Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517385-Part-38--Encounter
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #517385
A lonely Resikh finds himself in an unusual one-night stand...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 38 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE MORU HAD not moved from her cot in hours. Captain Khanef sat upon his bed and stared at her for a long time as the shadows outside grew longer. He could tell, from the pain in his stomach, that the dinner hour had come and gone without him, yet he didn't get up, and continued staring at her lying curled up upon her side, her back to him. Once in a while her tail twitched, though that was the only sign he had that she was even still alive. His eyes wandered to the plate of fruit sitting beside her cot, and he stared at it instead. She hadn't eaten in the past three days.

He sighed, fiddling his thumbs between his knees, then getting to his feet and stretching the ache out of his wings. He walked across the room toward her, and it was only when he had reached her cot that he could hear the small sniffling noises she let out. He knelt down by the cot, then sat down upon the floor, picking up the plate and rolling a fig between his fingers. He put it in his mouth and chewed on it absently.

"You are growing thinner and thinner," he murmured as he chewed, staring out toward the courtyard. "And I am doing a piss-poor job of looking after you, if this is how you will end up, turning into a shrivel and blowing away."

Her tail flicked and her shoulders shook. Khanef sat and waited for a few moments before sighing and pushing himself up, taking her shoulder and gently shaking it.

"Come on," he coaxed. "You haven't eaten in days. Fe'kheru would kill me if he saw you! What sort of Moru are you to starve yourself like this? Please just sit up and eat a little. I'm getting tired of always eating alone."

She started letting out tiny whimpering noises. Khanef waited again and then took her arm, pulling on it; she didn't respond at first, but then reluctantly pushed herself up, sitting hunched over with her back to him. He picked up a fig and leaned over the cot to hold it in front of her; she took it and sniffled, shoulders trembling miserably.

"Come on," he murmured again. "Just one bite, and then two. And then if that does not agree with you, you can feel free to bite my arm, or gnaw off my ear, or even lick my eyes out of my head. I will not even protest so long as something ends up in your stomach."

She let out an even odder sound now, and he smiled. He took her arm and she at last turned herself around, tucking her legs under herself and rubbing at her swollen eyes. She had been crying even longer than she had been refusing to eat, and he stood, retrieving a bowl of water and a cloth, dipping it in the liquid and sitting down beside her. She sat still as he carefully pressed it to her eyes, washing away her tears and soothing the raw skin.

"There," he said, and dabbed at her muzzle as well. "Just like new. Now just eat a few more figs. And when he comes back, he'll demand to know what you've done with his Ikhi'et, because he will not even recognize this young pretty thing waiting to greet him."

Ikhi'et let out the choked noise again, and rubbed at her nose. At least he'd managed to amuse her. He held out the plate of figs and she took another one, putting it to her mouth and chewing with a look of distaste, but at least she was eating. She swallowed it hard, and didn't immediately take another, though for now it was all right. He rested the plate upon his knee and touched her arm.

"Do not worry," he said softly. "He'll come back, and the first thing he'll do is ask where you are."

Her eyes flooded with tears again. "To be gone so long," she murmured. "What if Sut'khut-Kana to be right--? What if never to come back? What Ikhi'et to do then...?"

Khanef shook his head. "Sut'khut was ever full of nonsense, and you know this. The one bit of sense he ever showed was to bring you to me! And that only because your master made him promise you would be safe. And that, only because he knew your master would whip his tail if he did not." Ikhi'et rubbed the tears from her eyes and he pressed the wet cloth to them again. "Now try to stop all this sniffling. If you cry any more you will fill up the Great Green Sea, and then Fe'kheru will have to swim back here, and that will put him in a very cross mood."

"Sut'khut-Kana to want to keep Ikhi'et," she mumbled now, and took the cloth to press it to her nose.

Khanef rolled his eyes. "Sut'khut-Kana to want to keep every female," he said, and rubbed her arm. "Do not worry! He left you with me, and here you will stay until Fe'kheru gets back. If he tries another thing I will crack his skull myself. And you can help me. And...what is her name...that other Moru...she can take a bite at him. And all shall live happily ever after."

Ikhi'et couldn't help it; her face screwed up and she giggled, tears spilling from her eyes. Khanef smiled and handed her another fig; she ate it and hiccupped. He sat in silence as she chewed on the fruit, managing to clear most of the plate before losing interest in it; he stood to put it on the stand, and brought her back a small cup of beer. She sipped at it and blinked her sore eyes.

"Master to be gone so long," she murmured again, her head drooping. "To forget about Ikhi'et. To find someone better, if even still alive."

Khanef sighed. "You and he have been with each other for a dozen years now! I do not think he could so easily forget you, nor find someone better. Every Kana should be so lucky as to have a Moru so willing to wait for him. And if he does forget, don't you worry, for I'll turn my head and let you knock him upside the skull until he does remember."

"When to ever come back?" she asked, sniffling and drinking the rest of the beer.

Khanef had to turn his eyes away. "I do not know," he said, reluctantly; then he forced a smile and placed his hand over hers. "But it should be soon enough. He cannot stay away from you forever, you know. Even now, I bet Meteri-Kana is thwacking his tail and demanding that they get home." As he said this, he suddenly remembered Captain Yekh'ef, and his forced smile dimmed somewhat, though she didn't seem to notice.

"To miss him," she said instead, and her eyes watered again. "So lonely without Master. Never without him so long."

