Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/515993-Part-24--Jealousy
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #515993
An afternoon of pleasure is interrupted by news from the north...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 24 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

TRAINING EXERCISES WERE being held out on the patch of desert just to the west of the Kana city. Tents had been pitched here and there, though the majority of those training spent their nights out in the open, the better to grow more accustomed to harsh circumstances. As it was the height of the day and the sun was beating down fiercely, however, most of the soldiers were preoccupied with sparring, swinging their swords and spears at each other, leaping over rocks, flapping up into the air and zooming down again. Their weapons clanged endlessly, but every so often a few would take a break to tend to a drink or two. Their captain was not present and so the training was not going as strictly as it should have, though the soldiers did well enough on their own.

One Kana descended from the sky, wings flapping hard, and stumbled and landed on one knee. He winced and trudged his way toward a comrade who was seated on a rock not far from the biggest tent. A firepit stood here with a clay pot hanging over it. The Kana helped himself to a bowl of soup before sitting down next to his friend, stretching his wings and yawning widely.

"He ever going to come out?" he inquired, flaring one wing toward the tent and tipping the bowl to his mouth.

The second Kana snorted and sipped at his beer. "What do you think?"

The first Kana lowered his bowl and cocked his ear, listening. Aside from the sounds of sparring, the only other noise to be heard was a soft grunting coming from the tent. He rolled his eyes and finished his soup in one big swallow, sputtering.

"Gods, they're at it again? I hardly see why either of them is so necessary...one can hardly fight, and the other hardly has the inclination!"

"And which one is which?" the second asked.

A faint whimper issued from the tent. Their ears flared; then the first Kana snorted again and stood. "Some days, I can hardly tell!" He stepped toward the firepit. "Where did you get that beer, pray tell? I'm starting to get sick of this spittle..."

A shout came from the far edge of the training field, and a second later most of the sparring Kana had ceased their fighting and were jogging in the same direction. The two near the firepit frowned.

"Well, gods already!" the first exclaimed. "If there was ever a time we needed a captain..."

"I don't think they're running away," the second said. He stood and shielded his eyes, then pointed. "Look."

The Kana standing closer to the front of the watching crowd began waving their arms and calling toward the back. The two went walking over to join them, peering upwards. The sun glared harshly and more than a few of them wiped their brows.

"What?" the first Kana asked a bystander.

The other Kana pointed. "A Kana is coming."

They all fell mostly silent and watched the small shape bob and weave through the air. A few of them tilted their heads, before most interest was lost and they began to wander away, picking up their weapons again. The first Kana glanced around him in disbelief.

"Well, gods already! Time was I remember the sight of a Kana approaching was cause for an alarm!"

The second Kana rolled his eyes. "He's just one Kana," he said. "If he were coming to attack us, I think he would have brought friends." He turned away.

"Well, shouldn't we shoot him down anyway?"

A snort. "And set his tribe on our tail? I think we have enough worries. Like who will start training us if the captain doesn't ever get his ass out of that tent. It is a wonder no one's rebelled."

The first Kana flicked his ear. "That's easy. If they rebel, we get a better captain, who will insist on driving us into the ground! They may be lazy, but they are hardly stupid." He peered upwards again as his friend walked away, then sighed when the shape began to descend. "Ah, gods. I just knew he'd choose to land here."

He stood and watched the newcomer flap his wings hard, little eddies of sand flaring into the air as he came closer to the earth. He touched one foot to the ground and brought his wings in toward him, falling forward and landing lightly on his hands, looking like a runner getting ready to start a race, then folded his wings behind him. The watcher scowled at this perfect landing and tossed his empty bowl away.

The strange Kana saw him and stood up, panting. Dust coated him from head to foot, so he had come a long way. A scroll was tucked at his belt. He swiped one hand across his forehead.

"I'm seeking...the Shore Tribe," he panted. "Know you the way...?"

The first Kana wrinkled his muzzle in distaste, though the gold-gilded blue lappets of the newcomer told him to bite his tongue. He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "That way. Flap your wings two or three more times, and you'll be there."

The new Kana bobbed his head. He clutched the scroll and jogged past.

"Captain Tas'hukh is still among your tribe, is he not--?" he called out as he went.

The first Kana's ear cocked and his brow furrowed. "Huh--?" He turned around to watch the Kana jogging in the direction of the city wall. "Tas'hukh?" he echoed, then cupped his hands to his mouth. "Well, just say so! If you're seeking Tas'hukh then you'll find him right here!"

The strange Kana halted abruptly, turning on one heel. He stared at the first Kana, still panting, then came jogging back. He looked him up and down and frowned.

"Ha," he said at last. "You are hardly a captain. I have important business to tend to, no time for silly jokes."

The first Kana rolled his eyes. "Not me, ass! He is the one who is supposed to be in charge of these training exercises!" He nodded toward the big tent nearby, and the new Kana glanced toward it. "Instead he is busy in there all the time!"

"Well--why did you not just say so?" The lieutenant turned and started to walk toward the tent but the first Kana grabbed hold of his arm, earning a dirty look.

"Erm..." The first Kana let him go and scratched the back of his neck. "You might want to wait a bit."

"Why? I said I have important business." The lieutenant lifted the scroll in his hand. "I am Lieutenant Elite Ahai'ikh, second lieutenant to General Mahakhi of the Great Red Tribe. I've come to deliver a message of utmost importance to Captain Elite Tas'hukh of the Shore Tribe, regarding Lieutenant Elite Djuta--"

"Oh, blah, blah, blah," the first Kana said, rolling his eyes once more. "Elite this, elite that...you think that impresses everyone? Just tell me how dreadfully important this important message of yours is and I'll go disturb him."

"Very important," Ahai'ikh retorted. "Now if you'll please, I need to speak with Captain Tas'hukh myself."

The first Kana shrugged. "Very well. I will spare you the difficult part at least. Let me tell him you've arrived." He turned away from the lieutenant and began trudging toward the tent, mouth twitching. "At least it will give me something entertaining to do," he muttered as he went, earning a puzzled look from Ahai'ikh.

"Will this take long?" Ahai'ikh called out.

The first Kana waved dismissively, nearing the tent. "Hopefully not. His endurance has never been the best anyway."

