face was one of pleasure and wonderment. She had to search to find her voice. "W...what is it?" "You." He sounded awed, didn't stop examining her. "What's happened to...you." "What?" She realized his scrutiny, and, confused, started searching for a reflective surface. She found one in one of the large crystals at the side of the cave, and gasped when she saw what he was seeing. An Ocryx. A...female Ocryx. When she opened her mouth to cry out, it opened its mouth as well. When she started back in horror, it started back--and she realized-- The Ocryx! Herself! Red Bird let out a wail and struggled to get up. Tal Natha held her down. She began sobbing in fear, though it was more noise than tears. She couldn't believe what had happened--how had she become an Ocryx? This couldn't be happening! Tal Natha still struggled to hold her still, staring at her in awe. He touched her face. "What's happened to you!" "I'm hideous! This can't be happening! I'm a horrid brute!" "No." In her head, forcefully--NO. She stopped struggling and looked at him, her eyes brimming. Tal Natha's own eyes were as wide as her own, but he looked...pleased. She couldn't believe it. She tried to turn her head so she couldn't see herself in his eyes. "I'm a horrid brute now." "No. You are one of my kind now. You are beautiful to me." She sucked in her breath and peered at him. "What?" "My kind. You are Ocryx now. I do not know how it's happened...but it has. Why do you find yourself ugly when you were first attracted to me? You are one of my kind now...you expect me to find you hideous?" Red Bird could only sniffle. It came out wolfish sounding and she cringed. "Yes." "How can you think this? You are my kind. You are female." Tal Natha's voice lowered, and she finally noticed the newly born desire in his eyes, which told her that what he said next was true... "You are attractive to me." Within her mind: I wish for you to be my mate. For now and forever. Red Bird, the mate of Tal Natha...would this be what you wish, as well? She felt herself weakening in his grasp, losing herself in his eyes... The Outsider Justin crept silently down the rocks leading to the hidden pool. He liked to go there sometimes, to see if he could happen upon the strange red-haired girl he'd seen there once, drinking water, before he'd accidentally frightened her off. The waterfall masked any sound he might make, for the most part; yet he didn't wish to take any chances. He reached the pool to find no one there, the same as it had been yesterday, and the day before. With a sigh, he turned to make his way up the rocks before a faint noise caught his attention. He froze and listened. What had it been? A small animal whine? All that he could hear was the splashing waterfall. He turned to scan the pool again. Nothing. His gaze passed by the waterfall and then stopped abruptly and moved back again. He squinted. Something...there seemed to be something in the small cave just behind the waterfall. He could see something back there, something black and white, moving just behind the water. It didn't come out, but stayed where it was, swaying, blurred by the cascading water. Justin frowned. He had to figure out what that was. He moved around to the other side of the pool and crept up the rocks, to get a better, clear view behind the water. He ducked down and peered forward, eyes focusing, sight clearing. His eyes then widened. He couldn't believe it. It wasn't a black-and-white creature...it was a black creature and a white creature--two Ocryxes--making love. They knelt on all fours in the shallow water just behind the fall. The black one, larger and obviously the male, bowed over and pressed his hips repeatedly against the white one, the two of them coupling leisurely, once in a while a soft growl from one or the other indicating their pleasure. They took their time, moving slowly, relishing each other, and didn't notice Justin. Justin stared, transfixed. He'd never seen these Ocryxes before, and he'd never seen such an act. It excited him beyond all measure. He felt both an inexplicable lust and awe rising inside him--he felt that he should be the one to couple with the female. His eyesight was such that even from his vantage point he could see her pudenda spread wide and pink, and the male's penis sliding slowly in and out as he moved. Both had their eyes closed. The female, white fur sparkling, knelt passively but her head tipped back, long neck exposed, nose pointing skyward. She panted softly. The male's head hung forward as he concentrated on thrusting; once in a while he'd lean down with a growl and seize her scruff in his teeth and tug a little, causing her to growl and bare her teeth in return. Yet Justin could tell that she enjoyed the loveplay, they both enjoyed it all, as they only continued to move... He moved his hand down to press against his front. He was hard...he tried to fight it off, but could only watch the two, fascinated... * * * * * Red Bird tipped her head back, panting. So far, she and her mate had been coupling for almost an hour. Tal Natha had told her no lies about the Ocryxes' abilities of endurance. He had brought her to this pool, where he knew she loved to tarry, and had led her behind the waterfall where they had watched it for some time. Then he'd undressed her, and led her into the water itself--it was so warm and welcoming. She'd always loved the water; perhaps a trait she had earned from her father. To her surprise, Tal Natha had kissed her, and caressed her with his tail, and then cupped the water to her lips. For some reason...this she had found very erotic...and she had spent a good deal of time sucking the tiny droplets of water from her mate's