Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/514684-Part-21--Closer
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #514684
Ameni learns of Djuta's strange past, and Djuta makes a rash decision...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 21 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

BAKH'ASU MADE A forlorn yet still menacing figure in his cell, his arms bound behind his back. He kept his teeth bared as the Kana standing outside peered in at him. Nehef and Ahai'ikh were assigned to watch over him until Mahakhi could figure out what to do with the problem Moru; and as usual, the two guards were already making the most of their new job.

"Eepy-eepy-eepy!" Nehef cooed through the bars. "Do you feel comfy in there, little Moru? Could you use a soft blankie?"

"Straw is good enough for dogs," Ahai'ikh said, apparently not in as jovial a mood. Or else perhaps they were playing good Kana, bad Kana. Ameni and Lieutenant Djuta stood nearby, closer to the doorway from the jail hall, and Ameni watched the one-sided exchange with puzzlement. He had never been near Apsiu jail cells before, and so to see that they looked much like Kemeti ones was a bit of a surprise. He wondered if the two guards were bored or if they did find this interesting.

"More like puppies," Nehef was saying, and he made kissing noises at the big Moru, whose scowl grew ever darker. "Here, puppy puppy puppy! Nehef has a bone for you to gnaw on."

"I'm betting you do," Ahai'ikh said; Nehef's eyes grew and he howled with laughter.

"OH! That is a GOOD one! If I were any other Kana you would never be allowed to get away with that, Brother...but since I am me and you are you, all I can do is laugh my ass off!"

Ameni fiddled a bit with the edge of his kilt. Bakh'asu's head turned just then and the Moru gave him such an icy glare that he froze in place. He nearly forgot to breathe, until he felt Djuta's hand lightly touch his arm, at which he let out his breath in a whoosh. Djuta nodded at the other two lieutenants.

"Do not step too close to the bars, 'Hef, or he's likely to do something to your face that you won't find pleasant. I would not put anything past him."

"Will do, Brother. Thanks for getting us something different to do with our time for a change. Belittling a big dog is great fun!"

Ahai'ikh just rolled his eyes and sighed. Ameni looked again at Bakh'asu and the Moru stared right back.
As those pale brown eyes glared at him, his fingers clutched numbly at the edge of his kilt. A swift yet deep ache reminded him of the feel of the Moru inside him, large and hefty, muzzle brushing lightly against his ear, and the words he'd uttered before lapsing into unconsciousness:

"I never would have even considered nesakh'ai with your sort, until now...you are actually not so bad, for a scrawny little Kemeti...and had I only known this sooner..."

Djuta touched his arm again. Ameni swallowed and quickly averted his eyes, feeling the heat rise in his face. "I will be taking him back to Lord Nehekhi now," Djuta said, though the others hardly paid him any attention. Ameni let himself be steered toward the exit and the two of them left the jail building, passing across the wide space between it and the kitchens at the back of General Mahakhi's household. Only once they were inside did he notice that he had been shaking, only because his tremors began to die down as they entered the dimness of the interior hallways; he let out his breath.

"You are all right?" Djuta asked quietly; Ameni had to regather himself to attempt to answer, when the Kana shook his head.

"This is a stupid question...of course you are not. It is my fault."

Ameni's head popped up. Djuta was looking ahead at the path they walked, but he could see the pained look on his face. He felt something akin to panic and grabbed Djuta's arm so abruptly that the Kana's wings flared.

"Lord, it is not your fault. I should have been paying attention, or tried to fight him off--"

"These are the things I should have done," Djuta said, frowning. "He is over twice your size! And you have no military training as I have. I have even been trained to keep my eyes and ears open...and the moment I let myself lapse, this happens..."

Ameni bit the inside of his mouth. Djuta's guilt filled him with a shame of his own; he hated that the Kana felt so responsible for what had happened back in his quarters. He struggled to find any way to make him feel less guilty, yet nothing would come to mind.

"At least he is out of our hair now," Djuta said quietly.

Ameni flushed and looked at the floor as they walked. "Lord...I...I am sorry I asked him to be brought here. This is my fault."

"You are not the one who purchased him, Ameni-Moru. I could have easily refused you."

"Yet I made you feel obligated. Please, please do not keep blaming yourself for this; I feel it is none but my fault. I have been through worse; this was like nothing compared to that. I will be fine and you will be fine."

He didn't know why he said it, it simply came out. His face went red again when Djuta furrowed his brow, giving him a curious look, but he let out his breath again when the Kana sighed and turned away.

"If it makes you feel more at ease, human...then I will stop speaking of it. But I can hardly turn off my feelings."

"I hope that you may realize in time that I speak the truth, Lord, but for now this is good enough." He played with the edge of his kilt, their sandals making soft noises against the tiles. He felt a breeze waft in from outside and rubbed his arms.

We are alone now. Should I tell him...? What I have been thinking of him? Or should I just let it go? He has his own mate--his own life. And I have no reason to believe he would ever feel the same way for me...

Yet if I do not ever tell him, I feel I may go mad inside...

If he refuses, if he hates me for this, could I bear to lose someone I have come to care for so much...?

What should I do...?

He started to let his pace slow almost to a stop. Djuta's ear flicked when he noticed and he stopped and turned to look at him. Ameni wrung his hands, feeling very foolish, a terrible anxiety pressing up into his throat and nearly choking off his speech.

"Lord...I...wondered if perhaps, we could talk..."

Djuta frowned slightly. "Right now, human...?"

Ameni nodded.

"You know your master is waiting for you, don't you?"

Nehekhi-Kana. He is the one who allowed me to be here. "I...I know that he waits, but he is patient...and I feel I should tell you something, Lord."

Djuta stared at him for a moment. His ear twitched just slightly.

"It is important?"

"I believe it is so, Lord."

A pause, then the lieutenant gave a very slight sigh and waved him forward. Ameni let out his breath and obeyed. They started walking again.

"Where would you wish to speak?"

Ameni paused to think, then spotted one of the courtyards coming into view off to their right side. They had spoken in one of the courtyards before, he remembered, and it had always seemed peaceful there, as if none would ever see them. He started to walk toward it but gasped and halted as soon as Djuta grasped his wrist. He glanced back, wincing a bit in pain, but bit back a retort as soon as he saw how pale the Kana's face had gone, how wide and shadowed his eyes had grown. When Djuta saw that Ameni noticed him, he abruptly let go, and Ameni drew his arm back to rub at it, perplexed.