The lieutenant's face screwed up in confusion. "What--?"

"Never mind. Just hold tight and quit harping already! Go knock some brains out of those others if you are so antsy!" He stopped talking and continued on his way. Ahai'ikh frowned, then crossed his arms. He sat down on a rock and scowled to himself.

"Perhaps Nehef would have been the better Kana to come here," he grumbled. "At least he is used to dealing with such idiocy."

* * * * *

All of the Kana currently training had already proven themselves to be excellent fighters, adept at flying as well as at swinging the sword. Tas'hukh had watched every one of them train. He was also the one who had selected them for this training unit, as he knew they would hold up well with only limited guidance, and so far his belief had been proven right. As such the soldiers practically trained themselves while he tended to other matters. He never would have left them on their own so much if they had been naive, but of course that was not the case.

The Kana with him now was young, but certainly not naive. Tas'hukh had come to know him well already. The gifted son of one of his lieutenants, he had been made a sergeant not long ago, and there was talk already that he would follow in his father's footsteps. The lieutenant beamed every time he saw his son. Tas'hukh enjoyed seeing him as well. Never mind the fact that at fighting, he was not the best; nor at flying, or scouting, or any other useful activity, save one; yet it was this one skill that had ensured his inclusion in the elite training unit, although he did little training to speak of. Tas'hukh was much more interested in cultivating his existing skill. At the moment the two of them were engaged upon the cot within his tent, the young sergeant lying upon his side with one leg slightly raised, breast rising and falling and head tipped back. Tas'hukh held his waist, his own leg keeping the young Kana's parted, sleek member pushing in and out of his tight opening; he panted as he slowly thrust. The two of them rocked gently into each other, their heavy breath mingling in the hot damp air. Tas'hukh enjoyed how his young mate's hands ran tremblingly up his arms. He sighed heavily. His subordinate was not such a skilled fighter...but at least he managed to relieve the tedium of training. They had discovered each other quite by accident--the captain coming upon the young Kana otherwise engaged, from behind, with one of the male Moru back in the tribe, believing himself to be in private--but since then, they had grown most close. Their bodies moved hot and sweating against each other in the tent's dimness.

The young Kana tipped his head back further, eyes shut, his voice coming in the barest whisper. "Captain..."

Tas'hukh murmured and nuzzled at his neck. "You are enjoying this today, I'anen?"

I'anen nodded breathlessly and squeezed Tas'hukh's hand. The older Kana sighed and closed his eyes in contentment. He ran his hands down, and then up again, to gently caress and squeeze his lover's downy sac, relishing the tremble of his firm buttocks, the slight whimper that escaped him as he shook. His fingers slid up, up, along the length of the young one's shaft, teasing a droplet of fluid from its throbbing tip. He licked his lips and considered hakh'tua. It had been a while, since they had done this.

He cupped I'anen's sac in his palm, tongue running up behind his ear. "Perhaps later on, after night has fallen, we can divert ourselves in other ways," he murmured.

I'anen shivered with delight. "Such as--? Oh! I should love to mouth you, My Lord!"

Tas'hukh chuckled beneath his breath. "Sometimes it is as if you read my mind, pretty one...which is why I hope you know what I shall like to do next...?"

The younger Kana smiled and shivered. He relaxed, and the captain grasped his shoulder and rolled him over so he lay upon his belly, Tas'hukh atop him. I'anen dropped his head and clutched at the cot, spreading his legs wide so they dangled off the sides. Tas'hukh wished they had a proper bed to make love in, without any fear of rolling off and falling to the floor...this had happened more than once, within the tent...yet beds were a luxury, and would be questionable, out here where all were supposed to be training. He kept his frustration to himself and positioned himself better between I'anen's legs, sliding his hands down the young Kana's body to grasp and knead his tight buttocks. I'anen whimpered and Tas'hukh's tongue lolled from his mouth; gods, the youth was so tight around him, so perfect. It was worth it that he was a lousy fighter, so long as he could bring such pleasure. He no longer even minded that this had all come about from a coy touch and a whispered promise to do anything, anything at all for him, should the young Kana be kept away from any strenuous training or dangerous fighting. So long as his father did not know, I'anen had murred, and he continued to earn his succeeding ranks in a timely fashion...Tas'hukh would receive anything he desired. The captain, always working to the letter, had been ready to refuse such a brash request...when he'd felt those cool, lovely fingers slip beneath his kilt and loincloth, and trace a line up his sheath. I'anen's dark, heavy-lidded eyes and inviting smile, and the sound of his voice...Anything you desire, My Lord...had decided him then. This tradeoff was a worthwhile one.

He gritted his teeth, tail flicking from side to side. "Sweet I'anen-mate," he murmured, and bent his head down to gently bite at his lover's nape. I'anen stiffened and whined like a Moru, making the fire flare in Tas'hukh's loins even hotter than before. It had been so long since some Kana had made him feel so potent, so powerful. I'anen was exactly perfect for him. He trailed his fingers down his side, felt him trembling.

I'anen whimpered. "P-please...Tas'hukh-Kana..."

Tas'hukh's ear flicked. "Yes, sweet mate...? There is something I can do for you...?"

I'anen arched and moaned. He shifted his hips, making the captain snort at the sensation. His wings flared and he tilted his head back, panting heavily.

"Lord, you feel so magnificent within me...like a mighty tree you are, deep inside me...oh, My Lord..."

Tas'hukh lifted his head and snorted. "I know this talk," he muttered. "There is something you are angling for! You hardly expend such florid praise otherwise!"

I'anen twisted his head around enough to peer at Tas'hukh from the corner of his eye. "Lord," he moaned in a simpering voice. "I would never...never do such a thing with you, Tas'hukh-Captain, I swear it! You know...know how greatly I enjoy our diversions within the bed...and the pool..." He giggled. "And anywhere else My Lord might see fit to stage a nice diversion..."

Tas'hukh couldn't help it. He laughed. He did so only rarely nowadays, but it felt good to do it. I'anen smiled, then arched and moaned again, digging his claws into the cot and pumping his hips slowly up and down as if making love to a Moru himself. After a brief little bit of this, he sank to the cot again, shaking, and then arched his lower back sharply. Tas'hukh's shaft slid into him as deeply as it could go; just as his groin pressed to I'anen's backside, the sergeant tightened his buttocks, and his anus tightened around Tas'hukh's throbbing member. The captain snorted and flicked his tail. He leaned down over the youth, his breath coming thick and heavy.

