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Two warriors become more than just rivals... |
Tith'akh's stare was penetrating yet humored. The line of blood from the cut Siut had made in his face still trickled down his cheek but it was as if he didn't even feel it. Siut himself couldn't hold his stare for very long without averting his eyes, but the heat roared up in him as strong as ever. "You have much gall, to challenge one of your own rank," he dimly heard his rival say. And he looked up at him again. Rival. That was the word that somehow stung him the most. Tith'akh's strange pale blue eyes, his creamy white fur, so in contrast to Siut's dark brown eyes and fur, intrigued him...and the subtle ripple of the smaller but faster Kana's muscles beneath his armor aroused him like nothing else. He remembered the first, and so far only, time he had seen the Kana naked, in the communal washing area at the waterfall...he had stood in nearly waist-deep water, splashing his shoulders and head, his back to Siut, who had stared at the water glistening on his fur as if mesmerized; then he had bent forward to dunk his head under the water, so Siut could clearly see, albeit in shadows, the soft sac hanging between his legs; at that he had snorted and turned away with embarrassment, even while an odd giddiness filled him, a feeling he hadn't quite been able to dispel since that day. And now, they stood face to face again after mock battle, the object of his intent stare right before him... So we are rivals. So must we hate? Yes. We must. But not before I take that which I would have loved, had things been different... Tith'akh merely stared at him as he strode forward, hand on his sword as if to strike anew. Yet as soon as he reached the Kana it was not his sword but his hand that went for Tith'akh's throat, pulling his head up and forcing his jaws open, Siut bringing his own mouth down to crush against his rival's. Instant sweetness flooded his senses. Tith'akh had the most exquisite tongue, the sweetest mouth. Siut doubted it had been touched by many females yet, luckily. His fingers traced along the Kana's jaw as his heart thudded. Tith'akh suddenly snorted through his nose and Siut realized where they were again. His rival. He was kissing his rival! With another snort of his own he abruptly broke from the Kana's mouth and backed away, eyes going wide. He reached for his sword again in case the other decided to attack him for such an affront to his dignity. But...the other Kana hadn't moved. Instead he still stared at Siut, only now with his mouth slightly open, but still with the same humored look...only more so, now. He even seemed to...chuckle to himself. "I apologize," Siut said stiffly, taking his hand from his sword. "This is not behavior becoming of a Kana elite." "This you could say again." Tith'akh's eyes narrowed and he just about sneered. "More like the behavior becoming an uncivilized Moru slave." Siut flinched inside. His transgression seemed hardly worth the insult, but he bore it in silence. He supposed he was lucky that was all he was going to get for it. He tensed in on himself and felt for his sword again when the other Kana approached him, still with that odd humored look. "If you so dislike being called a Moru," he said, voice quiet yet amused, "then you should start to act like one of your own kind. A Kana hardly acts such as you did. Rather they tend to act more like this." Siut started when Tith'akh's hand went around the back of his neck, expecting an attack. The only assault he received was the soft press of Tith'akh's muzzle to his, the flick of his tongue against his lips, followed by the same warmth, only running along his neck now. With a gasp of surprise his eyes came open to see the other Kana slowly licking his neck, from bottom to top. Once he had finished one area, he started on the next, the rough warm wetness leaving shining tracks along Siut's fur. His breath started to come labored and he shut his eyes. "So..." he murmured huskily, as Tith'akh's tongue traced in the hollow of his throat, "...this...is how the Kana elite chat with one another?" "At times." Tith'akh lifted his head to look into Siut's eyes, with that strange humored smile. "Though our methods vary." "This...this makes us sen'akha." Siut said the dreaded word with some hesitation...he didn't like the thought that rather than get some females with child, he should prefer passing his time with members of his own sex. That was a good way to get laughed out of the elite... He was surprised by Tith'akh's dismissive shrug. "So then, we are sen'akha. What does this matter?" "Our positions