Khanef squeezed her hand. "He will come back soon," he said. "I promise." She curled her fingers inside his and he held her hand in his own. "Besides, until then, you have me to keep you company, and you can hardly feel lonely for long when I am going to be doing my damnedest to irritate you."

The Moru gave a teary giggle again, wiping her eyes. "Khanef-Kana not irritate!" she insisted, and he smiled at her reaction; at least he had her eating, and laughing, even if only a little bit. Still, it was progress. "Khanef-Kana good Kana," she said, and lifted her head to look at him, meeting his eyes. "Keep from Sut'khut-Kana. Keep Ikhi'et company," she said, and sniffled.

Khanef nodded. "That's right. And you do not even have to thank me for it."

She stared at him for a moment, then her eyes misted over. "Fe'kheru-Master gone so long," she said softly, her voice distant; his smile faded, sadness settling over him. "Miss Master," Ikhi'et barely whispered, and her shoulders trembled. "Ikhi'et so lonely, without him..."

Khanef stared at her in return. "He will come back soon," he said softly, and squeezed her hand again; she squeezed his in return. He saw the look in her eyes change slightly and the expression there gave him a vague feeling of unease. He was so preoccupied staring into them that he did not notice at first how she leaned almost imperceptibly closer to him, at least not until their muzzles were almost touching. Even then he didn't pull away, seeing the haze in her eyes, just barely feeling it in his own head.

"Ikhi'et so lonely," she whispered, and her fingers twined around his. "Master gone so long...Ikhi'et to have nobody..."

Khanef's voice had disappeared, not that he would have thought of anything to say anyway. He just stared at her mutely, when she leaned even closer, and the tips of their muzzles touched, her breath fanning warm upon him. He saw her eyes glaze over before he was forced to shut his own; her tongue darted out against his mouth, and without even thinking he opened, and a moment later they were kissing, their tongues tracing against each other and exploring each other's mouth. Her grip grew tighter on his hand and her breath picked up; he lifted his free hand to touch his fingers to her face, feeling her press her cheek against his palm. He caressed her face and heard her give a soft whimper. She slid closer to him upon the cot so their legs touched, and he let go of her hand to cup her face in his hands, his kiss growing deeper and his heart thudding in his chest. His wings flared and his tail flicked; the tang of her musk filled his nostrils, and she panted softly at the scent of his own. He broke from her mouth, trailing his tongue down her jaw, over her neck, her shoulder, nuzzling at her hungrily; she gasped and pressed herself to him, her breasts rising and falling.

"Ikhi'et so lonely," she whispered huskily, and he ran his claws down her arms. "So lonely..."

Khanef growled softly, nuzzling behind her ear; she tensed, arching her neck, and then ran her hands down his front, her claws raking lightly against his armor. "Ikhi'et," he panted, his voice guttural; she tightened and her breath came out in quick spurts, and he clutched her arms tight, drawing her to him without protest. "Gods, Ikhi'et..."

"Lord," she whimpered, breathless; he slipped his fingers beneath the strap of her dress, and she drew her shoulder back so it slid down; pulling down on it further he freed her breast, and dropped his head to suckle at it, his teeth biting her gently. She whined and squirmed, shimmying the other strap down so he cupped her other breast in his hand, tweaking the nipple between his fingers. Her hands slid up beneath his kilt, caressing his thighs so he snorted, working at loosing his loincloth which was already bulging. He lifted his head to bite at her shoulder, growling heatedly as her cool fingers caressed him, cupping his testicles and running up his sheath. She rubbed her thumbs against the wet, emerging head of his shaft, and shifted herself, parting her knees so her dress rode up her thighs; Khanef crushed himself to her and slipped his hand up between her legs. His fingers explored the trembling wetness waiting there, and she tensed and whimpered as he rubbed at her thik'ahi, her juices slickening his fingertips. She gasped for breath, dropping her head back, and he licked the hollow of her throat, his hardness quivering in her grasp.

"Ikhi'et," he panted again, reaching back to grip her buttock, and she whined and pushed herself up, placing her arms over his shoulders and kissing him. He shifted his own legs, his kilt pulled up, and gripped the base of his penis, growling into her mouth as it strained for entry; the Moru parted her legs wide and started to come down upon him. Her wet lips began to slip around Khanef's thick slippery tip and he dropped his head back, letting out a broken gasp.

Ikhi'et sucked in a breath when he grasped her thighs and pulled her away from him, settling her back on the cot. She blinked in hazy confusion, staring at him as he pushed himself up, hastily retying his loincloth and brushing his kilt back into place. She peered up at him, as if seeking any sign of anger or disappointment, yet the Kana's face was still flushed, his breath still coming fast in his throat. His ears flicked and he didn't meet her eyes as he smoothed himself down, the bulge still distinct against his kilt.

"Lord...?" Ikhi'et asked, uncertainly.

Khanef avoided looking at her, brushing away the wrinkles in his kilt and running a hand back over his head. "He will come back soon," he murmured, fiddling with his belt and armor as if just to give himself something to do with his hands. "And you will be waiting for him, and you won't be lonely anymore."

She merely looked even more confused, then lowered her head, pushing down her dress over her hips and pulling up the straps, tucking in her breasts again and drawing in on herself. Khanef at last dared to peer down at her, and felt a sting at seeing the forlorn look on her face; he bit his lip, then paused to touch her. She lifted her eyes and he caressed her cheek.

"He is a good Kana," he murmured to her softly. "And you are a good Moru. There is nothing that will ever change this. He will come back to you."