"You...know how I feel when...you do that," he said in a guttural voice. I'anen only smiled.

Tas'hukh placed his hands on the young Kana's shoulders and shifted his hips, a low growl arising deep in his throat at the oh so tight feel. He nipped I'anen's ear, heard the youth whine softly in response.

"What is it you are hoping for...?"

I'anen shivered and purred. "Nothing, Lord...only...that I may gain my next rank...before this month is out. My father...my father would be most proud of me, Lord...and I would be...the youngest within my class..."

Tas'hukh growled again, rotating his hips. "You know you cannot...become lieutenant without...passing strict tests of physical strength and weapons skills..."

I'anen stiffened, this time not in a pleasant way. The tone of his voice immediately changed from coaxing to sulky. "But you surely know ways around that! I have gotten this far on my skills alone! There is nothing you can do--?"

Tas'hukh felt a twinge of irritation. I'anen may have been beautiful, but he was peevish sometimes. And he knew well that with the boy's peevishness came a lack of good nesakh'ai. He supposed it was one of the downsides that came with such a relationship, yet hardly wished to bother with such a thing now that he was hard and excited. He leaned his head down to bite into I'anen's nape again, making the young Kana gasp and tense, and gripped his shoulders tight.

"I may put in a generous word for you," he said, at which I'anen's body relaxed, "but I can hardly make the army call off their proficiency tests." And with this he thrust his hips forward with a heavy grunt, making I'anen gasp again; before the younger Kana could recover himself and fully realize what his captain had said, Tas'hukh was rocking into him steadily, holding him down in place and grunting with each heavy push. It was the only way he'd end up enjoying nesakh'ai for the day, before I'anen decided to get pissy. Right on cue, he felt the youth tense again, then start to squirm, hissing and baring his teeth.

"You promised me though! That I would not have to fight! You told me yourself you would find me a way out of this--!"

Tas'hukh grunted, shutting his eyes. "You can...hardly blame me...for not making the rules. Perhaps...if you spent some time...training, you would...earn these ranks on...your own merit."

I'anen hissed. "And then where would YOU be, old man?" he cried; when Tas'hukh leaned down and slowly ran his tongue up the inside of I'anen's ear. I'anen's eyes goggled, then rolled back in his head; he let out a shaky mew before very slowly sinking down into the cot, his body trembling wildly. Tas'hukh continued licking his ear as he pushed.

"Ooohhhhh, Lord-Captain..." I'anen whimpered, shaking. "This is not fair...!"

"I told you," Tas'hukh murmured, nuzzling into his ear as he knew the sergeant liked. "No matter how much I may do for you, there are still some things you must do on your own...and becoming lieutenant is one of them." He lifted his head and licked at I'anen's other ear, the younger Kana whimpering and shaking. "What is so wrong, anyway, with staying my sergeant...? There are many good Kana who reach this rank, and quit the army to perform more useful functions...not every Kana can be a soldier..." He grunted and shut his eyes tightly, tail flicking. "...And if you were to follow this path, you would never have to worry about training or fighting again." He let out another grunt, buttocks tightening. "You could pass your time with me, instead."

I'anen shivered, but as soon as Tas'hukh pulled away from his ear he bared his teeth again. "This is hardly what I agreed to!" he protested weakly. "If I do not reach the rank of lieutenant, my father will likely throw me from his house!"

Tas'hukh's nostrils flared. "You hardly pass a night at his house as it is, sweet one."

I'anen tightened unpleasantly. "This is not what I mean! You know very well what I mean! You agreed to help me reach lieutenant elite. Do you really think I wish to spend my days servicing you as a piddling sergeant--?"

The captain leaned down and bit his ear, making I'anen cry out. "You're forgetting something," he said, a hard edge creeping into his voice; it had been an enjoyable enough day, until now. "I am still your superior, and you are speaking out of line."

I'anen scowled. "Captain! As if this matters! You hardly do your job anyway! I hear how the men complain! You pass your time with your pretty mates rather than do your own duty!" He twisted his head around, and his beautiful face had contorted into an ugly snarl.

Tas'hukh's mouth twitched. "What do you plan to do about this?"

I'anen hissed. "You may be atop me but I can still report you in an instant!"

The captain smirked and pushed himself up, though his hips still pinned I'anen's to the cot. "Oh...? What are you going to report, exactly?"

"That you pass your time indulging yourself with your trainees! See how the other captains like to hear that!"

Tas'hukh rolled his eyes. "Oh, I see. Would you wish me to get you started, then?" When I'anen just looked confused, he leaned down to lick his ear. "I may write out the report," he murmured as I'anen shivered and moaned, sinking again, "and you may supply all the pertinent details. The name of the offender, Captain Elite Tas'hukh; and the name of the trainee, Sergeant First Class I'anen..."

I'anen went stiff, ears flaring. "You--you would not--!" he exclaimed in dismay.

Tas'hukh's own ear flicked. "I wouldn't? You are the one who suggested it." Another nuzzle, though the younger Kana hardly seemed to enjoy it this time. "There can be no report of misconduct, without both an offender and his victim..."

I'anen let out a mewing sound. "Please...you cannot tell! My father...he will kill me! I will never be able to set foot in that house again if he finds out!"

"Perhaps you'd better think then over how you wish to earn your blue lappets," Tas'hukh replied, taking hold of the youth's shoulders and easing himself forward again. He felt a twinge of satisfaction at how chagrined the younger Kana seemed now, yet a moment or two of him shaking on the verge of tears was enough to make him sigh in resignation. He pushed himself up.

"Oh, for the gods' sakes. I did warn you you would have to make some choices! There are only so many things I can do for you. I've said it already. If you wished to stay sergeant, then you would have no need to care about ever being thrown out of your father's house as you would be staying with me. But if you wish to be lieutenant, much less elite, then you will have to put your back into it. I can set you up against the weakest fighters, but somewhere along the line, you are going to have to prove yourself."

I'anen sniffled miserably. "But...I do not have these skills."

"This is why you would be better off outside right now, training."

