Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/516612-Part-26--Killer
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #516612
A desperate I'anen gets much more than he bargained for...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 26 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE LONG, LOW blare of the trumpet sounded from the wall surrounding the Great Red Tribe. Almost immediately the guards atop the wall all scurried toward the south end to see what had brought about the alert. As always, word was passed quickly from the wall down to the Kana milling in the town below.

"What is it?" someone yelled.

"Three Kana approaching," one of the guards responded.

"Perhaps one is Lord Ahai'ikh, returning from the Shore Tribe!"

"But who then are the other two...?"

They murmured amongst themselves and watched the three shapes walking ever closer. After a short while a lieutenant pushed his way through to the wall and climbed up a ladder to its top, shielding his eyes against the dying sun to get a better look. As soon as he could make them out he snorted.

"It is 'Hikh! And he brought not only one straggler back with him but TWO!" Nehef made a scoffing noise. "Well, he has finally messed up. He was supposed to bring back only a message. I will be able to dangle this over his head forever."

One of the guards craned his neck back to look over at him. "Should we let them in, Lord...?"

Nehef nodded. "'Hikh can explain himself at the gate. A good show that should be!" He waved to catch the attention of the three approaching below, and then gestured toward the north wall before scuttling back down the ladder. By the time he was halfway through the town, word had already spread, and the great double doors were beginning to creak open.

He slowed his pace at the household of General Mahakhi, the big Kana descending the steps and adjusting his necklace, a cross look on his face. "I was in the midst of dinner!" he groused. "What sort of bother is this?"

"Lord Ahai'ikh returning, Lord," Nehef replied.

Mahakhi made a face, but started toward the gate anyway. "Must he make so much noise? That was why I sent him and not you! I thought he had more sense than to request a fanfare!"

Nehef bit his tongue at the insult. "He comes in company, Lord," he said, as if tattling. "Perhaps they requested the fanfare--?"

"Company--?" Mahakhi frowned, then picked up his pace. Nehef followed, casting a brief glance back as Lieutenants Djuta and Resikh emerged from the house, jogging after them.

"I told you," he heard Djuta murmur to his companion as they went.

The great double doors were cocked half open as they reached them and slowed to a stop. The walk around the outside of the city wall was longer and more bothersome, and so no one had arrived to meet them yet. Mahakhi made faces at the gaggle of miscellaneous Kana gathering around the entrance before bellowing over their heads. "ALL RIGHT! ALL OF YOU! You have no business here! Back to your posts and your duties! Or back to your beer and your Moru if it suits you best! There's nothing to see here!"

All of the Kana except the guards and Mahakhi's lieutenants retreated, grumbling under their breath; most lost interest immediately, although a few did remain in small groups, albeit out of immediate range of Mahakhi's wrath. The general chose to ignore them and glared at the gate, crossing his arms. Hiath'ikh arrived, panting, just as their visitors appeared around the corner of the wall and came toward the doors. Ahai'ikh walked in front, wincing a bit as he did so; he and the two Kana following him, an older one and a younger one, were covered with sweat and dust, the look on the youngest Kana's face absolutely miserable. Ahai'ikh managed a salute as soon as he saw Mahakhi standing within; Mahakhi snorted and jerked his head, and the three entered the city.

"L...Lord," Ahai'ikh panted, crossing his arm to his breast.

"I see we have company," Mahakhi said before he could explain himself. Nehef made a jeering face which Ahai'ikh ignored. He nodded instead.

"I brought...Captain Tas'hukh of the Shore Tribe."

Mahakhi's ear twitched and he lifted his head to meet the dusty captain's eyes. "Your presence was not necessary, Brother. A reply would have saved you the trouble of traveling all this way." He looked back at his lieutenant. "And you, Ahai'ikh! Dragging him and his sergeant out into this--? What sort of stunt was this?"

Tas'hukh tilted his head forward, but did not salute. "Actually, General, it was I who requested to come along. I did not recognize the name your lieutenant presented me with. I thought perhaps if I came, and saw this party for myself, then I could shed some light on him."

Mahakhi frowned uncertainly, as if not sure whether to believe the explanation or not; then he gave a loud sigh. He waved his hand.

"Very well...I am General Mahakhi, and this is my first lieutenant, Nehef; you have already met his comrade."

"I am Captain Tas'hukh," Tas'hukh said. He gestured at the younger Kana. "And this is my sergeant, I'anen. He requested to come along, as well, as part of his endurance training to reach lieutenant."

Mahakhi looked as if he believed this even less, yet didn't argue. He nodded curtly. "Very well. As it is so late, you will both be set up here for the night and provided with food and bed. You may bathe yourselves in your quarters, and will be given fresh clothes come morning. And perhaps tomorrow we can clear this entire matter up, and you may be on your way as soon as you wish."

Ahai'ikh winced, then glanced at Tas'hukh as if in apology. I'anen looked stunned; his face started to contort in rage before Tas'hukh waved a hand to cut off any impending outburst. "We thank you for your hospitality," he said, simply, and Mahakhi relented, muttering to himself and turning back toward his household. The others started forward.

Hiath'ikh saluted Tas'hukh as he passed. "I hope your stay is pleasant, Lord, and you are able to resolve all problems; if you should ever need anything please call upon any of us."

Tas'hukh nodded.

"Lord Mahakhi was in the midst of dinner," Nehef added, "so I am certain he can fit you in." He cut himself off when Ahai'ikh jabbed an elbow into his ribs. Ahai'ikh bowed his head.

"What he means is, you will be provided with as much food and drink as you may wish, Lord; you are not imposing on us in the least. All that we have is yours."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I realize I did not give much warning..." He trailed off as his eyes fell upon the remaining two lieutenants still standing several paces away. Tas'hukh slowed to a stop and he and Djuta and Resikh stared at each other.

Ahai'ikh and Nehef paused and noticed how Resikh's eyes shifted toward Djuta, then toward Tas'hukh again, ever so slightly. Djuta crossed his arm to his breast and bowed his head, and Resikh immediately followed suit.

"Greetings, Lord."

Tas'hukh could only stare at them in silence for another moment or two before finding his voice. He nodded, and they broke their salute. "Lieutenant Resikh...Lieutenant Djuta. I had hoped I would see you both again...it has been a long time."

There was a pause. All of the lieutenants but Djuta looked ready to start fidgeting when Djuta spoke again, his voice quiet. "I am sorry that this issue has caused you to go to such troubles, Lord," he said. "I did not intend to bother you." Something twinged in Tas'hukh's face and he added, "Though you are certainly welcome here, and we hope your stay is a comfortable one."

Tas'hukh's face relaxed and he nodded. "There is no bother," he clarified. "It is about time I came to see this Great Red Tribe." He gestured at I'anen. "Sergeant I'anen is doing well to get out and about, also." He paused, and then spoke softly, as if none of the others were even there. "But I am truly glad to see you again, after all this time."

Immediately all of the lieutenants' eyes, but Djuta's, shifted toward the young Kana. His face had gone dark red and his fur was prickling; his ears flared and he was practically baring his teeth, his fingers clenched around the dagger at his waist. It was a wonder he wasn't hissing already. They all shifted their eyes to look at each other again, then without a word Hiath'ikh took a step forward and bowed directly in front of Tas'hukh.

"Lord," he said, "your sergeant looks tired from the long flight. If he wishes to nap before his dinner, he may feel free to do so."

Tas'hukh blinked. He glanced back at I'anen, who also blinked in surprise at being noticed, the snarl disappearing from his face. He looked from one to another of them in confusion.

"...Lord?" he at last forced out, bewildered.

"Or you may both be welcomed at Lord Mahakhi's dinner," Ahai'ikh said.

"Where Mahakhi shall like to discuss this matter with you and Lord Djuta, Captain," Nehef added.

"The three of you should have much to talk about," finished Ahai'ikh.

