Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517421-Part-52--Nullify
Rated: XGC · Serial · Fantasy · #517421
Djuta faces both devastation and joy, in one bewildering night...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 52 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

"LET ME SEE if you can uphold this, little bitch!"

Captain Rik'hia took a step toward Khetai and brought his leg up, so quickly that Lieutenant Djuta did not even have the chance to react. His knee connected with the Moru's belly with a sickening thud. Djuta cried out loud. Khetai's arms wrapped around her middle and she gagged, sinking to the floor, a dark flower of red blossoming against the front of her dress.

The captain stepped back and spat casually off to his side, muzzle wrinkling. "You cannot, can you?" he sneered. "At least not anymore. Fitting, for a scheming Moru bitch. I believe your deal is officially broken."

Djuta stared at Khetai for a brief moment, hands shaking and pain and rage boiling up inside his breast. He turned to the captain--the same one who had caused him no end of trouble before the tribunal, whose "compromise" had brought about this very situation in the first place--ready to slit his throat, tear out his eyes, any act of violence wasn't good enough--when the captain's smile vanished and his eyes widened, and he jerked back with a choking sound, a sword pointing directly at the hollow of his throat. Djuta gaped, not comprehending, until the Kana now standing behind Rik'hia moved slightly to the side, wings flaring. Lieutenant She'hekha stood holding the captain in a deathgrip, one simple move needed to snap his neck or plunge the sword into his throat.

"It looks as if you have a small problem," he mused, whether to Djuta or to the captain, neither had any idea.

Djuta just continued gawking. The captain regained his senses and hissed and started struggling, clawing at She'hekha's arm; the lieutenant was smaller than he was, both in height and in build, but the bigger Kana couldn't seem to pull himself free. "Let go of me, Moru dung! Lord Mahakhi will hear of this insult DIRECTLY!"

"And will he hear the whole story, hm?" She'hekha didn't even appear to notice the gouges the captain was putting in his arm, already drawing blood. "Somehow I have the strong suspicion that your general will not be getting the entire picture of what happened here today." He glanced at Djuta and then at Khetai, nodding.

"Is she all right?"

Djuta blinked and shook his head abruptly, snapping out of his daze. "This is hardly your concern!" he hissed, grabbing for his own sword. He felt humiliated that someone else--an enemy, no less--had so quickly stepped in, where he had faltered. She'hekha's eyebrows rose.

"I suppose I understand if you are not entirely grateful," he said. "Still, I think she needs your attention more than he or I."

Djuta looked back at Khetai. She still knelt on the floor; she had managed to push herself up just slightly, yet she still clutched her belly and gasped for breath. A pang went through him; he quickly knelt beside her, placing his arm around her shoulders.

"Khetai? Are you..."

"M...m..." Khetai stammered, her voice a mere crackle of a whisper. Djuta looked down at the front of her dress, saw the dark stain marring it, and anguish surged through him. He knew what the blood meant. He took Khetai by the arm and carefully helped her to her feet, letting her lean against him. She grasped at him and her claws raked his shoulder; he suppressed a hiss and made certain that she didn't fall. He looked back at She'hekha with glassy eyes; if he had not been so shocked, the look of sympathy which flitted through the other lieutenant's eyes would have startled him, it was so unexpected.

"You will BOTH pay dearly for this!" Rik'hia's voice grated, snapping him out of his daze. "In league with the enemy tribe--I should have only guessed, Lord Djuta! You escaped punishment before; you will not do so again!"

Djuta's temper flared insanely hot and he dug his claws into the pommel of his sword. "Choke on your own shit, dungpile!" he barked, She'hekha--and even Khetai--taking pause at the fury in his voice. "It is the best that you deserve!"

Rik'hia opened his mouth to yell again, only to cut himself off in a gasp when the tip of She'hekha's sword drew blood. "What do you think?" the Yellow Sands lieutenant mused aloud. "Should I finish him off, and save everyone the trouble--?"

Djuta's muscles tensed. Well? Should I finish him, then?--rang in his head--his own words--to Khetai, now seemingly so long ago, as he had leveled his own sword at U'heta.

Do you want me to kill him and get it over with...?

He blinked and then shook his head abruptly, letting out a hiss and gripping his sword again. "You stupid ass! You are already in enough trouble with us as it is! You are not even welcome here, in case you forgot!"

She'hekha's ear twitched--the one that wasn't mangled, that was--and he snorted. "You think I forget this so easily? When I had to have you babysit me in the marketplace? Believe me, if punishment was something I feared, I would not make this suggestion so easily." He lifted his sword so Rik'hia sucked in a shaky breath, his eyes growing. "As for you, 'Captain,' if you think you can step up to the general and so blithely lie your ass off regarding what occurred here, you may want to think again. I would suggest keeping your voice down in the future, or checking the hall for eavesdroppers, before you next decide to break the deal which you yourself demanded in the first place."

"What--?" Rik'hia's lip curled back. "How is it that you know this? Stinking Sha dropping that you are!"

Djuta stared at She'hekha with wide eyes, also not understanding what he was hearing. When She'hekha saw his confused look he flared a wing, as if shrugging. "A lovely young private out in the courtyard told me," he answered, and looked at Rik'hia. "And your own babbling tongue gave away the rest, but moments ago." He flared his nostrils at Djuta. "You should really have taken me up on my offer of conversation in the marketplace, Brother, since I had to go and learn everything the hard way."

Djuta's mouth dropped open. Brother--?

Khetai's claws sank into his arm again and he remembered her state, grabbing hold of her elbow before she could fall over. He didn't like the pallor her face had taken on, but he could tell that her state was more from shock than pain. Her eyes went glassy and she started hitching in breaths as if just realizing what had happened. She turned her head and the look in her eyes as they met his was almost unbearable.

"Djuta--" she whispered, her voice breaking.

"I would recommend you get her to the physician," She'hekha said, "and leave this dungball to me."

Djuta's head whipped up. "What--?"

She'hekha opened his mouth to respond, then shut it and his eyes flicked to the side.
Djuta's wings tensed when the sound of footsteps came from the far hall. The lieutenants turned their heads to look in the direction of the noise, then Djuta glanced back.

"Let him go," he grated. "Let me deal with him."

She'hekha's look turned sour. "I hardly think you are capable of 'dealing' with him, Brother, in your distracted state."

Djuta bared his teeth. "I said let me deal with him, ass!" he snapped. "Else whenever Lord Fe'kheru returns to his tribe, there will be only one lieutenant accompanying him!"

She'hekha's mouth twitched, and Djuta saw his sword press slightly upward, jabbing at Rik'hia's throat; but he then let the captain go. Rik'hia stumbled forward, gasping and rubbing at the slight cut to his throat, and started to reach for his weapon; he took a step back when he found, rather than She'hekha's sword, Djuta's instead, now aimed at his neck. He bared his teeth but didn't dare to move; She'hekha still stood directly behind him, offering a smirk.

"Perhaps I was incorrect," the Yellow Sands lieutenant said. "You have good reflexes."

"When I am angry, I do." Djuta jerked his head at the opposite hall, still holding onto Khetai with his other arm. "Go on back to wherever you were. If they find you here, they will suspect you of all wrongdoing, and you will not return to your tribe in one piece no matter what the outcome of your captain's fight."

