Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/516609-Part-25--Flashback
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #516609
Djuta's visit with Mahakhi results in a bizarre reaction...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 25 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

TAS'HUKH HAD GONE without nesakh'ai before. And so he could do so again.

His young sergeant I'anen, however, was another story. As long as the three of them--they two, plus Lieutenant Ahai'ikh, of the Great Red Tribe--were busy flying north along the river, the sergeant was well-enough behaved, and Tas'hukh was impressed by how well he held up despite the wind being against them and the sun and sand beating upon them at all hours of the day. Perhaps there was hope for him reaching lieutenant yet. And in the evenings, he at least managed to hold his tongue, for the most part, while Tas'hukh and the lieutenant talked, the captain gleaning as much information as he could from the other Kana. A long time had passed since he had heard of or from the former East Tribe, and many things had changed; he did not wish to show up completely ignorant. I'anen seemed jealous of the attention Ahai'ikh got, but resorted only to dirty looks as he sipped at the beer Tas'hukh had brought along for them. Ahai'ikh ignored the looks, so Tas'hukh did not have to bother explaining them.

Nights, however, were a different story. Their travel back to the Great Red Tribe was delayed by the wind, and so they remained in the country longer than they would have, and nights near the desert were very long. So Tas'hukh was not too surprised when the first night as he lay upon his back, attempting to get to sleep, he heard a soft rustling noise, and then felt a hand lightly sliding up his breast. Opening his eyes, one quick glance showed him I'anen, smiling at him in the dimness, his eyes coy and his lithe body arched appealingly.

"He is asleep," he whispered, his smile growing. "And so we can enjoy ourselves! Yes, Lord...?"

Tas'hukh shut his eyes. It had been one of the most tempting offers he'd ever received...but he had turned I'anen away with a sharp whisper, sending the youth scurrying back to his own bed, flushing with chagrin. Nesakh'ai in the middle of nowhere, with a perfect stranger likely to accidentally look on, was not something he liked to think about. And so I'anen was forced to pass the night by himself, and Tas'hukh was forced to do the same.

His heart ached deeply as he stared up at the stars...but not for a want of making love to I'anen.

He is still alive, and well...this is all I could have ever hoped for. Yet for him to call for me...this is more than I ever dared hope...what is this telling me? He wishes to see me again...?

He knew this was not precisely what had happened. According to what Ahai'ikh had claimed, the request for his attention had come from General Mahakhi himself; Lieutenant Djuta had been only peripheral, as the complainant in an incident involving the Moru Bakh'asu. And Mahakhi had only requested Tas'hukh's response, not his presence. Still...Djuta was involved. And he had apparently thought enough of his former commander to ask for his attention, because he and Mahakhi had never known one another well. He knew the general almost only by name and reputation alone, and was fairly certain Mahakhi would not be able to pick him out of a crowd if asked to do so.

And even though he fully remembered the name Bakh'asu...

Still, if it allowed him the excuse to see the lieutenant again...

His view of the stars wavered, and he shut his eyes before they could spill over. His heart still hurt. It had felt as if it had broken into a million pieces, the day he had last looked Djuta in the eyes, as he had walked out the gate of the Shore Tribe never to return.

Why did you leave, Djuta? You had no reason to...all of the men respected you. It was I they did not respect. But they could not help but respect one who had risen from being Moru, to be Kana again...they did not even maim your wings after you were hurt...did this not show you how they admired you? Why then did you leave...?

He sucked in a shaky breath and put his arm across his eyes. He could sense I'anen looking at him across the little clearing of their camp, yet didn't return his questioning stare. He gritted his teeth, hating the feel of warm tears squeezing from his eyes, yet couldn't seem to stop them. They dampened his arm, and his chest hitched a little.

I know why you left me...I know you had your reasons. There was too much pain for you there. You were never truly one of us, were you? You simply walked in from the desert...and once you were done, you walked out into it again. It is only fitting that you did so. You never even told me of your life before you came. So I should not wonder, that you would not wish me to know of your life after you had gone...

But this is not truly the reason, is it...? You could not stand to be reminded. Of what you were and everything you lost. I know you told me, you were not ashamed to be my Moru...yet I always saw that distance in your eyes, when you were with me. You bided your time for another. I can only hope he still makes you happy, for I cannot bear the thought of you being sad...

And I hope that you may forgive me, Djuta, for never being able to let you go...

He did not sleep well at all the first night. Every time he shut his eyes, images of Djuta came back to him, until he almost regretted turning I'anen away. The next day, the youth was in a poor mood, and so Tas'hukh did not even consider giving him a second chance.

They started out the day walking, their wings still aching from the day before. Tas'hukh hid his grimace as he stretched his own sore wings, but at least he was not the only one. Ahai'ikh's wings were still tired from his first flight, and I'anen's were not too used to flying for long distances, and so he was hardly out of place. It was also easier to converse while walking, which he found to be a great relief, considering he would have been alone with his thoughts otherwise.

"You served General T'uris before this coup, yes?" he asked aloud, their sandals scuffing at the earth.

"Yes, Lord. Myself, and Lieutenant Nehef."

"Why was it he was ousted from power? I realize he was growing old, yet he cannot have been too much older than myself..."

"He acted very poorly toward his Moru, Lord. It...was a rather unpleasant situation. He was also neglecting to tend to the tribe properly, and so a coup was deemed the best course of action. This was also the case with General Djiu."

"My lieutenant told me there was some unpleasantness regarding humans...?"

Ahai'ikh nodded. "It is over with now."

"You could please fill me in somewhat on the matter of this Bakh'asu?" Tas'hukh asked warily. "So I am better prepared when we arrive."

"Well...to put it shortly, Lord, Lieutenant Djuta had purchased this Moru from the market the previous day, for the human, although they did not..."

"Human?" Tas'hukh interrupted.

The lieutenant bobbed his head. "Um...yes, Lord. Captain Nehekhi...I do not know if you know him...acquired a Kemeti as one of his slaves, and the human now lives with the other Moru of the general's household, and Lord Djuta has passed some time talking with him. He was the one who requested the Moru Bakh'asu, although the why is not clear..."

Tas'hukh's ears flared. Slightly behind them, he heard a soft hiss, and turned his head to see I'anen making an unpleasant face.

"A human!" he spat. "They are filthy dirty ugly creatures! I would hardly be surprised if this Lord Djuta was conversing with one..."

Tas'hukh gritted his teeth but said nothing. "I find myself a little curious...how does he fare among our kind? Does he cause any trouble at all? A Kemeti seems like more trouble than it would be worth..."

