Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517378-Part-35--Intervention
Rated: XGC · Serial · Fantasy · #517378
Resikh seeks out Ri'hus, and finds more than he expected...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 35 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

RESIKH WALKED QUICKLY down the hallway, ignoring anyone who said anything to him, not even hearing anyone's voice. His heart beat hard and fast in his breast as he made his way through the kitchens, which by now were buzzing with activity and gossip. He didn't hear any of it. All he could hear was Lieutenants Nehef's and Ahai'ikh's voices in his head.

"I tell you it's completely true. He's down there, hands bound and everything...Mahakhi is furious...!"

"We do not know the whole story, Brother...but apparently there was much unpleasantness involved...and he was not the only one..."

What's happened, Djuta? As if enough has not happened to you yet...!

He made his way into the yard behind the household and slowed to a stop to get his bearings; he wasn't used to visiting the jail cells. He bit his lip as he stared at the small building sitting under the sun, two guards he barely even knew keeping watch at the door. He almost turned around and went right back inside--there was no way that Djuta could be in there!--then made himself keep walking. Nehef and Ahai'ikh might have been gossipy once in a while, but they would not lie about such a thing. Especially not after all that had gone before.

The guards--lieutenants first class--saluted him, and he saluted them back. "Lieutenant Djuta is here--?" he asked hesitantly, and felt a heavy weight settle in his chest when they nodded. He chewed his lip. "Might I speak with him? I'm not here to cause any trouble..."

The guards' eyes shifted to look at each other, then back at him. "General Mahakhi has ordered that he receive no visitors until he should be ready to stand trial," one of them said.

Resikh blinked. "Trial--?"

"Yes, Lord. Lieutenant Djuta has been accused of physical assault upon a Kana sergeant, and sexual assault upon a Kana private."

All the blood drained from Resikh's face. "But he was just being tended to by the physician Khetai," he said in a weak voice.

They shared a look again. "Actually, Lord," the other one explained, "the former charge concerns the Moru Khetai...that is why he is here."

Resikh's brow furrowed. "Moru Khetai--?" He waved his hands, grimacing. "I have to speak with him! I promise I will cause no trouble!"

"General Mahakhi has ordered that none be allowed within until the time of the trial."

Resikh clenched his fists. "We grew up together! We both serve Lord Mahakhi. He has never gotten himself in trouble before now. And neither have I. You really think I would do something stupid? It is the prison cells! What would there be for me to do--?"

"We are sorry, Lord, but General Mahakhi's orders are absolute," the guard said.

Resikh gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists, but knew there wasn't anything else he could do. He started to turn away, when the guard made an exaggerated yawning noise and stretched his wings. Resikh turned to peer back at him when he glanced at his companion.

"It is time for my break," he said in a loud voice. "It will not hurt if I go and grab a quick bite from the kitchens."

"The prisoners aren't going anywhere," the other guard agreed. "I will join you." And they both stepped aside, not heading for the kitchens, but no longer blocking the doorway, either. They both stared skyward as if suddenly very interested in the clouds drifting overhead, and Resikh paused to look at them. After a moment he turned and jogged toward the building, pushing the door open and slipping inside. He glanced at the guards as he did so yet they didn't even bother looking at him. He shut the door behind him.

Within it was dim, and he had to squint in order to see. A Moru dozed in the cell immediately to his left; two cells on the right were occupied, and Resikh slowly walked toward them, frowning to himself.

He gasped and jumped when something launched itself at the bars of the first cell, a hand reaching out and nearly grabbing him. "Lord!" the scruffy sergeant within cried, flailing his hand at him; knotted cords dangled from his wrist. "You are a trusted lieutenant of General Mahakhi, are you not--? Then surely you hold sway with him! Please, please get me out of here! I do not belong--anyone will tell you! I have been falsely accused!"

"Of what...?" Resikh asked, mystified.

The sergeant hopped up and down, clasping the bars. "Of the most horrid things, Lord, none of which are in the least bit true! You MUST believe me! Please, Lord, upon your honor as a fellow Kana..."

"Pointless," another voice muttered from the next cell over. "Unless you think you actually stand some chance of winning over my bedmate."

The sergeant stopped hopping and his eyes went wide. Resikh's ears burned, his own eyes widening; a second later the scruffy Kana pushed himself away from the bars with a snort of disgust, baring his teeth at him.

"I should have known that the only visitor you would get would be some sen'akhai!" he snapped. Resikh glanced into the other cell to see Djuta sitting within, arms behind his back. "Typical! I do not find it so hard to believe that you are one who lifts your kilt for another!"

Resikh's temper flared. "Actually, I am usually the one who lifts my kilt," he snapped in response, his ears burning again--Djuta looked up at him with furrowed brow--but at least the other Kana fell silent, biting his lip and giving him a venomous glare. Resikh stepped up to Djuta's cell and started undoing the latch.

"How long have you been in here?" he asked in a private voice, meaning the sergeant was no longer included in their conversation. "I asked about for you all over and everyone says you are out in the cells! I could not even find Khetai anywhere!"

Djuta flinched slightly when he pulled open the door. "You will not find Khetai in the household," he murmured, Resikh stooping down beside him to untie his wrists.

