Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517380-Part-36--Imprisonment
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #517380
Djuta and Rithukh'het make the most of a brief prison cell encounter...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 36 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE SUN SHONE brightly into the northern courtyard of General Mahakhi's household, glittering upon the water in the pool and making the leaves of all the plants glisten as if wet. The courtyard was more active than usual, as Moru sat upon the benches and the tiles, murmuring and eating from plates of fruit and breads. Several Kana stood guard at the main exits from the court yet the Moru had not the least interest in trying to escape. Many Moru were never allowed even as much as this, and they chattered amongst themselves as they ate, soaking in the sun and occasionally splashing their feet in the water. Most of them were cheery; a few were still gloomy from the losses caused by the River Tribe, yet only one of them was sniffling and weeping. Rithukh'het sat curled up by herself in the far corner of the yard, away from everyone else, wiping at her eyes and muzzle and letting out tiny pathetic whimpering sounds. Lieutenant Resikh guarded one of the entryways closer to her. Every sound she made made him want to gouge his own insides out even more.

Lieutenant Nehef stood not far from him, a slight grimace upon his face. "I told you not to tell her," he murmured under his breath. "Does anyone ever listen to me? No..."

"She is his Moru," Resikh retorted between his teeth. "What else was I expected to do? She at least deserves to know why her master seems to have vanished from the face of the earth! If I did not tell her about Djuta's trial, then no one would!"

"Still, Brother..." Nehef made a face when Rithukh'het's whimpering grew even louder. "You must admit, she is not quite the best equipped to handle such news! You could have at least told her after they have all gone back to the Moru quarters...just so we would not have to listen to all this mewling!"

"She is just lonely," Ahai'ikh murmured. "Let her be. If I were in prison, I would feel comforted knowing my Moru cared for me so much."

Nehef made a huffing noise. "You do not even have a Moru, Brother! We barely even have time for nesakh'ai." He leaned to the side and poked Resikh with the butt of his spear. "While we are here withering away from boredom! I wished to share something that happened two nights ago..."

Ahai'ikh sighed heavily. "Oh, gods...not again."

Nehef stuck his tongue out at him. "I cannot help it that you are such a prude! Perhaps you'd better get yourself a Moru just to get past your hangups!" He nudged Resikh again. "You never visit the taverns! You should really try sometime! If you ever did you would notice that Khesa has two very delectable daughters...very pretty, and coy too! At least, until you are alone with them." And he guffawed. "Then not NEARLY so coy!" He tucked his spear under his arm and started making gestures at the air. "One of them is built like this, and the other like this...her behind is a little plump, but the things she does with it---"

Ahai'ikh was the one to stick his tongue out this time. "Really, you horny mutt, how many times can you tell this story!"

"--And the other one does just as many things with her tongue, and if you ask them just right they will even do said things to each other," Nehef finished, and started guffawing again. "Can you imagine it, Brother--? TWO delectable females doing things like that! Of course, they did not do them for long before I got involved..."

"Got in the middle of things," Ahai'ikh grumbled.

The first lieutenant laughed again. "Yes--pretty much! Got in the middle of things...and then got in the middle of the one Moru, and then got my muzzle in the middle of the other Moru..."

Ahai'ikh shook his head. "I would not even be surprised if he had dreamed it all up."

"Hey now, why should I do this?" Nehef retorted. "Would I be able to lie nearly so well about such exquisiteness? I can tell you one thing--those two are why I have been in such a good mood these past couple of days! You should try it sometime, Brother, so you wouldn't be so pissy..."

"While you are out spending time with Khesa's Moru," Resikh murmured, catching both their attention, "Djuta is sitting in a dank prison cell...and his Moru is out here, weeping for him. Continue with your story...at least one of us has been having a grand time."

Nehef's and Ahai'ikh's spirits dimmed considerably, and they fell silent and picked up their spears again, chastened. After a moment or two Nehef sidled closer to Resikh and tapped his elbow, speaking softly.

"Brother...neither of us means any disrespect. But all we know is rumors. What's been going on? Why is Djuta in the cells?"

"How much do you know?" Resikh asked.

Nehef frowned, then shrugged. "Only what we saw! That he knocked that stupid sergeant a good one, we know, and likely he deserved it." He spat on the tiles. "But what is this about some private--? And that physician! Gods! What in the Duat is it with that...?"

"That physician gave me medicine for a...problem some several weeks back!" Ahai'ikh said, and his face went red. "And you mean to tell me that all this time he was a female--?"

"I do not know the whole story," Resikh sighed. "Only that she has been masquerading for some time now. Why, or how, I have no clue." He grimaced slightly. "You know of the other matter, as well...? How did anyone even learn of this so quickly...?"

"Apparently word spread of a trainee leaving the barracks the other night to get poppy," Nehef explained. "You know how little those louts actually SLEEP at night! There must have been a hundred of them watching him!"

"They said he had left the night before in Djuta's company, and returned in poor spirits," Ahai'ikh added. "At first they thought perhaps there had been some sort of squabble, but when he went for the poppy the next night..."

"Well, it is rather easy to put two and two together," Nehef finished. "A trainee does not go for poppy unless something is truly bothering him!"

"They did not say what became of him after all this?" Resikh said bitterly. The other two looked at each other and then shook their heads, frowning in puzzlement.

"No, not really...everything is confused after that. So it is true, then?" Nehef looked dismayed. "Djuta did do something to him...?"

"I should not speak until the trial," Resikh sighed. "If then. Djuta will testify for himself what happened. The charge will probably be dropped anyway; I spoke with the trainee in question and he will not pursue the charges."

The other two frowned again but didn't press him further. "Well, here is to a mercifully short trial, then," Nehef said, tipping his spear, and the two of them resumed their posts. "Because I have far more than enough drama in my life to deal with that!"

Resikh just stared across the pool, eyes and thoughts both dreary. The Moru were so cheerily at odds with the way he felt that he wished he could leave, and head back to the coolness and solitude of his room...but that just reminded him of how alone he would be, without Djuta. And of how alone Djuta himself was, right now. He sighed and shut his eyes.

Far off to the side, he heard Ahai'ikh snort. "You just had to open your big mouth!"

Resikh opened his eyes again, flicking them to the side. Nehef and Ahai'ikh were both staring toward the far entrance of the courtyard, nearer the front of the household; a thin Kana in gray lappets had arrived, and was now striding in their direction. Nehef bared his teeth and started glancing around as if to hide somewhere, while Ahai'ikh merely rolled his eyes.

"Stupid dog! You're the one who said you have had enough drama, now here comes more!"

"Damn it! I hate scribes! All they EVER do is bring bad news!" Nehef cried, and ducked behind a column. Resikh stared at his hunching wings and flicking tail until the scribe drew close and crossed his arm to his breast, bowing his head; the remaining lieutenants followed suit.

