Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517384-Part-37--Judgement
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #517384
The grand trial of Djuta, Khetai, and U'heta begins...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 37 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

MIDDAY HAD TURNED into late afternoon, and by now the lowering sun was casting long shadows through the rooms of General Mahakhi's household. The great building was mostly empty as the Kana hurried off to the trial which would be held in the main square. Great bleachers had been constructed to seat the tribunal and those Kana of most importance; those of lesser importance could stand and watch. Almost everyone but the Moru, and even some of them, would be present; this was a singular event, never before witnessed by the Great Red Tribe. Today, two Kana and a Moru would be tried, together, for their crimes. And what unusual crimes they were...

The household was not completely abandoned, yet. A few Kana still occasionally walked the halls, murmuring as they straightened out their best clothing. This couldn't be missed for the world. Though, within one of the guest rooms, two still put off going to the square, being busy with other matters.

Dim shafts of sunlight worked their way in through the window and fell upon Captain Tas'hukh's gleaming body as he moved, panting, swaying back and forth. His lappets swung as his breast rose and fell, hands clenching the arms of the Kana lying beneath him. He dropped his head to mouth one of the quivering wings and let out a low moan as the younger soldier's body tightened. He was grateful for this brief respite; the last time he had made love had been with his sergeant, I'anen, before they had come to the Great Red Tribe...that had been so long ago. Now I'anen was dead. Murdered...still he blamed himself for this, even more so now because, no matter how much he tried to deny it, some small part of him actually felt relief in the other Kana's absence. I'anen had been beautiful...but he had also been exhausting, and manipulative, and petty...and for a long time Tas'hukh had been trying to think of some way to distance himself from him. He had never thought he would end up dead because of this, though.

Even in I'anen's absence, however, he'd felt little physical relief. His body had burned so badly, daily, yet he'd had no one left to turn to. Djuta, his once beloved, had turned him away...and now Djuta was one of those to be tried publicly in the square this afternoon. Tas'hukh refused to believe what he'd been told of his former Moru's actions. There was no way that Djuta could have done what he was accused of. If he could, he would have even testified saying so. If he only could...

He moaned, trying to shove these thoughts out of his head, and the Kana beneath him whimpered softly, arching his neck. Tas'hukh leaned down to gently seize it in his teeth, claws sinking into his lover's skin. His grizzled fur rubbed against the other Kana's buttocks, parted widely for his entry. He let go of one arm and slipped his hand down beneath him, caressing the other's testicles as they lay against the bed. Another whimper came, growing into a whine; Tas'hukh growled under his breath, teeth biting possessively.

"Captain..." the Kana whispered. The title, and the breathless way in which it was said, made him think of I'anen, and he felt a pain stab through him. He fondled the Kana's buttocks, parted him a bit wider, pushed himself deeper. He let go of his nape to lick his ear, feeling the younger Kana shudder with desire.

"Lieutenant," he grunted. His hips pumped. "I am grateful...that you are with me..."

Tightening. The Kana whimpered and arched. "Captain..."

"I thought I should go mad from all this," Tas'hukh growled, biting at the Kana's shoulder. "This mess...this entire tribe...I am glad that you came to me, when you did, else I might not have made it through this damned day..."

He nudged his hips lower and deeper, tightening the small of his back. The lieutenant's breath picked up, hitching wildly, and Tas'hukh could tell he'd struck the right spot. His partner began to tremble and arched again.

"Captain," he whispered desperately. It seemed to be the only thing he could say.

Tas'hukh grunted again. "You need not speak...I speak for you, sweet one. Your body does the speaking I need." He dropped his head and would have shut his eyes, were it not for the sunlight falling upon the younger Kana's muscles, accenting their curves and tightness as they flexed beneath his gleaming fur. Tas'hukh ground his teeth and thought of Djuta. If he imagined, just right...

"Oh gods, yes..." He did shut his eyes now, envisioning Djuta's golden-gray fur, his lithe yet powerful muscles, his slashed wing. His breath snorted hard from his nostrils. "You are so pleasing, so pleasing, to me...open, open yourself wide...I must go deeper...mmmmhhhhh, oooohhhhhhh..."

He groaned when the lieutenant relaxed beneath him, allowing him deeper entry. Tas'hukh pressed himself in to the hilt, his sac softly slapping against the other Kana's skin. He picked up his pace and arched his hips yet more. The bed they mated upon creaked quietly, and in the hallway he could dimly hear somebody's voice as they passed. A knock came at the door.

"Lord Tas'hukh?" somebody called out, making the two of them pause. "Are you within? The trial starts within moments!"

Tas'hukh ground his teeth and groaned again, frustrated. He lifted his head from biting desirously at his mate's neck. "I will come soon!" he cried huskily, his voice cracking. "Let me be!"

He heard a puzzled murmur before the other party retreated. He dropped his head once more, seizing his lover's nape, and began to rut more quickly. The lieutenant beneath him tightened and grasped at the bed, quivering.

"Damn the gods," Tas'hukh muttered through his teeth. "Why do they always come when I am in my moment?"

"The trial," the lieutenant whispered, voice faint. He propped his head up but his body remained prone, tensing, accepting Tas'hukh's thrusts. "It begins soon...as a lieutenant of Mahakhi, I must be present...though you need not go, if you do not wish to..."

"I know, I know...still...gods, what timing...now, of all times! Just when I am so ready! And I must be there, for Djuta..." He tossed back his head and gritted his teeth. "It is always the same...always I must hurry my pleasure! Damn this whole place!"

"Captain," the lieutenant panted, then tightened abruptly and cut off a groan. Tas'hukh worried that he had come prematurely, only to feel him loosen again, yet continue breathing heavily. His claws dug into the bed, wings flaring. "We need hurry now," he gasped, "yet if you so desire later, you may come to me...or I to you...I care not which, so long as we are both satisfied. I will be your Moru for the night, should you need it..."

The captain leaned forward, into him, and placed his hands upon his back to better push himself forward. The lieutenant patiently bore his weight. "Mmh...no..." he grunted, breast heaving and tail flicking, "you need not be my Moru...though I will gladly accept you as my Kana...for a good Kana you are, strong and loyal and beautiful..." The lieutenant sat up with a jerk and cried out, and Tas'hukh knew he had climaxed, his knees, between the younger Kana's legs, feeling a dampness spreading beneath them; gritting his teeth once more, he clawed into the lieutenant's back and gave a mighty heave, his seed exploding inside his lover's body. He groaned softly and sighed, very much enjoying the tightening and whimpering that came from beneath him in response. The lieutenant sank slowly into the bed, his muscles going loose. His head fell sideways so Tas'hukh could see the sunlight making his fur shine with sweat, his eyes glazed and tongue lolling; he smiled gently and bent to nuzzle at his lips. The other Kana whined softly and Tas'hukh pulled out from him, rolling him over so they embraced and kissed; Tas'hukh had not known how long he had desired another's arms around him, until now. They held each other for several moments, as long as they could, their legs and naked hips slowly rubbing against each other, before the sunlight fading told them it was time to go. Tas'hukh sighed resignedly and at last sat up, rubbing his forehead. He swung his legs from the bed, heard his mate following suit. They sat quietly for a moment before rising and going to opposite sides of the room to retrieve fresh clothing.

"I do not know if I shall," Tas'hukh murmured as he pulled on a clean kilt, his other one soiled from their first moments with each other, when they had fumbled and coupled frenziedly against the wall, to hurriedly relieve the pressure they felt. "If it would be wise for me to do so," he added, uncertainly. He tied on a loincloth beneath his kilt, a pensive look on his face. He darted the other Kana a brief look. "Yet if I do...?"