"Really?" She'hekha said mildly, cocking his head. "It looks as if you are not held in the highest esteem here, yourself."

Djuta bared his teeth. "GO ON!"

"I still believe you speak from experience," She'hekha said, but turned, sliding his sword back into its scabbard. He lifted his arm to inspect the gouges that the captain had placed there, and licked at them as he walked away. Djuta waited until he was gone before turning back to the captain, hissing ferally; he let go of Khetai so she stumbled, and pinned Rik'hia against the wall. For the first time the other Kana showed a twinge of pure fear.

"You are a fool, Djuta," he growled. "Assault another, you are very likely to do; yet I doubt you will kill!"

"Do you, then?" Djuta's muzzle wrinkled up in an ugly pattern, his voice the grinding of rocks in the river; he held his sword up and got out his dagger, pressing it to Rik'hia's ribs so the captain sucked in a breath. "I have lost everything before. More than once. By now, I am fully willing to lose everything yet again."

"Djuta!" Something grabbed his elbow, and he felt Khetai press herself against him. She spoke in his ear, her voice harsh and cracking. "Don't! If you kill him you can never escape the tribunal!"

"I do not care about the damn tribunal," Djuta grated, digging his dagger in deeper so the other Kana flinched. "They can slice my wings and cut off my head a hundred times over and it will STILL never be enough compared to what I will do to HIM!"

Her claws dug into his arm. "What about Resikh?" she hissed in his ear; his breath abruptly left him. "What about him? I know you have not lost him! If you do this you will! And Rithukh'het, and everything! Do you really want to lose that--?"

Djuta's eyes stung, then he blinked the sting away. "I will not be here anymore to find out!" he snarled. "I can fully accept this fate!"

She practically pressed her muzzle into his ear this time. "If you die, then Resikh will die!" she whisper-hissed. "You would really kill him like this--?"

Djuta blinked as sanity started to return, and the clattering noise of running footsteps rang even louder in his ears. His grip on his dagger loosened; after a pause he pulled it away, jamming it back in its sheath; yet the moment Rik'hia started to relax, he brought his sword up again. "You've given me plenty of reason to kill you right here and now," he growled. "And despite what this scheming bitch says I still think I could convince the tribunal of my righteousness.
The only reason I do not is because I would like to see you dragged before the tribunal for murder this time."

"MURDER!" The captain barked with laughter. "You can hardly call that bastard whelp a life! Tell me--how long did you have to hold her down before you accomplished your will on her!"

Khetai's grip tightened on Djuta's arm; he grasped her own arm in response. "You would like to know this, would you not?" he retorted. As he spoke this, the footfalls came into the same hall they were within, and Lieutenants Nehef and Ahai'ikh finally appeared, panting; their eyes widened on seeing the odd scene before them, and they hastily drew their swords.

"Lord Djuta!" Nehef yelled. He looked uncertain as to what to do next. "Explain what's going on here!"

"Captain?" Ahai'ikh said, reluctantly. "Are you all right?"

"The DUAT I am--!" Rik'hia snarled, but Djuta cut in over his voice.

"He is hardly the one to worry about! Call the physician and request a bed at once." His muzzle wrinkled and he pressed the swordtip against Rik'hia's windpipe. "Request TWO beds, for as soon as she is treated I will sever the limbs from his body!"

"She--?" Nehef noticed Khetai now, and gasped and went toward her. Djuta didn't want to let her go--he could feel Khetai flinch at Nehef's touch--but the other Kana pulled her away before he could protest. He gave Djuta an uncertain look that made him seethe inside--did they truly suspect that he could be guilty of this--?

Nehef briefly looked Khetai over, then glanced back at Djuta with a tense frown. He nodded at Ahai'ikh.

"Until we get it straightened out, we treat it as it looks."

Djuta bit his tongue. Ahai'ikh nodded once in response, and bowed to the captain.

"Captain, please come with me to speak with Lord Mahakhi."

Rik'hia's mouth fell open. "What--?"

"We must speak with Lord Mahakhi to--"

"And what of HIM?" Rik'hia flailed his hand at Djuta. "Are you not going to do anything about him? He is hardly innocent in all of this! Take a look what that mutt nearly DID to me--!"

Ahai'ikh's face was set, and his voice remained level. "Until we establish this claim, Djuta will accompany the Moru to the physician as he is her owner," he said; then he placed his hand on the pommel of his sword. "Please, Lord, I do not wish to make a scene."

Djuta let out his breath. For the moment, his comrades appeared to be taking his side. He watched Nehef take hold of Khetai's arm and walk her slowly up the hall, and finally sheathed his sword. He cast one last look at the sputtering captain as they turned away to go to Mahakhi's rooms. For a moment, his heart was filled with rage; then with an overwhelming sorrow; and then with rage again. He turned away to avoid biting off his own tongue in his fury, though his claws dug deep enough into his palms to draw blood. He didn't even feel the pain.

* * * * *

It was impossible to sleep long, what with the noise of all the footsteps racing up and down the hallway outside his door; when Lieutenant Meteri himself appeared, knocking quickly, Captain Fe'kheru had to sigh and push himself up off of the bed, trudging to the door and pulling it open. He blinked at the younger Kana in puzzlement; Meteri was panting, as if he himself had just been running.

"'Teri-Kana--? What is it?"

"Apparently--" Meteri had to pause to catch his breath. "Apparently something has occurred, Lord, though I'm afraid I don't know what. I believe one of the lieutenants was caught assaulting one of the captains down in the hall."

Fe'kheru frowned. "Assaulting--?"

"Yes, Lord; he was threatening him with his sword or some such--"

Fe'kheru put his hand to Meteri's chest to carefully nudge him aside, and stepped out into the hall. He started walking and Meteri hurried to follow. "I do not know the whole story," the younger Kana admitted, "but they're making a terrible ruckus of it all--everyone is gathering in the war room again, and General Mahakhi himself has been called out--"

Fe'kheru's pace slowed to a stop when he saw She'hekha approaching, rubbing at his ear again. The captain's frown grew; fresh gouges lined the lieutenant's arm, and he was fairly certain that those had not been there when they had last met. Meteri noticed them as well. They all turned their heads to look when the noise at the end of the hall grew, and a moment later, a procession of Kana started past, led by Mahakhi, who stomped and scowled as he walked; a retinue of lieutenants followed, a captain in tow, and he glared about at them with venom in his eyes. They disappeared in the direction of the war room.

Fe'kheru's brow furrowed. "What is going on?" he asked, perplexed.

"A little matter with one of Mahakhi's pissier captains," She'hekha replied, lifting his arm to lick at it.

Fe'kheru frowned at him. "The reason why you would know of such a thing--?"

"It is simple enough. I was there, at least until I was told to leave." He lowered his arm and glanced back down the hall. "Apparently, from the sound of things, one of the lieutenants here lately entered into a deal with the captain regarding a certain Moru who once fancied herself Kana--if he did not wish her to be sold or punished he would get her with pup within a year. From what I observe it looks as if the two of them were about to fulfill this bargain, when that rather large ass who just passed by made it his business to step up and nullify the entire deal." He licked at his arm again.

Fe'kheru and Meteri stared at him, then lifted their heads. Another group passed by, this one made up of a few lieutenants escorting a female with wings; one of the Kana held her arm tightly, and her head hung and her wings slumped as she walked, limping slightly with a pained look upon her face. The two River Tribe Kana stared after her as they vanished from sight, and it was a moment before Fe'kheru could speak.