"Lieutenant Elite Resikh?" the scribe asked, and Ahai'ikh nodded at Resikh, who lifted his hand. "Greetings, Lord; I come bearing a message from Lord-General Mahakhi, who..."

Nehef's head popped out from behind the column. "Oh--this message is for him, then?" he asked, and stepped out, straightening himself out. "Well...that is all right, then, I suppose."

The scribe gave him a look, then turned back to Resikh and bowed his head again. "Actually, this message concerns all officers of General Mahakhi's household, and..."

"Ooohhhhh," Nehef groaned, and slid down the column. Ahai'ikh jabbed him with the butt of his spear.

"Be quiet for at least a minute, dumb dog!"

"This concerns the trial to be held tomorrow in the main marketplace," the scribe said, and Resikh's eyes widened.

"Tomorrow?" he cried.

Ahai'ikh and Nehef crowded close to him as the scribe bowed his head. "Yes, Lord. General Mahakhi wishes the trial to be completed as soon as possible, and so the defenses and arguments are being readied for the parties involved. He has requested that all officers of his household attend. This is mandatory, not an option. Each of his lieutenants is expected to be present."

"When shall it be held?" Ahai'ikh asked, gently nudging Resikh aside.

"Tomorrow at the commencement of the eighteenth hour. The main market square is currently being cleared and readied so that the defendants do not have to be imprisoned for an unfortunate amount of time."

"Defendants--?" Nehef asked. "There is more than one--?"

"Yes, Lord; General Mahakhi has considered it prudent to deal with the three primary outstanding cases in one sitting, rather than upon different occasions. Namely, these are the trials of Lieutenant Elite Djuta, Sergeant Second Class U'heta, and the Moru Khetai." He bowed his head again. "Lord Mahakhi expects all to be present to witness the proceedings, and severe reprimands will be given those who fail to attend." He bobbed his head one more time. "Good day, Lords."

The three watched as the scribe turned and left the courtyard. It was a moment or two before they could speak, and Nehef turned to the others with wide eyes and furrowed brow.

"A triple trial? Has a thing such as this ever even happened before...?"

"I do not believe so," Ahai'ikh murmured. "At least, not in my time with this tribe!"

"Tomorrow," Resikh murmured, chewing his lip. "This is such a short amount of time...Djuta is really expected to get a decent defense before then? So quickly?

"If he is half as lucky as he always is, he will not even need a defense!" Nehef said, and Ahai'ikh elbowed him.

"Does Lord Djetef know of this yet?" the second lieutenant asked. "Perhaps he would be willing to furnish a defense. Lord Djuta is as his son, after all."

"I do not want him involved," Resikh said. "I feel I have been an exasperation already."

"Well, think of it this way," Nehef offered. "If the rest of the lieutenants are thinking along the same lines as we, then he will have all the defense on standby that he could possibly need! So far it sounds like this U'heta fellow is the only one with something against him!"

"I have done a little digging on Sergeant U'heta," Ahai'ikh added, and made a face. "I could not find much...which is bad enough. Apparently he has never made much of a name for himself, never performed any outstanding service, and has a tendency of getting himself in trouble with other people's Moru. I suspect that's what Djuta came upon him doing with Khetai. If worse comes to worst, we can always bring up all of this. He will have not a leg to stand upon."

Nehef clapped the other lieutenant on the back. "There, see?--'Hikh always comes through when needed in a pinch! I will even think up the vilest story about the mutt that I can if you need it. Chances are it would not be too far from the truth."

"I am hoping none of us will be needed," Resikh murmured, absently. "But thank you just the same."

"We do it for Djuta." Nehef said this in an oddly serious voice, which made both of the others look at him curiously. "He is our brother after all, and would do the same for us." He paused for a moment, then his face screwed up. "He can thank us afterwards!"

Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes. Resikh turned away from them and stared across the courtyard at Rithukh'het, still sniffling in her lonely corner. "If you do not mind I will be leaving early," he said, the other two looking at him. "I have a few things to tend to before tomorrow, I suppose."

"I think we all will have some things to attend to!" Nehef said, and started muttering. Ahai'ikh nodded though Resikh wasn't looking at him, and called out as Resikh began to walk away.

"Do not worry about us or anything else, Brother. Djuta has always been unbearably lucky. I doubt he has a thing to fear from the tribunal--every captain was a lieutenant once!"

Resikh was barely listening anymore. He paced away from them, his sandals clacking against the hot tiles under the midday sun.

* * * * *

Rithukh'het followed Resikh down the cool hallway, its interior almost shockingly dim and shadowed after the heat and brightness of the courtyard. He stared at the floor as they went, chewing on his claw the entire way.

Tomorrow...I had thought there would be more time than this. I do not like him having to wait in the cells, but still...this is hardly any time to prepare for a trial...will the tribunal be nearly as prepared as they should be? Mahakhi wouldn't hasten this without regard for preparing an adequate defense, would he?

Or does he not care about that...?

He chewed his claw harder. Mahakhi was a hothead, this everyone knew, but Resikh had never had reason to think he could be that hasty. Surely Djuta and everyone on the tribunal would be granted enough time to prepare themselves...


From the corner of his eye he noticed Rithukh'het start to slow down, turning toward the Moru quarters. He grasped hold of her wrist just in time and she cast him a puzzled look, her eyes still wet and puffy.

He shook his head. "You will be staying with me again. I have some things I wish to discuss with you."

He saw an odd look enter her eyes...she seemed almost...anxious?...but she obeyed and continued following him. At least she was a well-behaved Moru, and nothing at all like Djuta in temperament. If she had been like Djuta he thought he would have killed himself. As much as he loved the Kana, one of him was more than enough. He did not want to think about what a female with Djuta's temper would be like.

They reached his room and he opened his door, letting her in. She stepped inside and stood waiting silently while he took off his pectoral with a wince, then his earrings, letting out a heavy sigh as he dropped them in their box and leaned on the little table. He flicked his tail a few times and stared at the wall, then turned back to Rithukh'het.

"I wished to ask if you would do something," he said.

The Moru blinked, then blushed. She lowered her eyes.

"Of course, Lord."

"I know it will not sound like incredibly much." He felt a pang of guilt that there was so little he could do on such short notice, but pushed the feeling away and turned to shut the box and rub at his aching neck. "But at least somebody will be a little bit happier, out of all this mess. I wish there was more time."

