Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/517374-Part-32--Disguise
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #517374
Djuta discovers a bizarre secret about the attending physician...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 32 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

RESIKH LAY BACK upon his bed, staring at the canopy. He did not even bother trying to sleep, as he knew sleep would not come, not after all that had happened just that night. He played over the events in Djuta's quarters over and over, and each time came up wanting, unable to understand. It made no sense. How Djuta had acted. How he had acted. It was as if they had all been replaced by others, following the battle with the River Tribe. He vaguely wondered if such a thing could happen...if spirits could be switched...before shaking off the thought as superstitious. But still, it was hard to look to anything but a superstitious explanation, as for why everyone was acting so strange lately.

I do not understand him. He was always so kind before. He would never hurt a one if they were not the enemy, in battle. Especially not after what was done to him. Even the human felt at ease with him. He brought peace to everyone he met. Why was it so different with Ri'hus...?

He stared at the canopy a little longer as the drapes shifted in the breeze coming in off the courtyard, and sighed. He looked at the mattress beside him. Any other night, it was likely that Djuta would be there, or he would be with Djuta. He closed his eyes, brow furrowing.

I should not have said any of that to him...I know he was just as confused as I was. He could never lie convincingly to me. I should not have told him he was just like Bakh'asu...he did not need to hear that from me.

What do I do? What do I say to him now that everything's so different? How does either of us make this right...?

He opened his eyes, stared at the canopy a little longer. After a few moments he sighed and sat up, swinging his legs out of the bed to put his feet on the floor. He sat that way for a bit, staring at his sandals and chewing his lip; but no words would come, nothing that would effectively counter everything he'd already said. He stood up and trudged gloomily to the door. I will just have to face him, he thought as he pushed it open and started down the hall. There is nothing I can say...I will just have to hope he believes me. I should have spoken with my head and not with my heart...

His step slowed somewhat as Djuta's door came into view, and he sighed even more heavily, his heart feeling like a dead weight in his chest. He cringed when he thought of all the things he'd said, even though they had seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, considering what Djuta had done. He stopped before the door and hesitated knocking on it for a moment before making himself do so, quietly at first, leaning his head toward it to listen. "Djuta?" he called out, and paused. "I wish to speak with you."

Silence filled the hall. Resikh waited in vain for any response, but received none. He sighed and leaned against the door, feeling very tired. "Djuta, please let's talk," he called. "I did not mean what I said. But we cannot ignore this and hope it will go away. I know you need to talk to me too. Please say something."

He cocked his ear, but no sound came. Resikh pressed the side of his head to the door and sighed a final time, cursing himself for ever leaving so abruptly. "I will be in my room," he murmured, not certain if Djuta could hear, "if you wish to talk," and he pushed himself away from the door and turned to head back to his quarters.

He halted just then, frozen in midstep, hackles prickling. He couldn't explain the strange feeling that suddenly chilled him, but it filled him with unease. He slowly turned back to look at the door. From the crack beneath it, a light still burned, though it flickered and guttered as if unattended. There was absolutely no noise from within, not even a snuffle or a thump, and he knew Djuta was usually a light sleeper. And no matter how angry they had ever been with each other, Djuta had never once ignored him in such a manner.

Resikh turned back and approached the door. "Djuta...?" he called out, uncertainly; he pressed his hand to the door and felt it give, which also made him uneasy--why would Djuta not lock it after he had gone? Was he even there at all? Where else would he be? Resikh pushed the door open and peered inside, at the bed, but saw no one upon it; he frowned in confusion. The lamp sitting not far from it was in fact on its last legs, guttering as it burned up the last of its oil. Djuta was never one to leave a flickering lamp unattended.

"Djuta?" Resikh asked, louder, and turned to look further into the room. That was when he saw the dark shape sprawled upon the floor near the other side of the room, and sucked in a breath, panic lighting up inside him.


He pushed the door all the way open and bounded into the room. Djuta lay upon his side, his head turned away from Resikh; the other Kana hoped that perhaps he had taken more to drink after he had gone, and had passed out this way--yet the dark pool forming around him filled him with dread. "Djuta!" he cried as he dropped to his knees and rolled him over. He quailed on seeing the dagger handle protruding from Djuta's chest, his own hand slipping from it and falling with a thud to the floor. His front was stained red, and tears filled Resikh's eyes as he tried to hold him up.

"Djuta!" he cried again, and clasped his hand around the dagger, yet didn't pull it loose--all his instincts fled him, and he had no idea what to do. He cradled Djuta's head as he let out a strange strangled sound, and only then thought to press his sticky fingers to the other Kana's neck. He felt warmth coming from his nostrils, and took in a breath when he at last felt the pulse fluttering weak beneath his fingertips; his senses came back to him, at least in part, and he struggled to pick Djuta up. Djuta weighed as much as he did, and so Resikh had to stagger a little, unable to sling him over his shoulder without injuring him further; leaving the dagger embedded in his chest, he made it to the door and out into the hallway, and started jogging as fast as he could, which was not very fast at all, considering his burden. He repeatedly had to blink his eyes clear, glancing from door to door, his panic quickly returning.

It felt like an eternity before he reached the door he sought, and he had to turn and ram his shoulder against it, Djuta's feet also striking the wooden surface, to try to attract the attention of the one within. "Open! Open up!" he yelled, and thudded against it again. After a moment of this, muttering noises arose from within, and he could hear someone approaching and the sound of the latch being undone. He took a step back as it opened, Khetai's groggy face frowning out at him.

"What is it now--?"

"Please--" Resikh turned so the junior physician could see Djuta better, and the other Kana's eyes widened. "He needs help. Please let us in!"

Khetai quickly stepped aside, pulling the door open wide. Resikh entered and glanced about them; "Bring him over here!" Khetai exclaimed, and hurried across the room, knocking the drapes out of the way and gesturing at the bed. Resikh approached and carefully laid Djuta out upon it, and almost immediately Khetai was hovering over him, looking him over.

"What happened?" he demanded.

Resikh rubbed at his head. "I--I do not know. I think he did it to himself." He shuddered. "There was blood all over the floor. I do not know how long he was like this! I only just found him--!"

"Fetch me my chest," Khetai ordered, and when he hesitated, the physician cast him a dark look. "Make yourself useful or go! My chest!"

Resikh flushed and hurried to get it. He brought it back and stood aside as Khetai rummaged around and started pulling out various things, some linen gauze, thread, a large needle. Resikh watched, shaking, as he pulled these things together, then stooped down over the unconscious Kana, touching the dagger handle.

"This pool of blood," he said. "How big was it?"

Resikh blinked but struggled to remember. "About--about as big around as a winnowing basket," he stammered.

Khetai lifted one of Djuta's eyelids as he pressed a linen around the wound. "Hm...he's lost a lot of it then...but if I can stop it, it should not be fatal." He clasped the dagger handle, then glanced at Resikh. "Take hold of the gauze. Keep it pressed into place. Hold onto it tight. I'm going to remove the dagger, and I do not want his wound growing any bigger than it already is."

Resikh nodded. He placed his hands over the linens and held them in place as Khetai slowly drew out the dagger, and the red slickness of its blade made Resikh feel weak. He deposited it on a small table near the bed, and then waved Resikh away from the linens.

"Fetch me the waterbowl. Over there."