Djuta rubbed at his neck, flushing a little. "I...forgive me for that, yet I do not feel like setting foot in the courtyard just now. Please do not ask me to explain."

"Oh." Ameni fell silent, uncertain what to do. "Well...may we try the opposite courtyard...?"

"No courtyards," Djuta snapped, making Ameni jump just a little. He immediately calmed himself and took a breath. "The library," he offered. "Mahakhi does not use it much--and there is never much activity there. It is quiet and private. Anything you might say would be safe there, Ameni-human; would this work for you?"

Ameni nodded, brow furrowing slightly. Djuta seemed to bite back his irritation and they turned in to a side hall to make their way to the library. They walked in silence for a while, the muraled walls with their scenes of Kana life passing them by.

"Lord Djuta...may I ask you...?"

"About my wing, Moru?" Ameni's head jerked up and his eyes widened in surprise. Djuta did not even look at him. His wings flared a little and the long ragged tear through the membrane of his right wing showed as clearly as before, and Ameni wondered how he had never noticed it until this day. When he opened his mouth in consternation Djuta interrupted him.

"I saw you looking at it, when I was with Rithukh'het...before I stopped paying attention to you. There is no harm in you questioning me."

Ameni flushed a little bit on being found out so easily. "I had merely wondered...why this does not make you Moru, as it has Thi'usa and Bakh'asu," he said. "From what I know of the Kana, such damage to a wing can only ensure this fate."

"The only difference is that their injuries were severe enough to cripple them. Mine was not. Not permanently. I trained myself to be used to it. This took a long while, but I may still fly."

"They did not declare you Moru when you were first wounded? And maim you further?"

Djuta peered at him, one ear cocking; Ameni felt like shrinking in on himself under such a critical stare, but Djuta looked away again.

"You appear to be slightly mistaken in your beliefs, Ameni-human," he replied. "I was Moru, for a time. Until I proved that I could still fly, at which time they were forced to give me my freedom, according to our law."

Ameni almost stumbled over his own foot. "You--you were Moru--?" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes. For about a year. I belonged to Lord Tas'hukh. You do not know him."

That name again! Ameni's brow furrowed when he remembered the name of the captain Djuta and Resikh had served, whom Bakh'asu had also spoken of. He thought of what Djuta had told him regarding his service to that captain, and how odd his words had seemed at the time...though now they made perfect sense...

Res and I both served under Lord Tas'hukh's command.

You were his lieutenants?

No, we were not.

Just you were, then...?

In a way, I suppose... Though I did not perform the duties most lieutenants perform. Still I did the best I could...

Ameni fiddled at the fraying edge of his kilt yet again, chewing on his lip. If he served Lord Tas'hukh as his Moru...and if he has not been with females in a long time...then does that mean that they...that he...?

How would Bakh'asu know...?

The corner of Djuta's mouth twitched, and Ameni looked up and wondered if he actually...smiled.

"My new slave Rithukh'het, I could tell she wondered the same thing..."

Ameni blinked. "Oh. Rithukh'het. I had forgotten. How is she?"

"Quite fine. A very well-behaved Moru. You saw how she offered to give herself to that brute, until Simit came in."

"She is a good Moru?"

"Yes." His eyelids lowered just slightly and he appeared to be thinking of something. "Though I must still get used to the thought of having a Moru about..."

They reached a wide set of doors, and Djuta slowed his step. Ameni had never been in Mahakhi's library, and so stood aside as Djuta pushed open the doors and gestured him in. He stepped into the room and waited while the Kana closed the doors again and stretched his wings. The sight made Ameni's breath catch in his throat and he had to quickly turn away.

"I do not know why it is," Djuta mused aloud, making a face and rubbing at his neck. "But I have been all on edge ever since we got back from that market. I do not know why I tell you this, because you have obviously felt it also."

Ameni's head jerked up. "I have--? Why do you...?"

"Forgive me if I am wrong, but I do not think you normally go about ordering Kana to purchase Moru for you," Djuta said. He frowned. "Even considering what he's done here so far there is something I do not like in that Moru."

Ameni opened his mouth to tell him of what Bakh'asu had spoken of--how he seemed to know so much more than was right, for someone like him--but the words wouldn't come in the right order. As he thought over them, the less sense they made, until he was certain the Kana would think him crazy for even speaking. Djuta had been patient with him so far, but a Kana could take only so much. He closed his mouth and fiddled his fingers, not certain what to say.

"What will become of him now...?" he finally found himself asking.

Djuta went to the long table near the far wall and propped himself against it with his hands. "With luck," he said, "he will be whipped at least a few times, and probably set to work doing heavy labor. This is for what he planned to do to me, keep in mind, and for what he did to the guard, and for how he stood up against Mahakhi. Mahakhi could rightfully have him beheaded but he has always much preferred putting men to work."

"What punishment would he have faced for what he did to me alone?"

Djuta paused before answering. "Likely not much of a punishment," he at last said quietly. Then, as if to amend himself, "Not unless you had a master of influence, and witnesses of good standing, to defend you. And you have Lord Nehekhi and myself. So however this should have gone, he is still going to face a harsh fate."

Ameni nodded vaguely. "I am only a Moru...I suppose this is fitting."

"It is not fitting, Ameni-human, only custom."

"Customs are so because they are fitting."

"If this were always so, then I would not be here talking to you. I would likely still be Moru."

"No you would not," Ameni retorted. "Because you trained your wing, and can still fly, and it is because of custom that you are here talking to me now."

Djuta blinked as if surprised; then a smile spread across his face, and Ameni blinked himself. He had never seen the lieutenant smile in such a way, as if Ameni had said something truly amusing, and he found the sight filled his chest with an odd fluttering feeling.

"I cannot put one past you, I suppose," Djuta said. "So I will have to find some other way to keep you occupied." He gestured for Ameni to come forward. "You said you had something to speak to me about. What troubles you, besides the obvious?"