He turned back to Rithukh'het and opened his mouth to speak, then nearly bit off his tongue. The Moru was stepping out of her dress, and even as he watched she set it carefully on the floor and then stood there with her hands folded in front of her and her cheeks flushed bright red. Resikh had not seen many naked females, but she had quite possibly the fattest breasts he had ever seen. He found himself staring at them for a moment before blinking and hastily shaking his head. He let out a panicked squawk and raced across the room toward her; her head popped up and she stared at him with wide eyes as he stooped to collect her dress, having to snatch at it several times before he could even keep hold of it; yet as he lifted his head to rise he found himself staring right at the dark patch between her plump thighs and let out another shriek. Rithukh'het flinched back when he flung his arm out at her, waving her dress in her face.

"Put it on! Put it back on!!" he cried.

Rithukh'het took her dress, but instead of looking relieved she looked even more dismayed. "Lord...Lord to not like Rithukh'het--?"

"What? No! No! This is not it!" Resikh squinched his eyes shut and waved frantically at her to put her clothing back on; she paused before stooping and obeying. "Just please--put it back on, and then we may speak! Fully clothed!"

He waited a decent amount of time, until the sound of rustling fabric stopped, then peered cautiously between his fingers; the Moru was sniffling and rubbing at her eyes with one hand as she continued straightening one dress strap with the other.

"Rithukh'het to know not pretty," she hiccupped. "But...to be good at hakh'tua, and..."

Resikh cringed. "No, no! This is not why I brought you here! You are Djuta's mate--not mine!"

She blinked at him blearily. "But--Kana to share--?"

His muzzle wrinkled. "No! When I want a mate--I will get my own!" He immediately flinched at his own comment and hastened to clarify. "I do not mean you are ugly or anything! You are not! It is just that--well--you are Djuta's--and I do not really believe in sharing mates!"

Rithukh'het's brow furrowed. "But--Lord to share Djuta-Master with Rithukh'het-Moru..."

Resikh blinked at her. Then his face went brilliant red. "This is not what I wished to discuss!" he barely managed to squeak, and she at last fell silent, sensing his discomfort. Resikh waited until he was certain she wouldn't say anything else, then turned and quickly went to fetch a jar of beer and pour some into a cup. He did not care for beer too much, but right now he definitely needed some. He could not believe that the sight of her breasts had actually made his loincloth start to feel uncomfortable. He downed the cup in two swallows, then poured another and paced back to hand it to her. She looked at the cup in puzzlement before accepting it, and he went to fetch another, filling it as well before sitting down on the edge of his bed. He let out his breath, which felt like it had been held for the past several hours.

"I wished to talk about Lord Djuta!" he said after taking another swallow to calm his nerves. Rithukh'het stood sipping at hers, peering at him over the edge of the cup. "Of how he is to be kept in the cells until the trail..."

Rithukh'het sniffled and the tears started trickling from her eyes again. She lowered her cup and wiped at them, whimpering; he paused and stared. Djuta had not even owned her for that long; surely she could not miss him that much? "Poor Master...does not deserve to be locked away! Good Kana!" she cried, and then started keening.

Resikh flinched at the awful sound. "I feel this way as well," he said, having to raise his voice. "Yet in his own words he has committed a crime and is to stand trial tomorrow." Rithukh'het's keening died down and she blinked at him with wide eyes; he nodded and clutched his cup tightly. "At the eighteenth hour of the day. Tomorrow they will decide what his fate will be."

The Moru stared at him for a moment before looking into her beer. "Poor Djuta-Kana," she whimpered, sniffling, then downed the rest of the beer and hiccupped. Resikh furrowed his brow, then slowly rose to his feet to pour her another. Her shoulders started shaking and she rubbed at her eyes so hard that he took her by the arm and led her back to his bed, and they sat down side by side, the Moru sniffling and choking. He waited a while for her mewing to fade before bothering to speak again.

"This is why I brought you here," he said quietly. "I know he is to be kept in his cell and is not to have visitors, but...well...the guards there, they are decent Kana, and may look the other way. And even if Ahai'ikh and Nehef are set to guarding the place, they too would not mind. I wished to ask if you would want to visit with him before the trial should start. I think this would make him feel a little bit happier, to see a friendly face one more time. It is not that I do not believe he will be let off lightly...but perhaps if you met with him you could calm his nerves somewhat. He has been through much lately."

Rithukh'het had lifted her head at the first mention of his idea, and her eyes grew wider with every word. She sucked in a small breath now, grasping her own cup.

"L-Lord to...to let Rithukh'het-Moru see Djuta-Kana--? To visit him--?"

Resikh held up one hand. "Yes, this I mean--yet only tomorrow, and only in the cells. And only for a short time. That is all I feel I would manage, with the trial coming so quickly."

The Moru's eyes grew to the size of platters and she gasped and dropped her cup to the floor with a splash, clapping her hands together. "OH! Yes! Rithukh'het to visit Djuta-Master--yes, yes! Resikh-Kana a thousand, a million times kind! Good friend! Good Kana! Oh, thank you, thank Resikh-Kana...!"

Resikh suppressed a flinch at the happiness in her voice; while it was good to hear it, still he hated how little consolation this would be to either of them. He gestured for her to calm herself and she did, though she still beamed at him and wiped at her eyes, now streaming with tears of joy. He sighed to himself and wished that Djuta had not bought any Moru in the market that day, what with how much trouble just looking after them was turning out to be. "I will take you down to the prison cells tomorrow afternoon, then," he said. "Not too long before the trial because then it is likeliest to be busy outside, and not many people will be tending to him. I will see if I can get you in to see him for twenty minutes, a half hour or so. And then I will have the guards bring you back here, for I will have to attend to the trial myself." He gave her an anxious look. "Does this sound acceptable?"

In response she hugged him, and he gasped when she crushed him to her. Damn but her arms were strong, for a woman's! "Resikh-Kana a good Kana!" she cried, and her breasts mashed against his chin, making him wheeze in panic. "Rithukh'het to never be able to repay! To see Djuta-Master! So kind! To thank Lord a million times over, a million-million times more!"

The lieutenant had to struggle just to pry himself loose, scootching back from her a bit and gasping for breath; he clamped his hands down over his lap, glad that his drink had spilled to give him an excuse to do so. "This--repayment isn't necessary," he stammered, wings flaring. "Just make certain to be ready when we are to leave. You--you will be staying here again, the night, so you are not alone in the Moru quarters."

Rithukh'het beamed and wiped at her eyes. "Lord sure to not want repay--?" she sniffled with a watery smile, and at that Resikh shot promptly to his feet, still keeping his hands clamped over himself. He shook his head so hard that his lappets flapped.

"No--I am sure. It is not necessary! Just make yourself at home and I will...go get...some decent food for us to eat. Just keep yourself right here, and I will be right back."

He turned and walked briskly yet awkwardly to the door, opening it and stepping outside and letting out his breath in a great gust. He had just enough time to hear Rithukh'het call out, "Lord, wait--! Food to already be in here! Lord--?" before he was pacing again, this time even more quickly, determined to jump into one of the courtyard pools to cool himself off if he had to.