"Yes, they at the door told me Khetai was the reason you are here...what's going on, Djuta?" He pulled the cords away, sitting back on his haunches while Djuta pulled his arms forward with a grimace, rubbing at his wrists. "Last I knew you were being tended to by him--next thing I know, you are in jail, and he is missing, and nobody can tell me what in the Duat is even going on!"

"'He'!" the sergeant spat, curling back his lip at them between the bars. "Try she!" When Resikh gave him a confused look he spat again. "That's right! That little physician of yours is actually a lying little bitch! THAT is the reason why I am unjustly in here! I am being punished, while she is probably off being fed fine fruit somewhere!"

Djuta's muzzle wrinkled. "I will show you fine fruit if you do not shut your damned muzzle!"

The scruffy Kana just flashed his tusks at him. "You are a fine fruit!"

Resikh's muscles tensed. Djuta's head popped up to look at him as he got to his feet and walked over to the sergeant's cell. The other Kana stared out at him with wide eyes until--"AAGHH!!"--he nearly tripped over his own feet trying to keep his balance, when Resikh stuck two fingers into his nostrils and yanked his head up by the nose, twisting his neck to the side at a painful angle. Djuta blinked.

Resikh scowled at him. "If you do not cease blithering," he growled, "then I will gladly tear the whole thing off! Try whining and sniveling without a nose!" He yanked his fingers free and the sergeant hastily retreated, stumbling back into the far corner of his cell, both hands clamped over his muzzle as tears streamed from his eyes. He stared at the two of them balefully but Resikh ignored him now, turning back to Djuta.

"Tell me," he said. "Tell me what has happened. But somehow, try to keep it short." When Djuta sighed he furrowed his brow. "Firstly, what is this with Khetai--? What has he--he--to do with any of this?"

"The mutt tells the truth on one thing," Djuta said, nodding toward the sergeant's cell. "Khetai...is not quite Khetai. Khetai is Khetait."

"'Khetait'?" Resikh's look of confusion grew. "This is a female name! You mean that that Kana is really..." When Djuta nodded he rubbed at his head. "You are sure...?"

Djuta rolled his eyes. "Believe me--I am as sure as anyone can be." His muzzle wrinkled. "Except perhaps him." He spat in the direction of the sergeant's cell. When Resikh glanced toward him Djuta nodded again. "Meet Sergeant U'heta. He is the real reason I am in here. He decided to take Khetai's punishment upon himself--if anyone is any more sure that she is female, it is he." He bared his teeth. "I should have ignored her protest and cut your balls off myself, mutt! Thank the gods she will never be bearing your foul pup!"

U'heta snarled. "You are hardly any better! At least I was merely with a Moru--you attacked a Kana! TWO Kana! My 'crime' is worse than that--?"

Resikh stepped in between them; he would never figure anything out if this kept up. "What is this about an assault?" he asked. "They know--? Of what happened? How did they find out--?"

Djuta shrugged, head drooping. "I do not know...and I do not care. They should have known in the first place. I was stupid to try to pretend it did not happen."

Resikh knelt down beside him. "But I told no one! And Ri'hus vowed not to speak of it either! Who else could have said anything--?"

"Even Khetai had caught wind of it already, so there was hardly anything you could do. Word spreads even when no one is speaking. As I said--we should not have covered this thing up. The mutt is right on two things...I thoroughly belong here for this crime."

"It is about time you show some sense!" U'heta snapped.

"Djuta." Resikh leaned toward him and dropped his voice. "You do not belong here. This was a mistake--you did not mean to do this."

"I knew what I was doing," Djuta snapped, lifting his head to glare at him. "Even you saw! I was not that drunk! And even if I had been, I did not have to invite him back, nor take him to my bed! You--you did this? Or he?" He rubbed at the back of his head. "Then that means I did not try to stop myself. But I knew exactly what I was doing. I...I do not know why...but I did it anyway. This is the only thing that matters before the tribunal. That I possessed my senses, and knew that what I did was wrong."

"You hardly possessed your senses," Resikh retorted. "I was there and I saw! You did not act like yourself that entire night!" He sat back on one heel. "If it comes to such, I can testify to this--there was no way you knew what you were doing--"

Djuta hissed so sharply that he cut himself off. "If you do this then you will be giving false testimony before the tribunal! I will not allow that! You will not damage your reputation because of me!"

Resikh scowled. "And what am I to do, sit by and watch a good Kana be ruined for one mistake?"

"You yourself said it. Only once is all it takes!"

"And you yourself said it! This is not a thing you will do again! You are no Bakh'asu and you do not belong in prison!" Resikh got to his feet. "I'll do everything I can to get this charge against you dropped--and if that does not happen, then I will be your witness. You made a mistake, Djuta. This shouldn't negate everything that's gone before. I know you better than anyone--this is not who you are. This was a fluke, a chance occurrence."

Djuta shot to his feet and clenched his fists. "It is not a fluke if I knew what I was doing!" he hissed. "You think to take only me into consideration--? If you wish a good Kana to not be ruined, then what do you wish of Ri'hus? Have you forgotten him already? If he is telling no one of this, it means he is not getting any help. I spoke with him, and he can barely fend for himself. If word of this has spread as much as it seems then he will need your help more than I do."

Resikh took a step back, ears flattening. "He vowed he could take care of himself and would be fine!" he insisted.