fur, eventually working her way down, down, between his legs, tongue licking the droplets from his now-erect member. He had touched her. The water. You find it as stimulating as I do. "Yes," she'd murmured, cupping her elbows in her hands. Her nipples were tight and hard. It is because of our nature. The water in our spirits. We are partly of the realm of water, you and I. A pause. Someday I shall take you to the very top of the Island, during a summer wind...the wind is also in our nature...I'm certain you would find it most stimulating. "Yes, I would," she'd said, then moaned softly. He had touched her again. Please, dear mate...let us do what mates do...I have wished to come inside you for very long now. "This is why you bring me here?" Red Bird had almost laughed on seeing her lover's anxious look. "Yes...all right...I've longed for you as well...this water makes me heady, gives me all sorts of strange thoughts..." Please, dear mate. Come to me in our own form. Red Bird had hesitated, and Tal Natha had shifted uncomfortably. Please...you are beautiful to me this way...yet you are so that way as well...you feel more natural to me, our bodies are more suited... "All right...I'll try." Red Bird had closed her eyes, tried to concentrate...Tal Natha assisted...and within time, she was no longer Red Bird but an Ocryx, mate and lover of Tal Natha, and she knelt beneath him, tail moving aside, and submitted as her mate and master coupled with her. His penetration was always exquisite, strong and forceful yet tender and gentle. Likewise his slow, steady motions, fluid thrusting within her. She growled softly. He growled in return, a guttural sound, and nipped at her neck. She panted, overcome with desire, loving him. Tal Natha... Her thoughts were faint, distracted. My mate...my lover...my own... She sensed his own difficulty in conveying how he felt. My dear little Red Bird...how I cherish you...as I am yours, you are mine...always... Always, she echoed him, only to jerk and let out a whine. Tal Natha growled, kept moving, pushing, thrusting... * * * * * Justin rubbed his hand slowly up and down his member, hard and tight within his pants. The rhythmic rocking of the two Ocryxes--their slow, steady, relaxed lovemaking--made him hot and dizzy. He sensed their animal need. The way the female sucked in a breath. The way the male groaned. The way their bodies moved close, rubbing. The way their hips rolled. The way her thighs tightened. The way his buttocks tightened. The slowness, the leisureliness. The way their tails twined, the way the male gently chewed at her neck, the way his hand trailed up, between her legs, touching her, spreading her, caressing her. The way she moaned...so softly...so desperately... He watched them, watched them mate, for a half hour or more; until the male gently nudged the female into deeper water, and to his great disappointment they sank beneath the surface...but the water began to pitch and roil, and within moments the Ocryxes had surfaced, bodies still entwined, male now clasping the female to him, arms around her middle, legs around hers, tail around her legs...as they surfaced, she gasping, his hips still pumped at hers, harder now, faster now...they sank within the water but their motions brought them rising again, the male's thrusting pushing them up, female wet and gasping, writhing and twisting and bucking within the water, pudenda showing tight pink, penis hard and pink, fur wet and bodies hot, eyes glazed, tongues lolling, groans rising, hips grinding, howls breaking forth-- Justin stifled a gasp, felt the front of his pants go wet. The Ocryxes howled, climaxed in unison, breaking the surface with backs arching and bodies going rigid, buttocks quivering. He imagined the male's fluid draining. Within a moment the two sank back into the water, chests heaving, relaxing against each other, looks exhausted yet satisfied. Justin knelt down on the rock, supporting himself with one hand, breath fast but quiet. How long, how many times had they made love before he arrived? He'd heard of the stamina of Ocryxes, even if he didn't recognize these two. He hadn't even known that there was another female besides Ocryana. Who was this one? He realized that he hardly cared...oh God, how he just wished that he could take the other Ocryx's place, and be with her...he too could change his form...he was certain that he could please her, if this was what she liked, he could please her very much, perhaps even more so than this black Ocryx... The two parted from each other, turned, kissed each other, teeth biting...and as they did...the female Ocryx began to change...Justin watched, stunned, as her body began to glow and shrink, yet the black Ocryx stayed the same, until the glow faded and he was no longer kissing an Ocryx, but... Justin sucked in a breath. The native girl! Her red hair hung down over her shoulders, slick with water; her copper skin glistened wet. There was no mistaking who she was--the same girl he'd frightened off so many days ago--and now she was here again, here with this beast, coupling with him like some sort of dog-- Jealousy and fury rapidly welled up in his chest and his fists clenched. All of the days he'd come looking for her, might she have been here after all, behind the waterfall, making love to that thing? Even as Justin thought of it in such vile terms he knew that it was more jealousy than disgust--he, too, had the blood of an Ocryx within him. And so, evidently, did this human girl. He couldn't understand why she'd been so frightened of him, and yet had submitted to this demon so readily--whatever did this Ocryx offer her that Justin couldn't? As if to spite him further, to make him