Ameni flushed terribly now, so much so that the Kana's smile vanished and he cocked his head forward with a frown. "Ameni-human--?"

"I..." Ameni hurried to think up a lie, yet none came. "I had merely been concerned about this Bakh'asu's fate," he said at last, lamely. "Just so--so he does not try it again. I must ask. Will he be housed with any others in the jails?" he added, feeling a twinge of relief that he'd been able to think up some question. Djuta's brow furrowed a bit in puzzlement but he shrugged.

"I do not know. You believe he has reason to be a threat to other prisoners?"

Ameni walked across the room to join him, staring at the floor. "I do not know...though as you said, I would not put it past him. I feel dreadfully for poor Simit..."

"Simit will be fine. I am certain she has only put up with the same from Lord Mahakhi, once in a while. But if you really think the other prisoners may be in danger because of him, I will ask 'Hef and Ahai'ikh to look into separating them. He will not hurt another soul as long as I have a say." He turned his head before he could see the look on Ameni's face, and seemed to stare at the wall, brow furrowing slightly. "I must figure out somehow how it is that he seems to know me...there is something vaguely familiar to him, but I'm pretty certain he is not one of the robber Kana, nor did we train together..."

The recurring feelings of Bakh'asu pushing inside Ameni shifted into something else in his mind, and his breath picked up again. His face flushed when he remembered how he had envisioned Djuta not that long ago, and how he had glimpsed him, in his quarters...
His fists tightened against his sides, and the pain swelled up inside him anew, an overwhelming tide threatening to drown him in need. Bakh'asu had not had the chance to come before Djuta had stricken him down. Neither had he.

Without even thinking, he reached out and clutched Djuta's arm. The Kana stopped talking abruptly and glanced at him, brow furrowing even more at the strange look on Ameni's face.

"Ameni-human?" he asked. "Are you all right--?"

"Lord Djuta..." Ameni struggled to find his voice, his heart threatening to beat its way from out of his chest. His face burned horribly hot, yet he knew he had to speak now or risk never having the chance again.

I have to let him know! I have to find out!

Djuta stared at him for a moment, concern in his eyes, then placed his hand over Ameni's. Ameni reacted by twisting his hand about and clasping the lieutenant's; Djuta grasped it back, though he could not tell whether it was from worry or something else.

"Ameni?" Djuta said softly. "What is it?"

Ameni had to avert his eyes, feeling his embarrassment come surging back. "Lord, I...have been having thoughts...they are inappropriate ones, yet they keep coming to me, and I cannot shut them out. I thought--was thinking--I had wondered what...to be with you...for you to be with me...for us to be together..."

Damn it, why wouldn't the words come? Even as he peered up, however, he saw the meaning of them had not gone unnoticed, as Djuta's eyes widened and he blinked. Ameni could not tell what he must be thinking. Was he disgusted?--angry?--offended?--for a human to say such a thing to a Kana could be taken as a grave insult, he knew, yet he had to find out...

All of those times he spoke with me--comforted me--all of those times he was there for me...I have to know...

He leaned closer to Djuta, gripping his arm so tightly that the Kana flinched. He stopped so their bodies nearly touched, and he could feel the warmth from the Kana against him. He lifted his head and his breath fanned softly over the lieutenant's skin; he reached up as if in a daze, fingers hovering near Djuta's face.
His lips parted, eyes glazed.

Djuta seemed to try to back away, ears flicking. "Moru," he said in a soft yet disapproving voice, "you are..."

"Not in my right mind...I know..." Ameni dropped his head so his lips grazed the Kana's shoulder, and he felt him flinch again, just slightly. "But my desire has become so strong, I had to tell you...right now...I had to know how you felt..."

"Moru..." Ameni felt his fingers being pried from around Djuta's arm, and Djuta held Ameni's arm away from him. He cast an uncomfortable look around the room, as if expecting someone to be there after all.

"Moru, you are obviously out of your head," he stated. "This is not appropriate."

Agony stabbed through Ameni's breast like a dagger. "I...I know this...but it was either this, or I dwelled in pain forever...pain for you, I now realize." He flushed, his breath coming quick. "I'm not normally like this..."

"You are only doing this because of what he did to you."

"This is not it," Ameni insisted. His heart thudded heavily in his chest and he snaked his hand forward to grasp Djuta's hand; the lieutenant started to pull away, but Ameni held fast. "I wondered even before he came. I just did not know it. I need to know how you feel about me. If you do not feel the same...then you may take me back to Nehekhi-Master, and I will bother you no more..."

A pained look flitted across Djuta's face. He again started to pull his hand away from Ameni's, and Ameni's own fingers went loose; but then Djuta's hand gripped his even tighter, and instead of letting go he pulled Ameni toward him. Ameni gasped and nearly stumbled but Djuta's other hand stopped him from falling. Once he noticed how the Kana touched his breast he flushed, and was surprised to see Djuta do the same. The way his face went red made him look...younger, somehow.

"Moru, not here," he whispered; when Ameni gave him a blank look the Kana's ears flared and he took an abrupt step back.

"The door...isn't locked. Anyone might..." He trailed off, then turned away.
"Quickly, over here."

Ameni blinked, breath rising in his throat. Djuta strode forward, taking Ameni with him. They headed for a small alcove in the back wall, a space possibly meant for a statue and then forgotten. Ameni noticed the abrupt hitch in Djuta's breath as they hurried across the room, and glanced down to see his tail flicking wildly from side to side. He gasped when he caught a strange, and yet not too strange, musky scent, and his eyes widened.

"Lord, you feel..."

Djuta's ears flicked and he darted a glance at Ameni over his shoulder. "Yes, yes, Moru...how can I not after all that you just spouted off? Have you any idea that no Moru ever talks to a Kana like that without--that--in mind?"

Ameni flushed but his heart started thudding even harder in his breast. He had not even known if the Kana would be interested in being with a human--just because he had spoken with him did not mean he could be attracted to him--but when they reached the alcove and Djuta halted to abruptly turn around and crush his muzzle against his mouth, Ameni realized the Kana's feelings did not run too differently from his own. He almost started and pulled away with surprise before fully understanding what was happening, and then opened his mouth. Djuta's tongue met his and he felt his shoulders start to shake, breath hitching.