Djuta let out a huffing noise. "What pup WOULDN'T say that! He did not want to deal with the trouble!" He took a step toward Resikh so their muzzles were a finger's breadth from each other, his eyes dark; Resikh stared back at him, unable to move. "If you speak on my behalf and ignore that pup, then you are sentencing him yourself. I will not have you damage your reputation on account of me. I wish you to seek him out and have him appear as a witness at the trial. They will likely be calling him anyway--but you will have to convince him to speak the truth. Tell him he can expect no objection from me. It is only what happened."

Resikh's eyes went wide. "You would have me do this to you--?" he cried, then bared his teeth. "I will not speak up and have them ruin you! You have only ever tried to help others! And now when the time comes for me to help you--"

He let out a gasp when Djuta gripped him by the neck, yet he could still breathe. "The truth!" Djuta growled in his face. "What Lord Djetef and Be'shen always taught you! What I always taught you and what you taught me! Do not throw it away because I made a MISTAKE!" He let go of Resikh and pushed him toward the cell door; Resikh stumbled and caught hold of the bars, blinking at him in surprise. Djuta made no move to try to exit his cell, though U'heta--and by now the Moru--watched them both as if preparing to escape themselves. Djuta's look was dangerous, one Resikh couldn't continue staring at for long before averting his eyes. "Seek him out and inform him that he is to testify as to the truth against me!" he demanded. "This is the only way that anything will be set right!"

Resikh's fingers felt numb. He couldn't believe what Djuta was saying, and his own jumbled thoughts made little sense to him.

"I cannot do this, Brother," he whispered. "Without you where will I be?"

"You will do it if you are my brother," Djuta said. "And you have done without me before."

He turned away and went to retrieve the cords Resikh had taken from his wrists, looking them over as if trying to figure out a way to put them back on himself. U'heta clung to the bars and scowled; Resikh stared at the other lieutenant until it was clear that he would not be turning back around, and only then turned to the cell door and stepped out into the hallway. He shut the cell and latched it behind him, wings drooping. He paused to look in at Djuta again, but shuffling noises at the door to the prison building made him retreat. He trudged back up the short hall and out into the sunlight, the two guards still standing at their posts and staring obliviously across the clearing. Resikh's step was heavy all the way back to the household.

He cannot mean what he says. I heard him myself! I know him better than anyone! He would never hurt another like that...not ever...he even felt such guilt over Ri'hus. If he deserves any punishment he has more than dealt it upon himself. He cannot stand trial before the tribunal...!

He lowered his gaze to stare at the floor as he walked. He lifted one hand and chewed on his claw.

You have done without me before...

And I nearly died, without you near me...a year I spent without you, and it almost killed me! You cannot mean to put me through that again...you may be strong enough to take it, but I will never be...

He lifted his head again and slowed to a stop. The hallway loomed long and dark before him, and he felt a stab of anxiety in his chest. What he'd said was true; Ri'hus would certainly be called before the tribunal, no matter what he tried to do. There was no preventing that.

The only thing I can do is speak with him, he thought, still chewing his claw. But what will I say? Testify? Do not testify? How could I sway somebody like that? My father, Be'shen, Mahakhi, Djuta would never forgive me...

What do I do? If I do as he says he will not hate me, but he will be taken away from me for who knows how long...and if I refuse, he will still be here, but he will hate me forever...

Resikh squeezed his eyes shut and groaned to himself. He flicked his tail and rubbed at his forehead but no easy solution came. He opened his eyes again and tried to blink away the blur.

All I can do is talk with Ri'hus...and do what is right...and pray that somehow the right thing will happen. But I do not know if I even believe in praying anymore...

Resikh took in a shaky breath and let it out, wiping at his eyes. He began walking again, his heart feeling as if it had been replaced with a weight of lead.

* * * * *

A rough hand fumbled down from his mouth to his breast, then ran tremblingly over his tight belly. He could breathe again. He gasped when the second hand grasped his buttock and pulled him forward so his lips crushed against those of the one who held him, and they stayed that way for a moment, a hot tongue caressing his teeth. The hand slipped under his kilt and he heard a lusty murmur.

"I've long wanted to do it from in front. Do you know? It looks so pleasurable. I'm betting you would like it too. If not we can do it from behind also, but from in front firstly..."

He didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth slightly. A hungry mouth devoured his own, trailing over his jawbone to his neck, biting at him possessively and making him gasp again. A low growl made his ears flare. The hands reached beneath his kilt again and fumbled to undo his loincloth.

"Yes...from in front it is. My body's on fire; I'm so glad I have you today. Come back to my cot and we can enjoy this much more; we are the only ones here now!"

He didn't protest as he was tugged further into the room, toward one of the many now-unoccupied cots. The two of them fell down over it and he heard husky laughter. Those hands wouldn't leave his buttocks alone; fingers kneaded, parted, squeezed, kneaded again. A tongue lolled and his companion's eyes glinted with anticipation.

"Let us do it then, while we have time...!"

He said not a word. It was best simply not to talk. The hands rolled him over on the cot so he lay upon his back, with his head and shoulders hanging off the edge. The breathless laugh came again and his thighs trembled, yet his sheath remained soft. He shut his eyes as fingers worked between and inside him, testing his readiness; he tightened against them but didn't fight. A moment later those same hands were spreading him wide, splaying his legs open so his feet dangled over the floor. He opened his eyes just enough to see the smiling face above him, mouth open and tongue hanging out as he panted heavily. His companion's kilt was pushed up and his loincloth gone, and a fat purple shaft rose between his legs, throbbing and wet; he closed his eyes again when his companion laughed breathlessly and came toward him.

