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Rated: ASR · Letter/Memo · None · #519387
Some people have superstitions about Friday the 13th...
wonderful dec

Some people have superstitions about Friday the 13th, but for me this is a day that I will always cherish…a day that I will always love.

From the moment I knew I was pregnant I was 99% sure it was a baby girl.
I had a dream during my pregnancy…exactly what this baby would look like.

The due date came and went and then there I was…3 weeks past due.
The visit to the doctor determined that I needed to get to the hospital. The
blood vessels in my eyes were twisting and popping from high blood pressure.

I’m at the hospital and given a shot to start up my labor. It immediately begins.
I had labor pains all day and into the night. Every minute and a half I was having a contraction.

The doctor comes in after a bit and suggests to me an injection for pain. By this time, I’m hallucinating about front porches. Yes, that’s what I said…front porches!!?

I tell the doctor..”No medicine”, as I wanted to have a natural delivery. He continued to explain that if I didn’t take something for pain, I was only going to get more up-tight and that I needed the pain medication so I could relax a bit

After a few more hours I asked for the pain medication. By this time, I had been in labor all night and I realized…”Oh my god…I’m going to give birth to a Friday the 13th baby!!”

More pain comes..but I really don’t care!! I had been in labor for 13 hours. “What is it with this number 13??” I think.
And still…more pain…but I don’t care.

Finally I’m taken to another room and it’s time for the baby to be delivered.
After 13 ½ hours…My beautiful baby was born.

The nurse held her up and she was
exactly as I had dreamed she would be. Black hair, and round, rosy cheeks.
Tiny, delicate, pink lips and healthy!!

The nurse handed me my brand new baby daughter and asked me what her name was.

I told her: “This is The StoryMistress
“Oh what a beautiful name!” the nurse replied.
I said, ”Yes, it is, and someday she will meet her prince The StoryMaster and
they will run a land together called: Writing.Com.”

Not many people can say that they have enjoyed raising their child every minute since that child was born..but I can.
I have enjoyed my child since day one.

The StoryMistress has turned into a bright and beautiful woman and I am proud to say that she is also my best friend.

My beautiful little Story Mistress!!


wonderful dec
This is The Little Story Mistress.

beautiful day

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