Tas'hukh frowned a little, then looked at I'anen. "I'ee? What should you wish to do?"

I'anen's face went red again. "I...I hardly have anything to contribute to dinner-talk!" he exclaimed, voice cracking. "If it is well with you I should like to eat my dinner alone!"

Tas'hukh seemed surprised by this response yet shrugged. "Very well." He turned to the waiting lieutenants. "He does not care much for that coarse thick beer...it is too unrefined for his palate. If Lord Mahakhi has anything lighter..."

"Of course, Lord; he will be given whichever most pleases him." I'anen looked ready to sink through the ground for being talked about as if he could not speak for himself. Tas'hukh gestured him to follow but took only a step before Hiath'ikh jumped in front of him again, cutting him off.

"They are eating dinner just now in the barracks, Lord," he said quickly. "If he is prompt, Lord I'anen should be able to accompany them."

Tas'hukh's eyes widened. I'anen's own did the same, and his jaw dropped. Resikh pushed forward and bobbed his head.

"They are well fed in our barracks, Lord, if you do not believe us."

"Of course I believe you," Tas'hukh said.

"There is also likely to be an extra cot for Lord I'anen to sleep upon," Hiath'ikh added. "That way, he will be fresh to greet the day in the morning."

I'anen's mouth started opening and closing, tiny sounds coming out. Tas'hukh's brow furrowed uncertainly, but Hiath'ikh's response was quick and ready. He put his arm to his breast.

"You did say that he is still in training among the Kana army, right, Lord...?"

"Well...yes," Tas'hukh said hesitantly.

"Then it is best he sleep in the barracks, with the other trainees of his rank." Hiath'ikh glanced at I'anen, then back at Tas'hukh. "This is only the custom...and that way, he will be able to keep up with his training, while you attend to your own affairs with Lord Mahakhi."

I'anen let out the barest squeak, mouth still opening and closing, his eyes goggling in disbelief. Nehef, Ahai'ikh, and Resikh surreptitiously peered at each other before nodding in agreement. Djuta didn't join in, though he did frown somewhat, and looked at I'anen himself. I'anen sputtered and choked.

"B-but--" he managed to get out, his face as bewildered as anything.

The lieutenants saw how Tas'hukh's brow furrowed deeper, then the captain looked back at his sergeant. I'anen noticed his stare and immediately his face went deep red once more. His eyes looked ready to boil out of his head and his muzzle wrinkled in an ugly way, though he didn't dare bare his teeth this time. The uncertain look faded from the older Kana's face and he turned back to the lieutenants. He nodded.

"Yes, it would be best for him to keep up with his training in the barracks. I am certain you have good trainers; he will be just fine there."

I'anen's eyes grew bigger than would have seemed possible and he started sputtering and stammering again. Hiath'ikh grasped hold of his wrist and started off down the street, toward the barracks buildings at the other end of town. I'anen dragged his heels and stumbled and gawked back at Tas'hukh the entire time, looking almost ready to cry. "L-Lord--?" he blurted out, just once, before they vanished into the growing shadows, only the sound of their scuffling feet still hanging in the air. Nehef and Ahai'ikh bowed a final time and stepped out of the way, gesturing toward Mahakhi's house. Tas'hukh hesitated only a second before making his way toward the steps without a second glance. The rest of the Kana silently followed him inside.

"Lord Mahakhi is having dinner in the main courtyard, Lord," Nehef said as they went. "You are free to join in as you wish, and in the meantime we will prepare a room for you to sleep in. If you require any Moru to be brought to you, I'm certain Lord Mahakhi would not object."

"No thank you," Tas'hukh said, his ears going slightly pink.

Nehef frowned a little but nodded. "Very well. Rest is well, after flying for so long." The older Kana relaxed again, as if sensing the exit Nehef had offered him. "Should you change your mind please let anyone know."

"I do not believe I will. But thank you just the same."

"Lord Mahakhi will be waiting for you to speak of this Bakh'asu-Moru," Ahai'ikh said, and they turned toward the main courtyard. The typical noises of a late dinner were emanating from here, muted laughter and chattering drifting out into the hall. The group of them came to a slow stop just inside, staring out at the pool floating with lilies and tiny lit lamps, the little tables all around it loaded with all sorts of food and drink. Most of the more important Kana of the household were there, and a few had even brought their favorite Moru to keep them company. Several more Moru danced and cavorted, turning somersaults and playing small cymbals as they moved, making the onlookers laugh. Mahakhi sat in the most conspicuous place near the pool, holding onto his cup of beer, and gave Tas'hukh an odd look before swallowing its entire contents. A pretty female walking a tiny Kana pup by its arms sat to his one side, and an even prettier female with wings sat to his other side, tearing into a pomegranate with her teeth. She gave the group a curious look as she ate.

"Simit," Ahai'ikh murmured to Tas'hukh, who blinked and then nodded. They started to step into the courtyard.

Resikh followed, only to nearly stumble over his own foot. He glanced back at Djuta with a frown. The other lieutenant was gripping his wrist hard enough to hurt. Resikh opened his mouth to speak, yet the others had noticed their delay as well, and all turned to look back at them. Nehef and Ahai'ikh looked puzzled and tilted their heads; Tas'hukh stared at Djuta for a moment before turning and gesturing with his hands.

"It is all right!" he said. "I can speak with General Mahakhi myself at the moment. You may fill me in on your part in the matter tomorrow. After everyone is better rested. Is this good?"

The other three lieutenants furrowed their brows slightly; Tas'hukh seemed almost eager to get Djuta away from the courtyard, when before it seemed as if he couldn't get close enough to him. Djuta seemed to relax slightly, and let out his breath and nodded. He bowed his head and stepped back from the courtyard, leaving Nehef and Ahai'ikh to follow Tas'hukh outside, casting him odd looks as they went. Tas'hukh sat down when Mahakhi gestured at him and they started to talk.

Djuta let go of Resikh's arm and took in a breath and let it out.

"Brother?" Resikh's brow furrowed. "You've been acting lately as if a ghost follows you! Tell me, what is it? Do you not want him here--?"

Djuta shook his head even before the words were all out. "This is not it...it is not he. He...he is some of it, but not what's bothering me." He sighed at the confused look on Resikh's face and shook his head again. "I do not know. Let's...let us just take dinner elsewhere. I will speak with him tomorrow."

Resikh looked dubious. "You are sure...? You wouldn't be putting this off indefinitely, would you...?"

Djuta rubbed at his forehead. "He said himself he does not need me now. I do not even feel like eating; stay here, if you wish." He turned and started walking up the hallway on his own, so abruptly that Resikh stared after him a moment or two before even thinking to follow. He cast a wistful look at the inviting courtyard before sighing and jogging away.

* * * * *

I'anen absolutely detested how he was being treated. He had followed Lord Tas'hukh eagerly to the settlement of the Great Red Tribe, only to be sent, almost immediately, to the Kana barracks where the rest of the soldiers and trainees stayed. This was most unacceptable. He had come as a favored guest of his lord, and now, to be treated like a mere common soldier! Certainly, he was only a sergeant, and technically this was where he was supposed to be dwelling, as it was...yet didn't his relationship with Tas'hukh count for anything?

Apparently not, he thought to himself, grumbling as he was led to the big barracks buildings at the far end of the city. He spited Tas'hukh in his head by staring at the tail of the Kana who led him there, and watching how it flicked back and forth. He would have preferred the lieutenant to have more muscle on him, but in a pinch, he would have done nicely.

"How long am I to stay here?" he asked, a trace of a whine entering his voice as they walked.

Hiath'ikh glanced back at him, furrowing his brow a bit. "Likely, your whole stay, unless your captain should choose to call you out. You are not used to staying in barracks...?"

"Of course not!" I'anen snapped without thinking. "They are smelly and noisy and crude!"