"That was she...?"

She'hekha nodded, cleaning his wounds. "Yes, she is the one...a shame it is, too, since she looks as if she might have made a decent mate, once. Judging by what happened, I do not think she will be fulfilling the deal any time soon."

"What will they do with her now?" Meteri asked.

She'hekha shrugged. "Likely sell her...I can bet there are plenty of horny Kana hereabouts who would very much like to hump her the first chance they get. With hope, she will kick them in the balls first, at least." He turned and started walking away. "Have a good day, Lords."

Fe'kheru continued staring in the direction of the vanished group of Apsiu. After a moment or two Meteri lifted his eyes to peer at him, furrowing his brow a little.

"Lord...?" he ventured softly after another moment had passed in silence. "What are you thinking...?"

Fe'kheru blinked. He let out his breath, feeling a twinge in his breast, and shook his head. "Nothing," he murmured, and turned around. "This is their affair...not ours," he said, a bit more loudly, and Meteri relaxed, as if this return to routine calmed him. "Whatever they decide to do is not our concern." He sighed and glanced toward the courtyard. "I doubt I will be sleeping any time soon, now...perhaps while they are all busy we can train a bit in private. At least it will give us something to do."

Meteri's face lit up. "Yes, Lord! This is a good idea!" He pulled his sword and waved, heading for the courtyard. "You need to be in top form to face Mahakhi-Kana--perhaps this incident will distract him, even! I bet you will have every advantage over him come tomorrow!"

Fe'kheru suppressed a sigh. "I am betting," he agreed wearily, and grasped his own pommel as he followed the younger Kana out of the hallway.

* * * * *

The physician's quarters were dim, with but a lamp or two to keep them lit; those occupying them were thus rendered into almost shapeless patches of darkness. Khetai sat upon a cot with her feet on the floor, hands folded and head hanging; the physician had given her enough poppy to take away most of the pain, yet not enough to drug her into sleep. At the moment, the old Kana moved around the room, doing what, Djuta didn't know. The lieutenant stood near the door, occasionally pacing; Resikh was nearby, keeping an eye on him, when he wasn't looking back at the Moru. Djuta stopped for a moment and chewed on one claw, something Resikh had never seen him do before.

"What is taking him so gods-damned long?" His voice came out as a menacing growl, and Resikh had to rub the back of his neck to make the fur stand down.

"Be patient. He must be sure. These things take time."

Djuta growled, this time without words, but continued pacing. Resikh sighed. It was better than being snapped at. He peered at the physician to see him stooping over something on one of the tables. The old Kana was not acting as he usually did; Resikh knew from experience that he barely seemed to enjoy his job, and took every chance that he could to grouse at the younger Apsiu he usually tended to. Today, he was quiet, pensive, distracted even. Despite his animosity toward Khetai earlier, he had not one insult to toss at her now.

Resikh went over to peer at what he was doing, but he was looking at a scroll, and the lieutenant had no idea how such things worked. "Will she be all right--?" he asked, but the other Kana lifted his hand and sliced it through the air before the words were even out of his mouth.

"Go back and wait with your friend. Have stuff to do here. You should be keeping an eye on him and not on me. I'll tell you what I know as soon as I figure it out thoroughly."

Resikh bit his lip; it had to be bad, when even the old physician wasn't arguing. He went back to stand near Djuta, wanting to take his hand, or touch his wing, yet refraining. He looked at Khetai and almost wanted to touch her hand too, seeing the way that her wings hunched over her back, so tight against her as if to merge with her body itself; but he held his place, not knowing what else to do.

The door opened and they turned to look at who entered. Resikh recognized one of the captains from the tribunal, and Djuta's own hackles prickled, his lip curling back. Captain Ahen glanced at him for a moment before nodding shortly.

"Lord Djuta. I fully understand your anger, but your argument is not with me."

"Where is Lord Mahakhi?" Djuta demanded, his voice making Resikh flinch; even Khetai peered up at him. "And while we are at it, where is that Rik'hia dog, so I can tear his throat out with my own claws?"

Ahen's look darkened. "Mahakhi-Kana is busy with Lord Rik'hia as we speak. I would recommend you not mentioning your plans to either of them if you wish to maintain your freedom, however." He turned toward Khetai. "As they are busy, I have come to see to the Moru's state myself."

"You are a bit late," came a voice, and the physician came forward, rubbing his hands clean with a cloth. The three Kana gathered near the door looked at him as he approached, and he bowed. "Lord Ahen. Lord Djuta. I have finished examining her. She was with child when I last did so. She is no longer."

Khetai lowered her head into her hands with a whimper. Djuta's face paled. Captain Ahen's own darkened again.

"She has lost it?" he asked quietly.

The physician nodded. "There is also some damage due to the blow she suffered. None too great to incapacitate her, though--"

"Though what?" Djuta surged forward, ready to grab him by his pectoral; Ahen's arm across his chest stopped him from doing so. "Speak up, fool!"

The physician's mouth twitched. He let the insult pass and resumed wiping his hands.

"It is unlikely that she will be able to bring any children to term in the future." He put his arm to his breast; Resikh's ear flicked when he realized that it sounded like the old Kana was genuinely sorry. "I regret that I cannot say any better than this...but at the least, she is able to walk and function..."

"Walk? Function?" Djuta's voice came out as pure poison. His hand grasped the pommel of his sword. "You state these are good things?"

Ahen didn't appear to be listening. He frowned and tilted his head forward in thought.

"The trial is over two months past," he murmured, as if half to himself. "And so even if she were still able, she will not likely bear a pup by the end of the year."

The physician bowed. "I am afraid this is so."

Khetai's shoulders started shaking. Ahen sighed; Resikh grasped Djuta's wrist when the other lieutenant whirled to him.

"You cannot expect the bargain to hold now!" he cried.

The captain gave him a dark look. "You made your bargain with Captain Rik'hia in full knowledge of the consequences. It is not within my power to turn it back." He looked away, toward Khetai, and his voice grew quiet again. "I am sorry the outcome was not different."

Djuta pushed past Resikh, who had stepped forward to hold him back from doing anything foolish. "It is only because of the dog Rik'hia that this has come about!" he hissed. "He has been against me from the start. He could not get his way before the tribunal, and so he sabotages his own bargain and murders MY child while he is at it! Khetai's child! HE is the one who broke the deal first!"

Ahen stared at him for a moment, then turned to Resikh.

"You are witness to this?"

Resikh blinked and then blushed, lowering his head. "No, Lord...I have only just come here. I heard afterwards."

Ahen turned back to Djuta. "This is no small claim you make, and you are known to have plenty of reasons to speak against Rik'hia. Remember you are also just a lieutenant and he is a captain of the grand tribunal. Have you any other witnesses to back this claim up?"

Djuta opened his mouth, then closed it again. He grated his teeth and said nothing. Resikh stared at him for a moment with a frown--he knew Djuta well enough to know that he had been on the verge of saying something--yet he'd refrained. He cast a surreptitious glance at Khetai, but she didn't even appear to be listening anymore, tears streaming past her fingers. He scuffed his foot at the floor awkwardly.