"Yes, gods, this will be good! Just hold still...just hold...mmhhh..."

A heat pressed against his hips, growing heavy, and claws dug into his buttock. He recognized the swift forward motion and braced himself before something jammed inside him, spearing his insides; he bit his lip hard enough to bleed, a pained whimper escaping him, yet did not cry out. A voice above him let out a guttural groan, just tinged with a sigh--"Ah, gods, just like I thought it would be"--and then the cot began to creak as the one above him bounced happily, panting hard. Fingers played with his own sheath, yet it neither hardened nor swelled. It was just what he had expected. They never took very long, at least.

The hand stroked at him for a moment or two before moving up his body and lightly gripping his throat. He kept himself silent; the fingers squeezed, yet not hard enough to cut off his air. The panting slowly changed into a deep grunting as the agony inside him faded into a dull throbbing; the feeling wasn't a pleasant one, but at least he could tolerate it, by now. The other's thighs continued bunching between his own, just pushing faster and deeper, but it was nothing he could not tolerate. The heated voice, speaking above him, was another story.

"Oh, gods...oh, mmh...unh...just perfectly tight...mmh...you are good for one thing, at least...mmh...yes...you are not entirely worthless, just yet...unh...just hold still...just hold still...mmh...hold still...for me...like a good Moru...mmh...unh...oh yes...unh...unh..."

As the Kana sergeant moved atop the supine body, grasping his hips and chuckling beneath his breath, his eyes rolling back and his tail quivering in lust as he hurriedly rutted, Private Ri'hus shut his own eyes and waited for it to be over.

* * * * *

Resikh's step was still slow as he approached the Kana barracks at the opposite end of the city, but not because of reluctance. He stopped outside the big gate blocking the barracks areas from the city proper and stared up at them in confusion. The gate stood open, but inside stood four separate barracks areas, and he had no clue which one he was even supposed to set foot in. As it was the height of day, a great number of trainees were out in the yards, sparring and practicing; Resikh stopped just inside the doorway and watched them in silence. It had been a while since he had trained such, and coming back to such a place unnerved him a little. He felt almost like a pup waiting to be chided for losing his sword.

"Hey! If you're looking for your friend, I lost track of him a long time ago. If you find him again tell him he is an ass."

Resikh jerked and blinked, turning his head. A lieutenant was coming his way, ear flicking as if in irritation. Resikh stared at him dumbly as he approached, finally halting and crossing his arms.

"Pardon...?" Resikh prompted, uncertainly.

The lieutenant snorted. "Your friend! Lord 'I-Can-Come-And-Watch-The-Barracks'? I'm guessing the two of you keep in close touch, since you were trying to convince him not to come here. In any case, you should try harder next time. He ran out that very same night and hasn't been back since."

Resikh began to relax as soon as he recognized the barracks lieutenant who had been speaking with Mahakhi the night Djuta had gone out. "You are in charge here," he said, at which the lieutenant rolled his eyes.

"Oh--I am? Funny, I had thought I was merely here to catch some sunlight. Djuta isn't here; if you're looking for him, you're just several days too late."

"He is in the prison cells," Resikh said without thinking.

The lieutenant blinked, then furrowed his brow. Resikh could tell he hadn't had any idea. "Huh," he said after a moment, then crossed his arms again. "I am betting he wouldn't be there if he had bothered staying here!"

You do not know how true that may be, Resikh thought, but kept the thought to himself. "Have you heard not a word of everything?" he asked. "Why he is there, what happened that night and last night?" When the lieutenant just gave him a blank look he waved his hands. "You are a barracks lieutenant! How do you not know--?"

The barracks lieutenant rolled his eyes again. "Just once I decide to try to relax a bit, and not hang off of everyone else's gossip so damned much. I go to the taverns to relax, not to hear who is sticking whose Moru or who is sen'akha or not. Normally, I would probably be the first to know what became of your friend; but this has been an off week for me. You're not insinuating his problem has anything to do with my barracks, are you--?"

"Not with your barracks," Resikh sighed. "With one of the trainees. I must speak with him regarding Lord Djuta's situation."

The lieutenant frowned. "Why with one of the trainees?"

"He has information relating to what happened. I need to know where to find him--a private. Private Ri'hus."

The lieutenant's eyes widened. "Private Ri'hus?" he exclaimed. "THAT mouse is at the middle of this affair--?"

Resikh nodded. "You know him, then--?"

"He is one of my trainees. Just a slight wispy little thing--he can barely even keep his sword in his hands whenever he fights." His brow furrowed. "You are certain you seek the right Kana...?"

Resikh nodded again, growing impatient. "I have to speak with him. If you know where I might find him, I would appreciate you telling me."

The lieutenant gave him an odd look, but then turned and sighed, waving him forward. "Well...my name is Tefkha, Lord. Private Ri'hus is supposed to be present here in Barracks Area Two. Let us see."

They entered the barracks' main yard, looking about at the large long buildings where the Kana lived. "He beds in Barracks Six," Tefkha said, pointing. "Most of the barracks are empty now, but Private Ri'hus was assigned to assist in cleaning them today."

"How you know this--?"

"Simple, Lord; all must be accounted for on an assignment sheet. I have Ri'hus listed in this area. He is not so good at fighting, so every once in a while I give the poor pup a break and have him do other duties."