Resikh obeyed and set it down beside him. Khetai dipped a fresh linen into it, then drew it out and started dabbing out the wound. Resikh watched for any sign of pain on Djuta's face...but it was as if Djuta were not even there. The thought made his eyes grow wet again, and he had to bite his lip to keep from whimpering.

"Lord...?" He blinked, then glanced down. Khetai looked back up at him, one ear flaring.

"I can manage without you now," he said. "You could only get in the way, so perhaps you'd best go back to your quarters until I'm done."

Resikh blinked and his eyes widened. "I--I cannot just leave him!" he insisted.

Khetai looked exasperated, but managed to speak in a level tone. "Lord, there is nothing you can do to help now. I have to clean the wound and sew it up thoroughly, and bandage him to make certain there's no more bleeding. Unless you have trained to be a physician, then I doubt you could help me much. I can handle the rest of this just fine."

Resikh's wings started to sink. "But...I have nothing to do back there," he murmured. "I wanted to help him. Any way I can."

Khetai replaced the bloodied bandages with fresh ones and gave Resikh a frank look. "Why do you not head back to his quarters, then, and see to the mess he left behind? And inform anybody who matters of this issue. I'm certain Lord Mahakhi will want to hear it."

I am certain he will not! Resikh thought, but sighed and lowered his head. "All right," he said, then lifted his head again. "When you are done--or if anything changes--"

"You will be the first to know," Khetai said, and turned back to Djuta without another word. Resikh sensed the brushoff, but could do nothing other than turn and leave the room, casting a look back at Djuta as he went. He hated more than anything to close the door behind him, yet made himself do so, and trudged slowly in the direction of Mahakhi's quarters.

This day would not be a good one.

* * * * *

Nehef and Ahai'ikh ducked their heads and winced as a bellow echoed through the halls. They stood outside General Mahakhi's room, keeping guard, although such a thing was hardly necessary, given the big Kana's mood. They'd been able to tell by the look on Resikh's face as he approached that something had happened, yet no amount of wheedling had convinced him to share his information, and they'd been forced to let him in. The fact that he was on his own, and not in Djuta's company, was strange enough in itself.

"If they were a more ambitious sort," Nehef had often whispered to Ahai'ikh, "then I think we would both be lying dead in an alley, and they would be first and second lieutenant."

Now, the awful sounds coming from Mahakhi's room proved that not everything was right. They pricked their ears, though they hardly needed to; Mahakhi's voice was loud enough to be heard all throughout the household.

"Again!" came a shout. "And again, and again! Ever since Lord Nehekhi died, this place has descended even more into madness! What in the Duat is wrong with everyone lately?"

There was no reply. The door slammed open and the two lieutenants saluted, spines ramrod straight, as Mahakhi stormed out, eyes flashing red. "Suicide," he growled. "Suicide! A dagger to the breast? What was the fool even thinking that he would do such a stupid thing?"

Resikh came out behind him. He kept his gaze on the floor, wings drooping and pace slow. Nehef and Ahai'ikh peered at him as he passed, but he said nothing to them. Mahakhi had to stop and wait for him to catch up, and by then he was in an even fouler mood.

"Lieutenant! You have some sort of answer?" he bellowed. "Why Lord Djuta would be acting like a complete fool, enough to ram his own dagger into his breast?"

Nehef's and Ahai'ikh's eyes widened. Resikh flinched, muzzle wrinkling. "I do not know, Lord," he murmured softly.

Mahakhi stared at him for a moment, then threw up his hands with a snarl. "For love of the gods! It's true then. The whole place has gone mad! Next I will see you jumping beneath the hooves of your Sha, claiming to be the earth they trod upon!" He continued down the hall. "PHYSICIAN! Where in the Duat is he..."

Resikh waited until the general was out of sight before letting out his breath. He put a hand to his forehead and tried to rub the ache away.

Nehef reached out and poked him in the side with the butt of his spear. "Brother? Come, you can tell us. What goes on? What do you know?"

"What is going on with Djuta?" Ahai'ikh asked with a frown. "He has tried to kill himself--?"

"I don't know anything," Resikh murmured.

The other lieutenants started making faces. "You were always a poor liar, Resikh!" Nehef exclaimed. "The truth shows as plainly as the nose on your face."

"Then find the truth there," Resikh snapped. "What Djuta has done is his own business and not yours or anyone else's. I will hardly go spreading gossip about him! I am glad only that his attempt failed so miserably. You should be grateful for this as well."

Nehef blinked, then frowned, almost a scowl. "I love a good tale as much as any Kana," he said, "yet I would hardly go gossiping about such a thing! You know as well as anyone that Djuta is our brother also. What happens to him happens to all of us. You fault us for wondering?"

"Really, Brother," Ahai'ikh said, stepping forward. "What happened? Did he tell you anything?"

Resikh stared at the wall for a moment before lowering his head. "He did not tell me anything," he said flatly, clenching his fists, and with this turned and stalked away.

Nehef and Ahai'ikh shared a look, but said nothing.

* * * * *

The rest of the night, and then the day, and then the next night and day, and the ones after that, passed into evening, and the household of Mahakhi was at last calm, for the most part. Although Resikh had no part in it, and Nehef and Ahai'ikh likely didn't either, word spread quickly of what had happened; many glances were cast at Resikh and Mahakhi whenever they appeared, but no one dared ask the question that was on every mind. If anything, the house seemed even more subdued than it had been before, when usually such an incident would set tongues wagging without cease. Perhaps it was because of Djuta's position of respect, or because of Mahakhi's command that nothing be said of it; but whatever the case, the story remained shrouded and vague, and as dim as Djuta's quarters were now kept.

For the great part of the day, Djuta was the only one to occupy them, Khetai occasionally dropping in to see again to his wound, though Resikh saw to it that Rithukh'het was allowed entry every so often, only for a short while, to fret over him like a worried mother. She sat beside his bed now with her head resting upon his arm, tears staining her face. Resikh sat somewhat away from the foot of the bed to give them a small bit of privacy, though he couldn't take his own eyes from the other lieutenant, who so far hadn't awakened since he had tried to kill himself. Resikh's thoughts wandered while Rithukh'het whimpered softly.

Why did he do this? Was it because of me? What I said? We have argued before and nothing ever came of it! But...I have never said such things of him, ever...is this really what made him do it? Was it because of me...?

Or, was it because of that private...Private Ri'hus...?

Resikh bit his lip and averted his eyes at last. He had not told Mahakhi of what had happened with Ri'hus, even when he'd told him everything else, even the basic subject of their argument. So far, he, Djuta, and Ri'hus were the only ones who knew of what had happened in this same room several nights ago. Mahakhi had been willing to believe that Nehekhi's death had been the culprit behind Djuta's mood, and so Resikh had not convinced him otherwise. Still...he felt guilty over withholding such information, and using Nehekhi's death like that. Despite this he had been fully prepared to keep their secret, and to keep Djuta from punishment.

It looked as if Djuta had been his own worst punishment, though.

He sighed and shut his eyes. What was I expected to do? he asked himself. Tell Mahakhi that one of his Kana elite is a rapist? They would slash his wings for sure...

What have you gotten yourself into, Djuta...?

He looked up at the softly weeping figure of Rithukh'het, and at last felt a flare of anger in his breast. Not long before the attempt, Djuta had made a deal of stating how selfish Nehekhi had been, to give his life when he would leave so many behind. Now how could Djuta have been so selfish as to forget about his own mate? So as to leave her behind, without a master?

Much less forget about me, the one he has spent his life with...