* * * * *

The accommodations were much better than the ones the two Kana must be getting, she knew, but that still did not make staying in them any easier on Khetai.

She spent the day huddled upon the dusty cot within the dusty private quarters in some nearly forgotten back corner of Mahakhi's household. The building was scattered with such rooms, used mainly for storage of spare armor and weapons, or as guest quarters whenever visiting Kana should arrive; from the looks of it this room had not been used in quite a while. The walls were lined with rickety boxes with uncertain contents, and dusty jars sat in the corner, and the bed was so coated in the white film that she had refused to even touch it, instead dusting off the cot and making it into her sleeping place...not that she slept much, in here. She did not even bother looking through the boxes. The guards had made certain to do that before moving her in. Any weapons--anything that could have been used as a weapon--had been removed. She could have always smashed them over the head with one of the jars, but by now she did not have the strength or inclination. She simply sat upon her cot and stared numbly out at the courtyard, obscured slightly by the drapes hanging across the opening. Two guards stood just outside, their backs to her. No one ever bothered her but to bring her her daily meals. There was no one she had to speak with.

That Kana is the only one who I have really spoken with...in such a long time...

Khetai's eyes watered and she burrowed her face against her arm, biting back a whimper; she hated crying, but she hadn't been able to stop, ever since being bound and taken to the jail cells. She had never gotten in trouble, not even once, in all her time as a Kana. How could it have all changed so completely? She had done everything right...she had always been so careful...

She couldn't keep the small pathetic sounds from escaping her; when she opened her bleary eyes, she saw one of the guards peer over his shoulder into the room. She couldn't be sure, what with the gauzy drapes dimming her view, but he looked pitying. Then she peered at the other guard and saw the look of disgust on his face. He spat on the ground and turned back to look at the pool, and Khetai lowered her head again.

They all hate me now.

Her brother had been right, when he'd insisted she take his armor. He had told her, even as he lay dying, that she would be hated if anyone ever found out who she really was. They will hate you, he had said, no matter how much you have done for them, no matter how many of them have called you Brother. They will hate everything you are, that they never knew, and they will never forgive you for this. And so you must never let them know...

Well, it was not as if she had let anyone do anything, lately. She sniffled and rubbed at her dripping eyes, her wings aching from hunching so much. She was used to stretching them, flapping them, making use of them; by now, they felt awkward and useless, not a part of her anymore. Even they had not done much to help her, once she'd been found out.

If I had only been born like him, she thought bitterly. We were twins! We looked alike! Yet why was I born like this? Why did I have to be female? If I were male, nothing would matter but these wings...they are all that would matter. I would be free. I would still be me. But just because I am me...I cannot even be me anymore...not as long as I am who I am...why did I have to be this...?

She heard a soft talking outside in the courtyard, and lifted her head to see what might be happening. A Moru servant handed a plate and cup to one of the guards and he turned and parted the drapes, coming into the room with her evening meal. Khetai sat upon the cot with her arms hugging her knees to her breast as he crossed the room and set the plate down beside her before standing straight again.

"You had better eat it all," he said in a dark voice, "because the trial starts on the morrow, and gods willing, this will be your last dinner. Lying little cunt." And he turned back to the courtyard.

A stabbing feeling seared through Khetai's chest; without even planning to she leapt to her feet, knocking the plate to the floor with one hand. The guard--plus the other one still standing watch near the courtyard--turned to look at her. She clenched her fists, baring her teeth and not even feeling the tears streaming from her eyes anymore.

"Ungrateful prick!" she snarled. "I remember stitching you up after your squabble with the River Tribe! You would be dead if I had not done this! And now all you have to say to me is cunt?"

The guard flared his ears. He turned around and looked her up and down.

"You are the one who tended to me--?" he inquired.

Khetai's muzzle wrinkled and she swept the tears from her eyes with one shaking hand. She nodded once, abruptly, her breath catching fast in her throat.

The Kana stared at her for a moment, then leaned forward and spat upon the remains of her food. "Bitch," he said, and narrowed his eyes, grabbing at his crotch for good measure. "How is that?" And he turned away once more, returning to his post. Khetai was left standing before the cot, her wings and shoulders shaking in disbelief; she saw the other guard peer at her briefly before turning back to look at the pool. Neither of them had another word for her; after what felt like an eternity, she slipped back to the cot, drawing her legs up and staring silently at the shifting drapes. The tears streamed down her cheeks but she no longer even felt them. She barely even heard the first guard murmuring to the second, as if she were not even present anymore, which she knew she may as well not be.

"...truly too bad a waste. If not for Mahakhi's orders I think I should like to toss her over that bench out there and teach her a thing or two about the proper use for a cunt..."

They all hate me. I am dead here.

This realization at last sank in...nothing she had ever done for anyone here would matter one bit, now that they knew she was not Kana. All of her service, all of her assistance, was worth nothing now. She shut her eyes as her brother's last words echoed in her head, the only friendly voice left to be heard.

Please do not leave me, Khetai-Kana...

You are Khetai-Kana now, sweet Sister...

"Khetai-Kana," she murmured under her breath, her voice choked. "What have you left me to...?"

* * * * *

The general had not moved from his post before the courtyard entrance for a good long while. The fact that his top captains now stood in the room behind him, their spines stiff but their eyes wandering, didn't seem to matter much. He seemed more interested in staring at the water rippling in the pool, the sunset having since faded everything into a shade of medium blue. His tail flicked every once in a while but that was the only sign he gave that he was even alive.

One of the captains finally dared to give a quiet cough.

Mahakhi didn't turn around. "You are all already aware of the circumstances, I take it," he said; they nodded but he didn't look at them, so they looked at each other instead with furrowed brows. "I received word that the seating and construction of the trial square have been completed in the marketplace, and it will be watched over tonight by my guards so that it is not vandalized. I will not have the slightest thing delaying this trial."

"With respect, Lord," Captain Ahen said, and the others looked at him. "Do you believe it best to hold this trial so soon...much less to hold all three trials at once? Such an action may speak of haste, and we would not wish this in such a major proceeding."

Mahakhi at last turned his head to glare at him over his shoulder. "You question my decisions?" he growled.

Ahen shook his head, unruffled. "I merely ask if you believe enough time has been taken to consider the charges in their entirety, and to prepare the accused for their say."

Mahakhi's muzzle wrinkled and he turned back to the courtyard. "The charges are damned clear. That sergeant is to be charged with assault upon a Moru, the Moru with impersonating a Kana, and Djuta..." His wings flared, then settled. "...With two assaults upon Kana." His tail twitched and he muttered, "I should like to thrash his tail for starting this mess, if it were a chargeable offense..."