may be lost, as captains of the royal guard." "A little thing to worry about. We have bigger worries." His fingers traced down Siut's chest. "Such as how we are going to best accommodate one another tonight." Siut shuddered, both at the touch and at the thought. Spend the night! With his rival! "We are enemies," he said, as if to remind him. "Feh, 'enemies'...we are merely rivals." "This is what I mean. To be together, for us, this is inappropriate..." "Only should you tell everyone within earshot. It's not necessarily something that needs to be known." He ran his fingers back up to Siut's neck and smiled at him. "You busy yourself making excuses, Captain. Either you desire one thing, or you desire another." Siut stared at him now, a slight catch in his breath. The blood roared in his ears, the giddiness threatening to overtake him. "I desire...you," he murmured, not even fully aware as he said it. The smile again. "Then we must solve our next dilemma...who shall first receive hakh'tua from whom." Siut blinked. "Hakh...hakh'tua? Females do that!" "So long as we have mouths, we may do the same." His hand caressed Siut's broad chest, then he glanced around the room before his look brightened. "Ah. Come, dear Siut, with me." He took Siut's hand and led him across the room, closer to his private quarters. Here rested a luxurious bed surrounded by a transparent curtain, and Siut felt his heart begin to beat harder on seeing it. Tith'akh smiled at him. "You wish to join me, dear Siut?" More than anything, Siut thought, his mind fevered. He felt his rival's grip tighten on his hand as they got closer, and when they reached the bed he parted the curtain to allow them in. Once here he noticed the soft blanket and pillows, and to the side, a box with several small jars of oils, and his heartbeat just grew faster. Tith'akh stopped him beside the bed and kissed his neck, then proceeded to undress him, carefully removing his armor but not his kilt. When he reached for the straps to his own girdle Siut reached out to help him, breathing hard. Tith'akh just smiled as he did so, those strange blue eyes driving Siut mad with lust. Lust? He envisioned the smaller Kana dipping his head in the water, the sight that greeted Siut's eyes as soon as he bent to rinse himself... Tith'akh's fingers deftly traced over his body. Siut panted. The front of his kilt slowly began to bulge outward. Tith'akh let out an appreciative sound. "Impressive..." "I shall impress you much, if you desire it," Siut panted, voice gruff. Tith'akh laughed but sat down upon the bed, leaning back and taking Siut with him. Their bodies pressed together for the first time, and Siut was overwhelmed by the feeling. The warmth trembling against him was just too much. Worse yet was when the hands that had caressed his chest now moved to his back, touching his wings. He snorted, loudly; a murmured laugh met his ears. "Allow me to move, dear Siut, and we shall please each other..." Siut raised himself as asked, to have Tith'akh squirm about beneath him, shifting himself. A moment later he felt those warm hands reach under his kilt to draw out the swelling. Siut gasped. The fingers worked deftly through every crease. "Set to work, and we shall make the most of our night, shall we not?..." Tith'akh's mouth closed around his shaft. Siut moaned and trembled. He fumbled beneath his partner's kilt as well, grasping his rising penis and jamming his mouth over it almost out of instinct for the pleasure that was rising up within him. He reached under to grasp Tith'akh's buttocks, bringing his hips up to his face, just as his own hips swiveled at the other Kana's expert touch. He snorted and jerked with great surprise to feel something gently poke into him from behind, and his tail rose instinctively. He pulled his mouth away. "Wh...what is that?" Tith'akh pulled his own mouth away from nuzzling Siut's crotch. "You dislike, my love?" "N...no, I...it merely feels...strange to me..." "Ah then, you are iat'ah, still untouched, in this way..." Siut flushed. "I am no virgin..." A slight laugh. "No, no...of course you are not...you are merely a virgin in this one way...forgive me, I had assumed that perhaps you had been involved before..." "What made you believe that? I was surprised to even touch you, remember?" "Of course, of course, my love...but it is not uncommon for even those of us who are not sen'akha to experiment this way...you may find you like it, should you allow me to continue..." Siut snorted, uncertain but shaking, and not only with apprehension. "And you, you are not iat'ah in this manner?" "Of course not, love...I have been with