He rubbed at one wet eye, then tensed when the door behind him opened. Rithukh'het didn't even lift her head. Resikh turned to look over his shoulder, and saw the slight form of the junior physician standing in the doorway. He shut the door behind him and came into the room, walking so softly that his gauzy robes made the only sound, a soft swishing. He set his chest down on a stool near Resikh and peered at Djuta, then at the other lieutenant.

"He has not awakened yet?"

Resikh shook his head miserably and rubbed at his eyes again. "No...not once. Not even for Rithukh'het. Why won't he wake?"

"He lost much blood, and this can have an effect on one. He will need to recuperate for a time. It is normal to sleep for a day, two days, a week after such an injury."

"I wish him to wake up soon," Resikh said, grating his teeth. "So I may kill him for being such a stupid dungball!"

Khetai's ear twitched, white lappet quivering. "I will relay him this message as soon as he awakes," he said. "In the meantime, I have to ask you to go now."

Resikh opened his mouth to retort, heard Rithukh'het crying again, and closed it. He stood with a heavy sigh and headed for the bed. Djuta lay silent and pale as he had for the past several days. Resikh fought down the urge to grab him by the arms and shake him back and forth; instead he took Rithukh'het's arm and gently helped her to her feet. The Moru sobbed quietly but didn't protest. Resikh nodded at the physician as he led her from the room, and the physician bowed in return before moving to Djuta's bed.

Resikh allowed Rithukh'het to lean against him, despite her weight, as he helped her down the hall. He hated the piteous sounds she let out the entire way, and even more he hated the thought of leaving her in the Moru quarters. He looked down at her and bit his lip, then his tensed muscles relaxed, and he wrapped his arm around hers, altering his course to take him to his room.

He would keep her in his own quarters for now. It was the smallest thing he could do, for his fallen friend.

* * * * *

Khetai went and cracked open the door, to watch the other lieutenant and the female make their way off down the hall. He watched until they were gone from sight, and started to close the door, before spotting another Kana wandering a ways off. When he paused to get a better look at him the other Kana, a crooked-tusked sergeant, spotted him and waved cheerily; Khetai's muzzle wrinkled in disgust and he shut the door. He turned to look back into the room, and let out a sigh.

"Stupid ass," he muttered. "I swear that hound follows me around like some cur in heat. Someday I'll have to apply a sharp instrument to his genitals." He took several steps in the direction of Djuta's bed and wrinkled his muzzle again.

"Stupid Kana," he said, as if echoing himself. "And here I thought you were one of the smart ones." He stooped to dig in his chest, pulling out a fresh change of gauze and a small envelope of medicinal powder. "Sticking yourself with a dagger...you could not have used your sword instead, and saved everyone the trouble?" He snorted. "As if no one could put two and two together."

He sat down opposite Rithukh'het's vacated seat, and started to carefully cut the bandages from Djuta's chest. "A sniffling barracks private, come seeking poppy 'to help me sleep' exactly a day after you first get your head bashed in, and then stick a dagger in your breast," he said. "The same barracks private who was seen in your company, drinking a beer, that very same night. The very same barracks private who left his barracks in the middle of the night, and then returned, saying he had been tending to you. Oh, I think he was 'tending,' all right. I think the two of you were probably tending quite nicely." He finished cutting off the gauze and pulled it away, pursing his lips at the stitched wound to Djuta's chest. "Though it looks like the tending didn't have a happy ending, judging by this hole you put in yourself...what was this exactly, Lieutenant? A belated conscience?"

He stuffed the dirtied bandages in a box and washed the wound, checking for any signs of infection before dusting the clean bandages with the powder and applying them, tamping them down at the corners. He yawned and rubbed one eye, then snorted in irritation as he pulled out a cloth and dipped it in the waterbowl.

"I lost a good night's sleep because of your stupidity. You are lucky I'm more dedicated to my craft than that other royal ass is, else you would be dead by now. Or perhaps, you are unlucky, since that seemed to be your intent. Either way, I can think of many things I'd rather be doing than wasting my time here."

He pulled the cloth out of the waterbowl, felt it, then made a face. He rose and went to the other side of the room to fetch the waterbowl which sat over there, in the shadows, and brought it back; the cloth was more chilled now when he removed it, and he squeezed out most of the water and shook it a bit as he spoke.

"Think of it this way--at least, since you are still alive, your friend has promised to murder you, I assume because of your utter stupidity. And I cannot blame him. If it were not against my code, I should like to murder you myself, just for ruining my sleep like that."

Djuta's face suddenly pinched, and he stiffened, claws digging into the sheets. A soft moan escaped him, and Khetai turned to watch him in curiosity. The Kana tossed his head a few times, whimpered, then fell still, though every so often he would move again or let out a small noise. Khetai approached and placed the cold cloth against his forehead; Djuta panted hard in his sleep, whimpering and flinching. Khetai waited a moment or two before pulling off the cloth and dipping it in the water again.

"A nightmare," he murmured. "I suppose this is fitting. If no one else will punish you, then you will do the best job yourself."

He sat down and pulled the waterbowl close, applying the cloth again and letting out a sigh. This would be a long night, and he suspected he would not get much sleep yet again.

* * * * *

Djuta quailed in a nightmare, that he didn't know was a nightmare, as a giant hulking shape with glowing eyes bellowed with laughter. He thought it looked familiar, yet his view of everything was so hazy that he couldn't be certain where he had seen it before. He just barely managed to catch a glimpse of gleaming metal before something pierced through his chest, tearing through his heart. He gasped brokenly at the pain, only to see Bakh'asu's face leering at him as the big Moru twisted the dagger in his breast. Djuta's hands flew up to grab onto it as the wound only grew deeper and bloodier. How could he receive such a wound and still live--?

"You--you can't--!" he gasped in disbelief.

Bakh'asu's grin only deepened. "You think I am dead? I will show you how dead I truly am, Moru dog!"

Djuta cried out and tried to pull the dagger free, his claws gouging bloody gashes in Bakh'asu's hands...only now they weren't Bakh'asu's...they were Tas'hukh's...he struggled against his old master, unable to understand why this was happening. This made no sense--Tas'hukh had never been violent with him, not once. What had happened--?

"You very well understand," Tas'hukh snarled, twisting the blade. Djuta yelled with pain. "It is only what you deserve! What a Moru dog like you most deserves for what you have done! There is no way that I have ever allowed filth like you to come close to me!"

Djuta ground his teeth, eyes streaming with tears. "But--"

And now it wasn't Tas'hukh...but Mahakhi. The big Kana bared his teeth. The blade wrenched in a circle, tearing his heart into pieces.

"You think you still serve me, dog? What was not done to your wings years ago, I will do now, tenfold! Nehekhi-Kana was far more than you will ever be, and because of you he is DEAD! You shall always be nothing but a Moru to me!"

The blade finally yanked free. Djuta wheezed and fell to his knees; a shadow fell over him and he blinked the tears from his eyes to see the face of his friend--Resikh--gazing down at him. He held out his bloodied hands, crying with terror.

"Res--Resikh--p--please--help me--!"

But Resikh only sneered. His voice sounded like gravel, like rocks grinding against each other--nothing like the voice of his closest friend. His hateful eyes looked nothing like Resikh's warm open eyes, yet it was Resikh's face he now looked into. "You get what you deserve," he hissed. "Dog. Moru dog. You think you can kill a captain, and rape a private, and get away with it? You brought this all upon yourself. I offered you help and you refused it. You refused me. You will hardly get any help now. Feast upon your heart; it's all you shall receive." And with that, he tossed something at Djuta, and the lieutenant was forced to catch it; he peered down shakily to see what he now held.