"Lord," another one of the captains said, and took a step forward--although Mahakhi did not see him--and saluted. "I must commend you upon your choice of swift action. If such behavior on the part of these...persons...were to be allowed to continue for even an instant longer, the morale of the Great Red Tribe itself would be jeopardized. This is truly the proper course of action to take, Lord."

Mahakhi's ear flicked. "You were ever the most transparent and lousiest flatterer, Lord Rik'hia," he growled. "You must get it from serving that mutt T'uris. Save your tongue for the trial."

Rik'hia blinked, then stepped back into his place, flushing with chagrin. The other captains' eyes shifted toward him and their mouths twitched but they said nothing.

"You all know your duties," Mahakhi added, and they looked to him again. "The trial commences at the eighteenth hour. As members of the grand tribunal I expect you all to be there. Your seats will be shown to you. If any of you must be absent for a good reason--of which there will be none--then I expect a notice given at least two hours in advance. I will request that this affair be handled as quickly as possible so punishment may be meted out, and we may get on with our miserable lives." His wing flexed. "Dismissed."

The captains saluted, then turned to leave. Another figure stood beside the doorway as they exited, most of them silent, as they were not as given to chattering as lieutenants were. A few of them glanced at the other Kana standing just outside but then ignored him and vanished from the main court. After the room had fallen silent again, Mahakhi turned and made his own way toward the door.

Captain Tas'hukh stood waiting. Mahakhi briefly met his eyes, then scowled, resuming his walk. Tas'hukh paused and then followed him out of the household and toward the street.

"Lord Ahen makes a decent point," he said quietly. "I cannot help but feel this trial is moving ahead far too quickly."

"Unfortunately, you have no say in this matter," Mahakhi growled. "You are not a member of the grand tribunal, nor can you be, as you are not of this tribe. And so whatever you may think of this matter does not count."

Tas'hukh's ear twitched. "As much as it will pain you to hear this, this tribe is as much my own as any. Now that I'anen is gone I have no loyalties tying me to the Shore Tribe. I had even thought of seeking out another tribe already."

Mahakhi glared at him. "Wonderful luck for us," he said in a very unpleasant voice, and turned back to his walk.

Tas'hukh was silent for several paces. "I realize you do not like me," he finally said, a cross look settling on his face. "And I do not ever intend to try to get into your good graces, if they even exist. But so long as Djuta is tied in to this matter then I am as well. You can be certain I will be watching every step of this trial to make certain his treatment is fair and just. He is a good Kana, and I trust the tribunal will be intelligent enough to see through these charges."

"He was aiding a Moru in a punishable offense," Mahakhi snapped.

Tas'hukh frowned. "I was led to believe his charge was assaulting two Kana--one of whom was assaulting this Moru! Tell me where he ever did anything more reprehensible than this!"

"There is the other charge you so conveniently overlook," Mahakhi growled. "And I have great reason to believe he would not have reported this Moru for her trickery, if it had not come out into the open by other means. You believe you know Djuta so well? I know him equally as well! He may be a good Kana but he does not always think with his head!" He bared his tusks, wings shaking. "I am disgusted thinking of the time that FEMALE spent under this roof enjoying my hospitality! The vile little creature has lied to me from day one!"

"Of this second charge, I do not believe it for a moment and I trust the tribunal will agree with me," Tas'hukh replied, his voice steady but ominous. "And forgive me for stepping out of line but from what I have heard, this 'vile little creature,' no matter what her offense, served your house loyally for years without one bit of trouble. You would toss this away so lightly?"

He flinched when Mahakhi whirled around and snarled at him. "Not forgiven!" he spat. "And do not dare tell me how to run my own tribe! FEMALES are not Kana! She would have been THOROUGHLY welcome here if she had been truthful about herself--she would have been given the best treatment as any MORU deserves! But since she chose to deceive me she is as unwelcome as you are!"

"Lieutenant Djuta and some of your best men would not be alive today if not for her," was all Tas'hukh offered in response, at which Mahakhi turned away once more and continued toward the market square.

"By now I believe perhaps this would have been best!" the general growled, and his tail whipped from side to side as he left Tas'hukh behind in the street. "You are as welcome as anyone to attend the trial--but that is all! Once it is over, I do not care whether you stay or go. I am washing my hands of your miserable tribe!"

Tas'hukh stood and watched him stalk away. In the distance, he could see the dim shapes of the scaffolding and bleachers which had been erected in the marketplace. His nostrils flared as he stared at it.

An irony, that the fate of Kana and Moru will be determined where once Moru were sold.

This thought filled him with unease...it seemed like a bad omen now, to think of Djuta being tried in a place where Moru traders showed off their slaves during the day...yet all Tas'hukh could do was try to shake the feeling off, and retreat before the evening could grow too cool.

* * * * *

The rest of the night passed quietly but fitfully, for many of the household's residents. An odd sight at the crack of dawn was many of the taverns opening earlier than usual, and more Kana pressing out into the streets; they passed word from house to house, of the trial which had been set for later that day. Even Moru were sent dashing back and forth to relay messages from one household to another, and a close eye was kept upon the newly erected trial square. There would be no market today, but this did not mean the market would be empty. Far from it; and the only reason the square remained mostly empty was because of the guards stationed around it, keeping curious onlookers at bay. Even the Kana barracks at the other side of the town, not far from the market square, were not as disciplined as usual, more of the trainees spending their time peering out of the gate rather than actually training. For once their lieutenants were lax with them, as they were just as curious as anyone. Yet until the sixteenth hour, the square remained unused and there was nothing much to see.

In midafternoon, lieutenants from the household of the general began to arrive, inspecting the bleachers and the rest of the square and making certain all was as it should be. A short while later came the lower officials who would be watching over the trials themselves, and then the captains of the grand tribunal, who were shown to their seats by the lieutenants. Much whispering came now from the onlookers; many of them had never even seen a grand tribunal trial, as the captains were not often used except in the most severe offenses. By now several different wild stories were passing about concerning exactly what the charges were; these ranged from mutilation, to murder, to some odd story about a Kana dressing as a woman. The onlookers argued with each other about which was the right story but the excitement of the event was too great for them to get involved in any real fights about it.

The space outside the trial square began to fill now with vendors and merchants prepared to make the most of the spectacle, and now the onlookers, some of them with their Moru accompanying them, felt free to press close, jostling for the best point of view. The bleachers began to fill with the different Kana of the most respected households, and the earlier whispering was soon replaced by a raucous chattering which filled half the city. Already a brisk business was being done with the beer sellers. General Mahakhi was still not in sight, nor was there any sign of the prisoners. Speculation and bets as to the outcome--not to mention the actual charges--abounded.