The lieutenant stared at him a moment, then turned away. His tail flicked. "I see; you must have a sponsor who trains you personally. Forgive me for assuming you stayed in the barracks with the rest of the soldiers."

I'anen bristled at what he took to be a veiled insult, and hastened forward so he walked abreast of the lieutenant, even though it was a brash show of disrespect. "Listen!" he exclaimed. "I do not dwell in filthy common barracks, yet nor am I some spoiled pampered lapdog! Captain Tas'hukh himself is to train me, and has spoken of how skilled I am! I plan to reach my next rank within the next month--it shall not be long at all before I equal even you!"

"I see," Hiath'ikh said in a neutral voice.

"The only reason he is having me stay here is because his mind is preoccupied with other matters at the moment, and he knows he would be distracted too greatly if I were around!"

"Oh?" Hiath'ikh gave him such an interested look that I'anen flushed bright red and felt like sinking into the ground. "You must be a truly valued pupil of his, then," he added, "that you should distract him so greatly."

I'anen fought not to bare his teeth. He tossed his head so his lappets swung out and landed against his shoulders. He jiggled his head a bit more so they straightened out and their gilt lettering sparkled. "Just show me to the damned place so I can get this ignoble stay over with!" he snapped. "I am CERTAIN Lord Tas'hukh will be calling upon me quite soon!" He strode ahead of Hiath'ikh without so much as a salute, although he very well knew this was a punishable offense; he made a point of arching his back and flicking his tail as he did so, taking long strides to better show off his legs. He glanced surreptitiously over his shoulder to see the lieutenant's reaction. Hiath'ikh noticed his exaggerated movements and actually looked right at his behind; then he blinked, flushed, and a look of disgust came to his face. I'anen took a slight bit of pleasure from his embarrassment before the other Kana strode forward and pushed past him to take the lead again.

"I have bedded better Moru than you, you little hussy," he growled as he passed, and I'anen stumbled in his tracks, gawking in horror. He was the one left staring at Hiath'ikh's behind as the lieutenant made his way on ahead of him, wings flaring in irritation; I'anen had to bite back a cry of disbelief at being treated so shabbily, before hurrying after him.

Once reaching the barracks, the situation did not improve much. The barracks lieutenant looked him up and down with some interest as Hiath'ikh outlined the situation, and although I'anen appreciated that attention, and the other Kana was rather cute, his mood deflated as soon as Hiath'ikh left and the barracks lieutenant gestured at the large common room they all shared, their cots lined up in neat rows. The barracks was crowded with trainees, some of them seated upon their cots eating, others gathered in groups in various parts of the room. Every single one of them was staring at him.

"I am Lieutenant Tefkha," the barracks lieutenant said, "and these are your fellow trainees, and that is all you need to know. Go ahead and grab yourself up a bite to eat, before the nightly exercises, and then bed."

"Nightly exercises?" Pure misery settled onto I'anen's face.

The lieutenant nodded, then gave him a curious look. "We always spar a bit before retiring for the night. You did say you're a trainee, didn't you...?"

It was all I'anen could do to bring himself to share dinner with the louts he was to stay with--vulgar and dimwitted and uncouth, every single one of them--so even though the group he at last settled on as being the least bothersome welcomed him and passed him a cup of beer and a hunk of meat, still he could not help but cringe that they sat so close, and drink the thick beer only with the greatest of reluctance. The meat he did not accept at all, pushing it away with a gagging noise; at first they were puzzled by this, and offered him figs and bread instead. But they were nowhere near as fresh and delicious as the figs and bread I'anen was used to, and he could not understand how they could consume bread that was not sweetened with honey first. When he mentioned that all they did was laugh, and he had the distinct feeling all throughout the rest of the evening that they were all continuing to do so, laughing behind his back. He easily wrote this off as their jealousy at being so ill mannered and slovenly compared to him, but that didn't mean it did not still hurt.

The sparring was no better, as he was so flustered he could not even keep hold of his sword, and accordingly all the other trainees laughed even more, and murmured to each other when they thought he wasn't looking. He was about ready to fling his sword down and start sobbing and demand to be taken back to Lord Tas'hukh immediately when Lieutenant Tefkha called off training, and they all headed in to go to bed for the night.

And thus started the longest and loneliest night of I'anen's whole life, or at least, what felt like it. The cot was hard and uncomfortable, and for once he longed for the small one he and Tas'hukh always scrabbled upon in the captain's tent. And then he started thinking of Tas'hukh himself. The various muted grunting noises elsewhere in the barracks didn't help this any, and he tossed and turned in frustration. The nerve of his lord sticking him in here! What sort of Kana did he think he was, that he should be forced to bed in the same room as a gang of hulking brutes such as these? His muzzle wrinkled in disgust at the sounds several of them made, coupling when they should have been sleeping. He told himself how vulgar and filthy they were to do such a thing, although at the same time, he ached and wished almost more than anything that he was with Tas'hukh right now, even if it meant having to make love to the captain.

Not that he had anything against that...the older Kana could be satisfying, in his own way. Though I'anen was growing bored of him. The way he had started to mistreat him lately, such as refusing to intercede on his behalf before the committee to promote him to lieutenant, and forcing him to stay in here of all places, was quickly making him rethink his decision to be the captain's bedmate. At the time it had seemed like the perfect solution to all his problems--keep his family from finding out he had been with a male (which did not necessarily mean he was sen'akha, he reassured himself, he just had not found the right female yet!), and keep himself from the horrors of training, while being able to reach his succeeding ranks. And Tas'hukh was not so bad in bed. Though by now, he would have preferred somebody different. Especially with the captain's recent change in attitude, and his interest in...

"Djuta," I'anen whispered, and bared his teeth in hate.

He hadn't much liked the Kana who had greeted them, either. Ahai'ikh he detested for the attention Tas'hukh had paid him during their journey here, and the one named Nehef had struck him as being far too frivolous and loudmouthed to be pleasant company. He had entertained thoughts of trying to seduce Hiath'ikh, just to keep himself out of the Kana barracks, yet that lieutenant's attitude had been more than enough to quash those plans. General Mahakhi was impressive in build and looks; I'anen had had to keep himself from licking his lips, just staring at him. The thought of being near such a big Kana--much less a general!--thrilled him. But he had not liked the one named Resikh very much, despite his attractive looks, simply because of his proximity to and apparent friendship with the last. The bronze-eyed lieutenant, Djuta. The way his lord had stared at him, as they'd spoken, practically devouring him with his eyes...I'anen knew lust when he saw it, and he had definitely seen it there. One of his trainees? Tas'hukh had looked at him that way, before, and I'anen was certain there had been more to their relationship than training. Oh, they knew each other, all right...very much so. And now he, I'anen, was stuck in the Kana barracks while his lord was off with that other Kana!

He didn't like this.

He remembered Tas'hukh's reaction on hearing the messenger mention the name Djuta...and how he had turned him away, when they were in the desert. How he even turned him away now, and apparently forgot all about him, to go to dinner--and then gods knew what--with that other Kana. I'anen's eyes welled up at the unfairness of it all. Why, why was he not a lieutenant yet? Would he even be stuck here if he were a lieutenant, as he deserved to be? With everything he had done for Tas'hukh, why was this all he got in return?

He certainly didn't like this.

He sighed and shut his eyes, placing his arm over them and biting back a whimper. It was virtually impossible to sleep in this horrid place; he hadn't had to room in such pathetic barracks in a long time, since he had become Lord Tas'hukh's favorite. Why now? Was his lord really going to bed with that other Kana tonight? How could he do such a thing?