She stared into his eyes for a moment or two, then they grew wet with tears. Still, her mouth trembled, the slightest hint of a faint smile; he smiled gently at her in return, and pulled away. He continued adjusting his clothing, trying to will the ache away though it was difficult. He took several breaths, trying to clear the haze in his head, and drew away from her cot and toward the courtyard. She watched him, seeming troubled now.

"Lord...?" she called out.

He made certain to give her a reassuring look. "I will be back," he said. "I just wish to walk the courtyard. Meanwhile, you finish off the rest of those figs and that beer. And if they are not gone by the time I return, I will just make you eat them myself."

She blinked. Then her face dissolved in a teary smile, and he turned away from her as she wiped at her eyes and sniffled. He stepped out into the courtyard and started on a brisk circuit around the pool, taking in a breath of the cool evening air and trying to let it settle his nerves. He stretched and flexed his wings as he went, working out the tension. His hands shook so badly that he had to keep clenching them into fists, just to try to will the feeling away.

Meteri was right. You do eventually go mad without nesakh'ai.

He slowed his pace as he approached the far corner of the pool, and let out his breath, fanning his wings. He stared at the tiles and fiddled with his lappet. He avoided looking back, lest he see what Ikhi'et was doing; he flared his ears and winced, ashamed.

I should not even have touched her. I should not have gone that far. Fe'kheru is as good as my brother; he may as well be. I cannot believe I almost did that.

Still, his sheath ached, and he made a face as he walked. He had not mated, had not even tried ahi'akhta, in at least three years now. Most of the time, this caused no problem. Yet most of the time he was not alone with a willing and lonely female, either. He had avoided visiting with any of the Moru just for that reason. It did not happen often, but every once in a while pretty Moru did visit him in his dreams, and he'd woken up whimpering and thrashing in sweat-soaked sheets more than once. Meteri-Kana might have been young, but he was right on one thing at least; one did tend to go a little bit mad, without nesakh'ai.

I cannot believe I was willing to do that...if we had gone any further...

He at last lifted his head, peering toward the opening into his room. Ikhi'et still sat upon her cot, chewing upon the last figs; he could tell merely by the way she sat, her head drooping and her gaze cast toward the floor, that she must be feeling as ashamed as he did. The pang came again, but now he felt more sympathetic than anything; she was a good Moru, and neither of them could be blamed for what had just happened. He thought of how long her master had been gone now, and a small bit of anger flared inside him.

Where are you, Fe'kheru? Why are you gone so long? Don't you remember any of us...don't you remember her...?

When are you ever getting back here?

Ikhi'et finished the figs, and reached for a cup of beer, sipping at it disconsolately. Khanef sighed and turned away from the pool, wandering back amongst the trees and flowers. By now, he did not even know for sure if they would ever be back. No matter what he had told her. He had been willing to believe they would return, but that had been before Sut'khut, and Yekh'ef and the rest, had disappeared into the desert, and not yet returned themselves. The city stood practically empty now and he wondered how many other Moru were going lonely every night. He came to a stop and shut his eyes, anger, confusion, guilt, pity all twisting around inside him.

This tribe...when will it ever return to normal...the way it once was. I do not even know if I remember how it once was, by now...

He sighed once more, and leaned back against the courtyard wall. He stared upwards at the stars beginning to glimmer overhead, and tried not to wonder too much about who else might be looking upon them right now. After a while he dropped his head and made a face, then slipped his hands beneath his kilt and loosened his loincloth. He tentatively stroked at the hardness still straining there, then bit his lip and shut his eyes. He reminded himself that it was best for both of them if he did not return until he was done, and commenced fondling his sac in his palm and running his hand up and down his length, trembling and panting softly into the cool air. And the eventual feel of his seed squirting and dribbling out of him to spatter against the tiles was so distracting, that he did not even hear Ikhi'et's soft cry, as she lay upon her cot and pressed her fingers in and out of herself, rubbing her thik'ahi and whimpering into the evening's chill.


* * * * *

The streets, earlier filled with eager Kana on their way to witness the great triple trial, were now filled with those same Kana, most on their way to or from the now busy taverns, laughing and singing loudly. It wasn't every day that a trial was held, much less three trials in one; the day had been most entertaining, indeed, and the taverns were doing a brisk business, with more beer and rings exchanging hands than ever before. More than a few people exclaimed that to have a trial more often would be a good thing, and even jokingly went over every silly criminal plot their foggy minds could conjure up, bursting into guffaws the more ridiculous the ideas got. Almost everyone was in a cheery mood, though there were at least a few who were not.

Among all the carousing figures strode one who was alone, his gaze on the ground. Lieutenant Resikh stared at the soil as he walked, not sharing in the enthusiasm of the others around him. For a long while he didn't even bother thinking, but he had never been good at letting his mind go blank; the longer he wandered, the more his thoughts pressed against his skull waiting to be realized, until they finally broke out, and he winced to himself.

I cannot believe I did that. I cannot believe I lied to the tribunal. I cannot believe I did that!

But what was I to do--? Let them convict Djuta? He is a good Kana! He made a mistake--he even acknowledges it--he cannot have his reputation tarnished because of this! He would probably lose his position...he could not bear that...
I could not bear that...

I could not let that happen. But what have I done to ensure this...? What sort of Kana am
I now...?