They entered the building and squinted into the dimness. The room was lined with cots from wall to wall, narrow pathways standing clear between them to allow the soldiers freedom of movement--none of which existed at the moment. Resikh and Tefkha both frowned this time when they realized no one was there.

"Private Ri'hus?" Tefkha shouted. His own voice echoed back to him.

Resikh tried not to fidget. "You are sure this is the right barracks...?"

The other lieutenant gave him a look. "If there is one thing I know, it is where all my men are supposed to be and when! Oh very well...stop looking so pissy." He pulled a scroll out from his belt and opened it up, peering at the writing upon it before snorting.

"There, you see?...I do have him listed as being here..."

"Yet he is not," Resikh said in irritation, earning another look. He fought down the urge to start stomping his feet and took a breath. "Let us say your sheet is right, and Ri'hus is in the wrong!
Might he be in one of the other barracks? Or even another barracks area?"

Tefkha frowned again. "Well...it's always possible, though if he is caught out of his area he may be subjected to punishment. I doubt he would risk that; if any of my trainees is an unat'e, it is he."

Resikh's ear flicked at unat'e; the word was usually applied--with more than a little mockery--to those who went out of their way to serve others, and to follow the rules, and he had been called that his own share of times back in the military. "Perhaps we should check, just in case."

Tefkha sighed and shrugged, letting the scroll roll shut. "I suppose...I am the one responsible for him right now, I guess." He gestured at the air. "But where do you suggest? We have four barracks areas, and ten barracks in each."

Resikh glanced at the ceiling as if thinking. "Are all empty at this time of day?"

"No, only those in this area. The others are occupied."

"I think we should check this area first, then. We may always ask the others later if they've spotted him."

"Very well. I'll see into the first five barracks and you may take the second."

With this, they parted ways, and Tefkha walked away to the far end of the training yard. Resikh turned and headed for the seventh barracks, as the sixth had been devoid of any life. He sighed at the tedium of the chore, but thought again of Djuta and made himself enter, walking down each of the aisles and glancing at the cots to make sure he wouldn't miss somebody.

I do not even understand the point of my being here, he thought wearily. Ri'hus himself insisted he would not press charges! So why drag him before the court--? How can there be a complaint if there is no complainant? He is the only one who can rightfully bring Djuta to court over this, and he has already said he isn't interested. What makes Djuta think it should be otherwise...?

But still...how often have I seen Moru...who were obviously being ill treated by their masters, who still refused to say a bad word of them? I have even seen Kana like this...and Ri'hus is no warrior...he may very well be afraid to bring charges...this does not mean he does not want to...

Whose voice am I to be? My brother's or his victim's?
He chewed on his claw before sighing heavily. Why am I always forced to choose these things...I am HORRIBLE at choosing!

He shook his head abruptly. Trying to think over all of it at once was too confusing. He would learn all at the trial...if he could ever find Ri'hus.

He exited Barracks Seven and went toward Barracks Eight, barely even paying attention to what he was doing by now and instead mentally reciting how he would approach the private. If he could not be persuaded, in a reasonable amount of time, to testify, then Resikh would leave him alone. He'd been put through enough, lately. And at least that way he would be able to truthfully tell Djuta that he'd followed his wishes, while possibly preventing the worse of the two charges from going before the tribunal. This plan settled his nerves somewhat, and he straightened himself and pressed upon the door.

Unless someone calls upon me to testify...

Resikh froze, unable to believe he had never thought of it. He was a witness to what had happened! He did not have to testify, if not called, and he was not obligated to say what he had seen...but what if someone else knew--? He had no idea how anyone would know, yet people had quickly found out about the attack...what other rumors were floating around? Was he featured in any of them--? Would anyone wonder why Djuta's closest friend wouldn't be testifying on his behalf? Would they notice anything at all...?

He gritted his teeth and pushed upon the door, stepping inside.
It swung shut behind him and he was surprised by how quiet it was, even without all the trainees present. He glanced around at the cots. His own memories of training were oddly hazy; perhaps he'd grown too used to the easy life within Mahakhi's household.

He paused and sniffed at the air, and could tell that others had been sleeping in here, recently. Perhaps not sleeping, though. The faint musky odor told him all the truth he needed to know. He'd never sought out a mate while training, that he remembered...at least, not within the barracks...yet once, he and Djuta...

He shoved the thought from his mind and started walking down one aisle between the cots, toward the back. He considered calling out Ri'hus's name, found the idea pointless, and continued. All of the cots were neatly made...except for a few near the end. That made him slow his step and frown in puzzlement. Ri'hus had obviously been here, judging by the neatness of the place...yet why hadn't he finished what he'd set out to do?

That stupid lieutenant did call him an unat'e...I find it rather hard to believe he would just up and decide to become so negligent, right in the middle of things...

"Ri'hus?" he finally called, not too loudly. No reply came.

He turned in a circle and looked back the way he'd come. No one was there. Not even Tefkha. His muzzle twitched and he sighed. The musky scent was stronger back here and it was bothering him. For the briefest moment he tried to think of how long it had been since he had been with a mate, then banished that thought as well. Where was his mind today? To be thinking of nesakh'ai at a time like this...?