He is really here! This is really happening--!

His breath ran out and he felt his head grow light when the Kana pulled away. This part of the room was shadowed, so he could not clearly see the look in his eyes; yet he did see how the lieutenant hurriedly began to undo his belt, removing his sword and starting to pull off his armor. When he reached for his kilt to remove it Ameni did the same, and they stripped until they were both naked but for Djuta's skullcap and their loincloths.
Djuta's bulged conspicuously with his sudden need. He fumbled untying it, chest hitching. Ameni died to help him, yet refrained; the Kana was too flustered. As soon as he had undone it they moved toward each other again, lips lightly fluttering over one another, fingers groping as if they were two young lovers meeting in secrecy.

Ameni slid his hand down Djuta's lean body and ran it over his swollen sheath, hearing the Kana moan. He tilted his head to see the smooth pink shaft sliding from the velvety fur. Ameni's eyes glazed and he reached out to touch it. Djuta's hand grasped his own. His voice was husky.


He tugged on Ameni's hand and they both sank to the floor, landing on their knees. They kissed and pressed themselves to one another before parting yet again, and Ameni's body ached as it never had before. When Djuta slipped his fingers inside Ameni's loincloth to pull it off, Ameni tilted his head back and sucked in a breath, stamping the Kana's scent on his memory. Djuta grazed his collarbone with his tongue and ran his hand over Ameni's heat as if stroking a beloved pet; Ameni readied himself, spreading his knees, prepared to sit, or kneel, or stand, or do whatever it was the Kana wished. He started with surprise when it was Djuta who dropped to all fours, panting hard and spreading his own legs. Ameni blinked at him, confused--shouldn't the Kana be taking him?--but when Djuta flared his wings and flicked his tail again, suddenly it didn't matter. Need was need. He waddled his way toward the crouching Kana, grabbing hold of his thighs--he saw how Djuta's tail flicked once more before rising and exposing what lay beneath--and pumping himself in with a groan. Djuta tossed his head back, claws gouging the floor. They froze for merely a second or two before Ameni took hold of his shoulders and began thrusting quickly.

Djuta's breath came fast and hoarse, his eyes shut as Ameni pushed. Ameni did not expect him to speak, which was just as well, considering he had no idea what he would even say to him. Until Bakh'asu, he had not even known how he felt about the Kana, yet now that he thought about it, it made sense. His emptiness whenever Djuta was gone. His grief at leaving him behind to return to the Red Tribe. His overwhelming need to be near him, to have him take away his fears. His panic when he realized he was in danger.

A human, with feelings for a Kana!...

No Moru in his right mind would have risked his life for any
Kana unless they are VERY good friends!...

Djuta sucked in a breath and tensed, wings flaring. Ameni licked the torn one as it ascended past his face, and felt the Kana's body tremble. He ran his hands up and down his velvety hips as he moved, panting, and looked down to see how the lieutenant's lappets swung back and forth, back and forth, with each quick thrust. He could tell he had been with other males before, with how easily he had accepted him, and found himself wondering just who they had been. Djuta's breath came in quick gasps, and Ameni leaned over him so their bodies pressed together. He shivered at the way the Kana's wings almost enveloped him as they fanned the air on both sides of his body. He slid his hands underneath them to squeeze and rub at Djuta's hardness, and felt him tense again, hoping he was acceptable.

Djuta tipped his head back slightly, mouth open and eyes shut.
"This...this is how...my master would take me..." he whispered, drawing Ameni's attention. The human stared at him through glazed eyes, his own voice faint in the throes of lust.


"Y...yes...Lord...Lord Tas'hukh." Djuta arched and moaned, and Ameni started on hearing the name.

It is he again!--and so I was right...his service to Tas'hukh...he was his Moru, and his lover...?

Is this what Bakh'asu was trying to tell me...? Why did he think that would matter, would change what I think of Lord Djuta...?

He tilted his head against Djuta's shoulder, resting it there as they moved. He rubbed at the Kana's sheath.

"He...he would take you...?" he murmured.

Djuta managed to nod. "Yes...as a Kana...as a Kana takes his Moru...he would take me...almost every night..." He gasped, wings flaring. "He...he had always desired me...even in the army...perhaps...perhaps because of him...my wings were spared...though because of this...because of this he had to give me up..."

Ameni turned his head to nuzzle at his neck, teeth gently scoring his skin. Djuta moaned; the sound sent shivers through him, to know that he was the cause of it, that he was bringing him such pleasure.

"Was he...was he a good master...?"

Djuta panted heavily, his claws digging into the floor again; Ameni felt the heat rising inside him, the tightness constricting around him, and knew they would not last much longer. "Yes...he was...a good master...he did not need to force me...I came...came to his bed willingly whenever he called...satisfied him...when his females could not...brought him...brought him pleasure when I was near...he would...he would take me sometimes...once...and then again...until the dawn...when we would sleep...he was demanding...but he was a good master...I have always...always regretted having to...having to leave him...though he set me free..." He dropped his head and gave a low groan, wings hunching.

Ameni was inflamed inside, thinking of the Kana submitting, coupling with another. The thought fueled him with lust. His tongue ran along Djuta's nape, up along one sensitive wing. Djuta whimpered.

Ameni nuzzled behind his ear. "He was a kind master...to let you go..." He shut his eyes, grimacing with the strain of containing himself, and ran both hands up to lightly squeeze the Kana's penis. "I hope...I can make you as happy, Lord..."

He said it without any thought, though once it was out, his eyes shot open with surprise. He gasped when his concentration shattered, and felt himself release; a second later Djuta stiffened with a gasp of his own, his head flying up and his hips thrusting against Ameni's hands. A spray of his seed shot out in front of them to strike the floor before he let out his breath and slowly sank, landing on his elbows; Ameni drew his hands away from his damp sheath and pressed them against his buttocks, pulling himself loose. They both half-sat, half-lay upon the floor, panting heavily; Ameni couldn't stop taking in the Kana's scent, loving its distinctive tang more than anything else he had ever smelled. He wished he could see Djuta's face, though they were still in shadow. He gasped softly when he felt something touch the side of his face, but immediately relaxed, shutting his eyes and pressing his cheek to Djuta's palm, taking in a breath as the Kana caressed his face and neck. He suddenly realized he felt safe here, safer than he had ever felt in a long time, even with Nehekhi or Thi'usa or Mahakhi; they had all done their best to comfort him, and protect him, yet Djuta had also spoken with him, and listened to him, as if he were almost an equal, a human. He barely remembered what it felt like to be human, and so did not miss it much; yet in Djuta's company, a bit of the memory returned, and he let out a soft moan. He heard a shifting noise, and a moment later the Kana was holding him in his arms; Ameni put his own arms around him and embraced him tightly, Djuta still stroking his face.