The greatest response came when Mahakhi's head lieutenants were at last spotted, striding quickly into the square and up into the bleachers to converse with the tribunal. At such a distance, no one on the ground could make out what they said. Nehef and Ahai'ikh retreated just as quickly as they had come, jogging away toward Mahakhi's household. The buzzing grew louder as more bets were placed, and more beers sold. Yet the hour stretched out with little change, and so some of the onlookers resorted to buying even more beer, and more than a few made the most of the crowded, distracted situation by lifting up their kilts and nudging their Moru down to their knees. Hardly anyone paid anyone else any attention, they were so interested in what would happen soon, and the Kana were free to close their eyes and push their hips and stroke their Moru's heads, their hakh'tua serving as a pleasant little distraction in a day that was sure to be long and possibly wearisome.

The great crowd gathering at the square left the household of Mahakhi practically empty but for the Moru quarters--and even a few of them had dared to accompany some of the Kana into town to witness the events--so Lieutenants Nehef and Ahai'ikh had no trouble jogging through the halls and stopping briefly at Resikh's room. They escorted the Moru Rithukh'het outside, peering around themselves surreptitiously, before hurrying with her to the back, through the kitchens, and out into the yard. The guards standing watch outside the prison cells stepped aside without question as they passed and went inside. None of them shared anything more than a look and a very slight nod, before the door closed and the prison looked just as it always had, at least from the outside.

Within, it was a somewhat different story.
Lieutenant Djuta sat in his cell with his head hanging, lappets dangling limply before him. He would have pulled them off if he were able. He knew he could twist his arms about so his hands were bound before him rather than behind him, yet didn't feel like going to the trouble. In the cell beside him, Sergeant U'heta paced about, back and forth, his reaction to being caged the complete opposite of Djuta's. Every time they had bound his wrists he had worked the bindings off, and Djuta had been listening to him pace and grouse out loud for the past two days straight. Every so often U'heta would pause just long enough to grip the bars, growl, and then start pacing again, tail flicking. Djuta ignored his mutters.

"Prison cells," U'heta grumbled under his breath. "A prison cell for putting a Moru in her place! If she were my Moru no one would even have cared! This tribe makes no sense anymore, whatsoever...prison for 'assaulting' a Moru...pointless...you cannot assault a Moru..."

Djuta said nothing, merely stared at his knees. He'd gone mostly past the point of wanting to jump up and bite the other Kana's throat out; by now he didn't much care about anything. He did lift his head to peer at the third cell which until recently had housed the third of their number, and seeing it empty at last managed to kindle a flare of unease within him.

Khetai-Moru. Where did they take her? They would not kill her...would they? Not without a trial...would they?

Moru were not always granted the right to a trial; such a thing was usually at the whim of their masters. Mahakhi could have easily had her beheaded without another word, and that would have been that. Still...the general had never struck him as being that kind of Kana...and she had been housed in the cell, which meant he was at least considering giving her a trial...

Djuta lowered his head again. Perhaps it would have been best had she been killed immediately...a trial will not bode well for her.

And as for me...

U'heta paused in his pacing again, glaring in at him and then spitting in his direction. "Sen'akha!" he hissed. "Moru lover!"--then he started pacing and muttering again. The lieutenant might as well have not even heard, for how much he reacted.

A rattling noise came from the doorway. The two of them lifted their heads to see three figures enter, silhouetted against the light coming in through the door. The two in front cocked their heads; Djuta was just about ready to return to ignoring them when a whisper caught his attention.

"Hsst! Brother!"

Djuta blinked and squinted. "Ahai'ikh...?" he said, uncertainly, before the lieutenant lit a lamp and held it up to peer in at him. "What are you doing here?"

The other lieutenant held a finger up to his mouth, looking over his shoulder and then back again. "We're not supposed to do this..." he murmured in an uneasy voice.

Djuta's brow furrowed. "Do what...?"

Nehef stepped forward and waved at him with a grin. "Hey, Brother! You don't look too happy down in here."

"That is because I am in a prison cell," Djuta said sourly.

"Oh! Really?" Nehef's grin grew. "And here I thought it was because you have not seen me in so long!"

"They are gathering in the trial square," Ahai'ikh whispered.

"Brother," said Nehef, "you can raise your voice, you know."

"The trial is set to begin within the next half hour or so," Ahai'ikh went on, stepping toward Djuta's cell. "They are going to come down and fetch you soon to take you there."

"It is today? Within the hour--?" Djuta asked, confused.

The lieutenants nodded. "Of course, you would be the last to know!" Nehef quipped.

"What of my trial?" U'heta cried, clinging to the bars of his cell. The lieutenants glanced at him, then frowned. Nehef turned back to Djuta.

"Who is this worm? I do not recognize him..."

U'heta hissed and reached out between the bars. "Stupid mutt! You do so know me!"

"The trials are all to be held today," Ahai'ikh said, as if Djuta had asked the question himself. "Mahakhi wants it all out of the way as quickly as possible. That's rather why we're here now."

"I do not understand," Djuta said. "You should be out there attending to him."

"Well...Res made us promise to do something a little bit naughty for him," Nehef replied.

Djuta's brow furrowed again. "Resikh--?"

The two lieutenants stepped aside now, gesturing at someone else; a shorter, rounder shape appeared between them, and Djuta's ears pricked up when it hurried toward his cell, mewing.


The Moru stopped before the bars, stretching her arms out to him. She sniffled and whimpered so piteously that he felt a stab through his heart, more effective than his dagger had been. U'heta gave a puzzled frown and moved to the front of his cell, peering out at her.

"Res promised her she could come to see you before the trial," Ahai'ikh whispered. "This gives you just under a half hour...though knowing them they will show up early just for spite!"

"This was Resikh's idea...?" Djuta asked as Ahai'ikh worked at the latch upon the cell door.

Ahai'ikh nodded. "He has been keeping her in his rooms since you've been away. Remember, you do not have a lot of time together!"

"You'd best finish up anything you'd like pretty quick!" Nehef added with a wink.

"I will keep my eyes open at the door for anyone," Ahai'ikh said. "Nehef will look out in here, though gods willing he will at least turn his head." He undid the lock on Djuta's cell, Nehef laughing, and ushered Rithukh'het inside, closing the door behind her. She hurried to Djuta and fell to her knees before him, throwing her arms around him and weeping. Ahai'ikh looked around once more before vanishing back out toward the doorway; Nehef winked again and then paced away toward the other end of the hall. Djuta was left with the sobbing Moru clinging to him, and though it felt like fire was blazing through his breast because of his wound, he said nothing.

This was Resikh's idea...?

His brow furrowed. He'd never thought the other Kana had it in him to be so devious.