even more jealous, the two clung to each other tightly, the girl embracing her demon lover and burrowing her face against his furry chest. He nuzzled her ear; and instead of leading her out of the water, took her buttocks and parted them. The girl gasped and tossed back her head. Justin expected her to fight. Yet she clung to the Ocryx even more tightly--Justin's rage burned greater when the Ocryx lifted her slightly, positioned himself, brought her back down onto his shaft, and commenced pushing, the water roiling around them again. The girl made almost no motion, just clung tightly, eyes shut, teeth bared. The male took all control, clasping her, hips rolling, hands maneuvering her own in tight circles against him, groaning heatedly. He even bit at her bared shoulder, drawing blood. Justin gasped and started to stand lest the creature hurt her, but saw the desire and lust plain on her face, even as she submitted completely to her lover's control...Justin couldn't stand to see it, he willed her to move, yet she didn't, her mate did it all, using her in Justin's eyes, claws clenching her skin, tail winding around her, long tongue running along her ear... You bastard. Justin clenched his fists tighter. And nearly started in shock when a voice--a different voice--came to his mind--You betray our peace. You violate our privacy. You defile us. Yet you stay and curse us. Go if you must despise us so much, and leave us to ourselves. His eyes widened. The girl moaned obliviously. But he noticed, just barely, that the male's eyes opened and moved up to look directly at him. Brief panic. He knows I'm here! I've known all along. You are careless. Leave us to our peace. Justin finally stood up, shaking badly. He'd had no idea that the Ocryx could read all of his thoughts, the whole time, everything he'd been thinking the whole time he'd been there. Even, he supposed, his feelings toward the girl, and his feelings about seeing her with this other Ocryx. He felt humiliated-- Then you know how she would feel if she knew. Now go. Barely stopping to think another thought, Justin turned and silently scrambled back down the rocks and sped away from the pool as quickly as his feet would take him. Expecting Red Bird sat still on the floor in the back corner of the cave, waiting patiently as the evening wore on. She'd surrounded herself with furs and soft things and made herself a comfortable bed, almost a nest. Despite the fire she felt a chill and clasped her hands around her arms, shivering. It wasn't only cold that made her tremble. She waited for him to return, and return he finally did, and she knew that her soft bed was a welcome for him. It was why she had made it. She'd hoped it would be understood. When he saw it he blinked a few times, then his look softened and he approached her. When he reached her she took his hands and drew him down beside her, offering a tiny, shy smile. He touched her face and she knew that he wasn't angry with her. Despite her worry, having him near, having him near always excited her, and though the furs beneath her were luxurious and warm, they were nothing like the feel of him pressed against her, the musk, the heat from his body enveloping her. She wriggled out of her clothing, breath catching in her throat. He bent and his teeth scored her neck, tongue nuzzling warm and wet behind her ear. She shivered again, not with cold, but with heat. She whimpered slightly. He ran his claws through her shining red hair; she pressed herself close to him, fingers digging into fur. She knew he appreciated when she changed herself to suit his form, yet tonight, tonight she did not wish to...she hoped that he understood... After they had kissed and caressed for a time she broke from him, lying down on her stomach on the thick furs, tucking her head against her arm. He bowed over her, biting her nape, heavy hips positioning over hers; she whimpered again and chewed on her lip when he entered and began to move. He went slowly this time. His hands stroked her body; one slipped beneath her, clasping her breast, tweaking her nipple. She gasped. She had a sudden image of him suckling at her, but then he was replaced by something else...and her anxiety returned... She tried to put it out of her mind and enjoy the feeling of him. They had loved each other for so long now, so very long...the times they had been together, been inside one another, were many...why then did it surprise her so much that this should finally happen? She should have been surprised that it hadn't happened sooner. Yet she'd tried so hard to believe that it couldn't happen. Only now, it had...and she would have to tell him, sooner or later... She had prepared this bed for him, so that they might be together at least one last time, so that they might enjoy each other, before telling him, and possibly losing him forever... And enjoy each other they did...even as she worried, he pushed into her, oblivious to her thoughts, breath coming hard from his nostrils, straining, his weight--and the way that he gently bit at her skin and growled low in his throat--fueling the fire inside her to roaring. Her own fingers clawed the furs and she arched herself beneath him. He grunted softly, seed pouring within her; the feel of his fur against her hips and buttocks caused her to tremble in orgasm. After a moment she felt him pull from within her, and the feeling was so empty...she feared that it would be the last time she ever experienced this bliss, this joy, this...love from him. She lay panting after he had finished and removed himself from her. When she hesitated rolling over, he gently turned her over himself. She let him, and did not protest when he traced one claw