"But I am lousy at training!" He buried his head against his arm and started moaning. "My father will never forgive me..."

Tas'hukh sighed and stopped moving. He lay atop the whimpering Kana for a moment or two, tail flicking in irritation. He felt a twinge of guilt, however, as I'anen's whimpering sounded authentic, and he knew the youth had every reason to be afraid. Sen'akhau were not always treated well, especially by their fathers...the guilt twinged harder when he realized how alike the two of them were, in some ways. If he had not ended up being a good fighter, would he have been as afraid as I'anen was...?

He slowly lowered himself to speak into I'anen's ear. "Listen," he whispered. "After today, we will make a change. I will train you after regular hours, on my own time. That way you do not have to train with the men, and you do not have to humiliate yourself. It will be just you and me. Yet you are going to have to carry your own weight during this, if you wish to become lieutenant."

I'anen sniffled a bit more before finally raising his head. His eyes were watery. "You will do this?" he murmured; Tas'hukh nodded. I'anen rubbed his nose. "And I will become lieutenant...?"

"Only on your own merits. Even if I were willing to try, I cannot cheat the system on this one." He stroked I'anen's cheek. "But I will train you as best I can, and teach you everything I know. If you can only put your mind to it, then you should be able to make lieutenant."

I'anen's eyes lit up a bit, and Tas'hukh felt himself starting to relax in relief. "You truly believe this...?" the younger Kana asked hopefully. Tas'hukh nodded, and I'anen beamed so brightly he would have guessed he had made lieutenant already. "Oh, thank you, Lord! I knew you would come through for me! You have always done so when I needed you most! I can never ever repay you..."

"Simply fight hard," Tas'hukh said, "and for the gods' sakes, quit whimpering so we can get on with this nesakh'ai already!"

I'anen gave him his very best smile, the same as the one which had won him over in the first place. Tas'hukh had to admit; the young Kana had charm. He leaned his head down to gently bite his nape, and I'anen tightened--pleasantly, this time--and moaned, before going loose, spreading his legs slightly wider so the captain could bury himself inside more deeply. He shut his eyes and growled as he thrust, running his hand up and down I'anen's side, slipping it beneath him to stroke his hot shaft. The little cot shook with their motions, and Tas'hukh let out his breath, shivering with pleasure. He shifted himself into a better position, feeling his seed getting ready to come.

A knocking noise came suddenly upon the frame of the tent. "Captain! Lord Tas'hukh!"

The two lovers opened their eyes, their bodies stopping their slow shifting. They both lifted their heads to look toward the tent entrance as if expecting to see something there.

The knock came again. "Captain?"

Tas'hukh's ear flicked. "What is it, Lieutenant? I told you not to disturb me!"

"I realize this, Lord, yet it is important."

"Important enough to rouse me from my bed?" Tas'hukh snapped, trying to keep the desperation from his voice. I'anen dropped his head to the cot with an angry grumble, and the older Kana's tail whipped from side to side as he felt his mate quickly losing his mood.

"Yes, Lord," the voice from outside replied. "We've just received a messenger."

Tas'hukh ground his teeth and then sighed, giving up. "Hold on then!" He put his hands on I'anen and carefully pulled himself out with a frustrated grimace. A brief gesture, and I'anen was quickly on his feet, the two of them scrambling for their clothes. He saw the flush in I'anen's cheeks as he hastily pulled on his kilt and armor. Well, at least the boy was angrier with the interruption than with him.

He caught I'anen's eye and waved toward the cot. "You forget," he whispered, and the younger Kana turned his head to look. His loincloth dangled off the edge of the cot. He blushed furiously and retrieved it, slipping it on beneath his kilt.

"You honestly mean what you said about training...?" he whispered as he straightened out his lappets; he'd always been preoccupied with how neat they looked.

Tas'hukh nodded, exasperated. "Yes, I mean it! Brush yourself down! You look like a tent pole!"

The younger Kana's face went a rather pleasant shade of pink. He clasped his hands over the front of his kilt, but then trotted toward Tas'hukh, draping his arms over his commander's shoulders and pressing his muzzle to the captain's. Tas'hukh snorted in surprise, then stiffened when he felt I'anen's hand against his own still-swollen sheath.

I'anen's mouth twitched in a smile. "Training begins best with hakh'tua!" he whispered in Tas'hukh's ear, before drawing himself away and retreating to the opposite end of the tent. Tas'hukh goggled at him a moment before shaking his head and smoothing himself down, coughing and trying to regain his composure. The boy's suggestion filled his head with all sorts of heated thoughts, and it was almost all he could do to keep his voice level when he went to untie the tent flap and pull it open, addressing the Kana standing outside.

"What is it?" Tas'hukh snapped.

The lieutenant saluted. "A messenger, Lord." His eyes wandered down to look below Tas'hukh's waistline, then up again. His mouth twitched but he said nothing more. Tas'hukh snorted and turned, waving him in from the heat.

"You woke me up out of what was probably the most exquisite dream I've ever had, Lieutenant, so this had best be good."

"Apologies, Lord, but I believed it must not wait. We've received a messenger who says he comes from the Great Red Tribe, to the north."

Tas'hukh frowned. "Great Red Tribe? I know of a Red Tribe, but not a Great Red Tribe. What sort of riddle is this?"

"No riddle, Lord." The lieutenant came into the main room of the tent, glancing to the side and noticing I'anen standing near the back. The young Kana was still flushed and sweaty from their sex; he hastily looked at the ground. Tas'hukh grated his teeth; there was nothing he could do about the thick reek of their musk in the air. The lieutenant's mouth twitched again but he still said nothing, instead turning back to the captain. "Apparently there have been some changes in the tribes to the north, and former Captain Mahakhi is in command now."

"Mahakhi?" Tas'hukh's brow furrowed in confusion. "But he was not even of the Red Tribe! Has there been some sort of uprising...?" His face grew tense. "Do not tell me he wishes to overtake the Shore Tribe as well! We are allies!"

"Somehow I receive the idea that this is not their intent, Lord; he has sent along a messenger to speak with you. He gives his name as Ahai'ikh, and looks as if he flew here as fast as he could."

"For what purpose?"

"I did not ask him all, Lord; he was adamant to see you. Something about a Lieutenant Djuta."