Ahen's look darkened once more. Then he sighed.

"I would believe you, Lord Djuta, if I only had the proof," he said. "I know that you are a good Kana who has simply made some bad choices. But I cannot go on your word alone when you have a vested interest in speaking against Lord Rik'hia." He rested his hand upon his sword and turned away from the lieutenants, to Khetai. He went and knelt before her for a moment, placing his hand upon her shoulder and murmuring something the others couldn't hear. Khetai's shoulders shook but she said nothing; Ahen rose and turned back to Djuta and Resikh, coming their way. He stopped at their side, not looking at them as he spoke.

"It is unlikely she will bear any children before the end of the year given in the agreement. The physician himself states that even if more time were allowed, she would not likely carry another pup to term. As soon as she has recovered and all accounts are settled, she will be sold to the next-highest bidder." He met Djuta's eyes, and Djuta seethed at the sympathy visible there.

"I wish that I could tell you differently, Lord Djuta."

With this Ahen walked past and left the room, the door shutting behind him. The physician went back to Khetai and handed her a cup of poppy juice; when she lifted her head to look at Djuta, he turned away, unable to meet her eyes. Resikh reached for his arm but Djuta brushed him away as he went past. It looked to be only by sheer force of will that he didn't tear the door from its hinges when he exited the room.

Resikh turned to follow him when a hand upon his arm stopped him, and he glanced back at the physician. The old Kana handed him a small papyrus envelope which he looked at, perplexed.

"Poppy," the other Kana said. "To slip in his drink, when next he takes one."

"What--?" Resikh blurted out, brow furrowing.

The old Kana waved at the air. "Remember the last time he was so damned upset? He stuck his own dagger in his breast! Would've likely died, too, if this one had not helped him." He glanced at Khetai, face growing dark, then back at Resikh. "Even with how pissy she always was, telling me how to do my job as if I did not know any better than a pup," he muttered under his breath. "Even with as cocky an upstart as she was even though she was just my junior, and probably deserved her wings clipped--even now that I know what a liar she was to me all those years, she is still the one whom I taught, and the one who took my teachings, even if she then spat on them. She is still the one who helped more ungrateful Kana around here than anyone would care to admit." His muzzle wrinkled and he looked as if he wanted to spit. "I detest her from the core of my being, but she is hardly fit to be some stupid lout's bedslave. Which is why I know how much she would hate it if your friend went and did something stupid again." He pressed the packet into Resikh's hand. "Go on and slip it in his drink. He will stick his dagger in himself, or in that pissy Rik'hia, or in somebody, but he will surely be sticking it into something soon. Maybe, if he falls asleep first, he will get to simmer down a bit and use his head for once."

Resikh gaped at the old Kana for a moment or two before bristling and shoving the packet back at him. "KEEP it!" he snapped. "I'm hardly going to go DRUGGING him because of your stupid suspicions!" He whirled for the door.


Resikh halted, freezing in place. The voice wasn't the physician's. He slowly turned around, seeing the old Kana staring at Khetai in puzzlement; she had lifted her head, her eyes meeting the lieutenant's, and they were wet and red but clear. Her fingers were twisting the fabric of her dress and tearstains marked her cheeks.

Resikh just stared at her.

She had to sniffle to take a breath. "Keep an eye upon him," she said softly, her voice trembling, and she bit her lip. "Please...?"

Resikh continued staring at her, his voice gone and his head numb. He finally managed to swallow past the lump in his throat, and nodded, just slightly, just once. Khetai let out her breath, and lowered her head again; "Make certain she is cared for," he ordered the physician, who put his arm to his breast, and Resikh turned and left the room, hurrying to try to catch up with Djuta before he could lose him.

This took a moment or two, as Djuta was pacing down the hall so quickly that his sandals made sharp cracking noises against the tiles with every step. Resikh caught up and managed to come abreast of him, panting for breath; he glanced at the hall they were in, frowned, then looked at Djuta.

"Djuta--? Your room isn't this way--what are you up to?"

"I am going to Rik'hia's quarters," Djuta responded, his voice venom. "When next he comes in his door I will gouge his heart out myself."

"Easy!" Resikh thrust out his arm to block him, even though he continued walking. "Brother, do you not think he'll have guards now--? The physician himself recommended that I slip you some poppy just so you would not do something foolish!"

"You should have probably taken his advice, as guards are not going to keep me from murdering that mutt."

"Brother!" Resikh jumped in front of him and put both hands to his breast, effectively stopping him; Djuta continued glowering, but stared right past him as if he were invisible. "Would you listen to yourself--? You're not in your right mind and you know it! Remember what Ahen said! Mahakhi is already dealing with him. He'll get what's coming to him, I know it!"

Djuta snarled; Resikh pulled his hands away, though he could tell that the sound was not aimed at him. "This is the point! What's COMING to him! Have you any idea what punishment a Kana captain faces for killing a Moru's unborn pup--? Practically NOTHING! Even if Mahakhi cared much for Khetai or me he would get away with nothing more than a slap on the wrists! And Mahakhi has not made a secret of detesting BOTH of us!"

"He does not detest either of you!" Resikh retorted. "He merely dislikes that he was deceived. And rightly so! I know you were holding something back in there!" He frowned. "What was it, Djuta--? When Ahen asked if anyone saw what happened--you were going to say yes! Why did you say nothing--?"

"There is nothing to say," Djuta muttered, lowering his head and flattening his ears.

Resikh stared at him in confusion. "Djuta-Brother...? I've never seen you get such an awful look!" He touched Djuta's arm. "Dju, what is it?"

Djuta shut his eyes. "You have not even called me that since we were pups," he murmured.

Resikh squeezed his arms. "I'm asking you. What happened back there? If somebody was witness, then why don't you tell Ahen-Kana? If someone saw it happen exactly as you say then perhaps that mutt will face a stiffer punishment! Don't you want that to happen--?"

"Of course I do!" Djuta snapped, lifting his head; Resikh took pause when he saw that his eyes were wet. "But I cannot tell on him!" he hissed under his breath. "It will just make things worse than they already are. Khetai already lost her pup. I know already that cur will not face any harsh punishment. It is over with and done! I failed her when I made her a promise! And she will be the one to suffer because of it!"

Resikh shook his head, still trying hard to understand. "Dju, I...if there was a witness--then tell them! It cannot get any worse! He can back up your story if he was there as you say--"

"This is just it!" Djuta whispered harshly, making him flinch. "He was not supposed to be there!" he exclaimed, muzzle wrinkling. "If any know that he interfered in what happened, he will face punishment as well--and gods know what that will betide for the entire tribe!"

Resikh stared at him for a long time with furrowed brow. It slowly smoothed out as understanding dawned, and he opened his mouth in disbelief.

"The enemy Kana," he said softly. "It was one of them--wasn't it? They are the only ones with anything to lose from getting involved in such a manner! You would really stand up for some stranger just to avoid getting him in trouble--?"

"If he is detained or held back in any way, then all of those outside the gate have every reason to set foot inside and massacre us all as we did them. Think! What would you hold more important--a dead pup, or an entire tribe? You would really risk it?" He pulled back so Resikh didn't touch him anymore, and made a face. "This is all my doing. My doing for getting involved yet again, and dragging down everyone with me. There is nothing even I can do to make things right again." He bared his teeth and shut his eyes, then blinked them open, and started to push Resikh aside with an angry growl. "Now let me through. Stabbing, poison, dismemberment, nothing sounds bad enough for such a bloodsucking louse as this. Perhaps I will do all three just to get HALF of this hatred out of my system!"