The other Kana finished slipping into his armor, brushing his lappets over his shoulders and straightening his kilt. "I have told you already, Lord." Lieutenant Hiath'ikh came to him again with a soft smile and pressed his muzzle to the side of Tas'hukh's face, making him sigh. He placed his arms about the older Kana's neck and again Tas'hukh was reminded of I'anen, and then Djuta; his body ached. Hiath'ikh kissed him. "I will not be angry if you do not," he murmured in Tas'hukh's ear. "Yet if you need me, I will be here."

Tas'hukh stood, allowing the lieutenant to nuzzle at him, before sighing and crushing the smaller Kana to him in a powerful embrace. He murmured and snuffled at Hiath'ikh's neck, cherishing the lieutenant's responding shiver of delight.

"Thank you, Kana," he whispered. "Thank you for sating me."

* * * * *

The low blare of a trumpet sounded in the distance. Khetai's head popped up immediately and she stared with wide eyes toward the courtyard. She had dozed off, somehow; the sun was growing low outside, tossing long shadows across the court. She blinked a few times in confusion before a rattling sound came from behind her and she gasped and turned around to see the door opening.

The Kana guard stepped into the room and came her way, a dark look on his face. Khetai watched him approach with some trepidation. He was the same one who had been keeping watch over her from the courtyard during her imprisonment in the spare private quarters, and she hadn't forgotten what he'd said when he'd likely assumed she was not listening. He noticed the look on her face and his mouth twitched as he stopped before the bed.

"Don't worry," he sneered. "You hear that trumpet? That means you are to be taken out to the tribunal and tried now. Which means I hardly have enough time to toss you over the bed and show you who is Kana and who is Moru. Pity, actually, since I bet I could've convinced you thoroughly."

Khetai swallowed, her throat feeling as if it were blocked by a stone. The Kana jerked a hand at her and she shakily rose to her feet. She had taken only a step or two before he grasped hold of her wrist; she gasped again when he whirled her around and crushed her against the bedpost, grasping her jaw in one hand and prying it open. Khetai's eyes went wide to feel his muzzle pressing against hers, his tongue darting into her mouth; he slipped one hand inside her dress and abruptly jammed his fingers up inside her, making her wince and start struggling, letting out a muffled squealing noise. And then just as quickly as it had started it was over, and he was pulling away from her mouth and pulling his fingers out of her, wiping his mouth and smirking. Khetai stared at him with wide eyes, her hands clutching at the bedpost behind her and her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Thought you might like a taste," he said, and his smirk grew; he put his fingers to his mouth and licked them. Khetai felt her insides twist, a surge of panic flaring up inside her, yet all he did was jerk his hand again and take a step toward the door.

"Out. If you do not show up there in time, I have free rein to whip you myself, little bitch."

At any other time, the name would have prompted her to slam her fist into his face. As of now, however, she was too far gone to dare trying such a thing. Khetai kept her head low, her ears pressed back, as she meekly passed him out into the hallway; and she did not lift her head once on their way out of the household.

* * * * *

The trumpet blare, long and low, reached even into the makeshift cells which stood in a guarded building not far from the trial square, and Djuta lifted his head. He stared at the opposite wall, not paying any attention to Sergeant U'heta as the other Kana got to his feet, also staring, then pacing from one side of the cell to the other. He chewed on his claws.

"What is that? What is that?" he whimpered, walking back and forth. "Is it a raid? An attack? I am in a cell and cannot even defend myself..."

"That is the signal to summon to trial," Djuta murmured, lowering his head again. U'heta stopped to look at him. "Do not worry, you will be out of your cell soon enough; but as for defending yourself, that is a different story."

U'heta chewed on his lip. "I am not ready for a trial!" he cried, and started to pace again. "Out one cell, then into another! Why such torture? Why let us out only to put us in here? I cannot stand all this horrid suspense! Would that I had never run into a brute like you, to end up unfairly in here...!"

"Would that you had never met a female who has bigger balls than you do, to fairly end up in here," Djuta corrected him.

"I hardly even touched her," U'heta whined, and started talking to himself as he paced. "Just took a little taste of her, is all...I never even got to take her the right way...I do not even see all the fuss, she is just a Moru, and you cannot rape a Moru, since they have no right to deny Kana! I hope the little piss keeps her muzzle shut..."

"She is not and never has been your Moru--and so you may stand trial for injuring the property of General Mahakhi. Not so petty an offense as it might sound," Djuta said, and U'heta looked at him uneasily again. "And you may trust me on this, at least--I hardly think she will be so willing to keep her muzzle shut. She has a smart mouth, and I should like very much to see her use it on you--and not in the same way you might want her to."

"She would not DARE!" U'heta cried, but started gnawing on his claws just the same. He paced even more quickly now until a light shone in the hallway, and a few Kana entered. Two guards unlatched Djuta's and U'heta's cells while a scribe stood and read from a scroll.

"Lieutenant Elite Djuta. Sergeant Second Class U'heta. Upon command of General Mahakhi of the Great Red Tribe, you are to appear in the market square to stand trial before the grand tribunal."

U'heta let out a pathetic whimpering sound as the guard ushered him from his cell; he looked ready to faint, but the guard assigned to escort Djuta grabbed hold of his arm just in time. "Please replace his bonds," the scribe said in a bland voice, and U'heta whined as his hands were tied behind his back for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Please, I do not need to be bound! I promise I will not try to run..."

"He has been taking those things off ever since being arrested," Djuta said in a voice just as bland as the scribe's. "He vowed to try to strangle anyone he may set his hands upon in the trial square."

U'heta gawked. "You LIE!" he yelled, and the guard grasped hold of his arm and started pushing him down the hall. Djuta felt the prick of the other guard's spear against his back and started walking.

"I just thought to teach you a lesson," he said, the scribe turning and leading the way. "Since you are going to be doing no small amount of lying your whole time out there."

U'heta hissed. "We'll see who lies and who does not, dungpile! I doubt you will be let off so easily as you think, once I am done speaking!"

"At least you will be done speaking."

The sergeant opened his mouth to retort, but the guard behind him poked him with his spear. "Shut up until the square, donkey."

U'heta glared over his shoulder, then turned forward again. "Lieutenants. Why am I not surprised...you all cling together like an orgy of sen'akhau in a tavern back room."

Djuta was very tempted to ask him how he would know of what went on in taverns' back rooms, yet held his tongue, not feeling up to speaking anymore. He stared straight ahead as they were led through the building and out into the street once more.

* * * * *

The trial square by now was a massive crowd of jostling and shouting Kana, as well as a few Moru, everyone talking excitedly about what was to come. A single trial was something rare to see, much less a triple trial, before the grand tribunal; and the atmosphere resembled nothing so much as a festival or entertainment outing. Ameni kept ducking his head low as he was escorted through the crowd beside Thi'usa, Nehef and Ahai'ikh walking beside them as if herding a pair of Sha. The two Kana craned their necks, every so often nudging aside several others who protested before seeing who they were snapping at, and then stepping out of the way. Thi'usa didn't seem frightened at all.

"A trial!" he exclaimed. "I have seen one only once in all my years! And not nearly anything so scandalous as what this sounds to be!"

"But it is Djuta-Kana on trial," Ameni said miserably. He had heard enough to know this much, but as for the exact charges, he had no clue. "Do you relish seeing him on trial as a criminal...?"

"What?" Thi'usa frowned at him. "Of course not! But Djuta-Kana has always been lucky. It is as if the gods smile upon him always! Who else would become Moru, and then Kana again? Whatever this charge is it is bound to be frivolous and will be dismissed immediately. I do not even know why Mahakhi-Master bothers. Yet it all sounds terribly exciting!"

"This is not the way we hold trials," Ameni said, glancing around himself nervously. "They are not such public affairs as this!"