Djuta started screaming when he saw the gory remains of his own heart dripping in his hands, and let them fall, kicking and flailing wildly. He reached out for Resikh, grabbing him by the shoulders, sinking his claws into his skin and shaking him as hard as he could...

...and opened his eyes to find himself shaking someone else instead, just dimly hearing their responding yelp of surprise. His eyes focused on white lappets swinging before him, and a startled voice cried out, "Lieutenant--Lieutenant! Stop it! You are dreaming--!"

Djuta blinked and his eyes widened. This face was not Resikh's. The startled face of a different Kana, one he didn't recognize very well, stared back; Djuta's scream broke off and with a gasp he pulled his hands away and Khetai jerked back so abruptly that his robe tore from his shoulder, the light armor underneath it pulling loose as well. Djuta's eyes widened even more when he glanced Khetai's chest, before the physician backed away from the bed, hands scrabbling to pull his armor back up. He bared his teeth as he did so, ears flicking wildly.

"Stupid ass!" he barked. "You were having a dream, idiot! In your shape I should have just LET you have it! With the way you move around you will rip yourself open and I will enjoy it!"

Djuta sat up with another gasp and one hand went to his chest, the wound flaring with pain. He gaped at Khetai as the physician tried to reattach his damaged armor and torn robe.

"You..." he managed to get out, winced, then gawked again. "You--under your clothes! You--"

Khetai's head jerked up, all the blood draining from his face. He bared his teeth at Djuta again, still fumbling with the shoulderstrap.

"Keep your eyes and hands to yourself, stupid! If you try that again I will report you to Mahakhi!"

Djuta sat up further, this time ignoring the pain. "You have breasts!" he cried.
"You--you're a female!"

The junior physician's face grew bright red. "You imagine things! Stupid!" he shouted, but even now "his" voice cracked, growing higher pitched. Djuta hazily remembered being tended to by this same Kana before, whenever he'd drawn close to consciousness, before slipping under again; he also remembered his other encounters with him in the past. Certainly, the junior physician was nowhere near as burly or muscular as most Kana were, but he'd assumed it was merely because of his profession. He'd never had any reason to believe he was not a male until now!

Djuta waved his hand at Khetai, still sputtering in astonishment. "You--you have breasts!" he insisted. "Beneath your clothes! You are a woman!"

Khetai came toward him now, hissing and baring his--her?--teeth once more. "Quiet, fool! You have consumed a great deal of poppy these past several days--so of course your brain is addled! It's still no reason to bring everyone running, idiot!"

"Oh?" Djuta challenged, and looked him up and down. "Then explain all these--your slight form--your womanly voice--your curving hips! I hadn't even noticed until now, what with that robe you wear!" Before the physician could back away, he grabbed at the light armor and wrenched it loose again; Khetai gasped and struggled to pull away, but this only succeeded in tearing the armor from his chest so it fell to the floor. His face flushed in mortification and his arms flew up to cover himself, but now Djuta was certain. The slight pink nipples peeking from their soft, nearly flat breasts proved he was not a he. Djuta could only gape in astonishment as Khetai flushed harder than she ever had, scrabbling for her clothes, her eyes welling up.

"Stupid fool!" she cried in a whisper, pulling her armor back on. "Are you happy now? Has this made your day?"

Djuta just blinked, then shook his head dazedly. "But...I do not understand this! How are--how are you even here? A physician? Women don't become physicians! And a Kana--?"

"Be QUIET!" Her voice was such that he finally fell still, and watched in stupefied silence as she hastily reattached her damaged armor, pulling her robe about herself. She rose to her feet and clenched her fists, wings shaking. She made a passing good boy, he had to admit, but there was no way she would ever have passed for a soldier. When she noticed he had obeyed her order, she calmed a bit, and her fists loosened. She stared at him for a moment, as if gauging his reaction, before averting her eyes. Her voice was as thin as papyrus.

"If anyone else knew--"

"Then you would be dead," Djuta cut in. She glanced at him uneasily and he wrinkled his muzzle. "You think I don't know the punishment for impersonating a Kana? I know it well! Only boys are accepted! So how in the Duat is it that you are here, tending to me, wearing the lappets of a physician?"

She put a finger to her mouth and hissed at him once more. "Keep your voice down! Years it took to gain and keep this, and you may ruin it all in but a moment!"

Djuta was tempted to snarl at her for her impudence, then reconsidered; aside from her deceit, he could think of no real reason to be spiteful toward her. He shut his mouth and waited for her to explain. Khetai wrung her hands and grimaced.

"My--my name is Khetai," she said, "but my real name is Khetait. I took...I took the name of my brother, after he died."

"What?" Djuta held up his hands and shook his head. "Wait, friend. I think you'd best start your story a little bit earlier than that."

"It is not difficult!" Khetai snapped. "My brother--Khetai--he was a Kana. Like m--like you. I was his twin. We were born of the same mother, the same father. We looked much alike--we even both bore wings--though of course, I was female, while he was male. So he became Kana, and I became Moru."

Djuta rolled his eyes. "This much I figured on my own. It is how you became Kana that confuses me!"

Khetai's face grew ugly. "Bear with me then or shut your muzzle!" She took a breath and let it out, paused, and then wrung her hands a little. "It...it is a bit difficult to explain."

"I thought you just said--"

Her wings flared. "Do you wish to hear this or not, dungball? Then shut your mouth and listen!"

Surprised, Djuta did as he was told. He'd never been reprimanded so by a female; it was unusual, to say the least.

Khetai stared at him for a moment to make certain he was going to remain quiet, then continued. "Our tribe...our tribe saw many difficulties," she explained. "My father, my mother, they were killed off when I was barely more than a pup. My brother came to power very quickly in our tribe. There were not many of us as it was. Our people were not lucky--we did not have a general, and most of the captains had been lost in battle with bigger tribes."

"I assume you were left in the care of your brother, then," Djuta said. She looked at him briefly before averting her eyes again.

"He was kind to me," she murmured. "My brother. He always was, even while our father was still alive. I do not know why he felt such a fondness for me, yet always he came to visit and play with me in the Moru quarters, which was difficult, as Kana are not meant to play with Moru. And so we kept it as secret as we could. When our father was no longer with us, Khetai no longer had to hide this. He removed me from the Moru quarters then. He said that he had always wished to do this, as I was his sister; he hated to see me treated so. He set me free from the Moru, though I still had to stay beneath his roof, or else risk death at the hands of the other Kana. They would not accept a female, as he had. But he always protected me. He is one of the few Kana who have ever treated me such."

She trailed off, staring at the floor. Djuta waited a moment or two before shifting, flinching at the bite of pain to his chest; he placed his hand to the bandages and looked at them, realizing that she must have put them there. When she spoke again he lifted his head to look at her. Her gaze had not lifted from the floor. Her voice was soft, nothing at all like before.

"Our...I have already said our tribe was not lucky. We were attacked...again...and my brother was wounded. All of our Kana were killed. Most of the Moru, as well. I was uninjured, but only because I hid. My brother's Moru were slaughtered; they were not even taken as slaves by our attackers. They killed almost everyone!" She shut her eyes briefly, wincing at the memory. "They spared very few, and gods know why they did even that! Perhaps it was because we hid too well--or perhaps they had merely grown tired of killing! In any case...they left, and after a great amount of time had passed, I finally showed my face again.