I'anen began conjuring up fantasies of approaching the barracks lieutenant and pressing himself close if he were still awake, or crawling into his cot with him if he were not...running his fingers up the other Kana's breast, smiling at him just right, stroking him beneath his kilt, and even allowing himself to be mounted if need be, if only for the chance to get out of here. Lieutenant Tefkha had eyed him with some curiosity. Perhaps he was sen'akha like Tas'hukh and easily swayed. I'anen shivered and licked his lips. Actually the thought of bedding with the lieutenant was not such a bad one after all. Perhaps, even, he would be able to find himself a new lord, and leave Tas'hukh behind if that was how the captain was going to be. It would not be nearly as impressive or useful to be the bedmate of a mere lieutenant, and a lowly barracks lieutenant at that, rather than a captain, but he was a lieutenant elite...and lieutenants always stuck to their own, so perhaps he would be a better choice to recommend I'anen for promotion...

He had just begun to lose himself in pleasant thoughts of lying trembling upon his belly as the barracks lieutenant rode atop him when the sound of footsteps came up beside him, and then someone gently shook his shoulder. I'anen flung his arm from his face and jerked away with a hiss. The Kana who had touched him backed away as well, holding up his hands in an apologetic gesture, face flushing even in the dimness.

"I...er...I apologize, Lord. I mistook you for another."

"You had best be sorry," I'anen hissed, as the other Kana crept away. He waited until he had gone before lying down again with a short sigh of irritation; would he never be able to get any sleep in here? He covered his eyes once more, lip curled with disgust; it only curled even more when he heard the same Kana whispering, not that far away, to another.

"...Hekh'tu? Is that you...?"

"Yes...I am sorry, I fell asleep..."

"This is all right...I've found you, now..."

Would they shut up? Let a decent Kana sleep? I'anen scowled. He squinched his eyes shut harder and bared his teeth when he heard the slight creak of a cot as someone climbed upon it, then a trembling sigh and a soft murmur. He peered out from under his arm to see a cot two over from his own, occupied by two Kana, one of them the one who had mistakenly come to him. Their arms loosely embraced one another, and they kissed. He scowled with distaste and covered his eyes again. Such horrid manners! To act such in barracks, in front of everyone. They could have at least waited until they were alone when no one had to be subjected to this filth. He ground his teeth harder when he heard them shifting again, the flimsy cot creaking in protest as their bodies moved, a soft laugh followed by another contented sigh. He smelled now a thick musk entering the air, and burrowed his head into the pillow. For love of the gods, why couldn't he have stayed with his master? The matter certainly didn't improve any when the soft snores of the other Kana were joined by a low, gentle grunting from the occupied cot. He heard another giggle, and a quiet moan.

I'anen's teeth felt ready to break. Yet he couldn't help casting another glance to his side, as dirty as it made him feel. The second Kana, Hekh'tu, knelt upon his cot with the first Kana mounted atop him, pushing slowly, their hips rocking in a leisurely rhythm; the creaking cot and their soft grunts did nothing to bother the other sleeping Kana all around them. In fact I'anen thought he caught the briefest glimpse of three others--three!--arisen from their cots, occupied in the far corner, one in the middle, pushing into another Kana, while the third embraced and pushed into him, all of them shifting contentedly, lost in their own desire.

"...Mm Hekh'tu..." the other Kana murmured, nuzzling at his mate's ear.

"Oh...Shai'hekh, mount me, mate me," Hekh'tu begged quietly.

"I always love your body, at night, sweet Hekh'tu...ah, you feel so good to me..."

"Dear sweet Shai'hekh...oh, gods...oh, gods...bring me your sap..."

"I could not wait any longer, dear one...the day is so long, waiting to be with you...I so love the nights when we may be together as one...ah..."

From the far corner, a low groan was followed by an easy laugh. "That was most good, was it not...? Ah, mm, yes it was..."

"I am still full of sap...let me enter him next! And you, mount me...!"

A gasp from nearby. "Shai'hekh...please, please..."

"My sweetest little lover, I shall cherish you always...mmh..."

Hekh'tu sobbed softly. Upon the cot, he bared his neck and arched as his companion knelt upright, grasping his hips and pumping slowly and deeply, tail quivering in rapture. In the far corner, three shapes writhed against one another, tongues lolling, wings flapping, panting heavily. The one in behind dropped his head back, hands clutching his mate's buttocks; his eyes rolled and he grinned widely in joy as his hips ground upward hard, the middle Kana riding, clinging tightly to his own mate, who rode upon him as they rapidly moved.

"Oh! Sweet Shai'hekh...!"

I'anen growled so hard it changed to a whine in his throat. Even when he closed his eyes he couldn't banish the lusting images from his mind. This place was driving him mad! How could he ever get any sleep when practically everyone around him was coupling like wild dogs? Where was his Tas'hukh? Who was he with? That Djuta?

A flash. The image of Hekh'tu and Shai'hekh in his mind was instantly replaced by an image of his lord and master, Tas'hukh, likewise engaged with the Kana Djuta. They were coupling just as he and his lord often did, only instead of telling him how he would not help him become lieutenant, Tas'hukh was smiling down into the other Kana's face, and leaning down to bite at his nape...and the look Djuta got on his face...

Just because he is a lieutenant! Because he is a lieutenant and I am not! This is the ONLY reason...!

Fury rose within I'anen's breast like a horrible flame. He flung his arm away again and sat up abruptly, swinging his legs off of the cot. Hekh'tu and Shai'hekh continued their slow pleasured mating, unaware of, or else ignoring, him. He tore off his thin blanket and stormed down the aisle, fists clenched at his sides and teeth grinding, only to come to an abrupt halt several cots down, eyes goggling. Here he caught sight now of a third couple, a big sturdy male embracing a much smaller, frailer male to him as they lounged naked upon his cot. These two cast a startled glance up at I'anen as he stood, caught in the act; the big male's fat penis protruded from between the smaller Kana's buttocks, it was so long. I'anen flushed horribly just looking at them like that. The smaller one looked terrified; the sergeant could not tell if this was consensual, or if the big Kana had merely selected himself a convenient toy for the night.

They both blinked at him. "Er..." the big Kana stammered, "...you...you would like to join us, Lord...?"

"Are you insane?" I'anen spat, his voice cracking. "Keep your filth to yourself, you Moru brutes!" He whirled and stalked away from them in a great haste, but could not help but look over his shoulder at them as he went, the breath coming fast in his throat.

"Well," the big Kana murmured, chucking his small lover's cheek and smiling at him gently, "looks as if I shall indeed be your first, sweet little one...open up wide for me, now...aaahhhhh..."

The smaller male trembled and whimpered. The big Kana took his hips and lifted, bringing him down upon his mighty shaft. I'anen saw the milky tip of the great member prod its way up into the smaller Kana's tight opening, saw his back arch, heard his loud cry as he tossed back his head, worst of all saw the pleased smile cross the big Kana's face, eyes rolling back and a great sigh escaping him as his length filled his young mate.

Lord Tas'hukh got that look. He got that same look when he first took me. It hurt, and...and it felt so good, at the same time...he has not gotten that look in ages now...!

I'anen turned away, flushing harder than ever--by now Hekh'tu and Shai'hekh were bouncing rapidly upon their flimsy cot, shouting out their joy, and the three in the corner had been joined by a fourth and who knew what they were doing, upon the floor like that...

Where is my Tas'hukh! Why did he leave me here? Why is he with Djuta? Why could I not stay with him--?

He whined pathetically and clasped his hands over the front of his kilt, trying to still the stirring there. Despite his best efforts at being disgusted, all of the activities in the barracks around him had gotten him hopelessly excited...and without his lord, there was nothing he could do about it. But he had to get some relief. Somewhere, anywhere. Just away from here. To allow one of these dogs to couple with him...he could never do that. Never! He would always save himself for the Kana elite, or at least, mate with someone far enough beneath him that it did not matter...

A thought entered his mind just then, and his face brightened.

Moru. I can find myself a good Moru! Moru never talk--they ALWAYS obey! And--unlike certain Kana--they always treat me like a LORD!