"Actually, Lord, the human is quite well behaved, and by now acts and is treated much as a Moru himself. He has been the least of our problems."

"This Bakh'asu has caused such grief?"

"He broke loose of the Moru quarters and had made his way into Lord Djuta's quarters before he could be caught. He was placed in the jails shortly afterward. Ameni--he is the Kemeti--is actually the one who reported the escape, and he is likely the reason that Lord Djuta and his female were not harmed."

"Female--?" Tas'hukh's brow furrowed in surprise.

"Yes, Lord; he purchased her at the same time as the Moru Bakh'asu."

"I am supposing she is ugly, too," I'anen grumbled.

Ahai'ikh's ear flicked, but he didn't reply. "Lord Resikh," Tas'hukh stated. "He accompanied Djuta away from the Shore Tribe, along with his family. Is he still living among you--?"

"Yes, Lord. Lieutenant Resikh also serves General Mahakhi's household."

"Was he injured at all by this Bakh'asu--?"

Ahai'ikh gave him a slight frown of puzzlement, then shook his head. "No, Lord. So far as we can tell the Moru's attack was aimed at Lord Djuta only. He did assault a guard during his escape, but he will recover. He was unable to seriously harm anyone before being locked away. We have been questioning to learn more about him yet met only dead ends, and so this is why I was sent to ask of you who he might be."

"I may remember him once I see his face. There was a time I had men who were not even under my command, coming and going through my house. You must forgive me for being not quite as clearminded as I used to be."

"Of course, Lord. I understand."

"I hope my presence will not be too much of a burden upon Lord Mahakhi, if he was not expecting me..."

"Of course it will not, Lord; our tribe has been flourishing since the coups. You will be made more than welcome."

"I should like to see Djuta and Resikh again," Tas'hukh murmured, half to himself. "They were two of my best men, when they were with the Shore Tribe."

"I am certain they will enjoy seeing you again, Lord."

"I am betting they enjoy other things, as well," I'anen sniped, flaring his delicate nostrils.

Ahai'ikh's expression grew mildly irritated. Tas'hukh responded by whirling his head around and baring his teeth, letting out a snarl which made the youth, as well as the lieutenant, jump back in surprise. "Hold your tongue!" he snapped. "I am growing tired of your pettiness! If you have a problem with one of my men, then you have a problem with me. Either you will accompany us and carry yourself like a Kana, or you will be sent back home on your own! I do not care HOW much of an argument you put up with me!"

It was the first time he had ever snapped at the boy, and I'anen's face flushed--yet instead of hissing and spitting and snapping, his ears folded back and he tucked his wings close, drawing in on himself meekly. Ahai'ikh coughed into his hand, pretending not to hear them, although his wide eyes and flicking ears made it obvious he did. Tas'hukh turned back to face their path, taking a breath to calm himself. He hadn't meant to cow the sergeant so, yet at least he made no further comments.

"The sun is growing warmer," Ahai'ikh offered after a few moments of awkward silence. He stretched his wings once or twice. "Shall we continue flying now, Lord...?"

Tas'hukh let out a sigh and nodded, stretching his own wings. "You feel up to it, I'anen?" he asked; the young Kana nodded sullenly, and when Tas'hukh gestured at Ahai'ikh the lieutenant got a running start and flapped his wings, lifting up into the air. Tas'hukh steeled himself and followed suit, gritting his teeth at the first great jolt of his wings flapping hard enough to lift his feet from the ground; it had been a while since flying was easy for him, and he felt his tendons groan in protest before he rose higher and at last caught a current, easing the tension. I'anen joined them last and stayed behind, still sulking to himself. The wind was still against them, though, and just as before the going was slow and wearisome. He rather wished they'd stuck to walking, instead.

"Lieutenant," he had to yell above the noise of the wind, after they had flown for some time. Ahai'ikh cocked his head to show that he'd heard. "By any chance are your wings in good enough shape to fly straight through the day? We should be able to make it to your tribe tonight, at the latest, if so."

He heard a whimper from I'anen. Ahai'ikh managed to look at him over his shoulder, brow furrowing; he could tell the younger Kana must think he was mad. Yet he turned to face forward again and gestured at the air with his hand.

"I think I can manage it, Lord. If you feel it would be wise..."

Tas'hukh suppressed a twinge of irritation. He knew the lieutenant had intended to say something like "If you feel up to it..." yet had refrained at the last moment. The comment stung anyway. He bit back a retort, the pain creeping through his wings reminding him of the reason for the other Kana's attitude. Just because Kana could fly did not mean it was something they did often. In fact, they usually took every precaution not to fly, just to avoid the trouble; flying was difficult and ponderous and, in a Kana his age, excruciating at times. He peered over his shoulder to see how the sergeant was holding up, and winced. I'anen was struggling just to keep himself in the air, his wings flapping hard and fast and his slender body shuddering from the exertion. Tas'hukh turned forward again with a sigh.

"No...it is not that pressing. A rest would do us well."

Ahai'ikh nodded. He tilted to the side and began to descend. Tas'hukh caught the relieved look on I'anen's face before they all made their way back down to the ground.

They camped not far from the river, and Ahai'ikh excused himself from their company to go down to the water, so they were left alone. Tas'hukh watched I'anen grimace and flex his wings for a while before poking at the fire which they had built, to keep warm against the chill evening air. I'anen caught sight of the movement and turned to look at him; when Tas'hukh met his eyes the young Kana gave him a dark look, then turned his head away with a flounce.

"I am going to go soak my wings...since they hurt so badly." He stalked off toward the river, and Tas'hukh was the last one remaining at the camp.

He gave a small sigh and prodded the fire again. Then he relented and headed for the river himself.

He spotted Ahai'ikh first. The lieutenant was out in the middle of the river, away from the reeds, splashing water over his shoulders. He moved his wings up and down, and shook his head, water flying off of his lappets. Tas'hukh stood and watched him dip his head in the river a few times, making faces and splashing himself repeatedly. He had to suppress a slight smile. He had always been good at reading the character of others, and the second lieutenant was obviously a perfectionist, concerned with his appearance and bearing. He caught sight then of I'anen from the corner of his eye, and his mouth twitched. At least the lieutenant was not vain, as some others were.

He had to look twice when he noticed how I'anen, standing closer to the water's edge, was more interested in staring at Ahai'ikh bathing than in tending to his own bath. The youth even ran his tongue over his tusks and placed one delicate hand to his breast, wings flaring; Tas'hukh rolled his eyes skyward and turned away to go back to the camp. Bathing could wait for another time.