Nehef cast him a look this time. "You mean people do not even show up to watch--? What do you do for fun where you come from?"

Ameni made a face. "We do not enjoy witnessing the humiliation of others, if this is what you mean!"

Nehef shrugged. "It is as Thi'usa says. Djuta will be fine. It's the Moru who concerns me. It is a shame; he...she set my wrist once after I twisted it. It hurt so badly, I thought I should never swing a sword again. And then he--she twists it, and makes it hurt hells of a lot more, and I must have cried like a pup! And what does he--she say--? 'Stop bawling, you peevish twit, and keep it wrapped up for now! Else you will have something to cry about!'" He beamed and held up his hand. "Take a look, perfectly new! 'Tis a shame she's a female, she made a better physician than that other one."

Ahai'ikh made a face. "Ech. At least she understands medicine, unlike that other."

"Perhaps Mahakhi will let her stay and practice medicine in the Moru quarters...?" Nehef suggested, as they at last reached the inner edge of the crowd surrounding the square itself, and started pushing their way through. "Out of the way! First Lieutenant Nehef! Move along, out of the way!"

"I do not know how it is where you lived," Thi'usa said in Ameni's ear as they jostled their way through, "but here, where there is precious little to do aside from fight or drink or have nesakh'ai, a trial is a grand thing. It is much more exciting even than a Moru sale. A trial is one thing; to stand trial before the grand tribunal itself is another. They do not call out the tribunal for nothing."

"The charges are so serious...?" Ameni murmured, uneasily.

Thi'usa shrugged. "I guess we shall have to find out for ourselves." He pointed. "See those seats, way up so? That is where the tribunal is to be seated...there they are now, you may recognize a few of them. There is Lord Ahen...and Mahakhi-Kana will sit in the middle there."

"I wish to be down near where the action is," Nehef muttered, and pushed an already drunk viewer out of the way. "Move along! Coming through..."

"Moru!" somebody yelled. "Why don't you stay back at home where you belong--?"

Nehef glared into the crowd, although they couldn't see their heckler. "Ah, go suck yourself!" he snapped. "I'm betting you are merely jealous that you left YOUR Moru at home, otherwise HE would be taking my advice!" A few standing around them chuckled and stepped aside to let them through. They came up near a fence that had been erected around the square and halted, Nehef leaning on it and craning his neck again. "Drat, they are not even out here yet! And here I thought we would be late..."

"What's happening--?" Thi'usa asked, craning his own neck; he was shorter than the two lieutenants and couldn't see clearly into the square.

"Nothing yet," Nehef said. "I'll tell you when something does."

Ameni's fingers clutched at his chest. "Djuta is a good Kana," he murmured. "What crime could he possibly have committed that would be this serious...?"

Nehef stood on tiptoe. "Oh! There is Mahakhi up in his seat now! And here comes the scribe! They must be just about ready to start."

"I do not see..." Ahai'ikh started to say, when Hiath'ikh and Tas'hukh arrived, pushing their way through between the others. The small group cast them a glance--their faces were slightly flushed, and everyone gathered at the fence could smell their musk--yet said nothing. Nehef waved them forward and they joined them before the square.

"Where is Resikh-Kana?" Ahai'ikh asked with a frown. "If he does not show himself he will get his tail whipped for certain!"

"Probably still messing about with that Moru of Djuta's," Nehef grumbled. "I told him the guards would take good care of her, but as you well know he never listens to me!"

"Well, if he does not show up soon..."

He trailed off when a Kana scribe in gray lappets emerged and walked toward the middle of the square. Immediately the shouting died down somewhat as he came to a halt and lifted a scroll to read from it, his voice echoing over the crowd.

"We assume that all Kana of good standing are present and accounted for," he said, and looked around the square as if examining every face. The captains of the tribunal, as well as Mahakhi, glanced around them as well, although it was likely difficult to make out anyone from such a great height. "Let it be known that any official of the household of General Mahakhi not in attendance is subject to the harshest punishment allowed under Kana law," the scribe threatened, and cleared his throat, reading again from the scroll. "Herewith shall commence the trials of Lieutenant Elite Djuta..." A pause, and then a small commotion started near the back of the crowd, people chattering and stepping aside. "...Sergeant Second Class U'heta..." Ameni craned his neck and now he could see Kana guards emerging through the crowd, carrying spears and walking their way. "...And the Moru Khetai," the scribe finished, "all charged with serious crimes under Kana law." He lowered his scroll. "Herewith, the accused shall come forward for the tribunal."

The group gathered at the fence turned their heads. A gate in the fence opened and the guards stepped into the square, escorting three others between them. Djuta and U'heta walked with their hands bound behind their backs and their wings hobbled; Khetai was similarly restrained, though with her hands in front of her. Djuta stared resolutely ahead of himself as he walked, but Khetai looked miserable, and U'heta looked downright panicked. Everyone fell silent, watching them pass. They were led to a wide but low wooden stand that had been erected for just this purpose, and knelt upon it in a row.

Ameni unconsciously reached for Thi'usa's hand and gripped it. The Moru glanced down at it, then at him, but didn't pull away. He turned to look back out at the gathering.

There was a bit of murmuring from up in the tribunal before the scribe cleared his throat and spoke again. "The order of the trials has been decided beforehand," he announced. "Firstly shall be the trial of Sergeant Second Class U'heta. The charges are assault upon a Moru, and claiming an unlawful right to punishment of a Moru not his own."

"They get to the point fast enough, don't they?" Nehef mused.

"I suppose a speedy trial is better than anything," Hiath'ikh murmured, brushing back his lappets.

"A fair trial is even better." Tas'hukh's eyes went dark and the others peered at him. "I do not like the look of some of the tribunal. Lord Djuta was Moru once. Shall they hold this against him?"

"They shouldn't," Nehef replied. "Though one can never tell what anyone is thinking around here!"

The scribe turned back to face U'heta, who sat on the left of the row of three of them, their backs to Nehef and the others. "The accused shall rise and come forward!"

A guard standing near the sergeant nudged him with the blunt end of his spear and he stumbled to his feet, face pale. He turned and stepped forward toward Mahakhi and the tribunal before kneeling again, looking around himself in trepidation.

"Lord U'heta has been charged with assault upon a Moru not of his own possession, and claiming the right to punish a Moru not of his own possession," the scribe proclaimed. "How shall he plead?"

"I am not guilty!" U'heta cried, lifting his head high. The majority of those within the stands rolled their eyes, yet there was a good deal of murmuring. "I--I wish to state my case for the tribunal!"

"That is what you're here for," Mahakhi muttered.

The scribe let the scroll roll shut. "Speak, then, and explain your actions."

U'heta rose to his feet. "Gracious lords!" he said, his voice high pitched with fear. "I can hardly be accused of assault against a Moru, when I did not know she was a Moru at the time! She deceived every one of us--she is here for her crimes this day as well! Even had I known, she is simply a slave! One cannot be charged with assaulting a slave! They do not have the rights of the Kana--they do not have the right to refuse us!"

"And so we shall allow all our men to go about plundering the Moru of others?" one of the captains in the tribunal called down. "Please tell me then what is to stop, say, myself from coming to your household and forcing myself upon your women."

"I..." U'heta's voice quavered and he flushed. "I have no women!"

Several of the Kana laughed aloud. U'heta cringed and darted a glance around him before straightening himself out again.

"But--but even if I had, even should there be a punishment, it would not be so severe as to warrant my presence here today! Simply fine me several rings, and I will go! Surely this is all she is worth!"

"You do not understand Kana law very well, then," Mahakhi returned. "For it clearly states that assault upon a Moru is a punishable offense, if the Moru is not of your own possession. And this right you claimed to punish her does not belong to you, either."