"And I found my brother. My poor Khetai. He was so badly wounded...much as you were, with a sword bite to the breast." She waved at Djuta, and he glanced down at the bandages on his chest again. "He was so weak, his voice so faint...I knew...knew he would not live long." Her eyes glistened and she swallowed. "He told me...that since all the Kana were gone, there was only one way to make sure the other Moru...and myself...survived. To take his armor...dress myself up as him...and flee with them. Seek another tribe to take us in. Claim that I was the last Kana remaining of my own tribe...I had brought along those of my Moru who had lived through the attack...I would have to convince them I was he, Khetai the lieutenant, and not Khetait, the Moru." She lifted a hand and wiped at her eyes, sniffling. "His armor...it was a bit loose for me...yet it only concealed my true shape...I was fortunate in that my breasts were small already, so I did not have much to hide...after my brother had died, I dressed myself as him, and took his name as my own. I...I then carried him...dragged him...as best I could...to the western desert, to bury him. I buried him and mourned him alone. No one else knew that I was not he, but myself. A few...a few of the Moru may have suspected...but I knew they would not speak."

"And so how did you come to be here?" Djuta asked quietly.

Khetai wiped her eyes again. "I gathered the remaining Moru...there was only a handful left...and set out away from there. Wandered until we found a tribe. The first tribe would not accept us. Nor the second. Finally we found the third, the tribe of T'uris. T'uris was ready to turn us away...but one of his men asked that we be let through. When I proclaimed myself a physician they let us in. They needed a good doctor, they claimed, and so I was spared...and the first I told them, was that I was Lord Khetai, of a dead tribe, and I would serve the Kana as their physician, for asylum here. And I now serve the house of Mahakhi; I have served here for the past three years. That is it. That is all there is to know." She sniffled and stared down at her hands, fingers fiddling. The two of them were silent for a moment.

After a while Djuta finally spoke. "This must be the most unbelievable story I have ever heard."

Khetai glanced up at him. "You mean--you do not believe--?"

The lieutenant snorted. "Believe? The only reason I do believe you is because no one would make up such a preposterous tale and then try to pass it off as truth!" He made a face, pressing his hand to his wound. "What sort of madness is this, that I'm tended to by a female? You honestly mean to say that in all this time no one has found you out?"

"No," Khetai replied, shaking her head. "No one. As I said. My brother's Moru--those who would have known--they were killed. The other Moru, they suspected, yet said nothing. They were dispersed as soon as I brought them here, for I had no need of them for myself. I do not even know where or to whom they went. Thus no one has ever had a reason to suspect. My brother and I, we looked passing alike. Should anyone who had known him vaguely have seen me, from afar, they would not have been able to tell the difference."

Djuta snorted and sat back with a wince. "You are only lucky you were born with wings. Though in this household, that may get you in the bed of K'tasai if you do not look out!"

Khetai grimaced again. "Please do not mention his name! If anyone ever came close to suspecting, it was he. I would be mad if I did not remember him hitting upon me one night after drinking himself crazy, trying to grope me in the corner!"

Djuta gaped at her before bursting into laughter. He groaned and clutched at his chest and she quailed, hurrying to him and checking the bandages as he sank back weakly.

"Careful, careful, you! Your wound is very deep--very close to your heart!"

Djuta sighed as she examined the bandages. "Ah...I had meant it to be even closer," he groused. "Just my luck, that I should miss something so simple. I must apologize, but the thought of K'tasai groping at a girl...who is really a male...who is really a girl...is just too much more than I can bear." He started chuckling again at the thought. "And so...and so you are now officially a Kana? And no one suspects otherwise? How long have you carried on this charade?"

"The past three years among this tribe, last I knew. Now stand still! Your bandage is falling off and I have to replace it already!"

"It simply seems to me that by now, someone would know," Djuta said weakly. He rubbed the sweat from his forehead as Khetai dug about for more linen. "For example. Surely someone would have caught you with a Moru by now. This place is not very private, even in privacy."

"What? Caught with a Moru?" She glanced up at him with a frown. "What are you talking about--?"

Djuta rolled his eyes. "Please, Lady, I know you are not that naive! We all have these urges. Even you, I would bet. There is no way you have refrained from visiting with some male for three years."

Khetai's face went bright red. She dropped her gaze with a gasp of disbelief.

"You...you are horrid!"

Djuta grinned. "And so that means yes, you seek their company every so often--? Did you think no one would notice by now? Even now someone may be planning your--"

He winced when she jabbed her elbow into his thigh. "Be silent!" she hissed. "I do not visit with males--I should have let you bleed to death, you vulgar cretin!"

The lieutenant coughed with pain. "--So--so you tell me now that you don't have these urges? What are you, a ghost? Because only ghosts do not desire nesakh'ai!"

Khetai bared her teeth in obvious humiliation as she worked at changing the bandages on his breast. "I only say it to shut your disgusting mouth, vile swine. I have no interest in males! This does not mean I have no desires! And now I suppose you will spend all the night fantasizing about what I've told you! Typical, for a Kana brute!"

"What?" Djuta barked. Khetai snarled at him and his eyes goggled. He threw back his head and howled with laughter.

"Oh! You are sen'akha!"

Khetai crooked her claws. "Be SILENT!"

"Forgive me!" Djuta couldn't stop laughing. He couldn't believe he'd never thought of it before. "It's just that I've never met one of your kind. Oh, plenty of males of your kind, yes, and some who go either way, but never a female who prefers only females! Please, forgive me; I laugh not at you. I'm laughing at myself for being so thickheaded. I should have guessed!" He crowed as tears streamed from his eyes. "Yet you are right, I'm afraid--even now I can see you and another, perhaps Simit; she has wings also--"

Khetai responded by elbowing him in the genitals. He gagged and clutched at himself as she stood with a snort, adjusting her clothing.

"You can tend to that yourself!" she snapped, making certain her armor and robe were back in place, covering up everything they should. "Your friend vowed to come kill you himself once you awoke, and I will hardly be one to keep him from fulfilling his promises!"

Djuta's smile vanished. "Resikh...?" he murmured.

Khetai wrinkled her muzzle. "Yes, Resikh! Who else would care enough to come all this way for you? He has sat snuffling at your side, along with that female of yours, these past several days, and it was all I could do to shoo him off every day. He is the one who brought you to me. Without him, you would be dead, though now that you are awake, you will likely be dead soon enough! And I do not blame him, for all the trouble you caused!"

Djuta said nothing, staring off into space with a pensive look. And so...it had been Resikh who had found him...? The Kana's words still rang in his mind as if they had been said yesterday, and he found it difficult to believe that he would have changed his mind quickly enough to come back in time...yet apparently he had. He wondered over what Resikh had been thinking, when Khetai started packing up her chest, shutting it and tucking it under her arm. She paused to look at him, and he glanced up, seeing the way she bit her lip.

"You will tell no one of this!" she whispered, and he sensed the desperation in her voice. "Else you will be without a physician! I am the best within the tribe--even better than that old coot who calls himself the senior physician--you would be dead without me, too!"

Djuta considered playing with her a bit, just to spite her for her attitude, but decided against this; he was too tired to try such a thing. Instead he sighed and lay back upon the pillows. "Do not worry," he murmured. "No one will hear it from me. Though you'd best watch your back anyway."