over her body, down her cheek and neck, around her breast, down her belly to her private area. She kept her eyes averted to the side and her hands clasped tightly against her thigh. Now that the time had come, she couldn't think of the right words to say. Perhaps there were no right words. After some time, noticing that his touches were bringing no response, he finally stopped and looked in her face. She sensed his concern, the silent question if he'd done something wrong. She blinked and tried to hold back tears, biting her lip again. He frowned and reached for her face, tilting it to look at him. Little Bird? he asked; she blinked again. It was what he called her when he was worried or else deep in the throes of their lovemaking, his personal name for her; she suddenly realized how much she would miss hearing it from him. She wanted to speak but couldn't even open her mouth. His frown grew. Little Bird...what is wrong? She tried to avoid his eyes but he looked directly at her, and he could tell that something troubled her when she couldn't hold the stare. She knew he thought that he had been the cause of her reaction, and was confused as to why. She hated that she couldn't make it clear that he had never done a thing, it was only what she feared he would do that troubled her so deeply... She had to tell him, whether it meant the end for her or not...she owed him that much, at least. Red Bird? Now that he was this worried, he stopped using her nickname. Please tell me, what have I done wrong? She took his hand and placed it against her flat belly, then turned away again, tears welling in her eyes. She bit her lip and willed them not to fall. In response he stared at her for a moment, then looked down at his hand, lying upon her stomach. His fingers drew in slightly, claws lightly raking against her skin. His frown grew. He looked up at her again. Little Bird. He sounded confused. My...pup. You...you carry my pup? She nodded silently. He stared at her for a while longer. She shut her eyes, unable to bear it. As a three-quarters Ocryx, this child could be only a nuisance to him in the future, a threat. Why would he want it? When it could so easily end up killing him? She let out a small gasp of surprise when Tal Natha bent closer to her and placed his head against her belly, ear pressed to her skin. He appeared to be...listening. As if he could hear the stirrings of his child within her already. She didn't know...perhaps he could. She lay still while he listened, though she wanted so badly to hold him to her. After a moment he lifted his head again to look at her. She met his eyes this time, her own offering a silent apology. I'm sorry, my mate. I didn't know. I'm sorry. Though she didn't direct this thought at him directly, it was as if he heard it. He touched her belly again, rough fingertips lightly brushing her skin, then leaned toward her. She gasped again; warm tongue caressed the base of her throat, trailing to her cheek, her ear. "I..." she managed to get out. His other hand touched her face. Please, do not...do not apologize to me, Little Bird. My mate. You carry my pups. Two of them. I can sense them, their dreams, within you. Her heart sped up. "Two...?" Yes. They are twins. Already they sleep and dream inside you. He brushed back her hair. They are very young still...yet they are alive, and they are yours and mine. "I'm sorry, Tal Natha..." Why do you apologize? He lifted his head to look at her, frowning again. She chewed her lip and tried to avoid his stare. "I...they...they can only grow up to become your enemies. I tried...I thought perhaps we would not...have any children together. I'm still young...and we've been together so long...I thought perhaps I was unable...if I'd known...I would have been more careful, or I would have tried not to catch your eye..." Silly Bird. You have not captured my eye. You have captured my heart. He stroked her face. No matter what you say or do now, it is yours and you will always hold it captive. You have enslaved me. Why would I wish for you to let me go? "It...they..." Our pups. They are two, male and female. "They...they'll cause you trouble...in the future. If I'm allowed to bear them." Only now did she sense some anger from him, and she squinted her eyes shut. Red Bird. You speak of "if." They are my pups as well as yours. You will bear them. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "But..." Do not think yourself too weak. You are Ocryx. You could tolerate me...you can tolerate this. Silver Eagle Feather has done the same. You can do it. You will. "But you..." What of me? "They'll grow up, and...and they'll..." Who is to say what they will do? She looked at him once more. You cannot predict what will become of them. Look at me. Born of Ocryx and Ocryana. Look at X. Born of Ocryx and Silver Eagle Feather. How can you say our pups would take after Ocryana and not after us? "There's always the danger, Tal Natha...I didn't want to put you through it..." The only thing you put me through is what any mate does. You are my mate. You carry my pups. This does not make me angry with you, Little Bird. You bring me joy. Every day, every time we are together. To now bring me this...you bring me yet more joy. A gentle caress against her stomach. He looked down at her abdomen, still flat, showing no hint of the child--children--who slept within. Our pups. Our children. You are truly my mate, now more than ever. The tears finally streamed down out of her eyes. She bit off a sob and reached for him, pressing her face into his fur. She had expected anger, but this--? She knew that she didn't deserve him. His arms and his wings enfolded her, clasping her to him tightly while she