He sat near the fire and thought about Djuta until Ahai'ikh returned, still straightening out his kilt and brushing his lappets into place. He said not a word as the lieutenant walked across the little camp, yawning as he did so. Despite what he'd told I'anen, the younger Kana was rather handsome, in a bookish way...although it was true that he'd had no plans of trying to seduce the lieutenant, still, the thought of getting back at I'anen was a tempting one. I'anen returned a short while later and preoccupied himself with preening and smoothing his fur as Tas'hukh and Ahai'ikh talked.

"So there was hardly any bloodshed at all?" Tas'hukh inquired.

Ahai'ikh shook his head. "The only casualties were General T'uris and some of General Djiu's men. The East Tribe was won without even a battle."

Tas'hukh's ear flicked. "How was this possible? The last I knew, T'uris was getting on in years, but he was no slouch."

"We...his men had already deserted him long before, Lord, after what happened with his Moru. It was simple enough to overpower him then." He paused for a very long time, and it was only Tas'hukh's questioning stare that made him speak again. "A drug was slipped into his drink," Ahai'ikh said, looking somewhat abashed, "and Lord Mahakhi's favorite female was given him as a 'peace offering.'"

Tas'hukh blinked. An odd, high-pitched giggle echoed through the camp, and they both glanced aside to see I'anen holding his hand to his mouth. The youth noticed their stares and started giggling louder.

"A dirty old Kana!" he exclaimed mirthfully. "It does not take much convincing to get them where one wants, does it...?"

Tas'hukh rolled his eyes again and turned back to Ahai'ikh. He saw the venomous look on the lieutenant's face and took a tiny bit of comfort from it before capturing his attention again. "So...T'uris was slain by a female."

Ahai'ikh blinked now. "What--? No! I mean--of course not, Lord. General Mahakhi killed him...Simit was only a distraction, you see."

Tas'hukh frowned. "Why did they not just have the female kill the general while they were at it? It seems it would have saved a lot of time and trouble, that way."

The blank look the other Kana gave him told him they had never even considered this option. He sighed and waved at the air. "I know, never mind...it would be ignoble to let a Moru kill a Kana," he said, and Ahai'ikh relaxed. I'anen seemed to lose interest in their conversation now and sprawled upon the ground with a great sigh, stretching himself in a rather obvious manner. "When and if I get to meet Lord Mahakhi I will have to congratulate him for such an interesting scheme. This Simit of his sounds like an intriguing female."

"If you do not mind me asking, Lord," Ahai'ikh said, "I must confess I know relatively little about you. I had not even known that you knew Lord Djuta at all, as he never even spoke of you until recently. He served you for a long time...?"

Tas'hukh felt a pang at this statement yet hid it. "Yes, he grew up among us, but we were not his tribe. He simply walked into the city one night when he was hardly a pup." Ahai'ikh looked puzzled but didn't interrupt. "Lord Djetef...he is the father of Lord Resikh...took him in, informally at least. Although he never adopted him. They grew up together. Like brothers. They even entered the army together. You would think they had been tied by the tail, with how little they spent out of each other's company."

Ahai'ikh smiled. "They are still much like this, that I can see. Did they ever give you any sort of trouble while they served you?"

Tas'hukh snorted. "I feel as if I gossip, now. Truthfully, they were probably the best behaved out of everyone under my command. They never gave me trouble. Why? This has changed so much?"

It looked as if the lieutenant wanted to smirk, though he hid it well. "Actually, Lord Djuta is somewhat known for...bending Lord Mahakhi's orders from time to time. Or rather, acting when there are none. He is definitely not a troublemaker, Lord, as everything he does is for the benefit of the tribe, yet there are a few of the captains who would itch to see him removed from his position."

Tas'hukh laughed aloud; I'anen glanced at him with a dark look but he ignored it. "For some reason this does not surprise me! Djuta always looked out for others. Even when it was not in his own best interest."

Ahai'ikh smiled again. "He must have irritated someone badly enough, to leave his tribe, surely?" Immediately Tas'hukh's laughter died and his smile vanished, a dreary look replacing it; the younger Kana's smile disappeared as well and he lowered his head. "Er...forgive me, Lord. I meant only a joke."

"Hm...?" Tas'hukh lifted his head to look at him, then shook it slightly. "Oh...I do not mind. Though this was not the reason why he left."

The lieutenant tilted his head curiously. "What was his reasoning then, Lord? If he held such a place of honor among your tribe, why would he choose to leave?"

"He did not have anything tying him down," Tas'hukh said without thinking; when Ahai'ikh frowned he just shook his head. "Nothing...I do not know all the reasons. Just that he must have had one. I did not feel free to ask." He sighed and rubbed his hands, as the air was growing colder; Ahai'ikh responded by poking at the fire. "How far are we...? My memory is poor."

"If we set out at the same time tomorrow, Lord, then we should arrive the following night, with luck and the winds on our side."

Tas'hukh nodded. They talked only a little bit more, about trivial things, before the lieutenant arose to go to bed; the captain sat by the fire a bit longer, watching the stars shift across the sky. Ahai'ikh quickly fell asleep; after a while Tas'hukh stood and stretched, then looked around him. He spotted I'anen lying curled up upon his side on the other side of the fire and approached him, leaning over him with his hands on his knees.

"Little I'ee...?" he whispered.

I'anen flicked his tail. His hands were clasped between his legs and his head burrowed against his bedding; Tas'hukh saw his ear flick as well.

"I am sleeping," he said, his voice coming out muffled. "And dreaming a pleasant dream of home, where I am appreciated."

Tas'hukh's ear twitched. He almost murmured, At least you know it is a dream then, but turned away from him instead, retreating to his own bed. He lay down to look at the stars and allowed himself to take comfort in the thought of seeing Djuta again, and for once, he didn't bother feeling any shame.

* * * * *

Djuta paced in the hallway not too far from General Mahakhi's quarters. Resikh stood and stared at him from the corner. He had been there for so long that several of the guards had pointed out his presence before moving on in puzzlement. The entire time he walked, he fingered his pectoral necklace as if it bothered him, and his tail flicked from side to side. He took no notice of anybody passing by. Resikh kept watch on him for a good twenty minutes before approaching.

"Do you have nothing better to do? Like tend to your mate or something?" he called out; when Djuta didn't respond he made a show of tripping over his foot and hopping forward to keep from falling. When Djuta lifted his head and looked at him with a frown he gestured at the floor. "I could have broken my neck, falling into that groove you have worn into the tiles. Then where would you be?"

Djuta sighed and ceased his pacing. "I need to speak with him," he murmured, and Resikh glanced at Mahakhi's door. "Yet I do not feel up to it today."