He ached again already. Yet he said nothing of it, only continued taking great breaths and memorizing Djuta's scent. After holding him closely for a while, Djuta cradled his head and bent down to place his muzzle to the hollow of Ameni's neck, running his tongue along the smooth skin; Ameni's eyes rolled back and he moaned even more loudly, starting to tremble. Djuta ran his hand down his arm as he nuzzled.

"Ameni-mate," he murmured, and the name made Ameni shiver even harder, coming from this Kana's mouth and not Nehekhi's or Thi'usa's. Djuta lifted his hands to cup his face. "There is something else...?"

Ameni nodded quickly, breathless, unable to speak.

"Do you wish me to...?"

Ameni nodded again and whimpered. Djuta lowered his hands again, but then locked his fingers at the small of Ameni's back, drawing the two of them together and kissing him deeply. Ameni moaned into the Kana's mouth, tracing his tongue along his tusks, sucking in a breath when Djuta's tongue moved down his neck, over his collarbone, behind his ear. His hands slid down Ameni's back and cupped his buttocks, squeezing them slightly; Ameni tensed, then relaxed, and instinctively arched himself. He felt one of the lieutenant's fingers work its way inside him, then another, and made himself relax even more.

Djuta nuzzled his ear. "You have been with someone...Thi'usa-Moru? And Lord Mahakhi?"

Ameni nodded, panting. "They...they are not the only ones..."

"You have been with your master, then, as well...?" Ameni started to sink, his head spinning, and Djuta supported him on his way to the floor. He lightly straddled him, still licking at his neck. Ameni whined like a Moru, and grasped Djuta's hip, squirming.

"The name that he called you," Djuta whispered. "You are close to him."

Ameni nodded again. "He...he is much as your Lord Tas'hukh was to you. He is good to us...to me. He is the first I was ever with..."

Djuta lifted his hand to touch his face. Ameni opened his eyes and looked up at him deliriously, and was at last able to see him, just barely, and he saw the slight smile the Kana gave him.

"I cannot presume to make you as happy as he must...though not for lack of trying."

Ameni flushed. He had actually heard that...? Before he could think to grow too embarrassed, Djuta pushed himself up and pulled on his arms, and they kissed one another briefly, as if unable to keep away from each other too long, before fumbling again into position, Ameni placing himself on his knees and spreading his legs wide, Djuta kneeling and mounting him from behind. A moment later the two of them rocked upon the floor, the Kana gripping Ameni's penis and stroking as he pushed at him hard and fast. Ameni moaned loudly, putting back his head. He dug his fingers into the floor just as Djuta had, and quivered as the Kana's weight thrust against him again and again, the two of them far too heated to move slowly or relish the stolen moment of pleasure. The feeling of Djuta inside him was every bit as wonderful as he had hoped it would be, his sleek hardness filling him, stretching him just enough to bring a tiny tang of pleasure-pain, but not so much that the act would grow agonizing. At times, Nehekhi-Master's and Mahakhi-Kana's size tended to hurt, although he said nothing; Djuta was built much more like Thi'usa, only slightly more muscled rather than slender, as the Moru had grown from years of not training with the Kana. He cupped his hands around Ameni's member and squeezed slightly with each push, and Ameni felt the tensing and relaxing of the Kana lieutenant's muscles and knew how strong he truly was, what he was really capable of...and this thought made him tremble wildly, letting out a broken sob. Djuta growled and lightly bit his nape and the human reacted in the only proper way, tensing and then relaxing, his body going loose as Djuta fondled him. Ameni sobbed a second time, knowing they would not last much longer this time either, and wondering how he had needed nesakh'ai so badly for so long, without even knowing it.

I did not need nesakh'ai...I needed to be with him...to feel him, to know...to just know how he felt...

Ameni threw back his head and quivered deeply. "Oh--Lord Djuta--Lord Djuta--!" he cried out loud, heedless of whoever may hear. Djuta gripped his penis almost hard enough to hurt, and his growl broke off in a heated cry.

"Ameni-mate--!" Djuta gritted his teeth and squeezed his partner's penis, letting out a loud grunt. Ameni cried out and climaxed as the Kana did the same, trembling at the warm gush of seed inside him and adoring its source. After the flow waned he sank with a whimper, coming to rest upon his belly. Djuta pulled out from him and collapsed on his back just beside him; they lay upon the floor panting and wet. Ameni placed his hand upon Djuta's belly as their breathing gradually slowed, and felt Djuta place his hand upon his. They stayed this way for a long while, just lying still and waiting for their breath to return to normal, nostrils still catching the strong tang of musk in the air. The room grew still but for their breath, and Ameni pushed himself up and drew himself closer, until his head rested against Djuta's breast, the Kana holding him close and stroking his head. They kept their silence for a long time.

"I do not normally act like this," Ameni murmured after a while, at a loss. "I wish...I wish I could explain to you, Lord, yet I cannot..."

Djuta turned his head to look at him, bronze eyes glazed; he gave a slight smile. "Do not worry, Ameni-human...you need do no explaining. I know this feeling myself sometimes. It can never be properly explained when one is full of longing. It is...as if we lose our minds, for a brief time."

Ameni snuggled close to him again and sighed.

"And so...you and your master, Lord Tas'hukh," he said softly. "Both of you were...?"

"Yes." Djuta's voice was just as soft. "We were. I was his Moru for a year...after my wing had been wounded in battle."

"You said that he had desired you before this..."

"Yes, he did. I could tell he had long had eyes for me. But many of his men mocked him behind his back. He was a good captain, but they did not like that he was sen'akha." He paused as if to let Ameni take this in. "This was one of the other reasons he wished for me. If any Kana was going to father his pups, he said he would have only chosen me."