"And who does she belong to?" another captain inquired. A few of them murmured; Khetai lifted her head and her gaze wandered over the crowd.

"Formerly she was believed to be Kana," the scribe replied. "She entered the tribe freely, under the command and in the possession of no one. And so now, she has no master."

"There! You see?" U'heta cried. "How then can I be punished for assaulting her? There is no one to claim her!"

"Hold now," the first captain said. "She served within the household of Lord Mahakhi. Therefore, according to law, she belongs to him." The murmuring grew louder and Khetai's look grew more anxious.

U'heta's face paled. "Then--then what does this mean--?" he stammered.

"Namely, this means that as the Moru is in Lord Mahakhi's possession, he is the one to determine what punishment if any you deserve," Captain Ahen replied. "You may also be punished for claiming the authority of Lord Mahakhi in punishing her."

"Thus the duty of sentencing falls to Lord Mahakhi," somebody else said, and several voices rose in agreement. Everyone in the crowd below started nodding sagely.

"Hff," Nehef whispered. "I am willing to bet that if anything, he will be punished even more strictly for the false claim charge than for the assault charge! Woe betide he who claims Mahakhi's authority!"

"Quite likely," Ahai'ikh agreed.

Mahakhi opened his mouth to speak, just as Khetai rose abruptly to her feet. "Lord!" she exclaimed, and all eyes immediately turned in her direction. She gestured with her bound arms. "I ask that I may be allowed to speak!"

The murmur grew almost to a roar now. The captains in the tribunal gaped down at the Moru before muttering to each other, shooting her many unpleasant looks. Mahakhi glared at her, then sat back and waved; the scribe cleared his throat.

"The Moru Khetai may speak," he said, "so long as your words do not concern Sergeant U'heta's alleged assault upon you. This is a matter of debate for the court, not for a Moru."

Khetai bit her lip. "Then--then I should like to inform the court of other crimes committed in Sergeant U'heta's name."

Murmuring, louder. The captains looked at each other, then back down at her.

"What other crimes?" the first one asked.

From where he stood, Ameni could see the panicked look in U'heta's eyes. Apparently the others could as well.

"Hm," Nehef said. "This is better than fighting."

"Crimes he confessed to himself," Khetai said. Her arms were still bound before her, and her Kana armor had been replaced with a Moru dress; yet aside from this, she looked just as proud as ever. She lifted her head high and her eyes flashed. "Sergeant U'heta claimed that he has had improper relations with Kana boys!"

U'heta's jaw dropped. He scuffled his feet and would have flailed his arms, were he able.

"I beseech the court!" he screeched. "The Moru lies to protect herself!"

Captain Ahen made a face and waved at him to be silent. "Please explain," he said to Khetai. "How did he confess to this and why?"

"It...it is rather awkward, Lord." Khetai's face reddened and she lowered her head. "It concerns the crime he com--allegedly committed upon me."

The captains turned to each other and whispered for a moment before breaking apart. Ahen sighed and waved again.

"You have permission to speak. Go ahead."

"Lords!" U'heta cried. "You have already said she cannot testify as to this! You cannot allow her to mention it now!"

Ahen shot him a look. "If there are other charges to be brought against you, then we may decide to allow such testimony, so long as it does not directly affect the criminal charge against the Moru. You may defend yourself when the time comes. Until then, the Moru may speak."

Khetai took a breath. "I thank the Kana of the tribunal. While he was touching me...Lord U'heta claimed that I reminded him of a young boy. When I questioned him, I was led to believe that he has been indecent with more than one Kana youth, below the proper age of consent."

"SHE LIES!!" U'heta screamed. The murmuring in the crowd grew amused. Ameni stared in disbelief as Hiath'ikh held a hand to his face to hide a snicker.

Ahen wrinkled his muzzle in distaste. "Well...as it stands, this charge has no proof. The seeking of this proof will take a matter of possibly months. Once it is gathered, Sergeant U'heta may be properly charged with these crimes before the tribunal. In the meantime, the original charges of assault upon a Moru, and false claim to the right to punishment, still stand and are still in need of judgement. As we started to say...judgement is in the hands of Lord Mahakhi." He turned to look inquiringly at the general, and everyone else followed suit.

Mahakhi paused a moment, as if making certain he wouldn't be interrupted, then waved again, dismissively. "There are numerous witnesses and he does not even deny the assault, nor the false claim he has made," he muttered. "He is obviously guilty. Punishment shall be one hundred lashes upon the back."

U'heta's face grew relieved. From the looks of it he'd expected a harsher punishment. "I thank the Kana of the tribunal!" he exclaimed, bowing his head profusely. "A million times thank you!"

Nehef made a face. "Eh! That was hardly worth the trouble of coming here! A hundred piddling lashes...I could take that easily!"

The others just sighed. "Punishment to be served immediately," Mahakhi said, his voice carrying over everyone else's. "Take him to the prison cells and administer the lashings there."

Two guards came forward and took U'heta by the elbows, leading him toward the opening in the gate. Everyone, even Djuta and Khetai, watched as he was led away in silence. Just as they reached the gate Mahakhi added, "And flay his wings and set him upon the auction block." U'heta jerked to a halt and Mahakhi's eyes narrowed.
"I will tolerate no assault upon my Moru beneath my roof!"

U'heta's eyes goggled. "Wh-what--?" he squawked in panic. He started to struggle against his captors, but they held him tight. "My--My Lord! You cannot do this to me! Please! She was just a Moru...!!"

Everyone started chattering as he was dragged out of the square and out of sight. Nehef nudged at Hiath'ikh and snickered.

"'Hikh said he had a poor reputation with Moru--I guess justice is served sometimes, after all! I knew the old fool's actions would come back to haunt him..."

The scribe scribbled something upon his papyrus and Mahakhi settled back into his seat. "Evidence of his other crimes shall be sought in the meantime," he muttered. "Until then, on to the next case. This grows tiresome."

The scribe held up the scroll. "Secondly shall be the trial of Lieutenant Elite Djuta," he read. "The charges are physical assault upon a lesser Kana, and sexual assault upon a lesser Kana. The accused shall rise and come forward."

Silence resumed as Djuta rose to his feet and approached the tribunal, kneeling before them. He didn't meet their eyes, but stared instead at the bottom of the scaffolding.

"Lord Djuta has been charged with two counts of assault upon Kana," the scribe read. "How shall he plead?"

"Guilty," Djuta said quietly, without even a pause. The murmur arose and everyone started glancing at each other with surprise. Khetai stared at him. Even Mahakhi looked startled.

Tas'hukh's grip tightened on the butt of his sword. "The fool!" he hissed. "What is he doing!"

The scribe cleared his throat, apparently not having expected the plea himself. "On the first count, assault upon Sergeant Second Class U'heta, you plead yourself guilty?"


A scribble was added to the scroll. "And on the second count, assault upon the Kana Private Ri'hus, you likewise plead guilty?"

A pause. Djuta stared at the scaffolding.


The murmuring rose, though somewhat subdued and confused sounding. Nehef and the other lieutenants furrowed their brows, perplexed.

"Since when does anyone plead guilty to anything--?" Nehef whispered. "He does know how the system works, does he not--?"

The scribe lifted his pen to add the plea to his scroll, when a voice called out over the noise. "Lord!"

Everyone's eyes widened and they turned to look, craning their necks to try to find the source of the call. Djuta's head jerked up when he apparently recognized Resikh's voice. The lieutenant came running up the path leading to the gate and stepped into the square, crossing his arm to his breast and saluting, panting for breath.

Mahakhi frowned at him. "You have something to say, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Lord." Resikh took a moment to catch his breath before gathering himself. "I ask that I may call a witness for Lord Djuta."