others besides you, before." The bigger Kana flushed again. Tith'akh laughed. "Please, do not be jealous...they were before...you are now. But truly. Your mind is hardly on hakh'tua anymore...perhaps you would allow me to show you how truly pleasurable nesakh'ai may be?" Siut paused as if to think, but inside he was boiling. While the feeling of Tith'akh's fingers inside him had been...strange, to say the least, it had also caused the weird giddiness to rise up inside him again. And he could have sworn that had his partner continued, he would have come straight into his mouth within mere moments, he was so aroused. "...All right," he said finally, uncertainly, "if you promise...that you will be careful. I am not used to this, obviously..." "Of course, dear one...you think that I would hurt you, now?" He pushed himself up again on feeling Tith'akh move beneath him, bringing his face back up to Siut's and touching his cheek. Siut again noticed the streak of blood that he himself had put there and, with a twinge, leaned forward to lick it from him. Tith'akh closed his eyes and murmured softly as Siut's rough tongue grazed his skin. He then smiled and rose from the bed. "What do you do now?" Siut asked, rolling over onto his belly with a curious look. Tith'akh grinned at him over his shoulder. Siut admired his wings as they fanned the air. "Your reaction when I touched you, the raising of your tail...it's obvious you do desire nesakh'ai, the way that sen'akha do it." Siut turned mildly red. "Yet as you said you are inexperienced, new to this...it's very easy for me to injure you, although I would not mean to...especially when we are both so excited as we are now." He came back to the bed, carrying the little box with its various jars. He sat down on the edge and stroked Siut's chin, earning a low rumble. He pulled out one of the little jars and waved it before him. "This shall make it easier for us." "What is it?" "A little something to smooth the way, so to speak." He rubbed Siut's shoulder. "Please part your legs, dear one...this itself will not hurt at all." Trusting him, Siut put his head down and spread his thighs, watching his mate from the corner of his eye as he moved down between them with the small bottle. He flinched to feel something cool and wet rubbing against his anus. "Wh...what is that, Tith'akh?" "A mild oil...nothing to worry about. It will make it easier for us. I shall put some upon myself as well." "So...you really are sen'akha?" "Yes and no. I prefer females, and I prefer your kind, males, just as much." "You mean...you prefer both?" "Yes. If this makes me sen'akha, then that is what I am. But the name hardly fits." He watched the Kana take some of the thick fluid on his fingers and rub it upon his member. "What...what do you suppose I am, Tith'akh?" "Why do you worry on this so much, dear one?" "Those who are sen'akha are reviled by the Kana..." "Hush. This is not so, dear one. Not so long as you father Kana sons. Then what you do with those of your choice in your free time is of no concern to the Kana." He touched Siut's back. "You are what you are, dear one." Siut felt relief wash over him, and sighed and nestled his head into the pillows. He had almost forgotten what they were even there for when Tith'akh touched his hips and came over him, tongue grazing his ear. "Dear little one...are you ready for nesakh'ai?" "Yes." Siut didn't hesitate to think. He felt his hardness stirring beneath him again. "Nesakh'ai, sweet Tith'akh." "You must relax, my love...we cannot do this, enjoy this, with you so tense..." Siut sighed again and willed his tensed muscles to relax. He wasn't certain how he was doing. He felt Tith'akh's fingers slowly work their way into him and shuddered. His partner leaned over to whisper to him again. "Relax, little one..." He did so. His lover's fingers slid into him easily now, two, three, four, all five of them. Siut let out his breath, eyes rolling. Once inside him Tith'akh's fingers curled into a fist and he gently pushed and pulled his arm forward and back, causing Siut to begin gasping with anticipation. "Is..." his voice came out thick and breathless "...is this...nesakh'ai...?" "Hush...not yet, little one...but soon..." He felt Tith'akh's fingers unclench, felt his hand slide from inside him as the breath left his body. His opening relaxed even as his body trembled. When he felt Tith'akh above him, hands clasping his arms, his legs twined around his own, the gentle but insistent pushing against his buttocks, he tensed again. Tongue to his ear. "Relax...my little love..." The hard knot of his head pushing slowly against Siut's