Ameni blinked, then tilted his head to look up at him. His brow furrowed.

"Father his pups--?"

Djuta nodded and stroked his cheek. "He could not become excited with his females. He had tried, and had failed to even succeed at mating with any of them. The rest of the men did not respect him much anymore because of this. If he could sire some pups, they would leave him alone."

"But...the pups would be yours, not his..."

"That which is of a Moru belongs to his master, always. Any pups I had were to be his. This is the way of things."

Ameni fell silent, remembering what Djuta had told him before of Kana's male lovers siring their superior's pups. He flushed a little. The comment had been odd, but he had never thought of applying it to Djuta.

"But I thought you did not care for females," he said, then flushed even more. "Until Rithukh'het," he said, and cringed at how this comment did not make the previous one sound any better; Djuta's smile grew as if in amusement, and Ameni let out his breath, glad to have not insulted him.

"I have not been with one in years," Djuta corrected him, "though this does not mean I do not like them. Females have their own qualities which males do not have."

"Yet you have kept away from them for so long--? I practically had to force you to take a mate! If I had known you actually liked being with one..."

"You mean you could not tell this in my rooms?" When Ameni lifted his head again Djuta started laughing. "I am sorry, Ameni-human. I meant no offense. I simply did not wish for one until you forced her upon me."

"Why not?"

Djuta's laughter faded, and when Ameni looked at him he saw the Kana's eyes had grown somewhat distant, as if he were looking at something not actually in the room. He fell still, wishing he had not blurted out the intrusive question; when Djuta noticed him tense almost imperceptibly, he looked at him, then gave another slight smile, though something in his eyes did not echo it. Ameni stared back, troubled.

"It is only someone you do not know, Ameni-human," Djuta said quietly, stroking his head. "Lord Tas'hukh had a favorite among his females even though he could not become excited with her. He had purchased her when she was but a girl. He treated her always the best, as well as he treated me. She was a beautiful female, slender and frail and always smiling, like a flower. Her name was Hup'khit."

"Hup'khit," Ameni echoed, not certain why.

"After he had first mated me he told me of her. How he had brought her to his bed every week or so, yet never accomplished his purpose. She would give him hakh'tua sometimes but this was all. She was still iat'ah. He said that if any of his Moru should bear him a pup, it should be her, and I would be the one to father it. And so when I met her, with the other Moru, I spoke with her, and we became close. She was much like you in some ways, Ameni-human; always asking me questions. She liked to talk, or rather to be with me and let me talk. She did not know much of the outside and so begged me to tell her. I taught her how to speak Kana, even, as she did not know before then. Tas'hukh laughed with delight when she first spoke to him in his own tongue." His smile grew. "I know that if she were to be here with Mahakhi's Moru, she would be quite popular. Ki'amit is as close a Moru as I have ever seen compared to her. Always bright, and cheery, and talking. Lord Tas'hukh said that he had had to pay a steep price to acquire her, and I had to agree it was deserved."

Ameni smiled now. "She sounds like a wonderful Moru. And so the two of you...?"

The Kana nodded, rubbing Ameni's shoulder. "Tas'hukh had informed her of what he wished me to do. And you may not believe it, but she was not the least bit nervous, or reluctant. I do not know why. Perhaps merely the fact that I had talked with her made the difference. The next day or perhaps the one after, we mated with each other. And yes, she was every bit as wonderful as you are thinking she was. We mated with each other perhaps once a week or so, when Lord Tas'hukh would sacrifice bringing me to his bed for that; though there were a few times when he was not about, during the day, when we would visit with each other. I grew very fond of her; I could tell she thought the same of me. She was so sweet natured, for a Moru; so many are so sad, or lifeless; not so with Hup'khit. If anything she brightened every other Moru around her. It did not even take us long for her to be with pup. She was as elated as was Lord Tas'hukh."

Ameni felt contented hearing such a story, after all that had happened so recently. "I bet that Thi'usa would appreciate her," he said, and this comment amused Djuta as well. "You have to tell me now. Whether it was a boy, or a girl. And how Lord Tas'hukh reacted."

The smile again faded from Djuta's face. A moment passed, then instead of answering he gently removed Ameni's arm from his chest and sat up. Ameni frowned in puzzlement when the Kana reached for his loincloth. He slowly pushed himself up as well and watched him as he held it in one hand and looked at it as if not certain whether to put it on or not.

"Lord...?" Ameni's anxiety began to return and he drew in on himself. "I said something, didn't I..."

"You said nothing," Djuta replied, and stood. He slipped on his loincloth and tied it at his waist, stooping to reach for his kilt; Ameni flushed when he found himself staring at the Kana's tail as he bent over. "It was a boy," he said after he had retrieved his clothing, and wrapped it around his hips and fastened it.

Ameni's face lit up again. "A son--?"

Djuta nodded. "Kana. The first thing Tas'hukh spoke of about him..." he trailed off, then smiled "...was his wings."

Ameni's own smile returned. "And Hup'khit? What did she have to say?"

This time he clearly saw it--the flinch that passed over Djuta's face, as if he'd just been pricked by a dagger. He had been tying his belt, but now his hands lowered from it; he shuffled his wings a little bit, and Ameni saw how he drew the injured one in to hide the tear along its bottom edge. He opened his mouth to offer an apology for being so inquisitive, but Djuta spoke before he could.

"Hup'khit died as she gave birth to him." He paused as if uncertain whether he should continue speaking, though Ameni was already speechless. A hard look came to Djuta's eyes and he added, "While she was screaming in pain, I was upon my knees giving hakh'tua to my master."

Ameni stared--his brain railed at him to think of something to say, yet nothing came. He hated that his thoughts went blank, just when he needed to say something most. He hated the pained look on Djuta's face, and he hated that he couldn't do anything to get rid of it. He drew one leg under him and started to push himself up to his feet, only to gasp when Djuta knelt in front of him and grasped his arm, looking into his eyes. Ameni's own eyes grew as wide as saucers; when Djuta saw his reaction he pulled his hand away and averted his stare a bit, to look at the floor behind him.