U'heta grasped the bars between their cells. "Ohhh oh," he groused. "I assault a Moru and get a prison cell--he assaults a Kana and gets a Moru of his own! What sort of justice is this?"

"Chew off your tongue," Djuta snapped, his anger returning. U'heta blinked with surprise, apparently not having expected him to reply, before huffing and turning away, grumbling under his breath.

"Could've at least sent along a prettier one..."

Rithukh'het whimpered and pressed her head to Djuta's chest. "Master--poor Master," she sniffled. "Treated well? Treated poorly? In pain?" She sat up and felt him all over, her face growing even more anxious when he winced at her touching his wound.

"No, no," he said, trying to reassure her. "I've been treated well...better than I deserve. I'm fine."

"Deserve?" Her brow furrowed and she touched his arms, then looked him over again. "Why to not hold--oh! Oh no!" She noticed the bonds around his wrists and started to tug at them uselessly. Djuta pulled his hands away and shook his head.

"No, no...they're supposed to be there. Rithukh'het..." He trailed off when she met his eyes, her own large and wet. "I do not know how much they've told you yet. I'm here...I am here because I have committed a crime. I will be tried before the tribunal and punished."

Rithukh'het blinked, eyes growing. She sucked in a breath.

"Crime--? No, Master no crimes..."

"Yes. I did something...something wrong." He lowered his head, hardly able to look at her anymore, her eyes were so open and trusting. If only the pain in his chest was the worst pain there was right now. "The tribunal will try me and judge me. I may not come back to you."

"No, no!" Rithukh'het cried, and the tears spilled down her face. She grasped his arms, then pressed herself to him again. "Master not a criminal! A good Kana!"

"I have done wrong, little one."

"'Little' one!" U'heta rolled his eyes.

"Then--then--" Rithukh'het's shoulders hitched, her voice coming out broken. "Then Rithukh'het to be by you. No matter what. To always be yours, no matter what Master does! Djuta-Kana good to Rithukh'het!"

"Rithukh'het..." Djuta lowered his head to her shoulder and wished he could hold her, and still her crying. He squeezed his eyes shut. "If only I'd stayed by you," he murmured. "I would never even be here now. None of this would have ever happened..."

The Moru's voice came muffled against him. "Poor Master. To know you not a bad Kana." She pushed herself away from him a bit, her eyes still red and streaming, her nose the same; with her fat cheeks glistening, she didn't particularly look the most attractive. Still, he found himself blinking when she started to slip her dress off her shoulders, every so often swiping the tears away from her eyes.

"Rithukh...?" he murmured, confused. She pulled her dress down to bare her fat breasts, then shakily stood and worked it down the rest of the way. It fell to the floor in a puddle around her feet and she nudged it aside, peering down at Djuta even as she sniffled.

U'heta pressed himself to the bars and gawked, his mouth hanging open. Nehef came by and jabbed him sharply in the gut so he fell to the floor with a gagging sound.

"Show a little decency, twit." The lieutenant continued on his way without a glance into Djuta's cell. Djuta stared at him as he went by, before Rithukh'het knelt down and took hold of his face, turning him back to look at her. She sniffled and smiled through her tears.

"To...to say, you might never come back," she murmured. "And so Rithukh'het to be a good Moru to Master. Give you a gift. If to never see you again." Her eyes watered anew and she whimpered, then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck so her breasts mashed beneath his chin. Djuta's breath hitched and he goggled at her in disbelief. She caressed his face; her eyes were so loving. "Dearest Master...always good to me," she purred. "Never a bad Kana. Gift, for you. For the best master."

"Rithukh'het..." Djuta started to say again, before her mouth cut him off. Her lips sucked at his so he was forced to respond. His breath picked up when he felt her fingers fluttering down, pulling at his clothing. She touched his breast again and he grimaced and flinched.

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry, for Master!" the Moru cried, cringing. She touched him again and gently kissed his wound, then worked at his kilt. He still sat beside the wall with his arms tied behind his back, so he couldn't respond to her touches as his body wanted to, so badly. Instead he was forced to sit still as she lifted his kilt and undid his loincloth, reaching her hand beneath him to caress his soft sac. His chest hitched and his spine stiffened when he felt her there. She rose to her knees and cupped one heavy breast in her hand, murmuring; he opened his mouth and felt the large nipple harden against his tongue. His lips closed around it immediately and he could barely suppress a moan. His leg began to shift as his sheath swelled. Gods, the ache only grew deeper. He suckled at her breast and began to whimper himself.

Rithukh'het gave another teary smile. "There...make Master happy, once more. Good Moru, good Kana."

Her breast released from his mouth. She caressed his sheath and his penis slowly arose. Djuta panted, eyes glazed. "Rithukh'het..." he whispered.

She placed her hands upon his shoulders and looked into his face. "Master ready...? For Moru...?"

"I don't believe this," U'heta choked and muttered from the floor of his own cell.

Djuta said nothing, unable to speak. His mate brought herself forward and then came down upon him. He jerked and flinched to feel himself slide up inside of her, her creamy warmth surrounding him; it felt like so long, since he had been inside her. She shut her eyes briefly--he could tell she had missed him--and again she placed her arms around him, holding him close. He bit at her shoulder, wishing that it was her nape, that he could take her properly--within their bed, in privacy, she kneeling and he bent over her, biting at her neck. His wings quivered and shivers ran up through his body; with a murmur he slid his legs about so they cupped her to him. His feet pressed against her fat buttocks, urging her closer. His arms strained; he longed to hold her, to touch her, more than anything.

He heard her whisper, her voice husky with as much need as his own. "Master..." She cupped his buttocks and kneaded, making him growl. He seized possessively at the soft flesh of her shoulder, felt her quiver and sigh in submission; her body went loose, yet tensed again whenever he moved, his thighs tightening and his feet pushing. Fire rose inside him, especially when he remembered how he had taken her, following his visit with Bakh'asu. He so desired to take her that way again; damn this cell, these bonds...he couldn't even touch her as he knew she needed. She whimpered as she moved, sliding her slickening body against him, her soft flesh rubbing against his own, yet not once could he reward her with a caress. He groaned loudly in frustration and gritted his teeth.

"Master," Rithukh'het whispered, her eyes nearly shut. She moved slowly upon him, up and down, her breasts heaving. "Poor Master...good Master...good Master..."

"Little Rithukh'het." He nuzzled at the hollow of her throat, heard her whimper. His tongue moved to the space behind her ear and she shivered; he nibbled at the tender flesh. His voice came low and husky, thick with lust. "Poor little one...my poor thing..."

"To miss you, Master..." She picked up her pace, bobbing more rapidly upon him, breathing heavily. Djuta's muscles ached from the pressure yet he couldn't stop moving. He pumped his hips forward as much as he could, his panting harsh. He forgot about the fire in his breast as the fire below grew hotter and fiercer. His groan rose, angry, desperate.