Khetai chewed on her lip, eyeing him with some anxiety. He rolled his eyes and snorted.

"Believe me, I have my own reasons for not speaking to the other Kana now. I've done something that could get me in just as much trouble as you." He felt a pang as he remembered his reasons for being here, and fell silent.

Khetai's brow furrowed. "There is no crime you could commit that would compare--" She cut herself off and shook her head, picking up the soiled bandages and tucking them under her arm, beside the chest. "Fine, then. We will bear each other's secret." Djuta stiffened and stared at her with open disbelief, and she narrowed her eyes. "Do not look surprised, that I myself know why you are here; word travels quickly, even when no one is speaking. Especially when no one is speaking. The private Ri'hus requested my attentions just the other day, for a rather unusual matter." She turned to the door. "But none shall hear it from me."

She stood straight, fixing her mussed robe a little bit before striding to the door and exiting his room. Djuta watched her go, unable to speak. After a moment or two he sank back again, letting out his breath.

So...it is all true, then. Everything that happened wasn't a dream. Resikh...how will I face him again? And Ri'hus...I had hoped...

He numbly examined the dressings upon his wound, then sighed once more, rather wishing that the dagger had slipped just a little bit more to the side, to meet its mark.

* * * * *

Khetai left Djuta's quarters with a heavy sigh, shifting the chest to rest under her other arm. She chewed her claw as she thought over all that had just happened, and pondered what to do.

He promised he would not tell anyone! But--he is the first and only Kana to ever know. And he is a Kana. Kana stick to their own. Why should I believe any promise he makes? Especially after what he did?

Her step slowed as she thought this over.

Especially after what he did....do I really hold this advantage over him? Would he really keep my secret in exchange for that? She winced at the thought of blackmailing him so, but forced herself to brush the feeling off. Better him than me! At least I have done nothing to hurt anyone! My crime is NOTHING compared to his!

She knew this was not technically true, but still...she hadn't hurt anyone, as she suspected he had. She struggled to push thoughts of the unpleasant encounter out of her mind as she went over the rest of her duties for the night. She made a face as she remembered who she was to see to next. General Mahakhi had requested that she show up at his rooms within the half hour, as his neck had been bothering him, and the older physician had so far been unhelpful; sometimes she wondered if he didn't make up these complaints, for how often he had them. She just felt grateful that her session with Djuta had ended so early. Now that she knew considerably more about him than before, she found she did not really like being around him, especially suspecting what he'd done. Ri'hus had not had to tell her anything. Merely the look in his eyes when he'd meekly asked for poppy had been enough--only the most mistreated Moru ever bore that look. She couldn't help but wonder if the lieutenant's guilt was as sincere as it had seemed.

"Good eve, Lord!" a rasping voice suddenly exclaimed, and Khetai's hackles prickled in distaste as she slowed to a stop.

She turned around reluctantly to see a Kana sergeant--the same one she had spotted before--standing in the hall not too far behind her. He grinned so his tusks protruded crookedly, and his teeth gleamed every shade of yellow. He waved as if she could not see him, then approached. Khetai fought to keep the disgusted look from her face, with only minimal success; yet he didn't seem to notice or care. She wrinkled her nose at the stench of beer which wafted from him.

"Sergeant," she greeted, coldly but politely. "You have something you wish to say to me? I've noticed you skulking about all the day."

He grinned even more widely. "Ah, so you did notice me, then! I had feared you didn't." He lowered his grin to a smile, though the look was no more pleasant upon his rather ugly face. "I merely wanted to wish you a good day, for all the things you have done for this household. A pretty young physician like you--doing far more than your share of the work! You put that other physician to horrible shame."

Khetai winced at the words pretty young physician, but brushed them off. "I thank you, but I do not seem to recall you being a member of this household."

"Ah, I am not--merely visiting. I had heard you were seeing to your duties and I came as soon as I could just to wish you good day!"

This is meant to flatter me somehow? Khetai again shoved down the feeling and nodded, somehow managing to keep her voice level. "Very well. Good day to you too. Though you should think of returning to your own household, before Lord Mahakhi's guards roust you."

The sergeant merely flashed his nonwinning grin again. "Oh, you are worried about me! The sweetness of this! Actually, I had wondered if you might not care to accompany me to the tavern for a bit of a drink...?"

Khetai couldn't keep the disgusted look from her face this time. "I do not think so."

The sergeant's face fell. "What, you are averse to my company--?"

Khetai suppressed a sigh and shook her head. "I merely have my duties to attend to--Lord Mahakhi has requested that I be at his rooms within the half hour. I've already been detained today. If you keep me much longer, he's likely to grow upset. And I do not much like beer."

"Ahhh!" the sergeant exclaimed, and waved his hands and laughed. "MORE duties! I should have known it! Well, whenever you are through with all your duties, I may ask you again, and take you to the nicest tavern in the tribe--and you will very quickly overcome your aversion to beer! This sounds like a very tempting offer, yes?--surely you cannot turn that down?"

The physician almost gagged on her disgust, but fought it back and gave him a vague wave. She didn't even know his name, only that she had spotted him following her about in the market earlier that day, until he happened to show up right here. "I will think about it," she finally said; "though I have many duties, as you said, and barely any time away from them whatsoever."

His cheery grin returned and he gave her a mock bow. "Very well!" he remarked. "This is better than nothing, I guess!" And he took a step back, and smiled and waved at her as she turned away once more to continue down the hall. She forced herself not to look back at him until she turned the corner, though by then, she was relieved to notice that he was gone. She let out her breath and stepped into the next hallway, praying that the rest of the evening would go much better than it already had. Did the gods simply hate her, or--?

As she turned the corner a hand suddenly plucked at her sleeve, and she gasped and whirled around, free hand going to her dagger. "I told you to leave this house--!" she barked, when the female who had poked at her jumped back. Khetai blinked on seeing the Moru, then let out her breath in a gust before moving toward her.

"Bikhthet!" she hissed. "What are you doing out here? You know you could get your hindquarters flayed!"

Bikhthet just giggled and covered her mouth. "As could you, Lord."

Khetai wrinkled her muzzle and waved. "Go back to the Moru quarters! I told you I would see you once my duties are all done--not before!"

Bikhthet pouted. "But you are always busy." She stuck out her lip. "I get tired of Mahakhi-Kana sometimes!"

Khetai made a face. "Do not speak so loud! You belong to him, you know, and I'm not even supposed to be visiting with you without his permission. Do you want us both to get in trouble?"

The Moru just giggled. "Knowing Mahakhi-Kana, he would enjoy it!"

Khetai opened her mouth to protest, then reconsidered. Knowing Mahakhi, he probably would enjoy it. She shook her head abruptly to rid it of the hideous thought and gestured down the hall again. "Go on now! You know I mean what I say. Have I ever stood you up once? But you will have to be patient."

She knew she'd said the wrong thing when Bikhthet grinned and stepped forward, draping her arms over Khetai's shoulders. "I will be your patient!" she exclaimed, then laughed at her own joke.

Khetai rolled her eyes. "Trust me, I have had that one tried on me before!" She pulled Bikhthet's arms away. "Go on now, and I'll be around when I'm done."

Bikhthet pouted again.
"But where are you going?"

"To Mahakhi, of course." Khetai grimaced. "He has another ache! The hypochondriac!"