Murmuring. Would it never cease? Everyone leaned forward with interest. Djuta stared at Resikh as if he were mad.

The first captain leaned forward to better see Resikh, who saluted again. "Young man? What witness could you possibly call for the defense? He has pled himself guilty."

"I still claim the right to argue a defense," Resikh said. "I may have information which was not made available to the tribunal before now."

"This is news," Ahai'ikh muttered under his breath.

The captains conversed again and shrugged at each other. The first one sighed and waved.

"All right, very well. Who will you call as a witness?"

Resikh looked about at them all before lifting his head and raising his voice.

"I wish to call Private Ri'hus."

No murmuring this time, but loud exclamations. Djuta sat upright and his wings flared. The captains gave each other perplexed looks and muttered aloud.

"What are you doing?" Djuta hissed. Resikh ignored him, if he'd even heard him above the noise. The square rang with outcries both excited and indignant, and the Moru watching at the gate had to rub at their ears.

The first captain waved his hands to try to still the commotion. He stood up and cupped his hands to his mouth so Resikh could hear him.

"Young man!" he exclaimed. "What exactly is the purpose of calling the victim to defend his assailant? Surely you've made some sort of mistake?"

"No, Lord." Resikh bowed. "Please, allow me to call Private Ri'hus to testify. I assure you I do not waste the tribunal's time."

The second captain--Rik'hia--stood now as well, nostrils flaring. "This is madness! Surely he means only to disrupt the trial. The day grows late as it is! We haven't the time for this sort of foolishness!"

"I decide whether we have the time or not," Mahakhi growled. "Lieutenant Resikh may call forth Private Ri'hus. You'd best make it quick," he added, narrowing his eyes at his lieutenant. "For if this trial runs one moment longer than necessary, I will not be inclined to take it lightly."

Resikh bowed again. "I've already sent word to Lieutenant Tefkha, in the barracks, to bring him here. They should arrive within moments, if you'll please just be patient, Lords."

Captain Ahen nodded. Resikh retreated behind the fence to stand some distance away from the others, who furrowed their brows at him and then gave each other odd looks. Ameni rubbed his hands together.

"These charges," he murmured, to no one in particular. "They are really true...? He did these things...?"

"I have known Djuta to fib on occasion, but never to lie," Nehef said with a frown. "And as for why someone would lie about actually doing something...perhaps it is the illness! His head must be fevered or something! Perhaps that female caught it and thought she really was Kana!"

"I do not know," Hiath'ikh said in response, and they looked at him. He flushed a little on noticing their attention. "I've heard reports of troubles in the barracks lately, and Djuta was assigned to guard them recently. There was some sort of event--I do not know all the details--but a private was involved, and it had to do with Djuta's attempt on his life..."

"Life?" Ameni exclaimed, and grabbed onto the Kana's arm before anyone could stop him. "What are you speaking of--?"

"Easy! Easy, Moru!" Nehef said, pulling Ameni back. "Lest you want to head back to the Moru quarters! You are not even supposed to be here, remember!"

"I wish to see the rest of the trial," Thi'usa complained.

Ameni clenched his fists and bared his teeth. "You think it is some sort of ENTERTAINMENT to see a good Kana be tried in such a mockery--?" he hissed, so loudly that Thi'usa backed away from him with a look of surprise. Nehef held him back more tightly, though Hiath'ikh and Ahai'ikh just gave him sympathetic looks.

"I do not know what to tell you, human," Hiath'ikh said quietly. "I do not believe he would lie about such a thing. It must be as he said it was."

"I do not believe it," Ameni retorted, his eyes stinging and his face furious. "I do not believe it for one moment."

Nevertheless, he stopped straining, and after a moment Nehef let him go; he huddled in on himself, head lowered angrily, as the others returned their attention to the waiting trial. He almost jumped when something just barely touched his arm and then pulled away; glancing over his shoulder he saw Captain Tas'hukh behind him, also staring out into the square.

"I do not believe it either," he said, not even meeting Ameni's eyes.

Ameni stared at him for a moment, then let out his breath and turned back to the square, rubbing at his arms in silence.

Though of course it could only have been moments, still it felt like ages before the barracks lieutenant arrived, the young private along with him. They strode up the path through the crowd, Ri'hus glancing about with confused eyes. When they reached the gate Tefkha stepped back, and the guards led Ri'hus into the middle of the square, where he halted and bowed before Mahakhi. He seemed to catch sight of Resikh in the crowd just as he lifted his head, and froze that way, his eyes wide. The others looked at Resikh but he said nothing.

"Private," Mahakhi said gruffly. Ri'hus blinked and shook his head, abruptly rising to his feet and saluting. "You have been called to testify in the trial of Lieutenant Djuta." Ri'hus peered back at the kneeling Kana, who stared at him in turn. "Please state your name and house for the record."

Ri'hus swallowed. When he spoke his voice was quiet, yet it somehow carried through the hush. "P...Private Ri'hus, son of Lieutenant Thekh'has, L-Lord."

"Your relationship with the accused?"

"He--he was the night watch at my barracks, Lord."

Mahakhi sat back in his seat. "Please describe what occurred on the night in question."

Ri'hus just stared at him for a moment, shifting from foot to foot. "The...night in question, Lord...?"

"Yes, Private. The night Lieutenant Djuta did that which he has been accused of." Mahakhi's eyes narrowed again. "Please do not waste the tribunal's time. Describe what occurred that night. Were you or were you not assaulted by Lord Djuta?"

Ri'hus stood staring at him. After a moment his gaze flicked to the side, to look at Resikh; Resikh didn't return the glance. Then his eyes roamed over everyone in the tribunal, and in the crowd, without his head moving once. Everyone waited, silent. Ameni held his breath, and could see Tas'hukh's claws digging into his pommel.

Mahakhi's mouth twitched. He fidgeted and looked ready to demand an answer.

He finally, after what seemed to be ages, received one. Ri'hus finished surveying the crowd and took a breath; his lip trembled but he stilled it, and his wings shifted and settled. He raised his head and met the general's eyes.

"I was not assaulted."

Wide eyes. The briefest pause. The crowd then erupted into pandemonium, everyone jumping up and yelling and shouting at once. Even the captains in the tribunal started arguing and flailing their arms. Djuta shut his eyes and lowered his head to the ground; Mahakhi gaped at the private.

Captain Rik'hia leapt to his feet and pointed at Resikh, muzzle wrinkling. "What sort of travesty is this?" he shrilled. "You call upon the victim and force him to defend his attacker? What have you said that makes him change his story?"

"I did not accuse Lord Djuta," Ri'hus shouted over the tumult, his voice cracking. "This was done by another!"

Rik'hia gave him a venomous look. "You are just a pup and do not know what you are saying! And it does not matter who reported it--the crime still stands!"

"I was not assaulted." Ri'hus's voice faltered and he could barely be heard over the tumult anymore. His stare drifted toward the ground and he huddled in on himself a little. "Lord Djuta...Lord Djuta and myself were intimate...yet he did not force me."

"Lies!" Rik'hia spat. He waved at Mahakhi. "General, for all that is right, I demand that you relieve this lieutenant of his position. He has obviously threatened the witness!"

Resikh's muzzle twitched and his eyes grew dark. Mahakhi turned to glare at the captain witheringly.

"I am the only one here who may demand!" he bellowed. "If you accuse my men of conspiring, then you'd best level a formal complaint! Otherwise you will keep your mouth shut!"

The captain paled and backed away a step. Mahakhi turned his attention back to Ri'hus, who still stood, looking quite frail and alone, in the middle of the square.