"Ri'hus?" he murmured instead, continuing past the mussed cots. One was even pulled slightly to the side; quite messy. Resikh made a face and pulled it straight but didn't bother with the sheets upon it; who knew what he might end up touching. He left it and made his way to the end of the aisle, reaching the wall and starting to turn around when a noise caught his attention and he froze, ears pricking.

He lifted his head and strained his ears to hear, yet couldn't even be certain what it had been. He turned back to look in the direction it had seemed to come from. A doorway to the left led to what must be Tefkha's own private sleeping quarters; a partition near the far right corner almost hid a doorway leading to a sort of back hall, which he assumed led from the building, an alternate exit. Once in a while a few supplies would be stored in such places, usually just to gather dust. No one should be present. Yet after a moment he heard another noise coming from here anyway.

Resikh craned his neck and started walking slowly toward the hall. His nostrils flared at the thick scent which greeted him; it didn't come from the cots, after all. The sound gradually evolved into a soft thick panting, quick and rhythmic; every so often came a faint murmur or a quiet grunt. He came to the corner and now could even see shadows, upon the wall, of the parties occupied within--two Kana with their wings flaring, one bent over, the other bending over him, gripping his hips and thrusting upward. Their breath came fast, musk filling the air.

Resikh's muzzle wrinkled with annoyance. He had never much liked stumbling upon others in the act of nesakh'ai--Djuta had often chided him because of this--but it wasn't so much embarrassment he felt now as disgust. Mating was common to be found in the barracks, with no females being allowed--yet for two Kana to be caught doing it while they should be out training--this was sufficient reason for punishment. They were most likely just heated teenagers; a reprimand should do them good. Morale had gone down so much since Nehekhi's death; what were they thinking, rutting in here in the middle of the day? They could have at least saved it until nightfall, like everyone else did...

Resikh ground his teeth. I will kill you, Tefkha, for putting me up to this. He steeled himself for what he would see, taking a breath and then letting it out, and then stepping around the corner as abruptly as he could. He put his hands on his hips and flared his own wings in an authoritative gesture, and got ready to call out to get their attention, even if he didn't know their names...only to find that, he did know at least one of their names.

The Kana underneath--the one clinging to an old overturned cot, bent nearly double and with his kilt pushed roughly up--saw him immediately and flicked his eyes in his direction. Resikh blinked on seeing them. They were the same wide, blue, terrified eyes he'd seen before, in Djuta's quarters. Private Ri'hus stood still while another Kana, wearing a sergeant's lappets, gripped him and pressed into him repeatedly, his head back and his tongue lolling out and a heated groan escaping him.

Resikh lost his breath, then it felt as if a flame surged up in his breast; he clenched his fists, claws digging into his palms, and wrinkled his muzzle until his tusks glinted. "SERGEANT!" he bellowed, his voice ringing off the walls. The Kana coupling with Ri'hus stopped abruptly, head whipping forward. He saw the lieutenant glaring at them and sputtered, pulling himself out of Ri'hus immediately; Resikh just barely caught the flinch that crossed the private's face as he did so. His penis flailed but lost its stiffness in his fright, and retreated into its sheath like a startled turtle; he pulled his kilt down and hurriedly smoothed at himself, stammering and sweating.

Resikh bared his teeth and clenched his fists even tighter, fighting the urge not to slam his hand into his face. "Name!" he barked.

"Ha-Ha-Ha'fekh, Lord," the sergeant stuttered, face red and eyes wide. "We--we were merely--"

"I will hear no excuses!" Resikh barked. "You were not assigned to these barracks this day! Go and speak with Lieutenant Tefkha and resume your proper post before I bring you before the general!"

Ha'fekh's eyes bulged and he saluted hastily. "Y-yes, Lord!" He hurried from the hall, out the back door, letting it slam behind him. Resikh could hear him scurrying off across the yard.

He stared at the door for a moment or two, taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself down before he could snap. He turned back to see Ri'hus slowly easing himself up, his chest hitching. As he watched the private shakily smoothed himself down until he was presentable again. He didn't meet Resikh's eyes, instead staring at the floor. He gave a weak salute, his face pale.

"L...Lord," he murmured in a faint voice.

Resikh stared at him for a moment, then let his wings slump as his anger began to slowly die down. For some reason he could not remain angry, seeing the private look like that. He suppressed a sigh and paced to the other side of the hall, hands folded behind his back.

"And you," he said flatly. "I was told you were to be in charge of cleaning the barracks today."

"A-apologies, Lord." Ri'hus's voice remained as papyrus thin as before. "I...I became distracted."

"You forget your duties?" Resikh turned and looked at him, and his eyes narrowed. "I would hardly think you would be so inclined, especially after what happened in Lord Djuta's quarters."

Now the color rose in Ri'hus's cheeks, and his wings folded tightly to his back. He still stared at the floor. "I--I have had n-needs, Lord..."

"From the looks of it," Resikh muttered, but said no more of it. He paced back. "I came here not to rebuke you, however you may have been engaged. It's another matter entirely." Ri'hus finally lifted his gaze a bit. "I came to call upon you to testify at the trial of Lord Djuta."

Ri'hus's head popped up and he blinked, gawking. His ears flicked. "L-Lord Dj-Djuta?" he stuttered. "B-but--I lodged no complaint against him! He cannot be tried if I accuse him of nothing--!"

"It wasn't you who did the accusing," Resikh replied. "Apparently word has spread of what happened. Soon, likely within the next week, he is going to be tried for assault upon a Kana."