cried. He stroked her head, muzzle close to her ear. Please don't cry, Little Bird...you have no reason to cry. She cried nonetheless. He held her the whole time. And after she had cried herself dry he licked the tears from her face, and they lay back together in the deep furs and coupled again, slowly, tenderly, soft moans of passion escaping them, until daylight came. Pressing Need Tal Natha bent and pressed his head to Red Bird's stomach the same way that he had every day for the past eight months. She paused and held her breath, knowing that he listened for the sound of their children--their "pups," as he called them--moving within her. She scratched one of his ears and smiled, then let out a slight gasp, feeling one of them kick. To be pregnant, to be so heavy with child, was still such a strange feeling for her; though she didn't tell him, she felt a great deal of fear and anxiety. She wasn't going to have just any child. She was going to bear an Ocryx. And not just one, but two. Would she be able to do it? Could her body handle it? What was more...she missed being with Tal Natha as often as she used to. It had been fully a month now, and she was beginning to feel frustrated. Simply having him near her gave her a deep pain inside. Tal Natha stood again and smiled at her and she forced herself to smile back. They move. Already they wish to come out to greet us. "You can hear them, truly?" Of course. They are very strong and healthy pups. You have little to worry about, Little Bird. She continued smiling for a moment before biting her lip and groaning, balling her fists at her sides and shutting her eyes. His smile immediately disappeared and he placed his hand on her belly. Red Bird! Do they come now, so soon? "No...it's not that, Tal Natha, it's just...I...I want to be with you so badly right now!" He blinked. Be with me...? "Make love. I want to make love to you so badly! I hurt inside!" She groaned again and balled her fists below her protruding belly, rubbing up and down in a futile effort to quell the ache. All that he could seem to do was blink some more, his expression purely surprised. Red...Bird... "I can't help it, Tal Natha." Even as she said it, she couldn't help it, anymore; having him near her was too much to take. With a short, frustrated cry she leaned back against the wall, hands reaching under her dress. Tal Natha just stood and gaped as she started working at herself with her fingers within plain view. She was incredibly embarrassed that he should see her do it, but she couldn't control it anymore. She sobbed a few times, though no tears came; it was purely out of need. He reached out and grabbed her arms, stopping her motions. She moaned and trembled like a leaf within his grasp. He touched her face and she forced her eyes open, seeing the surprise and concern in his eyes. Red Bird, how long have you felt this way? "For ages now, Tal Natha. I want nothing more than to be with you. I've tried to keep it to myself, but I can't help it anymore." Why did you never tell me? "I thought...I thought you didn't want to...not with me, like this..." He blinked at her again, and she sensed his disbelief. You thought I would not want you? I would find you undesirable? Little Bird, you are more beautiful to me now than ever. To look at you I see our love for one another. I've not approached you for I assumed you wanted some peace. I was never repelled by you. "You...you've been wanting me...?" Of course, silly Bird. More every day. His look grew tender. Why you put yourself through this frustration...you should have just asked me. I would gladly take away your pain, and my own. "But...our pups..." Our pups will be fine. My people, your people have been together this far along, and further. I refrain only if it causes you discomfort. "No, no! I'm--I'm fine! Truly! Please! I've wanted you for so long!" His response was to kiss her, soft muzzle pressing against her mouth. She kissed him back. His tongue along her teeth was the most delicious taste. He touched her shoulder, and she started fumbling to remove her clothes, breath hitching in her throat already. Her clothing, removed. His hand upon her breast. They were pendulous now, full of milk for their pups; when he touched her it began to trickle from her nipple, running down her belly. She moaned. He touched her neck, her back, reached between her thighs, massaged so her juice came to his fingers. When she began to tremble again he took her hands. He brought her closer to the opening of the cave, to the stone bench; he rested his haunches against it and brought her to him. He spread his legs as she approached and her heart pounded, seeing what awaited her; she sank to her knees and placed her mouth around him, swirling and sucking. Tal Natha's breath sped up and he had to stop her. He brought her to her feet again, turned her away from him, took her under the arms and gently lifted her. Red Bird allowed him. She felt safe with him; he had been not only her guardian and father figure, in lieu of Ocryx, but he had been her lover as well, and she couldn't count the nights and days that they had spent wrapped in each other's embrace, bodies close and hips meeting in glorious union. Now she was to bear his children. He considered it an honor. She considered it no less herself. Tal Natha slowly lowered her onto his lap. His member pressed up into her. Red Bird moaned, feeling it slide deep within. He parted her buttocks, shifted himself slightly. His arms surrounded her, head pressed to hers; his hands ran down to caress the swelling that was their pups. Red Bird shut her eyes and gasped. Behind her, she could hear Tal Natha panting. His breath fanned warm on her