"Why? You have never had any difficulty speaking with him before..."

"I am going to have to explain to him why, when Lord Tas'hukh arrives, I will not be there to greet him."

Resikh frowned and tilted his head, then crossed his arms.

"I cannot speak with him," Djuta said. "Not now. I left that tribe behind, and I fully intend to keep it that way."

"You did agree to this summons, Brother. 'Hakhi won't be too happy if you back out now."

"I did not agree to meeting with him."

"Why are you so insistent that you will even have to meet with him? Remember, Mahakhi sent only a note, and asked only for one in return. Perhaps you are jumping at things that aren't there?"

Djuta shook his head. "I know him," he said. "He will come. If only for an excuse to see me. You know him almost as well as I."

Resikh gave him a look. "I do not know him nearly as well as you," he said, and Djuta made a face and waved off the remark.

"You know what I mean! He was not happy when I left. You yourself said it looked as if he wanted to trail after me like a lost puppy. Well, Mahakhi has just picked up his leash, and he is trailing after me."

Resikh had to suppress a laugh. "Mahakhi will be pleased to learn he is your dog-walker now," he said, and sighed when Djuta did not accept the joke. "If it bothers you so much, why even speak to him? If you just do not show up, then he will not be surprised. I rather think we've come to expect this sort of behavior from you."

Djuta sighed heavily. "But if I do not face him..."

Resikh rolled his eyes. "Oh, gods."

"You did not see the look on Ameni-human's face. This Moru mongrel has caused no end of grief for everyone. Tas'hukh may stoop to refusing to speak his piece until he sees me. I would not put it past him by now."

"You and I know he never has been and never will be this devious, Brother. Once he knows the extent of what has happened, then he will freely talk. Should you tell him--"

"No," Djuta practically snapped; when Resikh furrowed his brow he wrinkled his muzzle. "Ameni-human has had enough embarrassment. And I have as well. As far as anyone else is concerned, he merely struck down the guard, fought off Mahakhi's men, and broke into my quarters. This is all they need to know."

Resikh sighed but offered no argument. "And so if you have decided you must speak with him..." he started, instead.

Djuta's wings slumped slightly. "If it clears up this entire Bakh'asu mess...then I will probably have to. I somehow feel that anything Lord Tas'hukh may have to say about Bakh'asu has some bearing on me, personally, based on how the mutt speaks of me. I just wish I knew how. But I do not know how freely I may be able to talk to him, and Lord Mahakhi should be made aware of this before the moment arrives."

"I think you blow things up too much, Brother. Just go in and tell him. What's the worst he can do? Rant and rave? He may get all pissy but come tomorrow he will have forgotten already. With a little help from Simit, or Akhahit, or whoever else he decides to keep company with." He took a step forward and nudged Djuta's arm. "Go on, you make me antsy just standing out here. Get it over with, then I can take you to Khesa's and get you drunk."

Djuta rolled his eyes. "What is it with you getting me drunk!"

"It can hardly sour your personality any. And you have yet to take me up on the last offer."

Djuta turned and started toward Mahakhi's door. "Fine, then! If it'll get you to stop trying to souse me up!"

He knocked at Mahakhi's door, then when the general called out in response he gave Resikh a dirty look over his shoulder. Resikh only smiled and waved as Djuta scowled and retreated into Mahakhi's room, shutting the door.

Resikh stood in the hallway and stared at the door for a moment or two, then let out a small sigh and turned away. He almost paused and headed back, an odd feeling settling over him, but quickly brushed it off and went on his way.

* * * * *

Djuta shut Mahakhi's door behind him and stood there for several moments, keeping his posture rigid and formal yet staring somewhere at the floor. General Mahakhi stood before the polished mirror in his quarters, fiddling with his pectoral necklace and examining his new armor. He didn't even glance at Djuta, although the lieutenant put his arm to his breast and saluted when he waved at him vaguely.

"Yes, Lieutenant? Is Ahai'ikh back just yet?"

"Not yet, Lord. But it has been windier than usual."

"Well, he should be dropping in any time now, and then this mess can be over with."
He snorted at his reflection and dusted his chest. "Most annoying, to be without one of my lieutenants for so long...and the useful lieutenant, no less. I surely hope this issue is resolved soon. By now I say we should simply be done with this Bakh'asu fellow; he's too much trouble."

Djuta flushed. "Apologies, Lord...I feel this may be my fault."

The big Kana snorted, again fiddling with his necklace. "Fah, I will hardly blame you. I will blame the guilty party as is fit. And I will blame that bastard Ukuti for selling such a Moru in the first place!"

Djuta didn't respond, simply kept his gaze on the floor. Mahakhi finished examining himself, waving at the mirror in annoyance as he turned away. He cocked his head to brush at his lappets. "Anyway. We should probably begin to make plans for how to best use the dog once this is resolved. There is an area of the north wall that is a bit weaker than it should be; I cannot help but think this mutt would carry a load of mudbrick excellently, all the way across the city." His mouth twitched. "With one of the guards flicking a nice long whip at his back the entire time. He thought his wings were bad before? Wait until I sic someone with poor whip aim on him. You think this sounds worthwhile?"

Djuta bowed his head slightly, still not lifting his eyes. "Yes, Lord."

There was a brief pause, then Mahakhi started walking. Djuta nearly jumped when the big Kana halted just before him. Mahakhi frowned and tilted his head downward to peer at him.

"Lord Djuta?" he asked, sounding puzzled. "You are all right?"

Djuta felt his ears grow warm, although he wasn't certain why. His voice hardly worked at first, and he had to force it to come out.
"I--y-yes, Lord."

"You seem startled by something. You are nervous about the summons?"

Djuta bit the inside of his lip, silent. He took a moment before responding.

"I...knew Lord Tas'hukh, before I became one of your tribe, Lord."

"Oh?" Mahakhi cocked his head and crossed his arms. "This is hardly news, so is it reason to be so rattled?"

The lieutenant had to swallow before he could speak. "I...knew him well, Lord."

Mahakhi frowned again. Djuta added nothing to his comment, yet didn't meet his eyes. After a moment Mahakhi's hard features began to soften, and he leaned slightly forward, brow furrowing.

"You mean...Lord Tas'hukh and yourself...you were...?"

Djuta nodded. "Yes, Lord. When I served him as Moru."

Now Mahakhi blinked. "Moru--? But--"

Djuta stretched his wings. Mahakhi cut himself off when he noticed anew the ragged tear lining one of them, and he stared at it as it folded back into place behind him. Djuta's eyes were lowered.