He glanced toward the doorway at the opposite end of the barracks. There were of course no Moru to be had, way out here...yet he had seen the size of General Mahakhi's household. Simply the fact that he was a general meant he must have plenty of Moru! Surely his collection would be renowned for its size! Surely he would not notice one measly Moru with I'anen's scent upon him!

I'anen licked his lips at the thought of it. Before he even willed it, his feet were carrying him toward the door, and out into the training yard, and out of there and into the street. Soon he was running, sprinting, glad for once that no one was out at this hour except the occasional straggler, and they were too drunk to even pay him any mind. He slowed his pace only when he came within sight of the great household, and his heart was beating hard and his breath was coming fast, though not only from the physical exertion. His tail whipped and his sheath strained. He would forget about Tas'hukh this night. So the old man wanted to play games, did he? Then I'anen could play games too. At least a Moru would never disrespect him the way his lord had. At least with a Moru, he could feel wanted. At least with a Moru he could feel like a Kana.

Enjoy yourself with your precious "Djuta"! I will just find myself something better with which to while away my time...Lord!

Practically salivating by now, I'anen turned toward the silent household, his step soft, wings trembling in anticipation.

* * * * *

Well...it had seemed like a good enough idea, at the time.

I'anen had forgotten to take into account Mahakhi's guards. Or at least, he had hoped they were not so diligent. Yet two of them had stood watch at the front entrance of the household, and try though he might, he could think of no way around them. Covert tactics had never been his strong point.

He stood and stared at them a good long while, hoping against hope that they would just leave already, yet after some time he realized this was an even more foolish plan, and ducked behind the side wall, skirting its edge toward the back of the compound. He whined softly as he went, cursing his ill luck. The front of his kilt practically bulged out now, and he grimaced as he awkwardly trotted. He would hate being seen in such an indecent situation, yet all the sights he'd seen in the Kana barracks had inflamed him terribly. He resented the fact that the big Kana with his small lover hadn't selected him as his companion for the night. He would have TRULY shown that brute a wonderful time! I'anen's mouth watered. Just the thought of riding along that great heavy shaft...

He shook his head and gritted his teeth. He ducked into the small yard behind the household proper, looking for an entrance. The kitchens stood back here--surely they would not be quite as heavily guarded--yet he thought he heard a noise from within, and gasped and panicked. He turned and bolted toward one of the small buildings behind the household, throwing open the door and darting inside. He closed it behind him and stood there panting and shaking for a moment or two, then started walking down the narrow hallway, wiping at his brow. What sort of luck was this! He would be stuck out here all night if he couldn't find a decent entry, or escape. He didn't even know how many hours were left until dawn. He chewed on his claws and whimpered.

Where is my Lord Tas'hukh! I am lost without him--literally! How could he treat me this way...?

A rustling noise from the side caught his attention, and he jumped and yelped, whirling around. Wooden bars met his eyes and he realized with horror that--

THE JAIL CELLS! I have wandered into the JAIL CELLS!

I'anen's eyes goggled in mortification. All of the cells seemed to be empty, but for two--a skinny Kana lay upon his cot in the one closer to the door, sleeping, yet the Apsiu in the cell further down from his was wide awake, and peering out at him intently.
I'anen's eyes grew and he turned all the way to face him. They stared at each other in the dimness.

By the gods...what a creature he was! He looked to be Kana, but I'anen could see his tattered wings, and knew the truth. Yet that hardly bothered him. The size of him, on the other hand...the young Kana's breath began to hitch just looking at him, and he had to fan himself, growing flustered. He hadn't felt such a burst of sudden lust since...he was not even certain since when. Certainly, Tas'hukh had not made him feel that way in a good long while. He tried to shake the feeling off, yet couldn't; the big Moru's stare was beginning to bother him. He swallowed and began to back from the hall. He had to get out of here.

The Moru, seeing his movement, stood and came toward the bars. I'anen froze again. The prisoner grasped the bars in his hands and peered out at the sergeant, and his eyes roamed him up and down. I'anen shivered, yet felt a surge of pleasure at being inspected so. He drew himself up to his full height, trying to look important.

His pride deflated somewhat when the Moru smirked. "Good eve, Lord," he jeered. "And what is a pretty little Kana like yourself doing in a place like this, at such an ungodly hour? Did you get lost?"

I'anen blinked, then flushed. He clenched his fists. "Do--do not call me such names, dog! I cannot be faulted for the odd layout of this household! Besides, you are hardly in any position to mock me!"

The big Moru's smile broadened. "Ah, I see. You do not even belong to this household." He turned away from the bars and started to walk back to his cot. I'anen opened and closed his mouth, totally flustered, and shook his fists at the air.

"DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON A KANA, YOU MUTT!!" When that failed to elicit any type of response, I'anen flushed dark red, absolutely livid with rage. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU! I can have your wings flayed TWICE over!"

"They are already flayed," the Moru said boredly, still not bothering to look at him.

The young Kana hissed. "That is the point, stupid! I will have them flayed yet AGAIN!"

The Moru turned and sat down on his cot. He waved at the air.

"Go ahead, then. You think this sort of talk frightens me?" His mouth twitched. "Then you have not faced nearly as much of the world as I. I was a lot like you once, but I smartened up very quickly. You are nothing but a piddling sergeant, and those pretty black lappets will not get you very far in life."

I'anen bared his teeth, unable to believe this blatant disrespect. "I am hardly a piddling sergeant!" he screeched. "For your information, I am soon to be promoted to lieutenant by command of Lord Tas'hukh! How dare you compare yourself to me! You wallow in this pit but I will fly among the GREATEST!"

He noticed now how the Moru's expression changed, and he leaned slowly forward on his cot. He stared at I'anen so intently that the youth began to fidget under his scrutiny. After a moment the Moru frowned.

"Lord Tas'hukh...?" he echoed.

I'anen bristled. "Yes, Lord TAS'HUKH! He trains me personally! And he himself has claimed I show promise and will soon reach my next rank--so think twice before you compare me to yourself, stupid Moru mutt!"

"You speak of Captain Tas'hukh," the Moru pressed. "Of the Shore Tribe?"

I'anen puffed up his chest, making certain his lappets lay flat against his shoulders. "There is only one Tas'hukh in this land worth mentioning! And I would not waste my time on the worthless!"

The Moru's interested expression faltered and he let out a bark of a laugh. "The last I knew, Lord Tas'hukh liked his trainees young, pretty, and emptyheaded, like you! So do not consider yourself to be in such grand company!"

I'anen screamed and launched himself at the bars. The thin Kana in the cell next to the Moru's bolted up from his cot with a gasp, glanced around himself, saw I'anen, then scuttled over into the far corner. I'anen merely rattled the bars in a rage, gnashing his teeth and spitting.

"YOU CANNOT SPEAK TO ME THIS WAY! I AM SERGEANT FIRST CLASS I'ANEN! NONE SPEAK TO ME THIS WAY! NOT EVEN LORD TAS'HUKH!!" He rattled the bars harder. "I am the ONLY one he deems worthy of his attention, you slobbering hound! That mutt Djuta is NOTHING compared to me! A stupid DIVERSION for the night! And NOTHING more!"

The Moru's face began to change again as if he had suddenly realized something. His sneer vanished and he opened his eyes wide. He got up and approached the bars; I'anen, sensing the potential for danger, backed away, though he kept his teeth bared, and even put his hand on his dagger. The Moru simply stopped at the bars, grasping them again. He looked the youth up and down a second time. I'anen allowed his rage to fade, just a bit, being stared at like that.

"Your master is with this Djuta?" he inquired, and I'anen bristled.

"This is hardly your business! I came looking for a Moru to pass the night with, and I ended up here! This is the ONLY reason I am in such a filth hole!"

The Moru's face twitched. The thin Kana in the other cell eyed them both anxiously. The big Moru stared at I'anen a moment more before a smile slowly came to his face, making I'anen pause in confusion.