Resikh held out his arm and held him back yet again; he had to struggle, as this time Djuta meant business, and the two of them locked arms and started pushing against each other, Djuta snarling and baring his tusks. Resikh had always been the slightest bit less skilled of a fighter than he, yet they were almost equal in terms of physical strength, so they merely stayed in place as they struggled, one to go one way, one to keep him from going that way.

"Let me go, Resikh!" Djuta growled.

Resikh shook his head. "No. I will not. Khetai told me to keep an eye on you, after all."

The pressure of Djuta pushing against him immediately vanished, and he almost fell over. He lifted his head, panting, to look at Resikh. Resikh stared back.

"More people care about you than you know, Brother. Don't go and do something foolish. You yourself said much the same thing. Even if you were to kill Rik'hia now, it would still not make things right, and would likely make them even worse. Even if you do not care for yourself then what about Khetai?" His eyes grew dark. "What about me?"

He almost lost his resolve when he saw the tears spring into Djuta's eyes. "What am I supposed to do, then?" he asked, his voice breaking. "Just let it go? How many times am I supposed to just let things go? I let Ri'hus go when he refused to tell the truth. I let you go when you did the same. I am expected to just overlook yet another wrong?"

Resikh shifted his grip so that it was more of an embrace. "You have never let a thing go in your life and this is the problem," he murmured, their faces close. "Khetai herself told me to look out for you. If she is willing to forgive, then you must forgive yourself. You did every single thing you could for her, and you never even had to. To me, this makes everything right. All you can do is trust Mahakhi-Kana to do what he can."

"He will not be able to do enough."

"I know, Brother, but this is all you can do. Leave that bastard alone. I like to think that there is a special place in the Duat for Kana like him, and someday, Set himself will be flaying his wings and making him cook his own testicles on a spit."

Djuta let out an odd noise, wings hunching, and Resikh's mouth twitched to realize it was a choked laugh. "Your mind is sick," he managed to get out, pulling one arm away to rub at his eyes.

Resikh smiled at him. "I did not even tell you the best part of my fantasy just yet. How Rik'hia-rui'sa will then be made to eat his own balls, while Set makes him prance about in Moru's clothes." Djuta let out the odd sound again and Resikh slowly let him go. "Now please go someplace where you may calm down. I will go and peek in on what's happening with Mahakhi, and let you know after. But I want you to get some rest and settle your head."

Djuta's head lowered and he rubbed at his eyes again. "I do not even know if I can do this, Brother," he murmured. "Not after this. Nothing has been quite so intolerable as this. If he had flayed my wings, I could have tolerated it, but to go after Khetai-Moru...when I know his argument was with me..."

Resikh squeezed his arm. "Please, Brother? For her and for me? You know Be'shen and Father will kill me if I let you kill someone first."

"Unat'e," Djuta muttered.

Resikh let him go. "So you will go back to your quarters and try to settle down...? Do you know that while you were gone, Rithukh'het asked to be let in there--?" Djuta lifted his head to frown at him in puzzlement. "That's right, that's where I was all the day! I kept looking for you and when I finally thought to go ask her, she told me you had been doing the same! You were busy with Khetai at the time..." He trailed off, wincing slightly at the look on Djuta's face, then continued. "You had gone from your quarters by then. She asked me to take her there so she could wait for you. Now she's been sitting in there waiting for gods know how long, and here you are, more willing to split some rui'sa's head open than to visit with her. Father would whip your tail if he saw how you've been neglecting her."

"He is your father, you unat'e," Djuta replied, but turned and changed his direction just the same, heading back for his quarters. His step was heavy and trudging but Resikh could tell that he wasn't going to cause any more trouble tonight. "You promise you will tell me all you learn," he said as he went, his voice reluctant.

Resikh nodded. "I told 'Hef and 'Hikh already to keep their ears open. You know I mean it, Brother. And I'll check on Khetai before I am done."

He suppressed a sigh at the despondent look which entered Djuta's eyes, the other lieutenant turning and walking away with his wings hanging. He hated leaving him alone, especially now, yet there were so many things to be done.... He waited until his friend was out of sight before turning himself and jogging off toward Mahakhi's quarters, biting his lip the entire way. It had been a while since Rik'hia had been taken away by the other lieutenants, and he must have missed a lot.

He reached the room shortly after, panting for breath, to find Nehef, Ahai'ikh, and Lieutenant Hiath'ikh standing outside, craning their necks to listen at the door. Resikh rolled his eyes but went to join them when Nehef waved him forward excitedly. He held up a finger unnecessarily to shush him as he started speaking.

"You would not believe everything that's gone down, Brother!"

"What have I missed?" Resikh asked.

"They came here from the war room; they are being quiet now," Hiath'ikh whispered. "But just prior to your coming, Mahakhi-Kana gave what was quite likely the loudest dressing-down I have ever in all my years heard!" His face screwed up with glee. "It was priceless!"

Resikh made a face of his own at the normally serious lieutenant's behavior. "It was truly so awful--?"

Ahai'ikh nodded this time. "He must have been yelling his lungs out for fifteen minutes straight...twenty even...I did not hear a peep from Rik'hia after his first few tries!"

"Stupid-assed mutt," Nehef muttered. "Do you know what nonsense he was spouting after we dragged him in there--? Some stuff about Djuta conspiring with that Moru, and plotting to overthrow the tribe, and sharing a bed with one of those strange Kana from the north--"

"The older lieutenant, this is the one," Ahai'ikh added. "He seemed most fixated on the idea that the two of them are bedmates or something! If only I had had the chance to tell him that Kana spent the night with a fearsome Moru!"

"And if only I had had the chance to tell him Djuta prefers Kana with prettier backs!" Nehef said, and put a hand to his mouth to suppress a cackle.

Resikh grimaced. "This is all he claimed--?"

"He said some nonsense about fooling the grand tribunal, but you know how that mutt is," Hiath'ikh said. "He would try any technique to hang Djuta by his lappets! Everyone knows it! Even Ahen-Kana has spoken against him."


They nodded. "He is within, too," Nehef answered. "I think he must be talking at the moment as there is no yelling going on!" He pressed his ear to the door. "But that my ears were better! I must be missing so much!"

"But has anything he said been considered against Djuta--?" Resikh pressed anxiously. "Seriously considered--?"

Nehef scoffed. "Why should it? His snout is full of dung. He has not said a coherent word yet. Bedmates with that weird lieutenant...what manure. Djuta definitely has more class than that."

"Basically he dragged out every single protest he could think of," Ahai'ikh whispered, "until Mahakhi told him to shut his muzzle. Mahakhi-Kana did not even know what was going on until we so graciously filled him in at the door. He slammed it again and started yelling so loudly that the walls shook and my ears still hurt."

"I think he likely called that mongrel every name he knows," Hiath'ikh added. "And some even I have never heard before. I wish I had been able to see that mutt; he probably piddled all over the floor."

"Mahakhi-Kana threatened him with the harshest punishment he can serve," Nehef continued, still straining his ear. "Which I am afraid is not likely to be much, but still, when 'Hakhi-Kana is pissed..."