"The only reason...I stand before you now...is because they did not mutilate me afterwards. I regained the use of it, and my freedom as well."

He could tell that the general was confused by what he decided to leave out, yet didn't elaborate. Mahakhi's brow furrowed even further and he pursued his original line of questioning. "But...while you were Moru...you belonged to Lord Tas'hukh?"

"Yes, Lord. I was his."

Understanding at last seeped into Mahakhi's eyes, and he crossed his arms. "I see. You two have a past. And now you are made uncomfortable by his involvement in this matter."

"It has been years since I have last seen him, Lord...I would not know what to say."

"You need say nothing. I only sent a message, and he will reply to it as I asked."

Djuta shook his head. "You do not know him so well, Lord...if he senses an excuse to see me, then he will take it. He will be returning with Lord Ahai'ikh."

Mahakhi's ear flicked. "You are so certain of this?" When Djuta nodded he simply snorted and crossed his arms again. "Well then...say what you would wish to say. He is not your master. You owe him nothing now."

"Yes, Lord..."

"In the meantime, we still have these silly city posts to tend to. Perhaps I can set that dog to work a little early; it's not as if he is innocent, or anything." Mahakhi turned away from him now, stepping across the room. Djuta at last lifted his head to look at him, and saw how the general walked toward the open side of his room, overlooking the main courtyard. He opened his mouth to speak, then found that his voice had completely vanished. He stood mute, opening and closing his mouth with his eyes wide, as Mahakhi continued talking, half to him, half to himself.

"...If only perhaps I had sent Nehef, or both of them." The general heaved a great sigh. "Nehef is inept, on his own...I never realized how useless he is without Ahai'ikh. And perhaps if Nehef had gone after all, it would deter Tas'hukh from arriving; gods know that lieutenant has an annoying way with his tongue."

Djuta's eyes stayed fixed on the pool water rippling in the courtyard. Night was falling, casting the outside space into shadow, and he found that his hands had gone ice cold. He had to struggle to breathe, even, as his throat felt tight and constricted. He tried to keep himself from shaking, though he was racked by tremors as he stood by the doorway.

Mahakhi halted in front of the windows opening out onto the courtyard and stood there, hands crossed at the small of his back, tail flicking lazily. He stared out at the water. "The more I think on it the greater I like this idea," he murmured, as if to himself. "That space in the city wall must be repaired. He should be put to work as soon as possible, given that Ahai'ikh is late. I have the law on my side; I will have that mutt hauling bricks come morning like the good slave he is."

When we really get down to it--who is master and who is slave now, Lord...?

Djuta involuntarily sucked in a breath. He tried shutting his eyes but all that did was make him feel as if he were suffocating, and they flew open again. Mahakhi had turned to look at him and the fading light from the courtyard momentarily threw him into silhouette; all Djuta could see was his outline, before he had to duck his head, gasping for air. His chest hitched rapidly; he heard footsteps crossing the room, and then Mahakhi stood before him again, shaking his shoulder. His head jerked up abruptly; Mahakhi's brow furrowed with worry.

"Lord Djuta? Something bothers you? Your face has gone bone white!"

Djuta swallowed but nothing came out. Whatever the feeling had been, it was starting to fade, leaving him feeling utterly foolish and unable to explain himself. Mahakhi's expression changed and he spoke before Djuta had the chance to, and the oddly soft tone of his voice made the lieutenant take pause.

"You hardly need be so preoccupied with this whole matter," he said quietly, placing his hand upon Djuta's shoulder. "If speaking with Lord Tas'hukh makes you uncomfortable, then you need not do so. I could just as easily do this myself. The same holds for all these other matters. That snake Bakh'asu is hardly a match for myself; I promised already he will be taken care of, and I mean every word, you will not have to worry about him anymore. He will never set foot in this household again."

"Yes, Lord," Djuta whispered.

"In the meantime, you go back to your mate and let me handle all of the prickly affairs. She must be feeling terribly neglected with all the time you've been spending on this mutt..."

No children. No sons. No heirs. To be pitied, poor Moru that you are...

Djuta drew in a ragged breath. Although he didn't dare lift his head to look out at the courtyard, he could sense it there, could even hear the water rippling in the breeze off the river. The trees rustled in a soft shushing noise, and he could hear his own heart pounding in his ears. He flicked them left and right, confused beyond belief. It felt as if a heavy weight of dread had been placed in his breast, yet at the same time...

His sheath ached, as it had not long before he'd gone to see Rithukh'het for the first time. His tail started flicking hard, back and forth, and he couldn't keep himself from shaking. He felt almost ready to be sick, yet at the same time...he felt excited, as well. He'd never felt the two sensations at once, that he could recall, and to feel them now was disconcerting. He just barely noticed how Mahakhi stopped speaking, then felt his grip tighten just slightly on his shoulder. Mahakhi's frown grew and his nostrils twitched just barely. He blinked, and his own look grew mildly perplexed.

"Lord Djuta," he said after a moment, and his nose quivered again. "...This...scent..."

The fur on Djuta's nape prickled. He stood still but for his trembling, as the big Kana leaned slightly forward to sniff at the air around him. Djuta's breath came hard and fast and his head grew foggy; he had to shut his eyes again, and was relieved that he did not feel suffocated, though the confusion still warred in both his mind and his body. He clenched his fists at his sides, uncertain what to do or think.

He sensed Mahakhi leaning closer, and heard him take in a breath. Djuta caught his own scent, then his nostrils flared when he caught Mahakhi's as well. His fingers clutched numbly at his side; part of him felt like fleeing, part of him felt like kneeling. Instead he stayed frozen where he was.

Mahakhi's voice came, low and puzzled.
"Lord Djuta..."

"I think of him," Djuta whispered. Even as he spoke, he wasn't certain what he would say, or if it even made any sense. "I think of him even now, and still my body responds as if he were here...every time I pass the courtyards. It's like I am there all over again."

This is not so! He never made me feel this way! It cannot be Tas'hukh I am reminded of...but he was the only one...

He kept his eyes shut when Mahakhi's muzzle brushed against his cheek, nostrils still flaring. The soft snout moved to his neck, and then his shoulder; Mahakhi reached slowly toward him, and his fingers grazed the lieutenant's face. Djuta let out his breath. He did not want to be here, to do this, yet his feet wouldn't move, and his voice wouldn't say what he needed it to say.

"You think of him...?" Mahakhi murmured.

Djuta managed a small nod. "Yes..."

"And it makes you feel...like this."

The lieutenant nodded again, wishing he could move, do anything.