"Of course," he murmured, and let his eyes drift down toward I'anen's waist; the youth blinked. "That's right, Lord Tas'hukh does not seek out piddling little pretties...he prefers the young...and strong and capable. Forgive me my mistake, Lord...I spoke very greatly out of line."

I'anen blinked again. He quickly regathered himself and lifted his head haughtily.

"Not forgiven! You've spoken to me most atrociously! If I were any less considerate I'd have your wings shredded twice over!"

The Moru just smiled all the more graciously. "A smart Kana...to not so easily forgive. Obviously you are both skilled and intelligent. I apologize most profusely for my comments anyway."

"Yes, well..." I'anen huffed a little bit, shifting his wings and smoothing down his lappets. He couldn't stop staring at the Moru's kilt for some reason, and had to refrain from licking his lips. "I forgive then. But you are still incredibly boorish, and should learn your place." He paused and bit his lip. "You speak well, at least, for a Moru dog...and you've heard of Lord Tas'hukh...you were Kana once...?"

The Moru bowed his head. "Sergeant First Class Bakh'asu, I was. Until I met with misfortune, and ended up here." He peered up and his mouth twitched. "It has been difficult, but I've been quickly learning my place."

The young Kana snorted. "Not quickly enough! For you are quite mouthy for a prisoner!"

"Truthfully, Lord, I had thought my place might be in your company."

I'anen's eyes grew huge. The skinny Kana in the other cell rolled his eyes and turned back to his cot, flopping down onto it with a sigh. The sergeant approached the bars again, though he was careful to keep a space between himself and the big Moru.

"What sort of thing are you suggesting?" he asked.

Bakh'asu lifted one shoulder. "Merely that I learn my place, by keeping My Lord company. You would not want your trip down here to be wasted, would you?"

I'anen narrowed his eyes. "And you think a Kana such as myself would deign to pass time with a mutt like you?"

Bakh'asu just smiled again, as if the two of them were in on some sort of secret. He leaned close to the bars and spoke in a whisper so I'anen had to crane his head forward as well. When he spoke, the young Kana could feel his breath, warm on his face.

"I would not presume to consider myself worthy of your company...yet even Moru dogs and Kana elite are much the same, when they are in need."

I'anen sucked in a breath and took a step back. Bakh'asu stood and waited as the youth put a hand to his breast, tail flicking wildly, looking almost ready to panic. His teeth clenched.

Elite! He called me an elite!

Desperate now, he lifted one of his lappets. "Take a look, stupid hound! I'm still a sergeant first class!"

Bakh'asu shrugged. "Does it matter much that I get ahead of myself just a bit...? You yourself know full well your lappets will all too soon be blue..."

His nostrils flared. I'anen had stepped forward abruptly, pulling out his dagger and slicing open the cord attached to the door latch, causing both to fall to the floor with a dull thud. He flung the door open and stepped back, jerking his arm in a commanding gesture.

"Out! Drag yourself out of that cell, if you are still able to walk on your own two feet like an Apsiu!"

Bakh'asu raised his eyebrows but obeyed, coming out the door and standing in the little hallway. The skinny Kana in the other cell gave them both a baleful look before turning away with a snort. I'anen sheathed his dagger and gestured at the big Moru again, his face flushed and his breath coming fast.

"If you are so smart," he fumed, "then you will point me out a way to get into that household undetected! For I am supposed to be passing my time in that filth hole called the Kana barracks!"

Bakh'asu bowed. "All you need do is make your way in through the kitchens, Lord. The guards are not nearly as thick back there. Then make your way into one of the side halls--preferably the north one."

I'anen's muzzle wrinkled. "And why would I want to do that?"

The Moru bowed again. "This is where there are some empty rooms to choose from...that is, unless, you had something else in mind..."

He peered up just in time to see the flush rise in I'anen's face again. The youth was practically gasping by now, and he had to press a hand to his kilt. He turned away from the Moru, tail whipping, and jerked his arm at the air.

"F-follow! Stupid mutt! You had better not be as much of a waste of time as you look to be!"

The Moru obeyed, following when I'anen hurried toward the door out of the small jail cells. He ran awkwardly, with his legs pressed together, as they made their way across the small empty yard and into the kitchens at the back of the household. Just as Bakh'asu had said, there was no one within sight, and they passed through completely unnoticed. A guard walked by in the north hall, but when they stood and waited for him to disappear, he did so, and no one else took his place. I'anen almost jumped when he felt the big Moru touch his arm. He curled his lip back, ready to hiss at him to get his fingers off of him, but Bakh'asu's whisper in his ear made him hesitate.

"All is clear, Lord...and a few of those rooms, several doors down, should be free...you are ready to show this lowly Moru just how impressive those lappets look, swinging back and forth...?"

I'anen almost squeaked, cutting off a frantic cry. Without another word he gripped Bakh'asu's wrist and went dashing down the hall, hand clutched to his kilt.

* * * * *

Just as the Moru had claimed, at least one or two rooms stood empty in the north hallway, their doors cracked open just slightly and only darkness settling within. I'anen pushed upon the doors and sniffed at the air before selecting one and darting inside. His heart beat frantically in his breast at the thought of being caught; surely Tas'hukh would be very displeased, if that were to happen. As they stepped into the room, looking around in the dimness, he chewed on his claws, suppressing a whimper.

A light flared up behind him and he jumped and whirled around with a gasp; Bakh'asu stood with an oil lamp in his hand. He tilted his head and gave the boy a curious look.

"Surely you would prefer a tiny bit of light, Lord...? So I may be able to look upon you?"

I'anen let out his breath in a whoosh. "Keep your voice down!" he hissed, baring his teeth. "Someone may hear!"

The Moru waved nonchalantly and walked over to set the lamp down on a small table. "They will just assume it is a Kana busy with his Moru...which is not far from the truth." He offered I'anen an odd smile, more of a smirk, which made him feel slightly uneasy. He tried to brush the feeling off. "You are rather tense," Bakh'asu continued, and lowered his voice. "Perhaps, you would feel more comfortable back in the barracks...?"

The sergeant hissed. "I will hardly go back there! Those dogs have no discipline! They spend all the night rutting at each other like hounds in heat!" When Bakh'asu gave him a look he wrinkled his muzzle spitefully. "DO NOT EVEN SAY IT! I do not subject myself to such indecencies as THEY do--!"

Bakh'asu nodded patiently. "Of course you do not, Lord. You are hardly a hound in heat...you control your emotions so very well." I'anen was too busy puffing up to see the way he rolled his eyes. "It takes a strong Kana, to resist such urges...I must commend you for even being able to set foot in the barracks, and still maintain your dignity! I would not have been able to resist that temptation! In all truth, Lord, if both of us were to be in the army at once, I greatly feel I would have been kneeling at your cot, begging you to be with me!"

The young Kana's eyes lit up. "You--you would--?" he cried, clasping his hands together.

Bakh'asu nodded again. "Which soldier in his right mind could resist you, Lord?"

"That is right! That is right!" I'anen clapped his hands and giggled gleefully. "There WAS a big Kana in there much like you who begged me to join him! Yet I had to refuse, he was such a scabrous hound! He had to satisfy himself with someone much lesser instead!" He trotted toward the dusty bed standing near the wall and waved, beaming at the Moru. "Come! Let us see what exactly you can do!"

Bakh'asu followed him. I'anen began stripping off his clothes, hopping and pulling off his kilt as he reached the bed. His foot tangled in the cloth and he growled in frustration and kicked it aside. He made certain to keep his skullcap and lappets on, even brushing them over his shoulders again, and made a face at Bakh'asu when the big Moru stepped up to the bed and halted there. I'anen hastened to untie his bulging loincloth.

"What are you doing?" he cried, waving at Bakh'asu's kilt and sandals. "Take all that off! You can hardly do much good all dressed up like that!"

Bakh'asu shrugged. "I had merely thought...that My Lord might wish to prove himself a powerful warrior tonight..."