"No offense to you, Brother, and no amusement intended," Hiath'ikh said to Resikh, "but I think perhaps this happened at the best possible time--Mahakhi has been spending the day readying himself for his fight with that captain. And Rik'hia has ruined his mood pretty well. He will certainly give out the harshest punishment he possibly can."

"You said Ahen-Kana is within," Resikh prompted. "He just came from the physician's quarters. What does he want with the matter?"

"Remember that horrid business with T'uris-mutt's Moru?" Nehef inquired. "Ahen did not take very well to that at all since he has pups of his own. He looked practically ready to thrash our tails when we showed him that pup's body. I think Djuta has a friend on the grand tribunal, after all." He hissed and waved his hand. "Quiet! I can hear them talking!"

They all crowded to the door. Resikh strained his ear and at last made out two voices speaking quietly, almost under their breath; he didn't hear Rik'hia's voice, but he did recognize Mahakhi's and Ahen's. They seemed to be conversing together.

"...recommend? I have racked my brain all these moments and can think of nothing that is nearly harsh enough. Even with what she did to this tribe this is completely unwarranted! He himself made that deal! If it were my pup I should like to tear his wings out of their sockets!"

"You realize this punishment is not sanctioned under Kana law, Lord. Djuta is one of your top lieutenants but he is still just a lieutenant. The harshest punishment to be had for killing the pup of a Moru, particularly one that is not born yet, is a stiff fine. The law does not even sanction the Kenta'hethikh marking his face for such a thing."

"So you are telling me that if Djuta were but a captain, or myself, then a stiffer punishment would be warranted--? When it is the pup who has suffered greatest harm? This is a lovely system we have!"

"With respect, Lord, it is the same system put in place in the days of Lord Set, and it will likely be the same system we all die out with. Rik'hia is not the best off of the Kana in the tribe. My advice is to go after his assets and seize as many as you can as restitution for Djuta-Kana's loss."

"'Restitution'...bah." Mahakhi growled. "Emasculation sounds much more fitting...do to him as he did to her. She was a perfectly good Moru!"

There was a pause, and those at the door struggled to tell if any more was being said or not. "I do have another suggestion," Ahen said after a moment, and the lieutenants' ears flared.

"Yes...? What of it?"

"You can seek only monetary damages for the death of Djuta-Kana's pup," Ahen said quietly. "Yet there is a greater crime involved here. Captain Rik'hia was the one who initiated the deal that he and Djuta and Khetai-Moru entered into. Therefore, he bound all three of them to its stipulations at the time of the trial."

"Yes--? And--?"

"Djuta-Kana and Khetai-Moru both fulfilled their part of the deal as required, to the best of their ability. Rik'hia-Kana is the one who nullified the agreement when he killed Khetai's pup. He broke his own bargain, and with this he reneged on his end."

Mahakhi snorted. "And your point is--?"

"Rik'hia-Kana is the only one who did not live up to his end of the bargain. In fact he sabotaged it. The mere fact that he agreed to this deal before the grand tribunal makes this sabotage a serious criminal act. This was no pact entered privately between three parties. He agreed to it before all of us, during the trial, as everyone in the tribe witnessed. To go back on one's word after swearing before the grand tribunal is a much more serious crime than killing an unborn pup."

The four outside could hear the general let out his breath. "And the punishment for such a crime...?" he asked.

"It is still not quite so harsh as you yourself wish for, Lord, yet it is better than a slap on the wrist. You have full leave to seize all of Rik'hia-Kana's assets, and plunge his house into destitution."

"I do not wish to punish his family! Only he! Isn't there anything else I can do?"

"I would recommend fining him as it is, Lord. You are entitled to put him to the Kenta'hethikh, but I do not believe the rest of the tribunal would agree to such a drastic measure. On the other hand, you can remove him from the tribunal, and suspend him from any promotions in the future." His voice lowered so that they could hardly hear him. "You know how sore he is about being a first class; you may take advantage of this, and keep him permanently at this rank. This, and banning him from the tribunal, are fully sanctioned punishments for such an act, and his reputation will surely suffer all the more for it." A pause. "I know it is not what you wanted, Lord, but in the long run, this will be a very difficult punishment for him to endure. And I believe he would either think twice before going after another pup, or..."

Another pause. "Or?" Mahakhi prompted.

"Or you will then get your chance to flay his wings, as he will likely go mad with the rage of it." The rustling sound of wings shifting. "This is the punishment I strongly recommend, Lord. Fine him so it hurts, remove him from the tribunal, and withhold the rank of elite from him. He will be chafing and bitter for years to come."

Mahakhi snorted again. "Very well." He raised his voice. "Captain Rik'hia! Come here. Your punishment has been decided upon!"

Nehef nearly started hopping. "Oh, I wish I could see, I wish I could see! The look on his face!"

"Hush!" Hiath'ikh hissed.

The sound of footsteps came from within the room, and they could only assume that the captain had been forced to wait at the opposite side. "Yes, Lord--?" Rik'hia's voice came, and the lieutenants made faces at each other.

"'Yes, Lord'!" Ahai'ikh whispered in disgust. "Even when T'uris-mutt was general he was such a servile simpering fool! Yet whenever generals are out of earshot out come the fangs and claws!"

Resikh waved at him to be quiet. "Captain, I have decided upon your punishment for this offense," Mahakhi's voice came, gruff and unpleasant. "You are to pay the house of Djuta the price of a thousand gold rings for the loss of his offspring and potential heir."

"A thousand--!" Rik'hia's voice cracked. "But--General! You know it was an accident! That Moru attempted to claw at me and I had to defend myself! I did not even know she was with pup, and I certainly did not mean to make her lose it--!"

Resikh's hackles started prickling and Hiath'ikh squeezed his wrist. "This is not the story I received from my lieutenants, nor from Captain Ahen," Mahakhi retorted with a growl.

"Lord, with respect, Ahen-Kana was not witness, and you must know that Lord Djuta has many issues with me! Ever since the trial he has spoken against my name! You would take his word over mine, when I have served you so long--?"

"You served T'uris so long, you mean. Do not try to set me against my own lieutenants! I know who under this roof I trust and who I do not, and right now, you are hardly one of the former!" He let out a huffing noise. "You are to pay a thousand gold rings to the house of Djuta--"

"I do not have that much at the moment! And even if I had, Djuta has no house--he has been living off of one of your OTHER captains' good favor--!"

Resikh didn't even realize that he was reaching for his sword until both Hiath'ikh and Ahai'ikh stopped him this time. "You are to pay one thousand and five hundred gold rings to the house of Djuta," Mahakhi continued, and there came the sound of Rik'hia gasping, "and another five hundred to the house of Djetef-Kana, for bringing upon him such grief."

"But--GENERAL! He did not even ADOPT Djuta--!"

"Do you wish the price to go up to three thousand gold rings--?"

"I--n-no, Lord--all right! I will pay the fine!"

"In addition, in lieu of a trial before the grand tribunal, I hereby banish you from said tribunal, and demote you from any rank you may wish to achieve in the future. You are a captain first class, Captain Rik'hia, and this is as it shall now stay. You are welcome to remain beneath my roof so long as you have no house of your own to return to, and until such a time as you may find yourself out of debt to Djuta-Kana and Lord Djetef; however, at that time, I should like very much for you to find your own place of residence." There was a pause as the lieutenants heard the captain making gasping noises again. "You need not be in attendance the next time this tribe shall have a grand trial, gods willing such a day never comes again!"