"The pretty little Moru in the market," he said softly. "I saw that you saw her. The looks that you and Thi'usa and Ukuti got when I pushed her out of my way to see Rithukh'het. I saw how puzzled all of you were, that I would choose Rithukh'het over her."

Ameni flushed and averted his own eyes. "I assumed you preferred this type. Not every Kana appreciates willowy little Moru."

"Hup'khit looked much like her, you know. Not quite as tall, and her fur was not the same color, but their bodies were alike. This is why she died. She was too small, too frail to tolerate bearing a pup. I killed her as surely as if I had jabbed a knife into her breast myself."

Ameni's muscles all tensed. "You did not kill her, Lord!" he protested so loudly that Djuta's ear flicked. "Females die as they give birth. It happens all too often. It is no one's fault except perhaps the gods'."

"She would still be alive today, were it not for me," Djuta said, as if not even having heard him. He shut his eyes briefly. "In the short time after that all I could hear when I was with a female was this screaming...and I did not even hear her as she died. But I could not stand the thought of that happening again. Lord Tas'hukh did not blame me, though he should have. He said much the same thing as you have, but I know that she would still be alive if not for me."

"Tas'hukh-Kana was the one who told you to have nesakh'ai with her. If anything, he is to blame."

"I did not have to obey him. He gave me a choice. I even knew better when I first saw her, that perhaps it was best she had not gotten with pup yet." He frowned. "You do not know how close I was to striking K'tasai across the face for his own purchase there. Taking that little thing as his mate--it is only because he has this right that I did not drop him that instant. But that was his choice and not mine. I had every opportunity to choose wisely, and I did not."

"You loved one another," Ameni said, lamely.

Djuta lifted one shoulder. "There are other ways to show love." He paused, then sighed and relaxed, folding his wings again. "You wondered why I seemed to prefer males," he said. "This is not really so. It is simply that I did not wish to do that again to another female. And so, since I have been freed, I have had nesakh'ai with males only. At least a male may not die in childbirth." He stooped to retrieve the rest of his armor and slid it on over his head and wings; Ameni stood as well, silently tying on his loincloth and kilt.

"And so how did I convince you, then?" he murmured as they finished dressing. Djuta peered at him questioningly as Ameni straightened his rumpled kilt. "To at last purchase your own mate."

The Kana stared at him a minute, then straightened out his belt. "I figured it had been long enough," he said. "Perhaps it would be best to get a mate of my own and not end up as Lord Tas'hukh began to. I really do not mind just who calls me sen'akha, but in the taverns it tends to get tiring after a while. And there would not be much point to being a Kana if I did not leave something behind. Rithukh'het...she has had pups before, and she is not thin and frail like Hup'khit was. She may not have been your first choice, but at least it is not likely that I may hurt her, or worse." A faint ghost of a smile began to return to his face as he adjusted his scabbard. "I actually do not ever see many Moru like herself in the markets...either the traders do not see the point in trying to sell them, or they are more popular than anyone would like to admit. Perhaps I am in good company."

Ameni blinked when he realized the Kana had made a joke at his own expense, then blushed again when Djuta laughed at the look on his face. "You must stop being so wary. Trust me, if there were any way you could offend me, it would have happened already, what with all the time we spend together." He gestured at him. "Your own master is probably sick with worry, thinking I ran off with you slung over my shoulder. We should truly be on our way back to him."

"Oh." Ameni started when he realized he had completely forgotten about Nehekhi, and this made him feel guilty. Thinking about what he and the lieutenant had just done only compounded that guilt, and he felt his ears grow hot as Djuta finished straightening his clothing and headed for the door. He trailed behind somewhat, dragging his feet, and it was only when the Kana realized he was alone at the door that he turned to look back with a curious frown. His brow furrowed.

"Ameni-human? You are coming?"

Ameni nodded and picked up his pace. He reached the door and halted there, staring at the floor in discomfort, as Djuta was standing right next to him. There was an awkward pause, then he gasped again when he felt the Kana's hand against his face. He allowed his head to be tilted upwards so their eyes met, and wondered why he felt surprised that, based on the look in Djuta's eyes, he knew.

"Do you wish for me to tell him...?" he asked softly.

Ameni's face went red. He glanced to the side and ducked his head when Djuta pulled his hand away.

"I...I think I would prefer that...that he not know, just yet." He went even redder. "I do not regret this, Lord, it is only that..."

"I know," Djuta said; when Ameni paused, he clarified, "It is because you are a good Moru." Ameni let out his breath, and Djuta opened the door, gesturing.

"Come along. Before he begins to worry too much."

Ameni nodded and stepped out the door. Djuta followed him, closing it behind him, and they made their way back up the hall in the direction of Nehekhi's quarters. Ameni shook a little bit as they walked, until the Kana took his hand and held it, and then he clasped it tight. He shut his eyes briefly, relieved that despite what had happened, apparently things had not changed too greatly between them. He had been so worried that, now that this had happened as Bakh'asu had said it would, they would not be able to talk with each other anymore...

He gasped and his eyes popped open.


His fingers clutched Djuta's. The lieutenant turned his head to look back at him with a frown. "Ameni-human--?"

"Bakh'asu," Ameni blurted out, and Djuta's head whirled to look around the hall, his free hand reaching for his sword. "He--he is not here," Ameni clarified, suddenly feeling foolish for his outburst; Djuta relaxed and gave him a look that clearly said he should think the next time before he spoke, and his ears grew warm once again. "But--I just remembered something. Something he said when he was--when he was with me."

"He spoke to you?" Djuta's look was skeptical.

Ameni nodded. "The...the whole time, he did...he mostly talked about you. I believe that what he started to do to me, he intended to do to you before he killed you."

Djuta's ear flicked and he looked confused. "I did not receive this impression from him at all," he said. "Since he had a blade pointed right at my neck. What exactly did he discuss with you--?"

"Nothing that I do not already know, Lord, but this is just it. He seems to know much about you."

"I had gathered this already. He knew Rithukh'het was my first female in a long time."

"Yet he also seemed to know of you being Moru--he said that you were not that much higher than myself once. And he knew of Lord Tas'hukh, too."