"Private," he growled, and Ri'hus almost jumped, swallowing hard. "You had best consider your testimony carefully. We have heard from reliable witnesses that you were assaulted. Lord Djuta himself pleads guilty. Before this gathering and this tribunal, you must tell the truth. Were you or were you not the victim of an assault?"

The young Kana's eyes watered but he managed to keep his voice steady. "No. I was not."

Djuta rose to his feet. "He lies! He lies to protect me!" he cried, everyone in the tribunal glancing at him. He whirled on Ri'hus, who jerked back. "Why are you doing this? Think! You are Kana! You dishonor yourself with lies! Tell them the truth!"

Tas'hukh hissed under his breath. "Keep silent, you fool!"

Nehef's eyebrows rose. "He is mad!"

Ri'hus met Djuta's look with a glare of his own. "I said I would tell the truth!" he hissed so only those who were standing nearest them could hear. "And this is exactly what I do!" He turned away from Djuta and faced Mahakhi again, once more raising his voice.

"I was not assaulted!"

By now his voice was barely audible, considering the heated arguing commencing in the stands. Mahakhi glowered and nodded, waving Ri'hus away. The private looked around himself with some confusion before bowing and turning back to where he'd come from. Djuta watched him start to walk away, and then took another step forward.

"Lord!" he shouted. "I ask to call a witness!"

That effectively silenced all but a few murmurs. Ri'hus stopped at the far end of the square and looked back. Mahakhi's ears flicked in consternation.

"What witness do you have, Lieutenant?" he asked.

Exclaimed Djuta, "I wish to call Lieutenant Resikh!"

Resikh glanced at him, gaping. Rik'hia shot up again.

"OUTRAGE! The two lieutenants are known friends! What else will a friend do but give false testimony to defend his companion--?"

"Will you BE SILENT!" Mahakhi roared, making all of the captains flinch back, ears flicking. "The next time you so lightly accuse my men of sabotaging this trial, I will cut out your tongue!" he snarled. "Fancy giving hakh'tua without a tongue, Captain!"

The rest of the Kana seated around the tribunal burst into laughter. Djuta waited a moment before shouting above the noise.

"I have the right under Kana law to call a witness! Lieutenant Resikh is my witness!"

Tas'hukh frowned, brow furrowing. "What is he doing now...?"

"Evidently his brain's thinking something up," Nehef answered. "Leave it to Djuta to wait for the right moment!"

Mahakhi nodded at the scribe, who waved at Resikh. Resikh glanced between the two before stepping into the square and bowing, an uncertain look on his face.

"State your name and house for the record," Mahakhi muttered.

"Lieutenant Elite Resikh, son of Captain Djetef."

"Your relationship with the accused?"

"We are army mates and have trained together. We both serve the household of General Mahakhi."

Rik'hia grumbled under his breath but sat down. Mahakhi turned to face Resikh.

"Lieutenant. You have been called by Lieutenant Djuta as a witness. There has been word that you yourself were a witness to what occurred on the night in question. Is this correct?"

Resikh's uneasy look grew and he fiddled with his pectoral, Djuta shooting daggers at him with his eyes. "Yes, Lord," he finally murmured.

"What?" Mahakhi snapped, and flicked an ear. "Speak up for the tribunal, Lieutenant!"

"Yes, Lord," Resikh said, more loudly, his ears going red.

Mahakhi snorted and crossed his arms. "You had not thought of saving this tribunal some trouble by offering your testimony?" When Resikh didn't answer he wrinkled his muzzle but didn't press the issue. "If you were witness, then perhaps you can clarify for us. Private Ri'hus and Lieutenant Djuta seem to disagree upon what actually happened. Perhaps you can tip the scales in someone's favor.
Was Private Ri'hus assaulted by Lieutenant Djuta, or not?"

Silence again, louder and more stinging than that which had gone before. Everyone leaned forward, holding their breath. Ri'hus and Djuta, especially, stared at the lieutenant, their eyes drilling holes in him. Resikh didn't look about the square as Ri'hus had. He stared upwards at Mahakhi for a long moment, as if considering his words carefully.

"Lieutenant?" Mahakhi prompted. He shifted, looking cross. "Your answer. Truthfully. Was Ri'hus assaulted, or not?"

Resikh stared at him a moment more. His voice finally came, quiet but unwavering.

"No," he said. "He was not."

The Kana at the sides of the square all jumped up and shouted, waving. Ri'hus shut his eyes briefly and turned away, exiting the square with barely anyone giving him a second glance. Djuta lurched forward with a snarl, wings flapping; the guards beside him hurried to grab onto him before he could launch himself at the lieutenant. Khetai backed away to avoid being trampled, her own eyes wide. Even Ameni and Thi'usa flinched back, although he was far away from them; the other lieutenants, and Tas'hukh, gaped in disbelief.

"YOU LIE!" Djuta screamed. One wing accidentally smacked a guard in the face and knocked him over. He pulled himself free of their grasp and ran at Resikh several steps before they tackled him to the ground. "You dishonor the Kana!" he snarled, his voice grating harsh. "You dishonor yourself and me! Tell them the truth!"

"There was no assault," Resikh echoed, still facing Mahakhi.

Djuta shrieked and flailed like a madman. "TELL THEM THE TRUTH! TELL THEM WHAT I DID, YOU STUPID MUTT!"

One of the guards raised his spear. Tas'hukh gasped and started forward, hand on his sword; Nehef and Hiath'ikh yanked him back. The guard brought the shaft of the spear down over Djuta's neck, knocking him to the ground again with a pained grunt. The watchers grimaced. Khetai flinched and bared her teeth, wings flaring.

Only Mahakhi and Resikh managed to maintain their composure, staring at each other as if nothing else in the square existed. It took several moments for the hubbub to begin to die down, after which Mahakhi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This is your testimony, Lieutenant? You swear upon your name and your father's name that this is maat?"

Resikh put his arm to his breast. "Yes, Lord. I swear as a Kana."

"Lies..." Djuta gasped, straining to push himself up. The guards hovered over him, but didn't stop him. He lifted his head, panting and dust smeared, blood trickling from his mouth. "Resikh..."

Mahakhi ignored him and sat back with a great sigh. The look on his face was weary, yet...relieved, somehow? He turned and nodded at the scribe.

"He pleads guilty to the first charge of assault upon Sergeant U'heta," he said, the scribe's pen scribbling at his scroll. "This was shown to be in defense of a Moru. He has already served his time for this in the holding cell. Of the second charge, assault upon Private Ri'hus, he is found not guilty. Lieutenant Djuta's punishment is served. He will be set free."

Khetai and Tas'hukh both let out their breath. Djuta managed to get to his knees before one of the guards reached out and sliced his bonds away with a knife. He fell forward and put out his hands to stop himself, landing on all fours before the tribunal. He lifted his head, his lappets dusty and his eyes agonized.

"Lord Mahakhi!" he cried weakly. "I ask for another trial!"

"Denied," Mahakhi grated. He jerked his head. "We move on. To the third trial."

The guards grabbed hold of Djuta's elbows and pulled him to his feet. They escorted him toward the side of the square, but he yanked himself free before they could lead him out of the gate; they put their hands on their spears yet all he did was turn to look back into the square to see what was happening. Tas'hukh looked as if he wanted to go inside and join him, but held his place; the guards eventually stepped away from him and left him alone once it became apparent that he wasn't going to do anything foolish. Mahakhi ignored him and waved at the scribe.

The Kana in gray cleared his throat a final time and lifted his scroll. "Thirdly and lastly comes the trial of the Moru Khetai, charged with impersonating a Kana. The accused shall rise and come forward!"

Everybody fell silent as Khetai finally rose to her feet. Her eyes darted from side to side, seeking friendly faces; few were to be found. She walked slowly forward, kneeling before Mahakhi and bowing, looking about again like some lost animal.