Tas'hukh's head jerked up abruptly, eyes wide. Both the others in the tent noticed the reaction and frowned slightly.

"Lieutenant Djuta?" he echoed, his voice sharp.

The lieutenant's frown grew a bit but he nodded. "Yes, Lord."

Tas'hukh's stare wandered off into space, and he stood that way as if lost in thought. The look on his face was a strange one, caught between confusion and disbelief. After a moment he nodded without looking at either of them.

"Let him in. Then leave us."

The lieutenant's brow furrowed but he saluted. "Yes, Lord." He turned and left the tent, and when the doorflap fell back into place the room was thrown into silence.

I'anen relaxed just slightly out of his tensed posture, giving Tas'hukh a questioning look, yet the captain appeared to have forgotten he was even there. He sought out a chair and sat down upon it, slumping slightly, wings folded.

"Djuta," he murmured, as if to himself. "It has been...years since I've heard of him."

I'anen frowned slightly. He took a tentative step forward, craning his head to the side. "Lord...?" he said, voice uncertain.

Tas'hukh didn't hear him, or else ignored him. He stared at the ground although he saw nothing there. His head instead filled with images of his former Moru, and the tent and all its contents no longer even existed.

Djuta...it has been years. But I still remember how he looked, leaving the tribe...the exact way he carried himself. And...I still remember the exact way he smelled, the exact shade of his eyes...the exact sound of his voice...

Why would I hear of him now, after all this time...? Now that I am finally trying to let him go, to forget him...? Are the gods telling me something...that I should not forget him...?

I'anen fidgeted. "Lord?" he called, a bit more loudly; Tas'hukh did not reply.

The tent flap pushed open and Tas'hukh got to his feet immediately when a Kana stepped in, coated in dust from head to foot. He crossed his arm to his breast in salute, using his free hand to swipe at his smudged lappets.

"I apologize for burdening you with my presence at such a time, Lord," he said.

Tas'hukh gave a short nod. "This is acceptable." I'anen's brow furrowed but Tas'hukh ignored him. "You are...?"

"Lieutenant Elite Ahai'ikh, Lord, second lieutenant to General Mahakhi." He bowed his head briefly. "I was sent on his behalf to--"

He broke off in a stream of hacking coughs. Tas'hukh's ears flared with impatience but he turned and retrieved a clay jug sitting beside the wall and poured some beer into a cup, handing it to the lieutenant. Ahai'ikh accepted it gratefully and downed its contents in two swallows. He wiped the back of his hand across his muzzle and saluted again.

"I was sent on General Mahakhi's behalf to speak with you, Lord, concerning a situation in the Great Red Tribe."

"What is this of a 'Great Red Tribe'?" Tas'hukh asked.

"News has not reached you, then...?"

"Apparently not. Speak as if I am ignorant."

Ahai'ikh blushed slightly but obeyed. "These past months, Lord, Generals Djiu of the Red Tribe and T'uris of the East Tribe were ousted from command, and these as well as the Palm Tribe joined forces. We are called the Great Red Tribe now. We are still located to the north, in the area of the old East Tribe..."

"Yes, yes; what is this of General Mahakhi? And Lieutenant Djuta?"

An unpleasant look dawned on I'anen's face at the tone of Tas'hukh's voice when he said Djuta's name. Tas'hukh paid it no attention. "The matter is a bit complicated, Lord," the lieutenant said, pulling out his scroll and passing it across to the older Kana; Tas'hukh unrolled it and barely glanced at it before rolling it up again and looking back at the speaker. "I will spare you the details...but recently, the household came into possession of a Moru male who was once apparently Kana. His name is Bakh'asu."

Tas'hukh's face went pale. "Bakh'asu?" he echoed, voice weak.

Ahai'ikh noticed the reaction, but only nodded with a slightly puzzled look. "Yes, Lord. He has caused some...trouble...for Lord Mahakhi's household. He seems to have the habit of threatening those around him with violence, and the night before I came, caused no small amount of difficulty in restraining him and placing him in the jails. Big unpleasant fellow. He appears to possess knowledge that he should not possess, pertaining to the Shore Tribe, and it is this that Lord Mahakhi wishes to learn of so we may deal with the brute efficiently."

"What sort of knowledge?" Tas'hukh asked, working harder to keep his voice neutral.

"To be brief, Lord, he has claimed knowledge of Lieutenant Djuta, and Lord Djuta claims that although the brute is accurate, he does not know how the Moru possesses this knowledge."

"He does not?" This came out before Tas'hukh could stop it. Ahai'ikh frowned slightly.

"No, Lord.
General Mahakhi thought perhaps you may have an idea."

"About who this Bakh'asu is?"

"Yes, Lord. And how he may know so much." Ahai'ikh fidgeted. "I...er...was sent to ask you what this reason may be."

Tas'hukh blinked. "You believe I will know this Bakh'asu?"

Ahai'ikh peered at him, brow furrowing. "You mean, you do not...?"

Tas'hukh let out his breath and drew himself upright, flicking his tail. His voice came stronger now, decisive. "Well...without having seen him...I'm afraid my answer is no, I do not. I have never been very good with names. If I saw him for myself, perhaps I would know."

"Oh." Ahai'ikh sighed and lowered his shoulders, looking absolutely miserable. "Well...I have come all this way...I hope I would not be asking too much if I might at least be provided with a bit of food, and water, before I make the return trip to my tribe. I apologize for having burdened you needlessly."

"Please wait one moment," Tas'hukh interrupted, raising a hand; the lieutenant lifted his head to look up at him again. "I did not say you had burdened me, nor that this visit was needless. I merely said I did not know the name Bakh'asu. If I saw him, perhaps I could assist."

Ahai'ikh blinked. "But...I do not have him with me, Lord, and I doubt he would be carried here of his own free will!"

"Then I will simply have to go to him instead."

"Lord!" The shout came from I'anen, who took a step forward, face stricken. Ahai'ikh jumped at the yell and whirled his head around to gawk at him; apparently he hadn't even noticed the younger Kana until now. Tas'hukh glanced at him and I'anen spread his arms out.

"What do you mean, go to him--? You have important duties here, Lord!"