"B-but--I never said a word!" Ri'hus held out his arms in a supplicating gesture; he seemed genuinely flustered. "I told no one what happened, not a soul! I swear it!"

Resikh's nostrils flared. "Apparently you do not need to. Word spreads quickly, especially around here. No matter if we speak or not. Already Lord Mahakhi has received word of the incident, and the charge has been leveled against Lord Djuta."

Ri'hus's look grew dismayed; his stare drifted to the floor and he hunched inward, hugging his arms around himself and looking almost ready to cry. Resikh could swear he even saw tears well up in his eyes.

"I did not tell a soul," he whimpered. "I did not want to cause trouble. I told no one...how is this happening...?"

Resikh stared at him for a moment or two, and could tell that he was telling the truth. He sighed and pushed himself away from the wall, taking a step toward him.

"Look," he said quietly; Ri'hus sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. "You need merely appear before the tribunal, and state what happened. That will bring an end to this, certainly, and then if you wish, you needn't concern yourself with it again."

"Why would you want me there?" Ri'hus protested, lifting his head again. "Are you not his friend?"

Resikh bit his tongue; the young Kana was making it awfully difficult to continue arguing. "I must uphold Kana law before friendship. I was witness to what happened. Therefore I know he is guilty."

"And so why do you not do the testifying?" Ri'hus cried.

"He is to face his accuser. Namely that would be you."

Ri'hus stared at him for a moment, his eyes wide with disbelief; then he drew himself up from his slouch and swallowed hard.

"I will not testify."

Resikh frowned. "This is not a matter of whether you want to or not, Private."

The faintest trace of defiance came to Ri'hus's face. "Then if you call me, I will lie."

Resikh stared back at him in silence for a moment or two, unable to believe what he'd just heard. "You would tell a falsehood in a court of Kana law...?" he asked quietly. "You would sacrifice your honor for something like this?" His brow furrowed in confusion. "After what he did to you I would think you would be the first to want him away! Why in the Duat do you protect him...?"

"As if I have much honor left as it is?" Ri'hus retorted so abruptly that Resikh flinched. The private waved his arm, then flushed again and turned away, heading for the barracks. "If you call me, I will just say he did not attack me. I was not forced," he murmured as he went out the door.

Resikh hastened to follow him, stopping in the doorway and staring after him as he went to the mussed cots and started straightening them out. He felt an odd feeling settle in his breast, like a heavy smoke in his lungs, as he slowly realized what must have happened. He stepped into the barracks and stood at a distance, watching him for a while, before he spoke.

"How often?" he asked, softly. Ri'hus ignored him and he raised his voice, just slightly. "How often do they come to you? And how many? And when?"

He saw the private's shoulders hunch, momentarily, as if he flinched; then he continued straightening out the sheets. Resikh took a step forward.

"You do this not to protect Lord Djuta," he said. "You do this to protect yourself."

"A reason does not matter," Ri'hus mumbled. "I will not accuse him of something he did not do."

"I was witness. Remember." The lieutenant put a hand on his hip and tilted his head. "When I walked in on you. Certainly this was not the first time. That was not nesakh'ai. You had no needs. Did they tell you you were not Kana? That you were a Moru for letting yourself be attacked?" He paused, then lowered his voice again. "When did it first happen?"

The private's hands stopped moving about and he fell still, staring down at the cot. Resikh waited for him to speak. When he did, his voice was barely above a whisper. He didn't turn to face him.

"The night...the night after it happened." He hesitated. "I could not sleep. So I went to the physician to ask for poppy. Someone...someone must have overheard us. I told no one, not even him, but I could tell he guessed."

Resikh said nothing, just waited for him to go on.

"I came back to the barracks," Ri'hus murmured. "I took the poppy and went to sleep...at first I thought it was a dream I had, going over what had happened...but then I felt it...and I knew it was real. There was...there was only one of them, at first." His shoulders hitched. "But that was bad enough."

"How many times?" Resikh asked quietly.

"I do not remember. I refused to count. One, two, three, sometimes it was just one and sometimes several. As if I could fight them anyway. It has been only several days, but it has felt like uncountable years, sleeping in here now. But I do not have anywhere else to go." He turned and his eyes met Resikh's, hard and blue. "My father pays everything he has for me to train in the Kana army. I am his only son; I was to make him proud. Yet ever since I have come here I have been the weak one. If he were to find out, if anyone else were to find out, then I would be no better than a Moru."

"And this is better?" Resikh prompted. "Putting up with this night after night? When do you expect it to ever stop--?"

"I put up with it because I choose to!" Ri'hus shouted, clenching his fists and flaring his wings. "I am not forced! If I were forced, I would be a weak Moru!"

"If you were forced, then they would be criminals and they would be punished as is fitting!" Resikh retorted.

The young private's claws dug into his palms. He stomped his foot against the floor like a child throwing a tantrum, and his voice came out shrill and cracking.

"I was not forced!" He unclenched his fists and had to gasp to catch his breath. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Do you not understand?" he pleaded. "It matters not whether I was forced or not. They will just do the same. Nothing will stop them. Accusing them will only make it worse! I am probably alive only because I have not done so yet!"

"And what of when one of them grows bolder?" Resikh growled. "Attempts to choke you, or puts a knife to your throat--what will you do then?"