"Don't you have just a moment?"

"Barely. The damned lieutenant took up most of my time. Now get going, before you get me in trouble."

"Oh, come, Lord!" Bikhthet giggled again and tugged on Khetai's arm, drawing her closer to the wall. "Just for a moment or two! That's all it takes, really!"

Khetai snorted and tried to pull her arm free, though not with all her strength. "Not much can be accomplished in a moment or two. Let go! What if Ahai'ikh or--gods kill me--Nehef comes along--?"

Bikhthet just gave her most winning smile. "Please, Lord? Only a moment or two, I promise. You'll be in a much better mood then to see to the master!" And she sidled up close to Khetai, slipping one hand inside her armor and sliding one finger over her breast so Khetai's breath hitched. "Please, Lord...? I can make it very worth your while..."

Khetai hesitated, but Bikhthet's finger just kept tracing over her breast, and there was no way she could think clearly with that happening. After a moment she let out a flustered sigh and stopped resisting, though she did pull Bikhthet's hand away from her chest. "All right," she whispered. "All right! But not here! We're practically within earshot of everybody."

Bikhthet nodded and smiled. "I know a spot, not too far away, just enough. Come! Your day will be made better because of it!"

She turned and hurried down the hall, Khetai following. They turned in at one of the lesser-used hallways, where most of the rooms were used mainly for storage, and Bikhthet turned about again, giggling and drawing Khetai forward. She backed up against the wall and drew Khetai to her and their mouths pressed together. Bikhthet moaned softly and cupped Khetai's face. Khetai winced at the sudden ache that lanced through her, before pulling away.

"Not so much. I have to get going!"

Bikhthet rolled her eyes. "Oh, all right, Lord, if you must make me hurry then!"

Khetai's breath sped up when the Moru slipped her hands inside her armor, loosening it and undoing it at the side where Djuta had already damaged it. Her breasts poked free, nipples hard and tight already. She started to pant when Bikhthet's expert fingers fanned over them, sending trembles through her body. After a moment of caressing she grasped the Moru's wrist and pulled her closer so they kissed again, Khetai's kiss growing rough. She bit at Bikhthet's lips and nibbled at her jaw, earning a breathless giggle.

"Easy, Lord! I have yet to get to the good part!"

"You'd best hurry up and do it," Khetai panted, "for I can't stand out here much longer. We have only four, five minutes at the longest! Hurry! Quickly!"

Bikhthet smiled. She slipped to the floor before Khetai and pulled open the robe, then parted her kilt. Khetai moved back to lean against the wall for support, her breasts heaving and eyes glazed. She spread her thighs so she stood with her legs wide apart, bent slightly at the knees, and seized Bikhthet's head to guide her. The Moru needed no guidance, yet it gave her something to do with her hands, when she might otherwise have been compelled to claw the wall. Bikhthet took hold of her firm buttocks before nuzzling up between her legs, tongue probing at her tender opening, licking at the juices that had already gathered there. Khetai let out her breath and tipped her head back, eyes closing. For some reason she'd felt flustered and bothered since Djuta's questioning; it felt good to have Bikhthet take the feeling away from her, once more.

Bikhthet sucked and Khetai started to move her hips in rhythm. "Yes," she whispered softly. "Yes...good, Bikhthet...I love it...yes...like that...yes...oh..."

She knew it was risky, this was incredibly risky, to be caught with her breasts bared, a female nuzzling between her legs. She should have kept her armor on, but at the moment she couldn't help it. She moaned softly and cupped her own breasts, squeezing them gently. She imagined Bikhthet...or even Simit...doing the same. She had never been with Simit, though she would have liked stroking her wings. She squirmed at the thought of it and had to suppress a whimper. She needed something to nuzzle.

"Bikhthet," she whispered; the Moru lifted her eyes but didn't pull away. Khetai dropped her head forward, her eyes narrow, her breath heavy. She clutched the other woman's shoulder.

"Remember the library? Remember what we did!"

Bikhthet's eyes lit up and she did pull away now, giggling. She nodded, and Khetai let out her breath and gestured impatiently.


The Moru stood. Through sparring with her brother and later training as a Kana, Khetai was stronger than most females, and it was good that Bikhthet was slightly smaller than she was, else she would never have been able to handle her weight. Bikhthet crouched again to place her hands on the ground and then grabbed onto Khetai's knees when Khetai hoisted her up. Bikhthet's dress fell up past her hips as she went upside-down, her muzzle prodding between Khetai's thighs again. Khetai clutched her middle to her tightly, the Moru's moist pink opening bared to her salivating mouth. Gods, she had to taste! If only she had more time, to make this more enjoyable; she'd never much cared for brief encounters, yet now that the Moru had gotten her started, there wasn't really anything else she could do. Making the most of what little time she had, Bikhthet's thighs now pressed to her shoulders, Khetai burrowed into her, licking and sucking noisily.

Bikhthet moaned and clutched her buttocks. Khetai's tail quivered and she shifted her hips repeatedly, murmuring.

Of course...this had been a bad idea. A very bad idea, especially since Mahakhi was waiting. Khetai lost track of time. Bikhthet's body was simply so good, and she had gone without for so long. Her claws drew blood and she grunted hungrily as she thrust. Her wings pressed to the wall, yearning to flap freely; she crushed the Moru to her hard, hearing her wheeze of breath, relishing her insistent sucking. Gods, it felt so good.

"Mmm," she whispered, taking a breath and lifting her head, her eyes glazed. "Bikhthet...oh gods, yes, Bikhthet...right there, right there, please, oh yes...yes...mmm..."

"Lord," Bikhthet gasped, and nuzzled again. Khetai pulled her muzzle away from her and arched against the wall with a groan, rocking into Bikhthet's mouth.

"Oh, yes, Bikhthet, gods, yes--oh! Taste me right there. No--right--there. Yes! Oohhhhh. Please. Ohh, mmmm. So lovely...so wonderful. Yes. Right there." She shifted her hips, body trembling wildly with pleasure as Bikhthet mouthed her thik'ahi. "Oh gods, yes. You do that well. Please do it again. Taste me right there. Yes. Yes. Oh. Ohhhhhh. Yes! Oh gods, yes!" She clutched the Moru tightly and dropped her head back with a spasm. "Oh Bikhthet! Yes! Yes! Ohhh! Yes!"

Bikhthet jerked. Khetai gasped, hips pumping, and cried out huskily once more.

"Bikhthet! Gods, yes, lick me--!"

A startled-sounding snort came from off to the side. Khetai gasped again and whipped her head up, nearly dropping Bikhthet to the floor. She glanced in the direction of the sound to see a Kana standing at the end of the hall, not far from them, holding one hand to his mouth. He was staring straight at her, eyes wide.

Khetai's own eyes widened in panic. I am--I am exposed! He knows--! She started glancing about herself wildly, frantically trying to think of a way to sort herself out, without dropping her equally startled lover.

Lieutenant Nehef gawked at them for a moment before lowering his hand and letting out an awkward cough. "Ah--apologies, Lord Khetai," he managed to say. "I...just heard a noise...and wished to know who was down here. I, ahm, see I'm interrupting things."