Tas'hukh snorted and waved off the Kana's startled protest. "My men know how to look after themselves without my constant supervision. If anything, I think they should be happy to see me go for a while. I fully intend to come back, I should just assist the general in getting this matter out of the way. Our tribes are brothers; it is time we acted as such."


He ignored the whiny note that had entered I'anen's voice and turned back to the lieutenant. Ahai'ikh's brow furrowed in great confusion when Tas'hukh flicked his hand at him. "If your wings are not too tired, I hope I would not impose on you too greatly to lead me there tonight. We should be able to make good progress, in the cool of evening."

"LORD!" I'anen practically howled.

Ahai'ikh seemed just as nonplussed, and had to open and shut his mouth a few times before speaking. "But--the flight is long, Lord, and rather difficult--"

Tas'hukh snorted again.
"You believe me too old to make it? Trust me, Lieutenant, I have braved much worse than this. My wings still have a few good flaps in them. Do not underestimate your seniors so; we are not all old doddering Moru."

Ahai'ikh flushed and ducked his head. "Apologies, Lord, no offense was intended. If--if you truly do wish to come back to the tribe, then I will gladly lead the way."

Tas'hukh gave a short nod. "Of course. But first, you will go get yourself something to eat." He went to the tent flap and pushed it open, gesturing outside. "The center of the camp. They have a firepit there, and there should be a pot of soup if they have not swallowed it all down by now. And allow them to provide you with a fresh change of clothes while you are here."

"Most gracious thanks, Lord." The Kana bowed deeply, and exited the tent. The flap fell back down into place behind him, and outside came the sound of him speaking with the other lieutenant. Their footsteps receded together toward the camp center.

Tas'hukh stared at the flap for a moment or two before letting out his breath. He rubbed at the back of his neck, his own brow furrowing slightly.

I do not even know if this is the best idea...still...if I can just see him once more...

The name Ahai'ikh had spoken came back into his mind, and his eyes grew troubled. His hand fell still and he stared off into space.

Bakh'asu...how is this? I did everything I could!...it cannot possibly be he...


His head bobbed up and he blinked with surprise.
He turned to see I'anen approaching from the back of the tent, and frowned at the look on his face. The young Kana was wringing his hands as he stopped before his elder, and Tas'hukh recognized the look in his eyes even before he spoke. He rolled his own eyes skyward.

"Ah, I'anen..."

"Lord, Captain, please don't go." I'anen's voice came out mewling and plaintive, like that of a child begging for a parental favor. "Please don't leave us, or me."

Tas'hukh sighed. "I must simply go to the north a bit. You know how it is--this is a duty of mine as well."

"But if you go, you will be gone so long," I'anen whined, stepping forward. Tas'hukh took in a breath. The youth pressed his slender body to Tas'hukh's, his arms looping about his neck. His large brown eyes stared up at him, deep and glistening. His lower lip trembled. "I will miss you, so very much, should you leave."

"This is of high importance, pretty one..."

"And what we have is not?" The older Kana shut his eyes. I'anen had slipped one cool hand through his loincloth and was now running it up and down Tas'hukh's sheath; his member had since settled back into its original position, but now that his young lover touched him, his sheath again started to swell, throbbing and hot. He let out a shuddery sigh. I'anen rested his head against his shoulder and stroked his breast with his free hand. When his voice came again it was almost a whisper, and carried just a hint of spite. "If you go...I will feel most abandoned here, and perhaps I shall never play at being your Moru again..."

Tas'hukh had to suppress an exasperated sigh. "Oh, come, sweet I'anen...I know you do not mean this."

I'anen abruptly pushed himself back, glaring up into Tas'hukh's face petulantly. "I do mean it!"

The captain flicked his ear. "Aye, just like all the other times you vowed this..."

"I mean it for CERTAIN this time!" I'anen at last let Tas'hukh go and took several steps back, clenching his fists. Tas'hukh merely crossed his arms and readied himself for the tantrum. "If you leave me, then I will no longer allow you inside me! See how well you do without me! You will never find another as willing and able as I am to service you among all these louts!"

Another roll of the eyes. "I found you among all these louts, did I not?"

I'anen's mouth dropped open in disbelief. A second later it was clenched shut, his perfect white teeth and his beautiful brown eyes glinting in rage. Tas'hukh was always impressed by how quickly his face could change from pretty to ugly with the switch of a mood. "I do not have to deal with this!" he shrieked.

The older Kana wrinkled his muzzle. "I should like to see you do something about it. Once Lieutenant Ahai'ikh is freshened up, we will be leaving. You will simply have to deal with it."

"I suppose THIS is why you are leaving so suddenly!" I'anen yelled, flailing his arms. "That lieutenant! You are TIRED of me! You are throwing me away--"

"Oh, for the love of the gods." Tas'hukh shrugged with a great sigh. "He is not my type!"

I'anen's muzzle wrinkled and he narrowed his eyes. "He is younger," he spat. "What more is your type?"

Anger finally flared inside Tas'hukh, and his ears flicked back. "You are welcome to return to your household if you do not like my decision," he growled.

Instantly the rage disappeared from I'anen's face; his eyes again grew large and beautiful, his lip again trembled, and once more he stepped forward and looped his arms around Tas'hukh's neck, pressing to him. He put his head against the older Kana's breast.

"Oh, please, Lord!" he begged; Tas'hukh ground his teeth. The young Kana could change his mood as quickly and easily as his clothes, and he recognized his tactics from seeing them in use repeatedly. I'anen may have been moody, but he was predictable. "I can't stand the thought of being left here...without you near me! And you promised me you would train me! How am I to reach my next rank and bring honor to my house if you leave...?"

"You are hardly going to try out for lieutenant tomorrow, sweet one, so you have nothing to worry about. I did not forget my promise. As soon as I return, we can begin your training."

"But what will become of me while you are away?" I'anen looked up at him; right on cue, the tears flooded into his eyes, making him look like a sad puppy. "I do not like the way those other Kana look at me when you are not around! They--think things!"

The captain let out a heavy sigh. "So long as they are thinking," he said wearily, "then they do you no harm. You are a big boy; you will be fine."

"But what could possibly be so important that you have to leave me?" I'anen pleaded. "Who is this Djuta who catches your attention? Why can you not just send along a note?"

"This is a duty I must attend to, pretty I'ee, and nothing more. He's a soldier I trained once. And you know already why I cannot send a note. I will be gone only two or three days at the most."