His thoughts trailed off when he heard what sounded like heated arguing issuing from one of the houses closer to the edge of the town. He came to a slow stop and lifted his head. He didn't recognize this neighborhood very well, as the houses were poorer, the Kana not as well off as those he was used to living amongst; most of the households lay dark under the night sky, yet lamps burned in the windows of one or two, including the one the arguing was coming from. He flared his ear but could not make out the exact words, though they sounded angry enough. After they fell silent a moment or so passed, then he heard sandals clacking against pavement, and watched as someone came jogging out of the main court. He blinked when he just barely recognized Private Ri'hus, and almost called out to him, yet something made him refrain. The way the private's chest hitched, his hand rubbing at his eyes as he turned and jogged away toward the barracks, made him reluctant to announce his presence, and instead he simply stood in the street and watched the young Kana run away. His heart hurt, and at first he didn't know why; then the realization hit him, and he lowered his head, turning back toward the main part of the city.

That is what sort of Kana I am...the sort who causes this.

He started walking back the way he had come. It had seemed like the right thing to do, at the time; to give Ri'hus what he'd wanted, and to save Djuta's reputation. Yet from the look of it, neither was happy. He couldn't help but feel he had betrayed them both. The longer he thought of it, the more certain he was that that was exactly what he'd done. What had come over him? And better yet, why hadn't it worked the way he'd planned...?

He shut his eyes briefly and furrowed his brow. None of this could he understand anymore, in the least. Things had simply stopped making sense. Ever since Nehekhi's death, nothing had made sense anymore. It was as if the entire tribe were cursed. He had never been much of one to believe in the gods, yet maybe they had been displeased somehow...?

"Hey, Brother! You should spend less time walking the street, and more time walking the taverns!"

Resikh scowled to himself. He flared his wings to make his greeter back off, not bothering to look back and see if it had worked. "Apologies but I am not much in a mood for talking, or carousing," he muttered.

The other Kana made a scoffing noise. "So this is how you treat your friends? No wonder you walk alone!"

Friends...? Resikh at last halted and looked over his shoulder. He blinked when he realized he recognized the Kana coming up behind him, grinning and waving cheerily. He stared mutely.

The lieutenant made a scoffing noise again and put his hands on his hips. "What, your memory is that short?" he exclaimed. "It's me! Tefkha!" He grinned widely and struck Resikh's shoulder, in a friendly manner. "You must have been out of the barracks a good long time, to ignore a poor barracks lieutenant so! And I thought all lieutenants were supposed to be brothers."

"Oh," Resikh finally managed, flushing a little. "Apologies, Lord Tefkha...I didn't recognize your voice at first. I was just walking..."

Tefkha snorted. "'Lord'! Pff, even my trainees usually aren't so formal! What does everyone else call you, 'Res'? Suppose you call me 'Tef,' and our names will just keep getting shorter until there is nothing left." He let out a loud laugh which made Resikh's ears ring, and he rubbed at them self-consciously.

"I was just walking," he said again. "Thinking some things over...I hadn't much of a mind to..."

"Oh! That's right!" Tefkha fell into step beside him as he started walking again, and Resikh sighed to himself. "The trial--right? I had to keep watch over the barracks, piddle that that is. So I'm afraid I missed most of it. How exactly did it go? Leave out not one juicy detail. My ears are aching for some good gossip."

Resikh hung his head slightly and slowed his pace, now that it was clear he wasn't going to be walking alone anymore. "It went well, as well as could be expected."

Tefkha waited for a moment or two, then threw up his arms with an exasperated noise. "Oh, come now! What sort of gossip is that? 'It went well!' Pff! I've heard better stories from Kana half drunk out of their minds and pissing all over themselves." He grasped Resikh's arm. "Come on, clarify! Was everyone found guilty or not guilty? At least give me a yea or a nay, or a nod or a shake, or something to go on."

"There were mixed verdicts all around," Resikh said curtly.

Tefkha pulled on his ears. "AAGGHH! Kana like you will be the death of me! What sort of person are you that you cannot even gossip properly?" He pulled on Resikh's arm now, tugging him away from the middle of the street. "I'll tell you what!
How about we strike a bargain. I will buy you a beer, if you will tell me in more detail than that what exactly happened at that trial. I miss everything around here lately! If I am not in the know before most of my trainees, they will laugh my ass straight out of there."

Resikh sighed. He didn't especially feel like carousing the bars, as drinking had never been a favorite pastime of his; yet he couldn't exactly think of anything else to do, nor a friendly way to decline. After a moment he sighed again and nodded reluctantly.

"Very well...though perhaps you'd best make it several beers. I have quite a bit of time to waste tonight, and that trial went on forever."

Tefkha laughed. "All right then! Several beers it is. I will just have to get you smashed to loosen your tongue. Follow me; you are such an unat'e that I doubt you would even know where to find Khesa's front stoop on your own." He tugged Resikh away toward one of the raucous taverns, and, resigned, Resikh followed.

* * * * *

Resikh had never been much of one for holding his drink, so the few hours he spent at Khesa's tavern with Tefkha were rather quickly forgotten. The conversation--on which several other patrons not-so-subtly eavesdropped from their own seats--went easily enough at first, though with each successive drink, Resikh's tongue grew clumsier, and Tefkha burst into laughter more than once.

"So, tell me, tell me, tell me," he said after they had been drinking for a while and Resikh was sufficiently tipsy. "How did it go, exactly?"

"How did what go?" Resikh asked, hiccupping.

Tefkha pulled on his ears again. "THE TRIAL! What else? Must I forcefeed you? Oh, all right!--firstly, that dumb mutt they found rutting at that female! Guilty or not guilty? Come on, spill the details! Otherwise everyone in here will have the right to set upon you and string you up from the roof by your lappets. Stop torturing us so."