"But--" Rik'hia sounded almost as if he were crying. "General! It was only a PUP! You cannot punish me like THIS for what happens to a pup! You do not even know if it would have been KANA or not--!"

"You are the one who ensured this," Mahakhi growled. "Would that I had tossed you from this house along with T'uris's corpse! You both belong together! You are more fit to have been his son than Hn'hrakhu-Kana was!" He took a breath and then spoke more calmly but no less angrily. "This additional punishment is not for what happened to Khetai-Moru's pup! It is for how you used the grand tribunal for your own ends, and initiated this deal, and once you found it was not going your way, sabotaged it and killed an innocent pup in the process! THIS is the reason why you need not aspire to elite, and why you need not attend the next trial--unless YOU are the one on trial!" A snort. "Which at this rate, may very well happen! Dismissed!"

More gasping noises; Resikh could practically picture Rik'hia begging on his knees, and even though he had always abhorred the practice, he wouldn't have minded Mahakhi forcing him into hakh'tua in such a situation. A shuffling noise came, then footsteps approaching the door; the lieutenants hurriedly shot back, and Ahen's voice came as the steps drew closer.

"You always have recourse to a trial before the grand tribunal, Captain," he said. "Yet I doubt you would agree to their punishment any more than you do to this one."

"Perhaps we would call Djuta to suggest a new deal," Nehef whispered, and they moved away from the door, attempting to look as if they had simply met in the hall to talk. The door opened and Captain Rik'hia stepped out, head and wings hanging; as soon as he noticed them there, his head jerked up, eyes wide with surprise, and he blinked and glanced at each. The door shut behind him and Mahakhi and Ahen started speaking, so the lieutenants turned to face him openly.

"I'm certain my father will be looking forward to that five hundred gold rings," Resikh said in a chilly voice. "If you do not wish to deliver them to him in person, I can always accept them for you."

"Have a pleasant sleep, Lord," Ahai'ikh said, and Hiath'ikh gave a mock salute, making certain that his lappets flapped conspicuously as he did so.

Rik'hia started to scowl. "Nice dreams, Lord," Nehef added, and put his hand on his dagger. His mouth twitched when Rik'hia's scowl vanished. "You should really look into Mahakhi-Kana's suggestion of finding a new house...one with fewer lieutenants in it!"

"Nice dreams, Lord," Ahai'ikh and Hiath'ikh both echoed.

Resikh took some little bit of satisfaction in the ugly scowl that returned to the captain's face, though a bit of fear did flicker in his eyes before he turned away, stalking off up the hall. They waited until he was out of sight before letting out their breath, and Ahai'ikh promptly shoved Nehef so he ran into the nearest column.

"Stupid ass!" he hissed as Nehef winced and rubbed his shoulder. "You did not have to touch your dagger like that!!"

Nehef made a face. "Eh, I will hardly go dulling its blade on a rat like him! I just wanted him to spend a night tossing and turning for a change!" He scowled himself and gripped its handle. "It is only what he deserves! Killing a pup...dung-eating swine!"

Hiath'ikh let out his breath and grimaced. "Thank the gods! I knew Mahakhi-Kana would be strict but even I had not hoped for this much...at least that dog will never preside over a trial again! I hate the thought of what power he once had!"

Resikh let out his own breath and rubbed his eyes; they all glanced at him. "You are all right, Brother?" Nehef asked. "Have you seen to Djuta yet--?"

"He is infuriated, but I think I convinced him to go back to his room," Resikh said wearily. "At least I hope I did. Perhaps he will listen to Rithukh'het more than to me. I promised him I would let him know of what happened here, but I hope I can save it until the morning."

They nodded. "This sounds wisest," Ahai'ikh agreed. "Let him pass a night with Rithukh'het, and calm himself down. That Moru is much better for him than Khetai is...um...was...anyway." He blushed awkwardly.

"Speaking of..." Nehef started, then frowned. "What will become of her, now? I had just always assumed that she would be with Djuta, at least until one of them killed the other...I was going to start placing bets on which one would go first...ugh...if I had known how distasteful that would be." He made another face.

"Ahen-Kana said she would be sold," Resikh said softly, staring at the floor; the other three looked sympathetic. "As for who will purchase her and for why..."

There was a long pause. "Well...it is said and done," Nehef said, and the others sighed. "There is nothing more we can do about it...at least it is finally over with." He stretched and yawned. "My shift ended a half hour ago! I'm going to catch a bite and then catch a wink! This should make for an interesting story in the taverns, tonight..." He turned and started walking away, and Ahai'ikh sighed and followed, casting Resikh an apologetic look which the other lieutenant didn't much notice. Hiath'ikh touched his arm and peered at him.

"Res-Brother...? You are coming?"

Resikh sighed and shook his head, rubbing his eyes once more. "I think I will just stay in tonight. I want to be here in the morning when Djuta awakes. I would rather he hear all this from me than from another."

Hiath'ikh paused, then nodded. "Very well...try to catch a bit of rest, though, before then. The afternoon is still young and you look as if you could use a sip yourself." He put his arm to his breast and then walked away as well, and Resikh was left alone in the hall, only the sound of the general and the captain speaking within still remaining.

After listening to this for a moment or two he turned and headed back for his own quarters, wishing that his bed were not so empty today, yet knowing that it was likely for the best.

* * * * *

The belongings in Djuta's room were not quite so fortunate as the door to the physician's quarters. Rithukh'het sat cringing on Djuta's bed as the Kana hurled all of his belongings, any loose items that he could find--tables, chairs, boxes, clothing--about the room, smashing them against the walls. Whatever landed at least partly intact, he kicked viciously, sending it scattering across the floor. A strange strangled noise escaped him as he did so, every so often erupting in an enraged yell; he picked up his pectoral box and flung it as hard as he could, and it crashed against the bedpost supporting the canopy. Rithukh'het covered her head and bared her teeth, curling in on herself. Djuta paused for just the slightest moment to catch his breath, then promptly resumed demolishing his quarters. Blood ran down his arm from a gouge left by the splintered wood, yet he didn't notice it.

Rithukh'het watched him with trepidation. He'd never laid a hand on her in violence, yet she had never seen him this furious before. Surely something had gone wrong; when he'd first entered, he had seemed calm, if angry, and he had not even said a word before starting on his destruction of the items that Khetai had left intact. The only two things in the room which he hadn't touched yet were the bed and herself, and she wondered if it was only a matter of time before he went after the bed. She doubted that he would hurt her with intent, but with the way he was flinging things about, it was all too easy to accidentally get hit by something.

No, she'd been wrong about the bed being the final untouched item remaining. He reached for one last box that had somehow escaped destruction and hefted it over his head. The Moru chose that moment to let out a loud whimper, and instead of flying across the room, the box fell straight to the floor. Djuta stood with his arms in the air for a moment, then they dropped and his shoulders slumped and he stood panting, his enraged fit broken. He turned and trudged to the bed, sitting down heavily and dropping his head into his hands. His wings were folded so tightly to his back that it looked as if they had been bound that way.