A soft murr came in response. Mahakhi nibbled at his ear, and Djuta shivered. The general's voice was low and thick, his musk rising to meet Djuta's nose.

"My evening is free...you are hungry? And needy?"

Djuta still said nothing. His mind screamed all sorts of things at him--I do not want to be here! This is not what I was thinking of!--yet nothing came out of his mouth, except a slight gasp when he felt the big Kana's arm slipping around him. Mahakhi's tongue flicked over Djuta's collarbone.

"Come...join me, upon my bed..."

Djuta found his legs moving again, stiltedly, as his general steered him slowly toward the large canopied bed near the center of the room. Although he didn't will them to move that way, it was almost as if someone else were willing him to walk, as if something had taken over his mind. Mahakhi's hand stroked up and down his back and then up his wing. The sensation excited him, making him take in a shuddery breath and stretch his wings, yet he also felt like collapsing to the floor and never getting up again. If only his legs would stop working...

They reached the bed and slowly sat down upon it, Mahakhi drawing Djuta down with him. He gently pried Djuta's jaw open and pressed his mouth to the lieutenant's, tongue swirling. Djuta did nothing to refuse him. When the general lightly dug his claws into Djuta's nape, he tensed and then relaxed, and Mahakhi's kiss moved over his neck.

"I had not known you had such feelings, Lieutenant," he murmured, voice rough. "If this is how you felt, you could have come to me ages ago. I would not have turned you away."

Djuta started shaking, unable to stop, but the other Kana did not stop either. He took Djuta's hand and brought it beneath his kilt; Djuta's fingers instinctively untied the loincloth and stroked over his sheath, easing up and down. Mahakhi rumbled in his throat.

"Mmm...this feels good, Lord Djuta...very good."

The lieutenant didn't reply. Mahakhi nuzzled and licked against his neck and shoulders. Djuta gasped and tensed, tilting his head back; the whole time his mind whirled in confusion, his body responded as it was meant to, thus when Mahakhi lightly ran his claws down Djuta's belly, he could not help but flinch, his breath coming in quick spurts.

Mahakhi bit gently at his neck and growled. Djuta tensed. The general ran his hand up to rest it upon his thigh. "We have all the night," he growled beneath his breath, and Djuta started trembling again. Mahakhi gripped possessively at his arm.

"Come and remove your clothes..."

He knew the words were not a command--Mahakhi never demanded such a thing of any of his men--yet obeyed, as if it were an order anyway. He slipped off his pectoral, his girdle and his kilt and arm- and legbands; Mahakhi stopped him short of removing his loincloth. He pulled upon the flimsy strand himself to undo it, and the yielding cloth freed the lieutenant's member, already beginning to swell out of its sheath. Mahakhi murmured again; Djuta stared at him through glazed eyes, and the general nodded appreciatively at the sight of him.

"You are a beautiful Kana," he said. He rose to his feet and lifted his head high so his lappets fell over his shoulders. He didn't even get to say anything more, before Djuta started removing his own kilt and armor; Mahakhi let him. The clothing was discarded along with the lieutenant's upon the floor. Their hands touched, caressed, fingers locking and twining; Mahakhi drew himself nearer and slipped his arm about Djuta's waist, pulling the smaller Kana to him so their bodies touched. They sank to sit down upon the edge of the bed and kissed, Mahakhi's tongue parting from Djuta's mouth to again lick over his face.

Djuta opened his mouth and let out a quavery breath. Mahakhi's tongue ran along his jaw, and one hand grasped his buttock, earning a flinch and a gasp. His tail rose quivering in the air. The general growled again.

"My body is hot with need..." His free hand slipped down to slowly rub against his distended sheath, the thick black penis beginning to emerge from it, glistening and hard.

Djuta's mouth fell open, his eyes still shut. He took in a deep breath. When he spoke, it was as if it were not him, not his own voice, yet he heard the words anyway, and knew that he must be the one saying them, even if he did not command it.

"I always serve my master, faithfully, My Lord..."

My master--? He is not my master! I am free now...!

Mahakhi gave a hurried snort. "Come then...serve me...serve me faithfully. Here...right here..."

He drew his lieutenant to him, kissed him deeply, biting at his lips. Djuta let go of him and pulled away. He did not kneel upon the bed, but bent his head down. Mahakhi reached for him to turn him about when wet warmth suddenly surrounded the tip of his member. He gasped and stiffened, a husky grumble escaping him. Djuta crouched upon all fours gently sucking at his penis, his eyes glazed and distant, as if he were not even paying attention to what he was doing.

Mahakhi allowed him, for a moment. He shuddered and trembled, yet kept his seed. Djuta's tongue slid along his tight dangling testicles, and Mahakhi had to pull him away.

"Come," he grunted. "Upon your belly...as you know I like it."

Djuta's voice came as a husky whisper, nothing more. "Yes, Lord..."

Mahakhi suppressed a groan and stroked himself as his Kana stretched out upon his bed, fingers grasping the edges of the mattress he lay upon. He parted his legs and lifted his pelvis so his buttocks thrust into the air. His penis dangled between his legs, still partly flaccid, yet beginning to harden even as the general watched. He murmured again, reaching one hand between Djuta's legs to tweak the soft sac hanging there.

Djuta flinched. He felt Mahakhi nuzzle slightly at his neck and stroke his side. Whatever the strange feelings from before had been, they were at least beginning to fade by now; and although he still wasn't certain whether this was what he wanted to do--he had never had any such feelings for his commander before--still, he was already excited, and it would have been bothersome dealing with leaving, at such a point. And so he held his place, blinking the fog from his head, and let the big Kana caress him, hoping that at least it would not take all night. He'd had almost as much as he could stand, with Ameni, Bakh'asu, and Rithukh'het, all in such a short period of time.

"Mmm," Mahakhi murmured from behind him, running his fingers up over Djuta's buttock. "Exquisite. A true Kana form...I will enjoy you, Lord Djuta..."

Djuta closed his eyes. "I will accept you, My General..."

Mahakhi snorted loudly, the title seeming to please him. He grunted and grasped Djuta's hips. The smaller Kana flared his wings and arched, forcing himself to go loose. The general brought himself forward, yet restrained himself somehow. His great shaft paused at the touch of Djuta's warm skin, and slowly, carefully, pressed within.

Djuta sighed and shivered deeply. Mahakhi held onto his shoulders for a moment and leaned over him to lick at his neck; he pulled back and thrust in a second time, and this time Djuta tightened, just slightly; yet when the general pulled back a second time, he again loosened, getting himself used to the feeling. Mahakhi was the biggest he had ever been with, but the sensation was not very painful, once he managed to relax. He felt the bigger Kana's muzzle rooting behind his ear, and the sensation made him shudder.