"Keep your questions shorter!" Resikh snapped, his arm swaying as he held his cup. "As if I can follow all of that!" He took a drink. "The mutt--guilty. There are other charges pending though."

"Other charges--? Such as?"

"Apparently Sergeant U'heta likes humping little boys."

Tefkha's eyes goggled in disbelief, then he crowed raucously. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU! See? Isn't gossip a wonderful thing? If he ever sets foot out of the prisons I am positive some lucky Kana will soon slice off his balls, and good riddance! You know, you should gossip a little more. I've been hearing rumors about that dog for ages now, not that anyone could ever prove anything."

"Careful, or they will call you as a character witness at his next trial."

Tefkha took a drink of his own beer. "Yes, well, I will have to check my calendar, and make sure I am not soused that day." He laughed. "Go on! What about the female? Is Mahakhi going to keep her as his latest pet? Gods know he cannot ever have enough pets! There are more pretties in that household than there are guards!"

"Mahakhi's not interested in her and from what I hear she is not interested in him. He was going to sell her. There was an arrangement."

"Arrangement--?" Tefkha waited, but Resikh merely took another drink and yawned. "Oh very well, if you will be so vague!" He poured Resikh another cup of beer and waved at him impatiently. "What of your friend, that shirker Djuta? Guilty or not guilty? If you refuse to answer, I will pull your tongue out myself, and feed it to my Sha."

"I bet you do not ever feed them anything nearly so nice," Resikh said, and took a drink. "Of beating the piss out of the mutt, guilty, and practically given a medal."

Tefkha laughed. "And of the other charge...?"

Resikh's mood faded and he ended up staring at his cup vaguely. "He was not found guilty," he murmured after a while, at which Tefkha lifted his cup high.

"Well what did I say to everyone before this trial started! If anyone has the luck of Maat growing out his ears, it is he. Lieutenant Djuta!"

"Djuta!" several of the other somewhat drunken patrons echoed, raising their cups and then downing their contents. Tefkha wiped his mouth and leaned on the little table.

"And what of him now--?" he prompted, his ears flaring forward eagerly. "What reward does he get for showing that mutt who is Kana and who is not?"

"He gets Khetai," Resikh answered, and took another drink.

Tefkha stared at him for a moment or two, then blinked. "Khetai...?" His brow furrowed, then his face screwed up. "He gets the FEMALE?" he cried, and then started guffawing, nearly knocking over his cup. A few patrons glanced at them but said nothing and turned back to their own conversations. Tefkha slapped his knees. "Oh...that WAS a good trial! And piss-poor me but I missed it!" He wiped at his eyes. "How on earth is it that he gets a female in punishment? If only everyone were so lucky!"

"Mahakhi did not want her," Resikh said, sipping his beer. "And Djuta did not want her sold, or some such, so he vowed to get her with pup within the next year. And so now he has to stick to that."

The barracks lieutenant's laughter only grew, tears squeezing from his eyes. "MAAT! Only Maat must watch over him, always! Lucky mutt! A nice pretty female to rut at, as his punishment!"

"She was not so nice as she was being taken away," Resikh clarified. "As I recall it, she promised to tear out his eyes for him."

Tefkha's shoulders shook with mirth. "If that is how they say 'give him the grandest nesakh'ai ever,' then sign EVERYONE up for such a horrid punishment! I only wish we were all so lucky. Well, except that dumb mutt. But I doubt he will miss good nesakh'ai much, without his balls." He wiped his eyes again and took a shaky breath, trying to stop laughing. "Well...you lived up to your end of the bargain, I suppose. Not only do I have an armful to gossip about now, but I have not laughed so hard in weeks. I only regret I did not see it all firsthand. The looks upon everyone's faces must have been priceless."

"Mahakhi's most of all," Resikh said, finishing off his beer.

Tefkha chuckled. "Well, I am not surprised by that, at least." Resikh brought down his cup and peered into it, his head bobbing, then held it toward him; Tefkha shook his head and waved his hand. "Oh, no. I've also met my end of the bargain. Look at you! You've had hardly four beers and already you can barely hold your head up! You will need to get a little more experienced before drinking another."

"I'm not drunk!" Resikh insisted, though the words came out slightly slurred, and truth to tell, his head did feel rather fuzzy. "Not that drunk," he amended himself, not liking having to lie more than he already had that day. "Well if you refuse to accommodate me I'll just return home," he said after Tefkha's only response was to smile at him, and set down his cup with a clank, rising to his feet. "You are a lousy host."

Tefkha just arched an eyebrow. Then Resikh couldn't see his face anymore. He was too busy turning his eyes up toward the ceiling, the room starting to spin around him; he tottered sideways and grabbed at his chair before seeing something move, and Tefkha caught him under the arm, hoisting him upright. Resikh swayed unsteadily, his head spinning even more than the room.

"Are you so sure that's a good idea?" Tefkha inquired. "At this point, I don't think you could even tell where your home is."

"'S easy, I live in the home of M-M-M-haki," Resikh stammered.

Tefkha started laughing again. "Well, I'm afraid to tell you that there is no one in this tribe going by the name M-M-M-haki, and even if there was, I doubt you could walk all the way back there on your own. I'm inclined to believe M-M-M-haki might not take too well to you getting so smashed right after the trial, either!"

"I only lied once," Resikh admitted; Tefkha gave him an odd look and he hiccupped. "You mean you didn't know...?"