"Huh?" I'anen's head was foggy, unclear. "What are you even talking about!"

"Well, Lord..." The Moru raised his eyebrows. "A Kana without his clothing, his armor, is not afraid to show his power...yet the Apsiu still dressed, who faces him, what is he but a helpless slave..." He spoke slowly, the lust growing in I'anen's eyes. "It is only custom for the powerful Kana to vanquish the weak, without even stripping their clothes off first..."

"Oohhhhhh!" I'anen's face screwed up and he chewed on his lip. "Keep them on, keep them on! But--take off your damned loincloth, at least!!"

Bakh'asu reached beneath his kilt. He slipped out his loincloth and tossed it aside, not taking his eyes from I'anen the entire time. I'anen whimpered and hopped quickly upon the bed, waving him forward. When Bakh'asu obeyed, he reached out to flip up his kilt, and his mouth watered at the sight of the distended sheath there, the tip of the Moru's penis just beginning to emerge. His eyes grew as Bakh'asu's shaft did, and Bakh'asu smiled down at him as the youth ran his tongue over his tusks repeatedly. The young Kana moaned and crawled toward him, reaching out one shaky hand to touch the warm sheath; he leaned forward, closing his eyes, and flicked his tongue over the tip, whimpering at the taste of Bakh'asu's fluids upon his tongue. A second later he felt a hand grasping him by the jaw, and his eyes popped open to see Bakh'asu looking down at him. He bared his teeth.

"Wh-what are you doing, you stupid mutt?!" he almost screeched. "Do not DARE touch me when I am thus busy!!"

Bakh'asu tilted his head to the side. "But Lord, this is hardly fitting for you."

"Fitting?" I'anen snapped. "I do what I damn well please! Do not tell me what is and is not fitting!"

"But Lord, this is hakh'tua...females do this. Moru do this." He smiled. "You wish to be a female? A Moru? Or do you wish to be that which you are by rights--a Kana? A master?"

I'anen blinked and drew back a bit. The Moru...he was wise. He was right. Here he was, with his own Moru slave for the night, and he was thinking of giving him hakh'tua! Like a woman! Immediately he banished the disgusting thought, yet he was as hot as ever inside. He sat back and fiddled his fingers, biting his lip impatiently.

"So what do I do, Moru? How do I relieve this desire?"

Bakh'asu's smile was kindly. His hand reached down to gently grasp his penis and I'anen felt weak. "Nesakh'ai. My master should mate with me...though I can see the lust in your eyes, and know that you wish to be taken. Normally, this is what females do..." He dropped his voice to a whisper and even leaned forward as if sharing a secret. "But that does not mean you cannot partake, does it?"

I'anen bared his teeth, feeling like a fool for even trying to figure out this logic. "Wait a moment! You tell me I cannot give hakh'tua, for females do this...but then you wish to take me, like I am Moru? Where do you get this reasoning?"

Bakh'asu gave a small shrug and whispered again, even cupping a hand to his mouth as if someone might overhear. "In all truth, Lord...does not Tas'hukh himself take you, when you are with him? Yet you are still a great Kana, are you not?" He paused and then said, "And I hardly believe he asks you for hakh'tua! Right?"

I'anen's face went red, but he gave a slight cough. "This...this is true!" he exclaimed, feeling his ears burn at the lie but unable to stop himself just the same. "Hakh'tua...I never give this to anyone! I--I was just overcome, is all. Very well! Nesakh'ai!" He scowled. "You will not tell anyone of this, as you promised! If you go back on your word, I will slash your wings even worse!"

"No one need be told," Bakh'asu promised. "I will serve my master however he wishes. Should anyone ask, you were a most strong, virile Kana tonight, and my body still aches from the touch of you."

I'anen's face brightened. "And my size! My size, Moru! It was such as you have never seen before or since!"

"And your size, Lord, was as that of a great tree taking root beside the river, as that of a mighty pillar within the mightiest of households. Nothing could compare."

"And--and my--" I'anen flushed brightly, clasping his testicles. Bakh'asu's smile grew and he nodded indulgently.

"And my master's balls were as large as those of a mighty steed, as hard as the stone of the cliff face, and as hot as the sun within the sky."

The sergeant nodded quickly. He turned himself over and spread his legs, lifting his tail; he shivered and whimpered when he felt the big Moru climbing into the bed behind him, a chill running up his spine. This was much better than staying in the barracks all night--and much better, he assumed, than passing time with a poor sport like Tas'hukh. He flared his nostrils at the thought of the captain finding out that he had been with another, and the thought didn't bother him one bit. Let him find out! If he was going to be so cruel, I'anen did not need him anymore. Perhaps he would even ask for admittance to this tribe...with the right kind of convincing, he was certain that that barracks lieutenant would agree to promote him...

"My Lord is very large today," Bakh'asu said down at him. "I hope I can fulfill all your desires adequately!"

I'anen glanced down between his legs. His penis stood erect, flailing about before him as he trembled. He felt a sudden flush of embarrassment at how small it seemed, compared to all the others he had seen. He glared over his shoulder at Bakh'asu, wrinkling his muzzle.

"Just--just do as you are told, Moru, and you will not receive a beating! I already take my chances dealing with one I found in the cells!"

Bakh'asu leaned over him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "If it is any consolation at all, Lord," he murmured, "it was that dog Djuta who put me in there."

I'anen sucked in a startled breath. He spread his legs as wide as he could, spine arching.

"COME INSIDE ME! I will keep you in here ALL NIGHT LONG just to spite that HOUND!"

Bakh'asu smiled and tipped his head. "Very well, Lord!"

I'anen dropped his head to look down between his legs again as the big Moru came up behind him, his huge purple shaft throbbing outward. The young Kana knew it would likely hurt, but he didn't care, so long as his purpose was fulfilled. Perhaps the pain would even give him a reason to keep himself out of Tas'hukh's company, and earn a little sympathy, during the coming day! It also might keep him out of the barracks!
He clutched the bedclothes and bit his lip to prepare himself. Bakh'asu's hands gripped his hips, and his knees nudged in between I'anen's. By now I'anen could even hear the Moru panting thickly, and took pleasure and pride in knowing his body had excited him. He wriggled his behind impatiently, felt a hot fleshiness prod against him, and opened up and loosened, as many hours spent with Tas'hukh had trained him to do. He shut his eyes, neck arched; best to just not even think of his captain, anymore. He felt Bakh'asu begin to slide forward and upward, pressing at his opening, slowly, carefully. A smile began to creep up upon his face, and he licked his lips in anticipation of full penetration.

I'anen grimaced when the Moru's fingers sank into him, and he suddenly rammed himself up and in, the young Kana screaming with pain and surprise. Bakh'asu grunted and pulled back and out, then rammed in again with a short tight groan. The Kana clutched wildly at the bed and wailed at the air as the Moru bucked into him.

"M-M-Moru!" he cried, voice cracking. "You g-go too qu-quickly! S-slower!!"

He heard Bakh'asu murmur lustfully. "Mm...ahh, please forgive me, Lord...I had not meant to harm you. I was merely attracted by your body...and had assumed that you were quite used to being favored by those much greater and stronger than myself..."

I'anen's ears grew pink and he let out his breath shakily. "Y-yes...well...you are not entirely incorrect, Moru...but please...I wish to savor this tonight...so please, go more slowly, will you?"

The Moru smirked, still grasping I'anen's slim hips in his great hands. "Of course, Lord...of course I will. Anything to honor my master's wishes..."

I'anen sighed and nodded. He turned away again, bit his lip to feel Bakh'asu push himself deeply within, and let his eyes drift shut as they began to slowly rock upon the bed, Bakh'asu holding onto his hips and pushing easily, leisurely. A smile eventually came to his face as he imagined how they must look, engaged thus...if only Tas'hukh were to see him now, being pleased so greatly by another! Gods, it felt so good...he hadn't realized how much he'd longed for a taste of something different, until now. Yes, he would definitely try to gain the attention of that pretty barracks lieutenant...

