Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/516162-Jed-Black-and-His-Day-of-Retrobution
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #516162
What happens when one dies, comes back for the killers?
The days of Jed Black were numbered. A well to do man who loved his wife, totally. However, the same was true with Charlotte, his wife. Being one of prominence, she held out for more. The attention of a family friend, Charles Halston, was also one of her desires. As Jed was providing a home, luxuries for Charlotte, she repaid him with an illicit love affair. The easy way out was ot have Jed killed by a hit man. The hit was decided upon and carried out by Troy Majors. A drive-by shooting ended the life of Jed that week. Four bullet wounds in Jed's body, he died instantly.

However, to Troy's amazement, Jed's ghost found him. Upon the bathroom mirror, these words appeared: "I'm Jed Black, why did you kill me?" Troy took a look and found no one in the room. This particular place was his hideout. Well paid for his "services" he had a second encounter with Jed. In a plush hotel setting, Troy found himself having put his suits in the closet, a second message was now upon the bathroom mirror. The same as before: "I'm Jed Black, why did you kill me?"
Anger consumed Troy. He was promised by Jed that he would haunt him, endlessly, until he had the answers he sought. To still his nerves, Troy took a gulp of the Vodka on the nightstand.

Jed was also irate to hear Troy's answers. It was learned that Charlotte had put out the hit. Charles Halston backed Charlotte all the way. Upon Troy's answer, Jed's spirit after having proved to Troy he was there, pushed Troy out of the fourteenth story window. Jed had begun his retrobution. He had gone back to his home where he found Charles and Charlotte in a most uncompromising position upon their sofa. A single chair, close to the wall found its place in front of the sofa. Both asking the other who put the chair there, neither one had an answer, of course.
Inscribed on the front of the chair was the name written: Jed Black. Both Charles and Charlotte became frightened. They left the house and remained gone for some time. When they returned, Jed's spirit was also gone. In bodily form, Jed approached his attorney, Quimbly Best. Mr. Best being unmoved heard Jed's spirit affirm a new will. Leaving Charlotte nothing for her inheritance, the will was changed and notarized that afternoon. Mr. Best drove over to Jed's home where now he made the will known to Charlotte, for having read it there. The homeless people was given the home, the fortune, and the belongings of Jed. They were to receive this by a man acting in the behalf of Jed's spirit, and also the attorney, Mr. Best. The man's name was Hector Rojas. Mr. Rojas was an acquaintance of Mr. Best. It was Mr. Best who had recommended Mr. Rojas to Jed's spirit that afternoon.

Charlotte, irate in attitude, didn't sway Mr. Best at all. Taking this to her attorney, Amelia Flowers, found her penniless, just as Mr. Best had affirmed from the reading of the will. It was nothing more to do than for Charles and Charlotte to leave the primises. That being done was not the end of them. While enroute to get away scott free of the murder of Jed Black, they met the spirit of Jed. Charles served the car to avoid hitting Jed, as he thought, was there in the road. They hit a tree head on where both were killed instantly.

The driver of the car, Josiah Settle, thought he had got away with being a part of this plot to kill Jed. Well, Jed had other plans which he carried about right then and there. In an audible voice, he, Jed, sealed the fate of Josiah. He scared Josiah to the point he had suffered a major heart attack. Where, Jed left him.

Then, Jed disappeared from sight of anyone. Finally, he had his retrobution where his spirit hasn't been seen since.
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