The barracks lieutenant rolled his eyes. "Now I know you would be better off not heading back there! You can hardly stay here, since Khesa doesn't take too well to his patrons sleeping upon his floor...though I think I'm sane enough to find the way back to my own place. You can stay there until you snap out of this. I don't believe M-M-M-haki would much appreciate you stumbling about into his walls at this hour, anyway. And I bet you would start singing, and you probably have a piss-poor singing voice. I'm doing M-M-M-haki a favor; perhaps I will get promoted for this."

Resikh considered objecting but couldn't remember the right words. All he could do was grin stupidly and then slump against Tefkha's arm. The lieutenant grimaced and pulled him along toward the door.

"For gods' sakes, I said I'd help you, not carry you! You've got to do some of the work!"

"Baby," Resikh mumbled, but started stumbling along anyway, and they made their way out into the street, heading away from Mahakhi's household. Resikh might have sung loudly part of the way there; he couldn't recall. All he knew was that by the time they arrived, he would never have been able to find his way back. He barely even bothered keeping his eyes open by now, his head swaying from side to side; So this is what being drunk is like, he thought. Somehow it wasn't as bad as he'd expected, though he couldn't remember what he'd expected, if anything, and then he wondered what he was even thinking about at all, and how he had even gotten here, and why he had even been drinking in the first place. Then he wondered why he was wondering, and then his head hurt.

Tefkha had to kick in his own door to get it open--there were no guards or any others about, as he lived near the barracks, Resikh assumed foggily. They made their way through the small main court and into a hallway, and then into a sideroom, before Resikh felt his legs start to give out; just as they did so, the barracks lieutenant stopped at a couch and helped him down onto it. Resikh collapsed onto his back and his head lolled to the side. He blinked a few times and shook his head, dazed.

"Brother?" Tefkha's voice came from above. He dragged his eyes open wider and saw the other Kana lean over him and cock a brow, his mouth twitching. "Think you can sleep here without puking all over my floor?" he inquired. "Or should I grab a bowl?"

"Mmmm, don't worry," Resikh sighed, rubbing at his eyes. "Don't feel like puking."

"Well, that's a relief. I would be mad if I could say you didn't drool all over my arm on the way here. Gods! I had no idea you were so new to this. A beer iat'ahi." He started laughing.

"I'm not new," Resikh insisted, trying to get his voice to work better. It sounded slow and drawling, in his mind. "Y...you have a nice shoulder, is all."

Tefkha gaped at him for a moment before cackling at the ceiling. He leaned forward and gasped for breath, rubbing tears from his eyes.

"A nice shoulder!" he cried. "Yes, well...I'll try to remember that. What a lovely compliment. I will treasure it always."

Resikh just grinned at him. He dimly saw Tefkha grin back, and fought down a hiccup. "You can...treasure this, too."

He reached up his hands and locked them behind Tefkha's neck, earning a startled look before he dragged his head down and pressed his lips to the barracks lieutenant's. Resikh sucked in a breath, and found Tefkha's own surprisingly sweet; one of his hands slid down to cup the lieutenant's face, feeling his velvety fur, his lips sucking gently. He murmured and noticed that Tefkha's startled look hadn't disappeared; why was he looking like that? Didn't he feel the same way? He slowly pulled his lips away with one last nibble to Tefkha's lower lip, and savored the sweet taste left in his mouth.

He finally heard Tefkha's voice, soft and faint. "Lieutenant..."

He didn't let him finish. Grasping Tefkha by the mane, he mashed their mouths together, biting and murmuring hungrily. Fire rose in his breast, in his loins. He didn't know why it had arisen now, just that it had. All thoughts of Djuta, of the trial, fled his mind and all he could think of was right here and now. His claws raked down Tefkha's arm and he felt a flinch; Tefkha shut his eyes and appeared to want to pull away, but Resikh didn't let him. He clutched him harder and his lips moved to Tefkha's jaw, tongue grazing his skin.

"Tefkha," he murmured huskily, surprised he could even remember his name by now, his brain had grown so hazy. He grasped the lieutenant's arms and bit at his neck; Tefkha's body stiffened, then relaxed. Resikh's heartbeat grew when he felt fingers brush against his face, just lightly, and Tefkha's lips met his own. Resikh almost moaned and started shaking hard before their mouths parted again. The other lieutenant's breath was quick.

"Resikh," he whispered. "Are you sure?"

Resikh nodded and ran his tongue along his lips. "Gods...I have no idea why but I want to mate with you so badly."

Tefkha's grip tightened on his arm. "You are drunk, you know."

"I do not care." He took Tefkha's hand and guided it down his body, moaning and arching. "I have not had nesakh'ai in so long."

In response he felt Tefkha's hand slip beneath his kilt and run up his thigh, sending shivers through him. He arched again and whimpered softly when his companion's warm fingers trailed up, over his swelling, tugging at his loincloth.

"One last time," his voice came, thick and husky. "You are sure of this...?"

A final nod. Resikh embraced Tefkha to him and relished the feeling of the other lieutenant's body against his own; he couldn't stop trembling. They fumbled to pull up their kilts, and the motion only aroused him further; he cursed all the beer he'd had now, with how clumsy it made him. He spread his thighs wide and bent his knees, pushing his hips upward.

Tefkha nuzzled hotly at his ear, making him shiver. His hands slid down Resikh's body, over his tight stomach, over his distended sheath. He lifted one to Resikh's mouth and the lieutenant licked his fingers, tilting his head back when Tefkha pulled his hand away and rubbed it against himself. He whispered in Resikh's ear, making him shiver.

"I'm going to come inside you."