Nehef sighed. "She's actually quite a pretty one, once she's out of all that armor."

Hiath'ikh glanced at him. "You would be so interested?"

"I said not this, though I wouldn't turn her away, either..."

Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes. "Hush," Tas'hukh growled. "I wish to hear."

"The Moru Khetai has been charged with impersonating a Kana, an offense punishable by death," the scribe recited. "How shall she plead?"

Khetai blinked, then wasted no time. She rose to her feet and her wings flared back.

"I am not guilty!" she yelled. "I am Kana!"

The crowd appeared to not know what to do, now. Some of them cried out in consternation; others laughed hysterically. A few shared bewildered looks, and some more whirled their fingers at their heads. Khetai stepped forward to stand right in front of the bleachers, lifting her bound hands before the tribunal as if pleading.

"Lords! I ask your leave to state my case!"

"You are Moru," the first captain replied. "You do not have this right."

"Let her speak," Mahakhi said, waving at the air. "May as well avoid an argument."

"My Lord, I thank you," Khetai said, then faced the captains again. Her eyes were hard, her jaw set. She flared her wings a second time.

"Gods!" Nehef exclaimed, rubbing at his head. "She really does make a good Kana!"

Hiath'ikh rolled his eyes. "Make up your mind, Nef. Either you want her as a man, or you want her as a woman!"

Nehef bared his teeth at him. "Shut your muzzle, sen'akha. I have the right to choose, have I not? And you have to admit, she did make a good female Kana for three years!"

"This is a contradiction of terms, you know that," Thi'usa said. "Kana are not female!"

"Nor do they have tattered wings, but just look at Lord Djuta. He is one lucky Kana. He can get away with anything!"

"Perhaps we should name him Djuta Kru'sieb," Hiath'ikh suggested. Thi'usa and Tas'hukh both scowled.

"Enough, the both of you," the captain growled. "I wish to hear the case!"

Ameni squeezed Thi'usa's hand before the Moru could get the urge to retort. They fell silent and listened.

"You know me, Lord," Khetai said to Mahakhi. "I have served you faithfully for three years. You welcomed me into your home when no other would. And in all this time, I have never once spoken or acted against you, not even when you challenged T'uris. When you have been ill, I have tended to you, as I have tended to your men. I was honored to receive the praise I did. When you bore the grief of what the River Tribe had done, I bore this grief along with you, and did everything that I could to help your men. Some of them would not be alive to this day if not for what I did. I have cared for all of you to the best of my abilities and I have never asked a thing in return but to remain within your household." Her wings lowered slightly, and her voice changed. "And now you are all so ready to ignore this fact? I have been your faithful Kana for three years! If it had not been for Sergeant U'heta's reprehensible actions, I would not even be here! He is the one who attacked me! Am I to be found guilty due to his crimes?"

"If it had not been for U'heta, you would have continued fooling us all!" Rik'hia snapped; Ahen and a few of the others gave him a look. "Perhaps he should be praised today!"

Khetai's fists clenched and her muzzle wrinkled, and her voice lost its composure. "And so three years of my life's service to all of you means absolutely nothing in the end?" she exclaimed bitterly. "I have wasted my time and efforts upon ungrateful Kana?"

Mahakhi's face grew dark. "You had not the right to 'waste' this time in the first place. You were never Kana to begin with." He bared his tusks, making her take a step back in uncertainty. "The humiliation you have made me feel! When I think of how you have deceived me all this time, my anger just grows!"

Rik'hia smirked. "Lord," Khetai pleaded, dropping to her knees; her eyes flooded with tears, but they did not fall. "I had not meant to deceive you, other than to ensure my freedom. My freedom, which was given me by my brother! This was the only way for me to keep myself safe! For no other purpose did I ever deceive you, once. All else I have ever told you was true!"

"All else except the one little fact that you are not Kana." Mahakhi's wings flared. "You would have been welcomed into my house whether you were Moru or Kana! I would not have ever mistreated you once! Yet instead you stoop to trickery to make a fool out of every one of us? And expect to be forgiven? Greater Kana than the one you pretended to be have died for lesser offenses!" He jerked his hand at the air with a snarl. "I do not see what you can contribute to your case! It is cut and dried!"

"Lord! May I speak?"

Mahakhi's brows rose and he turned to look in the direction of the voice. Everyone else did as well. Djuta still stood near the gate, staring back at them.

"Lieutenant?" the general asked, and narrowed his eyes. "You are still here?"

Djuta took a step forward and crossed his arm to his breast. "Lord, I wish to speak on behalf of Khetai."

The Kana murmured. Khetai stared at Djuta with wide eyes. Mahakhi stared at Djuta as well for a moment before heaving a sigh and sitting back. "Make it quick," he ordered, his voice weary. "I am quickly growing tired of the two of you."

Djuta approached the middle of the square again. Everybody watched him as he stopped beside Khetai, bowed, and faced the tribunal.

"Lords," he said, speaking up at them. "The line between Kana and Moru is not as clear as we would all like to believe it is. There was a time once when even I was Moru, until it was discovered otherwise. I have been in both positions, and so I know of what I speak."

"Get to the point," Rik'hia muttered.

Djuta cast him a brief glare before continuing. "My point, Lords, is to ask why it matters so very much whether Khetai is a Kana or a Moru, so long as she has served her purpose. She has given us three years of her services without complaint--indeed, while living in a state which she knows is hostile to her, and would turn upon her should they ever learn of who she is. Three years she has risked her very life to tend to us, and has asked nothing in return but to remain free and unbothered. And what she says is true--there are those of us who would not be here today if not for her, including myself. None of us, until now, have ever seen the need to make a slave of her, while many of us have seen the need to make use of her services as physician. Why are we now so eager to give up that which we need, for that which we do not need?"

"This is not the point," the first captain said.

Djuta's nostrils flared. "And so the very fact that she has served us more loyally than some Kana here means absolutely nothing to this tribunal?"

"This is correct," said Captain Ahen. "She is not Kana. She is and has always been Moru. Unlike yourself, this was not some mere mistake. She deceived us all." He lifted his head, one ear flaring slightly. "And also unlike yourself, there is no way in the future that we may proclaim her Kana. Her current state is permanent, and always has been."

"And so you mean to tell me," Djuta retorted, "that if she merely had a cock between her legs, and no teats upon her chest, that she would be a Kana at this moment, no matter what her deceit."

Khetai flushed. A couple of the Kana's mouths twitched in amusement.

"This is exactly what I mean," Ahen replied. "She is female. Her deceit ensures her punishment. What this punishment is, only Lord Mahakhi may say." He turned to the general, waiting.

Djuta's wings lowered. "Lord, tell me the prescribed punishment for a Moru who masquerades as Kana."

"The punishment varies. As by law we have established that she belongs to Lord Mahakhi, the punishment is his decision."

"But the specific punishment itself?" Djuta pressed. "Surely you know this?"

Ahen frowned at him, but then crossed his arms. "According to law," he replied, "the traditional punishment is flaying of the wings and relegation to slave status, or else death."

Djuta glanced at Khetai, who paled. She lowered her head in a daze to look at the ground, her eyes blank and her wings sinking. Djuta stared at her for a moment before facing Mahakhi.

"Lord, tell me what she will receive as punishment," he demanded.

Mahakhi gave a halfhearted snort. "I have no need of more Moru," he muttered, looking off toward the barracks as if bored with the entire thing. "And even if I did, I have no interest in taking her. She goes to the highest bidder."

A few more Kana started chattering, comparing prices. Khetai drew in on herself with a small whimpering noise. The others standing at the gate offered sympathetic looks, but Djuta took a step forward and drew himself up to stand as tall as he could.

