Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/519773-Fat-Felines-and-friends
Rated: E · Poetry · Political · #519773
A poem concerning the power of businesses, particularly with reference to TV advertising.
Fat Felines (and friends)

At eight o’clock
The sun still shed
Its rays of light
Upon the beds
of bean and pea and parsley.
While in the sky above I see
A fading of the brilliant blue,
It lightens now to paler hue
As far behind the trees there sinks
The flaming sun,
The tint of pink across the clouds
Reminding me
that day will soon be done.

A cat across the garden creeps,
Through twilight shades and in the deep
Of darkling shadows under trees
It patters on the fallen leaves.

I called that cat, and so it came,
In all good time, it knew its game,
At first so timid it appeared,
Yet bolder soon began to find
the courage to approach.
It brushed its nose against my leg,
And twining black and white it wound
Between my feet, till to the ground
I fell and lay forgotten.

And when I heard the sound so sweet,
The sound of purrs from padded feet,
I felt that I had but one choice;
To take that cat and give it meat.
A long, long time it took to eat,
As quickly as I put down food
it ate it all and then it mewed.

At last, annoyed by blatant greed,
I told that cat “This life you lead
had better stop, you have no right
to always take the things you want.
Though through our own stupidity, we
encourage this misuse that thee
and all thy kind inflict on me.”

Now looking straight into my eyes
I think I see that cat begin
The movement of a crafty grin.
It rubs its nose upon my hand
And now the purring once so soft
Fills all the room and echoes still
Around the corners of my mind.

(The flash of lights, unmoving screen,
Fifty times a second flickers
Horses foaming out of waves,
A speeding car, unmarked, unstained,
A call to arms for those alone,
A nightmare in the waking world,
as giant bellies chase the fit
That choose to wear this sporting kit.

And now the images so clear
remain with me and echo still
Around the corners of my mind.)

The cat is still inside my house,
And looking in the fridge just now,
I see that there is nothing there,
The cat has taken all the food, and I
Who seeing nothing wrong while under spell,
Seem now to waken hidden stores,
Of Wrath and Ire that deep inside
come welling up; that cat should hide!

(A last attempt to fuzz my brain,
The images flash back again.
But this time I have strength to see,
These images affect not me.
For I am now above and far
Beyond the reach of all the stars,
That plead, cajole and threaten with
The fear of a rejection.)

I found that cat asleep, upstairs,
And wondered at the faeces fresh
that lay upon the floor.
“That’s it!” I cried, and seized the scruff
of that cats neck, and with one heave,
Defenestration, I achieve.

They say that cats will always land
On all four feet, and though
They often do, this cat I trowe
Did nothing of the kind.

For full of meat and fat with greed,
This cat fell down and with great speed
From fifteen stories hit the pavement.
A reddish smear is all I see,
A black-white hairy strawberry.

And though a part of me is glad,
I feel regret for that which had,
Once been, perhaps, a noble thing
But now has fallen down to sin.

Still many more
that we adore
Are members of this blighted kind,
The fattened furry feline.
Shapes of men approach the form
of vampyr, and parasitic, swarm
Around the lives of all the West,
Proclaiming truth yet spreading lies
But all in form of good disguise.

Most people neither know nor care
That all around them lies despair,
And if one forces them to see,
They shout and cry “It cannot be”.
And happy in the knowledge that
they must be right, they hide the truth away.

And when He comes again, will He,
who gave the blind a chance to see,
Heal also all the dying eyes
That seem to see so well and yet
Are truly dead within.

I look up at the sky again
And now on West horizon see
Five friends of Earth and Moon appear,
Shining steadily, as the light
Of sun reflects from far.
What other eyes, apart from mine,
look on this sight and also feel
A sense of awe and beauty there
Amidst the signs of man and bear
That hang upon the sky?

But when the light of these great orbs,
Falls unregarded on the Earth
With none still left that still can see
And none left that would honour Thee,
No blind man gazing at the moon,
Then surely comes the end.

A slip of time, a crack in space,
Through fire and ash the earth shall waste,
Until at last returning to
The state of Birth,
At last shall show
The final state of man.

A void,
packed to

of the teeth
of Men.

Screams of
Pride and long
known pain.

Reflections of Humanity.

© Copyright 2002 Kasimir (madfrankie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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