Resikh nodded. He arched his hips and pressed his head back into the pillows. Tefkha's fingers dug into his buttocks, lifting him up; a moment later a heat pressed against him, and he whimpered to feel the slick rod pushing its way up, deeply into him. His penis rose rapidly, quivering and wet. The barracks lieutenant seized hold of it and stroked up and down, making him yelp.

A warm, wet tongue trailed over his neck. Resikh shuddered. One hand kept tight hold of him in behind, and he arched as they began to move.

"What is wrong with you...?" Tefkha whispered, as he started to rock, thrusting slowly. When Resikh peered up at him through hazy eyes he saw the curious look on the other lieutenant's face, so out of place with what they were currently doing. He shut his eyes again and gritted his teeth.

"I do not know..." He tossed his head upon the pillows, digging his claws into the couch. "I am...I am not usually like this. I'm never like this at all. But...this heat...all over me. I do not know. I'm sorry."

A soft kiss came to his lips, and Tefkha nuzzled behind his ear, making him shake even harder. "Foolish," he murmured, his tongue tickling Resikh so that he shuddered, "apologizing for nesakh'ai. This is simply what Kana do. I will tell you what." His hand stroked along Resikh's shaft, rubbing the tip. "We will owe each other nothing. Just nesakh'ai, and then that is it. We do not have to be sorry or expect anything after tonight. Do you agree?"

Resikh nodded, relief and pleasure washing over him. For some reason, the thought of having to explain this later on filled him with dread; at least that was one worry out of the way.

"I agree..."

The barracks lieutenant's fingers stroked warm along his quivering length, and he kissed him again, in the hollow of his throat; Resikh had always loved being kissed there. "Then let us simply enjoy it, now, before the morning comes," he whispered, voice husky. "I know a few things...I'll make you feel better. Only trust me."

Resikh nodded again, shifting his hips so he parted wider.

"I trust you..."

Their hot bodies pressed close. Resikh groaned and tilted his head back. Tefkha panted and kept him supported, plunging deeply within and rotating his hips in a most pleasurable manner. His fingers moved over Resikh's skin in such a way that it sent jolts through him, making him cry out and buck when he least expected it. He didn't know what it was...but Tefkha certainly knew something. About just where to touch him, and how, and when, to satisfy him the most. He held Resikh's hips up in the air and pulled him to him, pumping slowly and deliciously, when Resikh's instinct would have been to pound violently; he flailed upon the couch and twisted himself about, the feeling was so intense. He came close to climax, only to feel the lieutenant's hand grip him tightly enough to stop the flow, making him yelp. He shuddered in orgasm denied as Tefkha pulled out from him and carefully rolled him over. Despite his drunken state, Resikh instinctively understood what to do. He propped himself up on his hands and knees and lifted his tail, panting heavily, waiting for what would come next. But Tefkha merely pressed him down again.

"No...like this," he said, his voice faintly amused. "You will enjoy it much better."

He gently pushed Resikh down onto his side. Resikh panted hard, willing to do anything he said, the pleasure was so sublime. Tefkha's fingers slipped between his legs, lifting one; Resikh tossed it over Tefkha's own, as the lieutenant moved close behind him. He nuzzled at Resikh's shoulder and slipped his arms around his body, running his claws lightly down his chest, his belly, toward his groin. Resikh shivered and sighed.

"Tefkha...hakh'tua, when we are done?" he whispered, panting. "This I have not done in so long, either...I want to taste you, smell your musk upon my breath, everything..."

Tefkha hushed him. "Of course, if it pleases you most...anything you wish. But let us do this now...all right?"

Resikh shut his eyes and moaned. Tefkha's hands gripped his hips, their ankles locking about one another, and started pushing. Resikh couldn't stop whimpering, especially when the barracks lieutenant seized his nape in his teeth, growling in a possessive manner. When Djuta had taken him that first time, so long ago, he had done the same thing...Resikh had felt his whole body go limp in submission, in complete trust, as his mate coupled with him...and even though he barely knew Tefkha, his reaction now was no different. His head fell back and his breath spurted quickly. Tefkha growled again, and Resikh mewed just like a Moru. He jerked at the feel of claws digging into his hips, and gasped at the heat pressing into him repeatedly, filling him to the core. Tefkha still rolled his hips in an unusual manner, making him want to writhe and shudder in ecstasy.

"Tefkha," he gasped, and clasped his hand in his own, his voice rising into a whine. "Brother..."

He received another growl in response, and shivered. The sound was so feral, so primal, that it made his shaft tremble with need. His whine grew.

"Ahi'akhta, ahi'akhta!"

Another jerk; Tefkha's hand wrapped about his penis and squeezed, then ran up and down. Resikh began to thrust his hips now, back and forth. For who knew how long, the two of them lay writhing upon the couch, their breath and musk mingling, Resikh submitting to his new temporary mate. Tefkha's deep pushing and lustful growling drove him mad; he never would have guessed the lieutenant had such strength and power to him, on first meeting him. What else had he to learn about his fellows--?

Only a short time later, the guttural growl broke off into a soft grunt, and Resikh cried out and arched his body, his hands reaching back to clutch Tefkha's buttocks as they both quivered in climax. Tefkha released his hold on Resikh's neck and tossed his head back, shivering with pleasure. Resikh felt the couch beneath them grow wet with their seed, and they both slowly let out their breath, sinking back into the cushions together. For a while they lay panting, the scent of their sweat making Resikh dizzy.