cheek. Talk to me, she silently begged. Please talk to me. Please tell me how you feel...I need to know... Poor Bird. He nuzzled her ear. You do not know already? I need to hear again...please, just make me believe... You are my mate, Little Bird. I feel for you as any mate would. When I am away, I miss you. When we are together, I cherish you. When we make love, you fill every part of my being. When I sleep, I dream of you. I dream that we are together, always. Always. He was moving, his hips beginning to rock, thighs swaying, pushing up into her. Red Bird sucked in a breath. His hands moved, caressed, gently squeezed her breasts. Their milk flowed from her like two white rivers. Oh...Tal Natha...if I could...I would give this to you. I would love to feel you lick me dry, suck the nourishment from my breasts... You have given me already all that I've ever needed, Little Bird; you have given me yourself. You will give me our own pups. His hands clutched her swollen belly. She gasped again. The sensation was one that she had never felt before. The pressure--their pups pressing against her ribs, Tal Natha pressing into her below--it combined to arouse her in every way imaginable. Please...go faster. Our pups...? You say they will be fine. I believe you. Take this fire from within me. I can't bear it any longer. Dear Brother! Hands clasping her belly tighter. Pulling her to him. Hips pushing at her, harder. Tail twining around her legs. She envisioned him, the two of them, together, from outside herself; the great demon, Tal Natha, clutching his human mate to him tightly, nuzzling at her neck and thrusting his hips; the frail Red Bird, breasts and belly swollen huge and pregnant, head thrown back and eyes glazed, legs spread wide and twined against her lover's to support herself, hands upon his hips, pushing herself onto him, pudenda spreading, accepting him, spreading, accepting him, repeatedly, milk trailing down her body to drip to the floor, breasts swinging and Tal Natha's claws lightly digging into her belly, motions growing faster, more hurried and impatient. "Oh...oh...Brother..." You need not speak...Little Bird...I can sense all that you think and feel right now...I share your mind and body as one with mine right now... "I know...but Brother...I feel...I feel as if I should tell you...how much I--oh!--love you right now--and always--and forever--I've loved you for so long, so long I can't describe--and my body has ached without your touch..." A groan, and then, "Little Bird..." She started. He'd spoken aloud! Her breath caught. "Oh...Tal Natha...your voice, it brings me comfort...I pray we never have to be apart again so long..." I as well pray this, dear Little Bird...more so than you know... "I'm...I'm sorry I...doubted you...your love for me...but I need to hear it...to know that you love me...you still need me..." I will always love and need you, dear Sister. His voice rose in a heated groan. "Red Bird!" "Tal...Tal Natha..." His hips, her hips pushed harder, faster; she rocked upon him in his lap, he rocked on his haunches, pushing himself with his tail; the muscles in his thighs bunched tight. His claws dug at her skin. Her belly bobbed. So large...so swollen...so full with their pups...their fertility...their promise of new life...her life...Tal Natha's... He throbbed within her, hot and engorged, pushing, pushing, pushing...thrusting...rocking...moving... She threw back her head, arching. "Tal Natha..." "Dear Sister...Little Bird..." The sound of her voice, throaty with passion, stimulated him. The sound of his voice, thick and heated with desire, drove her wild in ways that she'd never imagined. She gasped, arched again, rocked hard, clasped him to her, his tight grip supporting her as they moved, moved, moved-- "Tal Natha--" "Red Bird." "Oh--Tal Natha--oh--" "My mate...my lover...my dear sister..." "Dear Brother...Tal Natha...oh--!" "I love you--love you more each day--mmm, my dear Red Bird, little Red Bird--" They rocked almost frenziedly now, hot and pulsing with passion, heedless of the awkwardness, she moaning, he groaning, desire and lust and ecstasy rising within them-- "Tal Natha--" "Red Bird--" "Oh--Tal Natha--" "My Little Bird--" "Tal Natha!" "Red Bird!" "OH!" "GGNNNRRRR--!" He broke off in a howl--long and high and lustful, almost mournful in its expression of a need which has been sated, yet still exists. Red Bird howled along with him, high pitched and exhausted. Tal Natha's seed flowed profusely. Red Bird felt the warmth spreading within her and gasped for air, trembling in release. She felt her mate trembling against her as well and loved him more than she ever had in that moment. "Tal...Tal Natha..." Her voice came out weak...his climax died, and he lifted her from him. Her muscles ached and refused to work; she couldn't stand. She moaned softly as he stood, carrying her in his arms like a baby, to lay her gently upon the gathered furs that made up their shared bed. She shivered with sudden cold; Tal Natha lay beside her and she curled up to him, the warmth from his body comforting her. His mouth found her breast and he began to suckle. She started at first, but then saw the peaceful look on his face, his teeth barely scoring her skin as he sucked her milk contentedly. She sighed, snuggled closer, and cupped her breast to his mouth, allowing him to drink his fill, before the two of them slowly drifted into a deep satisfied slumber. Family Picture Red Bird lay upon Tal Natha, who rested upon his back, her clothing shed and her bare skin pressed to his soft thick fur. She rested her head upon his breast while he gently stroked her back. Though her hips touched his they had not made love yet; they