A shadow appeared outside the cell. "Brother," he dimly heard Nehef whisper. "Your time runs low...you must finish soon."

Djuta dropped his head forward to Rithukh'het's shoulder, grinding his teeth. His mate moaned loudly and pressed herself against him. They made an odd pair, a bound Kana mashed against a plump Moru, coupling desperately upon the floor of his prison cell. He lifted his head; he couldn't take it anymore.

"Nehef," he gasped. "How much time--?"

The lieutenant standing outside his cell twitched an ear, and glanced toward the doorway. He turned back and sighed.

"Five or seven minutes. 'Hikh and I will keep them busy...but this is all we can do. You must hurry."

Djuta nodded shortly. He backed away from Rithukh'het's grasp, making her lift her own head to give him a confused look. Nehef walked away and Djuta jerked his head at the floor.

"Down," he whispered, urgently. "You can do it--?"

Her eyes grew and she nodded. He suppressed a growl as she pulled away from him and turned around, placing herself down on the dirt floor, her head and shoulders prostrated. She lifted her buttocks into the air and parted her thighs, peering back at him. Her pinkness quivered, a line of fluid leaking from it; Djuta felt he would bite his tongue off.

He paid U'heta no mind anymore when the sergeant crawled forward and gawked at them. Djuta rose to his knees and shuffled toward his mate, his penis throbbing erect and glistening. His thighs met hers and he heard her soft whimper; gritting his teeth again, he attempted to position himself, seeking purchase, fumbling awkwardly several times. He'd never realized until now how important the use of his hands was, when doing this. He groaned with frustration.

"Gods, come on, come on already...!"

All he could seem to do was rub against her, and that would hardly be good enough. With an angry growl he backed away, then bumped his hips forward hard, praying for entry. The thick head at last slipped past a warm barrier--it was only when Rithukh'het gasped and cried out that he realized it was the wrong one. He fell forward over her, plunging into her anus; he shut his eyes and almost wailed at his lousy luck. He started to pull away again, only to hear Nehef whisper a second time.

"Three minutes or so, Brother! Be quick!"

Three minutes? By the gods, he'd never gone so fast before! He let out a dry sob of need and considered simply giving up--he'd gone without before, even though he had never felt this frantic. Rithukh'het, however, swayed her hips sharply, causing him to cry out at the air. She glanced back at him over her shoulder, her face flushed and her eyes glazed.

"Hurry, Master!" she panted. "Go! Mate! Before no time!"

Djuta's eyes widened. "You're--certain--?"

She nodded firmly. "Yes, yes! Old master to do this all the time! Am used! Hurry!"

Djuta needed no further prompting. Baring his teeth, he spread his knees wide, his wings flaring for balance, and lurched forward hard. Rithukh'het yelped but bore his weight, her claws digging into the soil. Within seconds the Kana was thrusting at her rapidly, his tail standing straight out and his buttocks clenching urgently. The two of them took no care to remain quiet now; Rithukh'het cried out on each push, and with each movement Djuta emitted a desperate grunt, his voice rising once more into a harsh groan of lust. They scrabbled at the floor, hips rocking frenziedly.

A sharp rap came on the outside of the cell, an equally sharp hiss sending U'heta scuttling back. "Brother! You must finish! Now!"

Djuta tossed back his head, muscles screaming. He let out a long, husky cry at the ceiling, joined by Rithukh'het's loud whine. Gods, he was not ready, he was not ready! He so badly desired to mate her, for hours, for hours upon hours. His shaft burned with need, especially after this brief taste. Yet he forced himself to come anyway, clenching and grunting and spraying, the Moru jerking beneath him, accepting his premature seed. He couldn't tell if she was satisfied or not; but there was no time to find out. He sank over his panting mate as Nehef appeared a final time, unlatching the door and pulling it open. He gestured at Rithukh'het, the two within lifting their heads and panting weakly.

"Come, come, send her to me," he whispered, glancing over his shoulder. Outside, Djuta could hear Ahai'ikh speaking with someone. "I'll take her out the back way so she is spared the trouble. Try to smooth yourself down a bit. They're coming in to take you out to the square!"

Djuta said nothing, just panted as he pulled away from Rithukh'het, retreating into his sheath. The Moru whimpered as Nehef came forward to take her arm and help her to her feet; he could tell she was reluctant to leave, her large eyes staring at him pleadingly. Once more, the pain flared in his breast; Djuta jumped to his feet and pressed his lips to hers, hearing her soft murmur, feeling her hands touch him one final time. Then she was pulled away from him, Nehef slipping her dress on over her shoulders and gently forcing her out of the cell and away down the hall. The entire time they retreated, until they were gone from view, she held her arms out to him, her teary eyes begging. As soon as they vanished from sight he felt like sinking lifelessly into the earth, and fell hard to one knee. He didn't even feel the shock, his head hanging forward as if he were unconscious. His breath came hoarse in his throat.

Not too far away, he dimly heard U'heta snort. "Well, not bad, for a rush job."

The door opened and Ahai'ikh and three other Kana came in to crowd the hall, though Djuta didn't look up at them. His head lowered so he stared at the floor, his wings sinking. The brief respite, as much as he had treasured it, now left him feeling empty inside.

Rithukh'het. Who will care for you, with me gone? How did I ever get myself, get you, into this? I cannot ever apologize to you enough, sweet mate...would that you had simply been bought by someone far better than I...

"Lieutenant Djuta," a hard voice grated. Ahai'ikh cleared his throat. Djuta finally lifted his head to sullenly look up at the four Kana staring back down. Only Ahai'ikh's eyes were sympathetic. Two of them were the guards sent to bring them to the trial square, and their faces, faces he didn't know very well, were impassive. The third one, a captain, looked him over and his lip curled.

"Lieutenant," he snapped, and nodded at him sharply. "At least try to make yourself presentable. Ahi'akhta may be fine in a filthy prison cell, but it is hardly appropriate behavior for a formal trial."

Djuta glanced down. His kilt was still pushed up, baring his hips, his loincloth pulled loose. He didn't bother to feel humiliated; after all he'd been through, this was the least of his worries. Ahai'ikh, instead, flushed for him, and, mumbling an apology, slipped inside the cell to pull Djuta to his feet. Djuta stood still and silent while the lieutenant tied his loincloth and brushed down his kilt, then taking him by the elbow and escorting him toward the door.

The captain snorted. "Follow," he ordered, and they turned and left the hallway, the two guards unlatching U'heta's cell to bring him along. U'heta whined a little as they led him out but Djuta didn't look back to see what would happen. He kept his gaze focused on the ground as he was led away from the cells, and closer toward his fate.


"Part 37: Judgement

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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