His eyelids began to droop, and after a time he began to feel there would be no more for the night; Tefkha must be exhausted by now, as he was. Which was why he gasped a little when Tefkha sat up and turned himself about, reaching for Resikh's legs. He remembered his promise of hakh'tua and his breath picked up--but Tefkha rolled him over onto his stomach. He lifted his head with some confusion, glancing back over his shoulder.


Tefkha hushed him, brushing his claws against his face, his mouth twitching. "Be quiet and be patient. Do not worry. I know you will enjoy this."

Resikh frowned, uncertain, when the lieutenant parted his buttocks and spread his legs. They had already had nesakh'ai; what could he be doing now? His muscles stiffened when he felt fingers poking at him, and he started to tell him he wasn't much interested in fingering right now, when a jolt surged through his body. His head popped up and he moaned loudly, unable to stop it. When the feeling passed, leaving him weak and shaking, he lowered his head again, panting. His claws clenched at the cushions as he trembled in confusion.

"Wh...what was that...?" he whispered.

He saw Tefkha sit up in the dimness and smile down at him knowingly. He pointed at his muzzle. "My tongue. How do you like it? Is it to your tastes?"

Resikh could only tremble. He'd never felt anything like that before.

Tefkha stroked his head and his smile grew. "I told you you would like it. Just lie still and let me tend to it. You'll find this very enjoyable."

Resikh lay still as the lieutenant came up over him so their bodies touched again; if he had been upon his back, they could have given each other hakh'tua. As it was, he had no idea how Tefkha planned to relieve himself. He could feel his heat, his hardness against his back, between his shoulders at first, and the scent of his musk was overpowering; Tefkha's fingers slipped between his buttocks and once more his muzzle prodded deeply, his tongue slipping into Resikh's opening. Resikh arched and whined, instinctively swaying. Tefkha licked at him, and began to move his own hips, his thighs tight against the sides of Resikh's head. They would have made an odd sight, positioned thus, Resikh lying upon his belly, Tefkha upon him, clasping his head between his legs and nuzzling at his backside; yet Resikh couldn't explain it, it aroused him like nothing else. As they began to pick up their pace he reached up to grasp Tefkha's buttocks to support himself, and bent his knees wide, arching his back to allow that exquisite tongue deeper entry. He whimpered loudly and rocked; Tefkha rooted, licked, sucked, growled under his breath. He slipped one hand beneath Resikh to squeeze his testicles.

Resikh lost it. He bucked and cried out like a Moru, every muscle tightening. Tefkha's muzzle rooted at him hard, bringing forth another yelp, this one partly of pain, partly of pleasure; his thighs squeezed Resikh's head and a wetness spread across his back when the barracks lieutenant grunted; Resikh hissed and felt his own relief wash over him, his muscles tightening and his wings flaring up in the air. They quivered against each other for a moment or two before gasping for breath and loosening. Resikh couldn't even move anymore; he lay limp and whimpering faintly as Tefkha rose from him, turning around and coming up close to nuzzle gently at his neck. He slipped his arms around him and drew him close; Resikh whined softly and allowed himself to be held, Tefkha's hand running slowly up and down his breast. He dragged his eyes open and saw the barracks lieutenant smile at him again. It looked like there were two of him, and he had to blink the haze away.

"And how was that for hakh'tua?" Tefkha queried. Resikh just stared at him with glazed eyes and he gave a soft laugh, kissing the side of his muzzle. "Actually, it is called hakh'tehi, the art of pleasuring in behind with one's tongue, and you would be surprised how few people will even admit to liking it. You seem to like it very much."

"No one's ever given me hakh'tehi before," Resikh murmured weakly. He'd never heard of the term, until now.

Tefkha's smile just grew. "Well, I am honored to be your first. And try to remember it; it tends to drive females wild with passion, if done just right."

Resikh finally managed a faint smile of his own. "I will try to remember."

A soft chuckle. Tefkha nuzzled him under the chin. "And are you still interested in hakh'tua?" he asked. "I like to think I am passing good at that as well." He slid his hand down, over Resikh's damp sheath; Resikh tightened slightly and Tefkha's mouth twitched. "You did rather beg for it, as I recall."

Resikh shut his eyes and furrowed his brow. "I am so tired," he moaned. "I do not even know if I could keep myself awake...no matter how splendid you may be at it..."

Tefkha laughed. He stroked Resikh's jaw. "Very well. I think we've enjoyed ourselves enough for one night...and you do need to sober yourself up before the morn, or else M-M-M-haki will never allow you back in. I'll allow you to get your rest, at last." His smile grew gentle, his touch like feathers tracing over Resikh's skin. "Would you prefer I leave you alone here and head off to bed, or..."

"No," Resikh murmured; the thought of being alone tonight, without even Djuta, made him feel cold and uneasy. He snuggled closer, into Tefkha's arms, and they felt warm. "I prefer this...for right now..."

"Very well," he dimly heard again, and sighed once more, contentedly, to feel the lieutenant's arms encircle him and draw him close, so his head rested against his breast. Their hips touched and their legs tangled, yet not in lust; if Tefkha had been female, Resikh would have almost had the urge to suckle at his breast, he felt so protected right now. He hadn't even been aware of how on edge he had been feeling for so long, at least until now. As it was, he settled for nuzzling against Tefkha and allowing the other Kana to gently run his hand over his head, his musk and his soft breath lulling him into sleep. His dreams, even, when they came, were for once peaceful, for the first time in weeks.

He slept so soundly, in fact, that he did not even notice the distant sound of the trumpets at the city gate, sounding an alert...


"Part 39: Consummation

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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