simply lay in each other's arms, the torchlight flickering upon them, deep in their own thoughts. Red Bird so loved the feel of the strong massive body beneath her. She was safe with him, and loved also the gentle brush of his fur against her thighs. "Do you believe this will be a good year?" she murmured, studying the patterns cast on the wall by the light. His voice was soft, quiet. The future is not for me to know, Little Bird. "I know...but I worry so much...that I won't be good enough, I won't take good enough care of them..." You will. Believe in yourself. You are a lovely mother. He stroked her back again. They are beautiful pups, and you take as good care of them as anyone. "Still...I can't help but think..." As if in response to her uncertainty, she heard a soft whining start from the corner. She lifted her head from Tal Natha's breast and then sat up, climbing off of him. As he followed suit she bent to the bedding in the corner to pick up her pups from where they lay crying. Gently shushing them, she felt Tal Natha take her arm; following, he sat down and she climbed into his lap, holding her pups to her so as not to drop them. Tal Natha put his arms around her and she guided one breast into one pup's mouth, the other into the other's. She then leaned back into her mate's protective embrace and he held her while their pups suckled. She began to croon a soft song. Tal Natha placed his head to hers. She shut her eyes. She'd never thought that her life would come to this. She...a mother...and the beloved mate of an Ocryx. She had never been so happy, so content. She listened to the small sucking sounds of her children as they contented themselves, filling their tiny bellies at her breasts. When first Sikt let go, and then Dakh--he had always been the hungrier one--she stood to replace them in their nest, next to which she would sleep at night. She then returned to her mate, who lay back again, and she crawled up to join him, loving the feel of his fur pressing close. She stroked his side and gave a small smile. "Are you growing tired, beloved?" Not while I rest with you, Little Bird. Your presence always brings an extra beat to my heart. A touch to her face, and a smile. You must know this by now. Her own smile grew. "I know." She turned from him, stretching herself out to lie down upon him, legs toward his face. Her hand reached down beneath his fur and cupped the sac of his testicles, rubbing and squeezing gently. Tal Natha started. Little Bird! What is this you do? "I merely bring you happiness...dear mate." Red Bird watched as her mate's furry sheath rose and protruded, and then as the pink penis began to slowly slide from it, hard and glistening and strong. She licked her lips; then brought herself forward and closed her mouth around the fleshy head. Tal Natha jerked and whimpered. Red Bird swirled her tongue, sucking and licking gently. His member filled her mouth, hot and smooth. Her fingers continued to massage and play with the warm sac beneath it, ruffling in his fur, touching his sheath. She herself started as soon as she felt a wet muzzle poking at her opening, long tongue massaging inside her. She gasped. Tal Natha's arms surrounded her. They moved rapidly from there, Tal Natha pushing his hips at her mouth, thick member pushing into her throat, Red Bird rocking her hips against her lover's mouth, moaning as her lips sucked and as he sucked at her. They came quickly, as well; Red Bird shivered in pleasure, and swallowed when Tal Natha whimpered again, seed flooding her throat. He panted as if exhausted, but Red Bird had hardly begun. Pulling herself from him, she climbed to the floor, placing her hands upon the ground, hindquarters raised high in the air. Tal Natha pushed himself up to look at her. "Mount me, mount me, my mate!" Red Bird cried. "Mount me and make love to me. Please, dear mate--take away this ache inside me!" She was relieved that he hardly hesitated. The Ocryx got down from his bed, approaching, eyes alight with desire. Red Bird shut her eyes, trembled to feel his great hands take her hips--he parted her legs widely, his warmth pressing against her, and then she moaned to feel the hot slick shaft slowly pushing up through her. Her whole body shook. He felt so good... Tal Natha pushed once, with a hard grunt. Red Bird shook and cried out. The demon pushed again, and then again--not rapidly, but not gently. In this position, he had to bow himself at her back, legs spread wide, to reach down into her. His thrusts were actually quite slow--one hard push, with a thick, heavy grunt, then a pause, then a push and a grunt, then a pause, then a push and a grunt...Red Bird lifted her head to look into the crystals, to see the look on Tal Natha's face as he coupled with her. His head hung back, wings flared. With each push, his jaws clenched tight, eyes shut, heavy strained grunt; but each time he released his jaws opened, tongue lolling, face relaxing in an expression of extreme pleasure. The briefest pause, and then another murmured grunt, a shiver of lust... She'd never seen him so aroused before. With one hand she reached between her legs, caressing him again... * * * * * Tal Natha panted, got his breath, and thrust. Pure delicious delight filled his body. He so loved the feeling of Red Bird, when he was inside her...more so he enjoyed coming into her from behind, mounting her like a wolf...but most of all he loved what she did now. Oh gods, she was so tight and wet...with each push she tightened around him more, gasping. He went slowly, to savor her exquisite feel. Before he had met her, he had made love to several women within their dreams, whichever way that they both most desired...that