"My little harlot," Mahakhi murmured in a guttural, amused-sounding voice, "you are indeed experienced in this..."

Djuta's eyes fluttered shut again; he had to suck in a shaky breath. "M...my master...L...Lord Tas'hukh..."

"He, he taught you this?"

Djuta nodded slightly, uncertain why he was sharing this information, yet deciding it did not matter much, if this was all they planned to do. "Y...yes, Lord...and hakh'tua...I...I pleasured him...often..."

Mahakhi grunted heavily. Djuta gasped and parted wider, trembling at the feeling of him striking just the right spot within him; he went fully hard. Perhaps this had not been such a bad idea after all, if he still had so much frustration left inside him; the thought of rutting at poor Rithukh'het any longer would have filled him with guilt, had he had the sense of mind to consider it at the moment. Instead all he could do was tremble and whimper slightly at the feel of the big Kana inside him. Mahakhi ran his hand down over his belly, lightly brushing against his shaft before pulling his fingers away.. "Hm...well...you are skilled...quite so. Even if you were not, you would still feel exquisite." He snorted, and his breath came hot on Djuta's neck. "Enough talking though...I can hardly think...I must work now."

He took hold of Djuta's hips, spreading his own knees for support and twining his ankles around his mate's, and began to thrust. Grunt--grunt--grunt. The pleasured sounds escaped him with each push and his hips quivered. His hands kneaded Djuta's muscles as he moved, and the bed shook slightly with their movements, its canopy swaying.

Djuta kept his head low, eyes shut tightly, teeth bared. Tas'hukh had been bigger than he was...but Mahakhi was by far the biggest he had been with, even including Bakh'asu. He tried to block thoughts of that unpleasant creature from his mind, and focus instead on what was happening now. His mind began to drift and grow hazy with the pleasure that coursed through him; his fingers clawed the bed and he trembled. Mahakhi's sac slapped against him as he moved and he listened to the general's grunting noises, imagining the look upon his face. This made him shiver even more.

I was skilled at this, once...but this was long ago...

He opened his eyes to stare at the mussed bedclothes before his eyes, then turned his head just slightly to peer to the side. Beyond the edge of his own wing he saw the courtyard, pool glittering under the moonlight. It was vague and indistinct with how the canopy drapes obscured it, yet he could even hear the water sloshing against the pool's edges in the slight breeze which wafted into the room itself, bringing with it the scent of flowers.

I belong to Lord Tas'hukh...

The voice was his own, somewhere far back in his head...but why would he tell himself such a thing? His eyes drifted shut. Yet he could still see the courtyard, only...it had changed, somehow. There were more trees, more flowers...and the air was thick not just with their scent but with another scent as well. Djuta's nostrils wrinkled at the distinct scent of stale beer. Yet he had never much cared for beer. He stood within the courtyard itself, looking around in mild confusion, until he sensed someone was with him.
They took his arm, grinned at him...he could not see the face, yet he did not like the grin. It made him frown, and he pulled his arm away from the stranger and his eyes grew cold. He spoke, even, and he could hear his own voice, faint, distant.

"I belong to Lord Tas'hukh."

He frowned, in reality now, as the odd little vision faded, his eyes drifting open to stare again at the shifting canopy and the courtyard beyond. What had that been? Perhaps Mahakhi was right, and he thought too much about his former owner...it would not do well to become obsessed, especially if he would have to face him in the next day or so. Tas'hukh had always been good at sensing the true emotions of others, and Djuta couldn't stand the thought of him reading his mind. He sighed and burrowed his face into the pillows, arching his back. Although Mahakhi was slightly too big for his exact tastes, he felt good enough right now. He needed something to distract him from his troubles. Mahakhi had been kind to him, even though he had not intended to be here. At the moment, with his thoughts, anything was better than being left alone...

"I belong to Lord Tas'hukh..."

He bit his lip. The vision entered his mind again, everything else--even the nesakh'ai--fading away. With a start, he realized it was strangely familiar...but how? Had he dreamed this before?

"I belong to Lord Tas'hukh..."

Anger. He sensed anger. His own? Or someone else's? Or both? He pulled his arm away and shook his head, and held it high.

"I belong to Lord Tas'hukh..."

And then...darkness. Loss. Nothing. What had happened? Why was there such a void there? Where had it gone? The other, the one who had taken his arm--where had they gone?

On trying to think of where--bits and flashes came and disappeared--

"I belong to Lord Tas'hukh..."

Pain. Sudden pain. A flash, then darkness. Fighting. Struggle. Another pain, within his head. More fighting. Sharp words--what did they say?--all a jumble?--a pressure all throughout him--and a tearing feeling, deep inside--and then the loss of his own breath, making him want to scream, making him lose his mind--

Djuta came to screaming, eyes going wide and head whipping back. He didn't even know he was screaming until the vision faded and he realized he was awake--the courtyard, the stranger with him, all gone--but sheer terror kept the shrill sound coming out of his throat. He tried to push himself up, to fling himself from wherever he was, only to feel crushing arms surround him, pulling him tight even as he feebly struggled. He realized Mahakhi still coupled with him, his hips now rotating rapidly as his thick penis slid in and out; he must have mistaken Djuta's fear for passion, as he held the Kana to him tightly, hips pumping, muzzle pressed to his neck, eyes shut and teeth bared. He grunted heavily and quickly and the bed creaked beneath them as his thighs bunched and released. Djuta's scream died and he went limp against the big Kana, impaled upon him uselessly. Mahakhi worked rapidly toward climax and at last embraced him hard, head falling back as he bucked and bellowed in orgasm. Djuta gasped weakly and tightened. One of Mahakhi's hands grasped his penis as it squirted upon the bed; he could feel Mahakhi's thick fluid enter him. He let out his breath in a puff as the general let out his in a great gust, his teeth gently biting Djuta's ear; his grip loosened, and he slowly eased the lieutenant back down to the bed where he had knelt before. Djuta sank out of his arms like a limp cloth, eyes glazing. Mahakhi slid out of him, giving a contented sigh, but leaned down again to nuzzle at his cheek and nape, stroking his lean muscles. From his pleased murmurs, Djuta could tell he intended to mate again, once they were both recovered.

The only thing was...as his general gently picked him up from the bed, smiling at him and stroking his face, licking his nipples, parting his buttocks and lifting him up to bring him down slowly into his yearning lap...as that great shaft pressed once more deeply within him, making him tremble and whimper, this time in pain as his muscles refused to relax and accept that massive girth...as the big Kana again clasped him close and began to rock, grunting slowly and happily as he pushed...Djuta did not know if he could ever recover. From whatever that had been.