Khetai blinked, seeking her breath. She looked down to see Bikhthet giggling, and realized that it was their position--the very thing she was trying futilely to hide--that in fact protected her from detection, Bikhthet's thighs and bottom crushed to her chest, shielding her breasts from the Kana's view. The Moru's head between her legs blocked whatever else he might see--or might not see. She must have looked like merely another Kana, overcome by lust, leaning against the wall and performing hakh'tua upon his choice female. As humiliating as the situation was--at least it had spared her from the wrong kind of scrutiny.

She glanced at Nehef to see that his hand had crept back up to his mouth and he appeared to be trying not to laugh. She let out her breath and steadied her voice, making certain to lower it to sound more masculine. "N-no, Lord Nehef...this...this is all right. I was...on my way to see to Lord Mahakhi...he had a complaint." She felt her face flushing bright red as the lieutenant started snickering; she realized she was talking directly into Bikhthet's rear end, and the realization made her ears burn. "Um...if you don't mind...could you--could you please go on ahead of me and let him know I'll be there shortly? After I--after I get myself straightened out?"

Nehef straightened himself up and grinned, giving a mock bow. "Of course, Lord. Feel free to take your time; I know it's bad to be rushed!"

With this he turned and left the hallway. Khetai flushed again when she heard him cackling with hilarity as he walked away, and just flushed even more when she then heard him relating his tale to his comrade, who must have been waiting nearby. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.

I will have to kick that fool right in the balls when I get the chance, and THEN see who is laughing!!

"Off! Down!" she hissed, easing Bikhthet down her front. The Moru clung to her in disobedience for a brief moment, jabbing her muzzle between her legs so hard that Khetai let out a tiny shriek and jerked, feeling a gush of fluid. She hadn't even noticed how tight she had been inside until she released, then she did let go of Bikhthet, who would have fallen on her head had she not been holding on so tightly. As it was she just slid to the floor, giggling hysterically. Khetai clenched her fists and glared down at her.

"Be quiet! It was you who nearly got me caught!" She paused just long enough to reach for her armor, but Bikhthet stood quickly and pressed to her.

"Oh, wait, just a moment, Lord, just a moment!" she wheedled. "He said to take our time!"

"I have DUTIES to attend to!"

"But not before this!"

She dropped her head and sucked at Khetai's breast. Khetai's eyes rolled back in her head before she could even protest. Oh, gods. If there was anything she loved more than hakh'tua, it was this. Bikhthet's rough tongue caressing over her soft mound drove her wild with fire inside, so that she had to guide the Moru's hand to just the proper place between her legs, just once more. Bikhthet complied with a grin, and moved her fingers in and out of Khetai's slickness until she came again with a heavy shudder. She'd never seen Bikhthet come, but now there was no time to satisfy her. Letting out her breath, she pulled away and refastened her armor, smoothing her kilt and straightening her robe and retrieving her dropped case. Bikhthet pulled away slightly to watch, and Khetai made a face, reaching out to straighten the Moru's dress.

"Dummy! You'll walk down the halls half clothed like that? Your lips are practically bared!"

"Perhaps for a good reason!" the Moru replied, and put her hands to her mouth, shoulders shaking.

Khetai just rolled her eyes. "You're only lucky I happened to want to mouth you. Else he would have made me out for certain! I told you this was too risky!"

"Oh, Lord." Bikhthet was the one to roll her eyes now. "You worry too much! It makes you cranky! No one will know but me, I promise. Go see to the master now, but come back when you are done and see to me then! I have a surprise for you!"

"Sur...surprise?" Khetai peered at her uncertainly, but Bikhthet only shook her head and giggled.

"Nope! You'll have to come by to see it! But rest assured, Lord...you will love what you see...I have been...hm...exercising for the past few weeks, just to do this for you!" Her cheeks flushed and she covered her mouth again.

Khetai swallowed. She had no idea what the Moru was talking about...but it sounded intriguing. She sighed abruptly and smoothed herself down once more.

"All right, fine! But only after my duties are done. No sooner! I will not become a delinquent just because I have needs!"

Bikhthet touched her arm with a bright smile. "You will not regret it, Lord!" She let go and blew a kiss, hurrying away. "I will see you then!"

Khetai waved her off impatiently before continuing on toward Mahakhi's rooms. She still felt flustered, but slightly relieved from the Moru's ministrations; and very relieved that her identity had not yet been discovered. Bikhthet disappeared from view, just as Nehef had, and Khetai dropped her head as she walked, to think.

So far there were two who knew, then. She had never intended either to know, but it had been rather difficult to keep the fact away from the Moru she happened to select one night when ahi'akhta had stopped working. She supposed it had been pure luck that the young female had been more amused by her discovery than alarmed, as Khetai had expected her to be; how many females were sought out of the Moru quarters by other females? Especially ones dressed as Kana? She had been ready to drop the entire thing without saying a word, until Bikhthet's hand had slipped beneath her kilt, and then it had been a little too late to drop the matter anyway.

She flushed when she remembered the smile that had come to the Moru's face, and her words...

So...Lord Khetai is Lady Khetai...? I wondered why you had not stopped by here sooner...

She had been so startled, she hadn't even been able to speak. It hadn't mattered, as Bikhthet had assumed control of the rest of the night, guiding Khetai to the bed...kissing her upon the mouth, her tongue running along Khetai's teeth...and trailing her fingers up Khetai's thigh, to her heated mound. That had been the only time that Khetai had allowed all of her clothing to be removed--not even since then had she done this--but it had been just as well, with how skilled Bikhthet was with her tongue and fingers. Khetai had lain dry-sobbing with ecstasy the entire night as the Moru mouthed her breasts and slid her fingers deep inside her. She was almost too exhausted to return to her duties the next day, until a coy look from Bikhthet as she was returned to the Moru quarters convinced Khetai that she would be willing to join her again in the future. And the rest of the day she had barely been able to keep her hands from shaking. Ahi'akhta had never made her feel so good.

A quick session spent in the mostly unused library late that night, Khetai clutching the Moru to her as they rooted greedily at each other, had been enough to convince her that her secret was safe, for now.

But now that lieutenant knew...and who else would learn after him? For Kana always stuck to their own...

If he tries anything, Khetai thought, a line of worry forming across her brow as she walked, then I will report directly to Mahakhi...and to Lieutenant Tefkha...and to Captain Ahen, or anyone who will listen to reason...I will tell everything I know about that private...I will make it up if I have to...it will not be too much of a stretch. His wound is enough proof of his guilt. I will tell everyone I have to until he is entirely discredited, just as long as it spares me...for of the two of us my crime is by far the lesser one...

She sighed and fiddled with her pectoral, staring at her sandals striking against the floor. If only it were truly so simple...drawing attention to the lieutenant's crime would draw more attention to herself...hardly something she could afford, right now. There seemed to be no safe way out of this situation.

Why did I let him near me? I should have just refused to help him. That old bat is responsible for him as it is! Why did I even care whether he died or not...?

No answers were forthcoming. Khetai rubbed her eyes with a sigh of irritation and picked up her pace. She would finish with Mahakhi, then seek out Bikhthet, then try to get a little sleep. Perhaps in the morning, things would be clearer.
She continued on her way and her shadow grew smaller as she went down the hall.

She was too preoccupied to notice the shadow watching her, as it blended in with the rest cast by the many columns in the hall. Yellow eyes narrowed leeringly and a rough hand slowly rubbed up and down against a kilt front swollen hard. The Kana standing in the dimness licked his lips and leaned back against the column he'd stood behind, waiting patiently for the moment the fresh young physician would return from Mahakhi's rooms, alone.


"Part 33: Outed

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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