He murmured appreciatively, arching his neck so his lappets dangled to the side; the feel of them brushing against him made him shiver with delight. "Mmm...Moru, this is what I like...exactly," he sighed, swaying in rhythm with his mate. "Mmmmmh...please, make use of your hands for something, my body is aching all over for some touch..."

"As you desire, Lord..."

The Moru's hands slid down his thighs, then up to rub and fondle his dangling sac. He trembled with pleasure; he could likewise feel Bakh'asu's sac gently slapping against his backside as they moved. Oh, this was so very good. Much better than anything Tas'hukh had done for him lately. His fingers dug into the bedding and he arched his back, hoping for deeper entry. Bakh'asu was very thick and long. He plowed deep within I'anen's insides, and I'anen wished nothing more but for them to be able to spend the entire night playing at love. With luck, this was just what they would do...perhaps he would even allow the Moru to fall asleep with him here...just so they could be discovered, come daybreak...he smiled at the thought of the look on his captain's face.

"Lord-Master," Bakh'asu whispered, voice guttural. I'anen whimpered. "You seem...seem to have heard of...the Kana 'Djuta,' when I mentioned him to you...and you spoke of him yourself...know you...who this Kana is...?"

I'anen grumbled, leaning his head down against the pillows, buttocks still in the air. "Yes, I know this name," he would have snapped, had he not been so intent on his pleasure; instead it came out as a mutter. "He is the dog with whom my captain is passing the night...I just know it...and he is the reason why we came here. Some sort of problem with a Moru..." He opened his eyes and frowned a little. "Wait...that is just it! Bakh'asu!" He glanced at Bakh'asu over his shoulder. "You are the reason we had to endure that horrid flight here!" he exclaimed.

Bakh'asu offered him a gracious smile, and licked at his neck; I'anen whined. "I apologize for this inconvenience," he panted thickly.

I'anen considered chastising him, then changed his mind and shut his eyes...it could always wait for a better time. "Eh...I hardly care anymore," he murmured into the pillows. His buttocks quivered against the big Moru's insistent pushes. "Besides...if you are the cause of trouble for this Djuta...then I do not mind letting you out at all. Let him deal with his own problems...I could hardly care..." He gasped weakly and shook, shifting his legs. "Oh! You are an excellent Moru, Bakh'asu, fit for a Kana such as myself...mmmm...aahhhhhh, yes...oohhhhhh..."

His cries drifted off into soft moans, and he even mewed like a Moru as the big slave plowed fully within his body. Aside from this they shifted slowly in silence, but for Bakh'asu's labored panting and occasional heavy grunts.
I'anen's body trembled. Bakh'asu's hands ran up his sides, to squeeze his arms, stroking his back and wings and shoulders, fingers trailing over his neck. The sergeant felt Bakh'asu's weight shift, leaning over him, pressing closely to him. He fought down another shiver.

"Lord-Master," Bakh'asu whispered tenderly in his ear. I'anen couldn't help it; he whined and his whole body went into tremors. He sensed the Moru's smile. "I must thank you then, Lord, for setting me free."

"The least I could do," I'anen murmured. He snuggled his head into the pillows. "Besides, remember...you are only my Moru for the night...and then you must go back...I cannot keep you forever, as much as I may be tempted, sweet Moru...but this is just the way of things..."

Bakh'asu's voice was heavy with lust. "This I know, Lord...which is why...I hate what I must do..."

"Hmmm?" I'anen smiled when Bakh'asu rubbed his neck; the feeling was a good one. Tas'hukh never rubbed his neck. "I do not understand you, Moru...yet your touch is nice enough to my skin..."

"I am glad you like it, Master." Fingers strongly massaged I'anen's nape, making him shudder and tense before relaxing. "The moment I saw you, Lord, and heard you speak...I knew I must beg you to pass the night with me, else it would have weighed upon me forever..."

"Because I was the only one worthy of such attention...?" I'anen's childish smile grew. He felt pride and lust well up in his breast, and arched his back a bit further, breathing quickly at the feel of the great slick shaft slipping in and out of him.

Bakh'asu's breath came close to his face. "No, Master...you are wrong..."

I'anen felt a twinge of irritation, but then decided to shrug it off. "Well...who cares...as long as you feel as good as you do right now, then whatever reason is good enough. Mmmmmh." He giggled and wiggled his hips. "Oh, yes, please, do that again, right there...oohhhhh."

Bakh'asu rubbed against him in such a way that tiny tingles raced through I'anen's body. "You like?"

I'anen nodded quickly, gasping for breath. "Yes, yes I do...very much so...mmm...."

He kept his eyes shut, rolling forward on his knees, savoring the thick scent of his lover. It was good to make a change. Bakh'asu's fingers trailed lightly over his cheek, and he leaned over him again, his body pressed between I'anen's wings and his voice whispering huskily in I'anen's ear.

"Lord-Master...you are wrong also about one other thing..."

I'anen only murmured lazily. "Mmh...?"

Strong hands massaged his neck again, fingers trailing over his throat. I'anen smiled. His mate nuzzled at his cheek, thrust slowly into him, whispered in his ear. When he next spoke, it was in the lowest whisper possible.

"I am not Moru."

I'anen's eyes opened in confusion. Powerful fingers suddenly wrapped around his neck and squeezed. He managed to get out one gasp before he could not breathe anymore, and his eyes grew wide; his hands flew up to grasp at Bakh'asu's, trying vainly to pull them loose. He struggled to push himself up, but Bakh'asu's weight was such that he couldn't; choking and wheezing, he managed to catch a brief glimpse of his assailant over his shoulder as he tried to unblock his windpipe. Bakh'asu's own eyes were shut, a slight pleased smile upon his face as he throttled the one with whom he still slowly, leisurely mated. I'anen bucked and flailed in a rising panic. His muscles were growing weak, a pounding, throbbing pain filling his head. Yet still the Moru pushed, slowly and easily, murmuring with contentment, his grip growing ever tighter around I'anen's neck. Tears sprang to the Kana's eyes as his mouth opened and shut, no words coming out.

What is he doing to me--!

I'anen suddenly felt a warm gush within him, and just as abruptly, Bakh'asu grunted and loosened his grip. The youth sucked in a great breath, choking and coughing with relief, his lungs burning for air. He gasped in great mouthfuls of it as Bakh'asu sighed in satisfaction.

His mate touched his cheek as he coughed roughly, wiping the tears from his bloodshot eyes. "Mmm...that was good, Lord," he said in an amiable tone. "And I will remember to tell any who ask, how you were mighty like a pillar, and hard like a rock." He chuckled, and I'anen bristled, wanting nothing more than to turn upon him and claw his eyes out for such a show of callous disrespect. "Of course," Bakh'asu went on, casting I'anen a sympathetic look over his shoulder, "that will have to wait until later, as I'm afraid I must leave you now...yet I will hardly leave you emptyhanded, Lord." He smiled. "Give a greeting to your Lord Tas'hukh for me when he next sees you. You yourself may remember me by this."

I'anen at last pushed himself up with a hiss, getting ready to curse his mate--this had ended most lousily, and there was no way he was going to let it slip past without some sort of punishment--flayed wings or no flayed wings. He turned his head and bared his teeth, meeting Bakh'asu's eyes, and opening his mouth to fling out every threat and insult within his knowledge.

Before the words could form on his tongue, he saw the smile on Bakh'asu's face, felt his hands upon his neck once more--then felt a horrifying snap, and his limbs went limp--and just before his world lapsed into blackness, he felt the splashing, easing release of his seed upon the sheets, heard the Moru laugh heartily, and heard the last words he would ever hear, as I'anen sank lifelessly to the bed.

"Well...at least you cannot say I left you unsatisfied, friend!"


"Part 27: Remembrance

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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