"The same as I always do! I will go along!" Now the tears spilled down Ri'hus's cheeks; he snarled and wiped them away as if ashamed they were even there. "If any more learn I was forced, then I will be a weak Moru. I will never gain the respect of my comrades. If my father learns I was forced, he will disown me. I will not be able to pay my way through training, because my talents are so few to make it on my own. And no one will ever be so stupid as to sponsor me! If they all believe I was willing, they will call me sen'akha, yet at least I will be allowed to continue as a Kana--they will not call me weak. And hopefully I can finish my training, and go out on my own, and someday afford a mate and have a pup! A Kana, a Moru, anything! And then my father will rest! And then maybe they will not call me sen'akha anymore! And perhaps I can live in peace!"

Resikh looked at him long and hard, trying to choose the right words to say. "This day will be long in coming, Ri'hus," he grated, "and you know it. As you said, it does not matter whether you were forced or not. They have already pegged you as Moru. They treat you as their Moru every single night! You think it will be so much different in the daytime? Whether you tell them you are willing or not, they will still say you are weak. You honestly think it is much easier being sen'akha?"

"And how would you know?" Ri'hus snapped. "I hardly see you servicing your barracks-mates at night!"

Resikh felt his ears burn and he wasn't certain why. He didn't get to reply before Ri'hus went on.

"I know it is dishonorable being sen'akha. Yet at least you are still Kana even if you bed with males! At least you do it willingly!"

The lieutenant bared his teeth. "You do not know the way of the world yet. Being sen'akha is certainly not as easy as you seem to have pegged it! What makes you think your family would find it any less dishonorable? If you report this, then you may be weak, you may be sen'akha, but at least you will not be putting up with it anymore!"

Ri'hus bared his own teeth in return. "You do not and cannot speak for me! Ever! You are a spoiled pampered Kana, never with anything to worry about! I am betting you come from a rich house with a rich father and a slew of older brothers to bring him honor in case you fail! I am betting you have ALWAYS won all of your fights, and had your pick of mates, and had your share of pups, and have had honor upon honor poured upon you by your superiors! Even if you are sen'akha, I am betting your mate is just as rich and spoiled as you are and no one CARES what the two of you do together! I am betting BOTH of you have always had someone there to rely upon when you need them, and have NEVER been attacked by another--and if you were, I am betting you fought him off as if it were nothing!" The tears spilled from his eyes but his snarl didn't lessen. "I am betting you have never once known the humiliation of being your father's only pup and of seeing his constant disappointment in you, because you cannot fight, you cannot train, you cannot even make it past private when all the other Kana your age are already sergeants! I am betting you have never seen the look in your father's eyes when you are put in the weakest training division and you STILL fail to hold onto your sword! I am certainly betting you have never gone to sleep at night wondering whether you will even be welcomed back home again, or what you will do to survive if you have no home left, or where you will go, or who you will turn to when you have no one--if you even HAVE the chance to think of such things, before somebody comes along and demands nesakh'ai from you first!"

Resikh wrinkled his muzzle; the barrage came out so rapidly that his head was very nearly spinning just trying to follow the other Kana's speech. He felt a jabbing pain in his breast, especially at the thought that Ri'hus actually believed he must have mates and pups of his own, but forced the feeling down and made himself speak.
"I hardly have time to carry on a pointless argument with you," he snapped. "The trial of Djuta will start within the next week or so. Either you will testify or you will not!"

"I have told you my answer!" Ri'hus insisted. "If I am called, you can expect to hear my truth. I was not forced! Lord Djuta did nothing to me!" With no further word, he stooped to finish tucking in the sheet on the cot nearest him, before flouncing away toward the door. He nearly ran into Lieutenant Tefkha, who was just then entering, and jumped aside at the last moment; Ri'hus saluted stiffly before going out. Tefkha cast Resikh a bewildered look before turning and cupping a hand to his mouth.

"Private? Private Ri'hus! Where are...?"

He trailed off, lowering his hand; as Resikh resignedly made his way forward from the back he furrowed his brow and rubbed at his head in confusion.

"Set's testicles! What was that all about--? I thought you came here to call him to testify, not scare him off!"

"I did not scare him off," Resikh mumbled. "He ran off on his own."

Tefkha's ear twitched. "Oh, and you had absolutely no hand in that--?" He fell into step beside Resikh as he walked toward the doorway. "Well--? Did something happen, and I missed it yet again...?"

"No," Resikh replied with a sigh. "Nothing has happened. He just needs a moment; I am certain he will return to his duties soon. Thank you for showing me to him."

"Of course," Tefkha said with some confusion, as Resikh stepped past him, out the door. He took several steps across the dusty yard before halting and looking back at the barracks lieutenant, who still stood in the doorway with a mystified expression upon his face; he straightened up as soon as he noticed Resikh looking at him.

"Brother," Resikh said. "A favor? Could you keep your eyes open on Private Ri'hus for me? I believe he is not feeling well, lately."

Tefkha blinked, then his brow furrowed again. "Oh. Well...yes, I suppose he is not too much trouble to watch over. You say he is not well? He has told you what is wrong with him--?"

"He is merely not sleeping well," Resikh replied, then turned and walked away from the barracks. He heard Tefkha pause before letting out a flustered sigh and shutting the door behind him, and he did not look back until he had stepped out of the barracks gate and back into the city.


"Part 36: Imprisonment

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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