Rithukh'het whimpered again and crept toward him from the other side of the bed. His breath still came heavy from his tantrum, but he said nothing when she meekly touched his arm. He didn't even lift his head to acknowledge her. She slipped her arm around his own and pulled herself close and they sat that way for a little while, the room growing silent. The shattered debris from the broken boxes and furniture lay all around them, as if a great whirlwind had blown through.

Djuta's shoulders shook. Rithukh'het lifted her head and her ears twitched. It took her a moment to realize that he was crying, and this just made her feel more desperate to placate him. She whimpered and stroked his arm, placing her head against his shoulder, trying to draw his attention away from his troubles. He still didn't lift his head.

"The damned laws," he murmured between tears. "Every time one triumphs, there is another damned rule to smash them down again! There is no way to win!"

Rithukh'het's whimper grew louder. She pressed her muzzle to his arm and took his hand.

Djuta lifted his other hand and wiped his eyes. He looked at the moisture glistening on his fingertips and bared his teeth. "Tas'hukh was right," he muttered. "I made a far better slave than a Kana. At least the Moru know what to expect in life. At least the Moru are honest. I have never met such scheming deceitful vile creatures as the Kana!"

Rithukh'het placed his hand against herself and whined softly. Djuta wiped at his eyes again with a scowl--whether over the objects of his anger, or over his own outburst, she could not tell--but at least he appeared to have calmed down somewhat. One lappet fell in his face when he lifted his head, and he grasped it in his fingers, examining the strip of cloth before his eyes. His muzzle wrinkled even further with disgust.

"Symbols of honor," he hissed. "With the way the rest of them spit upon their honor, I should spit upon it as well!"

So saying, he gripped the lappet as if to yank it from his skullcap, but Rithukh'het's squeeze upon his arm stopped him, and she whined once more, pressing her hand over his. He had looked almost ready to jump from the bed, his wings starting to flare, but now he froze in place as if having been stuck that way by a spell. Rithukh'het froze as well when his fingers twitched against her, finally feeling where they had been placed. His head turned slowly and he looked down at his hand, resting against her plump belly. His eyes widened, just slightly.

Rithukh'het stroked his arm again, letting out a soft murmuring sound. Djuta looked her in the eyes and she saw the surprise there, and she smiled at him. His gaze drifted down again, cautious, uncertain.


Rithukh'het nodded. She placed her hand over his own again, clasping it.

"To see physician, with Moru-Kana," she said. "To use seedlings as she to do. Seedlings to sprout!" She lifted his hand and clasped it between her own, her face beaming. "To give a pup, maybe two to Lord Djuta!"

Djuta stared at Rithukh'het's belly for a long time, unspeaking. After a while a furrow came to his brow and his chest started to hitch. Rithukh'het's smile faded and she slowly lowered his hand, confusion seeping up inside her. He didn't look pleased, as she'd expected him to be.

"Master...?" she said, hesitantly.

The Kana still failed to speak. His eyes welled up, and Rithukh'het almost begged for him not to cry again. She would have, if she'd had the chance. Before she could, though, he had swept her toward him into a crushing embrace, almost stealing the breath from her. Rithukh'het gasped but embraced him back as he started speaking against her shoulder.

"Sweet little Rithukh'het--beloved little Rithukh'het! How I've needed some news like this today!"

The smile came back to the Moru's face, tentative yet relieved. "Master to not be angry...?"

"I could not ever be angry with you. Never." Djuta's voice came out muffled. He lifted his head and kissed her cheek, her neck, then her mouth. Rithukh'het accepted his rough kisses with a swelling feeling in her heart. He hugged her to him again and his mouth met her skin voraciously; when he reached her mouth a second time she returned the gesture, allowing his tongue to meet her own. He cupped her face in his palm and murmured brokenly, and she murmured in return.

She did not protest what only came naturally afterwards. She could tell that her announcement had had an effect on him, and not merely one of allaying his anger. Her master's breath picked up and his touch grew a bit rougher, yet she had had brutish masters before and he was like none of them. Thus she offered no complaint as he lowered her to the bed, bringing his leg up and swinging it over her; already the front of his kilt bulged out, and she shivered with her own excitement. She smiled at him when his kiss moved to her shoulder, and stroked her fingers down his belly, earning a flinch. He reached for his belt with one hand and somehow managed to wrest his kilt free and toss it aside, doing the same with his loincloth. He didn't bother with the rest of his clothing; Rithukh'het had to take care of that herself. She giggled at the sight of his shaft protruding at its full length, and took it lightly in her hand, earning a snort. Djuta pulled her dress up to her chest so he could fondle her fat teats and brought his hips down over hers.

The Kana didn't even bother to turn her over, as she knew he preferred it. Instead Rithukh'het dropped her head back with a pleased murmur when her master impaled her, snorting and growling heatedly. Her entire body tightened around him, then loosened again; she sank back into the bed, letting herself go slack, and allowed him to do as he wished. It was only what she desired, as well, as they had had so few times together lately. He dropped his head and took her breast in his mouth, his teeth nipping at her skin as he sucked at the fleshy orb; at the same time he plunged at her rapidly, no foreplay being necessary. Rithukh'het shivered and twined her leg around his before bending her knees to cup his hips, rocking to accept him deeper. She giggled softly and ran her hands up and down his back, squeezing his buttocks so he snorted again.

He lifted his head from sucking at her breast and pressed his muzzle against the side of her face, his eyes glazed and wet. "Sweet Rithukh'het," he whispered, panting, and his voice made her arch and cry out in excitement.

"Oh! Master!"

He responded by grasping her hips tightly in his hands and grunting and plunging forward with all of his might. Rithukh'het shrieked and quivered; the act had been brief, but pleasurable, and she whimpered and sank again beneath his weight as his fluid filled her. He sank over her, panting hard, but did not let her go. The Moru let out a shuddery breath as she loosened her grip around him and he slid out to lie down heavily at her side, his head still touching hers. They fought to catch their breath after their short but frenzied lovemaking.

Rithukh'het sighed but bided her time. She knew from experience that this night was far from over, and with this, she reached up to gently stroke her mate's face, smiling at him when he opened his eyes. They were still full of tears; she kissed them and licked the salty fluid away, caressing his neck. She murmured her own words of love and comfort in the Moru tongue, knowing he would understand them, whether he understood the language or not.

True to her beliefs, though she still had her own need inside, he did not leave her wanting. As soon as he had recovered himself, Djuta spent an hour massaging his fingers through the thick folds of her most secret places, flicking his tongue over her thik'ahi and drinking her juices in a way that made her tremble and tense in the expectation of climax, every few minutes, until he would back down and allow her to relax, then repeat the process. The act threatened to become torture until he finally relented and let her come, her fat thighs quivering and her fluids coursing out to dampen the bed.

And when she had recovered from that and had been enticed just enough, Rithukh'het knelt as was proper and swayed in rhythm as her master mounted and slowly mated her, their motions causing just the barest whisper of a breath to leave their throats. The gentle, easy coupling still managed to bring a whimper to Rithukh'het's tongue, and after another hour or so had expired, Djuta once more released her from her need, flowing warmly inside her and accepting her slight squeeze and soft cry of release. Her memory afterwards grew hazy in her drowsiness, but she knew that the rest of the night he did not let her go from his arms, not even once.


"Part 53: Duel

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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