"Lord Mahakhi!" he called out. "I ask that you sell the Moru Khetai to me!"

Everyone's head shot up, including Khetai's. "What--?" she blurted out, before her voice was drowned out by the crowd.

Mahakhi lifted his head and frowned, a perplexed look on his face. "You are serious, Lieutenant?"

Djuta nodded and saluted. "Yes, Lord."

"This is an outrage!" Rik'hia cried, and waved frantically at Mahakhi. "He cannot do this!"

"If I place the highest bid, by law she goes to me!" Djuta shouted.

Khetai rose to her feet and bared her teeth. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

"What need have you for another Moru?" the first captain asked. "I had thought you already had one of your own."

Djuta turned to him. "I have had trouble getting my mate Rithukh'het with child. Should you sell the Moru Khetai to me, I will take her as my second mate."

Khetai's eyes goggled. She lunged forward but the guards held her back.

"Stop this! Stop this, you fool!" she shrieked at him. He didn't even look at her or acknowledge her reaction, aside from a small flick of his ear; Khetai struggled but couldn't break free.

Several of the captains--and Mahakhi--looked uncertain. Rik'hia merely shook his fists.

"You cannot allow this, General!" he cried. "Can you not see his deceit? He is the one who helped her conceal her crime in the first place! He did not report that he knew she was Moru when he first discovered this! If you sell her to him, who is to say he will not simply set her free to fool us again?"

Mahakhi scowled and looked at Djuta again. "Lieutenant? You would give your vow that you would not do this?"

"I have already told you my intentions, Lord." Djuta placed his arm to his breast. "I have never given you reason to disbelieve me in the past. Even here, today, all I have told you is the truth."

"More and more lies upon lies!" Rik'hia shrieked; one of the seated captains took hold of his arm but he yanked it loose with a venomous hiss. "I refuse to accept his word as truth! We must have more assurance than that!"

"Despite his poor judgement, Lieutenant Djuta has never once spoken an untruth of such magnitude," Ahen argued. "Perhaps he merely had not had the chance to speak of what he knew--he was, after all, recovering from a serious injury. He may have intended to tell at the first possible chance, and did not get one."

"I am afraid I must disagree," the first captain sighed. "He concealed her crimes the first time around. And after Lord U'heta's apprehension he had plenty of opportunity to speak up, yet he did not. No matter what his veracity, there is ample reason to believe he would assist her again."

"We cannot assume potential actions in the absence of proof of his intent," another captain said. "Without any evidence to say otherwise, we must assume that he did not intend to reveal the Moru Khetai."

Rik'hia nodded quickly, a vindicated look burning in his eyes. "You see--? They are agreeing with me!" He turned to Mahakhi.
"Lord, I ask that she be sold immediately to the second-highest bidder." He glared down at Djuta, muzzle wrinkling. "AND that some measures be taken against Lieutenant Djuta, for contributing to these follies in the first place!"

"ENOUGH!" Mahakhi snarled. His claws dug into the arm of his chair. "Surely there is some way you can reach some sort of compromise, and bring this accursed trial to a close?"

The captains started arguing amongst themselves. After a moment one leaned toward Rik'hia and whispered something in his ear. He frowned at first, but then his face lit up and he nodded. He stood and bowed to Mahakhi, giving a silky smile.

"Lord. I believe we may have agreed upon a compromise, one to suit both the court and Lieutenant Djuta."

Djuta and Khetai glanced up at them. Mahakhi sighed and nodded.

"Speak it."

"We will not object to Lord Djuta purchasing the Moru Khetai and keeping her as his own..." the captain replied; his eyes turned to Djuta and narrowed, glinting in the dying light. "...If she manages to give him a pup within one year."

Djuta blinked. Khetai's eyes widened. Everyone watching gawked with open mouths.

"...What...?" the lieutenant finally managed to whisper.

"This is the only way," Rik'hia snapped, sneering at him. "You claim you wish to take Khetai as your mate, and so you may prove it! If your intentions are as you state, then you should have no trouble getting her to drop you a pup within the next year. If she does not, then she will have been proven useless for the purpose for which you intend to purchase her--and so she will be sold back into slavery as the Moru she is. You will forfeit your bid upon her if she cannot give you a child, Kana or Moru, within twelve months. This gives you three months to try your best." He gave a too-gracious smile. "Is this acceptable, Lieutenant?"

Djuta could only stare, silent in disbelief. Khetai was not so reserved. She leapt to her feet again, wings flailing.

"I do not accept this!" she shouted. "I will not be sold as a Moru when I am a KANA! I will not be a slave! I am no one's mate!"

Rik'hia lost his brief moment of composure. "You have no say in the matter!" he barked at her. "This is the decision of Lord Mahakhi and Lord Djuta!"

Khetai raised her bound hands above her head and bared her teeth like a feral animal. "I REFUSE!"

Mahakhi lifted his head from a moment of pensive thinking. "Enough," he said, his voice carrying just enough so that the chatter which was beginning to rise died down again. "In the absence of any alternatives, Lord Rik'hia's idea is the most tolerable," he said. "By these means perhaps the tribunal can reach a decision, and this case can finally be settled once and for all." He looked Djuta in the eyes, narrowing his own. "Well, Lieutenant? What do you say of this agreement? As of now, there is no other alternative I can think of besides selling Khetai to the next-highest bidder. Will you accept her as your mate, or decline and let her be sold?"

Djuta stood in silence while Khetai fought against her guards. He lowered his head to stare again at the bottom of the scaffolding. The other Kana waited and listened for his response. Certainly, this had turned out to be an unusual day, indeed.

The lieutenant appeared to bite his lip, then lifted his head once more. Khetai ceased struggling--for the moment. She stared at him with wide eyes, waiting just as much. He did not look at her, though everyone could tell the two of them were gauging each other's reaction, deciding what to do. After a moment, he finally spoke.

"If you do not flay her wings," Djuta said quietly. "Then I accept this arrangement. I will take her as my mate."

Rik'hia smiled triumphantly. Mahakhi sighed and slouched back, rubbing his eyes. Almost everyone else let out their breath at the same time, except for Khetai, who screamed madly and struggled, her claws raking the arms of her guards. They started to carry her away from the square, her voice echoing off the city walls all around them.


Djuta didn't look back as she was taken away. He stood in the square as many of the Kana started to rise from their seats and filter away. Mahakhi pushed himself up and forward. He waved his hand at the air.

"Sentence on the Moru Khetai is to be deferred for the period of one year," he proclaimed. "Until such time as she may deliver a pup or not, at the latter of which she will be sold to the next-highest bidder. These cases are settled; the grand tribunal is adjourned."

The murmuring arose in a wash, everyone turning and heading back to their households and taverns, chattering excitedly about the events of the day. Ameni stared out into the square, not certain if he'd understood everything correctly, not sure if he even wanted to understand. Beside him, Tas'hukh's head and wings lowered and he heard the captain murmur under his breath, "Djuta..."

Nehef stretched his arms and wings with a great yawn. "We'd better be heading back. Dinner soon, and I could use a shower and a pretty Moru." He nudged Ahai'ikh and grinned widely. "Gods, what a show! I've never seen anything like it before. I bet we never will, again."

"With hope," Thi'usa said softly.

They turned about to leave the square, Nehef chattering, the rest of them following in silence; Ameni glanced back one final time to see that Djuta still stood where he'd been left, unmoving, Khetai's screams still echoing distantly in the chill of the evening air. It was a long time before he could bring himself to turn away, and then all he could do was stare at the rutted street, his sandals making a soft noise against the earth and his heart feeling heavier than usual.

If things had seemed uncertain before...then they were most uncertain now.


"Part 38: Encounter

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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