had been nothing like this. "Oooohhhh Tal Natha..." his young mate moaned. He caressed her thigh. My dear little mate, he murmured. He bowed further to gently seize her nape, and she whimpered and went limp. His jaws lightly clenched against her neck as he moved. Her breath shuddered from her. Her body began to shimmer and she lifted her head a bit, eyes shut and mouth open. Tal Natha continued to cling to her tightly as she began to shift, growing larger but no less tight beneath him. He felt her fur against his own, her tail elongating and sinuously wrapping around one of his legs. Her wings brushed against his face before fanning out to her sides. When she threw her head back again her face was that of a wolf, and her furry hips trembled. Tal Natha growled softly, pleased. My sweet little mate! I do this...for you... Red Bird opened her eyes, glazed with desire. Her downy white fur contrasted sharply against his black. He seized her middle and growled again, still biting at her neck. You know most how to please me...for this I cherish you, little mate. I will please you as you have me. Tal Natha... she whimpered. He hooked one foot around her own, nudging her wider apart. His hands slid up her thighs, fingers flicking at and rubbing over her swollen pudenda, spreading them open and feeling her juices. She yelped at the sensation and jerked, tightening; her demon lover rumbled in his throat and, wrapping his tail around hers, straightened himself up and began pushing anew. Her body froze, went still, though both panted heavily, and she waited for him to do as he would. For now, they resembled merely two wolves mating, Tal Natha occasionally biting her nape, Red Bird submitting with barely a complaint. They rutted vigorously, their excited yelps ringing out against the cavern walls. Dakh and Sikt blinked their sleepy eyes and whined, peering about; the sight of their parents coupling obliviously in the middle of the room hardly fazed them, and they started whimpering anew for food. Red Bird's whimper joined them. Oh... Tal Natha's teeth scored her neck. They will be fine...until we are finished...sweet Little Bird... But...but what if they are hungry...? We will be not much...not much longer now...and then we may feed them...once we are done... Red Bird gasped and arched at his strong motions. Oh! Tal Natha! He growled but did not respond, only seizing her tighter and moving faster. Red Bird whined and bowed her head. She sank slowly to the floor, her mate accompanying her until they both crouched upon all fours, the male demon's hips thrusting frantically. Red Bird rested her head upon the floor, her whimpering growing louder. Tal Natha's growling grew into a loud groan of need and lust. Tal Natha...please...oh please... Little Bird...wait for me...wait for me...your mate comes for you... A whimper. Red Bird shut her eyes and turned her head. Oh spirits, please, Tal Natha--please--please--! Little Bird--I come--! Red Bird yelped and stiffened. Tal Natha snarled and seized her nape tightly so she froze beneath him again. His own body tightened and his hips trembled wildly at her own, a series of tiny thrusts spilling his seed deeply into her. A low rumble came from his throat as he climaxed. Red Bird drew in a long breath and thought about more pups. Her heart clenched. Tal...Tal Natha... Her lover abruptly released her nape, letting out his breath. His grip on her--his hips at her own--loosened as well and his whole body drew away. A second later his arms surrounded her; even in her Ocryx form he could carry her, and he did so, toward the bed of furs that their pups rested upon. Dakh and Sikt whined loudly as he laid her gently back into the coverings; her body began to change again, so that by the time the furs brushed her back, she was again Red Bird, and she gave a soft moan as he let her go. She lay panting and wet, and allowed her mate to carefully pick up their pups, bringing the two closer to her. She opened her eyes and murmured to them, gathering them in her arms and again offering her breasts. The babes began suckling immediately. Tal Natha lay down behind her, his body curling about hers, and rested his head against her shoulder. She smiled tiredly and leaned into him. Sweet Little Bird. You see that you will be the perfect mother to them. "Yes," Red Bird smiled, before it faded and she hugged the pups to her more closely, as if afraid of losing them. "Tal Natha...I worry..." Worry? About what, little mate? He lifted his head and looked at her. Red Bird chewed on her lip. "About...others. What will we do, Tal Natha? What will we do if...if I ever have more pups?" He stared at her for a moment, unspeaking, before leaning toward her to tenderly nuzzle at her neck. She shut her eyes, loving the feeling. Then we will do as we have already done, sweet one. Raise them as our own beloved children. Red Bird smiled slightly at his promise. She pressed her lips to his muzzle and stroked his fur. When her pups had drunk their fill she laid them back in their bed, and as the babes slept she giggled softly as Tal Natha gave a low playful growl, easing her back into the furs and taking her breast in his mouth and spreading his legs to position himself at her most perfectly, the two of them ready for more play. The demon pushed and the girl gasped, and together they murmured with laughter, arms and legs tangling and rolling about with their hips rotating in the utmost pleasure, mindful of their sleeping children and yet enjoying their lovemaking anyway. Three times and more they came that night, each time more exquisite than the last; and their love and desire only grew. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |