Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517376-Part-33--Outed
Rated: XGC · Serial · Fantasy · #517376
Khetai's secret is threatened by a lecherous Kana...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 33 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

SERGEANT U'HETA QUIETLY walked the hallway, his step steady despite the odor of beer wafting around him. He had spent the better part of the day in the taverns, as usual, thinking over who he intended to finally speak to that day. He was the entire reason U'heta had bothered setting foot in the household of the general in the first place, and today was the day he wished to make his intentions known at last. He could be patient, though he was tired of waiting.

The young junior physician had caught his eye while browsing in the market. He had spotted him leaning over at one of the booths, examining the herbs and roots being sold there. The sight of him had made U'heta take pause. He had seen plenty of physicians before, after having been in plenty of fights, yet never one as young and beautiful as this. Indeed it was almost a shame that such a beautiful face should be framed by white lappets, that such a beautiful body should be obscured by the gauzy robe physicians usually wore. U'heta had stared at him the entire time he shopped at the herbs booth, his tail trembling. Such a Kana would have looked much better in the simple kilt of a Moru, or better yet, in nothing at all. U'heta had never wished more that a Kana was a Moru, nor that he had had the money to buy one.

He followed the young Kana all through the market that day. His hazy, beer-fogged thoughts repeatedly went over all the things he wished he could do with such a lovely creature, but he had kept his distance. The physician hadn't even noticed him. U'heta had been allowed to spy upon him for the better part of an hour, and his joy was immense when the younger Kana had even stopped at a booth for a cup of wine, as this visit allowed him the chance to stand in the alley nearby, stroking his sheath heatedly and biting off a whimper as he stared at that beautiful Kana and imagined what they would do together. He'd clutched his own shaft tightly when his fluids oozed all over him, and hadn't even minded the mess, the sight of the young Kana put him in such a good mood. And just that morning he'd considered his day entirely wasted yet again.

The next day he'd returned to town, feeling somewhat dejected, only to stumble out of a tavern a while later and spy the other Kana walking up the street not too far away from him. Surely the appearance of the junior physician just then, he'd reasoned, had been a sign from the gods. Surely he was meant to follow him from the market, and see where he returned to, and learn that it was the largest household in the tribe, that of the general. U'heta had felt a slight pang of disappointment on finding this, as a scruffy lower-class soldier like himself would hardly be welcome within such an illustrious household...until he had been allowed to pass right inside by the guards at the front gate. All he had had to do, it turned out, was look them in the eyes and nod, and salute, and they had nodded back, and parted to let him in. And that was all. Once he was inside, none of them even bothered looking at him twice. Just so long as he kept his face calm and his appearance purposeful, he was allowed to walk the halls almost completely as he wished, undisturbed.

Well, within reason, of course. He decided not to test his luck by approaching Mahakhi's rooms themselves, nor the Moru quarters, nor any of the other occupied rooms. Instead he kept his eyes and nose open for the young physician. And he finally spotted him running his rounds, and always kept himself at a distance, just so he could watch. His tail flicked excitedly from side to side as he paced from hall to hall. A few times he could have sworn the other Kana spotted him, and each time he quickly hid, yet no one ever sought him out. And so for the entire evening U'heta watched the beautiful young Kana, stroking at his sheath every so often, sighing deeply at the heated feelings which burned inside him.

The junior physician was not quite as young as he would have preferred, actually, but his build and form and features were such that U'heta didn't much care. He was so very perfect, slender and supple and graceful, and U'heta knew he had to have him that very night, else he would go mad inside.

He had even at last screwed up his courage and presented himself, and had learned that, in fact, his presence had been noticed, after all. The junior physician had noticed him! U'heta had been almost giddy with glee. Yet the other Kana had not been willing to join him for a drink of beer, so he had had to remain behind, disappointed, as the physician walked away. He flicked his tail and chewed on his lip. Perhaps the young Kana was not interested in males. Understandable, but he had never been with U'heta...so who was to say he could not change his mind...?

U'heta could easily change it for him, once he ever got the chance...

He stood in the hallway and watched his intended leave, then waited several moments before following. Perhaps the other Kana merely did not like beer, as he'd said, but would still be interested in U'heta? It was at least worth a try. He slowed his step as he neared the corner the physician had turned; he didn't wish to look too eager, lest he frighten him off. Whispering noises made him halt completely, until they ceased and he heard the slapping sound of sandals quickly walking away. U'heta waited and then followed again. Far ahead, he just barely saw a shape disappear into yet another hall, and followed. His ear flicked in puzzlement. He hadn't been detected yet, had he? The physician wasn't running away from him, was he--?

He came near the next hall and again slowed down, panting at the mild exertion and starting to reconsider his plans, if the young Kana was going to be so coy about it. He grasped hold of the wall and leaned over to catch his breath when a murmuring noise from ahead caught his attention, and he stood straight, tilting his head to the side to try to better hear it.

"Bikhthet," a thin voice whispered. "Oh gods, yes, Bikhthet...right there, right there, please, oh yes...yes...mmm..."

U'heta's ears flared and his eyes grew. He recognized the voice of the young physician, even though he was obviously in the throes of lust. The sergeant's tail began to flick wildly. He had no clue who this "Bikhthet" was, but the sound of the other Kana's voice was such that he had to see what was going on. He crept toward the corner and swallowed hard before daring to peek around it. The sight in the next hallway made his eyes grow even wider.

The junior physician! There he was! U'heta would have cried out for joy--had not the position the other Kana was in made all his words disappear. The young Kana leaned back against the wall, grasping a female to him, and the two of them were busily rooting between each other's legs as he moved, bucking his hips forward. He even forgot his own ministrations, and tossed his head back away from the female's opening, crying out huskily at the air.

"Oh, yes, Bikhthet, gods, yes--oh!" he cried. "Taste me right there. No--right--there. Yes! Oohhhhh. Please. Ohh, mmmm. So lovely...so wonderful. Yes. Right there." He tossed his head from side to side, moaning, and clutched the Moru tighter. "Yes. Yes. Oh. Ohhhhhh. Yes! Oh gods, yes!"

U'heta could only stare in goggle-eyed disbelief. Although he was not much interested in females, the sight of the Kana with his mate drove him to distraction, so that his hand slowly crept down toward his sheath again, and he licked his lips, ready to begin stroking now that the two of them were nearing their peak. The delirious look upon the Kana's face, his shut eyes and slack mouth and bared neck, his trembling wings, made U'heta's sheath ache and swell all the more--yet the sound of approaching talking, from the direction he had just come from, made him quickly pull his hand back and glance over his shoulder. He cursed to himself when he saw two lieutenants approaching, laughing and chattering as they walked. He recognized the lieutenants of Mahakhi, and glanced around himself before ducking behind a column. They passed him without even noticing, but then apparently heard the same sound he had; one waited behind while the other went around the corner. U'heta listened, agonized, until he could tell that the lieutenant had in fact interrupted the beautiful scene that had been taking place. Then he cursed them under his breath.

He suppressed a sigh and waited, the other lieutenant doing the same. A moment later the first joined his comrade and they turned to head back, the first grasping at his crotch and making licking motions at the air--"'Ooohhhh, lick me!'" he exclaimed in falsetto, and the two of them burst into laughter. U'heta glowered at them as they disappeared from sight. To mock such a beautiful act was crass and exceedingly rude. He inched forward, hoping to see a little bit more, yet after a brief pause the young female the Kana had been clutching went jogging lightly by, a smile upon her face. U'heta stared at her as she bounced by, and licked his lips. He wouldn't have minded kissing her, if only to taste the Kana's fluids within her mouth. He even took in her plump little bottom as she passed, and smiled. The physician obviously had good tastes, to pick a Moru such as that. Even though he preferred males, U'heta wouldn't have minded easing himself between those lovely cheeks.

It was not too long before the physician himself approached, still straightening his armor and robe and trying to shake the flustered look from his face. U'heta's nostrils quivered as he caught his scent; it was not as strong as he would have hoped, but still lovely and sweet. U'heta's whole body very nearly shook with anticipation. The physician was almost his! He went over in his head how he would approach and win him over--a quick grab from behind would be the best way to go, to catch him offguard, before kissing or nuzzling at him, and quickly winning him over...it should not be too difficult. And if he was not so easily won over, then U'heta was not past persuading him just a bit...

He licked his tusks and finally followed. His glazed eyes focused on that lovely silken tail as it flicked from side to side with the physician's graceful step. He carried himself almost like a female, not stomping about like many Kana tended to do. Oh, how U'heta loved his charm; he wasn't like any other Kana, which was why U'heta would enjoy him immensely.

He kept himself behind columns the entire time, and his anticipation almost crashed into utter disappointment once more when the physician vanished into the room U'heta recognized must belong to the general. He let out a miserable sigh. Would this wait never end?

He halted, leaned one hand against the nearest column, and chewed his lip again. Well...he'd come this far. It was rather late to turn back now that he was so close! Surely the physician would not take too long with a healthy Kana like Mahakhi. U'heta glanced at the floor, then slid down to sit upon it, resting his arms on his knees. He'd waited even longer for good things to come. He could wait for this.

* * * * *

Djuta lay in his bed, staring at his canopy much as Resikh had done not long before. Every so often his hand crept up to the bandage over his breast and he would flinch slightly. The pain was real enough, as was the throbbing in his head. He rubbed at it and wondered what exactly had happened. He remembered Resikh elbowing him, and then punching him...yet he could not account for the soreness at the back of his head.

"I suppose that was when my part in the incident ended," he said to himself, and sighed and shut his eyes. "Perhaps if he had hit me harder, it would have sufficed..."

I do not understand this. Why did I go to those barracks...? I do not even like babysitting others. Why did I bring that private back with me? I do not even feel anything for him! He's barely more than a pup! He winced at the memory of returning to his rooms with Ri'hus in tow. And Res...he was waiting here for me...what was he doing here? How long was he waiting? I know I was not good to him before I left...but I could not talk to him...I could never put any of that burden on him...

He insists that I am not to blame for Nehekhi...but he is not the one who looked into his eyes! He is not the one who froze...Nehekhi did not die trying to save him...

Why did he try to save me? We barely even knew each other...why did you die for me...?

What did I ever once do for you...?

Djuta's eyes stung, and he grimaced and rubbed at them in frustration. His breath came shaky and the pain throbbed in his chest again; muzzle wrinkling, he pushed himself up so abruptly that he felt the stitches strain, but bit off his cry of pain and turned to swing his legs from the bed.

"I know what Res would say," he panted under his breath, wiping a hand across his brow. "He would say you were repaying me, for what I did for your Moru...the robber dogs...the human Ameni..." He grasped hold of the bedpost and pulled himself up with a wince. "But I would insist that you were simply stupid, and killed yourself saving the wrong Kana. I hope somewhere, you are happy seeing all that you've done."

I cannot blame a dead Kana. Everything I did I did myself! I did not have to take that drink, and I did not have to come back here...I saw the look on Ri'hus's face...on Res's face...

His own face pinched, though not from the wound to his chest. He stood leaning against the bedpost for a moment or two to regain his strength; his legs felt as frail as papyrus stalks, and his head felt as if it had been filled with wadded linen. He shook his head groggily before taking a tentative step, letting go of the bed, then taking another. He slowly teetered across the room before reaching the door and very nearly slumping to the floor again. He made a face, now hanging off of the doorframe.

Perhaps I did consume too much poppy and that female was really a Kana! I have been through stranger things.

His thoughts returned to what she had said to him before she left, and of how Resikh had promised to come along and kill him on his own. This thought made him pause, brow furrowing. He did not even know where Resikh was, how he was, what he was doing; he wasn't even certain why he had gotten out of bed when he could barely even walk.

What am I trying to do? Find him--? I do not even have anything to say! He said more than enough to Khetai...

Djuta leaned his head against the doorframe and let out his breath, shutting his eyes. He felt them sting again though he didn't care. He considered turning and making his way back to the bed, but for some reason his muscles wouldn't work.

What he said to me...

Every word of it was true. I just did not want to see...to believe I could become like that...

But Ameni-human knows it better than anyone...I told him myself. We are all of us beasts, in our worst moments...

But at least I could control this before. Why did I not control myself this time...? And now I do not have Res anymore...

His spine stiffened slightly when he recalled exactly what Khetai had said.

Who else would care enough to come all this way for you? He has sat snuffling at your side, along with that female of yours, these past several days, and it was all I could do to shoo him off every day. He is the one who brought you to me. Without him, you would be dead...

He returned for me. He saved me. Only to promise to kill me...?

His eyes opened again and he stared at the floor.

He would vow this only if I had made him angry. He would not be so angry...if he did not care anymore...

You are still my brother, Djuta...

Tears dripped from Djuta's eyes, and he at last lifted his hand to absently wipe them away. He lifted his head and managed to open the door and make his way out into the hall, shutting it behind him. His wings quaked and the breath came short and fast in his throat, and he had to stop and lean against every column along the way, yet his legs somehow held up as he slowly made his way toward Resikh's quarters.

* * * * *

Khetai's eyes were downcast as she made her way to General Mahakhi's quarters. Bikhthet's attentions had been pleasant, while they lasted, yet already her earlier foul mood was returning, and with it a pensive listlessness. Her tail flicked and she barely paid any attention to her surroundings as she walked, her heart heavy and her head deep in thought.

She could not take her mind off of what had transpired earlier in Lieutenant Djuta's room. Now, a Kana knew of her deceit, and there was no way that this could be a good thing.

"It took me weeks to find a tribe," she murmured to herself, fingering her pectoral. "Weeks of walking through that damned sand...before they'd finally take me in. Years of wearing this stupid armor and covering myself up and keeping myself in secret, and being someone who I am not. I do not mind the lappets, or the crass jokes, or the piles upon piles of duties. I could always bear these without complaint."

But hiding myself...always acting...always watching every word I say, every comment I make, every step I take...

"And this!" she grumbled, tugging at the good side of her armor. She had never quite gotten used to how it pressed upon her chest and chafed in an annoying manner, and she had never felt quite safe and covered in a kilt, even if she did wear the obligatory loincloth beneath...

I cannot speak in my own voice without them suspecting. I cannot take a dip in the river to cool myself off, with any of them around. I cannot pass the time with a mate whenever I feel like it, as any of THEM can! I cannot take off this stupid armor to get comfortable, I cannot relieve myself in the most convenient places, I cannot even get too close to anyone in the market lest they brush against me in the wrong way! What sort of burden did you leave upon me, Brother? That you thought this would be the easier life--? She sighed miserably. Would that I had died alongside you...anything would have been easier than watching out for my life, every single day...

She lifted her head and spotted the door to Mahakhi's room. Her gloominess was replaced by irritation. She remembered her last time tending to him, and sighed again with a small grimace. She knocked upon the door, then, without waiting long enough for a reply, opened it and stepped inside.

For once, he was not busy with one of his many females; at least, not as busy as he usually was. Mahakhi sat upon the edge of his bed with a pained look on his face, his female of choice for the night cooing as she rubbed at his neck. Khetai rolled her eyes. As if Moru knew anything about tending to aches and ailments. She bowed as soon as he lifted his head to look at her, and he immediately looked relieved and waved her forward, carefully nudging the female back.

"It took long enough," he grumbled as she approached and set down her chest. "I suppose it was Lieutenant Djuta who kept you busy--? How is he doing by now?"

"He's awakened, Lord," Khetai said, digging in her chest. "He is lucid and is speaking, though he's still quite weak."

"He will survive, then?" Mahakhi's face grew dark. "Good. This means I may kill him myself."

"Apologies, Lord," Khetai said, pulling out a packet of powder. "But Lord Resikh has already made this promise."

Mahakhi snorted and flicked an ear. "Well, at least he shall save me the trouble, then. Right here." He pointed at his neck. "It has been driving me mad ever since returning from that damned battle! I must have twisted or strained it during the fighting or some such. That other stupid physician has been able to do NOTHING whatsoever of use. He has even suggested it is all in my head! Stupid dog! As if I would imagine feeling such an agonizing pain as this!"

Khetai had to fight not to roll her eyes again. "The mind is a powerful thing," she murmured as she stepped up close and felt at his neck, the big Kana grimacing as she did so. "Stranger things have happened."

"Yes, well," Mahakhi said with a wince, "all I wish to happen is for this pain to go away. I already have enough reminders of that squabble." He sighed and his wings slumped; Khetai made eye contact with the female sitting on the bed behind him, and saw the sympathetic look upon her face. She sighed and stepped back, returning her attention to the packet.

"If you do not mind me saying, Lord, perhaps it would be best if you tried to avoid any sort of strenuous activity. This can only worsen the condition and it will take all that much longer to heal. I can prescribe some poppy to dull the pain, but the only real things that can help are a cold press, and some relaxation."

Mahakhi looked dismayed. "Poppy dulls EVERYTHING! You think I wish to take such a deadener? And what do you mean by strenuous activity--?"

Khetai waved her hand. "Anything that involves excessive use of the muscles. Fighting, sparring, training...other such excitable activities..." She dared to wave in the direction of the female, who blushed and sank in on herself a little.

Mahakhi blinked, then glowered. "It is impossible for me to neglect all my duties! I am general of the tribe and have many important things to do, not the least of which is keeping my men in shape."

And your females? Khetai thought, but didn't dare speak it aloud. She set the packet aside and brought out another one, pouring its contents into a linen pouch and tying it shut.

"Well then, if you do not wish for poppy, I can prescribe a poultice to help reduce the pain and swelling, though again, I must strongly recommend you take some rest." Her ear twitched. "Perhaps you can find some other ways to see to your duties...ways in which you may relax more, and let others take more control? At least until your neck is feeling better."

The general stared at her with large eyes, then his gaze drifted skyward thoughtfully. Khetai had to turn away so he wouldn't see her own eyes roll. She poured some wine into a cup and dipped the poultice into it several times before turning back and holding it out toward him. He accepted it and she motioned at her neck.

"Just hold it to the place which aches, and refresh it every time it goes dry. The wine will help the contents soak into your skin and relieve the pressure." Mahakhi obeyed and pressed the poultice to his neck. "I will return tomorrow, in case it grows weak or does not work properly. If you cannot sleep you can always take some poppy."

She started cleaning up the small mess she had made upon the table, thinking over how she planned to spend the rest of the night. Bikhthet's offer of company was still tempting, but by now she was so very tired. Perhaps the Moru would be willing to merely keep her company as she slept; she had always hated the feeling of being alone in her big cold bed at night. A warm Moru close to her would be soothing. And perhaps in the morning, she would be more refreshed and in a better state of mind to...

She reached to pick up the packet and put it back in the chest, and felt a hand take her own. Khetai ground her teeth together and fought as hard as she could not to wrinkle her muzzle when Mahakhi came close and put his muzzle down next to her neck; she ground her teeth even more at the feel of his breath when he snuffled to catch her scent.

"You know," he said, "what you said sounds rather tempting--relaxing, and letting another assume control. This is not something I normally do."

"Of course not, Lord," Khetai said through her teeth, and she tucked the packet away among its fellows. "Generals are expected to always assume control."

"Though I must say I am intrigued," he said in return, and brushed his muzzle against her nape. He didn't bite her, though she could tell he must want to; he touched her wing instead, running his fingers down it, and she had to keep herself from shuddering. "There cannot be much more left for you to do this late at night, seeing as Djuta is doing fine...you have served here for, what, a few years now?--and still I barely even know you." He dropped his voice to a murmur and moved his head to nuzzle behind her ear, running his claws up her arm. Khetai stiffened at the feel of him brushing up close behind her, and his other hand slid to her hip. "You would mind keeping me company this eve...? And perhaps 'assuming control'?" His ears twitched. "I should think you would do a decent job of this, with how freely you speak to your superiors..."

I will have to leash my tongue from now on, Khetai thought, just as she ducked her head and deftly slipped out of Mahakhi's grasp, pulling away and to the side. He lifted his head and furrowed his brow at her; she shut her chest with a click and bobbed her head.

"Apologies, Lord, but I still have a few things to attend to, before I can retire for the night."

Mahakhi cocked his head. "And you should wish to retire here...?"

Khetai's muzzle wrinkled. How dense could Kana be...? "With profuse apologies, Lord...but I am not interested in males. I am certain My Lord must be exceedingly desirable to all your females, else you would not have so many--" she waved at the one currently sitting upon the bed, who blushed again "--but so long as My Lord is My Lord...you are not desirable to me, Lord."

Mahakhi's eyes went wide. Khetai almost shut her own when she realized what she'd actually said, and felt like sinking into the floor; instead she steeled herself when the big Kana began to puff up, wings flaring and face going red. He opened his mouth and Khetai grimaced, ducking her head.

Mahakhi let out a bellow which very nearly shook the bed canopy, the female gasping and ducking into the sheets. The sound rang painfully in Khetai's ears and she cringed, hoping to at least escape with her hide intact, if not anything else.

"DESIRABLE!" Mahakhi roared. "HE SAYS I AM NOT DESIRABLE!" And his bellow resolved into a booming laugh, the Kana's purple lappets swinging as he shook. Both Khetai and the female lifted their heads meekly, but the general paid them barely any attention, he was so busy being amused.

"What...what was this I just said about you, Physician--?" Mahakhi finally managed to get out between laughs. "About how you talk so freely to your superiors? I rest my case! At least you are honest, which is more than I can say for half of my captains, and probably a few of my females." He lowered his head to wipe at his eyes, still chuckling. "The offer stands, should you ever decide to change your mind. Though I will not hold my breath. I will just have to make do with something else." He waved vaguely toward the female still in the bed, who blushed again, and let out another chuckle.

Khetai let out her breath, relief nearly making her wings shake. "Remember what I advised, Lord," she chided a moment later, seeing the way he winked at the female. "Nothing too strenuous! If you ever wish your neck to get any better!"

"Eh." Mahakhi waved boredly at the air. "It is feeling better already! Whatever it was you put in that poultice must have helped. You may go. I have strenuous things to attend to." And he promptly lost interest in her, turning to the bed and rubbing his hands so the female could see. She giggled and rolled over onto her back like a cat waiting for its belly to be rubbed. Khetai's eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a deep sigh before turning away, packing up her chest and tucking it under her arm again. She deposited the envelope of poppy on the table.

"The poppy then, in case you should need some sleep later on. Good eve, Lord."

"I will not need any," Mahakhi returned, not bothering to look back. "I am betting I will be getting a very good sleep...a few hours from now." When she glanced back at him he was already busy taking off his kilt and gesturing the female forward; she purred and crept forward on hands and knees, reaching out toward him. "Good eve, Physician."

Khetai bowed, though he could not see what with that female's head at his crotch, and exited his rooms. As soon as she shut the door she slumped back against it and let out a huge breath, sagging over.

"No strenuous activity. I said absolutely none! Does anyone listen to me? Never." She wrinkled her muzzle, and then spoke in a deep, gruff voice. "'I have duties to attend to--important duties! I am the general after all!'" She grimaced. "More like the rutting bull! If any more pups are dropped around here I shall have to kill myself. No wonder I cannot stand males--mounting anything that moves!" She pushed herself away from the door and started down the hall, picking up her pace as the noises within the room began to grow louder. "At least a female will bother to sweet-talk you before insisting on anything..."

She trailed off mumbling, and wondered if Bikhthet were still open to the suggestion she'd made earlier. Khetai was tired, but she hated going to bed alone. And Bikhthet had been so friendly. Her ears grew warm just thinking of her, and she had to shake her head to try to clear it.

"I will go to my rooms to take a bath first," she said to herself, "because after today I must be stinking by now! Then, if I still have any bit of strength left in me, I will try calling her." She wrinkled her nose. "In the hallway! Nehef will never let me live that down...what happened to all my common sense...?"

She rounded the corner, taking in a deep breath. Only at the last moment did she catch the scent of musk, and her ears pricked.
Her muscles tensed just a second too late.

A powerful arm wrapped suddenly around her chest, crushing the breath out of her and dragging her back. It startled her so much that she had no time to react before someone was pressing her against the wall. Yellow eyes leered at her and the Kana pressing against her grinned crookedly. Khetai smelled the stench of alcohol on his breath, and grimaced.

"Hello, pretty little thing," he rasped. He leaned toward her and smiled. "You do remember me, right? I came all the way here just to speak with you!"

Khetai's muzzle wrinkled. "I can hardly forget a face like yours--although I try damned hard! And if you came here merely to speak with me then I suggest you get your filthy fingers off of me this minute!"

The sergeant's smile grew broad and his tusks jutted in different directions. "Oh, so you DO remember me, after all! You see, with how chilly you were earlier, I had thought you might forget. I saw you in the market earlier today, you know, and just had to know where it was you came from."

"From between my mother's legs," Khetai spat, and struggled. "Now let go!"

The Kana threw back his head and laughed. "You are a funny one! I knew I had you pegged right the moment I saw you sipping that wine in the market...as if beer is too low for you! And the way you walk--you are nothing but a house physician, a junior physician, yet you carry yourself like a king. A face as pretty as yours should hardly be stuck in a dull job such as this!"

"And what job would you have me in?" Khetai challenged, peering from side to side and trying to think of the best way to pry herself loose; he stood at such an angle that she knew she would never reach him properly, should she try kicking or grabbing him between the legs. "Drinking beer all the day and getting sopping drunk?"

He made a scoffing noise. "What is so bad about this--?"

She bared her teeth. "Go dunk your head in Moru dung! I have better things to do!"

In response he narrowed his eyes and leaned closer, his rough fingers grazing the side of her face; she shuddered with revulsion. "Now, now," he chided. "I hardly came to get into a fight. I just thought you might want to take me up on the offer of my company."

"You know full well I am not interested!"

"Tsk. You turned me down for a beer. You did not say you didn't wish to see me!" His smile turned into a leer and he dropped his voice, still tracing one dirty claw along her jaw. "I saw you here a little bit ago, by the way, with that cute little female. No wonder you were so cranky, what with how you were eating her out! If that was what was wrong then why didn't you just come to me first? I would have gladly consented to giving you a nibble!"

Khetai's eyes goggled, then she bared her teeth again and snarled, wriggling against him. He actually pulled his head back so she could not bite, and her eyes flashed even in the dim light of the hall.

"Disgusting little shit!" she hissed. "Even if I were interested in males--you would certainly NOT be on my list!"

He made a pouty face. "Oh. You won't reconsider? Truly, I can do as good a job as she did...even better so...I have far more to offer than she does!"

Khetai opened her mouth to respond, only to let out a startled gasp when he flipped her around so her chest mashed against the wall. Her claws gouged into the brick and she bared her teeth when she felt his hand sliding up her thigh.

Alarm lit through her as she remembered the scent she'd caught before entering the hallway--and realized what his real purpose here must be. "This--this is the household of General Mahakhi!" she hissed at him, desperation prompting her words. "And I am one of General Mahakhi's servants!"

His smile grew. "All the more reason to enjoy what you have to offer, isn't it?"

"You will not dare!" she hissed.

"Aw, 'tis only a little fun," the Kana murmured, smiling at her over her shoulder. "Won't even take us too long. I promise! Maybe if that juicy little female shows up again she can even join us! What d'you say, hm, pretty one?"

Khetai only continued snarling. She longed more than anything to whirl herself around and crash her fist into his face--every muscle of hers had tensed, readying her to do just that--yet his hand roughly massaging her hip stopped her.

If I move now--he will see what I truly am! He does not know yet--he thinks I am male! But if I move--

The Kana did not bother feeling her in front. He was too preoccupied now, pulling up her kilt in the back, to examine her more thoroughly. He caressed her buttocks and stroked her tail, his fingers working up beneath it; Khetai tensed and nearly shuddered at the awful feeling of him poking inside her, yet she thought over what would happen if she fought back now.

I can fight him...and expose myself, and lose my freedom...and be nothing but a Moru, a slave...


Or I can let him rape me...and keep what freedom I have left...

She shook, squeezing her eyes shut; she had always known, somewhere back in her mind, that such a thing was possible, even probable, should she spend all her time in the company of the Kana...how else did they like to spend their time, aside from drinking and fighting? Yet the very fact that they had considered her one of them had spared her from too much of their attention so far...she was used to what she had had to put up with from Mahakhi. None of them had ever tried to force her. She had always been able to fend them off. But that had been before today, the day when one thing after another had to go wrong...

Khetai-Brother! What do I do? What do I do...?

The Kana nuzzled at her neck, still wiggling his finger inside her.
Khetai gritted her teeth as she made her decision. She forced herself to relax, and the sergeant pressed first one finger, then two, fully up inside her, testing her readiness. He chuckled under his breath, and she gagged on the smell.

"That's a good Kana," he breathed huskily, withdrawing his hand. "I knew you'd see it my way!" Her muscles tightened as she felt him hastily undoing his loincloth. "Like I said, won't even take long. Won't even get caught this time, unpleasant as that was!"

Khetai opened her eyes to look down the hall. Any other time, Nehef or Ahai'ikh or--someone--would have been busy walking about. There was no one within sight. Where had they all gone, now that she needed them the most--?

She shut her eyes again, fighting back the tears of anger. "Vile dog," she muttered.

"Aw, you only say it because it's true!" He barked with laughter and nuzzled at her neck. "I'll tell you what, pretty little thing--I will give you my name--Sergeant U'heta, this is my name--and should you ask about for me any time you need somebody, I will be waiting! And bring your friend Bikhthet too, if you like!"

Khetai's muzzle wrinkled, her pride still rebelling against her submission. "She is hardly your type. Scum!"

U'heta merely laughed again. "You're a feisty one. Hardly what I imagined, steadfast, straightfaced physician that you are--till I saw you going at it with her. Just wait, I'm twice as good!"

Khetai only gritted her teeth again. His stench, mixed musk and beer, was overwhelming and made her nose burn. Did he never even bathe--? He half sighed, half moaned contentedly as he pressed himself to her, his hot sheath rubbing close, and ran his hands up and over her buttocks, up and down, squeezing gently. Khetai had to force herself to keep from shaking too badly. At the very least...he wasn't being too harsh, yet.

"Mmmmm," he murmured, snuffling at her neck. "So smooth and good, you are...soft and warm, like a young boy..."

Khetai's eyes shot open now, and she blinked and jerked, her voice coming out in a harsh whisper. "What--?"

She flinched away from the feel of his tongue against her. He chuckled softly and massaged her backside more vigorously now, his leg pressing to hers, running up and down slowly.

"Mm-hm," he murmured, his tongue running behind her ear. "I'm betting you are tasty and sweet, too, just like them." He moved his head to lick behind her other ear; the feeling made her skin crawl. "How old are you, anyway? You must be young. So young, for a trusted physician...you must be intelligent as well, very much so...but very young and tender, too...the way I like my Kana. Smooth and tender and sweet...like a little boy..."

Khetai's wings flared, pushing against him. "You--you filthy--disgusting--shitfaced SWINE!"

Her earlier decision fled her mind, and she started thrashing violently, hissing and snarling and spitting. U'heta only laughed and pinned her arms to the wall, making tsking noises. She struggled as hard as she could, yet he was stronger--the Kana were always stronger than she was.

"Tut tut!" he crowed. "You cannot hold these comments against me! I have yet to even taste you. I know you'll be much better!"

Khetai's face contorted into a hateful grimace. "If I have my way--then the next place you bury your shaft shall be in the mouth of a diseased cur, swine! And he will THOROUGHLY chew it off!"

U'heta finally made a displeased face. "Eh...that isn't quite the lovetalk I expected. You need to work on that a little bit!"

Khetai flailed, then hissed and stiffened, her face pinching in pain. The sergeant's fingers dug into her hips and he tilted his head back with a happy sigh. She nearly retched at the feel of him buried deeply within her, pulsing and hot; when he pulled himself back she gagged aloud and slumped against the wall. She dimly heard him chuckle, and he stroked her limp wing.

"Ohhh, why did you not tell me!" he murmured. "You were untouched--I am your first! You are so tight--and I can feel your blood..." He squirmed a bit, and she could feel her slickness upon him, as well. "All over me, too! What a mess! If you'd told me, perhaps--"

"Perhaps what, pile of dung?" Khetai panted weakly. "Perhaps you would have oiled yourself up first? Where did you learn that, from your little boys? I suppose that to many of them you were their first, also!"

He smiled crookedly at her, over her shoulder. "Why yes, indeed. You are jealous, pretty one?"

Khetai gaped at him with wide incredulous eyes. A second later she twisted her head around as far as she could and spat directly in his face.

U'heta blinked and sputtered, then laughed aloud. "Frisky! You know exactly everything I like!" He gave her his most gracious smile and tweaked her buttock. "Oh, I knew I would enjoy you! Just hold still long enough for us to finish this, eh? 'Twon't be long."

She had nothing left to say. She merely leaned sickly against the wall as the Kana gripped her thighs and pumped, murmuring and sighing under his breath, occasionally whispering what he liked about her the most. With each word he said she felt like vomiting even more. Instead she swallowed back her bile and stood still and silent while he thrust. Some part of her still couldn't believe this was actually happening--she had awakened that morning and everything had been fine--how could things have changed so much, so quickly? She had just been tending to Mahakhi, and everything had been fine...but the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, and the painful fullness inside her, were too real to push away. Her eyes stung and she bit her lip hard enough to bleed.

It will be over soon...it will be over soon...I can go back to the way I was...I can handle it, this one time...if he tries again I will kill him...but I can handle this one time...just to stay the way I am...

It will be over soon...I can make it through this, just once...

It wasn't nearly as quick as she'd hoped; U'heta seemed intent on relishing every moment he had with her. He shut his eyes and smiled widely as his hands stroked her hips, splaying her buttocks. His ankle wrapped around hers to keep her parted; a few times he kneaded her buttocks themselves and rubbed his hot sac against her, letting out an aroused sound. She could feel his grizzled hair against her skin; it prickled and stung. He licked her neck, groaning aloud.

"Mmm, oohhh, yes. Yes!" He shivered convulsively, giving a breathless laugh. "You're perfect, everything I'd hoped. Frisky little thing. I knew I would enjoy you." Khetai had to force herself to keep from gagging as he pressed his whole body to hers, claws lightly raking her skin. "Ohhhh, mmmm. You're so tight, little one. Relax. You will enjoy it in time. Relax...mmmmmmm." He dropped his head to her shoulder, his breath thick, reeking. "How I wish you would stroke me, pretty little thing..."

Khetai kept her eyes shut, her body trembling with revulsion. Never even within your dreams, you festering dungpile.

"And mouth me as well," U'heta continued. "Yes! This we may do! When we are done here, yes?" He nuzzled at her shoulder, panting thickly, grinning. "Hakh'tua, like you and that cute little girl. I could tell you were good at that!" He laughed again. "Oh, how I should love to feel your mouth. Soft and gentle, I bet! Very appealing!"

Khetai couldn't help it. She leaned her head against the wall, claws digging, and retched. Nothing came out but air, but she could feel the bile burning in her throat, and her entire stomach heaved and roiled. Her legs nearly gave out, but it was U'heta who kept her from slumping to the floor; he laughed and bore into her even more deeply, pressing close and holding her aloft upon his shaft. He locked his ankles about her own and his hips pulsed as he murmured, then gave a soft groan.

"Mmmm, do not worry, it happens sometimes," he gasped. "You are simply overwhelmed, and inexperienced, is all. You get used to it in time...everyone does." He nuzzled her nape. "But you have had enough for one day, pretty...we can finish the night in my bed rather than in this musty old hallway. Mmmm, I hate to rush but it is for the best. I will try to be quick now...quick, I promise...just...give me...aaahhhh..."

U'heta's hips quivered. His breath rose, and with it, his hands, sliding over her own hips, up her thighs, toward her belly. She didn't have time, in her hazy state, to realize what was happening, until it was too late.

U'heta's fingers reached and tangled with the curly hair that rested between her legs and she jerked, eyes flying open in alarm. She let out a choked gasp, her entire body stiffening as the Kana's hands caressed over her mound. U'heta smiled and for a moment rubbed his fingers against her pudenda.

"Mmmm, yes," he whispered. "Hot and wet. So hot and wet, just like..."

And now his eyes flew open, wide and staring. Khetai saw them and panic lit through her. She didn't have the chance to struggle before the Kana's hands had slipped up beneath her clothing, to her chest. He hurriedly undid the side of her armor and moved his hands up. They cupped her tiny breasts, her nipples pressing hard against his palms; Khetai cringed and his eyes only widened.

"What in the DUAT--?"

Khetai let out her breath when he abruptly pulled out of her with a grunt, surprise making him spray all over her backside. With one motion he had grabbed her arm and whirled her about, slamming her back into the wall. She was too weak to fight as he pinned her by one arm, yanking open her robes, her armor, her kilt. Khetai flushed in humiliation, tears springing to her eyes; U'heta gaped at her nakedness, his jaw hanging.

"You--" he sputtered. "--You are a WOMAN!"

Khetai took a breath, summing up what little strength she had left and bringing her knee up as hard as she could, slamming it into his testicles. U'heta grunted again--this time not with pleasure--and doubled over. She pulled on her clothing as best she could and stumbled past him, not even knowing where she would run to, only to feel him grab onto her arm, pulling her back. She cried out in pure panic--a bleating, Morulike sound--before he yanked her forward to look her in the eyes, his fingers wrapping around her neck. His face was no longer pleasant, if disgustingly so. Now he snarled, yellow eyes glinting, yellow teeth gleaming. Spittle flecked his muzzle, which wrinkled in pure disgust.

"What sort of whore are you?" he growled. "A female? Pretending to be Kana?"

Khetai froze just for a split second before gathering her senses and baring her teeth, hissing at him despite the tears filling her eyes. Her voice came cracked but clear. "At least I am a far more honorable Kana than you shall ever be!"

U'heta's eyes widened briefly with shock before he snarled. His grip on her throat made her choke, and she scrabbled at his hand in a desperate attempt to breathe.

"Oh?" the sergeant hissed. "You think YOU are a Kana--?"

"At least--" Khetai wheezed brokenly, craning her neck in his grip. "At least--I do not--rape little boys--like the Moru--that you are!"

U'heta's look grew as dark as pitch. "You say that I am the Moru, and you are the Kana--?" he hissed. A hideous grin lit up his face, and his grip loosened just slightly so she could breathe. "Then let us see how much of a Kana you really are," he snarled, "when I ram my cock up into the right hole this time!"

Khetai panicked, eyes going wide and the tears finally streaming down her cheeks. "No--!"

The sergeant, holding her by the throat, tightened his grip again and bashed her head against the mudbrick wall so her vision grew hazy. Khetai started to slide down to the floor, the hallway spinning, as he stepped to stand over her. She blinked and lifted her head dizzily, trying to make out what was happening; after another blink she could at last see him, looming over her and tossing his loincloth aside. He gave her the most hateful look she had ever seen before hastily parting his kilt and coming down over her to yank up her own. Khetai's head wouldn't stop spinning, her muscles refusing to work. U'heta dug his fingers into her thighs and pried them apart.

Khetai-Kana, Khetai-Kana--why me? What have I done? Please gods, not this! Please not this--!

She couldn't even feel him, though some part of her mind knew she would soon. Khetai shut her eyes as tightly as she could, biting off a whimper and turning her head to the side. U'heta let out a rasping, mocking noise and wedged his knees between her own, positioning himself and thrusting his hips forward.

Khetai-Brother, where are you? Do not let him do this to me! Please, no--!

Crack. Khetai blinked back into sharp consciousness when the noise rang in her skull. U'heta's eyes rolled back in his head, tongue lolling. His penis mashed against her belly as he slumped over her, rolling to the floor. She had just enough time to blink once more--another shape hovered over her, wings flaring--Khetai-Kana?--before the sergeant groaned loudly and put a hand to his bleeding head. The unconsciousness had been only temporary. Already he had regained his senses, and sat up dazedly, shaking his head with confusion.


The shape in front of her danced to the side. Khetai looked up and gaped with surprise to see Lieutenant Djuta, wielding his sword. He held one hand pressed to his wound and panted harshly, face pale and obviously in pain; U'heta saw him now as well and snarled, clambering to his feet. He drew his dagger.

"What in the hells are you doing--?"

Djuta stood as straight as he could, leveling his sword toward U'heta's chest. "You'd best back away," he panted. "Else the entire household will very soon hear the sound of you losing your balls."

U'heta bared his teeth. "Hardly! You cannot attack me for what I have done! I was only punishing this piece of shit according to Kana law! She has had you all fooled!"

"Hardly," Djuta echoed; "I knew, as well," and before U'heta could protest anew, the butt of the sword cracked into his jaw. His eyes crossed comically and he fell to the floor as hard as a clod of clay, unmoving.

Djuta glanced down at him, chest heaving, before wincing and doubling over.

Khetai stared at him for a moment, then scrabbled at the wall, pulling herself up despite the pain she was in. "What in the Duat are you doing out here?" she hissed, grabbing at his arm when he threatened to fall. "Idiot! Your wound! You are in no condition to fight!"

"I was seeking Lord Resikh," Djuta replied weakly, "though your company is quite enjoyable, as well."

Khetai's muzzle wrinkled. "This is hardly the time for games! You have already been suspected of one crime, now they will accuse you of another!"

"Oh?" He leaned against the wall when she steadied him. "And what you have done is so much better?" He waved at her mussed attire. "Trust me, Lady Khetai, as soon as they get here, it will be you they gawk over first."

Khetai chewed on her lip. She knew that what he said was true; a Moru faced a far greater punishment for fighting a Kana, than a Kana did. She glanced down at U'heta, her emotions warring.

Djuta stood staring at her silently for a moment before letting out something that sounded like a sigh. He took a step forward and touched Khetai's robe; she gasped and started to jerk back, only to notice he was pulling it over her shoulder. One look at herself revealed the sorry state of her clothing and armor, and immediately her shame came back; she pulled herself away from him and fumbled to pull her damaged armor up as best she could. She winced when she felt the blood between her legs, but tried to ignore the feeling. The reek of U'heta's seed made her want to gag, and she nearly did. She didn't even know she was keeling to the side until Djuta grabbed her arm and pulled her back up to her feet.

She hated the pitying look he gave her, and pushed him away, trying to stand on her own. "I...I am fine! Leave me alone. If not for you I wouldn't even have been out here so late!"

She knew this was not true, yet felt like saying the words anyway. His mere presence embarrassed her and she avoided eye contact, still fiddling with her torn robes. She sensed he wished to speak, yet said nothing; after a moment they both looked down at U'heta again, and Khetai angrily swept one hand across her stinging eyes.

"You are all right...?" Djuta asked.

"No, I am NOT all right!" Khetai barked, sucking in a ragged breath.

The Kana opened his mouth, then closed it. His ear flicked and he self-consciously rubbed at his bandage.

"I am sorry," he said simply, after a long pause.

"I do not care!" Khetai grimaced and started scrubbing at her eyes again, hating the tears that started to trickle from them. "Stupid ass! If you had not kept me so long, I wouldn't have been here. I would not have run into him. If YOUR sort were not wandering around the hallways, at the very least, he would have gotten it over with and I would be fine! I could have handled him! I have dealt with much worse people than any of you!" She dropped her arms and snarled at him, making him take a step back. "All I wished was to continue doing my job, and be left in peace! You've ruined all of that! He KNOWS who I am now! As soon as he awakes I will be dead!"

Djuta's look darkened, as if he wished to argue, then he lowered his head slightly and sighed.
He held his sword out in front of him, nudging the unconscious Kana with his foot. "Well? Should I finish him, then?"

Khetai gawked in disbelief. "What?"

"Finish him. Kill him off!" Djuta glared at her. "You want your secret safe, do you not? Do you want me to kill him and get it over with?"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "No! Of course not!" she hissed. "What sort of asinine idea is that? You're in enough trouble as it is!"

"I had only thought to help," Djuta grumbled. "And I can hardly be in any worse trouble, by now..."

Noises from the other end of the hall caught his attention, and he lifted his head. Khetai stiffened and whirled toward the noise; a Kana was running up the hall toward them, sword drawn. Her eyes went wide in panic and she again tried pulling at her clothes, though it was difficult hiding her true shape by now; she saw Djuta take a step in front of her, and her ears flared in surprise, but the gesture was too little, too late. Lieutenant Nehef came to a halt before them, panting and looking considerably more surprised than before.

He saw Djuta first of all--"Lord? What..." Then he saw U'heta, on the floor, and his brow furrowed...and then his gaze drifted to Khetai, and his eyes widened. She flushed crimson, averting her eyes and pathetically crossing her arms over her cracked armor and torn kilt, her wings starting to shake. Nehef scratched at his ear in obvious confusion.

"L...Lord...?" he stammered. He turned back to Djuta and spread his arms. "What in the great burning Duat is going on--?"

Ahai'ikh emerged behind him, panting; he too gawked at the three of them, and then several more guards arrived to do the same. Khetai saw Djuta cast her a quick glance before turning back to the two lieutenants and taking a step toward them. U'heta started to sit up with a groan as he passed, and Djuta kicked him just hard enough to knock him down again. The guards paid the motion no attention whatsoever; most of them were too busy staring at Khetai.

Djuta came to a halt in front of Nehef and gestured at U'heta. "He was assaulting Lord Khetai," he said, in response to Nehef's question. "I was forced to stop him."

Nehef's brow furrowed again. "Lord Khetai...?"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

Nehef appeared to be at a loss. He shook his head, dazed and speechless; U'heta sat up again, holding a hand to his head and groaning aloud.

"Oh gods...my poor head!" he moaned, then managed to lift it and open his eyes, blinking painfully at the others gathered around them. As soon as he caught Nehef's attention he bared his teeth in an ugly snarl. "It...it is his fault!" he growled, jerking his hand at Djuta before grimacing. "He attacked me! I swear I took part in no wrongdoing, Lords! I was only punishing this Moru for impersonating a Kana--the punishment she deserves!"

Djuta hissed and spat at him. "And since when does the law call for you to shove your shaft inside her every opening, stupid dungpile?"

U'heta snarled. "You are one to speak!"

Djuta had just enough time to blink before Nehef waved his hands. "Enough!" he exclaimed, silencing them; he rubbed at the space between his eyes and made a face. "I hardly have any idea what is going on here--a bedridden Kana who is carrying on a fight...a Kana who is punishing a Moru...who is a Kana, who is really a Moru!" He put his sword away and jerked his hand at the air. "Enough squabbling. We will take this up with General Mahakhi!"

Panic flitted across Khetai's face and she shrank in on herself. Ahai'ikh moved forward to take her arm, as two Kana approached to grab onto U'heta, and Nehef came forward for Djuta.

"You. Make certain he's bound tight," the lieutenant ordered his fellows, who were handling a protesting U'heta. "We don't need a repeat of what that idiot Bakh'asu put us through!"

"Yes, Lord."

"I am hardly to blame!" U'heta whined, as the Kana bound his arms behind his back. Djuta watched silently as Ahai'ikh bound Khetai's arms in front of her; her eyes were welling up, the tears staring to trickle down her face, yet she bit her lip and kept herself from crying aloud. As her wrists were fastened her armor slipped from her shoulder, baring her breast, and her face grew hot with shame; Ahai'ikh reached out to pull it back up again, straightening her clothing out as best he could although a flush arose in his own face. He took her by the elbow and turned her around to lead her in the same direction U'heta had gone, and she glanced back at Djuta over her shoulder.

He was giving her the same pitying look as before--or was it...apologetic? Khetai couldn't be certain. His words rang in her head again--I am sorry--and all logical thought fled her, as she suddenly realized she had no idea what to do. Despite every precaution she had taken, nothing had ever prepared her for this moment, and all she could do was stare back at him in utter confusion as Ahai'ikh started to lead her away.

Before she could turn away she saw Nehef approach the other lieutenant, holding a cord in his hands. He gave Djuta the same look Djuta was giving her; without a word, Djuta turned and crossed his wrists behind his back. Khetai watched as Nehef bound them with the cord, cinching it tightly.

"Brother," Nehef murmured quietly. "I am sorry that I must do this."

"You only do your duty, Brother," Djuta replied, his voice so quiet that Khetai nearly didn't hear what he'd said. He turned about, Nehef behind him, and didn't protest as the three of them were led away down the hallway, to the prisoners' cells.


"Part 34: Relief

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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