Djuta stared at him so long and so hard that he felt like squirming, but he knew it was not aimed at him directly. "Tas'hukh?" Djuta echoed after a moment. "He knew this name?"

Ameni nodded. "He told me that if I did not believe him about you, I needed only seek out Lord Tas'hukh and ask him. He said that he was saving you for his last."

Djuta's eyes grew more and more troubled the longer Ameni spoke. His brows knitted together and his stare drifted toward the floor; it was only because Ameni lightly tugged on his arm that he remembered to start walking again, and they continued on their way down the hall, albeit at a much slower pace.

"The way he spoke my name...every time he called me by my title. He sneered each time, as if he knew that was not my title once..." His look of confusion only grew. "Then this means he must have known me back in Lord Tas'hukh's tribe, and not from here. He could not have spoken with anyone here for nobody but Resikh and his family knows." He lifted his head, ears flicking. "How is it that he knows me so well when I have never even seen his face?"

"You made enemies in your old tribe?" Ameni suggested. "Perhaps he is one of them--one does not have to meet to make an enemy. If I have learned anything from the Kana, it is this."

"I must have made many enemies of our existing enemies, and I know there were those who were jealous of me--but none so much that they wished to stalk me!"

"An enemy of Lord Tas'hukh, then...?"

Djuta frowned. "If it came down to who was the better fighter," he said, "then anyone with any sense would choose Tas'hukh to attack, as even he was not quite as skilled as I was. Therefore if he had an enemy I believe they would have gone after him."

"But Bakh'asu is a slave," Ameni countered. "Perhaps this was merely his first opportunity."

Djuta sighed. "I must have done something horrid in a past life, to piss even slaves off." He waved his hand. "This is hardly the sort of stuff you need to be pondering over. As grateful as I am for all you've done, I should deal with my own problem myself."

Ameni frowned slightly as they came close to the door to Nehekhi's quarters. "What do you mean...?" he asked, but Djuta was already knocking on the door before the words were fully out of his mouth. "Djuta-Kana--? What sort of thing to do you have in mind--?" he asked, raising his voice; the door opened and Nehekhi looked out, brow furrowing in puzzlement when Djuta nudged Ameni toward him. Ameni made eye contact with the other Kana before Djuta turned away.

He cannot mean what I think he means--!

He made a move to start forward, but Nehekhi grasped his arm; Ameni stood helplessly in the doorway and watched as the lieutenant walked away again without a second glance. His heart quailed.

"Ameni-mate?" Nehekhi asked. "What is wrong with you tonight, that you keep bothering him--?"

Everything is wrong! Ameni thought, yet said nothing, only let his tensed muscles relax, and the Kana pulled him back into the room. "Come inside," Nehekhi coaxed; "you've been into too much unpleasantness for one day. Leave it to others who can handle it better, and spend some time with me for a change. I do not think I have ever seen you so tensed up before."

Ameni stared down the hallway as long as he was able, until the door closed and he could not see Djuta anymore.

* * * * *

Snikkt. Snikkt. Snikkt. Snikkt. Djuta's sandals made the noise all down the hall as he walked, lappets swinging and fists nearly clenched. He considered where he would be best off going--reporting to Lord Mahakhi, speaking with Resikh, checking on his Moru whom he had left all alone in his rooms--and yet while all of them seemed like good ideas, none was exactly what he wanted to do.

Whoever he is, he is willing to hurt others to get to me. I should have kept my eyes open.

He passed by one of the courtyards and sucked in a breath, feeling the fur on his nape prickle, and he walked past it as quickly as he could without running. He gritted his teeth in irritation.

And what is with those damned courtyards!

The hallway felt hot, rather than cool, as it should have at this hour. He made a face and rubbed his head. Any other time, a dip in the pool would have been good, but the thought of setting foot out there made his skin crawl, especially now that night was falling. He thought of the waterbowl in his room, but didn't like the thought of facing Rithukh'het so soon after running out on her. For all he knew she had wandered off somewhere in the meantime; so much for caring for a new mate. He let out a short sigh and headed for the very back of the household. They kept waterbowls near the kitchens; he could douse himself out there.

And then maybe his mind would be cleared enough to think.

He wandered through the deserted kitchens, rubbing at his eyes and feeling the exhaustion from the long day finally beginning to set in. He located an empty bowl and stepped out into the area behind the kitchens where a small trough was kept filled in case of emergency; a cover of woven reeds had been placed over it to keep insects and debris out, which Djuta tossed aside. He plunged the bowl into the cool water and filled it once, then held it up and poured it over his head, shuddering at the feeling of it seeping under his clothing and trickling in his ears. He shook his head so hard that his ears and lappets made a flapping sound.

If this problem extends to my old tribe, then maybe that is where I would need to look. But it has been years.

He sighed in annoyance and dipped the bowl into the water again. He tipped it back and forth to swirl the water around a little, then pushed it aside so it bobbed to the end of the tank, and merely plunged his head into the trough itself, holding his breath and letting the water surround him.

I do not know if I can go back to that place...

Bakh'asu's pale eyes and sneering face flashed through his thoughts. Djuta's eyes started open. It was as if something wrapped around his neck, squeezing the air from his body, and his mouth flew open, a great burst of bubbles flying up past his face. The scream he would have let out came out as a muffled bubbling sound instead, and before he knew what he was doing he had sucked a mouthful of water into his lungs. He started back so violently that most of the water splashed out over the sides of the trough, spattering the ground; with a great sputtering hack he coughed up the water he'd breathed in, doubling over and hugging his arms around his middle as if afraid of losing his insides. Once the water left him he sucked in a choking breath and started coughing harshly until his throat began to feel raw. The noises he let out sounded like a sick dog trying to bark.

After a few unpleasant moments of this he at last managed to catch his breath, and had to rub away the tears streaming from his eyes. He weakly lifted his head, still coughing, and found himself staring even further beyond the household, at the jail section near the back wall of the property. His teeth gritted as he gasped between them.

I was fine until THAT thing showed up. He is the cause of all this! I do not know how, but he is!

His hand inched to the pommel of his sword and he gripped hold of it. Without thinking of what he intended to do with the weapon, he stood upright and began trudging toward the jail cells.


"Part 22: Intimidation

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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