opening, requesting entry. His lover's breath against his cheek, the soft tickle of his fur against his buttocks. Siut gasped for breath, but didn't even have to will himself to relax as first Tith'akh's head, then his shaft pressed inside, slowly sliding deep within, glazed smooth by the oil, yet hot and firm, the most pleasurable feeling he'd ever felt. He let out a long, low moan of ecstasy, hearing likewise his mate's thick panting, loving the gentle squeeze of his hands over his arms. "Do I hurt you, dear one?" "N...no...no hurt...this is exquisite...beautiful...pl...please, come inside me again, again, dear love..." Tith'akh smiled and then began to push, hips rocking into Siut's, beginning a rhythm. Siut let out his breath in a blast and panted in tempo with his lover's thrusts. Thus for a half hour or more they moved, one atop and inside the other, both swaying, Siut clutching at the bedclothes and Tith'akh clutching at him as their muscles relaxed and contracted, the two of them groaning with pleasure as they enjoyed one another for the very first time, as Siut gave up his iat'ah in their act of passion. He wished for it never to end, although it had to, the warmth of his lover's seed heating him up inside as nothing else ever had, and he wondered why he had ever been ashamed or disgusted... Even better, once they had separated and lay sprawled back upon the bed, panting and spent, Tith'akh had offered him the chance to do it again...and though he would gladly have obliged to receive a second time, this time it was Tith'akh who asked to receive, from him...flattered and instantly aroused, Siut had risen, moistening himself with the thick fluid as Tith'akh had; and Tith'akh had allowed himself to be gently rolled over and pushed down into the bed as the bigger Kana mounted him, hips trembling with excitement as he clutched his lover's shoulders and pushed, entering, shuddering and tossing his head back at the exquisite joy that flooded through him as surely as Tith'akh's seed had. This time Tith'akh had moaned while Siut murmured to him out of love--"Dear little one...my dear little love...my dear Tith'akh..." And he had treasured every returning murmur, every sigh, every groan that indicated his lover's pleasure as well as his own did...for it was good, to please another as he pleased himself... And while he had welcomed it, he also regretted their shared orgasm, the mutual trembling of their hips as they emptied themselves of their seed, one within the other, the other upon the bed, their backs arched and wings flaring and tails raised in their extreme moment of passion...and then they had sunk over each other, sweating and panting and satisfied. When Siut had gathered enough strength to roll himself off of his prone companion he did so and Tith'akh did the same, so they lay side by side, staring up at the canopy, panting softly. And Tith'akh had reached out to caress his face. Siut looked at him. The other Kana smiled slightly. "And so, we are still rivals...yet we are rivals in good standing, yes, dear one?" Siut smiled back, lazy and puffed with lust. "I am uncertain, Lord Tith'akh...I can't be positive you have firmly convinced me." His lover's smile only grew and he shut his eyes and sucked in his breath to feel Tith'akh's hand lightly grasp his sheath and testicles, squeezing and caressing. "Well...I suppose this means we shall only have to continue with one another until you are convinced...but what shall convince you if not any of that?" A dirty grin. "I'm not certain...perhaps a night full of the same, my hours spent with you...perhaps, you against the wall and me in you would suffice to convince me that we are still worthy rivals..." Tith'akh laughed aloud. "What have I created in you, dear lover? Already you would force your rival up against a wall to have your way with him?" A snort. "There would be no 'force' involved, silly one. You forget already, 'twas you who coerced me." And this time they both laughed. Siut relaxed and stroked his lover's--and his rival's--side, welcoming his returning caress. Yes, they would still have to fight one another during the daylight...but at night it would be all pleasure and play. He looked forward to nightfall already. They still had some unfinished hakh'tua to attend to. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT RATE if you won't review. Thank you! This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought. This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why. If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here. If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask. I do hope you enjoy! :) |