I'anen pulled away again, face contorting. Right on cue. Tas'hukh stood and stared at him with a bland look as he let out a horrible hissing cat noise, crooking all the fingers on both hands before screaming and lashing out; his claws raked across Tas'hukh's face and the captain felt blood start to trickle down his cheek. He merely put up his hand to wipe it away as I'anen screamed again and stomped his feet, shaking his hands and whirling away.

"YOU CARE NOTHING FOR ME! DIRTY OLD SEN'AKHA!" His hands flew up to his face. "You go to seek out this DJUTA of yours! And you will not even tell me the truth! Go ahead then! I would fare better in my father's house!"

He started sobbing. Tas'hukh stood where he was, too weary to grow angry. Each and every time this happened, he reminded himself of all the reasons why he had been mistaken to ever involve himself in such a relationship, and vowed to purchase himself a new pretty Moru instead. At least Moru did not demand half the attention that I'anen did. Yet he always ended up giving in...and he knew today would be no exception. He stared at the sergeant's flicking tail and quaking wings as he cried, and had to work hard to remind himself just how pleasant he was when he was not being so pissy. He was right on one thing...Tas'hukh would have to look long and hard to find another mate as willing and able as he was.

He bit back his annoyance and stepped toward the young Kana. When he touched his shoulder I'anen jerked away, but other than that held his place, as if wanting to be seen crying. Tas'hukh knew that was why he stayed; why cry in front of no audience? He waited a moment more before speaking.

"It will just be two or three days, pretty I'ee. Then I swear I will return to you and to you alone. You know I mean it."

"And I mean it too!" I'anen cried, wiping at his eyes. "Every word I said! I will hardly be your Moru here while you seek out another elsewhere! So choose which is of more importance to you--your stupid journey, or me. I will not have it both ways!"

Tas'hukh stepped around to stand in front of him; I'anen kept his eyes shielded, still crying. "You have no real say in the matter, I'ee," he reminded the boy. "I am your captain, and you must obey me."

I'anen turned away again with a flounce. His voice came out more angry than grieved.
"Then I will disobey!"

"And risk the anger of your father?" Tas'hukh's mouth twitched. "I strongly doubt this, pretty one."

"My father is an old fool! As are you! There are plenty of other Kana who might take me in. Ones who will treat me properly! I will hardly be treated as your whore--use me up one day, toss me away as soon as something more 'important' comes along! You are a dirty old Kana!"

The words stung somewhat, but Tas'hukh brushed them off; they were nothing new. "Sweet little I'ee," he murmured, stepping in front of him again and taking his arms. I'anen turned his head away, nose in the air, but the tears streaming from his eyes were real ones. "You think I would abandon you? Of course I would not. Yet you make this difficult. You always do. There are responsibilities to being a Kana--"

I'anen bared his teeth and tensed. "Oh, you and your talk of 'responsibilities'! I am sick of this excuse! Either you care for me, or you do not!"

"I do care for you. Would I keep our love a secret to spare you, if I did not? Look, sweet one. Please look me in the eyes." He grasped I'anen's arms and shook him gently. "Please look at your captain."

"I refuse!"

"Then I will speak to the side of your face instead, since you insist on being such a baby." Tas'hukh tilted his head. "Why do you not come with me? Since staying here on your own is obviously such a trouble! You cannot always hope to tag along after your master, if you wish to become a true Kana, yet I will allow you to fly after me this once. It should do you some good to get some fresh air; your routine has become stale."

I'anen flushed and Tas'hukh smiled at the color rising in those delicate cheeks. The sergeant's eyes flashed with embarrassment and he gave Tas'hukh the most hateful look he could muster...but at least he was making eye contact.

"You are not my master!" he spat. "And I am a true Kana, already! How dare you continue to insult me like this--?"

He broke off with a startled murmur when Tas'hukh pressed his lips to I'anen's. I'anen stood frozen with surprise for a moment, before biting at his tongue and flailing his arms, striking him in the chest. Tas'hukh held onto him tightly; the other Kana may have had youth on his side, yet he was nowhere near as strong even as Tas'hukh, and still a poor fighter. The older Kana easily held on to him, and steered him across the room, forcing him back down onto the cot; it gave a little creak as their weight collapsed over it. He pulled his mouth away to avoid being bitten, as the sergeant was now kicking and hissing like a mad cat, yet the captain merely laughed.

"You think you can break away from me? Go on, little pussycat, keep fighting. I can almost feel a tickle, if I try."

"You are a sickening bastard!" I'anen snarled. "Let me go! My father will SURELY hear of this mistreatment, and then you will never train Kana again!"

Tas'hukh smiled. "'Mistreatment'? Ah, all right. Then I shall freely tell him of all our other 'mistreatments.' Such as when I 'mistreated' you the other night, and how you responded; that was a most lovely 'mistreatment,' was it not?"

I'anen's blush grew darker and his eyes widened with horror. "You WOULD not!"

"Ah, but I would, if you insist on this childishness."

I'anen froze for a moment, then began fighting again, even harder. "I INSIST you let me up! Right this minute!"

"Of course, my tender little bit." He slipped his hand beneath the younger Kana's kilt and loincloth and stroked him. I'anen gasped and his body stiffened momentarily, before he let out a moan, sinking limply beneath him. Tas'hukh nuzzled at his neck.

"You are 'up,' yet, tender little bit?" he murmured. "Shall I raise you higher?"

When I'anen hissed weakly, he nuzzled into his ear instead, licking along its insides as he knew the younger Kana loved. Right on cue, I'anen's pathetic fighting broke off and he whimpered, his body quivering beneath Tas'hukh's. When his voice came it was thin and mewling in faint protest. "Y-you are cruel, Lord...n-no one treats another as cruelly as you do...th-this is not fair..."

"Ah, yes, I know I am cruel; only someone as cruel as I would bother to raise you up, and yet give you no way to come back down." He smiled and nuzzled him again. I'anen had stopped struggling, though his breath came hard, his eyes glazed. The Kana captain worked his hand under his armor and ran his fingers down his velvety breast, felt him flinch slightly, and smiled wider. He pressed his hip against I'anen's own. "Mm, yes, see; here is your staff, right here. All risen, and nothing at all to do with it. Whatever shall you do with your purple standard?" He took I'anen's hand and brought it up beneath his own kilt, and the youth's fingers immediately wrapped around the hard length that was already protruding. "And wherever shall I bury mine?"

