Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/521104-Mans-eternal-quest
by vasu
Rated: E · Article · Women's · #521104
What is man's eternal quest....A few thoughts....

I used to wonder when elders say “times are changed”. I happen to hear this phrase periodically in my childhood and regularly in my adolescence.

Years passed by and today I am a young man in early thirties. Life unfolded itself and put me in a situation to recollect some memoirs – pleasant and unpleasant. Suddenly I discover how true were the words of my elders – “Times are changed”.

Man’s eternal quest! What is it? Where is it? Life has taught me to assimilate all my knowledge and to proclaim with wisdom that “Man’s eternal quest is true love. To live with love, compassion and sincerity.” The purpose of life is to live righteously and love all. Be kind to everyone and thereby creating a beautiful world of worthy relationships.

Indeed everyone is trying his or her best in fulfilling the eternal quest. However in an attempt to fasten the process of fulfillment, the very goal has been misunderstood. An element of “buying” has overtaken the man. And gradually, it led to the phenomena of thought – A thought of gaining anything in this world with money. If I have lots of money, I can buy anything in this world. A thought sprout from the grave of relationships.

This line of thought spread like a wild fire and ignited everyone to pursue in madness the journey of conquering this world by money. Every relationship turned out to be a business deal. Classic example of give and take. Relationships are based on benefits. And a constant fear of ditching shadowed their very few times of happiness. When fear enters one’s mind, it grows leaps and bounds. And today, we ended up in a situation where everyone works hard yet they are not happy. Where everyone struggles for a few memoirs of affection and love. Where everyone is hounded by fear – unknown and unforeseen – yet a feeling of fear is there.

This agony of mankind seems to be never ending. But where there is a will, there is a way out. Yet another phrase heard from elders. We need to understand that there are some relationships in our lives which cannot be “bought”. They need to be taken care of more than anything else in this life. Giving always gives a sense of pride. Hey, I bought this house for my wife….I bought this new car for my kids…..This “I” is tamed by ego of giving. By simple correction to ourselves, we can find a whole new world for us. A world of love based on ever lasting relationships. Give with your heart. That works out miracles.

Receiving is much more difficult. Because the “ego” needs to be killed to receive. So we should never make a person feel that he is dependent on you. Make every soul in this world happy with a few words of kindness. Shower some affection. Speak with your heart. And then only we can achieve the eternal quest – True love.

And today, I re-discover myself that indeed times are changed. For I changed myself to look at the world from a new perspective. A perspective of harmony, peace and love. And I start living a humble life sharing love with near and dear ones. What else is there in this small planet other than the sweetest times with our family. I discard this world of money, which does not give any happiness. I cannot buy with treasures of world, the satisfactory smile of my wife after being with her. I cannot buy the laughter I share with my kids. And it is so easy that we get all these moments of life by just being together with the family. Time to cheer up and look forward for a great tomorrow.


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