* * * * *

Resikh paced in the hallway now, several doors down from Mahakhi's rooms. He had returned to his own quarters, then gone to the main hall, then passed by Djuta's rooms, before coming back this way, and still his friend had not shown himself. Now he berated himself for possibly contributing to the grooves in the floor as he walked back and forth, biting his lip. Djuta had always been quick and efficient with everything...until this Moru had shown up. Now he always seemed preoccupied, absent, and tardy more than once; it was unlike him. He had never seen Djuta so muddled before.

Of course, considering what he says that dog did to him...perhaps he should be muddled?

He shook his head to clear it and glanced up at Mahakhi's door. He sighed to himself and started pacing again. He had nothing else to do, and he didn't like the thought of leaving Djuta on his own for too long.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Mahakhi's door slowly opened, and Resikh pushed himself away from a column, taking a step or two forward. He could tell by the height and size of the figure coming out that it was Djuta and not Mahakhi, and so smiled and took a few steps more. Then he slowed and frowned slightly when he saw how Djuta was adjusting his kilt and then his pectoral, shaking as he silently shut the door behind him. He fiddled with the necklace as he had before, only as he approached, Resikh grew more alarmed to see the pallor to his face and the sweat on his brow. Djuta walked unsteadily toward him, his eyes glassy and distant; he didn't even look at Resikh when he reached him, and for a brief moment the other lieutenant was certain he could no longer see anything.

"Brother--?" He grasped Djuta's wrist, at which Djuta immediately stopped fiddling with his necklace, his whole body stiffening as if he had turned into a statue. Resikh's eyes grew and he tugged slightly on his arm. "Brother!"

Djuta at last turned his head to look at him, his eyes still glazed. After a moment of strained silence he put his hand on Resikh's arm and then gripped it. Resikh grimaced at the clammy feeling of his touch.

"Brother...?" He furrowed his brow, confused. "What happened? What did he say?"

Djuta opened his mouth but said nothing. That was when Resikh's nostrils flared and he at last caught the distinct scent; his look of confusion grew, and he had to cock his head to look into Djuta's eyes, grasping his wrist tight enough to pinch. Djuta winced, briefly fading back into the moment and blinking at his comrade. He stared at him for a few seconds, then glanced away again. He clutched Resikh's arm.

"Djuta...?" Resikh asked softly.

"Take...take me back." Resikh's ears flicked when he at last heard Djuta's voice--it was thin, weak, nothing at all like the way he normally spoke. He even hunched his wings tightly to his back as if ashamed of them being seen, though Resikh could tell he wasn't quite conscious enough of the gesture to have such a reason.

"Back...?" he echoed, perplexed.

"Take me away from here," Djuta clarified, and then shuddered. "Anywhere...just take me away. I need to be away..."

Resikh's ears flared. He glanced at Mahakhi's door as he drew Djuta away from it, and his fur bristled.

"Djuta," he said, keeping his voice as steady as he could. "Did he do something...?"

The other lieutenant let out his breath and shook his head almost mechanically from side to side. "Not him," he said, his voice growing vague, distracted; his eyes started to glaze over again. Resikh tugged on his arm to try to draw him back.

"Then who..."

"Take me away from here." Djuta's claws digging into his arm made Resikh bite his lip. He decided not to question any more, and simply obeyed, leading Djuta away down the hall. Once he noticed they were walking, Djuta fell into step beside him and spoke no further; his eyes remained glassy, but at least he was able to walk on his own. Resikh's nose twitched at the reek upon him but he said nothing about it. He must have been telling the truth. Mahakhi would never do something like that. And so what had happened in there...?

He pondered over where they should go, before deciding it would be best for Rithukh'het not to see her master in such a state; Djuta seemed to have no clear idea of where he even was. Resikh led him down the hallway toward his own quarters, and had to push open the door as Djuta did nothing to assist. He grasped his comrade's arms and steered him into the room, turning to shut the door behind them; Djuta merely stood where he had been left, wings still hunched close, head lowered and lappets dangling limply. Resikh strode to the side of the room and fetched a jar, pouring some of its contents into a clay cup and returning to press it into the Kana's hands. He had to wrap Djuta's fingers around it, else it would have smashed to the floor. When Djuta only stood holding it he bit his lip again and nudged it toward his mouth.

"Come on, Brother," he urged softly. "Please...just drink it."

No reaction. Another nudge, then Resikh took Djuta's hands and manually brought the cup up to his mouth. Djuta drank it then, downing the entire cup before slowly lowering it and letting it fall to the floor with a clank; he blinked a few times, then Resikh noticed how his wings trembled, just barely. He stared at them for a long while before turning his attention to Djuta's face. He sucked in a soft breath to see the lieutenant's eyes; they were watery now, still distant and preoccupied, yet filled with tears. Alarm lit through Resikh. He had not seen Djuta cry since...since he had been wounded, before he was taken away so long ago...

"Brother...?" he whispered; then, a little more loudly, "Djuta?"

Djuta's trembling continued. After a moment or so he let out a quavery breath, and his shaking grew, until it looked as if he were ready to freeze from cold. His wings rustled from the motion; Resikh took hold of his arm and guided him to sit down on the bed before he could fall over. Djuta sank down onto it just as his legs gave out, and he sucked in another breath. The tears started spilling from his eyes. A small choked noise escaped him, as if he wanted to speak, but Resikh didn't give him the chance to.

He stooped forward and pushed on his friend's leg, pulling his arm at the same time. "Lie down, Djuta," he ordered. "Take a rest. Try to rest."

He had to nudge a little bit, but the other Kana finally obeyed, drawing his legs up onto the bed and turning to lie down on his side. He curled in on himself, wings hunching, as if he were but a pup, and clasped his knees to his chest; he trembled so hard that the canopy followed suit, and Resikh stood to watch it for a moment or two before shaking his head slightly and taking a step back. He stared at his friend for a long while, biting the inside of his mouth. Djuta took in a few shaky breaths before he at last managed to slip into sleep, and it was only then that he stopped shaking so hard, though he remained curled up, his face tight and anxious looking. After another few moments Resikh heard his breathing slow, and let out his own breath, trying to make himself relax. His tail flicked from side to side.

What happened to you, Brother? What made you like this...?

Of course no answer was forthcoming. Resikh had to settle for fetching a chair from the side of the room and drawing it near the bed, sitting down upon it with his hands clasped between his knees, keeping a silent vigil over his slumbering friend.


"Part 26: Killer

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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