The sergeant whimpered and flung his head from side to side. His free hand snaked up beneath Tas'hukh's armor and clawed at his back, raking it open. "Please," he begged, "Captain, Lord--let me accept your staff. I ache all over!"

"But you say I am cruel...and a dirty old sen'akha, who uses you up and tosses you away..."

I'anen's face contorted and his ears flicked as if irritated; Tas'hukh's own ears flicked in amusement. "Oh, forget all I have said, just forget it, and give me your staff, give me your staff! I must have it, now!"

Tas'hukh grunted. He enjoyed tormenting the young Kana just a little bit when he stepped out of line, yet he felt the ache within himself; they hadn't been able to finish with their diversions, earlier on. Still, he could not give so freely what was needed without a lesson being learned. Even with as pretty as he was, I'anen's tantrums were becoming quite wearying.

He lowered his head to bite gently at the tendon of I'anen's neck, even as he raked up their kilts and hastily untied their loincloths. "You demand of your captain?" he panted. "You order him like some Moru slave? I had thought you would know better than this, Sergeant..."

I'anen moaned loudly and arched against him, the motion making the lust flare up in Tas'hukh's breast. "Ohhh, all right, My Captain, please give your sergeant your staff! My ground is fresh and ready! Please, please plant your standard within me!"

The captain grunted his approval this time and nodded curtly. "Very well then." He licked I'anen's ear, and his voice dropped to a heated whisper. "You will accompany me to the north," he breathed between his teeth, "and we will both go together. This is good for you now, is it, tender little one?"

"Yes, Lord! Yes!"

"And there will be no further complaint. You need not act like a spoiled little brat; I am hardly ready to give you up just yet."

"Yes, Captain! Please!"

"Very well...ready your fertile ground...so that I may place my staff..."

He pushed himself up, placing his legs between the young Kana's. He parted I'anen's legs wide and brought himself back down; I'anen whimpered and pressed his head back against the cot as Tas'hukh's penis slowly slid between his legs, pushing up into him. Tas'hukh lowered himself completely so their hips met, and they both let out their breath. Tas'hukh kissed his whimpering companion.

"And how do you like this, tender one...?"

I'anen trembled wildly. "Oh, Lord...your staff...it finds such ample, and yet such tight, purchase within my soil..." He sighed and shut his eyes in ecstasy. His hands pulled his lord closer to him, and he pressed his head to the hollow of Tas'hukh's shoulder. Tas'hukh sucked in the scent of him and briefly shut his own eyes. "Please...no more riddle-talk," I'anen begged softly. "Make love to me, and I to you...I could not ever turn my back upon you, Lord, not ever...I will love you always..."

The captain snorted and chuckled. "Does lust loosen your tongue? Be careful. You will have no ground upon which to stand, the next time I decide to leave you out of something."

"Then do not ever leave me out again! I would rather die than be without my captain! Oh!" he cried out, arching again, clasping Tas'hukh's quivering buttocks. Tas'hukh sighed, shutting his own eyes again; despite the relative unpleasantness of the day, I'anen always managed to lift his spirits in the end. The captain had never been disappointed by him.

He pressed his forehead to I'anen's, breathing heavily, and flicked his tail. "Ready yourself, pretty one," he whispered huskily. "Because we have to make up for lost time, and we have a long flight ahead."

Seizing his young lover's arms, he bowed his head, and began to thrust his hips deeply forward, relishing his sergeant's soft begging cries of desire.

And the entire time, he kept his eyes shut, and imagined it was Djuta who lay trembling and moaning beneath him.

* * * * *

Ahai'ikh's eyes grew big and he accepted the bowl of soup gratefully, tilting it to his mouth and swallowing several gulps so fast that he burned his tongue; the lieutenant with him laughed at the way he sputtered and coughed and stuck out his tongue to cool it off. He was handed a cup of beer and accepted it just as gratefully, dipping his tongue in it gingerly.

"So there was a big coup?" the lieutenant asked, sitting down beside him and leaning on his knees. "No more T'uris, and What's-His-Name?"

Ahai'ikh nodded, hissing softly. "They are both gone. Which was for the best, considering what the dogs have been up to."

"What were they up to?"

"I am not one for chattering."

"Oh, come on now, we are starved for gossip out here. Tell me what they had done?"

"One was too busy poring over Kemeti scrolls to tend to his Moru, and so he locked them in their quarters and let them all rot; and the other was too busy lusting after Kemeti women to tend to his Moru, so he rutted as many of them as he could."

The lieutenant guffawed for a moment before noticing that Ahai'ikh was not doing likewise, then gave an awkward smile, then frowned, then just made a face. "Eh...ick," he managed to say after another moment spent thus. "I am sorry I asked."

"Will he be joining us any time soon?" Ahai'ikh waved vaguely toward the large tent which stood not too far away. "I was under the impression he wished to leave immediately..."

"Was Sergeant I'anen still in there with him?"

"I'anen? You mean the young Kana with the pouty face? He would not keep his mouth shut the entire time we talked. It is a wonder someone does not slap him."

"If he is still in there, then it may be a little while," the lieutenant answered, taking a drink of his own beer.

"Why is that?"

His head jerked up now, a puzzled look crossing his face, and he turned to glance at the tent. He had noticed the yelling earlier, and then the soft noises afterwards, but had not paid them much attention; at least, not until a high-pitched voice suddenly cried out, plain and clearly, "Oh gods yes, My Captain!" The cry echoed faintly before everything fell into silence, then after a tense moment or so the rest of the Kana in the camp resumed their halfhearted training, and the soft muffled noises in the tent--now sounding suspiciously like grunting--continued steadily.
Ahai'ikh stared at the tent flap for a moment before turning to the lieutenant, a question in his eyes. The other Kana still drank his beer as if not having heard a thing; as soon as Ahai'ikh looked at him he merely raised one hand and waved it dismissively.

"He has an exquisite dream to attend to," he muttered, and Ahai'ikh decided to leave it at that.


"Part 25: Flashback

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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